The Most Disturbing PSAs Ever Filmed

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[Music] foreign [Music] fractured 81 bones in his lower back maybe if he wasn't wearing those trash ass sneakers you wouldn't have fallen down the stairs millions of Americans are caught wearing trash ass sneakers every day you can help stop this trend what just happened to Carl was an example of a PSA or a pif a type of film that's shown during ad breaks to inform the public watching it of dangers and certain Services the idea for a televised or radio Public Service Announcement started arising at around the 1970s but the idea of a public showing to bring awareness and to spark action on a certain scenario or situation in the world has existed as long as protest and PSAs work very similarly to protests whereas in people found out that the more violent and the more shocking the protests the more likely that people are going to pay attention to what oh holy [ __ ] before we get into the video there's one thing I need you to do right there's one I I say this every single time every time I need it just one thing and then you're done hey hey just ignore him all I need you to do is enjoy the video thanks for 50k still yeah this is 55k peace a quick warning this video ramps up in disturbing level over its time so we're gonna start off with the PSAs that aren't that bad and move up until we get to the really bad ones disturbing PSAs usually like to tackle certain subjects that are really sensitive and will immediately get your attention once you start hearing or seeing about it for example like what the Samaritans did in their early 2000s commercials Samaritans is a mental health 24 7 hotline that you can call and it's a whole organization that prioritizes mental health around the world and to reinforce how important it is to look after your or your family member's mental health this company really decided to enforce that feeling of visualizing the horror of what a bad mental health can do to you what is their first ever really off-putting PSAs was this one called is there anyone out there rassid starts off we see nothing but a empty wall until thank you [Music] is there anybody out there a man starts clawing and screaming from the other side of this Rubber and he is scared bro he's pushing through and he just wants to know if there's anyone out there on the other side until text pops up on the screen answering his question I think this one really shows what I mean when I say that they're going for that off-putting nature with some of these PSAs I also read that this certain PSA used to be shown specifically at night so many viewers that were just chilling watching their late night show would get hit with them like that is actually horrifying like I'd be scared too I'd be like bro did I just accidentally switch to the BDSM Channel PSA that's more effective to me personally is one than they made after this called screen the ad starts off with the lady that is supposed to represent herself at the lowest point in her life at least mentally and she just wants all of her pain to end she's going through all this and she just feels like she wants to tell someone about this but when she tries to explain what she's feeling oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] and as she cries out for help she slowly realizes that no one can understand her except the Samaritan supposed to represent that if you're feeling in that point where no one around you can understand what you're saying give the Samaritans a shot and see what happens the real shame that this lady is going through it man I mean she would have been a god at beatboxing we also retried this type of PSA with another one they made called the screaming telephone your facts I want a divorce now [Music] I'm sorry but we have to repossess you have been someone's courses and it represents how when life gets tough you feel like nothing is working everything's a mess and you just want to scream felt the most real to me out of all of them because the phone chatter and the yelling just all sounded so horrifyingly realistic although seriousness was kind of taken away from me when I heard the scream to be honest I don't know I'm probably just weird but it kind of reminded me of a little [ __ ] song Jokes Aside mental health is a very serious thing that I feel like a good chunk of people don't really feel like they talk about or get to talk about the link to the Samaritans is in the description along with all of these PSAs but speaking of links like like hot links like like hot dogs you know who doesn't like links Peta got the smoothest transitions in all the West now Peta is a company that's widely known for their disturbing sometimes two extreme displays of Public Service it's an animal rights and animal conservation company with the sole goal of bringing to light how many animals are abused and stopping it completely but as I said before uh Peta can go a little bit far even animal lovers can agree that these stunts were over the top number nine Mother's Day Madness Mother's Day is usually a time for celebrating the woman who gave you birth but in 2008 Peta decided to turn this typically happy occasion on its head by staging a demonstration in London to make people rethink the holiday they put a nearly naked pregnant woman in a cage with a banner above it reading unhappy Mother's Day for pigs and one below it that encouraged passers-by to go vegetarian I mean at least it's effective I'm definitely never eating bacon again also yes I just showed you a watch Mojo clip in 2022. did you know that they're still going like it's crazy when it comes to commercial PSAs Peta is also on it they've made tons looking at peta's ads there's it's really weird jump up and down and disturbing level uh sometimes you'll get this really cute innocent one then this hella dark one then this weird animation looks like it was done by a kid's YouTube channel it was at one point in the early 90s where Peta figured out oh we can just do whatever we want and made one of the weirdest and most horrifying PSAs of all time because Peta is [ __ ] weird I'm referencing what a lot of people know as the bear PSI which I'm pretty sure the name is just bear torture I'll just let you watch and I'll explain the parts that I can't show foreign this man then strapped down to a chair gets a flaming metal rod shoved through his head by another man in the room this man afterwards then puts a rope through the guy's head and ties him back to the chair we then see text flash on screen describing to us how this happens to Bears all the time now this is a real thing that certain hunters and torturers will do now I'll give it to Peta showing something horrible that's happening to a human and saying it happens to animals is a good way to catch people's attention and to get people more connected with the situation but why would you just shove Live Leak footage in my face to get me to donate to Bears video of a guy getting a flaming metal rod shoved through his head it's grainy and old and I'm like 99 sure it's fake because I probably could just used a puppet that looked realistic and shook him around to make him look like he was alive or something like that because there was not a lot of discussion about this ad at least any that I could really find but it's still on Peter's second YouTube channel which leads me to believe that this was either taken off the air very early or something that they never ever released and they just put up on YouTube and if you want to donate to various animal abuse Charities and animal rights that's completely fine but to be honest I do my research on some other ones and not just go to Peta because Peta is [ __ ] weird but speaking of weird drugs those make you feel weird also for continuity's sake I'm in my bedroom now I wanted to finish this video but there was an accident and my green screen got dirty so shout out to that one guy in the comments who really didn't like my green screen why is your green screen so small it's kind of weird looking your prayers have been answered hope this doesn't decrease the quality of the video at all anyway we were talking about drugs the problem with drugs has been all over the world right and different companies use different ways and tactics to try and scare kids away from these substances for example the popular dare program in the 90s which did not work Ronald Reagan declaring the War on Drugs probably got thousands of kids to do weed that day but the US wasn't the only country to go crazy on ads about saving kids from drugs Singapore also decided to go hard a corporation called a partnership for a drug-free Singapore made a PSA in 19 98 called toilet rolls try to get you to stop doing heroin by talking about your [ __ ] [Applause] bro does that say [ __ ] Darrow Hawaii huh I can't tell if that was a mistranslation or like a typo oh I better quit My Heroine before I get dire Hawaii I can't stand that warning if you do heroin diarrhea flows for days your anus blisters uh oh that's that's gross even the softest tissue feels like fire this is heroin withdrawal nobody should do heroin because they'll give you Taco Bell [ __ ] I mean this was kind of terrifying but this is really effective kind of makes me want to do it more honestly in my opinion the more the serving one came out next year when they dropped the guinea pig and this one throws a whole Twist on PSA so I haven't seen anywhere else similar to the pita commercial it starts off in a dark room with people walking around the room and a man tied down to a chair we then hear the narrator described to us no one knows brain damage the designer drug ecstasy as we see this man forcefully fed an ecstasy pill being experimented on it's still being tested [Music] take ecstasy and you're the guinea pig and the final message to the whole PSA is to do Ecstasy as you are the guinea pig how about you do those drugs and get brain cancer so we can research you your suffering will not go in vain brother this one's a little bit wild because it actually tells you to do the thing unlike other commercials it's like the PSA is kind of teasing you it's like oh you you want to do you want to do Ecstasy go ahead do it do it and become a guinea pig do it also one of the creepiest things about this PSA is the song that plays while the guy's being tortured foreign [Music] people have been trying to find the song for a while but it's completely unknown uh gotta jump in real quick because it turns out I was capping here's a song that was mixed into the PSA it was actually found it's by The Mills Brothers [Music] but yeah PSA that demeans you and lets you know that once you do these drugs you're no longer human but the guinea pig takes ecstasy once I turn into a [ __ ] rodent this is some [ __ ] but as a lot of us know reality can be sometimes even more disturbing Than Fiction which is why the partnership for a drug-free America told the story of Michael and Janelle in 2004. [Applause] let's get it please help us this is a recording of a phone call with the Nebraskan police and the couple Michael wemsley and Janelle hornickle both went missing for Days on the Road on January 4th 2004 and the couple had made multiple phone calls from 9-1-1 to try and get them help from what they described as some kind of cult attacking them above Mandalay Apartments on Pacific but the police couldn't get to them as they are in the middle of nowhere and soon a blizzard hit their car and for some reason they left the car and froze to death now no one knows why they were out in the middle of nowhere so late no one knows why they left their car all we do know is that they were both high on crystal meth which is why they couldn't give a proper accurate description of where they were to the police and if the police would have been able to understand where they were they probably could have gotten to them in time now when it comes to this PSA the mention of a cult by Michael is what most people seem to focus on now I'm all for speculation and a secret Nebraskan cult with hundreds of stealth Vehicles sounds like a cool ass 90s movie villain and Marshall think it was some kind of misconception or hallucination as at this point they might have been awake for days and not to mention all that meth in their head which as a stimulant it can induce sort of a psychosis and an impairment when taken in large amounts and the premise of this commercial was just to show what could happen if you unsafely do drugs without any sort of backup very unfortunate circumstance and I'll be the last real PSA we look at there's one more PSI I want to show and I actually made it and it gives out a very important message thank you guys so much for watching if you enjoyed this video then YouTube thinks you'll like this one too and oh my God we we've hit like almost 100K right now I appreciate all the messages and all the support anyway that's gonna be it good night more than 500 000 people die in their sleep every year we need to stop sleeping go to www.wakeup slash stop [ __ ] sleeping like And subscribe like And subscribe if you like rt60 you should like
Channel: RT60
Views: 389,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RT60, RT60kohl, Funny, PSA, psas, funny psa videos, scary psas, scary psa 2022, rt60 psa, funny psas, PETA, peta bad, nebraskan couple, The Samaritans, the samaritans psa
Id: alYklhyUAr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 12 2022
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