The MOST DIFFICULT Handmade Pasta (and our wild search for the secret)

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[Music] we are on the search for pasta today but not just any pasta if you're new to the channel welcome if you're not you've probably seen Ava make a whole bunch of handmade pasta everything from calabrian macaruna to Sardinian what is the potato es I think it's safe to say she's pretty good at making pasta however there is one kind of pasta that she has told me about many times I've always wanted to try it but she's never been able to successfully make it there is a place where they make such pasta and that's where we're heading today hopefully we can find someone who knows the secrets behind it and if we can't learn how to make it at least maybe maybe we can try theirs would you say that it's the most difficult handmade pasta to make it's one of the most difficult homemade pasta to make one of the most one of the most for the sake of our YouTube video title can I call it the most I can say that is the most because maybe there is someone some other pasta that they can be more difficult okay if any Italians out there know of an even more difficult pasta let us know we'll go find that one I can tell you the other one that requires a special machine though doesn't it not not the machine is a place where they dry the pasta okay well that's different I'm talking about a pasta that you anyone theoretically can make at home so if you like put on a side the Philadelphia from Sardinia maybe this is one of the most this is the most deep yes in order to find this mysterious and difficult pasta we got a head north [Music] we're not really that far north we've come from Southern Calabria to Northern Calabria which is the southern part of the southern part of Southern Mainland Italy to the northern part of southern part of Southern Mainland Italy so we're still very much in the south why have you brought me to such an ugly place you always do this you always bring me to these awful awful places with terrible food [Music] here we are in that it is a one of the village of these hard brush Community now our brace is the Albanian of people who moved here to Italy in Calabria in Sicily a lot lot of time ago I'm talking about at least six seven hundred years ago they were running away from the Turkish at that time so we just checked into our little uh bed and breakfast here which has an incredible view not a bad view huh no it's not a video at all tomorrow we'll have more time to explore trivita but already it's very obvious we've come to a really cool place I don't know about you Ava but I'm getting hungry me too I think we're gonna try to find some dinner we passed a restaurant on the way in that looks like they serve kind of like the traditional Albanian food here so worth a shot okay how do I even begin to explain what just happened at dinner okay we met a prince no wait I should back up we should talk about the pasta first okay so we go to this restaurant they didn't have like a menu at the door so we didn't really know what they had or anything we were just kind of taking a gamble that we would find this pasta there so we go in we sit down really cool restaurant really beautiful place but then we're looking at the menu no they did not have the past that we were looking for but we just thought okay let's just enjoy this meal so I got it was like a Cavatelli right with the Wild Greens from the mountain oh that's what was in the Cavatelli yeah whatever it was it was delicious and Ava had goat wow it was amazing really delicious but then we were talking to the waitress and we mentioned that we were looking for this pasta and she pulls over the owner who comes and talks to us turns out there's a reason that that pasta is not in the menu too hard to make but they do know how to make it so they invited us back tomorrow and they're going to teach us how to make it but then they didn't think a little bit even crazier this is just total coincidence we happen to come to this restaurant on the night when they're hosting a giant group of like basically all the community leaders of the publish community and an Albanian Prince was there I didn't know that they were still princes in Italy but apparently there are familiar foreign [Music] he's this amazing guy and he like sings traditional Albanian songs oh but he was a super nice guy and he like talked to us and who better to tell us about the history of the Albanian Community than an Albanian Prince [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] because of the food I think actually I liked your goat more than the pasta and you liked my pasta more than the goat both dishes though were amazing they were works of art for sure speaking of artwork before we go and try to learn how to make this pasta tomorrow a quick word from today's video sponsor I was recently reading this article which noted that pasta is Recession Proof you know that things are a little bad when you read that and you start thinking maybe I should invest everything I have in pasta we're no Financial experts but even we know that there's a better alternative investment than pasta one that's always only been available to the biggest investors but now thanks to Masterworks is available to all of us Fine Art when the economy is not doing great like this past year which was historically bad a lot of the major stocks that most of us rely on had their worst year since 2008 what do the big Banks do to cope they put their money into alternative Investments billions of dollars and what they try to do is put it into money that doesn't correlate to the rest of the stock market City says that fine art has no correlation to stocks and data shows that it's outpaced the S P 500 for the last 26 years Masterworks is a platform that lets you invest in shares of art you don't have to buy a whole Van Gogh painting but you can buy a piece of one and take advantage of the rising value we talked about Masterworks a few videos ago if you signed up then you probably made money because they sold three paintings in that time those sales returned 10 13 and 35 Returns the difference between that and the worst year since 2008 is pretty striking it's no wonder that Masterworks has a wait list which is a bummer but our viewers can skip the line and sign up today if you're like us you're not Financial experts you're not top investors you might not even be an art connoisseur but if you want to take advantage of the potential of Fine Art then visit the link down below a big thank you to Masterworks for sponsoring today's video good morning from Chile chili chivita called it's freezing but it's incredibly beautiful behind us is this amazing Canyon there's like a bridge down there it looks like something out of Lord of the Rings I feel like we've entered like a parallel universe or something anyway we're up bright and early because the restaurant told us to come by in the morning uh so we'll make sure we get our hands nice and Frozen that's when they're the best for making handmade pasta right I think so it's a true Italian way foreign [Music] before we even got to the pasta that we were there to see he told us about this other traditional Albanian pasta and we had to see how that was made because foreign [Music] Farina multiple [Music] times foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] perfect [Music] [Music] this is my first time I tell you you forgive me La perfection [Applause] Australia foreign [Music] foreign [Music] with the hands I make this big circle without breaking the syrup so you're like stretching it by hand just stretching by hands and it becomes bigger and bigger and I try to do this at least 10 times then I just go give up that's why we are here hello [Music] is no problem it's a problem because I didn't use the olive oil that was my problem Juliano [Music] yam [Music] um foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] attacks here [Music] okay [Music] okay [Music] then Francesco took us back into the kitchen show us how the pasta was actually cooked everything [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign Africa [Music] is it as amazing as it smells it is delicate but with the sausage and we got some very very how do you say beachy so decisive yes oh it smells so good why not potato wow okay I've never ever had a pasta like that it's like somewhere between pasta and a risotto and a porridge it's a little bit softer than a risotto but you still can feel every single individual piece of pasta it's almost unbelievable the contrast between the softness of it and the like sturdy structure of the pasta [Music] thank you [Music] you see how Italian streets of the garlic ultimately [Music] you know foreign [Music] foreign [Music] this feels weird I I know but he is right because I tried and is right [Music] I thought nothing could beat the last pasta this is amazing I have to be honest after he made the pasta I really started to wonder what is the point of this really difficult process to make it because then they just break it in the end but then when you eat it and you see what happens with that shape from the way of making it it's just it's totally totally unique and amazing and delicious and the regularity of this pasta is like no that's the thing it's like it's so irregular in shape and parts are flatter and parts are thicker and so you just have all these amazing different textures it's so so good and most now I know how to make so I can replicate it at home we hope you guys enjoyed a look at this incredible community and their food a huge thank you to everyone here from the people at the restaurant to everyone we just met everyone was so kind and welcoming and amazing we highly recommend coming and visiting this place in fact I think we're going to take the pasta grammar tour here okay but I need to say that my region is an amazing region because you have everything you can have the sea you can have the mountain and then you can have the traditional Italian but also another traditional Italian that you can find just here all right guys we'll see you next time [Music] oh yeah
Channel: Pasta Grammar
Views: 91,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: handmade pasta, how to make handmade pasta, how to make pasta, homemade pasta, fresh pasta, shtridhelat, dromsa, albresche, albanian, civita, calabria, difficult, baptism of flour, oregano pasta, italy, travel, infinite pasta loop, infinite loop, chef, francesco
Id: jo0m15KEOvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2023
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