The Most Delusional DOOMFIST PLAYER (Overwatch 2 Toxic Moments)

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in this fit I put heads with an angry tank player I then match against him next game I made sure he got his hope you enjoy especially no auntie I can't peep for like yeah okay you need to get up Doom if you're not providing space you just went and died you have to go on the Widow we're gonna lose this guy dude I need help to get me a bun okay he's getting so much value just like mating the ground um you guys can't get any other picks I'm shooting a shield the whole game like what do you want me to do yeah yeah he only plays Doom so don't even ask him uh what do I only play Doom I just don't feel like playing any other character against double sniper then don't you haven't provided any shielding or diving though it's all I have left are you guys with two shields in front of it that was the case the Genji would have died earlier got out I mean enemy sighted he's pretty free up there if you would use your character no no you're just gonna be an idiot and [ __ ] not help at all oh my God if he gets a pick I'm gonna I'm just gonna say it's your fault so what's the plan what I was just sitting behind the shield I can't do anything go around the shield The Shield that is directly in front of us that we can't go around yes yeah there's this hike there's so many high grounds you do realize we can't just walk through them to do that though like dude you died doing it like you died doing it so okay but I don't have 800 hp yeah but you guys have more Mobility than I do the longer you live the more you will realize that the only things that truly exist in this reality are merely pain suffering and futility Goods I don't believe you you're Doom pissed I don't believe you don't believe me you can climb infinity cooldown climb into a junk rat Widow it's not that I don't respect your opinion it's just that you're wrong Trump see this is why this is dumb now I mean you waited till I got off a hit scan to go Sig though so it's like I can't do anything now and they're only shielding Widow that's the funny thing yeah and she's very oppressive on a widow map I got Raw very hard to play with you guys when we have like every juice in the book to not do something in all honest you guys want to rank up but I'll be honest with you guys never never blame other people but you're doing the same thing though if you played well enough this would have been a better game maybe not I wouldn't blame everyone else around you I'd play your game and try to get as much value as possible holy [ __ ] this is the most hypocritical dude I've ever seen he's losing we're not getting a crack [ __ ] it's your fault and he's playing doomfist into this comp and that we've lost until like we couldn't move he went sick as soon as I was off hit scans like why aren't you shooting them now I did what you wanted oh my God Larry won it actually won double double yeah nice Shield just oh he's just he's just baiting now he's just baiting at this point drops it immediately drops it immediately immediately he's just baiting there's nothing we can do regret that [Music] thank God enemy say something else go out of bed go ahead man you were desperate for reactions huh last game actually lose my I shouldn't just avoid you when you played somber into some [ __ ] against me I don't think I've ever played against you I don't know what your narrative you're spinning and also you have 12 deaths the 14 comment doesn't mean [ __ ] you have a sigma Splash damage I don't want to hear the oh if he lives I have damage by playing Sigma me be me you just shut up and stop blaming people holy [ __ ] he's on the other team I'm [ __ ] destroying this dude I'm pulling out my men [Music] I cannot [ __ ] wait to destroy this guy oh you you were playing zombie damage I can't wait to destroy this guy that's the only time I get toxic it's when people are like don't blame any other people let me blame you though and then if you do the same thing you're wrong just you only you oh the love to dance foreign [Music] [Music] thank you prepare yourself afternoon he wanted to talk so much [ __ ] now look at him they have no space I wonder what that's like I wonder what it's like to have no space and die every fight I'm hurt over here yo yo do something oh we didn't need all five boys he wants to talk all that [ __ ] but look who's three for three oh I hate this dude bro I cannot wait to run this guy over bro and when I do I want you to like all in the comments to type anything bad about this guy this is the worst human being in the world foreign translocators score zero to two switching sides hi look at him feeding on Doom again what a surprise but no no no no no no it's everybody else's fault how could he ever be such a fool what do you think you're going [Music] foreign hey enemies decide Victory without that you want to talk [ __ ] get hit oh she has she ashes bad I can't wait for this piano video [Music] I'm inviting him good effect on hostiles on my group join my group come on oh he declined oh why why would you decline oh he declined why not don't you want to be friends [ __ ] idiot I'll pretend I'm toxic tell you what outstand me and I'll put you in and they say oh my God it's Diva's chair he has to be funny oh there it is hey thanks for watching I'm sure I'll get comments about being more toxic to this vid but let's be honest he deserve it hope you enjoyed and see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Grotech Gaming
Views: 17,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Overwatch 2, #Trolling, #Toxicity, #montage, #Rage, Toxic, Toxicity, Rage, Trolling, Ranked, Montage, Funny moment, Overwatch, Funny, Recommended
Id: Snx6fBINxD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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