Overwatch 2 Competitive Toxicity Compilation (OVERWATCH TOXIC RACIST TEAMMATES RAGE)

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but the teleportation in the windows and the teleportation in the window oh my God since OverWatch won I should have Wall climbed no way it's just a selfie watching artist just put a selfie okay dude how do we have a how do we have uh person's name anymore [Music] are you joking like you're mad I don't have my TP what are you come on you think they mean that you should climb the window it's so hard bro oh my bad okay I think they met like 30 years I think they meant that you should have climb the window and place the TP from window like I just won't climb like a normal human like how everybody else does it yeah the wall climb I bet I forgot about that yeah yeah what the [ __ ] is this is bronze it does not like one does he not realize that he's with him does he not understand that Ryder's making fun of him and saying I should have Wall climbed the place my TP is he that stupid yeah and I also have all the kills too you couldn't even you have all the kills you have two more than me you have two more than you dude you do realize if you shoot somebody in the phone you don't realize if you shoot someone on one HP I'm done no way I put the teleportation in the window and the teleportation in the window oh my God since OverWatch won I should have Wall climb no way you're so right I'm so dark I should I'm playing the game I was so trash I'm so trash bro I'm so trash bro that was a [ __ ] Sim tour of this crazy bro I know I do go pretty crazy on them you just can't play Hero the requires hands I mean you technically need hands for at least one of them bro like how are you GM players hmm oh are you a GM player what do you mean what do you mean it's a pretty straight up question uh I got it by winning a certain amount of games in a row without losing a certain amount and you keep going up that's crazy yeah it's a pretty straightforward system deep breathing it was Mike for all loud flying over what am I watching why are we still on Ryan that I sleep in our main oh is he sleeping I don't think anyone know I literally did you say anything or no there's a lot of things going on that's that's great man okay cool no she didn't you waited don't say anything and then open your mouth a [ __ ] [ __ ] like a child crap you people are so [ __ ] outclassed who you what do you mean by you people sounds racially motivated I'm literally [ __ ] Brown that sounds kind of racially motivated though what do you mean by that it's great thanks for sharing kind of yikes also if you keep your turn the same spot constantly it makes a lot easier for them to kill red like a [ __ ] book that is fair yeah everyone ready also I'd like to carry for sure Mercy really goes for Genji keep yourself I didn't even say anything like I'm not even trying to jump in the middle of it but if we're bad go on Zen and wreck the team why would you play mercy if your DPS are bad that's just stupid because my Mercy wants to be a mercy and not do anything and my torb is on tour of not doing anything okay so okay so let's make a deal I'll get off tomorrow you go out of Mercy why would you play a character that whole thing is enabling someone else if we're not doing our job why would you play a character whose main goal is to enable the DPS does that achieve anything no for doing nothing play a hero that does something on their own does that make sense let me play a pocket character and you're dead again look at you you're dead in the back of the mouth like a useless oh my God shocking let me go Mercy on my DPS suck hmm what is that going to achieve nothing I mean really smart nothing nothing where's the switch all you can play is Mercy because you don't have a brain it's okay you're handicapped below the neck it's okay it's okay relax relax okay it's okay stay Mercy stay Mercy it's okay it's a really good one trick it's a really smart one trick to play solo queue it's really good for climbing you're really intelligent you're a very hyper creature you're very self-aware I mean that's what your voice sounds like normally what's the difference oh I love it and you've done nothing on Mercy you're playing an enabling character to enable no one right so why would you stay your character your brain dead why would you say your character I'm choosing a character to enable my DPS and you're not doing anything to do it so why would you say that character you're dead why would you stay in that character you're going in circles all you play is Mercy holy [ __ ] is Mercy no wonder you're so lost I'm sorry you're not a player you're an AI it don't count Chad GPT can play your role for you my iPhone my Snapchat AI can play mercy for me it's okay you do nothing you're useless no one complaining about heels you dumb [ __ ] first of all I didn't flame first at any point I've said nothing he says Moira maybe I don't know about the pocket because it's true why are you going to play mercy when we have a torb monkey Genji it does nothing you pocket nothing our D where is it our DPS are bad not my issue that's when I speak up you complain first so I speak up that's how the conversation works I didn't flame you first truly beyond help you're doing nothing fair enough I don't play well why do you stay Mercy like let's let's think about it let's think about it for a second let's genuinely think about it if your DPS are doing nothing why would you stay Mercy the entire point of Mercy is to enable your DPS and to make them do better and to make them carry if your DPS are not playing characters that one do well with a pocket like hit scan or two are not doing well why would you say Mercy that does nothing good for you that literally does nothing good for you whatsoever you are holding yourself and your team back if your damage is your issue go as in that's all you got to do it goes in and show me how it's done I got off tour I said hey I'll get off tour we get off Mercy deal they don't get off Mercy shocking because it's all they can do no mercy wings are like just truly a plague on society like I think I think as a species would be far more advanced in the future like we'd be exploring Intergalactic Space by now we would truly explore Space by now if we did not have mercy means on this Earth get done on car I'm just trying to save not a bad little clutch up right there what are you guys doing just like letting them run behind our backline I'll be moving the car okay with me same name who's also very high rank oh my God why are you not with me mercy I said damage boost my blade I could have got it in 5K there I left you what are you talking about you have guardian angel I had a nail place I think has played with him better now that's good life Weaver We're not gonna win any game Life Weaver as well no they they just got on oh no they didn't just get off they've been on [ __ ] Brig for at least two fights three fights even on fire I got two I got two dragon blades he was on break for a good minute I don't know why the [ __ ] you're on life Weaver but he's not wrong he's not wrong they had a weaver like it off the Weaver he's terrible dude people just think miracle oh yeah gm4 not even but okay Peak gm4 playing whatever you think just life over yeah they got off life over there they got off life every way sooner way earlier I try to talk right talking to you rationally and you just want to literally make up [ __ ] about gm4 like it matters at all it does matter oh I love it you're wrong so if it matters it doesn't because you're wrong I know more than you I'm just saying no that was comedy that was the comedy that was [ __ ] comedy so cats are dogs which we prefer but for you both on the void list personally I'm more of a dog guy but oh that's dude all right got him [Music] and they're both I'm not a big cat person but like you know I like dogs okay imagine if you've played uh here it goes since the beginning you had to play Life Weaver zero util zero healing have a good day dude you're [ __ ] gm4 Peak dude being so insane the cats are dogs box allergic to cats oh well there's a [ __ ] dog [ __ ] you're allergic to cats here you can lose her [ __ ] terrible imagine being allergic to a little fluffy guy dude imagine your weakness being a little fluffy cute best friend that being your weakness in life that's crazy yo I'm here for the money I ain't here for it might be nice to Jet Plane imma do it all for you
Channel: OG Pure
Views: 34,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: overwatch, overwatch toxicity, overwatch racists, overwatch rage, overwatch competitive, toxic overwatch team, toxic, trolling, overwatch 2, toxic overwatch, overwatch racist, overwatch 2 toxic, overwatch toxic competitive, overwatch 2 toxic compilation, overwatch 2 competitive toxic, toxic teammates, toxic overwatch 2
Id: 5FuBo8qHMJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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