Minecraft just became 10x better! - Part 32

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[Music] it's time for me to jump for the first time with the electric I'm so excited I'll finally be able to fly in Minecraft but I'm scared what if I fall okay here we go cool that was awesome alright let's give that another tribe shall we what I what I do wrong do I have to be in second mode it does that why have I spent all this time trying to get the OL I try and they doesn't work fly wings fly by power what they're sheep it doesn't work step one jump from Blanc except you play space key oh my god alright gamers here we go I'm ready oh god I'm scared okay yeah what's up work yes Shane did you see that thing that was awesome let's go a game gamers now I am the dragon let's go first person oh oh no oh no oh it'd be cool if I can't launch myself somehow maybe I can built like a catapult or something here we go oh yeah virgin toad to infinity and beyond what the tower is easier to fly in second person are you gonna finish that so I don't know if this is true or not but I think you can use rockets I've seen people do this okay so I seen people use rockets to ply with a light ray that was awesome wait how does that work how okay what's up burgess aah oh my god yeah [Music] this is amazing is that greatest day in my life look at the meatball this is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me I can fly around the meatball damn this means I can actually go like higher places oh god it's a little I need to work on the lining [Music] yeah what's up oh [ __ ] oh no okay it needs I need some practice can I just start from ground up no hmm see it would be good to have some sort of launcher minecraft just became ten times better and I didn't know that was possible did you guys see that wasn't that awesome I won't beg to eat one of the fruits see if he can teleport come on finish it finish it okay so what if we do this we put a slime it shoots us up then we go with a electra span you ready to see this what if I can shoot Sven that'd be awesome sent me that's even better it's more fun if Sven despit ok gay Sven just get on this line that's right good boy that's it all right sleight all right Sven you ready for your first ride you can ride - ok he loves it like crap okay step aside my turn my turn my turn go go go okay all right does that work with the electric ow it's okay I don't have ankles it's fine I'll live why does it not work do I need to go higher my ankles okay hey just work okay I'm just not very good at the timing yeah what's up Pam okay so what if we can make it push you site vertically as well mindcrime greatest game when we can put it on top of the meatball - so we get a signal excuse me Spence boyfriend why does that not work oh okay and go alright timings a little off all right no ticks no ticks and go yeah you see that's man all right that's fine that's cool maybe make it higher dude you've been chewing on that pork chop for ages just finish it please he's just teasing me with it now damn Allah how you flying this is gonna be a big 3 2 1 go yeah alright one tank three two one go term it ah come on alright just misses where do we make it one polar wait wait don't let me I don't wanna sleep yet lip sleep a little bit that can't see anything but I think or a bit that slept with me that's very sexy alright one taller that should do the trick this became a redstone video I didn't mean for this to happen alright watch this okay I thought it would work why has no one told me how awesome slime is hmm no one take water that took tea on this misty three two one go why does it just push me ah I have an idea follow me spend the new left rule a cannula what if I go on the rail and then the rail activates piston would activate a rail I have the momentum speed of going forward then this shoots me up boom we're flying epically super fast look how excited fan is he's can't hold his breath I felt like I should have I should have tested this out before I did it be here we go alright well in theory it seems to be or don't mock me spin is because it is a half slab yeah it is I forgot half slabs doesn't send signal boom now it should work alright gamers prepare for epicness watch it celebrity' oh no I'm gonna run you over Allah don't say a word don't say a word all right I think I know a fix I will liberate that prepare for epicness don't say a word it's too far down now then can you get out of there should that not same the signal okay now it works prepare for Double Trouble gamers now you're gonna go thanks for doing the engineering spend I really appreciate it thank you okay Wow say that lap you thought I couldn't do it huh [Music] that means Sven can do it too which is the best parts van come here spent can you seriously get out of there or should I make it Lobby to do it can dogs not climb ladders of course they can why wouldn't they all right well I bet that you do the inspections I won't spend to ride this one then trust me do you trust me of course you did Oh get in the bus get in the bus trust me you're gonna let you're gonna love it why is it so hard to get him in sometime okay working come on buddy come on okay okay okay all right Zhen Shan Shan are you ready yes let's go well he 3/6 he went over he went over OLAP for that that's amazing Sven went over elaborate that was the best thing I've ever seen oh god now he's gonna pull lady sorry said 360 overall Arista damn I don't even I can't even do that Sven that's all you know main okay so my my idea was get the minecart no you can't go again I hate actually I'm gonna go to sleep I'm sick of creepers growing up my stuff oh look speak of the devil I hate you are you gonna finish that pork chop keep working oh oh no no no no come back ah I mean the idea was to get them a forwardable momentum right you get the for momentum and then you know I can jump out I jump out I go I fly up I jump out I fly got it this is what we're doing no one's ever done this here we go okay so I shift space rocket that's the client I'm not moving Wow yeah I don't need you guys laughing at me you literally have it on your head hula okay did I land on you I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that I thought you studied engineering Ola what is this I have a new idea that is even more epically why should I do it I should do it here does they work on water level to do the boat yeah he does okay perfect and perfect I have you even have the reset here man it's not your time dope all right you want to go again Suman there he goes No Ola Britta what did you do it you disappoint me Ola beta you're supposed to be in charge of safety you want to go fine but remember you're part of the Safety Department so you can't sue me if things go wrong okay oh my god can you yard again and go I don't like putting Jurgen in mine cars but are you finishing matter come on uragan you got to do it there we go whoa it's so dumb wait what was I I was supposed to use daylight right I just love how it goes it back as well it's so good let's put you back here again we're about stop freaking more working that's my life moto are you gonna finish that okay back to the ice chat ice challenge we're gonna make the fastest launcher of all time okay how do I do this we'll put an absurd no help me virgin tone please okay we'll put an observer here then here we'll have a piston here slime slime slime string redstone will a bit that careful oh let me stop hey hey we have a student's mother does that work well all right well a bit I owe you what are you doing in my house that's much better that's cévennes house how dare you damn I forgot how cool this house looks never use it all right it's over here okay Sven are you ready to test the speed you know what I have a bad feeling but let's do it anyway oh wow get in the boat okay attempt number two look at that and it works perfectly almost God at that time almost got it maximum speed we have built an airport gamers it couldn't have been more perfect look at that Kia tower so beautiful I fly as high as IKEA power goes whoa whoa yeah can I fly through yes nail bang oh yeah the people in here how are you guys doing forgot about you guys being internally in health okay we'll have fun I guess that means I can also make a bouncing pad okay I made a bouncing pad for you guys so if I connect this oh yeah all right who wants to go ready for epic bounce bad can it be quiet pink this is gonna be awesome No now [Music] ex-boyfriend don't go near this is a deathtrap No [Music] why what the shape why why did this happen suspense boyfriend was like a father to me I just wanted them to bounce [Music] there's something I need to tell you I'm going far away from here I don't deserve pants [Music] I don't deserve friends what the Sheep keeps taking everyone I love [Music] why what they're sheep why why I must suffer I'm going away going far far away where I can't hurt anyone I'm sorry Jurgen I'm sorry Bing you don't have to worry about me I understand now that the only way to keep you safe as if are much far away as possible [Music]
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 16,131,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: Wm-HtcQ48_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 09 2019
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