The Most Brutal Revenge Stories Of Reddit - r/NuclearRevenge #1

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wife cheated so I tricked her into publicly admitting to having the affair and herpes three stories from our / nuclear revenge about a guy that tricked his wife into publicly admitting to have cheated on him a man knocking out an entitled mother in front of her child and a woman refusing to donate a life-saving organ to her abusive father I sent an entitled mother to the ER because she grabbed my girlfriend I got a $25 gift card from my mom to the local cinema so my girlfriend and I decided to go see how to train your dragon' for context my girlfriend's a petite beauty from Venezuela so people sometimes mistake her for a child but it's usually very obvious that she's an adult by the sound of her voice in the way she acts it usually results in awkward or sometimes funny moments but this was not one of those moments anyways we get to the theater without any problems and we patiently waited in line to purchase our movie tickets we started talking about it and what Dragons we would want to have she loves asteroids dragon stormfly because her favorite colors blue and she likes its ability to shoot spikes the way she marvels at everything we appear is so adorable but I also understand that it's because she in her own words grew up with nothing we get to the front of the line and I start purchasing our tickets I feel a really thick finger tapped me on the shoulder enter the entitled parent entitled mother hey can you help me out this lady's tone instantly set off some red flags for me people who are condescending or overly nice generally wants something out of you me with what entitled mother well I really want to see the Dragon movie with my little boy and we just don't have enough money today her kid is completely silent and he looks like he's six to seven at the oldest unfortunately me and my girlfriend are both broke college kids so we didn't have too much money to spare me we don't have money to spare sorry maybe someone else can spare some change I thought that maybe that would get her to leave us alone but nope entitled mother you have money you're using a gift card you can just buy the tickets for you and the little girl with cash me too the employee while mentally faced bombing can you just take my card real quick please she takes my gift card swipes it entitled mother stop he stole my gift card I look at entitled mother like she's on drugs or something the employee looks at the gift card which has my name on it and my name is not a gender-neutral one or Karen employee ma'am I'm sorry this might just be a misunderstanding his gift card does appear to have his name on it entitled mother I want to speak to your manager I can't believe you would defend a thief he just wrote his name on it employee okay please wait one second ma'am she was right in front of us for the entire exchange between us three girlfriend tugs on my sleeve babe what are they saying English is her second language so she still has trouble understanding people sometimes entitled mother has a look of pure disgust on her face meet a girlfriend lis Loco I was being intentionally incorrect with my Spanish entitled mother what I should have known that you're a pedophile she was screaming loudly and people were starting to stare at us me what I was just shocked that she would say such a thing to my face I guess she thought my girlfriend was a child I glanced over at my girlfriend who is starting to look scared and confused all she knows is that the physical embodiment of insanity is standing before us entitled mother I won't get your butt arrested for raping that craps skin illegal if you just hand over your effing gift card me No get out of our face the kid hasn't uttered a peep throughout this entire exchange yet but he looks scared entitled mother how dare you make my baby cry he wasn't I'm making sure you get arrested and taking your gift card she reaches for my gift card on the counter but the lumbering land whale is too slow I grabbed it she's screaming at me to hand over my gift card but I refuse and play keep-away after what felt like a minute of her screaming at me and calling us both all sorts of racial slurs she changes tactics she grabs my girlfriend entitled mother I'm taking you away from this rapist my girlfriend's eyes are wide she struggles and lets out a blood-curdling scream hearing that scream was all I needed to see read I held out entitled mother with all my might she hit the ground hard she was out cold with blood trickling out of her mouth the only thing that stopped me from going further was her kids presence everyone in the vicinity went silent as entitled mother continued to stiffly lay on the ground surprisingly nobody tried to attack me afterwards the employee was visibly shocked by what just happened my girlfriend was sitting on the ground crying but thankfully unharmed I tried to comfort her and entitle mothers kids started to cry to security came a few moments later followed shortly by the manager there greeted by the scene of me kneeling on the ground next to my crying girlfriend a little kid crying a few feet away next to his unconscious mother all surrounded by shocked onlookers they immediately called an ambulance for entitled mother it's clear that she's badly injured the employee and I explained what happened the other staff were thankfully nice and understanding and offered us free tickets but we just took vouchers to another showing instead my girlfriend just wanted to go home I felt bad for the kid after what he just witnessed I gave him a candy bar I was saving for the movie which seemed to help him relax a bit but I could tell he was still scared of me I apologized for hurting his mom and told him that it's wrong to hit people but sometimes you have to in order to protect the ones you like I sincerely hope that he doesn't grow up to be like his mother I'm not sure what happened to the kid I gave a police statement later that night which earned me the nickname as the elbow man at the local department my girlfriend does not want to press charges and she's firm on this I later heard that I knocked out four of entitles mother's teeth dislocated the left side of her jaw and gave her a concussion she likely got the concussion from her impact with the ground the best part is that I'm guaranteed to win the case against her if she tries to sue me and I know that she'll have to eat only liquid foods for quite some time assuming that the info I heard is correct wife cheated so I tricked her into publicly admitting to having the affair and herpes this story is about 12 years old I told it to one of my co-workers yesterday and he said I should share it in college I met the woman who I thought was my one we dated for about two years and had a big wedding after a ten-month engagement her family was pretty well-to-do in a small southern town we were both continuing our education and I was also working to support us I was pursuing a master's in engineering while she was finishing her doctorate in anthropology over the summer and opportunity came up for her to make some extra money going as an aide on a religious studies trip to Jamaica I didn't hesitate when she asked me about it I mean she was going to get to visit Jamaica and get paid for it I saw no downside other than missing her being at home for six weeks little did I know at the time but she had sex with the professor he had hung out with us smoked my weed and drank my beer I considered him a friend who arranged the trip for a couple months and it was a getaway for them to bang all over the island I clueless and happy went about the weeks while she was gone taking extra shifts so I could match what she made in our account and surprise her what an idiot right one of the students from the trip actually seeked me out to clue me in I didn't believe him until I started looking for evidence on my own I broke down and checked her texts while she was sleeping and nothing was there there were a few voicemails so I decided to listen and there it was a message from the giant [ __ ] saying how exciting it was that I almost caught them I opened up her laptop and hid the emails after that it was piles and piles of crap making fun of me for not knowing having sex in our bed and laughing about it there was so much and I was so heartbroken still too hurt to take any action I was lost I had no idea what to do so I sat on it for a couple weeks and acted as normally as I could I noticed everything now I felt so stupid for not seeing it before so many signs one stuck out in particular I noticed that our stash of homemade weed Lube if you've never tried it I highly recommend giving it a go was going down even though we weren't having sex it was obvious they were also using the fruits of my labor to get off more effectively this really pissed me off like unreasonably so Hulk level mad it finally all hit me I was a joke to these [ __ ] and they were using the Lube I made in having sex in my bed I didn't hurt anymore I just wanted to make them hurt so while she was studying at the library I made a new batch of Lube I put enough weed in it for it to smell like normal but I also added some poison ivy from our backyard to the mixture and after refilling the spray bottle we used for I waited a few days go by and I'm working extra so I can be out of the house more and bam baked taken that night after she goes to sleep my plan goes into action I sneak her phone away and delete my contact while replacing his phone number in his contact is mine I go to bed but can't sleep because it feels like I'm 5 and tomorrow is Christmas dawn arrives and she's in the shower I get a text I'm super itchy are you okay now Lord now is my time look I thought it had cleared up but I guess I had a flare-up I'm sorry but I've got herpes and I guess you do now - I heard her squeak in the shower I'm covering my mouth damn near losing it I went on to tell her that it was time to end things now a new semester was about to start and I kind of have a little crush on another TA I wanted her mad this is a woman that never got told no growing up and never had to deal with rejection let alone from a balding dude in his fifties with herpes when she got out of the shower it was obvious she had been crying but I could see the anger in her eyes I could see how uncomfortable she was squirming at the table drinking coffee and mulling the situation over another little nudge is what she needed the reply she got to her pages and pages of anger and sadness was thanks for the good times but can you keep this a secret between us I don't want to ruin my chances with anyone else she's flushed with anger now just seething she gathered her keys and headed out the door without even saying goodbye I knew where she was going I booted up her laptop and set it to reformat deleting her dissertation and any notes pertaining to it before following her to campus I parked a few Lots over and rush over to his office where I find her screaming at him forgiving her herpes there's lots of people there professors AIDS students other faculty on dying he is beyond embarrassed and confused as hell she is ugly crying in front of her peers I'm in heaven I didn't even care that people were going to think I had herpes too the fallout was apocalyptic in their department he lost his job due to code of conduct at the University we got divorced the following year state law was we had to be separated for one full year before being granted a divorce I got to keep most of the assets primarily savings and not a ton I worked for it she never finished her doctorate and went on to be a perpetually pregnant housewife that sells Herbalife on Facebook and he teaches high school now it took a few years for it all to unfold but watching it was glorious I wanted my father to understand I wasn't coming my parents divorced when I was in first grade not only did my dad disappear like Houdini he stole my mother's ATM card to her personal account and drained her dry my mother being the saint she is didn't even bat an eye she still was cordial to him and never said a negative word about him to me my dad albeit abandoning us was still my hero from first through fifth grade I had the usual abandoned by dad stories maybe one or two visits in a year and a 50 times of me waiting by the front window with my suitcase packed to go to his house and him never showing up my mom through all of this was supportive and never said an ill word about him so he still stayed my hero when I was in sixth grade my mother finally remarried and my father who only had a picture of me at eight months old in his wallet went ballistic did I mention he never paid child support he would use his father's social they had the same name to get away with it after my mom remarried he let it be known that I was now my stepdads responsibility he cut off communication with me until I graduated high school he didn't attend my graduation or send a card what he did do was write me an email thanking God he no longer had to pay child support he didn't anyway what really broke me was his ruthless and brutal attack on my mother attacking her wait looks teeth and blaming any perceived negative traits that I had on her for the first time I realized what a cowardly piece of human excrement he was I responded in kind he told me I was no child of his and that I was a waste after that I vowed that I would hurt him ten years later my father not interested in my wedding or my son reached out to me you see he is a diabetic and one of his organs were failing and he didn't have long he's too far down on the list and he needed someone in our family to donate nuclear revenge activated I answered his email I met up with him and pretended that I didn't hate his guts I went and got tested to see if I was a match I was did the therapy and met with doctors and his therapist we scheduled the surgery they day of the surgery we meet at the hospital I smiled in his face and let him know that I wouldn't be going through with the surgery I watched the confusion line in his face I just wanted you know that you're no father to me and you're a waste I left the hospital and drove home my mom was pretty annoyed with me that I took it that far my father is dying and I will be attending the funeral out of spite and I will let everyone know what a piece of human excrement he was thanks for listening to radio TTS hit the subscribe button for more videos like this find the original reddit post in the description below give the authors some upvotes and read the edits and let us know what you think about these revenge's do you think they are justified let us know
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 601,080
Rating: 4.9244223 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit best, reddit stories, reddit story, reddit top post, reddit stories 2019, reddit comments, askreddit funny, best of reddit, reddit creepy, reddit cringe, Radio tts revenge, reddit nuclear revenge, nuclear revenge, reddit revenge, reddit petty revenge, reddit revenge story, brutal revenge, revenge stories funny, reddit funny, Nuclearrevenge, Extreme revenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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