The MOST BRUTAL Execution Of A German Prisoner Of War In Britain

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inside of a graveyard in England is a body of a German soldier who was brutally murdered by his fellow German military members whilst inside of a British prisoner of war camp the conditions of British POW camps aren't known for being particularly brutal in fact the survival rates were very good for Germans and Italians who were sent to Britain and were held a number after the war would fall in love with local women and would get married and others would return home to their countries having spent years picking potatoes and producing food for the story of Sergeant Major Wolfgang rossberg is one which was barbaric in which other German prisoners of War turned on him and battered him to death but what is the story of this join us today as we look at the execution of Wolfgang roster and remember as always to support our Channel please make sure to subscribe and Camp was established as A POW Camp and was designated POW Camp 21 it would hold around 4 000 prisoners following D-Day and many prisoners who were sent there were transferred from other prison camps in Britain amongst the prisoners were ordinary German soldiers who had been conscripted into the war and others who were more Ardent Nazis each day new arrivals were coming to the camp and one day feldwable or sergeant major volkan rostegg came into the camp he was a man who was considered rather old for being a soldier to be admitted at the time or one who was transferred later in the war and he did tend to stick out he wore thick black glasses and was the son of a wealthy German industrialist he had been imprisoned elsewhere before on the 17th of December 1944 he arrived at quarter Dragon camp but five days later he would be found dead inside of the camps there were rumors that there was a possible Uprising that many prisoners would try to escape to gain their freedom to get back fighting in the war and in particular to see action during the Arden's offensive or the Battle of the Bulge because of this the British may have placed someone inside the camp to stifle the plant it has been theorized that Wolfgang rossberg may have actually been working in this capacity inside of the camp he had been captured shortly before this and he had seen a lot in the conflict and it's believed he was disaffected with the Nazi cause he realized that the war was lost it may have been trying to save himself some prison time by helping the British intelligence it's not no for certain if rosteg was working for the authorities or not but when he got into the camp it was a very busy scene he had his identification and numbers processed and checked against other documents and rostak following a medical exam was then allocated to Hut 4 compound B where he was part of a prisoner population made up of 80 dangerous fanatical Nazis they were young and were brutal and many walked in their uniforms and they were also very anti-Semitic these were the most dangerous prisoners inside of coffee bragan and two days after roster arrived another German major was found dead having been executed by hanging in the woods and a very mysterious circumstances the prisoners were allowed newspapers but after reading about the Arden offensive and its failings the Germans of this Hut Rose up and rostag may have voiced his opposition to Hitler and with this he was turned upon the Nazis gathered together a court martial for Wolfgang rosteg as he was after all a sergeant major and he was questioned they asked him a number of inquiries including whether he was a spy or not and what his opinions were on the war but if his answers did not meet expectations he was beaten on the head with an iron bar which had been heated on a fire following this of an artist would beat and kick his body it was even jumped on and sat on it was clear these Nazis smelt blood wanted to kill rostag and that is what they did they continued to attack him and they smashed his head off the curb stones in front of the barracks but the guards had not noticed what was going on he was then dragged from the barracks to the toilets where he was hanged backwards over a water pipe and he would then die from this bloody execution his body was discovered at 9am on the 23rd of December 1944 the very next day by polish guards who were working there and he'd been gagged throughout his ordeal so no one heard anything he was quite literally thrown into a lion's den when the Lions were angry and investigations took place about his brutal and barbaric death it was said at the time of the camp the atmosphere in the camp was extremely violent and threatening only the fact that these guards were poles and were absolutely ready to crack down on these men who destroyed their Homeland held the line it was found that roster had read some of the Articles he had translated as he could speak English and his fellow countrymen flew into a rage and went wild and the bearer of the bad news eight prisoners were charged with his murder with the oldest being 21 they were then taken to London for trial six were found guilty and two were acquitted and five of these were sentenced to death and were hanged at London's Pentonville prison on the 6th of October 1945 but the Fate that sergeant major Wolfgang rostegg suffered was a brutal one thanks for watching to support our Channel please make sure to subscribe and once again thank you so much for watching
Channel: TheUntoldPast
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Keywords: world war 2, second world war, ww2, execution ww2, executions world war 2, stutthof execution, execution of wolfgang rosterg, wolfgang rosterg, wolfgang rosterg execution, execution wolfgang rosterg, german prisoner executed ww2, german execution ww2, german executed ww2, british pow camp ww2, british prisoner of war camp ww2, britain pow camp ww2, britain execution ww2, german soldier executed ww2, german soldier ww2, german soldier, ww2 executions, ww2 execution
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 15sec (315 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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