The HORRIFIC Execution Of The Woman That Shot Lenin

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throughout his life Vladimir Lenin suffered many assassination attempts he would become one of the most influential and prominent politicians of the 20th century and he would change Russia hugely he would change it to become a one-party social estate which was governed by the Communist Party his actions would lead to Civil War and contribute to it and he will join the February Revolution al-sasar and the royal family they would overthrow the new regime of the Bolsheviks during the October Revolution Lenin was a key political figure and he is seen as a divisive figure and a controversial one but he would be shot by Ukrainian Jewish woman who would at the age of 28 go to her own execution for attempting to kill Lenin Fanny Kaplan was almost blind when she tried to kill Lenin which will experience a brutal execution herself was in some regards her actions were slightly successful as for the rest of his life Lenin would suffer from kaplan's actions that day and it's possible that these injuries eventually led to his death join us today to look at the execution of the woman who shot Vladimir Lenin and to support our Channel please make sure to subscribe Fanny Kaplan was born as fine hangover roidblatt on the 10th of February 1890 and not much is known about her childhood and her early life she was born into a Jewish Family and was raised by her father who worked as a teacher she also had a large family with seven brothers and sisters and they called her daughter she was educated at home but then she would leave to go and work as a millionaire in Odessa but at some point Fanny Kaplan became politically active and motivated and it's likely her early exposure to work led her down this path she would join the Socialist revolutionaries but then when she was just 16 she was arrested in Kiev political dissidents in the area at times political dissent in the area at the times was very dangerous and there had been a terrorist bomb plot inside of the city was captured following a bomb that she made with her partner exploding accidentally which was then accused of plotting to carry out the assassination and because of this was sentenced to life imprisonment in a hard labor prison camp which was transferred to Siberia which was one of the toughest places to be held due to the weather conditions Fanny Kaplan though lost her sight and she would become partially blind but this will come back in some regards later on the 3rd of March 1917 she was released from the labor camp after the February Revolution which would greatly affect the Imperial government and the monarchy but Fanny Kaplan at the time was in her 20s and she was greatly affected by her imprisonment and because of her treatment she would for the rest of her life suffer from migraines headaches and times in her life where she would go blind temporarily she was not a wild woman but she was incredibly devoted to politics but in 1917 she would lose faith and belief with Vladimir Lenin and his politics at the time there was conflict between her party the Socialist revolutionaries and the Bolsheviks the Bolsheviks had a lot of support across Russia they would not win the majority in the November 1917 elections because of this the social Revolution remember was later elected the president in the January after the elections the Bolsheviks were all the constituent assembly to be shut down then the Bolsheviks would sweep to ban over political parties and they banned their Rivals the Socialist revolutionaries also suffered and this was what Fanny Kaplan supported and the Bolsheviks would turn on their allies who they had been Coalition partners with for a while with this Fanny Kaplan then began to consider the best way that she could deal with Lenin and she began to plot and plan assassination attempts she regarded Lenin who was a man who was a traitor to the Revolution and she wanted to make him pay on the 30th of August 1918 Vladimir Lenin would go to the hammer and sickle which was a weapons factory located in the south of Moscow Fanny Kaplan had heard about his appearance which would then go to the factory to see Lenin amongst the crowds but she was out with Sinister intentions she placed herself near to the exit of the building that Lenin was in and after visiting the factory and praising the workers he then left the building and along with a few guards walked towards a car that would take him away whilst Lenin approached a car Fanny Kaplan shouted out to him screaming his name and Lenin turned around to see who was shouting him and as he turned towards her she shot three bullets at Lenin from a Browning pistol one of the bullets passed through Lenin's coat missing him but the other two Captain fired hit Lenin one was a very serious wound that went through his neck and punctured parts of his left lung with the bullet stopping and coming to arrest near his right collarbone the other bullet was struck in his left shoulder following firing at him Kathleen tried to leave the scene as Lenin was taken away and escorted to his living quarters at the Kremlin but he believed that this was part of a larger coup and because of this he suspected anyone who came in to treat him he really needed Hospital assistance and to be in hospital to have the bullets removed in a sterile and clean environment but he would refuse this because of further fears of assassination doctors came to his rooms but could not remove the bullet safely and because of this Lenin then had to deal with the bullets inside of him for the rest of his life he would survive initially the assassination attempt but many historians have claimed that in the end Fanny Kaplan was successful in her attempt to kill Lenin this is because later in his life his health would never recover and it's believed that the effects of the shooting may have led to The Strokes which left him in a sorry State when he was later incapacitated eventually these Strokes would kill Lenin and if the bullets from kaplan's revolver did courses there is a belief that she was successful in her quest to assassinate the leader of the Soviet Union but back at the factory there were different stories regarding Fanny kaplan's capture one stated that following firing the three shots a woman who looked suspicious was detained with another account states that the Witnesses in the crowd identified her and that it was children's testimony who turned her over she was then brought to a prison for her interrogations it's possible she believed that whatever fate came her way could be nothing compared to the ears she spent inside of the hard labor camp in Siberia during her interrogation it's believed that she was tortured and she would state in her confession that my name is fania Kaplan today I shot Lenin I did it on my own I will not say from whom I obtained My Revolver I will give no details I had resolved to kill Lenin long ago I consider him a traitor to the revolution I was exiled to akatui for participating in an assassination attempt against osirist official in Kiev I spent 11 years at hard labor after the revolution I was freed I favored the constituent assembly and instill for it but the authorities wanted her to hand over people who she worked with and they were convinced that she could not have worked on her own trying to kill Lenin but Kaplan would give over no information at all eventually a military commander would protect himself and would turn States evidence against her he would claim that Fanny Kaplan was a member of the Socialist revolutionaries that this was a plot conspired by them to kill Lenin he would also say that Kaplan was said to have been the best person to carry out the attack as she would attract the least suspicion in the crowd some historians have claimed though that she could not have carried out the attack herself which was nearly blind and should have needed someone else to help no Witnesses would claim that they saw her shoot the gun as they would not see the deadly shots what is also interesting too is the fact that the bullets which were embedded inside Lenin were removed after his death and these were allegedly different to the ones fired by Fanny kaplan's weapon but because she was frustrating would not give ever information which was seen as a lost cause and the Soviets then ordered her execution it's possible that her Antics in history had gone against her too but her execution would be Swift in Alexander Garden Fanny Kaplan was led out from her prison cell there was a commander of the Kremlin and former Baltic sailor PD Markov and a group of Latvian Bolsheviks these were her execution Squad on the 3rd of September 1918 she walked towards the executioners who then quickly shot her in the back of the head but what happened next was barbaric her remains were then collected and were thrown into a barrel which was then burned and set on fire Yakov svedlov was the man who gave the order to do this he was also the man who would order the execution of the Russian royal family in the last Tsar Fanny kaplan's body and remains were reduced to nothing but some rumors did emerge around Soviet society that she had been spared that she'd been sent back to the Siberian labor camp but this is not what happened at the age of just 28 Fanny Kaplan was executed inside of a garden or a park by Lenin's Bolshevik execution squads she had a tough life which was dominated by politics which was imprisoned in a horrific labor camp that led to her being beaten to the point where she experienced blindness still today historians debate her role in the assassination attempt on Lenin's life and some doubt that she was a real executioner and she could not really have shot straight into the leader of the Soviet Union because of her eyesight but Lenin would survive the attack however his health would not be the same following kaplan's attempt on his life and he would suffer from poor health until the day he died and it has been a ledger he would be killed in part by the complications from the bullets left inside his body thanks for watching to support our Channel please make sure to subscribe and once again thank you so much for watching
Channel: TheUntoldPast
Views: 787,440
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Keywords: fanny kaplan, fanny kaplan lenin assassination, lenin assassination attempt, woman that shot lenin, woman who shot lenin, fanny kaplan lenin, fanny kaplan assassin, fanny kaplan assassination lenin, fanny kaplan shot lenin, shooting of lenin, death of lenin, lenin death, lenin, vladimir lenin death, vladimir lenin, execution of fanny kaplan, fanny kaplan execution, execution fanny kaplan, execution of woman that shot lenin, soviet history, lenin strokes, lenin health, history
Id: aqZK4pTgm6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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