The Most Beautiful Way to do Photography

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hi i'm adam and welcome back to first man photography in today's video i want to talk about what i think is the most beautiful way to do photography if you are lazy and you want the quick answer it's long exposure but if you want a more interesting answer stick around and come with me [Music] before we get going today though this video is sponsored by squarespace if you need a domain name a website or an online store make your next move with squarespace [Music] so i've come to the yorkshire coast and as you can see i am set up for my first shot now undoubtedly the best way i think to do photography is to come to a landscape and just ha be able to have the time to absorb it explore it get a sense and a feel of the area tap in almost as best you can to the flow of nature so you almost get into that flow state where the image almost makes itself and i know that sounds silly but we have to work towards mastering the technical so we can start thinking about those compositions and just naturally letting them happen without having to worry about our cameras one of the techniques that i think is the most beautiful way to do photography is to do long exposure and that's exactly what i'm going to do here because long exposures just work so well at the coast and they they also provide a really beautiful and interesting juxtaposition between the things that are moving in the scene and the things that are static so behind me now we have that beautiful sea which almost has a greeny type turquoise color to it which is common in this area we've got those beautiful clouds then the cliffs there providing that static resolute object long exposures work really quite well when it's not as windy because as we set the camera on the tripod we don't want any movement and it's a beautifully still day today it just feels so good and i can take my time because it's overcast which also works well for long exposures because we're not going to get a big light change during the exposure so for this image it's not going to be all that complicated really i want to use the curve of this cliff as it goes around towards the middle of my frame and i'm capturing some of the waves coming in like i said the beautiful color in the water and then the clouds then i'm thinking about what exposure length i want now i have already tried it with a six stop filter and the sea looked good but some of the clouds much closer to me here are a bit dark and they sort of almost dominated the image so i've decided i'm going to go with the 10 stop filter so they are smoothed out a bit more and they blend in a bit better to the clouds in the distance i've got this sort of cliff edge going down in front of me here and i don't particularly want that in but i want as much of this sort of beach down below in as i can possibly get so i'm kind of zoomed in to what am i at around 28 millimeters to cut off that cliff edge so at the moment i have my test exposure which is f11 uh one quarter of a second in iso 100 and i've calculated that with a 10 stop filter that's going to require a four second fourth second four minute and 16 second exposure i've used the app photo pills to work that i haven't just done it in my head although you do find that you end up in similar areas every single time with your exposure i i know i'm focused in as well just focusing on the cliff and then i'm going to just reach down and get the 10 stop filter and then just slide it in here and i'm going to lock it off i need to go into my bulb timer which is just here and that should be set four minutes 16 seconds two second timer then move out of the way because i don't want any movement in the camera and the ground underneath me is quite soft so as i move my feet around it could move the tripod so i've it's firing now stepped away and then yeah just wait for four minutes 16 seconds and we'll see what we've got it's beautiful it is beautiful i love it the first time you look at your image with a long exposure it just looks so different to normal images that smoothness the softness the simplification of the areas that have movement in them and i just love it it's addictive with this one i think there is a slight balance issue from the left-hand side where the cliffs are to the right-hand side where the water is so it may be that i have to adjust my post-processing and push almost push the balance back over and i'll do that through the use of luminance or brightness in that part of the image probably with the radial filter anyway i will put the image up now and you can see what you think i think it's beautiful though [Music] [Music] [Music] right it is now coming up towards sunset and it's turned into a really beautiful evening much nicer than i thought it was going to be there's some sort of setting over behind those cliffs there and i've now just got some lovely colour in the sky now i'm gonna try a little bit of a concept here i just need to interrupt the video there we'll be going back to the beach in a minute but that was a concept i was trying there and it just simply didn't work out because i was trying to stitch together long exposure images into a panorama and because i didn't have enough static objects in the scene it just didn't work but i do want to show you this another beautiful way to do photography is to make sure that you print it and i'm just so thrilled with this panorama and the reason i could do that is because i've just upgraded the firmware on my canon pro 1000 printer and it lets you do these 1.2 meter long images now so i've just taken advantage of it and i was going to do that with the seascape that we just did there but this does give me a chance to tell you about today's sponsor which is squarespace now if you need a website as a photographer there is no better place to go than to squarespace and the reason is is because it's just so easy to use you just sign up use one of their beautiful templates and then as soon as you've dragged some of your images on there and typed in a few of your words you're going to have a beautiful and unique looking website if you wanted to you can then upgrade it to an online store so you can start selling things like prints or workshops or anything else that your heart desires they've got great customer service i've been using them for years and it's just been a great experience all throughout so go to to start your free trial today and if you like what you've created use the offer code first man to get 10 off your first purchase right let's go back to the beach for what i think is a pretty big finish right with that last image being a bit of a concept image i wanted to make sure i come away with something and as i've been stood in this spot which is the same spot i took the last image the tide has started to come in now so has made the foreground in front of these cliffs here all the more interesting and as the sun's setting there's more and more color coming into the sky in the distance and it's a place i've wanted to photograph for a long time or a composition i've wanted to photograph for a long time and i've never quite had the right conditions because where i'm study is exceptionally windy sometimes as well and it's right on this kind of precipice so it's a bit nerve-wracking when it's extremely windy because these drops off these cliffs are pretty sheer it's just opening up lovely now and what the long exposure what the beautiful part of this image i think is going to be is this foreground where we've got these sort of semi exposed rocks down here and as the waves come in they're rolling over those rocks underneath the water and creating a lovely lovely foam and that's bringing up that white brighter part of the foreground and with the long exposure it's going to simplify that it's going to smooth it out and just give hopefully a leading line essentially coming up from the bottom left hand of the image up yeah bottom left hand up towards that rock formation in the distance which is kind of just coming around from the right hand side of the image and then it's leading us to the edge and then up to that beautiful sky above so i don't want to waste any more time because it's just looking beautiful now there's some pink coming into the sky you might see some of it reflected on my face so uh i'm going to bracket because bracketing works well with a six stop filter and long exposures so the mid exposure is 10 seconds and that's really easy to work out because if you go one stop either side it's gonna be five seconds on the fast exposure because it's half to go down one stop and up one stop is to 20 seconds i might go two stops though um because it's getting a bit dark now so the cliff face is really dark and i want to have all of that dynamic range so essentially the sky is still quite bright but down here is getting really quite dark now so it needs to be quite long and it's going to be at around uh double so 40 seconds here on the long side i've upped it to iso 200 just to make sure it doesn't go any longer than that so let's go for the two second timer let that fire off through the three images oh look at it just absolutely beautiful back there absolutely beautiful and that is the whole point isn't it to really make the most of these beautiful scenes with those long exposures just to give that dreamy ethereal feel and it's such a beautiful evening it's so beautiful it's so still calm and wonderful and yeah i'll show you that image in a minute but on last week's video i asked what more could i ask for and someone commented saying that that is a sign of a rich man and if he couldn't if we're talking about money i'm it's absolutely not the case however what i replied was that i think oh i aim to live in the moment and at this very moment i'm feeling really good and for me that's what landscape photography is about just making these moments and then capturing them and then doing it again and again and again and again that's what makes me feel good it gives me the boost it gives me a feeling of well-being that mixture of being outdoors and being creative and telling a story and sharing it and when it comes down to it for me that is the most beautiful way to do photography [Music] you
Channel: First Man Photography
Views: 11,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: landscape photography, photography, long exposure, landscape photography tutorial, seascape photography, tutorial, photo ideas, photo inspiration, nature photography, landscape photographer, inspirational photography, photo hacks, landscape photography vlog, nd filters, poloar pro summit, how to do long exposure photography, adam karnacz, yorkshire photography, photo tips, landscape photography tips, photography philosophy
Id: eeve6dTc8QE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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