Extreme Long Exposure Photography

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[Music] good morning and welcome to a beautiful morning here in the Lake District for another day of landscape photography this morning it is absolutely incredible it was forecast or it is forecast to be very bright sunshine today for us our on the forecast there's a little bit of cloud over night and I was hopeful that that was good hang around and my goodness has it hung around absolutely beautiful I've actually arrived just a touch too late and I haven't had much chance to scout out a composition this morning so making the most of this cloud that we have here this beautiful colorful cloud that we have here I've had to just quickly compose a shot using this fence that's going into don't water here the lake and it's not my favorite kind of image but I'm going to make do so it's still a nice image Doug it's one of those classic Lake District shots so I'm I think I've only got moments left of color so I want to already captured one image where I just want to capture it again talk you through it so for the composition it's straightforward I've got the fence here let's go this way I've got the fence here just leading you in from the bottom left-hand corner of the frame I've then got the kind of shadow of the edge of this wooded outcrop leading you in the other side I've been got the beautiful mountains in the background as blank a throw and skid or and that beautiful color in the sky let's just go for that again I'm losing the light all the time this is all happening in real time first thing this morning and it's just fabulous there's not a breath of wind within this slightly sheltered area that I'm in here there's this bit of mist awesome murk in the air that's just picking up a really nice feeling to this morning and this is what landscape photography is about it didn't feel good at 4 o'clock this morning when I got up but even on the drive over I was feeling very tired but as soon as you get out the car start walking get that physical activity going it just feels feels so so good so let me talk you through the image ISO of 160 and all that's doing is just allowing me to keep the shutter speed down to 30 seconds so I don't have to use it the bulb timer I'm at f11 and I've got a 6 stop filter on the front here what that's gonna do is let me maximize the amount of color because there's a clouds move slightly this spread the color across the sky and with the long exposure of 30 seconds it's going to pick that up what that long exposure also does it's looking really good what that long exposure also does is smooth out the water it's quite still anyway I'm getting some of the light and that color reflected off the surface which just looks beautiful but what it also does is because there are a few aeroplane contrails in the sky this morning it will dilute the effect of them a little bit and I do have one edging in to the top left of my image I might need to do something about that in post-birth absolutely fabulous starts the day it's a straightforward image I've got the woods and a framing it to the right-hand side as well those mountains in background looking great with that cloud over top of it great start to the day this is what it's about [Music] okay so second shot because this light I know this light's not gonna hang around for long today when the Sun comes up I'll get about 20 minutes of nice golden light and then that'll be it for the day so in total about half an hour 40 minutes worth of shooting time this morning so I'm really trying to keep it simple so all I've done is to leave the camera exactly where it is so exactly the same perspective as I had in this last shot all I've done is I have popped the 70-200 on here and because some of that color is just hanging over the top of blank Cather amounted it looks beautiful so all I've done is 70-200 on I've got into about 120 millimeters so I've still got some of the reflection in the water I've still got the mountain but much closer this time and then I've still got a sky full of stunning color and then using Wallach rag which is just sort of it's much closer to me than Blanc a thorough it's just cutting the right hand edge of the image within a bit of a darker shadowy tone and it's just very straightforward but very nice because of the color and because I don't have time to find anything else and I would like to cows like to come away with more than one shot if I can although one shot is enough to make me happy so that's all I've done and the perspective hasn't changed all I've done is zoomed in I don't have a filter on this time though so I am at f11 still and then one tenth of a second is so 160 I could have dropped it back down to 100 but I didn't just for the sake of not thinking about it but it doesn't really matter the settings don't off often matter as long as you get the exposure just about right now I've talked about it before the but the perspective it hasn't changed because all I've done is zoomed in the perspective only changes if you move the camera and the camera is on the tripod I haven't moved it I've just popped another lens on here so if we were to crop in to the original image onto the same sort of composition that I now have with this lens apart from the resolution it will look virtually the same and that's just a good example of where focal length does not affect perspective but just look at it it's just I haven't walked very far I've only walked for about half an hour from the car but I feel great now I've been thinking a lot again recently about the positive effects on your mental health that exercise has I've lost a little bit of weight already but it's getting out and enjoying the fresh air enjoying a bit of solitude that really does it getting in touch with the environment all sorts of things I've been talking about and I am going to talk about a lot more in the future because I think it's important [Music] we've now got some really beautiful blue tones coming into this scene so I think I'm just gonna shoot that again and capture a little bit of that I'm gonna get the lights of a sunlight hitting those mountains in a minute so I think I'm gonna change position let's try and make something of that yeah look at this one yeah straight forward for really nice [Music] [Music] [Music] sometimes the third shot the day already and literally feels like I've just started about a little fly of the drone and it's just I keep saying it but it is a sensational stunning morning gah get over anyway I have come to a slightly different location just along the shore a little bit from where I was to the small island bits I have here I've got the 24 to 70 on this time and I'm just in a little bit closer just to frame the island really nicely using a bit of the shadow that the island is casting in the water just to lead me in I've then got again blank a threat just off and slightly shrouded by the island to the right-hand side and it's just again very straightforward simple composition now that's just I knew this island was here and I wanted to capture it in some way I haven't had much chance to see any time at all to scout locations out this morning because I left a bit last minute to get down to the the lake side here but I still think this is going to make a nice shot it's gonna be an interesting shot because I'm going for a long exposure mainly because I would I just want that water perfectly flat and with the 2470 I have forgotten my 6 and 10 stop filter and I only have a 16 stop filter so it's going to be a very long exposure because it's still quite dim conditions here but the Sun hasn't quite risen across the landscape in front of me it is now touching the mountains behind me which is going to be in the image and look really good but it's still quite dull so it's gonna be a really long exposure possibly the longest one I have ever done so settings I'm about one tenth of a second at f/8 so I think I'm gonna need to knock that down to F 5.6 I probably have to bump the is up just somewhere like 320 or 400 and I'm just gonna check very quickly on photo pills up yeah F so the reference setting was f/8 let me turn this around for here the reference setting was f/8 115 through the second you see that and iso100 so where the 16 stop filter on that's with ISO 400 and F 5.6 that's a nine minutes six second exposure that's definitely the longest one I've ever done and that's because I'm a Z that just mainly because I have forgotten my 10 stop filter which would have given me about five to six minutes I think so I'm already shooting the image I have put the 16 stop filter on focus then all the normal stuff we do the long exposure photography I'm definitely covering the viewfinder for this one to make sure that no light creeps in during that nine minute exposure and then we'll see how it works out kind of hiding in the trees here on the shoreline the lights tipping the top of that mountain really beautifully now that I'll look nice it's still a bit of color but more yellowy orange e-type color in the in the cloud but yes still gonna be an interesting image I'll show you that idea note there's also gonna be an end screen at the end with some extra info but I just wanted to show you my new t-shirts I'll show you that's manual focus very cool t-shirt very happy with that but beep links down below actually for you to click on that and go and buy one of these pretty cool t-shirt shipping still in time for Christmas there's a few others on there as well I'm really pleased with the t-shirt it's actually one of my friends is a designer and he's created those designs but go and check out the t-shirts I think you'll be like them yeah so check them out anyway but as now just with perfect timing finished exposing every time I look at long exposure for the very first time it's just so creamy and delicious I've got the exposure it's spot-on the detail of that light on the mountain bring a bit of a gradient down as well that is gonna look fantastic the water looks beautiful in that reflection and the detail in that reflection he's just looking great so yes I love it love it love doing this yes anyway leave a comment down below and I will see you on another one very very soon I'm Adam this is first man photography [Music] [Music]
Channel: First Man Photography
Views: 96,101
Rating: 4.8521662 out of 5
Keywords: landscape photography, long exposure photography, photography, landscape photography vlog, landscape photography tutorial, landscape photography tips, long exposure, lake district, nature photography, camera, photography tutorial, landscape, photography tips, nd filter, adam karnacz, first man photography, landscape photographer, best landscape photography, long exposure tutorial, sunrise photography, outdoor photography
Id: AaxA4jCQcJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 16 2018
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