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coming up on Lloyd and Mandy we're heading  to what many call Thailand's most beautiful   Province Krabby we'll be checking out  the beaches of a Nang and Ry as well   as visiting an incredible elephant Sanctuary  that really opened our eyes to another side   of a sometimes controversial industry let's  get into it being a nomad is not a vacation   it's freedom but it's also discipline it's an  exchange of security for enhanced experiences   it's a way of life away R away into your  Escape run away run away my away you never   to far run away run away run away to your Escape  run away run away run away run away run away run away good morning guys and welcome to Krabby  Thailand we've been here for a few days   it's been absolutely beautiful we're staying at  one of the most beautiful Resorts we ever stayed   at it's called bans it's really lovely we'll  link it in the description if you're interested   in checking it out we've really enjoyed our  stay here we're basically in the jungle right   now yeah it's still like monsoon season here in  Thailand so the afternoons is really wet but like   it's the perfect place to be when it's raining  actually so we got a bit to do here in Krabby we   actually rented a scooter and we're going to ride  around the main sort of area of alang the guy who   we rented a scooter off gave us a few places that  he recommended us checking out so we're going to   do that and then we've got an elephant Sanctuary  tour tomorrow but it's like a legit one not one of   these ones where like you go and pay money and you  Pat an elephant in a cage and they're just trying   to get money off you this is actually a legit  elephant sanctu and then we're going to go check   out rilay Beach which has been highly recommended  by you guys so many people in our comments and DMS   telling us to go there so we're going to do that  so as you can see we've got a lot to pack into the   next week but we're going to take you guys with us  before we do we're going to give a quick shout out   to Surf shark for partnering with us on today's  video okay so if you haven't heard of surf shark   surf shark is the number one VPN provider in the  world and we've been using them for like almost   2 years now pretty much since we left Australia if  you don't know what a VPN is it stands for virtual   private Network and it's a digital nomad's best  friend so having a VPN keeps you safe by basically   covering up everything you do online it's kind of  like wearing a mask when your phone your laptop   connects to the internet everything you do is  encrypted so this is really important especially   for people like us who are traveling and we need  to log on to Wi-Fi at like hotels or airports or   even on buses when you're using surf shark VPN  you can choose which country server you want to   connect to and not only that you can connect  to an unlimited amount of devices using just   one surf shark account so having the ability to  log on to different countryes servers means you   can stream different platforms such as Netflix and  Amazon or even your favorite sports while you're   out of the country NFL season has just started  in the United States and luckily with surf shark   VPN I've been able to keep up with all the games  while we're traveling so if you sign up to Surf   shark today using our code Lloyd and Mandy you'll  receive an extra 3 months free and if you've never   used a VPN before don't worry they have a 30-day  money back guarantee so if you're not sure it's   risk-free so don't worry about it we'll leave the  link to Surf shark down in the description below   thank you to Surf shark for sponsoring Shing our  video and thank you guys so much for continuing   to watch them we couldn't do it without your  support all right let's get into the episode   Let's Pretend when it all comes out show me how  all right we got the scooter here we uh got this   from a company called Krabby Moto rentals the  owner is actually American and he speaks perfect   English I gave him a call on WhatsApp and we  had a good chat and um he gave me a bunch of   places we should go and check out on the scooter  and he also hooked us up with a pretty good deal   it's 400 bar per day but because we're here for a  week he gave us a bit of a discount so if you're   looking to get a scooter in Krabby um I'll leave  the link and the details to his shop down below   as I said it is really cool to deal with and  easy to deal with because he speaks English   and he came and dropped the bike around for us  which was really cool so I'll leave the link   down below missed the scooter so much hey yeah  my favorite part about Asia that look cool not really y oh big surprise it's raining as we're on our  scooter it's coming down pretty heavy but we got   this cool spot to chill out so we're just going to  hang out here for the io until this dies off if it   does hopefully because we're going to get soaked  on the way back to the hotel seems to always be   the case every time we get on the scooter  like 10 minutes in it starts bucketing rain   but that's all right that's all used to it now I  might have to just have a couple days here we'll see so this is the uh it's called the Pond  View Villa that weest St it it's pretty nice and so obviously it's wet  season here in Krabby um so it's   been raining like every afternoon but  it's actually pretty nice when you're   in a place like this like look at the view we got here okay we've just come to a place called Kong rou  uh you can do like kaying and looks like swimming   and a lot of different activities feels local but  it's touristy and yes it is pronounced Kong root   we're not mispronouncing that sort of just like  an activity like Park I guess yeah there's like a   natural lake um with like mangroves and stuff this  actually looks pretty cool it's really beautiful   actually kaying actually looks really nice maybe  I'm wrong about Kayaking maybe it's right oh it's   really pretty here actually reminds me of how  long bay in Vietnam sort of oh my goodness all   the local kids and just swimming swimming in  the dam well you can probably hear them in the   background yeah they're all having a time of their  Liv swimming I don't think you f it looks so fun   yeah I don't want to film children but yeah it  looks so much fun I would have loved that as a kid so it's 300 barck for kayak which I'm  guessing is about an hour that's not   too bad like 10 bucks but we're going  to stick to land today cuz it's going   to rain in a couple hours so we  want to ride around as much as we can this is the perfect place to rent a scooter  and ride around we're having the best day just   hoping the weather holds off long enough but um  definitely recommend doing this it's the perfect place all right I'm not sure if the camera is  going to pick that up but that water looks like   blue Kool-Aid this is called Sago every name is  going to be pronounced wrong in this episode it's   just another sort of kaying spot there like a  rope swing looks like you can go swimming bunch   of local kids again it's really cool little area  there's also an underwater cave so I think you   can rent a kayak kayak through this canal here and  then get into a cave but it looks like it's closed   there's nobody here there's some signs saying you  need to pay for entry I don't see any kayaks or   anything um again cuz it's wet season it could  just be that it's not busy enough but the water   looks pretty cool it's beautiful and the RO out  here was awesome yeah yeah definitely worth a ride I always like to imagine what it's  like to grow up in whatever country that   we're in like if my childhood was to like  be coming to places like this as a kid I   think that'd be so fun and riding a  scooter as a kid like four kids were   just on a scooter they're rocked up to this  beautiful blue Pond I would have loved doing   that you're doing rope swings there okay oh  that's so fun I'm pretty sure this isn't an   island but it feels like an island it's  definitely got that Island life Vibe yeah yeah a okay we just got to cow thong Hill um which  is like this big restaurant up on the hill   overlooking the water of Krabby and um I didn't  realize but once we got here you have to actually   buy a ticket to get up the hill you got to park  your bike or your car and then you jump in the   back of this pickup it's 50 bar each which is  really cheap and they drive drive you up to the   restaurant I guess I think the view is going  to be really good up it I'm excited C also   when when you buy a ticket for 50 bar you do get a  discount of food so you kind of get the money back anyway it's all over believe it I'm on your side don't you see it you in my  eyes believe me I'm on your side well this has got to be the best view  for a restaurant I think we've ever seen   the Bay of Krabby is just so cool all these  little Islands I know you can do boat tours   to most of these but um just looking at them  from up here is even cool it's so beautiful   you can see the storm rolling in as well  yeah we're it's like picture perfect we're   definitely in rain on the way home it's about  25 minute ride home that's okay we're used to   it let's see how expensive food is here  and what they got to offer the music's   good good baby I I'm on your side I'm on your  my arms are open wide believe it I'm on your side this might be the most  beautiful restaurant ever it's unreal can't see the light believe me on your side on your side say the word I'll get  there there I make it fight Ain in the world wow that place is definitely  worth the trip out best view you think should we go now yeah it's not raining  that much it's definitely not going to get any   better is it no we'll survive I low key love  riding in the rain okay riding in the rain let's go all right we're just packing our bag at the moment  we are heading to the Aang elephant Sanctuary   today I'm so excited this is something that I've  wanted to do for a really long time but we've been   pretty hesitant mostly because we've seen a few  elephant sanctuaries that weren't doing completely   happy practices I don't know how else to say it  we're not a big fan of the riding any place that   kind of includes that kind of guaranteed that  it's not a Humane place for the elephants to   be but this place is the real deal I think we've  done a lot of research into it to make sure that   we weren't recommending somewhere that wasn't 100%  ethical so the reason that we chose this place is   because of their mission for the sanctuary the  reason a lot of people purchase elephants here   in Thailand is that they believe that they're  going to bring them wealth and prosperity and   a lot of times the elephants just get put to work  in like the logging industry and things like that   so they can make their money back from purchasing  the elephant so this Sanctuary actually started   off wanting to purchase these elephants outright  to get them out of these harmful conditions and   put them into an actual happy living situation um  but that was taking too long so now they're just   leasing these elephants giving them a better  life until they can afford to actually buy   them so all of the donations and everything  everything that go towards going into the   sanctuary and spending time with them actually  goes towards buying these elephants and giving   them a better life which I think is a fantastic  thing and um I'm really happy to be a part of it today I'm a little bit nervous about  like just being so close to such a   huge animal same can really hurt y yeah so I'm  interested to see what the like safety aspect is and then you need to use the same hand  where you move you move to your right you   use your right hand feed from the top uh  elephant grab the food and all like this   please okay one more time please ah here please  come closer you stand there elephant cannot get   the food on the side you Fe like this get  it again move to the side little bit see you ready okay goo nervous are you yeah it's kind of scary hug yeah they're huge it's scary so they're actually really gentle like  they touch your hand a little bit with a trunk   when you're fading him but you can tell it  being gentle he just told everyone to stop   though before because a motor bike was going  past and when they they hear a loud noise like   their ears start flapping and that's when like  you don't want to be feeding him or around him   so he's pretty much just showing us how to like  build trust with the elephant by feeding it and   like what you would have to do if you had  to give it medicine so like walking up to   it without showing it the food and then cutting  its trunk and putting it in its mouth which is   like really freaky spot they're really gentle so  far so lovely so we did a pretty extensive like   safety meeting before we went to the elephants  and he also touched on a lot about working   elephants and educating us on how people have  been living with these domesticated elephants   it's a lot different than what I've ever thought  it's kind of expanded my I don't know perception   and given me a different sort of uh way of  looking at things uh it's very interesting   very very interesting and um just shares a lot  more information about how people live amongst   the elephants here very worth the visit to get a  different perspective on sort of a controversial topic what are you making  elephant protein bowls nice squeeze more please we're about to do the like bathing of  the elephants cover them in mud for a   lot of reasons apparently keeps the insects  away keeps the sun on them helps keep them   cool gives them a lot of minerals and stuff  so bathing them with mud and then basically   rinsing them off so going for a swim with them  which is going to be pretty interesting um it   looks like it's about to start raining  pretty heavily so this should be pretty fun am I just going toque oh Ching that was one of the weirdest things  I've ever done in my life but really cool   the elephant really seemed to be enjoying  it too which made me happy it's just it's   really intimidating being that close to  that big of an animal like at any moment   they could just kill you like that's so crazy  to me but it's been pretty good experience actually move out move out move out okay s for all right hey Mo such like peaceful energy really nice  to be around even though they're scary yeah   one thing about them is they are very calm  yeah but everything's sort of slow and calm   and just chill really man this guy just  keeps stopping for a snack every couple   of minutes keeps getting in trouble he's  getting in trouble he's naughty he's like bear who told you it was too late good morning guys  from beautiful Krabby uh we finally got a little   bit of sunshine thank goodness it was pretty much  raining for about like 6 days straight here so we   didn't even get to see the beach until yesterday  um but it's stunning and today we're heading over   to Ry Beach which we've been told us one of  the most beautiful beaches in Thailand which   so we're really really excited so Ry Beach it  isn't actually an island but you can't get to   it via land like you can't just ride a bike there  which I thought we could do when we got here so   we're headed to the pier and we're going to get a  longtail boat over there I've been told it's about   100 B each way um and you have to get the boat  back before Sunset we're not staying tonight we're   just going for a day trip but thanks to all of you  guys for recommending ra it's probably been the   most recommended place in Thailand since we got  here yeah so excited to finally go and check it outy krabby's been awesome the last week uh  there's lots of young couples here it feels like   a really popular younger person place to Holiday  maybe like younger married couples it's been   nice lots of cool ree bars Indian restaurants  like we really really enjoyed our time here   definitely recommend it yourself are you Under  The Canopy spill di in your heel and spread the disease spread so 100 B each each U but we  just got to wait for 10 people to   fill up the boat and then we have to  get the boat back before p.m. so same   thing on the other side we got to wait  till the boat's full it's like a 10 SE boat tiet tiet back of it ask around the where make peace  with what is there this is a part of it all okay now that I've seen  this boat I've just realized   we're probably getting wet today  should have brought us change of clothes cool to re Jo R looks really cool so far the main area is  really cool lots of cool bars and things I'm   a little bit bummed we were supposed to stay  the night or a couple nights but because of the   weather we decided to cancel that and just come  for a day trip but I probably would recommend   if you are coming here it's worth staying cuz  it's a cool like little area so many tattooo   shops and so many mushroom shakes around looks  like I guess that's what you do here right yeah cool so there's actually two beaches in  Ry West Ry and I think East I guess um   and it's like a peninsula so we're  walking from West ra to East right now in the walk there is so cool we're  walking through these like incredible   Cliffs right now look how the trees  have like grown out theide of these Cliffs the ready have surely there's another way to get there let's  just keep walking down the path see where we end   up other people walked down here okay we had  seen a lot of rock climbing shops and places   that you could rent rock climbing gear and now we  know why kind of need it to get around here seems   to be the thing to do and mushroom shakes not at  the same time hopefully not wouldn't recommend it my it's so nice it's perfect water's not as warm as  I thought it would be it's perfect it's refreshing yeah lot of walking on Ry um see a few golf carts going  around but I'm not sure how you get on one of them   haven't really seen any motorbikes or anything  no seems like just a walking Place yeah I need a coconut it's very land I don't even even know what you is here I guess it's about time we head back to  Krabby this has been the most incredible day   thank you guys so much for recommending  R to us I'm really happy that we came   here I wish we were staying overnight  so if you are planning a trip I would   recommend staying the night and getting  a bit more time here but the day's been awesome all right we're going to go back to  alang but we got to wait for 10 more people   to show up for the boat could be 5 minutes  could be an hour guess we just hang out yeah   it's pretty cool here it's like not too much  to do though unless you're rock climbing or   kaying it'd be nice to have a couple days  here to just like chill out and unwind   drink some mushy shakes or something are we  walking all the way out there to the boat yeah I don't know I don't know which boat to   go to he just pointed out here  and we're leading the pack too all right well this is our final video uh from  Thailand for this trip anyway thanks for watching   and please remember to like And subscribe you'll  be seeing us from actually we won't tell you yet   we'll tell you in the next episode so make sure  you subscribe and we see see you in the next one say we think that's how you  say oh n is that how you say it   we don't know how to say anything what I st it looks a oh no we're going to be heading to  the Aang elephant S I can never do it in one try I had it run away run away run away to your Escape   run away run away run away you never  too far run run away run away wa away
Channel: Lloyd & Mandy
Views: 135,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thailand, krabi, travel, travel vlog, lloyd and mandy, Railay beach
Id: 1ztGgVWnv0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 58sec (2098 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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