The Most Asked Lost Questions! (Finally Explained)

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[Music] everybody welcome to decamp podcast this is dawn standing here in my lost shrine it's my Dharma Initiative shirt on I just finished watching loss for the third time watched it with my wife and it was since it's fresh in my head here I wanted to do a breakdown about it so I did about a forty five to fifteen minute break down we put it on our SoundCloud channel which you can also check out on iTunes or whatever or you listen to whatever you get your podcasts on so please go check that out but you know when I talk about loss online with people I always see for questions that kind of annoy me these questions are what was the island why were they there were they dead the entire time and what was the flash sideways so I figured I would do a video where I just focused on these four particular questions and talked about them and my theory on them so hopefully this if you're a fan of lost and you had some questions maybe this would help you out like I said I got my cool lost poster here let's take a better look at that this is in my basement right here my lost photo I really like this picture it's really cool it's got all the characters in it I love my Dharma van that I have here and the smoke monster picture I'm standing next to Metroplex and some cool that one's a cool piece is from Etsy and then I got Jacob that I found like a dollar store bin so let's get into it yeah let's talk about these four items and break them down and I hope you enjoy it let's break down lost okay so let's get into it here we're gonna go through these four questions here like I said we're gonna do what is the island why are they on the island what is the flash sideways and where they dead all along the most annoying question that I get all the time so let's start with the first one what is the island the island unlost is basically the source of all good and evil in the world this is held together by what they call in the island the heart of the island that's where the light comes from this light this magical light that's on this island it keeps the balance of good and evil not only on the island but the entire planet this island is like the centerpiece of our world like everything that's good and evil and all that balance that you need in the world comes from this island and it's held together in the center of the island and it's heart of the island there's actually like a cork or a seal which keeps back this light intact on the island and when it's broken which you see in the last episode or remove it just starts to crumble and starts to fall apart and destroy the island and when that happens then the entire world would be lost everything would go crazy evil would take over and just be mass chaos everywhere on this island being the center with this energy it's a land now of just mystery and all sorts of different types of energy live on the island and on the island there's electromagnetic energy there's mystical energy there's all sorts of stuff due to these unique properties dead people when they die on the island and they and they can't move on their souls are actually trapped on the island that's why you hear like the whispers and in the woods you think or the others there's there's people like that on the island there's a healing that goes on in the island there's people that have experienced trauma in their life like Locke and then all of a sudden can walk and they're on the island and are healed up because they're on the island so all this stuff in this island just makes it the most like special place on earth and people have stumbled across it or in some people have fauna by accident other people were drawn there so on the island you have the protector of the island the original protector of the island as far back as this show tells us of course there probably could have been some before it was person that referred to as the mother she had Jacob in the man in black she stole him from Claudia again if you want more detail on this you have to listen to the full one over on iTunes or SoundCloud but um she was the first protector that we know of then it went to Jacob Jacob passed it on to law to Jack and then Jack on to Hurley and so forth so this protector of the island they keep this light safe they keep it protected and then their mission is they create the rules of the island who's allowed to leave who's a lot to come what goes on who's allowed to interact with each other and they have to search for replacements they have to search for someone that will one day take on this role protector and these are candidates so that brings us to question number two question number two why are they on the island well that's why they're there as candidates they are brought to this island the the survivors of the plane crash most of them were brought there as candidates candidates that will one day take Jacobs place obviously that ends up being Jack and then Turley this revolves around those numbers the 4 8 15 16 23 and 42 Locke was for 8 was Hugo 15 was Sawyer 16 was Sayid 23 was Jack and 14 was one of the Kwan's either son Arjun and Everly told you which one now everyone else on the plane like Charlie Shannon and all these other people they were all candidates too they for some reason stop being Kennedy's Kate was a candidate as well two different things in life like Claire was a candidate but then she became a mother same thing with Kate different thing mr. Eko was a candidate until he forgave himself and like actually became a better person and wasn't hung up the type of people that they look for to be a candidate is that's what the intriguing part is they're not looking for like this person that's like the greatest person in the world and a leader and and maybe like is perfect Jacob actually looks for people that are twisted and broken that can't succeed in life like they're having different troubles like Jack just couldn't get his father's approval wasn't happy in his marriage wasn't happy in his career Sawyer was you know trying to find the person who killed his parents they need the island like Jacob tells them almost as much as the island needs them so these people are all broken and it makes him the perfect candidates for Jacob to bring their tests them and then put and then let's and see who actually ascends into this great leader like Jack became and then eventually Hurley so that's why they were on the island they were there the entire time being tested by Jacob to see who would actually ascend to leader and save the day and as this person your goal then became to stop the man in black Jacob's brother from leaving the island because if he would leave the island since he was basically absorbed by the island into pure evil he would cause evil all around the world and basically be like releasing the devil in the world so that was one of their missions of the candidates was to do that you revealed all this stuff in season six in the flash sideways so question number three what is the flash sideways so throughout Locke lost you had flashbacks or they would show you the candidates and the survivors in their past everything that they got into how they interacted with each other ways that they found each other earlier in life times Jacob visited them then you got flash forwards when you had the oceanic sex who left the island and when what they were doing in the future is to show how they eventually came back to the island so you had flashbacks my shorts season six they introduced the flash sideways which confused the hell out of everybody because a lot of people thought that when the incident happened in a nuke exploded on the island that it created this like alternate dimension because the season six as you remember starts off with Jack on a plane and it lands in LAX and the island is sunk and it's like it never happened so people thought that it created this alternate dimension that they were in that's not what it was at all what the flash sideways was is it's purgatory it's a land that exists when you die and you go to this world and you basically live out your life and maybe there's some moderations or some changes some things that you do differently that you didn't do in your regular life like Sawyer instead of being a bad guy and a conman became a cop you know Jack was married he had a kid it's all these different little things that you do Locke was with his started marrying his girlfriend instead of like leaving her he had a relationship with his dad he was nice with his father his father wasn't a con man so it's like these things that you go and you have to like live out these things to put your soul at rest and then once you do that you're able to move on now how are they all there at the same time as the question that people ask and you have to not think of time like you normally think of time so for instance if Sawyer dies after he leaves the island let's say he lives to be 70 and Jack dies on the island when Sawyer left they arrived in the flash sideways at the same time because time doesn't matter so as soon as you die whatever point you died Hurley maybe not have died for five hundred years later but when they did they end up there at the same time in this purgatory in the afterlife so yes they are all dead in the flash sideways that is you're seeing them all dead there what you don't know is how they all got there and that's a place parallel with the flash sideways showing you that like Sally did die the Kwan's did die Jack did die Locke died and but they all arrived in his flashlight was at the same time and the key to it is Desmond Desmond was always the constant in this series because he was like trapped inside of out of time and that's what he was used for to his connection with Penny the stuff he did with the other survivors to like the different powers that he's shown Desmond was always the key to like saving the island and he's the key and that he's that he's the constant with Daniel Faraday he's key to bringing them all back he's the first one in the flash sideways that wakes up and remembers hey I had a life I had penny and then he goes and finds penny and he starts putting all the people on their journey to find each other he makes Sayid and Shannon meet each other and they realize who they are and then they wake up he makes Hurley find himself he makes Sawyer and Juliet find themselves he does all these things to put them in position he has Locke discover who he is Ben discover who he is he's the key to bringing them all together getting them to one spot so they can all move on together now why do they have to move on on together well let's get into question number four were they dead all along no they were not as I hate when people say that they were and when they think oh they were just dead the entire time that's what this is that's not what it was at all they everything that happened happened the island was real their time on the island was real everything that they did there was real all the connections that they made and the people that they made it was real what they show you at the end is the way purgatory works in the way moving into heaven works is who ever mattered the most to you in your life like whatever period of your life that was so important and the connections you made were so real those are the people you have to find you have to reconnect with let's say you went to college and you met some people and your the best time your life but the rest of your life you never really did anything with yourself and you never really had that connection if the other people felt the same way those people that's who you would move on with so this experience that they had on the on the island and Jack's that explains his home it meant so much to them it was so real and so important to them they all had to find each other in this afterlife thanks to Desmond and get together and have these reactions have these reunions wake up together and then meet at the church where they were gonna originally buried Jack's or do the funeral for Jack's dad but they had to meet in this church and then they all found each other and I mean it's a great scene when you know Kate and Jack find each other again and Charlie Claire but also when they're in the church and Jack comes out you realize what's is going on he realizes that he's dead too very emotional scene the first person that he comes in contact with his lock and it's really cold for a guy that was like his rival the entire time you know they shook hands and it was sort of a moment of hey I understand man like you know finally I understand everything that you were saying then we'd lock like I should have believed in you and it's lock telling him like you know it's okay like you did good you saved everybody like it's a it's a pure moment between two good friends same thing when Jack and Sawyer hug and meet each other it's just two brothers finally put in the past and past and getting together it's a great scene when they're all there because they're all so happy in there with the ones they love and together they move on to heaven so yes at the end of the show they were all dead together but everything they did on the island happened you never saw what what Sawyer and Kate and Clare who made it off the island did Richard they may have went on and had all kind of other adventures they maybe went on and Hurley had all kind of adventures that's something that I would like to see moving forward if they were ever gonna do a sequel is take Hurley and Ben and show us what they did on the island with Walt flash back to the Egyptians building the statue of taurat and all that other stuff and do their there's a lot of mystery left on this island and stuff that happened on this island in the future that you could do I would like to see more of the island you don't have to bring back Jack and Kate and those people but the island is special and I think the island should move on in future stories so I hope that this helped I hope that you enjoyed this it wasn't too long and yeah leave some comments and let's talk about it I love talking about lost I love talking about theory share some of your theories I would love to hear it again go over to SoundCloud or iTunes and listen to the full version over there that I did it's about 45 minutes long where it really got into some details about some theories and explanations and I hope you enjoy it and like the saying lost namaste you [Applause]
Channel: The KF Podcast
Views: 64,426
Rating: 4.6400628 out of 5
Keywords: kfpodcast, kfp, podcast, ken, frederick, biordi, christjohn, don, justin, movies, comics, sports, pop, culture, tv, shows, facebook, twitter, instagram, talk, chat, review, reviews, lost, abc, dharma, drama, explained, mib, jacob, jake, hurley, sawyer, locke, kate, ben, island
Id: yfQItvdUyVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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