LOST Explained || The Final Recap || 10 Years Later

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We have to go back! 🎉🙏😁

Hello LOST fans! My name is Seanie B and I used to make video recaps of each episode back when LOST was on and YouTube was brand new. I LOVED the show, and have so many amazing memories from that time period. The community of LOST is INCREDIBLE, and what really made the show that much better... how we all tried to theorize what would happen, discover secrets, and devoted so much time to every aspect of LOST. There really is no better TV show community then LOST, you all are amazing!

I have a few regrets from that time period, but none bigger than never finishing my Final Recap from the last episode. I had a lot of personal issues going on around that time, and kept pushing off making it until a month passed, then a year, and next thing you know it's a decade later. I wish I could flash back in time like the Losties, but when I saw the 10 year anniversary was on May 23rd this year, I thought it would be the perfect time (especially during lockdowns) to finally finish and uphold my promise. Even though it's 10 years later and people might not care, it was personal for me, and something that my father (who passed away a few years ago unexpectedly) always wanted me to do. So even though it might not mean a lot to you, finishing this is REALLY big for my life and for moving on.

With all that said, this film is my love letter to LOST. It's more than just a recap of the final episode. It's a 1 hour and 55 minute long feature film about the show, a recap of the entire series first, then last episode, and even recaps "The New Man in Charge". There are funny moments, emotional parts, crazy theories, surprises, games, references to my past videos, and a ton of mini films throughout it. It's extremely quick paced and will keep your attention.

And... you may see an actor from the show talk at the beginning 😁

If you're a LOST fan, I think you will like it. I’ve poured my heart and soul into this, so I hope you enjoy 🙏😍

See you on the other side!

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/TheSeanieB 📅︎︎ Aug 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

Dude holy shit!! I used to watch your videos religiously!! And then you disappeared! This is amazing!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/timbo4815 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey lost fans how are you it is jacob and you are here to watch shawnee b's final recap video after 10 long years guys i'm sorry for the delay he was on the island i thought he was a candidate you know how that goes but i thought wrong so look sit back grab your popcorn and enjoy the final lost recap it's strange huh what's that being back look i've been preparing for this for years i need for you to explain to me what the hell's going on inside your head and if you leave that knowledge is going to eat you alive until you decide to come back they want to know a secret everything could have happened for a reason that's impossible please you have to come back you wanted the secrets of the island well here they are i want some freaking is my destiny right now i can do this don't tell me what i can do you have to go back you have to go i need to come back we have to go back i'm supposed to do this damn it hello my old friends it's me shauni b and i'm so excited to officially be back on youtube after so long away from you guys to see you all once again and to finally deliver on a promise that i made over a decade ago this is the last final recap we have to go back dude you're alive you have no idea how long i've wanted to say that and how much i've missed you guys believe it or not a lot of the best memories of my life were from that time period where i made these recaps barely a day goes by where i don't think about this community you guys are the reason i'm making this video your passion for lost and constant desire to have this video made is what ultimately inspired me to actually make the video i'm going to do a few intro items first so if you want to skip to the actual recap portion of this video go to this time frame also if you're watching me on a computer youtube added this new feature where there's chapters on the actual progress bar so you can see below you can actually skip through and navigate a lot more easily this final recap video is primarily focused on the actual last episode but i'm also going to be doing a recap of the series as a whole at the beginning of this recap just because it has been so long a lot of us have forgotten the lead up to the final episode so i think this will get us caught up i don't want to spend too much time reliving the past during this long and i mean long video so if you haven't already seen my warehouse shawnee b ben video from a couple weeks ago make sure to check that out at the end of this recap i'll put up a link to that it explains why i never did the final recap what i've been up to these past 10 years and what i'm planning on doing on youtube after this recap since lost finished over a decade ago i've watched the series back multiple times as i'm sure a lot of you guys have but it's been a few years since i watched it the last time so in preparation for this video i made sure to watch it again and i don't know if you guys have experienced this too but when you're watching it back there's just so many things that you forget when you don't watch it for a while and honestly re-watching the final episode several times it's actually changed my opinion on the final episode which i'll talk about at the end of this recap lost was such an impactful show on my life and i remember i used to watch it every week with my family and then i'd come upstairs and talk with all of you guys about the most insane theories and we'd find hidden secrets and decipher hieroglyphics in ancient cania form and i remember it being just so fun reliving that episode with all of you guys and it was more than just a show to me it was like an experience it was a change of perception it asks questions about the nature of existence and what's meaningful in life and by what measure do we find value at the end of life it also connected me to so many of you guys for over a decade now and provided me with memories that will be really hard for another show to top now before we get started just a couple more notes first and only because i've been asked this actually a lot recently yes i will be doing the subliminal image competition in this video just like we did in every video in the past and this one will be cool because there's an actual prize for those who are new here or maybe don't remember because let's be real it's been a decade in each recap video that i used to do i would hide five random images anywhere throughout the video and they'd be one frame long just a little tiny flash a subliminal image kind of like lost used to do in some of the different episodes especially when it came to room 23 and what i'd have you guys do is in the comments section tell me when the images came out in the video and what the actual images were and the first 10 people to comment on that would end up being mentioned in the next video but this is the final recap we're talking about not just some ordinary video and i've made you guys wait 10 years so here's what we're gonna do i'm still gonna put up five images really quick images throughout this video the difference this time is everyone every single person who comments down below what the images are and when they come out will have their names added to a wheel and in a couple weeks i'll put up a video of me spinning the wheel and it will randomly select one winner and you also have to be subscribed to my channel so what is the grand prize tell them what they win game show host guy you know him as the god of lost the protector of the island the creepy man in the cabin he loved his home so much that he caused innocent people to crash on an island just to find someone to relieve him of his work duties the grand prize winner will become a candidate and hear from the man himself the one the only jacob find the hidden images in this video write them in the comments section subscribe to shawnee b and win a personalized video message from actor mark pellegrino more commonly known as jacob god bless you and the last thing i want to tell you guys before we start is that just in case you haven't seen the teaser videos more lost related videos are coming after this recap videos that dive into all the unanswered questions so i can take a deep dive analysis into those specific topics like the numbers and the origin of the smoke monster and walt and so much more it makes it so this video isn't five hours long and those videos and subjects get the proper time they deserve plus i can't make you wait 10 years and only give you one last video right and not just lost content too but a lot of other really cool videos like travel videos and other recaps of other shows which i still want you guys to give me your suggestions on shows that i should watch and then maybe editing tutorials and life vlogs and so much more so please do me a favor if you haven't already yet make sure to subscribe and click that notification bell that way you actually see the videos when they pop up and it would really help me out a lot so with all that out of the way let's actually finally after 10 long years get into why you guys are all here to recap the final episode of lost review the series as a whole answer some questions discover some hidden secrets and relive one of the greatest shows of all time since it has been so long and i'm sure we've forgotten a lot of the details during this past decade i wanted to spend some time recapping the series as a whole first just so we can all get caught up to speed more so focusing on the lore and the history of the big events leading up to the end and not really talking about the flight 815 survivors or their journey or backstories or relationships i wanted to recap the show in chronological order and not episode order and i saw a great synopsis in the same style by a guy named chris hecker who i thought did a really great job and can help us remember so check out the link in the description to the full page all right and here we go you wanted the secrets of the island well here they are the island in lost is a mysterious and special place that's extremely difficult to find as it constantly moves physical locations in the world the island almost has its own persona in consciousness and who brought us here the island we're told that the island's been inhabited for thousands of years and that throughout time occasionally people wind up on the island by accident or they were brought there everyone who brought your ship to this island there's a light at the heart of the island that all men desire due to its power and it must be protected at all costs because man can't be trusted and would corrupt it because they're people jacob and that's what people do mother is the first known protector of the heart she kills a woman who just gave birth to twins on the island raises them as her own and supernaturally makes it impossible for the boys to kill each other i've made it so you can never hurt each other she's looking for one of the boys to replace her someday as protector of the island mother shows the twins the heart of the island and says that it needs to be protected because humans want the light as a portion of the light is inside every living thing but they always want more and that people can't take the light but if they tried it could be put out and if that happened it goes out everywhere evil would destroy the world or at least we're told jacob is more reserved and the man in black is more curious and sadly the man in black isn't given a name isn't that just the saddest thing you ever heard the man in black discovers people are on the island and also sees a vision of his real mother who tells him the truth about mother and that he and jacob aren't from the island the man in black tells jacob this but he decides to believe mother but the man of black feels like he doesn't belong and wants to leave so he joins the other people that are inhabiting the island and they eventually discover a way to leave the island by harnessing the light mother destroys the whole camp and their way to get off and the man in black kills her in anger jacob finds her and she makes him the new protector of the island giving him her immense power jacob is enraged at his brother and drags him to the heart of the island and throws him in where mother once told them that it would be a fate worse than death and that fate is becoming the smoke monster leaving behind his human body in the process after that the man of black's ultimate goal is to still leave the island but he can only do that by killing jacob which as we know mother prevented them from doing so do you have any idea how badly i want to kill you yes one of these days sooner or later i'm going to find a loophole my friend when you do i'll be right here revenge would just be an added bonus for the man in black so for hundreds of years jacob influences real world events to bring people to the island to find a candidate to replace him should his brother find a loophole in the rules and find a way to kill him my name is jacob i'm the one who brought your ship to this island and the man in black is trying to find someone in the group that jacob brings to kill jacob so he can leave while also trying to prevent new protectors from living you and i can talk all day long about what's right or wrong but the question before you remains the same do you ever want to see your wife again jacob assigns numbers to all the candidates he brings to the island and he has various methods to look after real world events to help influence their future arrival to the island the famous numbers on the show 4 8 15 16 23 and 42 refer to jacob's final six candidates as we see on the cave wall a quick break just to remind you guys once again that after this video i'm gonna be making unanswered question videos on specific topics like the numbers even though the show explained them as jacob's numbers assigned to all the candidates he brings to the island there were still a lot of mysteries about the numbers and a lot of the more supernatural elements of the number so make sure to stay tuned for that because i'm not spending like an hour on the numbers in this specific video i thought i'd give you a little thing about the numbers that you might not know and it's pretty cool it's actually something you guys can test out yourself if you go to google maps and type in 4 8 15 16 23 42 as the coordinates but change the spacing to be 4 8 15 162 3 42 instead the result is actually located near the marshall islands in the pacific ocean which is awfully close to where we think oceanic flight 815 crashed and if we zoom in closer to that spot we can see an actual island really close by but it actually gets crazier than that on this tiny island if we zoom in more we can actually see a landing strip for a plane and if we zoom in even more look what numbers on that landing strip dude it's an island called cosray and in the mid-1800s the famous pirate bully hayes shipwrecked on that exact island hmm when did the black rock shipwreck on the lost island the mid-1800s as well okay back to the recap jacob knows if he were to leave and there was no protector it would be the end of the world as the island is figuratively and even in some cases literally the cork that holds darkness back and it's the only thing keeping the darkness where it belongs he also wants to prove that people are good whereas the man in black wants to show that they are all the same they kill and corrupt richard comes to the island in the 1800s on the black rock as a slave the man in black tries to coerce him to kill jacob i'm not the one you need to worry about the devil has your wife you are going to have to kill him if you ever want to get her back but it fails he becomes jacob's representative and conduit to the others that are brought to the island and he's given immortality in the process as jacob brings more people to the island through random chance richard gathers them and they become known as the natives or the others basically followers of jacob and for the next several decades they take out people who could be considered dangerous to the island including the us army in the 1950s and with ben linus's help the dharma initiative in the 70s they also make lists on the people that come to the island concerning survivors who could be considered good people and despite not knowing also potential candidates to replace jacob i wonder what that paper says different people are picked to lead the others under richard including charles widmore and eloise hawking eloise leaves the island due to being pregnant and widmore is exiled by ben who then becomes a leader which causes a time rivalry between the two back to the dharma initiative they arrive on the island in the 1970s and build bases like the hatch or the swan station over pockets of electromagnetic energy to harness the light of the island a lot like what the man of black did 2 000 years ago with his people i'll get to the flight 815 crash in a second but due to this being chronological the 815 survivors ended up going back in time on the island to the 70s and tried to stop the hatch from being built as it was the reason they crashed in the first place however there was an incident and the 815 survivors were the ones to actually cause the incident to happen which explained their crash and avoided a paradox say that again flight 815 crashes in 2004 because desmond doesn't push the button in the hatch that contains the electromagnetic energy that was due to the incident that was caused by the same flight 815 crash survivors back in the 1970s it was really confusing yeah well get used to it the plane crashes into two sections the main section in the tail section and they end up finding each other 48 days later one of the survivors and main protagonists john locke realizes how special the island is because he can now walk after having been in a wheelchair before coming to the island a believer in destiny he sets off to discover all the hidden secrets of the island he's the first person that we see come face to face with the man of black as the smoke monster who surprisingly lets him live even though he is a candidate for jacob and this comes into play later this whole event invigorates lock's belief in the island being special and himself being special as well each one of us was brought here for a reason it's destiny one of the other survivors boone gets killed along the way as he and locke discover a hatch buried in the ground this causes jack the other main protagonist and lock's antagonist at least for most of the series to be at odds splitting up the group several times jack the man of science wants to leave and lock the man of faith wants to stay you're not supposed to go home what am i supposed to do they go to richard's old ship the black rock find dynamite and use it to blow up the hatch and boom goes the dynamite they find desmond in there who convinces them to push a button every 108 minutes to save the world jack doesn't believe it and you push a button on faith alone nothing is going to happen and locke does believe it why do you find it so hard to believe why do you find it so easy it's never been easy it's a leap of faith jack ben linus the guy who helped richard and the others three decades ago take out his own people the dharma initiative infiltrates the 815 survivors to spy and learn about them and more specifically about locke knowing he's special probably a candidate and potential to threaten his leadership so he tries to undermine him locke eventually discovers the other's camp where richard makes him leader and he tells him about jacob and it's a little confusing with all the time travel and time flashes that are coming up but i'll explain in just a little bit why richard made lock the leader ben's jealous that the attention locks getting so he takes him to jacob's cabin we're here he does it to put on a show thinking no one's gonna be there and pretends to talk to jacob you can't see him see who jacob he's sitting right here yes i know but he insisted you're pathetic and i'm sorry that you're too limited to see he did that to destroy lock's self-belief that he was special because it was a threat to ben's power ben didn't expect the cabin to not be empty what did you just say i i didn't say anything the ash circle keeping the man in black out was broken he entered the cabin before they got there pretended to be jacob and once again tried to find his loophole by manipulating jacob's recruits into a long con of eventually killing jacob and this part's really important because the man in black convinces ben that he is actually the limited one by only allowing locke to hear him fueling ben's jealousy and his resentment towards jacob since that's who they think locke is hearing from ben thought he was pulling the strings but he in fact was the puppet and this starts the chain of events that leads to the end ben doesn't want to be played as a fool so he acts like he knows what's happening what was that that was jacob jack kate and sawyer are captured by the others but eventually escape despite jack being exposed to really strange things like seeing his dead father walk on the island among other things he still doesn't believe the island is special and is dead set on leaving while loch knows how special it is wants to stay and tries to prevent jack and the rest from leaving or communicating with the outside world by any means necessary back in the hatch desmond and locke try to test if the swan hatch button is all a hoax but when they realize it's not a sea in another life brother desmond turns its fail-safe key to prevent total destruction causing an implosion that gives him premonitions and sends his consciousness through time where he meets eloise hawking who guides him on his path eventually charles widmore pays a team of mercenaries and scientists to come to the island to hunt for ben one of the scientists is daniel faraday son of eloise hawking who's sent there by his mom because she knew he needed to fulfill the time arc of having richard bury the hydrogen bomb in 1954 and then blow it up in 1980 to cause the incident this causes everything to happen the way it was supposed to happen the self-fulfilling prophecy i think i crossed your play with daniel working with desmond's time traveling consciousness to make sure different important events happen throughout time each time your consciousness jumps it gets harder and harder jump back confusing i know right well duh ben eventually has the leader of the mercenaries killed which causes a bomb to go off on their ship right after jack kate's son hurley saeed and aaron escaped the helicopter a little bit before this lock had been told by the man in black disguise as christian shepherd once again in jacob's cabin to move the island to protect it ben decided to take it upon himself to do it i hope you're happy now jacob utilizing the wheel that the man in black had built so many centuries before transporting him to tunisia this not only moves the island's physical location but moves it through time as well because once ben turned that wheel time isn't a straight line for us anymore allowing all the previous events i talked about to occur what is important desmond is what i'm about to say to you i need you to listen and causes random time flashes for the survivors still on the island going forward and backwards in time think of the island like a record spinning on a turntable only now that record is skipping what during the time that jack and the crew are flying back to the island it disappears because of ben moving the island and they crash but they're rescued by penny's boat and they go back to the mainland and become known as the oceanic six and back to the island it flashes to the past where locke meets richard and locke tells them that he locke is their leader and that they've met before and they'll meet again for richard this is his first time meeting locke and why don't i remember any of this because it hasn't happened yet the island keeps skipping and flashing through time which causes richard to believe that loch is special since he's been there and seen him now in different time periods locke has to stop the time flashes so he turns the wheel himself transporting him off the island where he meets up with the oceanic six to try and convince them to come back to the island you have to help me you're supposed to help me john it's over because the man in black disguised as christian shepherd convinced him he had to even though he thought it was directed from jacob thinking it was the only way for him to get back and protect the island and little did he know he and ben were being used as pawns by the man in black this whole time a group of the survivors back on the island had their final flash end up in the 70s where they actually joined the dharma initiative like i talked about earlier in that way they wouldn't be considered hostiles and killed it's 1977. we're in the dharma initiative oh what it lasts for three years so while the oceanic six are living in america from 2004 to 2007 the dharma losties are living in 1977 to 1980 1980 being the year of the incident which again is the event that ultimately links to their plane's crash from the hatch because it released all the electromagnetism that the hatch helped suppress by pressing the button every 108 minutes and by not pressing that button the plane ended up crashing with them landing on the island and thought of that on the mainland ben ends up killing locke largely due to jealousy and also due to he himself being a pawn in jacob and the man in black's two thousand year old rivalry locke's death was probably the saddest for me especially this last watch through because he died thinking that everything he believed in was wrong it really makes his death the most tragic of all because he truly believed that he was special and that the island was worth protecting it turns out in the end that he was right about everything the entire time but he died thinking that he was wrong and a really quick side note about lock's death that i don't think i mentioned in my previous videos remember the iconic scene of locke smiling at kate with an orange in his mouth in the first episode of lost if anyone's seen the godfather you know most of the characters that die in that trilogy do so after an interaction with an orange it's just a foreshadowing technique in those movies i thought that scene stuck out in such a weird way before but with all the references to other stories and movies and lost i think to me it shows that they were foreshadowing lock's death from the very beginning and that it was important enough to show that specific scene even though they were basically showing us what was going to happen it took me a while to catch that does anyone else think that's the case okay back to the recap jack feels guilty because he hears locke's death as a suicide and thinks he was one that caused that especially when he receives locke's suicide note that says i wish you believed me this causes a chain of events that makes him realize how special the island was and causes him to want to go back we were not supposed to leave we have to go back he convinces the rest of them to do so as well where they meet eloise hawking who tells them exactly how to get back that they have to recreate the same crashes before essentially so instead of jack's dad christian being the dead body they use lock's dead body frank flies the plane this time when he was supposed to be the one flying it last time instead of kate being in handcuffs it's saeed and many other similarities they land the plane safely on the island this time and jack feels like it's his destiny now to save all the people he left behind while also realizing exactly how important the island is when lock's dead body finally arrives on the island the man in black takes over lock's form since it's been established through all the time jumps that lock is the leader sent by jacob causing the men in black to now be in charge of jacob's people aka the others without them even realizing something different about you i know the summary's been long but it's really important to know that he has helped shape and manipulate so many of these events behind the scenes did you meet a man in the jungle dressed in black he can be very convincing just as jacob has in order for him to find his loophole to finally leave the island you're gonna need to tell him that he has to bring everyone who left back to the island and when he asks how to do that you tell him he's gonna have to die who is that man jim you're gonna have to die john richard said i was going to die i suppose that's why they call it sacrifice i'm ready now back to the man in black he demands to see jacob so richard takes him to jacob's home when ben sees lock living he gets scared because he's never seen anyone resurrected on the island before he still thinks that fake lock is actually real luck and so he's infuriated and jealous that jacob would talk to lock you found your loophole have you met before when ben himself has devoted his whole life to the island even essentially sacrificing his own daughter in the name of jacob ben has been manipulated this whole time by the man in black to do the one thing he couldn't do kill his brother jacob leaving the island with no protector now the man in black is free to leave the island only after he's killed all the remaining candidates jacob originally brought to the island they can either all come with him off the island or they all have to die even if just one refuses to leave it's because of the ancient rule set in place you were only able to come back to this island because you all did it together if we're gonna get on that plane and leave it has to happen the same way however the remaining candidates learn about the true nature of the man of black from jacob's people who also came to the island on their flight lock can't kill us this is what he wanted this is what he's been waiting for everything that he has done has been to get us here buck said that he can't leave the island without us i think that he can't leave the island unless we're all dead he told me that he could kill any one of us whenever he wanted so what if he hasn't because he's he's not allowed to what if he's trying to get us to kill each other at the same time charles widmore ultimately comes back to the island by submarine and brings desmond with him who's instrumental in the outcome of events you're the only person who can help us because desmond rules don't apply to you you're special you're uniquely and miraculously special what are you talking about whitmore shows that desmond's uniquely able to be exposed to electromagnetism and while he's being zapped during this time of unconsciousness he flashes to a timeline where oceanic 815 doesn't crash this is what's known as the flash sideways throughout the whole series there's been flashbacks from before the crash flash forwards from when the oceanic six come back to the mainland and during season six the flash sideways a parallel timeline where things seemingly are similar yet different and the main characters are living out alternate scenarios they don't crash on the island which is buried deep under the ocean jack has a son with juliet sawyer is a cop instead of a convict jyn and son are secret lovers and lock is back in a wheelchair but meets jack who thinks he can fix him through surgery there's also a really interesting note here that plays a big role in the last episode whenever there's a flashback a flash forward or even a sideways transition in season six we hear this sound effect he's hurt john can i hear me but while desmond's being hit with electromagnetism and transitions to the flash sideways there's no sound effect the same thing happened in my opinion the best episode of the series the constant when his consciousness flashes back and forth through time without the sound effect i'm not supposed to be here this signifies that his consciousness was actually in the flash sideways at the time and not just a normal character arc of seeing what happens before or after in the flash sideways timeline desmond works for charles widmore meets up with charlie who's supposed to play at a concert that night but claims he had visions of a girl who we know as claire and describes an overwhelming feeling of love at first sight at the very very end of this video i actually have that quote while driving away charlie grabs the wheel and crashes them into the water and desmond saves him but he has a vision of charlie drowning on the island even though that didn't happen in this timeline charlie says he did it to show desmond something desmond asks who penny is and charlie says to look for her and that none of this matters desmond has to explain to widmore and eloise hawking why he lost their guitarist for the concert that night and sees penny's name on a list but eloise tells him cryptically to stop looking for her that he's not ready yet hmm that was weird right he meets daniel who's just a musician in this timeline and not a mathematician and daniel explains weird events that have happened to him seemingly from another life it feels like they had already known each other before they even met what if this all this what if this wasn't supposed to be our life desmond ultimately finds penny they meet and shake hands when desmond opens his eyes and is back with widmore in the real timeline widmore says it's only been a few seconds that he's been out even though to desmond it feels like several hours or even days and widmore explains that desmond's vital for the events to come desmond becomes cooperative and now seems to know what needs to be done he now knows what the flash sideways truly is as we find out at the very end after that desmond finds the other lasties in the flash sideways and influences events to get them to meet their constants to remember every equation needs stability something known it's called a constant a constant being someone or something that you truly care about something familiar in both times who keeps you sane and balanced and alive through any timeline calling that bloody constant it's one of the most prominent concepts of the whole show as i'll talk about at the very end of this recap desmond takes his car and purposely runs over wheelchair-bound lock who ends up in surgery under jack and then desmond gets saeed and kate out of jail telling kate that they're going to a concert he's basically influencing events in the flash sideways timeline back to the real timeline the man in black starts killing off the remaining survivors one by one we're going to need to deal with the rest of the passengers from the ajira flight that brought me here what do you mean do it you know what i mean jacob in spirit form comes back and talks to the remaining candidates helping to guide them in the right direction he tells jack about the location of the light and makes him the new protector of the island and tells him he has to protect the light for as long as he can the smoke monster ends up killing most of whidmoor's team widmore meets up with some of the losties and explains jacob himself personally invited him back to the island in that they need to destroy the ajirah airplane so that the man in black can't leave the island the man in black finds ben who gives up widmore's location after being promised that he would have the island for himself and be leader because once i leave this island you can have it all to yourself they find whitmore and the man in black forces him to give up information that desmond was brought to the island because of his resistance to electromagnetism as widmore starts whispering more information to the man in black ben shoots and kills him they then find desmond and throw him down a well the same one that the man and blacks people built ages ago lassie i mean vincent along with rosen bernard helps lead desmond's rescue [Music] the man in black tells ben that when he finds desmond he's not gonna kill him he's gonna use him to destroy the island and he says that what whidmoor whispered to him was that desmond was jacob's last resort to be used if all the other candidates died and that my dear friends is where we left off right before the final episode i know it was a little long but because it's been over 10 years since we last visited lost together oh i know i felt like it was necessary and hopefully that helped get you guys caught up if you haven't seen lost in a while now on to the final episode and like all my other recaps this is a combination of my own thoughts and ideas interesting theories from the lost community and resources like lost pedia which is amazing by the way it's essentially the lost bible it's used a lot in this video all the sources i use and mention are linked in the description below so make sure after this recap you go and check it out because there's some really great information out there that i won't be able to cover in this video as i'm pretty sure this video is going to be feature film like i want some freaking answers the final episode of lost was the 17th episode of season six simply titled the end and it made its debut on may 23rd 2.3 let's press 2-3 flip 23 2010 and exactly 10 years later to the date is when i announced this video is coming i'm supposed to do this damn it and an interesting thing is that they actually specifically made this episode come out on the 23rd which was a sunday when normally episodes came out on tuesdays which meant that there was only five days between the previous episode and this episode the episode starts out with the montage going from normal timeline to flash sideways timeline and back christian shepard's coffin arrives at lax unlike in the normal timeline jack looks at x-rays and washes his hands in the river ben makes tea in the flash sideways then does the opposite in the normal timeline of loading a gun while fake lock aka the man in black gets rope ready which i thought was a nice touch because the last time real lock was around then ben was using a rope to strangle him to death in the sideways lock gets ready for his surgery to be able to walk again and the coffins delivered to eloise's church where desmond signs for the body from a man named arnie bachman who could be named after a swiss painter that was obsessed with death named arnold bachman known for his painting isle of the dead hmm island of the dead i wonder what that could be referencing then arnie and desmond unload the coffin from the truck and carry it away desmond goes back to the car and tells kate the body belonged to a man named christian shepard christian shepherd seriously she asked why he broke her out of prison why they need to go to some concert so badly and desmond cryptically says no one can tell you why you're here in this place he introduces himself and says that he's a friend and as for what i want i want to leave leave and go where let me show you we flashed to the island where sawyer asked jack if he feels any different now that jacob made him the new protector of the island last episode jack says not really how about you come down off the mountaintop and tell us what the hell the burning bush had to say for itself jack then tells kate sawyer and hurley about the heart of the island that it's a light that the man in black wants to put out and that if it's put out and that's it for all of us by the way throughout this recap just because i'm going to be referring to his name several times in different ways whenever i say lock or fake lock or the man in black or the smoke monster they're all referring to the same person in the island timeline it's the man in black who is the smoke monster masquerading as john locke i'm adding this part just to prevent any confusion but in the flash sideways though locke is the real john locke sawyer informs the group that he thinks fake lock hasn't put it out because he needs desmond knowing that he put him in the well sawyer tells them to go ahead to the heart and i'll go get the magic leprechaun out of that well i got a bad feeling about this back to the flash sideways hurley takes saeed to the flightline motel and shows him a tranquilizer gun hoping it might jog his memory of their timeline together in the flash forward earlier in season six hurley's the first one that desmond gets through to remember the normal timeline if you remember we've actually seen the flightline motel a couple times before it was in lock's flashback where he was supposed to meet his father and it was in kate's flashback where she tells the desk clerk that she's expecting a letter and a little random bit of trivia here the dog that's being walked across in the scene in the background is actually lost director jack bender's dog lulu who's actually already been in a lot of episodes hurley goes up to charlie's room with a big grin remembering his buddy from the [Music] [Music] island [Music] drunk charlie tells him to go away that he doesn't want to play in the concert thinking hurley is just one of whidmore's cronies after charlie refuses hurley shoots him in the back with a tranquilizer gun then throws him in the back of the car what was that that was charlie back to the island kate asked jack why he took the job as island's protector which i think is really cool to see jack's transformation from skeptic to believer finally embracing his interlock and it's way different than when he was on the island the first time it's an island john no one needs to protect it you're not supposed to go home what am i supposed to do jack says that the island's all he has left the only thing he hasn't ruined and kate tells him that he hasn't ruined anything that nothing's irreversible this would be so sweet if you weren't all about to die we go to sawyer who's spying on the man in black but gets caught by a wannabe badass ben i remember reading a youtube comment years ago that i thought was funny and it said lock was a badass until he met ben and ben was a badass until he met fake lock which is true and that's what we all thought too sawyer tells luck that he came to get desmond but it looks like someone already saved him then wait for it delivers the pun oh well [Laughter] sawyer says he's guessing locke wants desmond to destroy the island who tells him that's indeed the plan and that all of jacob's little candidates are going to be killed locke looks surprised when sawyer informs him that they aren't candidates anymore sawyer escapes by stealing ben's rifle after elbowing him in the face who at some point has got to start looking like a retired boxer ben thought locke was speaking figuratively when he said he wants to destroy the island to which lock informs him that he wants to sink the island and offers him a place on his boat then he notices vincent's footprints i think there was a dog here we go to rosen bernard's cabin where desmond wakes up and learns from rose that her and bernard have been living there since the time flashes happened and they don't know what year it is anymore they were able to escape from the flaming arrow attack from the others when the others thought that they were a part of the us army they don't want to get involved in the drama of the island anymore and she asks him to leave after breakfast she specifically says move on which foreshadow is a phrase we'll hear at the very end of the episode but big bad luck comes in and threatens to kill rosen bernard if desmond doesn't come with him and do what he wants desmond eventually says he'll do what locke wants yes desmond you will and i have to say watching the series back after it's been a few years and especially the last few episodes i forgot just how incredible of an actor terry o'quinn was as locke and not just locke but especially the man in black and going from a youthful curiosity to kind of like an ardent wonder to this ancient disgust and deep-seated loathing while trying to hide it i really love that hateful face he makes so often as the man in black just after smiling who are you she sure as hell ain't john locke what makes you say that because lock was scared even when he was pretending he wasn't but you are you ain't scared and michael emerson as well was just spectacular as ben because he's the only one that left me i thought in a cast of really incredible actors those two stood out among the rest and i'm curious which actors stood up to you guys the most and which ones were your favorites this is also the last scene we ever see of rose and bernard on the island ending in my opinion the best love story on lost and real quick my top five couples in lost in order are probably rosenbernard1 desmond and penny right after that jyn and son charlie and claire and then probably sawyer and juliet and i'm curious what's your list for best lost couple when locke asks where desmond thinks he's being taken desmond says he has a hunch that they're going to a place with a bright light that once again confuses locke as to how desmond and sawyer know so much to me this signifies that desmond knows about both timelines and what's going on in both of them an interesting note about desmond here the actor who played him henry ian kusick said on the geronimo jack's beard podcast that he put a rock in a shoe every time he needed to limp pretty sure there's a rock and a shoe in this scene okay back to the story we hear a noise in the background and then hides a walkie-talkie from the man of black as miles tries to call him locke wonders what the sound is a funny note the editors use the exact same shot of lock looking surprised within five seconds of each other when desmond guesses about the bright light and then when the walkie-talkie sound goes off miles finds richard who wakes up and asks miles where locke is you thought it'd be a good idea to talk to the black smoke they responded by throwing you into the damn jungle richard says they need to go to hydra island and use the dynamite they have to blow up the plane to prevent the man in black from leaving the island back to the sideways timeline miles who's sawyer's cop partner in that timeline calls sawyer and tells him he just saw saeed who must have escaped remember they thought he was in jail miles asks sawyer to check on sun at the hospital as she was the only survivor of saeed's recent gun fight so we go to the saint sebastian hospital where jyn's with sun at her bedside juliet comes in to do an ultrasound on their unborn baby and the moment the ultrasound happens sun regains all her memories of the normal timeline especially of julia doing the exact same ultrasound on her on the island jyn seeing the ultrasound has his own flashes of his time on the island and all the memories flash back in a super emotional montage their baby ji yon was their constant i also thought it was cool how before the flashes they didn't know a lick of english they only knew korean but then after they had their flashes and remembered they spoke perfectly fluent english like they knew at the end of the normal timeline and for the record you two speak english just fine in the normal timeline sawyer catches up to jack kate and hurley whoa easy big foot it's just me sawyer confirms that jack's right that the man in black wants to destroy the island and that they need to find desmond before he does but jack says that they're all going to the same place anyway so it doesn't matter and that once they get there then it ends in the flash sideways jack and luck talk before lock's about to go into surgery and jack jokes with him saying that he could kill him maybe foreshadowing something else on the island timeline but is confident that he'll be successful and says i'll see you on the other side the phrase see you on the other side is foreshadowing what happens at the end of the episode but it's also a phrase that's been used a ton of times in lost and if there's one thing we know about the show it's that if one phrase is repeated over and over again it's really important c on the other side son see you on the other side well c on the other side back to the island miles and richard are boarding a canoe when miles notices richard's first gray hair richard smiles and says he realizes now that he actually wants to live it's good timing remember before this it seems like richard lost his immortality after jacob died who was the one who gave him immortality as they're paddling to hydra island they come across debris from the bombing of whitmer submarine when they find frank who's alive this is from the same submarine where jinn and sun just recently died it's a very sad image they tell frank about their plan to blow up the plane to prevent the smoke monster aka the man of black from leaving when frank tells him that they should just use it to leave the island instead in case you haven't noticed i'm a pilot we then go to the two groups on the island as they run into each other on their way to the heart kate immediately grabs sawyer's gun and shoots at the man in black who's unaffected by the bullets that's impossible even if it is let's say it's not lock walks up to jack and says so it's you yeah it's me jacob being who he is i expected to be a little more surprised you're sort of the obvious choice jack says he volunteered for the job of protector and knows he can't stop the man of black saying he wants to go with him to the heart of the island locke thinks that jack's confused but jack says that he's now sworn to protect the island and that locke thinks he's going to destroy the island but that it's not going to happen i'm going to kill you locke asks him how he's going to do that and jack responds by saying it'll be a surprise okay let's get on with it we go back to the hospital in the flash sideways where jack gives the tickets to the concert that night to his ex-wife juliet she then gives them to their son david and jack suggests taking his sister david's aunt claire as julia and david leave sawyer walks by to check on son on the island as the merged group treks onward toward the heart of the island sawyer asked jack how he plans to kill the man of black and jack tells him desmond but he's not sure just how yet jack says he can't believe that jacob would bring desmond all the way back to the island just to be used as bait and that what he really is is a weapon it's a hell of a long con doc they reached the bamboo grove near the heart where the very first shot of loss takes place and locke tells them that only jack and desmond should continue on hurley waddles over to jack and says he believes in him as the man in black notices that a bad storm is coming remember the storm comment because i'm going to come back to it when i'm talking about egyptian mythology later on and then they see it the heart of the island and to me it seemed noticeably less brighter than when we saw it the first time 2000 years ago locke ties a rope to a tree as jack tied the other end around desmond desmond tells jack that killing lock and destroying the island it doesn't matter you're going to lure me into that light and i'm going to go somewhere else because as we saw before it was the flash sideways timeline desmond tells them it's a place they can all be with their loved ones and that jack is there also currently he talks about how in that timeline they were on flight 815 and it never crashed and that they sat next to each other even though jack is the new jacob he's still a man of science and he informs desmond that he already tried that which refers back to the incident and that there aren't any shortcuts that all of this matters they enter the cave and they see the light below back in the flash sideways hurley and saeed sit outside a bar and hurley tells saeed that he can't tell him what's going on that there are rules don't worry about it just trust me okay okay random stranger come on son rule number one never trust anybody a fight breaks out by the bar and then a woman is pushed to the ground so syed rushes to help beats up the man and helps her up it's shannon and when they touch they both gain all their memories back of the island timeline they were each other's constants boone comes up to the car and it turns out that the whole fight was set up by hurley and boone so that syed and shannon could remember again in the normal timeline ben gets a call from miles who says that they just got to hydra island ben begs them not to blow up the plane and miles says that they're not they're going to fly it off the island and for ben's group to get their asap meanwhile crazy looking claire emerges from the bushes with a rifle thinking that they were sent there by locke to kill her kate hears this on the walkie talkie richard pleads with claire to believe them that all they're trying to do is escape the man in black get as far away from him as possible go home and begs her to join them no inside the heart of the island desmond states that he knows what to do when he gets lowered down to go where the light is brightest as they're lowering desmond down the man in black reminisces how this experience is similar to when lock and jack found desmond deep in the hatch jack snaps back with one of my favorite lines of the whole series that the man in black is not john luck in that he disrespects lock's memory by wearing his face and that he's nothing like him turns out he was right about most everything i just wish i could have told him that while he was still alive the reason i like this line so much is that finally after 120 episodes that lock's faith of the island being special and worthy of being protected was correct and warranted and to me watching through the whole series multiple times jack's character arc and storyline was one of my favorites because of how transformative it was he really becomes lock at the end finally believing locke which was literally lock's dying wish it's john locke's suicide note the man in black then snaps back at jack and says that locke wasn't right about anything and then jack will realize that once the island starts to sink in the ocean jack retorts back that they'll just have to see which one of them is right once desmond is down jack and lock look down below and the camera pulls away which reminds me a lot of the shot that the man in black just talked about where lock and jack are looking down into the hatch at the end of season one okay back to the sideways juliet's page by the hospital so she has to leave david and claire we go inside the band room where charlie's passed out drunk again and charlotte wakes him up i was shot by a fat man daniel who's also playing in the concert is also in the room and introduces himself to charlotte clearly in love but no memories flash when they touch remember just days earlier daniel saw her in a museum feeling as if you already knew her causing him to write out mathematical equations that he didn't understand as he's just a musician in this timeline but he would have understood in the normal timeline claire and david make their way over to table number 23 of course where desmond greets them lots of references to 23 in this episode because as we know that's the candidate number assigned to jack that'd be jack sheppard and even though this isn't a pure jack-centric episode it pretty much is kate and claire recognize each other from when kate helped her a few days earlier miles's father pierre chang introduces daniel and driveshaft and as they start playing charlie notices claire in the audience and is stunned remember what he told desmond a few episodes ago about his vision of claire and i know her we're together it's like we've always been and always will be this feeling this love claire has a contraction and leaves with kate following her desmond is down inside the heart of the island in the normal timeline when he notices skeletons lining the entrance way this could be people that tried to take the heart throughout the ages like mother warned jacob and the man in black about they come fight they destroy they corrupt and it always ends the same desmond finds the heart which is a radiant pool of water and light with a large stone in the middle that acts as a plug a cork preventing the water from draining remember jacobs used the cork analogy a few times especially to richard with the wine bottle think of this wine as what you keep calling hell there's many other names for it too malevolence evil darkness and here it is swirling around in the bottle unable to get out because if it did it would spread cork is this island and it's the only thing keeping the darkness where it belongs and the man in black shatters that bottle foreshadowing what he wants to do here with the island it also looks like a bigger version of the sinkhole in ben's house that he drains in order to summon the smoke monster aka the man of black oh gross desmond steps into the pool of light and is immediately zapped by electromagnetism something that would kill anyone else immediately he screams in pain and his nose bleeds like it does when he flashes through time in earlier episodes but he still goes up to the stone cork and removes it from the hole this causes the water to drain from the pool and stop flowing from the pipes the audio almost sounds like a machine's being turned off the light goes completely out after the pool is dry a fiery glow almost hell like starts emerging from the open hole with steam almost like an erupting volcano on a side note the producers told entertainment weekly that they actually wanted the final showdown to be in a real volcano how about that pretty weird huh especially filming in hawaii which is land of the volcanoes but because of the massive budget it would take and they already spent most of their budget on the temple scenes they ultimately decided against that and maybe this is paying homage to that idea the producer said that the premise of the volcano was that it actually formed the smoke monster and that the final battle scene would be kind of like a mount doom scene where magma's flying everywhere but then they also had the idea that it would look too much like revenge of the sith and that anything they did with their budget would look so fake compared to the massive star wars budget we actually saw references to a volcano back in season three with drawings and images and even a model of it in one of the dharma labs we will get our very own volcanic reaction is that what happened to the volcano on this island exactly but that was a long time ago they say this was supposed to foreshadow the end but it never amounted to anything because back in season three they were actually planning on using a volcano once the pool gets dry desmond whales thinking it didn't work locke turns to jack and says it looks like you were wrong and leaves let's pause here for a second and go back a bit and analyze what we just saw happen as we know from many times before the island's been inhabited for thousands of years by many different groups of people there's been egyptians and romans which jacob and the man in black actually are and it goes even as far back as ancient sumerians we've seen a lot of examples of ancient languages used all over the island throughout the series now look at this this is super interesting are you going to tell me when we zoom in on the stone cork we can see that it also has markings there's a little bit cleaner view of this stone a little bit later in the episode so i'll just use that for now while i'm talking about this according to the lost encyclopedia the top two lines of this are egyptian hieroglyphics and the bottom two lines are kaneoform script which was used by ancient sumerians in mesopotamia even before the egyptians in one of the earliest forms of human writing locke back in episode 2 talks with walt about the mesopotamians when it comes to backgammon backgammon's the oldest game in the world archaeologists found sets when they excavated the ruins of ancient mesopotamia it was a symbol of the show dark and light representing the man in black and jacob as they themselves also played it throughout the ages so here's what the cork translates to embrace that which the balance hath waited let a path be made for the osiris in the great valley and let the osiris have light to guide him on his way he hath reconciled the two fighters horus and set the guardians of life break the immovable yoke that we may sleep that silence may rain and we may sleep before we talk about what it means first a quick description of the names it mentions osiris was one of the most important gods of ancient egypt his brother seth was the egyptian god of war chaos and storms horus is the son of osiris and a candidate to replace him as leader seth kills his brother osiris through trickery and manipulation and horus then becomes seth's main rival but his reign of terror was over when horus killed seth and horus ended up the main god any of that sound familiar to me this perfectly describes the current situation and lost jacob represents osiris the leader and the main god the man in black is set god of chaos and storms which remember a little bit ago i told you to remember that comment that the man of black made about a big storm coming almost like he brought it there why would he do that the man in black kills jacob through trickery and manipulation just like set in jack even though he's not jacob's son he's still a candidate to replace jacob like horus was to osiris jack ends up confronting the man in black aka set and we'll see if the same thing happens as it did in egyptian mythology also tahuret is one of set's concubines and as we know we see a huge statue built for her on the island another interesting note about the man in black and set's connection is that seth's most powerful form was described as a giant black dog and remember the name that the dharma initiative gave to the black smoke they called it cerberus which in greek mythology is a three-headed black dog on the cork the top two lines are egyptian and it talks about two fighters both being guardians of life and also talks about a light that brings balance and it seems obvious to me but that's talking about jacob and the man in black and the need for a protector to guard the source of life how do you know about that the only problem is that jacob and the man in black came to the island thousands of years after the egyptians were there at least as far as we know ha then your theory is wrong this means that the cork is probably not talking about the twins but other much older protectors far in the past who the ancient races understandably thought were gods as they had immeasurable power however since we know the island timeline veers a little bit differently than normal historical timeline ancient egyptians could have survived and their cultures could have survived much longer on the island than in normal history i didn't ask you when i asked you how and if that's the case and they were around when jacob and the man in black were in power they probably revered them as gods remember as we saw in the temple ancient races viewed the man in black as anubis [Music] the man in black could have tricked ancient egyptians into eliminating the light and it started happening but once they realized it they built this cork to prevent the remaining light from going out completely and if they ever do a reboot of lost i think it'd be really cool to address some of these ancient races and lore of the island the bottom two lines of the cork are in ancient caneaform and they actually talk about the stone cork itself referring to it as an immovable object which is probably because of the electromagnetism in the pool surrounding it and it seems like whoever's writing this specific line on the cork can finally be at rest if the cork is removed from the hole which doesn't really make sense because then why would they make the cork in the first place i misspoke what i meant to say is so instead of it being a person i think when it says essentially remove the cork so we may sleep and silence may rain we is referring to the island possibly a collective of consciousness and like i said at the very beginning of the series recap the island has its own persona so removing the cork will sink the island and it will be able to rest on the ocean floor in silence one big question that arises from all of this is was the cork there centuries ago when jacob threw the man in black into the heart of the island and the source well according to carlton queues from the dvd audio commentary from the episode across the sea it would be an incredibly likely deduction that people built the stone cork after the man in black was thrown in there and became the smoke monster this could also explain why the light was so much brighter the first time we saw it but then we see that if there's no stone cork as we see when desmond pulls it out of the hole then it seems like the light goes away so that part's a little confusing it also doesn't explain why the ancient writings on the cork are in egyptian and cuneiform if it was made after the man of black was thrown in there who was born a few thousand years after those races there's only two things i can think of either a the stone cork was actually made during those ancient time periods maybe it was used before the man of black was thrown in there and removed for some reason for a time period and then placed back in there when the man of black became the smoke monster or b like i mentioned earlier those races could have survived longer on the island than in recorded history that we know of or maybe a more plausible answer to fit with what the producers said is that we know jacob has an affinity for egyptian culture inside the statue so he could have made it himself and carved the ancient languages on it and then used it to plug up the hole after throwing his brother in there another interesting theory is that the source and the cork could be the well of all souls i saw this theory on los pedia link in the description and it describes that when desmond removed the cork and the pool starts to drain this starts the process of destroying all souls everywhere like in ancient egyptian mythology the cork mentions osiris in an actual egyptian mythology there's something called an osiris pillar known as the jed in egypt during the festival of renewal the jed was lifted up in the air to represent security and balance under the current pharaoh it's said that the jed represents osiris backbone the same as the nile river representing his backbone as the nile river is a source of all life so it's interesting that the source on the island has water and a stone pillar with the mention of osiris on it and according to mother it's the source of all life so the jed stone pillar is at the center of the well of all souls and get this right now i need you to tell me what's going on we actually see the man in black carving the well of all souls on his staff during season six the well of all souls is usually depicted as an animal head on top with a forked bottom which was starting to look like the man in black staff but unfortunately we didn't get to see it completed the well of all souls is also associated with set who like i mentioned above killed his brother the leader in king osiris so how exactly does the cork work all we know that once the cork is removed it stops the flow of water and without the water the island loses its cooling system in a sense and starts to self-destruct it's possible that when the cork is inserted it acts like a weight sensor that opens up the river nearby to feed it water and not having the stone in there blocks the water it could also limit the amount of energy that the source releases we know that others have been in there because we saw the skeletons in the cave but they died most likely due to the electromagnetism that only desmond could survive maybe having the cork made it easier to control and send the light source across the island it could also be similar to the swan station where some egyptians were down there and messing with the light had some sort of incident and used that cork as an archaic form of the button it's best idea i ever heard so back to the episode the man in black leaves and jack tackles him from behind punches his face and causes him to bleed for the first time just like you were wrong locke slams jack's head with a rock and escapes jack like ben at this point probably has a softer head than an nfl player back to the flash sideways eloise sits down at desmond's table and says she made it clear that he shouldn't do what he's doing but desmond says he chose to ignore it and that they're going to leave eloise who clearly knows what the flash sideways is asks desmond if he's going to take her son daniel with him not with me no meanwhile claire starts to go into labor when charlie comes from backstage and kate makes him get blankets in water as claire's pushing kate starts remembering the island timeline and flashes to when claire was giving birth on the island and she was in the exact same position as she is now obviously aaron's super important to kate too as she watched and took care of aaron as her own in the flash forwards and after she gives birth claire has her own flashes and remembers her time on the island as well charlie comes back and kate emotionally thanks him thank you and then claire takes charlie's hand and he remembers in one of the most tear-jerking moments of really the entire series in my opinion as charlie claire and baby aaron embrace once again desmond appears and asks kate if she understands now that she nods and asks what now back in the normal timeline earthquakes rage a storm comes and the island starts to sink like the man in black predicted how'd you know that was going to happen when ben pushes hurley out of the way to save him from a falling tree jack wakes up from his beating and can't find lock he goes back inside the heart to try and find desmond but there's no response hurley sawyer and kate try to get the tree off ben but struggle to do so when miles calls on the walkie-talkie and kate answers she asks if claire's with them but miles says no and that they're taken off in an hour hey look sawyer got a haircut between shots can you teach me how to do that ben says that he knows how to get to the plane quickly by using lock's boat that he planned on using to escape with we then go to lock who's standing on the cliff above the cave where jacob had all the candidates names on the wall while looking at his boat the elizabeth which was desmond's boat if you remember the one that originally brought him to the island before he can climb down to it though jack arrives and the final showdown begins a funny little continuity error here the man in black looks at the boat with no blood on his face then jack yells his name and he turns around with blood on his face how the hell do you think that happened maybe he got a bad bloody nose in that half second who knows it was a high cliff after all and i thought it was hilarious i loved before the commercial break jack becomes a combination of michael jordan and superman [Music] getting like 10 feet of air off the ground and then when we come back from the break he gets less air in his jump than current charles barkley [Music] okay not that pathetic but jack kicks the smoke monster in the groin he's still a man after all even as a smoke monster i'm sure it still hurts locke headbutts jack who at this point it's surprising he has any memory at all the knife starts to fall off the cliff they struggle and lock gets it and ultimately stabs jack right where his appendix would have been if he didn't already move it in season one you guys want to hear something really crazy about this scene no while they were filming the scene they were supposed to switch out a real knife for a collapsible one and forgot to apparently or the prop master just hated matthew fox so matthew fox was actually stabbed with a real knife but luckily had kevlar which is bulletproof material as a pad underneath his shirt he might be all right he was trying out different protective pads for that scene and the real knife wasn't switched for that specific take where he was using the kevlar and that was the only take they did where he was using a protective pad that would actually stop a knife they even suggested that he don't use a protective pad for the scene that it's just a retractable knife it's not going to hurt you and it makes your shirt look more bulky so this was the last shot he was actually going to use that in whoa as locke tries to go for the finishing blow jack grabs his hand and the knife cuts jack's neck this brings us back to the first episode of season six when in the flash sideways on the plane jack notices that he has a cut on his neck in the exact same place and this is an explanation for things to come at the end of the episode locke tells jack that he died for nothing right before kate shows up and shoots him in the back i save you a bullet we saw at the beginning of the episode in the montage ben loads this exact gun with the bullets that ultimately kill the man in black as he glances over at him which was some nice foreshadowing on their part it's also ironic because when kate shoots at him earlier the man in black tells her to save her bullets it's ironic lock looks around at all the earthquakes and proclaims that they're too late and then jack spartan kicks him off the cliff like a rag doll just like the man in black did to jacob into the fire this is sparta more irony here real luck becomes paralyzed by falling down eight stories and landing on his back after being manipulated by his father fake luck does the manipulating of other people fell off a cliff and landed on his back i'm assuming also breaking it while dying to and thus ends the story of fake lock the smoke monster the man in black and you know what i actually feel sorry for the man in black why he was just a boy who finds out that his real mom was killed by his current mother i'm your mother you killed my mother feels like he's trapped in a place he doesn't belong i know now there is another place across the sea it's where i'm from i'm gonna go there i'm gonna go home and just wants to leave but he's forced to stay there against his will just let me leave jacob as long as i'm alive you're not going anywhere yes he does a lot of bad things in order to get away well then now you know why i want to kill you i will kill you jacob even if you do somebody else will take my place well then i'll kill them too but in his backstory especially i felt bad for him and honestly even though jacob is portrayed as the good guy and for the most part he is when it comes to protecting the island when you strip all that away he could be the bad guy in a lot of ways compared to the man in black he wants you to prove it he manipulates people against their will in order to come to an island killing many innocent people in the process i brought all of you here because i made a mistake because of that there's a very good chance that every single one of you and everyone you've ever cared about is going to die in claims that the reason is for people who are lost to find redemption but really he was just trying to find a candidate to take over for him and relieve him of his job duties you could argue that he didn't even want the job anymore since he didn't fight back when ben stabbed him a reasonable deduction could be that he'd rather die than be protector of course i jest but the evidence is there yep he makes ben his puppet and treats him like dirt especially after ben devoted his whole life to him essentially saying that then didn't matter what was it that was so wrong with me what about me what about you he chose to believe and live a lie instead of believing his brother when he told them the actual our truth and he prefers to answer in riddles instead of giving a direct answer in my opinion just makes you pure evil you brought it here why think of this wine as what you keep calling hell can you hear me why are you answering my questions did anyone else feel this way like i don't know if i'm the only one who actually feels bad for the man in black and away plus even more sad he was the only main character in the entire series who never left the island why not also the only person who ever tells us that the island is holding back pure evil from the world is mother who's a kidnapper a murderer a liar so maybe he could have left and everything would have been okay yeah plus as a side note if the man in black ended up becoming mortal after the stone was removed couldn't he just leave the island and live his remaining 30 or so years of life in peace i'm pretty sure he lost his powers after that and i'm pretty sure he wouldn't be able to destroy the world then and yeah yeah i know the island would be gone forever okay rant over moving on i thought it was a fantastic transition from dead fake lock to eyes closed real luck as he was brought out of surgery in the flash sideways and i'm not sure how many of you guys caught this but i thought it was hilarious how the first thing that said when we come back to this timeline is nice work dr shepard after jack just killed locke in the normal timeline jack starts to leave for the concert when locke wakes up early even though he had a full dose of anesthesia the first thing locke says is that it worked i can feel my legs jack says that it's highly unlikely but lock starts to move his toes which flashes him to the island when he first crashes and the island heals him of his paralysis this is what causes him to remember and when he asks jack if he remembers jack has a moment where he flashes but resists lock says that they need to go but jack tries to get the nurse to give lock a sedative in one random fact that nurse is named nurse jean and she's actually the final named character to be introduced in the show and that unfortunately is when you know we're getting closer to the end all the colors are long gone jack says that he needs to go see his son but lock informs him that he doesn't have a son jack's angered and confused and tries to leave when locke tells him i hope that somebody does for you what you just did for me back on the island kate holds jack as they both realize that his stab wound is probably fatal but jack says it's fine to just find some thread and he'll count to five this is a reference to the very first episode of lost when kate's sewing jack's wound and jack tells her the story of his past about calming his fears when he was performing a surgery i'd let the fear in let it take over let it do its thing but only for five seconds that's all i was going to give it the rest of the group finds them when kate informs them that locke is dead and it's over we stay with sawyer but this time in the flash sideways when he enters sun's hospital room jyn and sun are extra smiley which would be a little creepy if they didn't already have their flashes and remember their time on the island with sawyer [Music] hey hello he asked if they know where saeed is and sun says they don't need protection anymore from saeed jin says we'll see you there as they leave see me where on the island frank gets the plane to work except the hydraulics he gets miles to go fix it when ben calls asking for an eta don't bother me sounds like they're making progress the earthquakes keep happening and jack tells him that the island will sink unless they turn back on whatever desmond turned off jack implores him to go on without him and let him fix it and jack wishes sawyer good luck thanks doc for everything ben puts on his best titanic captain hat and says if the island's going down he is too and hurley claims he can't go down the flimsy wooden ladders so he's staying with jack heroic gesture or self-preservation you decide i kind of don't want to talk about it jack gets his final goodbye to kate and his final kiss they each say they love each other knowing they won't see each other ever again in this timeline we go to miles who ends up fixing the plane i don't believe in a lot of things but i do believe in duct tape and frank tells sawyer that they're running out of time so sawyer and kate decide to jump instead of climbing down all the ladders to get to the boat back to the hospital of the flash sideways sawyer starts to leave the hospital when he runs into jack and asks where he can get something to eat jack points him to the vending machine and sawyer says thanks doc like he always used to without realizing that jack is a doctor since he's not in uniform he looks confused and he almost remembers which i thought was a great touch because it truly shows that jack was that important to him in their normal timeline and instrumental in his transformation sawyer chooses an apollo bar at the vending machine which if you remember was one of the food items found in the swan hatch pantry and the only one without dharma packaging on it apollo bars also appear many other times in the show one of these yours machine got stuck i guess i just needed a little push also if any of you played the lost experience alternate reality game apollo bars took on a whole different meaning as they were a major part of that experience and even real ones were given out to fans where they could post pictures of the rapper online and their locations were added to a world map where as part of the experience the hanso foundation could find out where their enemies really were and throughout that experience there were hidden websites to access a new storyline to follow and so much more it was so super intricate and if you want to read more about it i'll include it in the description below but it's just one of the many ways that lost engaged with its audience using primarily social media which was instrumental at the time the apollo bar gets jammed when juliet comes into the room she tells him that if you unplug it and plug it back in it'll fix it sawyer does that and it short circuits the lights but juliet grabs the bar and says it worked as they touch and have flashes to the normal timeline of being together you can really see the pain in juliet's eyes as she remembers her death juliet says we should get coffee sometime and then touch again experiencing flashes and gaining full memory of their time on the island as they embrace in another one of the most emotional scenes of not just this episode but in my opinion the entire series i got you not only is this scene incredibly well acted but it's full of hidden secrets and symbolism just like so many of the moments in lust remember when juliet's dying after she detonates jughead to cause the incident sawyer's holding her and she's going in and out of consciousness well this hospital scene with sawyer is being lived out for her during that moment that's why she tells miles it worked from beyond the grave when he communicates with her that's what she wanted to tell you it worked she was experiencing the flash sideways while dying another amazing part about this specific scene is that juliet is actually describing the ending of lost to a t what did you say there's a few people i've seen talk about this but the first time i saw it was from a youtuber named locked up tedros so credit to him link in the description but for this recap i'll put the clip side by side so it'll make sense can i tell you pick please if you unplug it the candy just drops right down is that right yes and it's technically legal one day you can make up your own game and everyone else will have to follow your rules give it a shot oops i'm going to find a loop for all my friends and then you think you're going to destroy the iron i think then what's going to happen jack i'm going to kill you how do you plan to do that it's a surprise and then you plug it back in again i think this whole scene with julia and sawyer despite being only three minutes was one of the most powerful the whole episode we go to jack who arrives at the concert after it finishes when kate walks up to him and jack doesn't know how he remembers her after kate reminds him that he stole her pin on flight 815 the one in this timeline that is jack wonders out loud if that's how he knows her no that's not how you know me she approaches jack puts her hands on his face and causes him to have flashes of their memories together on the island he resists again and doesn't know what's happening kate tells him though that if he comes with her he'll understand back in the normal timeline hurley helps jack walk back to the heart of the island when they get there jack tells hurley that he's going down alone and when hurley states that if desmond didn't make it then jack won't jack explains that he won't be coming back that this is what's supposed to happen hurley gets emotional saying the island needs jack but jack tells him that it's actually hurley that's needed by the island ben's probably like you do know i'm right here poor ben all right i'm fine i'm sure it's the onions hurley tries to plead with jack but he says it was supposed to be like this that if someone has to protect the island it should be him i believe in you which is exactly what hurley told jack earlier in this episode before he went into the heart i believe in you dude hurley accepts but only temporarily until jack comes back do you jack then performs the same ceremony that jacob did for him formally making hurley the new protector of the island and just like jacob said to jack and mother said to jacob now you're like me now you and i are the same now you're like me it's also ironic because hurley was thankful that he wasn't jacob's replacement but now he becomes jack's replacement this shot also mirrors a scene from season 2 when jack gives control and leadership to hurley there was a behind the scenes video of jorge garcia the actor who plays hurley reading part of the final script on camera and i'll put the link below if you want to see the whole thing but after he finished reading this specific scene i thought it was pretty [Music] special i did kind of think about this but it's different when it's real and you're reading it for the first time hurley and ben lower jack into the heart and jack finds desmond alive but hurt desmond says it didn't work and then he thought it would cause him to leave this place meaning this timeline jack carries desmond back to the rope and tells him that he's done enough and to go be with his wife and son who if you forgot was named charlie after the man who saved desmond once already when desmond asks what about you jack jack responds with desmond's famous line let's see in another life brother these are also the last words ever spoken by jack in this timeline i wanted to bring up a point about desmond after re-watching the whole series again he was always one of my favorite characters but i guess i didn't notice just how he is probably the most important character in the entire show for making sure the timeline of events actually happen that there's no time paradox remember there's so many people in the past who seem to be very knowledgeable about events on the island and what's supposed to happen in the timelines who constantly tell him that he was meant for a greater purpose it's your path to go to the island you don't do it because you choose to desmond you do it because you're supposed to but the abbey clearly isn't where you were meant to end up i have little doubt that god has different plans than you being a monk desmond bigger plans oh i'm sure he does he does that's why jacob said that desmond was his trump card in a sense his last resort in case all else failed by being on the island and turning the fail-safe key it allowed him presumably to withstand electromagnetism and caused him to go in and out of consciousness which allowed him to communicate with various people from the past which formed events in the future and it's the reason that events in this last episode were able to come to be and in the flash sideways timeline he's also the conduit to bring in all the lawsuits together so that they can remember which leads to the events at the very end of this episode i was watching a random episode the other day it's called catch 22 where desmond visits ruth which if you remember she was the woman that he left a week before their wedding before penny and i came to a part that i haven't really heard talked about before but it made me think about desmond's journey his importance and perhaps foreshadowing the end there was this man standing over me ruth and he reached out his hand and he said to me can i help you brother and the first thing i noticed was the rope tied around his waist and i looked at him and i knew i knew i was supposed to go with him i was supposed to leave everything that mattered behind sacrificed all of it for a greater calling well it's a good thing a bloody shepherd didn't help you up or i suppose you'd be off with the sheep wouldn't you do you guys think that this could have been a reference to the end back in the island sawyer and kate go find claire as mountains start crumbling around them oh that ain't good hopefully rose and bernard weren't on that cliff i didn't ask for this the ajura plane starts up and is ready to take off but claire doesn't want to leave because she says the islands made her crazy kate convinces her though that she isn't and that she'll be a good mother to erin so she agrees to come and they run off to the plane frank's about to take off when he finally sees sawyer kate and claire and they hop on board just in time they narrowly avoid crashing but ultimately take off safely and start to leave they're finally safe and going back home amen jack enters the dried up source and picks up the stone cork heaving it into the hole he falls down as water eventually starts pouring all around him and the light starts to return he knows it worked i worked ben and hurley pull up who they think is jack but it turns out to be desmond gee thanks hurley glad you're happy i'm alive we go to lock in the flash sideways who arrives at eloise's church he gets helped out of the taxi and put into his wheelchair when he encounters ben sitting outside the church and remember the last time real lock was alive in the original timeline ben choked him to death oh benjamin ben tells locke that most of them are in the church and that he's sorry for what he did to him that he was jealous because locke was special and wanted what luck had i forgive you ben says lock's forgiveness matters more than he can say and won't be joining the rest of them in the church that he needs to work some things out first he then tells locke that he doesn't need to be in the wheelchair anymore and locke realizes this stands up which i thought was powerful because even though ben tore locked down in the normal timeline he lifted him up in the flash sideways michael emerson the actor who plays ben admitted that there was a deleted scene where he's looking through a high school yearbook sees his daughter alex from the main timeline and regains his memories of life on the island as alex would have been his constant or memory trigger er we go back to the island and we see desmond's bodies outside the heart one question that does arise from all of this is why did desmond or jack not become a smoke man smoke man smoke monster like the man in black did after all mother said going down there would be a fate worse than death well like i mentioned earlier the producers did admit that the cork was placed down there after the man in black had become the smoke monster so maybe the man in black fell into the actual hole the actual hellish area that we saw and that's how you become a smoke monster whereas jack and desmond didn't go down that hole it also begs the question of how scientifically the smoke monster can be explained obviously to follow lost you have to allow for some supernatural explanations to happen but could we explain the black smoke through scientific means what i saw a couple interesting theories on the lost pedia theory section links below if you want to see them all what if the heart of the island the source of light was actually the highest concentration of dark matter than anywhere what which has been contained to the island because of the extremely high levels of electromagnetism now i'm not a scientist and i can already hear scientists watching this saying dark matter can't be here yeah but just go with me for a second all right then let's have it when the man in black fell into the source the actual hole maybe his physical atoms were torn apart and destroyed at a quantum level but he used his consciousness to control the dark matter levels and used them before complete death and then he became a huge cloud of separated atoms the dark matter keeping all the molecules constantly dividing but kept together ultimately through the man in black's consciousness maybe what jacob learned about the source from his mother was just a myth and believed by the ancient inhabitants of the island who didn't know potential scientific elements behind it so how did the source come to be maybe it's power and i know this sounds insane could be traced back to the big bang even what did you say i know this is probably bonkers but just go with me what if the island was the last remaining pocket of this electromagnetism on earth we know that charles widmore and eloise hawking and the dharma initiative refer to the island in this way that it's a special place the only one like it on earth with those levels of unique energy remember mother said that all life comes from the source and the light because a little bit of this very same light is inside of every man but they always want more and that if the light went out so would all life on earth so maybe just maybe in lost's canon all life on earth did come from that electromagnetism in the source we know that drinking the water at the source gives people super abilities like immortality and omnipotence and omnipresence it also controls time and has healing abilities from what we know dharma got extremely close to exploiting that energy and that's why jacob had all his followers kill them same thing with the man of black and his people they got dangerously close to exploiting that energy and mother killed all of them who knows maybe even miles has his abilities from drinking small doses of that water as we know he was born on the island and he has the ability to hear from dead people i hadn't thought of that oh you turned off all the lights i worked oops back to the show hurley gets emotional because jack's gone and ben comforts hurley by saying he needs to do what he does best which is help people and start by getting desmond back home that people couldn't leave the island under jacob's rules but maybe there's a better way hurley asked ben to help him and be his assistant someone with experience i'd be honored cool and those are the final words ever spoken on the island in lust uh they just sort of came to me having this honor is everything ben ever wanted under jacob but never got actual respect and appreciation not being manipulated or being a pawn anymore we flash to the sideways where ben's still sitting on the bench but hurley comes outside and you can tell there's an actual genuine love and friendship between them that they didn't have when we last saw them hello hugo ben tells him that he's not coming in just yet and hurley tells him he was a really good number two and you were a great number one hugo this obviously references their time on the island together and now the cracks are just coming off the flash sideways mystery at this point i'll revisit this dynamic in just a little bit jack and kate pull up to the church the place where jack was supposed to have his father's funeral kate tells him that they're here because of his father's funeral and that he should go in through the back entrance she says she'll be waiting for him inside once he's ready he asks her ready for what and goes inside the church on the island we see jack who's laying in the exact same spot that the man in black's dead body was when jacob found him 2 000 years ago jack wakes up in obvious pain and starts walking to his final resting place where we can clearly see his audio equipment in several shots here i thought it was yet another amazing transition between the two timelines in one of them jack just sacrificed himself to save the world and in the other timeline the very next shot we see a statue of christ the redeemer jack walks into the church in the flash sideways where his father's final resting place is supposed to be the whole ending scene in the flash sideways was so secretive and shot so secretively as to not cause leaks or blow the ending of the show that the scene was actually called jyn and son's wedding in the production notes the staff had extra decoys to make it look like a wedding and even had a woman that looked like son in a wedding dress men yeah well no not to each other no the chapel is filled with various symbols from different religions the star of david for judaism the starring crescent moon for islam the um which is used in a few religions but primarily for hinduism the cross for christianity the yin yang symbol for taoism and the dharma chakra for buddhism which is an eight-spoked wheel very similar to the wheel that moves the island and i know we've talked about that before in other recaps obviously the writers are trying to say that regardless of specific religion everyone comes to this place jack tearfully and emotionally walks over to his father's coffin and places his hand on it immediately he gets a flash of his first moment on the island then he does it again and has flashes regaining all his memories of his time on the island in the original timeline meeting all the losties and his time with kate once he remembers foley he opens the coffin and it's empty but jack hears a voice behind him he turns around and it's his father standing right there dad hello jack jack says he doesn't understand because he's supposed to be dead to which christian affirms jack asks him how he's here right now and christian responds back by asking how jack is here now too jack starts to realize what the flash sideways actually is and confirms it for all of us i died too christian comforts his son and it's something jack always wanted in his life his dad's approval and love christian says he's real jack's real as well as all the people in the church they're real too and more importantly for us and what the whole show is about everything that happened to you is real i'll revisit this at the end when i talk about the show as a whole jack asks if every one of his friends in the church are dead everyone dies sometime kiddo some of them before you some long after you again i'll talk about this at the end but that last line is really important too christian explains that there is no now no here time is irrelevant and then the big question comes where are we dad aka what is the flash sideways this is a place that you that you all made together so that you could find one another that the most important and meaningful part of jack's life was the time he spent with all the people on the island that's why all of them are here they needed jack and he needed all of them to remember and let go jack chuckles a little bit and remembers that kate said they were leaving and christian says that they aren't leaving they're moving on jack asks where they're going and christian tells him they should go find out the last four minutes of the show is an incredibly well done and emotional montage that goes between the flash sideways aka purgatory which i'll talk about in just a few minutes and jack's last moments alive on the island aka his life jack greets all his friends from his lifetime as they all now remember their lives together and realize what's about to happen to me i really like the specific people they chose for jack to greet and to hug i really loved how locke was the first one to greet jack so much of the show was about their dynamic faith versus science belief versus doubt leaving versus staying miracles versus coincidences it was the focus of my final teaser from four days ago jack became luck in the end and finally believed him again locke's dying wish was for jack to believe him and he knows now that jack did for two people that were at odds with each other for most of the show you can truly see the admiration and respect in the scene especially with jack we've been waiting for you and those were the last five words ever spoken on the show lost which i thought was perfect to allow locke to say those words specifically to jack as the final phrase his destiny even though he said we've been waiting for you i kind of took that as i've been waiting for you to believe me to understand and to change and jack finally believed him in the end locke was right all along then jack greets desmond and of all the people he greets he gives desmond the longest hug to me this shows just how thankful and appreciative jack was for what desmond did in his life he realizes that if it wasn't for desmond none of them would be there not just in the island timeline but the flash sideways along with locke desmond was instrumental in jack's life in his transformation to a man of faith to believe desmond was also the last one jack ever saw or talked to in his life and remember the last thing jack ever said to desmond let's see in another life brother well i think they realize in this moment they're now seeing each other literally in another life then he smiles big when he sees boone as i always thought jack saw a lot of himself in boone and boone's death was the first major one on the island then hurley gives him a big bear hug the last two protectors of the island all of the couples and constants are together and finally at peace the second to last person jack greets is sawyer who was one of his biggest rivals on the island but became a friend towards the end sawyer himself had a huge transformation and jack played a big part in that and finally he greets kate the woman he loved in his life his constant they realize their story isn't over though and they go sit down at the church pews along with everyone else we see all the couples we knew from the show back together finally at peace and ready for their next journey on the island jack knows he's about to die as he slowly makes his way back to the bamboo grove and passes by the white shoe that's still hanging from the branch we haven't seen since the beginning of the first episode the old shoe belonged to jack but he used them for his dad's corpse because he didn't feel like his father was worth a pair of new shoes showing the shoe here is also a reminder of how far that relationship has come in how much appreciation they have for each other now and death and we can see that christian's actually wearing those white shoes in the church as well we hear a dog bark and it's vincent and he runs towards jack just like we saw in the first episode he licks jack's face and lays down beside him and this scene was really special because it goes back to jack's famous speech in season one last week most of us were strangers but we're all here now and god knows how long we're gonna be here but if we can't live together we're gonna die alone well vincent lays down by jack's side to make sure he doesn't die alone as jack was instrumental in all of them surviving and finding redemption and that just goes to show that we don't deserve dogs right piper oh bad timing for that bite in the church as they all sit down in the church pews and christian walks towards the door in the back the shot reminded me almost of them sitting in a plane did anyone else feel that way i thought it was a really nice touch as vincent is lying next to jack he looks up and sees the ajira plane with his friends finally safe and free and is filled with joy as christian opens the door in the back a glowing heavenly light engulfs everyone in the church jack and kate smile at each other and jack looks ahead finally at peace and ready to move on and the last shot of lost is just how the show originally opened in reverse jack's eye closes and he's gone to the flash sideways to remember and to move on i'm not lost anymore one incredible aspect of this final sequence was how it mirrored almost exactly the very first sequence book ending the whole show together and bringing it full circle i want to show you all a side by side of the very first sequence in reverse and this final sequence in real time that way you can see just how similar they were i saw on lustpedia the actual script ending and thought it would be really appropriate to end the recap portion of this video by having it read and by someone with a much better voice than me while playing those two scenes side by side as he moves through the bamboo forest it's hard to grasp but he's even on his feet but his eyes are set jack stumbles as he walks and now he sees a shoe hanging from a tree and now he can go no further he sits down but even that is too much for his ravaged body then a sound through the bamboo something comes towards him jack manages to turn his head slightly he blinks as we reveal vincent the dog approaches jack just as it did so long ago on the day oceanic 815 first crashed here but this time vincent does not run away he stays and as vincent nestles into the crook of jack's arm and gently licks his face we understand why he has come to say goodbye jack hears something else now distant up there in the sky the agira plane the plane clears frame finally free of the island jack shepherd has done what he came to this place to do he has found his purpose he has found love and being loved he has finally found a way to love himself the bamboo sways across the blue sky and jack shepherd's eye closes one final time he is gone the end now back to someone with a much worse voice than mine shawnee b i thought how they brought that back full circle was just incredible now before i give my thoughts on how i like the actual episode and the show as a whole it's really important to me to talk about what we just saw especially in the last 15 minutes or so and what it all means the biggest thing i have to address first is were they dead the whole time did they all die in the initial crash on the island was the island and the whole show just purgatory i seriously doubt that i keep bringing up purgatory and just in case you haven't heard it before purgatory is a predominantly catholic belief in immediate state after death just before going to heaven or judgment which is essentially what the flash sideways is and the producers even talked about really wanting to explore the idea of purgatory now for some reason there's a really big misconception about the ending of the show and actually a major reason that i hear from a lot of people on why they didn't like the finale a lot of people and i mean a lot think for some reason that the characters were dead the whole time i mean that figuratively right no i mean literally that it was just a dream or a state of being after death to find redemption in that the island wasn't actually a real place why i don't want to come off harsh to you guys if that's what you've believed to be true this entire time i want to take it easy on them but to me the show was extremely clear that that was not the case when jack was in the church at the end talking to his father he asks him wait was any of this even real and christian says that yes everything that happened in your life was real that means the original timeline the normal timeline the timeline where flight day 15 crashes on the island their flashbacks their flash forwards all of it was real it wasn't purgatory and they didn't die in the crash oh yeah yep the island was real and everything that happened on the show was real the only thing that wasn't real in the show was the flash sideways that was actual purgatory and where they went to after they died i'm not sure why that became such a mainstream idea but the idea seemed to take off and a lot of people believed it and still do to this day here's an interview from the verge link to the whole video in the description and i'll reference it a couple other times in just a bit where producer damon lindelof explains that everything was real i wasn't disappointed with like the with lost not giving me answers at the end what i was actually disappointed with the answer gave which it felt like the answer was all the things that just happened didn't really mean anything they kind of didn't happen that was that my take away from it what do you mean they didn't have it was like all the things that happened all these things that were set up as you know you've got to stop the man in black because x y and z sure it didn't matter right well because it wasn't real yes it was well but not really i mean it was like it was like a shared fantasy i mean it didn't seem like there was like i mean what no so so so the things that were going on the island were happening in the actual world yes so they were happening in like our timeline correct so at the end of the show the last frame of the show matthew fox closes his eye and dies that happened that's all so then from the moment that he closed his eye the flash sideways where nobody knows each other and the plane never crashed that's what you would define as not having happen anything that takes place on the island and lost everything that you saw throughout those six seasons happened a lot of people i've talked to personally were like this interviewer who were disappointed in the ending because they didn't think that anything that happened on the show was real a lot of people thought that in part because the decision to have the end credits of the final episode show a plane crash without anyone there audiences could understandably think that this meant no one survived the crash when in actuality it was the decision of the abc executives to put those scenes in there as a kind of emotional buffer between the ending of lost and the nightly news producers carlton hughes and damon lindelof in almost every interview i've seen them in since the show ended have said this was their biggest regret of the final episode you sure because it led a lot of people to believe that the island was actually purgatory also time isn't a thing in the flash sideways like it is in normal life some people were confused that they were all there at the same time thinking that it meant that they all died at the same time in the initial crash christian was saying that no matter how many years it was between deaths they were all in the flash sideways at the same time boone was the first one to die in the church and then people like charlie and jyn and son and jack and others that we saw there die a few years later on the island kate claire and sawyer presumably live a full life after they leave the island and die decades later and in the case of hurley and ben that's who christian refers to as way later if jacob as protector lived for over 2 000 years with someone trying to kill him every single waking moment of his life it's safe to assume that hurley lived for way longer than that before he found someone to replace him so say hurley lived for ten thousand years and then died finally give him the rest that he's earned he would still appear in the flash sideways at the same time as someone like boone it doesn't mean they all died in the plane crash calm down right now at this moment in time hurley and ben and with some help from walt are actually running things on the island maintaining it and a very interesting note about what damon lindelof said in that clip there that waltz is helping hurley and ben maintain the island and very few people i talked to know that there was an actual epilogue after the show finished essentially making that the final episode and answering some questions that we had it was released after the season ended and included in the season 6 dvd set i'll put a link to the video in the description if you want to watch the whole thing a summary of that epilogue titled the new man in charge is that it takes place in guam at the dharma logistics warehouse where two dharma initiative workers are arguing about loading food pallets during their launch window this scene answers one of the unanswered questions from the show why were food and supplies dropped off on the island in 2004 if the dharma initiative ended in the late 70s a cool easter egg here is that we see a printout that says the launch window was wed 24 08 10. aka august 24th 2010 the date of the season 6 dvd release it's also walt's birthday who we'll see in just a little bit ben walks in and informs them that there's new man in charge which is referring to hurley the new protector of the island he was sent to type loose ends and tells them that dharma ended over 20 years ago that they're no longer needed and gives them a big severance pay most likely from hurley's lotto winnings they have questions about where the packages have been sent and when they find out they've been sending it to an island they ask why the location always changes if it is an island the island moves when asked about the polar bear food if it's in fact an island ben shows them the hydra orientation film with dr pierre chang not using an alias this time since it was his first orientation ever made the first station because it was station number one he explains how dharma did experiments on animals on the island and even hybrid birds or as he calls them high birds [Applause] which explains the hurley bird from season one he talks about the polar bears and how they've been used on the island to test them against electromagnetism i repeat the bears are not your friends he also says the electromagnetism of the orchid station has extremely harmful effects on early term pregnancy explaining what we had heard about the island being a tough place to give birth because of the electromagnetism he lastly talks about experiments on humans in room 23. remember that was the room that carl was being brainwashed in how they kidnap natives on the island who worship their deity jacob and they brainwash and erase the memories to prevent the hostility in the population against dharma i think we're gonna need to see that again we're gonna need to watch that again ben leaves and ends up going to the santa rosa mental health institute remember the same one hurley used to be at and sees walt who's playing connect four by himself man i suck like lenny did before him walt goes by the alias keith johnson which is probably in reference to his father's alias kevin johnson walt's a little hostile towards ben probably because of this we're gonna have to take the boy apologizes i'm genuinely sorry about that tells him that he's special and that they need him that he has work to do starting by helping his dad michael walt says that his father's dead though doesn't mean you can't help him remember last time we saw michael he was dead on the island and became one of the whispers the whispers were explained as people who have died on the island and can't move on i'm sure this is what ben's referring to they whisper walt finally agrees and goes into the car and finds hurley there and i thought it was cool how they played jacob's theme song when we see hurley here really it's great to see you walt after all he is the new jacob walt says he's always wished someone would come back for him and thought he was crazy hurley tells him he's not crazy at all and belongs on the island and then walt asks him why i talk to you about a job a lot of people have talked about what lost should look like if it ever had a spin-off or a reboot and i think it would be so great to follow these three as they discover the secrets of the island together just start the next show from this scene in my opinion yes i wanted to now talk about my thoughts on the ending of the show and what are you thinking you guys know me this is usually the part where i want to talk about theories and ideas and what's coming next what does it all mean and so on but it's kind of hard to do when we know the answer already when there isn't unfortunately nothing coming next week damn it crap crap and obviously we could theorize on some of the unanswered questions that we were still left with and like i said i'll be doing that in subsequent videos but i think the thing to do here was to talk about what the show was truly about and what this last episode was really about it's no secret that the ending of lost had a lot of mixed reviews a lot of negative ones i talked a little bit ago about how some of the negativity could have been misguided but there were a lot of people including me at first who were honestly disappointed at the ending because of the lack of answers we were expecting after years of analyzing the show and finding secrets and coming up with the most ridiculous and crazy theories with you guys maybe it's power and i know this sounds insane could be traced back to the big bang even what did you say and wondering what the final answers would be to all of our questions the ending of the show decided to go in a different direction like i really wanted more answers about the island's mythology about the supernatural elements of the numbers what do the numbers mean to learn more about walt's abilities and libby and eloise hawking and jacob's cabin and so many other things i went into the episode not really anticipating everything to be answered or resolved but i did spend a lot of the last episode constantly focused on the clock and thinking about how much time was left it was like okay there's an hour left are we gonna get answers to our questions okay now 45 minutes and they still have to deal with the ending of all the characters okay now 30 minutes left why are we wasting 10 seconds on a shot of a car pulling up when it could be 5 seconds i'd been spending so much time focused on the constants i forgot about the variables did anyone else feel this way or was it just me the first time watching it actually um no and after the episode ended while i did appreciate the way the character arcs came to a resolution i did initially feel disappointed in it at not being what i thought i wanted it to be and looking back i truly didn't give it a fighting chance the expectations i had for it were just way too impossibly high to achieve and i think it was that way for a lot of people too looking back on it now pretty much anything they did wouldn't be good enough for us in our eyes there was no singular way they could do the finale that would please everyone let's just be real that's the first sensible thing you've said it honestly wasn't until i watched it a second time a few weeks later where my opinion radically changed seems kind of wishy washy i went into that viewing by myself this time not focusing on the clock at all or how much time was left and not focusing what i personally wanted out of the episode or if they were going to answer all our questions because i already knew they weren't but just on the storytelling just on the characters and the story and the ending that the writers wanted us to see and i have to tell you it was beautifully done it was such a satisfying way to end the journey of lust the fact that everything actually happened on the island and mattered was really important to me and seeing the character's story come to a resolution and an ending was also really important but the way the last episode was told the way it danced between timelines so fluidly was really impressive to me especially as an editor and this episode won an emmy for editing i loved the flow of this episode i know i keep using terms like flow and fluid but that's really important as an editor and you can just tell when things seem force and rushed and jaggedy and mechanical it's kind of weird it's um if all those things are true of what it says versus stories that are seamless and smooth and each clip has purpose and connection and reason i also thought the last episode had amazingly clever references and often hidden messages to different past episodes or events in the show the transitions from characters in the normal timeline to the flash sideways or the characters performing similar or opposite actions in both timelines or even just similar or opposite facial reactions as they were going between timelines it was just chock full of irony and juxtaposition two things i really appreciate and also the storytelling of where the characters were in the flash sideways and how they all came together believably in just a few locations to remember it was extremely well done in that regard and great storytelling and definitely noticed a second time through as much as lost was about the mythos and the mysteries it really truly was about the ensemble people who were flawed and isolated in their own lives who come together on an island find redemption for their past transgressions and move on jack felt unworthy in his father's eyes and ultimately in the end was given his father's approval sawyer transformed and was able to forgive himself locke became a leader and found purpose charlie was a selfish drug addict who the island ended up cleansing all the characters were damaged in one way or another and the island and the other people were the conduits for making them find some sort of self-awakening what did you say i really had a fundamental shift in the outlook of the whole entire show when i finally realized this it took a while to shift my focus to what the show was truly about and watching the whole series a few times back since then has really made me like it even more i feel like the mystery of the show is the icing on the character story arc cake and not the other way around even if that's not what you wanted or what i wanted at first that's what we got to be honest the first time around there was just some characters i really didn't care that much about jack for instance he's the main character and to me at first he was just a hindrance from the interesting characters like locke from discovering answers but watching it through multiple times now i've been able to see just how much depth the character like jack has how he wasn't just mr perfect he was really flawed and he had the biggest transformation of almost anyone on the show like i showed in my teaser four days ago now don't get me wrong i do wish we got more answers to the show i want some freaking answers and i'm not saying to watch the show with lowered expectations just shifted expectations and you'll like it a lot more i bet and don't even get me started with the feels i'm a grown man and it made me cry like a baby every single time i've seen it i know it's embarrassing the most emotional parts for me used to be charlie and claire remembering or seeing desmond and penny at the very end and how visibly in love they were while they were sitting in the church pew before moving on but when i watched it recently the part that really got to me was definitely seeing jack in the church with his father it was something that even now it was something yeah it was something that really one second it was something that really hit close to home and to be honest something i looked forward to as well and then also seeing locke come up first to greet jack after having really focused on their relationship and transitions and dynamic during this last re-watch it was an amazing ending in my opinion fantastic it's not surprising to me that some people felt cheated or angry by the end while others absolutely loved it but if you're in the group who didn't like it try to give it another chance without focusing on the unanswered questions great plan moonbeam after that we can sing kumbaya and do trust falls lost was about so many things it was about the characters i don't know your name i'm kate the island i've looked into the eye of this island and what i saw was beautiful the mysteries guys where are we time call me tonight or tomorrow i won't call for eight years good versus evil we're the good guys in my experience the people go out of their way to tell you that the good guys are the bad guys science versus faith why do you find it so hard to believe why do you find it so easy it's never been easy symbolism one is light it's dark plot twists we're gonna have to take the boy [Music] cliffhangers we we're not supposed to lead we have to go back drama but you saved my life brother so that i could save yours irony second number 42 juxtaposition because you're a man of science yeah what does that make you me well i'm a man of faith coincidence don't mistake coincidence for fate parallels i've done everything you wanted me to do so why did you do this [Music] heartbreak it's okay don't you leave me i love you you don't let go i love you and triumph don't you walk away from me you don't know who you're dealing with don't ever tell me what i can't do ever don't tell me what i can't do but most of all lost was about the relationships and the connections the characters formed i know that we're together we've always been always will be think about it for a second the main prominent concept was about connections and relationships the constant was the episode writers talked about the most as it discussed things like having something or someone you truly care about to navigate through life challenges i'm still here can you hear me and even something like the dangers of time travel i love your feeling finding that constant no matter what it is was lost ultimate goal in order to have an awakening and move on to the next life where are we going let's go find out once i watched the final episode with all that in mind i ended up loving it it was an amazing end to a show about finding yourself and finding your purpose and it's a message we can all take away from the series that no matter who you are as corny and as cheesy as it sounds we all need others to get us through life [Music] lost wasn't named lost because of people who were stranded on an island it's because all of the people who crashed there were lost in their own lives and that's really what the show is all about lost constantly circled the idea of loss the characters hated themselves and were incomplete but they were that way because they made it that way from choices they made in the past it caused them to shut off to others around them and be isolated but that's normal that's human lost told the story that the way to go forward and the way to find redemption was to walk into your jungle where anything could happen to confront your inner demons just like the characters on the show did the losties crashed on an island with total strangers found a community with each other and because of that community they were able to encounter those that they were most afraid to confront in their life have an awakening discover their true constant and ultimately let go with all that said i want to thank you guys for sticking with me for 10 years you all mean the world to me and you have no idea how much your support means to me this journey we've been on together has been unexpected but sometimes those stories are the ones we remember most thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart and like desmond always used to say i'll see you in another life or maybe sooner than you think love you guys this place is different special the others don't want to talk about it because it scares them but we all know it we all feel it what if everything that happened here happened for a reason do you really think all this is an accident that we a group of strangers survived many of us with just superficial injuries you think we crashed on this place by coincidence especially this place we were brought here for a purpose for a reason all of us each one of us was brought here for a reason last week most of us were strangers but we're all here now if we can't live together we're going to die alone every equation needs stability something known it's called a constant then you need to find something that you really really care about because all we really need to survive is one person who truly loves us it doesn't matter who we were it only matters who we are you don't want to be rescued do you and if you can't leave neither can i i woke up this morning i thought it's time to stop feeling sorry for yourself and seize the day and think of anyone i would rather do some day season with than you so i'm going to turn to you first are you with me i have always been with you you have to go no please go i won't leave you jack i hope that somebody does for you what you just did for me the most important part of your life was the time that you spent with these people that's why all of you are here [Music] nobody does the loan jack [Music] you needed all of them and they needed you for what to remember and to let go you
Channel: Seanie B
Views: 287,100
Rating: 4.8645234 out of 5
Keywords: lost, lost tv show, lost ending, lost ending explained, lost real ending, lost true ending, what did the ending of lost mean, lost real ending explained, lost smoke monster, lost smoke monster explained, ending explained, ending, explained, lost meaning, lost tv show meaning, lost true meaning, seanieb, seanie b, seanib, seani b, seanb, sean b, seanieb lost, final recap, lost final recap, lost recap, lost the end, lost final scene, lost secrets, lost mysteries, lost questions
Id: baeFWWhO0i8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 2sec (6962 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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