The Mortising machine

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okay so this is the mortising machine it sits in between the pillar drill and the honing plate that we use for clear sharpening chisels and stuff like that um right it's very useful indeed we use it quite a lot in woodwork jobs construction joinery things like that um so in a similar way it's got a handle that raises and lowers something it's a bit similar to the pillar drill powerful electric motor on the top half what would be different then is the uh device that does the kind of drilling i suppose you'd call it right so it does more things so it's it's got a square slot out so uh drilling a square hole obviously impossible but what the chisel uh sorry what the mortising tool does is it has a square-shaped chisel with sharp edges to it and inside that chisel so it's a hollow chisel is a drill bit so the drill bit removes material through the spiral that it's got on it flutes and it ends up creating a square shaped hole right so other things you need to know about it well how you clamp your work that's pretty straightforward on this machine here what you've got is a slot where your work is going to fit and that slot i shouldn't do this but i've got goggles on that slot has got a series of holes in it and the clamping device has got a pin in it now that pin is going to match and fit into one of those holes so you slide it forward you feel dropping into the holes as it goes so it can do wide things quite easily and it can do quite narrow things quite easily right so when you're clamping your job into the machine it goes against the back surface here you slide until you get into one of those pins and once you're in a pin you can tighten the handle by hand right so there is my wood clamped in nicely uh next thing then right so you've got extra two extra dials i've already showed you right this one here moves your timber right and left and this one here moves your timber forward and back right so first thing i need to do having marked out my tenon right is set the start position on the left hand side i'm going to bring that lever down so that my chisel comes down towards the material and i'm going to use a combination of the handles set it in the right place okay so that's the correct location for it right you can see i've got my glasses on my work glasses uh and like i'm not wearing an apron at the moment that's ppe wise we don't want to contaminate too much stuff so because we're not in the workshops the aprons have gone away for a minute right you turn the power onto the green button it's the emergency stop at the bottom you can turn it off with it especially use the red button on the off road okay and then all you're going to do is gradually need a little bit of force we're going to try to go through one hit look just going up and down gradually look what's happening is the drill bit inside the mortising machine is removing the material and it is flowing now once you've done one you can move across and go again and then move across and go again across and carry on doing that until you create your mortise so i won't do all for you now but i'll do enough to show you what you're going to end up with right you've done the back row i need to come forward [Music] [Music] so okay so once it's finished you will have our makings off a very neat mortise slot that's been cut using the machine right once you've finished using the machine please make sure you clean it down ready for the next person to use it if there's any faults on the machine it's your duty to tell somebody about it your teacher makes your technician whoever make sure that people are aware there's a problem with the machine and leave it in the condition ready for somebody else to use it okay so there that's the mortising machine very useful indeed okay look after it use it safely
Channel: Meirion Owen
Views: 1,123
Rating: 4.6666665 out of 5
Id: 9MTX7-2jWOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 43sec (283 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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