The Moon Club - Part 3

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[Music] gy me Europa how's how's Jupiter's orbit going same old same old what about Saturn Titan Saturn's been okay I guess anyways ni seeing you don't act stupid Titan everyone knows you're putting together a club and decided not to include us yeah what gives what gives I want this to be a safe space for moons if I let you join you'll turn this into some messed up Uprising or convince us to do some ridiculous plan Titan what it's the truth Luna these two complicate everything sorry I'm not having them in my club fine we didn't want to be part of your stupid Club anyways fine double fine I don't think you're being fair Titan Fair would have been to throw an asteroid in gany me's face beir with us wait I'm not being the bad guy here what calling this your Club you're making all the decisions for the rest of the moons I didn't mean look I don't particularly like ganam and Europa either but it doesn't feel right to exclude them after all are they the only ones to BL you turned my protest into a war me I just told you what you wanted to hear from the moment we met I could tell that you wanted more that deep inside you wanted Revenge tell me I'm wrong H forget them gamed we can have our own club just the two of us yeah why not I don't know it's not much of a club if it's just two moons well what else can we do then they don't want us there actually we do what do you mean it'll take some convincing but Titan will come around so we can join the club yes okay awesome let's go Europa wait the reason we made the moon Club is to have a safe space for the moons but also to be smarter about the problems we all share not all the planets really understand our struggle and that's what we want to change okay yes we understand don't make this about you or your insecurities or your fears even after everything that has happened we all want to believe in you we interrupt this episode for an important announcement Venus join patreon or I'll be mad what penus okay I'll take over the solar balls team is made up of dozens of people from directors animators voice actors and more who come from all over the world and believe it or not doing this is our job how cool right the thing is to make more videos which involve more and more new characters we need to hire more people and we can't do that without your support So support if you can but yeah ever since we released our patreon we went from short videos to Long epics like the Moon Revolution and oh boy with your help you have no idea how many of our Galactic ideas will be able to realize so if you want videos one week early to be part of giveaways or to join an exclusive patreon community on Discord with our director then consider supporting the patreon you're too nice you know that yep I do now back to the video [Music] uh Welcome To The Moon Club thanks happy to be here or whatever yeah whatever I'm happy you were here me too so with these two and after the fun and games we had I believe it's time to finally address the situation with our planets moons of mercury oh okay uh moons of Venus Titan none of them have have moons my bad my bad moons of the earth present please address the situation with your planet Luna well things are much better now the Earth is a lot more conscious of a lot of things I see I'm happy to hear that anything else you'd like to add I guess I don't know they never invite me to their card games the rocky planets are always playing cards and they sort of forget I even exist I see no reason why I can't join thank you Luna next up are the moons of M Mars bobos damos we love Mars yep and we don't give two comments about space poer so all right so all's perfect with Mars yep Mars is perfection that sounds weird fos you sound weird no I don't okay done with the rocky planets I pass it on to Jupiter's moons well Jupiter is still the same he treats the Galilean moons like we are his foot fall team or something question what's a Galilean Moon we are the four of us gy Europa Kalisto and me e oh I wanted to be Galilean maybe one day okay moons let's not get too distracted anything else from you what about the new members I I'm okay Jupiter is hiding something what do you mean I mean he has a big secret that he's not telling us but whatever it is it scares him to his very core I think he's afraid of someone oh come on youropa Jupiter just had a bad day I know you admire him gamed but you can't deny he's been acting strange escaping into the Kyper Belt being all paranoid he's Jupiter he's the leader of the planets okay he doesn't fear anything guys I'm sorry but we have more planets to cover sorry okay time for my group the moons of Saturn well Saturn doesn't know a single one of our names except for yours Titan and he destroyed hundreds of moons which is why he has rings that's not a proven Theory and he wasn't aware of it still worth addressing okay okay it's titanous turn I mean Uranus's moons I guess Uranus has been awkward since we returned he doesn't know how to address us and is just afraid of offending us again all almost done and finally Neptune's moons honestly Neptune is perfect yeah we love Neptune yeah Neptune's the best Neptune's the best he's so cool I want to be like Neptune you heard the Little Moons we're pretty happy right now okay so we have some good relationships and some complicated ones the goal now is to find an effective way to address them well any any ideas we go to the sun we what look I must admit our previous plan was a bit misguided and vindictive but if we want to actually make a difference we should go straight to the one that's actually in charge of the solar system he's right we have to address our issues with the sun if he hears us he can make the planets do anything just like you made them change orbits the other day exactly EO I I don't know what's the angle here no angle it's a solid plan I have to agree it's worth the shots and we have nothing to lose all in favor of talking to the son much St of course Luna bobos damos yes Titan yes boss you're the closest moons to the Sun so you know the area I want you to guide me to the Sun so we can explain the situation to him I captain I hope we'll be back with good [Music] news meeting dismissed thanks for watching guys oh and we will send one free plushy straight to the door of one of our patreons will it be you join now [Music] a
Channel: SolarBalls
Views: 280,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solarballs, solarball, planetball, planetballs, cosmos, scifi, sci fi, space, galaxy, solar system, animation, fun, comedy, space animation, cartoon, shut up cartoons planets, shut up planet cartoon, spaceball, spaceballs, space balls, moon, moons, titan, ganymede
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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