The Moment by Andy Nyman

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[Music] so i i should show you something so we had a bit of a clear out um and i found some cards snap cards oh yeah um that i used to play with when i was a kid and this is them we only need one set you want to use the red or the blue it really doesn't matter um so why i love them is they're circus cars and this image was the first time i'd ever seen a magician it's so sweet and i love just the the color of the table i kind of used to carry it with me so it's hence it being a bit squashed and knackered but i just found it such a an exciting mysterious image when i was a kid but the rest of the cards are equally adorable you tell me when you're happy that they're mixed that's fine yep good so look this is them you used to think that looked like my dad right suspect i'm heading that way as well anyway so that's them yeah i'm happy so i would do this thing with my grandpa or my sister or my dad whoever i played with well i would think i was like the magician yeah and i'd say i didn't know what i was doing but i'd say tell me to deal or tell me to mix them if you want me to mix them or deal them or mix whatever you want i would yeah do it so let's do that okay you tell me whether you want me to deal or mix and that's exactly what i'll do deal deal mix deal mix very serious mix deal you got three left uh deal and that's it right good yeah fair yeah okay great yeah so here's the thing as you have a bit of rum and raisin pistache is that people will talk if you pee someone does magic tea often they'll talk about well the first trick that i ever learned i don't really remember that but what i do remember very very clearly is the very moment that i knew oh my god i can kind of be like him i can do magic i can make someone do something without them knowing i was doing it i could just do that um like the fact you chose the blue cards yeah not the red and that was felt fair didn't it totally totally felt that way but look if i turn that over it says i'll make you choose the blue card it was fair yeah there was no steer there it didn't feel like that i mean exactly in exactly the same way they were mixed and that was fair and you were happy with that and then you sort of dealt reverse dealt reverse and in yeah that's yeah whatever reasonable instructions it yeah yeah despite the fact you did all that [Music] despite being mixed by you and all those choices that was the moment i knew that i could do it stop really that's amazing that is amazing thank you yeah i have nothing to say about that i'm gonna go back to my ice cream and just i might shed a little tear so there we are more
Channel: Penguin Magic Tricks
Views: 22,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4OGk373kKFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 39sec (279 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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