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all this new technology what does the on button do meeting anyone else an old school friend all right night sir good night so you want to tell me why you've been ignoring my cars um work and uh you know work i'm afraid i don't it's been pointed out to me that our liaison is not in the interests of national security national security how i've grown to love that expression it's a joke oh yeah but uh we're good at subterfuge right and that's how we got our jobs that's what makes it kind of exciting not playing by the rules you don't agree i'm in the middle of an operation right now and uh maybe afterwards you know take stock take stock god you are a nation of shopkeepers after all something happened we shouldn't have i think you should talk to me i mean you're right that it's our job but uh it's not our life isn't it i'll take a raincheck do you see no no the cases look identical but check out the one she gets out of the car with handle's black this one isn't they're swapping briefcases she makes sure that vaughn and ruff never have to meet if we find out what's in the cases then we find out what vaughn is doing for rafa and vice versa okay you'll be working with me on that zoe will turn the girl she can get bored to talk and what does she get born to tell us exactly she gets wanted to tell us what the going rate for judges nowadays or how much does it cost to buy a member of special branch or is someone in the home office reporting for the shallow cartel what we're doing as we speak how much are the lives of eight customs and excise officers worth because we don't know do we who they've already got do you think tom's okay now whatever you do don't ask him all right who's not okay sam you could catch a bloody antelope with those stalking skills sorry sorry sorry i was just sorry just talking about my brother private mata oh so katie jack you work in publishing impulsive generous spirited a little over the top sometimes i have to reign you in you're a risk analyst withdrawn slightly aloof cold even people never know what you're thinking i thought they were supposed to be assuming new personalities here just a form of protection underneath you're really sensitive family holiday sheringham you were three if i was five you kept getting lost we were laughing at you crying because you're only a few yards from our parents our parents mum was a lecturer dad was a top civil servant his big hobby was ornithology always wanted to go to latin america but tragically on the way back from cheering him calm meets laurie they were both killed we were in the back you remember i don't we went to stay with our grandparents i remember the train journey i was shocked at how yellow the fields of rape were when you ate too much chocolate you were sick overdoing it as always and you looked after me we've taken care of each other ever since we're family we'll always look after each other excuse me there's a girl waiting do you think there's a fire i don't know yeah you know i'm colombian wow i love jerry yep they were my two new year's resolutions get fit and learn to salsa before i go to south america with my brother how are you doing with yourself sir not as well as my brother this is gonna take ages am i gonna get coffee what one um it's okay i'll just wait here thank you i'll buy you a cake come on you could eat a whole bakery and it wouldn't make any difference go on okay great okay where are they now zoe knows to sit by the window good well there's no point going back now i think i might just wait for jack my friend no no he's my brother you'd like him girls do no i'm gonna have a boyfriend of you someone from home he's always buying me presents he really spoils me i met him when i was very young childhood sweetheart it's very nice here he is hey hey uh this is mariella from the gym hi she's colombian and she dances salsa isn't that amazing uh not particularly katy hello hello i'm jack how do you do listen i i had a silly idea i thought maybe you could cook us something and you could teach us well teach me just a few steps what do you think leave the poor girl alone katie my sister's the impulsive one um do you want any more coffee so camilo you work for the sharla cartel i don't know what you're talking about do you know what these are they're visiting orders for castle haven prison they're quite a regular camino might be a great comfort to your mother to know she has such a dedicated son yeah it's terrible thing losing a mother prisons can be very dangerous places i'm sorry i thought the putin in question was your drug trafficking of a mother all right you know nothing about my mother everything she did she did for us for my family i have to be near her i apologize camila that was just a little test your boss is a real bastard where's the news we know you work for rafa what do you want me to do for you michelle cartel have a substantial armory where is it i don't know i'm just a messenger okay here's the deal we met on clapham common playing football you're gonna vouch for me to get me a job and then you're gonna show me exactly where the sharla cartel hold their meetings they'll kill us both if they find out they won't find out you missed the beat you're late show me where they hold their meetings this is not the best idea you ever had huh that's where they meet door on the right the cleaners room okay keep an eye out i'll be a few seconds max you
Channel: shortyemi2
Views: 55,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Matthew Macfadyen, Keely Hawes, Peter Firth
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2009
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