Full Day of Exploring in Sylhet, Bangladesh ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ฉ

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Hello. Salaam alaikum. All right, everybody. Good morning from Sylhet here in Bangladesh. We are on our way. What's called Ratargul, right? Ratargul. Ratargul Swamp. Yes, it is one of the most famous landmarks, an icon of One of the most famous landmarks, one of the most famous tourist sites here in Sylhet. It's best to visit during the rainy season and the monsoon season, which unfortunately is a couple of months away. But we're still going to go check it out because there's plenty of things to see, plenty of nature, plenty of trees and beautiful surroundings. So we've got to tuk-tuk around a 30 minute drive about our 15 kilometers or so. And we're paying 800 two way. So he's going to wait for us once we're there and we'll do a little boat tour around these around the swamp, and then we'll head back to our hotel and back into town. But let's bring you all along for the journey, So when we went into town yesterday, we went actually that way. I almost lost my finger to a truck. But we're going down left side here because the place we're going to is actually north to Sylhet past the airport a little bit further north, whereas the city is kind of south of where we're staying. So we're going to be exploring a completely new territory today. So we've seen to, I think, a little bit more of like the rural I see the rural farm areas a little bit out of the chaotic town area and it'll be exciting seeing a lot more greenery. And as I said, this rural village life here in Bangladesh. Oh, is that is that the airport maybe? Yes. So obviously one of the common themes of Sylhet is all the tea gardens. And I imagine when I mentioned that we're going to be seeing the rural places and kind of the farmlands in this video, a lot of it is going to be tea. So a lot of very similar scenery like this of tea growing people out in the fields, kind of managing all the crops. It's just like beautiful. It's all like very the same level. And it's just like flat to some shrubs will maintain tea leaves and tea bushes. But we got the airport just over there very well secure with that. Very high fence. Yeah, it's really beautiful. It's such a good temperatures. I saw the wind coming through the tuk-tuk and being able to see all the sights and take in all the nature. Oh, my goodness. Look at all these mining equipment. So many conveyor belts. And people working. Wow. You shops around. Look at all this. All the people working. Dropping off the stones And it looks like this is like rocks and gravel. One thing I noticed so far with the Sylhet is that there's a lot of women and elderly women that are carrying all the rocks and carrying all the tea leaves, all the the wood that we saw yesterday being carried around, so. Wow. It's so there's so many. It's remarkable. Now, what kind of back into like the the tea gardens and stuff. And yesterday we saw a lot of women were carrying all the tea leaves along the roads. I saw some they're like doing a lot of the labor work in those mining areas. And a couple of towns around. But now we're getting into the rainforest tea area looks really beautiful and lush. It's so pretty out here. There's literally just farmlands, cows and buffalo out there and farmers making sure the paddock is all kept in order and the roads are really good. Like it's super smooth. There's just a really nice to drive. All these speed bumps are really vicious, though. But yeah, it's really good going through these areas and seeing all the nature and stuff. All right. We've made our way down a little road here, so I think we're getting closer to the swamp. But look how thin these roads are. You don't get two cars or two CNGs down here at the same time, but I think it looks like grapes. Grapevines or veins maybe. I'm not sure. But there's all kinds of different vegetables. We've just pulled over in the middle of the wilderness because we saw this kid picking the rice paddy. So we wanted to see what's up. Seems really interesting. Wow. Hello? Hello. Oh, the chicken is causing chaos over there. How is even rice like made from this? Well, it like it grows best. In these muddy waters? And the best thing about rice is like when it gets flooded, the rice just, like, floats on top. So it's like it's best for this kind of. Like where the little granules of rice Are they like, at the bottom or I've never even seen like rice top. Like when it grows, it's all in the top, like. So what's is he harvesting them now? And he's just like putting and putting it in. Yeah. He's got some entertaining. Oh, really? Bring the camera. Like telling in like you're going to be famous abroad. His name's Abra. Salaam alaikum. [speaking local language] Do you live here? Yes. My family lives here. I'm live in Dhaka. Oh, so that is your your family? My sister, my wife, my son and my brother all visiting. Okay, so is he planting the rice or. He is harvesting? He's planting. Ah, planting. So he takes he takes it out? Yes. It grow then he's giving some fertilizer. Yeah. And grow the way they grow up. Oh, interesting. So when we first saw it, I thought he was just like, pulling them out and harvesting them. That's why there's kind of like this bare patch here. But he's actually like, I don't know what he's doing. Is he putting it back in? Oh, look yeah. Oh, yeah, he's putting it back in. So I guess it grows a lot. A lot more. And how many months will it take for this to get to? [speaking local language] Like two months? Yeah. Salaam alaikum. Shake hand. I come to your hive. Well, my name is Napsan. Napsan. Napsan, he's a little bit shy. You are going to plant plant the rice? Too dirty for you. Let's go plant some rice, everybody. Get the shoes off. I'll take my backpack off. I can leave that by the side. Oh, this is going to feel so weird on my feet. Oh, it's so mushy. Oh, oh, it actually feels really good. Wow. Oh, it's getting deeper and deeper. I'm slowly sinking into my ankles. Yeah. Okay. Very well. Oh, with you, I'll do single. So goes in. Where do we start? Over here. So you just push in like that. Oh, now it's now it's dirty. I'll stick to the left hand. Maybe I'll let you. Oh, no, no. I'm causing chaos here in the farmlands. I would. I'll just watch you go. You go. He's so fast. I guess it helps when you don't have a camera and you have two hands. Look at him. Very good. So has he done all of this today? Not today. Yesterday. Yesterday Yesterday and then he started. Wow. So this is a. Each little rice bit. It's a. Wow. All right, let's go get cleaned up. It's that's he feels very good on the feet, to be honest. I'll go wash my feet in the the somewhat clean water and also my hand for gets all. Hopefully there's no, weird animals in here. There we go. How good is that? Good as new as you honor us Aussies. We don't ever wear shoes. Going around barefoot is actually the normal for us. [speaking local language] That one's that one's going to grow the highest. Yeah. They're going to cultivate the biggest crop from them. Did they invite us for tea? Yeah. All right, let's just have a bit of chai. Thank you. So he was only 15 years old. He is out here working in the farms. When I was 15 I didn't know what I was doing. Being a nuisance to the area. But we're going to have a cup of chai or cha here. They call in Bangladesh, but let just leave my stuff there. Luke, Luke you bring it. I'll bring it. Yeah, I'll bring a bag. I'll leave my shoes. Yeah. All right. Let's go down. All right, let's go see what's going on over here. So over here is like more of the rice fields, and these ones are grown up a little bit more. They're a lot more green and a lot higher as well. But all this area is just rice fields. And over here we got the kids playing. This is their little home. Salaam alaikum. They got some vegetables grown in the back like little coconuts. Nice. Salaam alaikum. Hello. Couple of chickens. Very good. New room, actually. Oh, new home? Can I go? Can I go inside? Yes, no problem. This. This one. This one. 17 by 17 feet. Ah, your building? Yes. Wow. Oh, here's the. The chimney. This is the kitchen. Kitchen. Kitchen. So you bought your cooking in here? Yes. It's been hit the back of. Oh, so it's like a. Oh, wow. He's preparing for for you and your brother. Oh, thank you so much. So you are you that is your husband. Yes, that is my husband. So you're from you're from Dhaka? Yes. Wow. So it's like fully smoking up in here. That's so awesome. I feel it's just like classic village kind of life. A lot of the gas and stuff doesn't reach these areas. So, yeah, I always have to revert back to the good old days of conducting heat. Hello! [speaking local language] There's some glasses. Oh, okay. I'll be careful. Wow. And what was your name? My name is Nasij. I live in Dhaka. Yeah, my family live in have. How long are you staying in Sylhet before you go back to Dhaka? I'm one month. One month? Oh, you're building. So this is for your parents? No, my, my. Also you? Myself and family. Very good. My friends of room. Oh, they need to room. Very good. My family. Chickens have just got to be like some of the funniest creatures on this planet. I just look at this from running away. You start chasing after them. Hello! Chicken. Yeah. Oh, very good. So I think this is maybe. I don't know what she's saying. It's so interesting. Like, this is their home. This is where they sleep in these brick houses. [speaking local language] Huh? Oh, eating. Oh, I speak to my friend. I ask if it's safe to eat. Okay. Okay. I don't know what I'm going to be eating. I think this lady wants to give us the offering, but she's, she's speaking. In there. She's getting some food for us. Oh, fruits. [speaking local language] Thank you. Oh, look at this very nice. Thank you. Have you eaten Jujube? Jujube that were they are? We're trying to figure out the English name for this These are some fruits that we were given at. Chinese date. Chinese date. Wow. You want to try it, Luke? Yeah. I'm going to go for the one that's on the other side of the chili. Oh, yeah there's chili. Oh, it's kind of like a it's like bubbly like that. Do you just eat the whole thing or you bite into it? The whole thing. It was a seed, though. Oh, there's a seed in the middle, so don't bite too hard. All right. I'll bite a half of it so we can open up. It's so sour. That's why you use the chili. You use the chili. That makes sense. You got what it tastes like. It's been a while. But while I hit me my face, that wasn't even. That was just my natural reaction. In there we have the nut, it's in there. Yeah. Yeah. It depends on what you got. But the exciting stuff Selfie. With too much salt in my to let you know, counteract the sourness. Yeah. I don't know about like you're talk of food poisoning now. I know. Yeah. My doctor said no spice. There's some some just a- I think these look good biscuits. Sorry. What are the this? Puffet rice. Oh, the nutty biscuit. Yeah, these look like. Like you just, like, kind of grab the mixture. Oh, it smells nice. Yeah, it's good. Oh, it's like the um- Kind of like the stuff that we had. Jhalmuri? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Jhalmuri. Yeah. Has a bit of this, you know? Yeah, well, it's a little bit spicy. Everything was so spicy. To me that maybe that was, like, extra spicy. Okay, but those are just plain, plain biscuits. Let's have a bite. These are delicious. Well. For the main course. Is this Sylhet tea? Yes, local. Local. The beauty of having to Sylhet it's like locally. It's not too hot. [speaking local language] Little kids hiding behind Daddy. Now, apparently. Wow. Apparently he's a menace. Not when people and visitors are around A bit now, Nadir and me here, he's a little bit shy. Kids are so funny, man. Oh, you lost your sandal. [speaking local language] Thank you so much. Thank you for letting us see your village and your home. Thank you. Nice to meet you. Thank you so much. Thank you. Bye bye. Bye bye. Bye bye. What a friendly family. They got my shoes. And my socks in there? Yes, they are. All right, perfect. Let's get back to the swamp. Well, let's get to the swamp. I should say Hop in. Look at this. The cow is just like eating across the road. And his lead is like, oh, they could have got around the wheel and he would have been jogging along the back of the tuk-tuk with us. But again, we're going to the rural areas and we should be actually pretty close to the swamp area, and then we'll be able to get a boat and check that out. But it's been a fun journey so far. It's been entertaining. Look how pretty this is. Oh, motorbike coming through to the rice paddies that's so green and luscious on both sides. Wow. It's just like a vibrant green, hundreds of meters. All right. [speaking local language] So we got to take a boat from here. To the swamp? Yeah. Look at the trash here. Just wrappers and everything. It's kind of sad. It's, like, really bad. So everyone just dumps their stuff here? All right let's get a boat. Look at these weird fruits. [speaking local language] So we just get one of the boats into the swamp area. So 1200s for how long? One hour and 20 minutes. And now that'll take us around the swamp and stuff? And they told me they paying the same so. [speaking local language] There's to be an extra 500 because I guess it's regulated. So they're saying like 575 for you to go for me, like there's a rate if I'm not a student, there's a rate like if I'm a student. So it's 1200 plus 575. Yeah. And for me it's like plus 50 or something. Oh. Tourist price? Okay. I just, you know, so we, but we pay them the 575. [speaking local language] 1800 total. 1800 total. And it was like somewhere that you're paying more like we're doing the same thing. It's not, it's not your fault, but I'm Australian. Or should I? I got this. The spam took. I don't I mean, breaking it or like, are you getting change back or? Well, I'll get to on to that. Okay. Well, no, I think I'll give you like 800 back. We got to pay the 600. Oh. So we only pay them 1200. Yeah. So how do you is the actual any signs, the prices or it's like you just have to kind of trust guy. Trust this guy. I just asked him, like, how much? Yeah, I was think. So we paid 1200 taka, which is around $12 now. And this is the river, everybody. It's kind of like a stream coming in here, but these people got their rowboat. There was another, um, some local tourists that paid again, 1200. So I think it is just like 1200 per boat. But this is our captain. Captain. Captain James Cook. And hopefully we don't colonize anywhere like the British did. But wow, there's water in the boat. Yeah, you got to be careful and your stuff. But you can see some boats have over sunk over there and turned over. So it's not the most stable data thingy. Okay. Just to balance it out, I think we got to sit next to each other I'm on. Knuckle knuckle. Yeah. Name is what? Yako. Yako. All right, so we're making our way through the water here. It's so loud with the motor, so I'm not sure if you can hear me, but we're going through the main canal here and there's a couple of sheep. Up the top driving around, grazing along the mountainside. Yeah, just look at the riverbanks. You can see like in the monsoon season, water is going to be reaching up to those five. So it's going to be so much more full. So hopefully, we can get through the canals easily, even though it's nowhere near the monsoon season. All right. We're making it through the swamp, everybody. Well, we're not actually at the swamp now, but we're going through the rivers, the big canal. We got people doing their thing. I think they did some washing and they've got all their clothes out to dry on the riverbed. But it's actually so green on this side. And then over on this side, it's kind of got more like of a rocky formation. But it's cool to see the sheep, the people, the kids swimming around in the river. And then there's more people up here, a couple of boats on that side. But it really is beautiful just being out here. Enjoying like the nature of Sylhet. Look at this, I think we're pulling in here maybe. Maybe this is the entrance to the actual swamp area. Hi. Hey. Did you enjoy the swamp? They told us here? Yeah. Oh, it's like kind of clay. Clay and mud. Professionals. Wow. This little dragonfly. And then he is. Okay. Here in the engine. When it was running, it was so loud. So don't want to get in here, but basically, first the fuel tank, right? There's just the water bottle has the fuel on that goes in and out of this pipe. Here is all the water. So the water goes through the engine as kind of a corn system just to make sure the engine doesn't overheat and all the water goes out. So it's pretty cool system, just the engine. There's the fuel tank, coolant system, and then that's the accelerator that the man manages up from his captain's seat. And then there's the rudder up, then that directs the boat. So it's off. Okay, you will wait here? Waiting. And let's go and explore the swamp. Hello? Saalam alaikum. Up this stair. This is thing to work out. I'm doing a lot. Yeah, There's a hefty stairs. All right, Saalam alaikum. We need to get [speaking local language] [speaking local language] He's giving us a discount and he's being nice. Thank you. [speaking local language] What is he saying? [speaking local language] Salaam alaikum. Salaam alaikum. What is your name? Luke. My name is - So it's very nice to meet you, sir. Okay. So what is the price for you and me? 500. Which is I think you would be like 575 just for, you know, giving us a do is being nice. And good. What your country? Bangladesh. Bangladesh? Okay. Thank you so much. Republic of the Republic of Bangladesh Government I.D. card? Yes, passport. Passport not allowed. It's not allowed. I design government you to go by government. I didn't know. Australia, Australia. Australia. So? Do we just like, explore this by ourself now? I guess you the guy or I mean there's people with us. Yeah. So we're exploring through the area and they seem to be like the trees that are around the whole area. They kind of thrive in this environments, but a lot of like little shrubbery. We've got two guys come along with us making sure that we don't get lost. Do we have to pay them at the end? Well, I mean, we don't have to like, but it's. Kind of like tipping. Wow. Oh, my goodness. This is beautiful. It's like a. This is like. Avatar. It's like a whole different world. It's all these beautiful trees and it's like the like, oh, my goodness. Okay, okay. I don't I Salaam alaikum. [speaking local language] [speaking local language] Hop on? All right. We have to be careful here. I feel like these are the boats. Watch out, watch out. Wow. You really got to make sure you step in on the planks. And sit. All right. This is so cool. Hang on. Oh, this one's like. I was like, okay. Oh, boy. All right. [speaking local language] I think the other way. So then you want to take the other way. Okay. You're really going to vary your water bottles is that mine? No. No, I don't think that's mine. I think I drink half my water already. Wow. Oh, it's. It's hot in the sun. Look at the trees here in the root system they have. Like, beards growing into the water. That's crazy. And all over here as well. Look at that. It's like solid, solid root. Wow. Look at this. We're heading straight into somebody. Hello. Are you enjoying your boat ride? Yes, very good. You also? Yeah, It's lovely. Thank you. So, are there, like, dangerous animals here? Like we have crocodiles in Bangladesh? We do, but I don't know. [speaking local language] There's no crocodiles here. [speaking local language] [speaking local language] Wow. Just opens up. This thing the waters trapped here. So like, yeah, that's why there's no crocodiles and stuff. But in like the main river? [speaking local language] [speaking local language] I don't think, I think the crocodiles are more to the south. Yeah. The northeast of the country. They're bonding. Yeah, I guess. Well, too high up in, like, the mainland. The one where they might be like freshwater crocs. Like in Australia we have saltwater crocodiles and freshwater crocodiles. The saltwater ones are the last ones. They are like. 5 to 6 meters. And they are scary. And that's an Australian saying the crocodiles are scary. But wow. The motorboat that we're coming from. Yeah, that goes to like just long and straight to likeIndia. Really? Wow. I think, I mean it's coming from India from there. Yeah, up until like north east India, right. I don't know where it goes once in India but like, surely it's coming from the Himalayas. Yeah. Yeah. Can you? Singing a love song about losing someone. This is? Can you ask him ever had a boat like turnover? [speaking local language] No. Not them personally but other people? No, never. Never? I mean. [speaking local language] [speaking local language] They say, yeah, like it's not an issue because like in the rainy season there's like a lot of people and just for like five, six months. Okay. Yeah, yeah. It's so hot being out in the sun. Like in two months it will be packed when it's the rainy season. Yeah. And like it's gets like the water level gets higher. Definitely. [speaking local language] It's a half of how high the trees that you see every year. The shrubs or the actual tree. [speaking local language] Like the shrubs. Yeah, halfway of that. Yeah it still makes it areas. Yeah exactly. That's a a lot of volume. Do you want to get off? But we can get on the watchtower? I don't know. Are we allowed on the watchtower? I guess. there's no railings on the other side. Apparently we're not allowed to climb up the the watchtower because it's unstable. [singing local song] [singing local song] I think they're singing to the other boats member. [singing local song] [singing local song] When we were on the, the actual motorboat getting to this area, Nadir saying the most of the captains, they sing songs while they're rowing their boats or captaining the ship. [singing local song] [singing local song] He said why we didn't let go to watchtower the other guys say. Oh, can we go back? [speaking local language] Let's go up to the top? [speaking local language] I think they're negotiating You don't want to do that? Like he wants. He's like the proper guy. [speaking local language] [speaking local language] [speaking local language] [speaking local language] [speaking local language] [speaking local language] [speaking local language] We can walk. We can walk that? They just see it. I think we can't go to the top. Yeah. Parts are really like make for. Okay we're going we're turning back. I can't turn a boat. Have you ever seen this? It going back to the washed out. So much nicer in the shade? Yeah, I know. It's the heat just drains you, but I need for filming, filming camera. Yeah, Yeah. This guy's so energetic. I think we're. I think. We're just going to walk there. Along along the riverbank. You're saying that, like, I know because of the flood. There might be structural damage. Yeah. So it's not safe for like, a group of, like a lot of people alive if it's just the two of us. It's fine. Yeah, okay. Like, just avoid anyone going. They just say, like, no one's allowed to have people come in. And what was. Can you ask what the watchtower use for? [speaking local language] [speaking local language] Bangla singer. Yeah, yeah. I love you. [singing local song] [speaking local language] Yeah lots of people. [speaking local language] [speaking local language] Land? Yeah. 970 full acre acres. So who owns this land? The government. Yeah. For government. Government. Republic of Bangladesh. Government for us to do that. Yeah, Well, look at the mark. You see, like. [speaking local language] I mean is. That, is that the kind of bird. Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. [speaking local language] Australia to Bangladesh come. Really? They're Australian birds? Hello, mate. Coming back to the watchtower. A these next time. Month of June. July. June. Yeah. That's monsoon. Please swing to be a water. Yeah. Full six, seven, eight, nine, ten feet. Wow. How deep is the water? 4 feet. [speaking local language] and not English language spelling to English big something. Banglish. Bengali but not English. Yeah this seems very safe like I can't imagine. It's it's a structural damage but damaged. But yeah, because it was flooded. Oh not the. Foundation so it could like top up. Well I got, I fell off the bucket. Well yeah. Well but I can imagine like if there's 50 people up the top. Oh. Got like, Oh man, it's going to be hard to do with the camera. Yeah, Yeah. I don't need my bag. He can't move. He can't walk. Yes. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Well, only one minute. We have you do it. On the ground everyday. Hey, can you got my camera bro? Yeah. Gotcha. Just kind of sketched it If you can get a shot of me going down, because I don't think I got anything. Oh, very good. Okay. Please come with. Thank you. Welcome. That was quite the adventure. Yeah. I was not expecting to do, like, urban exploration here in Sylhet. Only three minute. 3 minutes. Wow. It is a really good viewpoint. With all the spiderwebs. Wow. Please, quick. Quick. All the people have signed up here. Oh, my goodness. It is beautiful up here. He wants a tip. Fair enough. Wow. [speaking local language] [speaking local language] Thank you for bringing us. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. [speaking local language] You want to take a picture of us. No, it's okay. We have selfie, selfie, selfie. Oh, okay. Okay. Here we got selfie this way. Okay. Getting him to do Okay. Three, two, one. Very good. Or what does MABS mean? Misspelling my stars. Yeah, it's like cobwebs here. Maybe a student. Oh, student. I think it's like a degree. In medical science. It's a medical degree. Oh, this is the term. I don't know why someone would. Yeah. Wow, that was cool. I had a really good view of the of the whole swamp. It's so flat. But once you're 50 meters high, it's pretty good. This is your camera? I'll help you. Here. Yeah, right. You got it. Interesting view down here. Oh. Let's go up. There you go. Not too bad. We're not bringing my mom here. Good one. You told, I can reach your feet pretty easily? Yeah. We're going to have 6.0. You got an issue with short people, Luke. No, it's it's. It's just more convenient for me. Oh, wow. This is the whole area. So, 900 acres. Look at the area of this, it's huge. You can see all the green swamp area and yellow is the land and the villages that we kind of drove through on the boat. And then there's the boat landing. But it's massive. All right. Okay. Okay. Okay. Thank you, for coming with. Wow. It's so hot. As soon as you get into the sun. It's crazy. When we first arrived off the tuk-tuk and we were getting that motorboat, one of the first things I commented on was the amount of trash that was, like, on the floor. It was like, crazy, but it's good that it hasn't actually came to the swamp. Like it's actually I haven't seen really much trash at all, I guess, because there's not really shops around. But I imagine people are still burning bring biscuits and and chips, but it's actually really clean. I'm not sure how the bottom is, but at least along the top, there's not plastic. Is he their captain? He's like, he's like six years old. He's captain of the ship. [speaking local language] [speaking local language] So we hopped off the boat. But he's also like the tourist police. He's here to protect our security. Blow, whistle, whistle. That's like our police are tourist police targets. So we're walking through the mangroves all through the swamp. Now, you can see, like, all this rock is like. It's like kind of like the. I think it's from being wet. Yeah. It's harden you know, like it's not. It's cracked. Yeah. Dries up, it cracks. It's like those desert planes that kind of like, flake off into little, like, square pieces. It's like everything's under water. Wow. Six months and now. The six months is dry and then like six months. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Water, water. Water. So then everybody has to have boat, boat. Gowain is the name of the river that's like nearby big river. And the water from there, like sort of, like flows over this whole. Yeah. And it's all flooded. Oh, this is where we got the boat right over on that side. So you're saying like going to give a tour of, like, this place? Well. Yeah, these like, the. The roots though, showing when we were actually in the water at the very beginning. But you can imagine, you know, with the floods and the amount of rainfall that Bangladesh has, it's worth like years. I've been hearing articles of Bangladesh floods over the years. But you can imagine all this is being covered and it's a massive area. So it has to like bring in a lot of volume of water to bring this whole area up a couple of meters. Oh, we're going back. [speaking local language] [speaking local language] [speaking local language] Oh, really? Okay. And next time. I see, I see. I want to go. From, like, the main. Like, in the wet season. He's saying that, like. Season six, month to month, like next month, next month. Basically, like, you know, how we get to get off the boat and then like, get on a boat usually, like if the water's high enough, it's just like one boat go straight. Oh, now they have to split it up. [speaking local language] [speaking local language] Boat but not one. Motor motorboat or? Well I was like why don't we just walk around? But there's a big outlet there. We can swim. Wow, look these guys have got, like, the proper. Yeah, get. In the photoshoots, don't. You? Yeah. So we just get 500 to everybody. [speaking local language] [speaking local language] Some money Bangladesh Small money. Yeah. That should be enough for everyone. I think 500 still. Have right. Yeah. [speaking local language] For you, bhai. Thank you. Thank you both. They deserved it. Thank you, brother. Thank you. Are you leaving or you coming with? Oh, yeah. You have to take care of the swamp. Well, hopefully. Hopefully Shrek doesn't come and take back his swamp. Okay. Where's our boatman? He's down on the other is the green one. This is very steep and weirdly angled steps, so you've got to be careful. Yeah. It'd just be like slippery mud. [speaking local language] So this this river goes all the way up into there. [speaking local language] [speaking local language] Yeah. Back and just for summer. Sylhet summer. Goes two months. The one that goes through both. Yeah, but does this one rise all the. Is that the reason that in there it rises so much because of this one. Six month June July already as ten feet we 25 feet wider. Like here water? So this is the one that rises, right? Wow. A lot. Yeah. So then all what about all those, like, villages? Do they get flooded? Some village villages. [speaking local language] After six monthly moisture. Rainy season. The rainy season? Yeah. One boat from that Ratargul Swamp Forest. Not two boat. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Rainy season. Well, water from one boat legitimately going somewhere. Okay. Not two boat. Oh, that's okay. Okay. Thank you. All right, let's go. Okay. This is a very steep part of the slope. Be really careful. I only just realized that the guy that took us here was the one that joined us the whole time. So we're going to tip him anyways. But he had a nice little 500. Yeah, we gave him. It's actually turning out to be an expensive trip. I mean, even without the tips, I can't see. Yeah, like 1200 to get it. Plus the 500. Yeah. I guess it's less you have like a big group. Yeah. You still between the people because they probably do do it like per boat. Oh yeah, when there's a lot of people coming here. And they have to be okay with it. And we're off everybody back to land. Let's do it. Oh look, this guy watching a cow. He's got his pal in the river, but lots of people swimming clean in their clothes. But like a little village up there in the monsoon season, they must be like, dry on the water. It's so loudly. My ears are ringing from the moto that was so loud but, we're finally here everybody. I'm back. [speaking local language] He's coming in a bit hard is going to hit for sure. Yeah. He got the strong arms. He's finest like, being on top of your boat. Yeah. I was just going to like. I'll help you. We pull. Good. Pull more, pull more. Apparently not. He told me to stop. Okay. All right. Thank you very much, sir. You're a great captain. Captain Cook everybody got us home safely. It's a little bit more busy now. There's more boats now, but look it up on the horn. Has the wooden graphic in the seat. Like a lot of people. But let's see, though. Oh, yeah. I'll drive us to the let's head back into town. He's here. Okay. Okay. Thank you, vhai. Okay. Thank you very much, sir. Wow, guys, what an adventure that was up in the swamps. It's a much longer video than I had initially expected. We got actually up to a ton of activities. It was fun having chai with all the family out in the villages and then catching one boat and then catching another boat around the swamps, going up into the watchtower, meeting some friendly people. So I think we paid him 1300. We originally agreed on 800, but he was waiting around for us for a while. But an exciting day here in Sylhet. So everybody, thank you so much for watching the video. As always, chase your dreams! And we'll see you all in the next one. Goodbye!
Channel: Travel with Luke Damant
Views: 146,247
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Keywords: luke, luke damant, damant, travel, traveler, traveller, travel with luke damant, travel vlog, travel vlogger, luke damant travel, chase your dreams, travel tips, travel channel, asia, bangladesh, bangla, bangladesh 2023, bangladesh travel, travel in bangladesh, dhaka, dhaka travel vlog, bangla travel vlog, bangladesh travel vlog, coxs bazzar, foreigner in bangladesh, bangladesh tourist, tourist in bangladesh, tourist in dhaka, old dhaka, sylhet, travel bangladesh 2023
Id: --mtGI8ETaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 21sec (3681 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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