The Modern Ranger Roll Sleep System

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this is the original Ranger roll 4.1 pounds this is the modified version three pounds this is the ultra modified version 1.7 pounds let's talk about them and how it works would you believe that I have three different sleep systems just did this one butt pack that's right three welcome back grunts I'm Randall lounging around I just got back from a three day trip stick around for future videos and you will see why so today I'm hanging out getting some rest and being lazy so I lied to you guys this is a different Poncho but it's the same weight and size as the US Army Poncho it's a Helicon Tex Poncho and why is this so giant and heavy well because if you were smart back in the day you rolled up your sleeping mat inside of your Ranger roll otherwise if the temperatures dropped you would be bumming here's how it looks rolled up without the sleep mat in it it is now just a pound lighter so we're talking about three pounds so to get the original Ranger roll down to the weight is the modern one you're gonna have to sacrifice some warmth under you if this is all you got it's at least gonna protect you from the elements mostly you're gonna have to figure out something for the ground under you as far as extra warmth you could always pack more leaves and shrubs up under this under the Poncho keep around your body keep you warm usually we were wearing our lvv lces we would get to a patrol base drop our rucks and whatever we took out on our bodies for an overnight Recon or something like that our Sleep System would go in our butt pack and with the term Sleep System we are using that extremely Loosely because this is just a poncho with a poncho liner I've mentioned this several times for me this would be good for like a cool summer night like we're talking about upper 60s at the max for me now with the Poncho overhead or wrapped around you you will survive but it's going to be miserable if you consider what other grunts used before this time this was a major step up at least now you had something to put over you and around your body to keep the elements off of you and give you some kind of protection also you can close it over itself but because it is open at the bottom you don't have to zip anything up you can actually get out of it fairly quickly so pretty good lpop system especially if you don't care about being warm at all this is the modern system a full pound lighter what is in here almost the same we've got a sleeping mat in there that's why it is so big and heavier but this is the US Army MSS bivvy how is this A Step Above back in the days when this was discovered they didn't have this the MSS did not exist in the world I had leadership from the light world this is the system they taught me I decided to start putting a sleep mat in there because I got tired of freezing my ass off but once I got the MSS issued to me I figured hey you know what this bivvy protects me from the elements I can almost totally seal myself in it and I can also roll up a sleeping mat in there so this was around 2004 after my first deployment so we did numerous field rotations places like Eastern Germany where it's just extremely cold and I switched to my own kind of system at the time most soldiers were using their entire MSS in the cold weather or as I've mentioned in the MSS video they were using just the Vivi and the Jungle Bag because we had to try to keep it as light as possible that configuration the jungle bag with the bivvy is right at about four pounds so this system is still lighter however how cold can you sleep in this modern system well for me I could get down to freezing temperatures mainly because the bivvy gave me a lot more warmth than the Army Poncho did but more importantly because instead of depending on a Sleep System at night guys grunts don't sleep in the field and if you're in any kind of real world environment you're barely sleeping it's just you just need something to get out of the elements so with that logic in mind I would bring more cold weather clothing and I've talked about this in numerous videos they'll be linked where they need to be linked if you're curious but typically a grunt is carrying everything on them that they need for the mission lpop's movement and if you're smart you want to limit all the extra crap and weight you're carrying and of course seeing as how your sleep as a grunt or just any combat soldier in the field it might be one or two hours if you're lucky really you just need something to get out of the rain or get the wind off of you well here you go so again nothing on this generation they just didn't have this okay but once this came out this was the preferred method it works a lot better you are sealed off a lot more from the elements than you are in a poncho I'm sure some other guys will tell you down in the comments that you know the Army Poncho is awesome but it's much better used as a shelter than it is wrapping it up around you because eventually that thing will soak through I've slept in monsoons with this freaking bivvy just rained pouring down on me and for the most part stayed dry the only time I got wet is if I had to get out of it at night for my guard shift or what other reason and then I tried to climb back into it well opening it gets you wet climbing in there soaked it just kind of ruins it but this does protect you from the elements and you can stay relatively warm now here is the modern roll version without a sleep mat now we're looking at right about a pound I always have bungee cords on me always wrap it around nice and tight hook it to itself you're good to go now let's talk about the ultralight version 1.7 pounds this is probably the lightest survival Sleep System you could get and this will easily fit in a butt pack and it'll actually fit in a lot of guys cargo Pockets but you could pack this thing pretty much everywhere and yes you're not going to be Comfort camping in this but you will survive the elements pretty comfortably all this is is The Snug pack Special Forces bivvy pretty much a civilian makeup lighter and thinner version of the MSS bivvy I did mention this in the MSS video this is a bivvy it's water resistant it's fairly breathable the point to this is it is super light much lighter than the MSS Vivi the problem is however this is so much thinner you will not be sleeping in Monsoon downpours with this thing it will soak through okay but it always puts something overhead get under a fallen tree or whatever so if we're talking about field Ops and survival you're probably going to be doing that anyway so really all it is is the same concept as the others but I have an ultralight sleeping mat in there this is the Therm-a-Rest Neo X air not pushing products on you guys this thing is pretty freaking expensive I've been testing this for a while and it's warm it's held up so far and it's the perfect light addition to something like this so again awesome system it was much better than nothing if you take out the mat it will at least give you some kind of cover you could make a brush pile to get off of the ground but you know that's a survival thing but it's not very tactical just imagine six guys in an lpop or 30 guys on a patrol base all raking up brushes and leaves and stuff to try to make a bed not tactical nobody's pulling security and you're definitely going to be heard compared to the predecessors World War II into Korea some guys in Vietnam this was a major step up one pound lighter we have a modified modular sleep system that I could actually take down to the freezing temperatures because as I said in the MSS video as the temperatures dropped the cold weather clothing that I am wearing on my body and I have to take with me anyway that's going to escalate and keep me warm and then this is still going to be my get out of the element system power lighter than the original version and lastly we have the most updated system 1.7 pounds super light you could take it with you you could put this on your body your carrying kit and you will always have it with you and if you just happen to go out for a short walk or Patrol or whatever maybe a Recon and you get stuck overnight you could pull this out and you will be much happier than all your buddies who didn't bring anything with them so most of you guys know about the snug pack Vivi but if I were to take the mat out of this thing like this it's about a softball size but if you use their stuff sack you're looking at something about the size of my fist and that's a bivvy so this could be the lightest emergency survival system you could take if you're a grunt that is still cool with suffering this would be great for you man and this is actually not even an expensive product so there you have it girls thanks for joining me hope you enjoyed this one hope you learned something make sure you like it subscribe all that goodness and I'll see you in the next video Alger bottles to piss off the Backpackers so because I have so many of them every now and then I treat myself to a free MRE creamy spinach fettuccine probably had the same MRE spoon for 10 years it's ultra light there you go yes I ate them for years I could still eat them and I could still eat them the grunt way cold not bad foreign
Channel: Grunt Proof
Views: 140,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grunt proof, grunt proof sleep system, ranger roll, ranger roll sleep system, cowboy camping, how soldiers sleep, minuteman, minuteman sleep system, modern ranger roll, improving the ranger roll sleep system, military surplus, grunt proof military surplus, army mss, modular sleep system bivy, snugpak bivy, helikon tex poncho, thermalite sleeping pad, ultralight, ultralight backpacking, soldier loadout, poncho liner, woobie, army woobie, famous woobie, what is poncho liner, mss
Id: 8Cs_bmMZbmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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