The Mirror Test

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you know a leader has to have positive energy you can't come to work with their head down scared you might have a lot of fears of our competition about what's happening out there you might have some problems at home leave the problems at home home and leave the fears in the back of your head now I don't mean for you to be Pollyanna and I don't mean for you to be a cheerleader blindly with with the rain coming in the windows what I do mean though is for you to exude a can-do attitude we can do it we together can do it and you've got to be out there all the time doing it and the last thing you can do is be a bore if you wake up in the morning give yourself a good mirror test if you look like you're gonna be a sulking pouting boy slap yourself in the face before you go out to the office don't come into the office as a bore and bother people and have you head down and drone on there any of those characteristics you wanna we got a win it'd be like a football coach coming to me but business is a game too if the coach comes you know we don't have a chance the other teams do good that they're strong etc I don't know what we're gonna do he wouldn't be around long well you should be around long as a manager with that attitude your job is to rally the team do you remember lucious now you won't have every solution but you want them to have solutions and you want them coming in to win and your job is to create all the time the winning locker room where the champagnes been unmodeled not the losing locker room where everyone's got their head in the towel your job is to create that winning locker room atmosphere as often as you can and people that do it Walmart come again highlight them show them off it's the type of person you want on your team look teams for example talk all the time about who's the leader on this team it might be the left tackle on a football team that's the biggest leader on the team doesn't it always be the quarterback
Channel: Jack Welch Management Institute
Views: 35,618
Rating: 4.9533529 out of 5
Keywords: leadership, Mirror Test, business, jack welch, jack welch mba, MBA (Degree), jwmi, jack welch management institute, executive mba, leader, football, teams, Success, Coach, Development
Id: EN-U6Ec9IMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 28sec (148 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2015
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