The Minor Prophets Series / Jonah: Part 2

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[Music] so jonah has basically just stepped out of the fish and he is somewhere on the coast of lebanon or syria let's take a look and see what we have here this is the whole middle east right now we have israel sinai desert egypt and the nile got the red sea mediterranean cyprus today's turkey of course the bridge of the bosphorus up here and then as you move toward the black sea over there in the persian or arab gulf depending on your political affiliation uh you have the center of the middle east the two rivers the tigris and the euphrates so um here he is somewhere right around here and he's going to have to go all the way over there he is somewhere near tire maybe or you could be here it's really hard to say no one knows a text doesn't tell us so we kind of you know fill in the blank it's kind of like in sunday school with crayons so he basically starts to walk why does he walk because it says in chapter 3 now the word of yahweh came to jonah the second time again we know the story no surprises but it's all new to jonah he thought his life was done for basically when he went in the water and now god saves him maybe he figures now at least he can head back to god heifer and spend a quiet life you know raising sheep or doing whatever he was going to do god says no a second time and he said arise go to nineveh the great city and proclaim to it the proclamation which i'm going to tell you so he's back on track we have a recommissioning if you're going to use a fancy word so if he's gonna walk from here to nineveh that's a long time that's like maybe three weeks you know they say like it's three weeks by foot and four weeks by donkey so he had to walk all this way there and and this gives you some idea of where nineveh is in terms of the tigris river so that's in the area of assyria below assyria would be babylon right so assyria was the power at that time in the middle of the uh let's say the uh late uh the 780 something like that bc and then babylon comes in around 600 and becomes the world power before then egypt was the world power so things move you know like today we say america a few days ago it was britain had an influence on uh on countries like singapore and then you know who's gonna be next in asia who's the next power who's gonna be next after america we'll talk about that a little bit later when we get to the book of nahum but here he's called and he's sent on this journey so he starts moving up the coast through into that darker green area which would be the area of the neo-assyrian empire and then it says here in um jonah arose and went to nineveh according to the word of yahweh now nineveh was an exceedingly great city okay you can see the empires here as syria and babylonia of course later egypt and uh just another map of what he had to walk they call that the fertile crescent because it has rainfall there and you can live in that area once you start getting below into the great syrian desert or the arabian desert you're not going to make it unless you're a bedouin and you really know how to survive because it's very very very tough there so god sends him to nineveh nineveh was the capital city of the assyrian empire and it was a whole three days to go from one side to the other three days by foot four days by donkey okay and so uh he walks through there it says it was a great city exceedingly great city a three days walk and jonah began to go through the city one day's walk so he made it one third of the way into the city nearly the city center and then he cried out so let's kind of put ourselves into imagining what jonah saw we look at some archaeology from that time so this is a face one of the assyrian rulers from that time you can see the way they dress they had ornamental beards and very fancy that's how they drank their wine or their drink so this is in the city of nimrod which was fell in 614 bc so this was still going strong and this is like 250 years before that city falls and so here's one of the kings at that time again it's called a steel s-t-e-l-e it's like a monument and you can see the the wings of the uh the eagle it's interesting how eagles are used for wings for paratroopers i don't know about in your country but certainly in israel and britain america eagle wings are the sign of power the bird of prey oversight so these were memorials set up to say this king was the best thing we've ever had and it was usually done in his life because after he died who cared so it was kind of like political news um hopefully it wasn't fake news and uh gives you an idea so here for instance our kings of assyria in that day uh meeting each other and uh here is king shamaneser on the left who's mentioned uh and receiving homage or fealty from a vassal state and that vassal state was israel okay so israel was threatened by assyria and before israel was conquered totally and destroyed in 722 bc the effect of a syrian influence was so strong that jehu who's mentioned there who took over from jeroboam son of nabat jehu is mentioned as coming and bowing down before shamanizer and look what it's called jehovah the people of the land of omrin now omri is mentioned in the bible as a king very couple few lines given about him but the assyrians considered him a very powerful king who could field more chariots than the arameans or any of the other countries around there and he's coming and kissing the ground and saying i'm going to lick the dust at your feet because i am submitted to you so here was nineveh this is a mock-up of what nineveh would have looked like and this was built in the 70s and 80s in nineveh itself is a kind of a maybe tourists will come to this area and see what things used to look like here's a picture from a british architect who drew this back in the about two centuries ago his view of what the palaces would look like in the river going through the city of nineveh and again if you've been to berlin at least in berlin and the pergama museum pokemon museum you're going to see a mock-up taken from nineveh and exported to berlin prior to world war one where they kind of set up the palaces of what nineveh would have looked like so here is this mock-up that stood until quite recently of kind of giving us a view of what nineveh would have looked like and here's that gate as of 2016 and how it looked here is the brick by brick taken by the germans from nineveh when they were doing digging there and brought to berlin and rachel and i have seen this here and others as well some of you may have also been to germany to see that but this is one of the most beautiful gates to enter into that city so for all we know jonah could have walked through these gates notice the motifs of the lions are everywhere and it's a significant thing as we look through all the minor prophets they talk about assyria and babylon and lions because the lions were very important for those of us who know 20th century history what does the lion remind us of britain right the british lion and it's on the uh the uh what would you call it the coat of arms uh for the british for the united kingdom and uh so maybe there were a lot of lions there they usually were taken from africa actually to fight and to be part of all that stuff there but very very incredibly developed culture for its day and so uh jonah would have walked by all these things coming into the city this is a little bit psychedelic that kind of art pattern anyway you have these kind of winged bulls and you can see some of those and very significant it's called the lamasu and this was king sargon's palace he was mentioned in in the second kings as well now what happens to this 2018 isis takes over this area they're rebuilding nineveh and they see this as pagan which is 100 true and they say islam says we destroy these things so they began to destroy all those pictures you saw took it all apart and they said this is what we're doing to purify the country and smashing all the statues destroying the bulls taking down all anything anything that reminded them of this jahlia or what they would call the age of ignorance um and here are pictures of that as they were doing then so to them it's very important destroying one of the winged bulls here okay so uh bringing it up nineveh was destroyed nineveh was rebuilt for tourists that even was destroyed recently and uh so he comes and he starts bringing this message yet 40 days and nineveh will be overthrown now i don't know what you think about the prophetic but john is walking through this let me ask you a question was nineveh overthrown in in jonah's day it wasn't so is this a false prophetic word see we don't always understand what's going on with a prophetic word and i'm not playing fast with this this is very much a biblical concept here a prophetic challenge is an invitation and the invitation in this case is to repent that's the whole point if you do not repent you're destroyed but if you do repent perhaps remember what the sailors said in in chapter one verse six perhaps god will relent from the destruction of life that's the whole point here that's the focus here of what's going on so this prophecy is an invitation now how did jonah do with god's invitation to him not so good he got on a boat and headed west and so even though he's made a confession now and he's back in business and headed east he comes to the east he makes this challenge to the biggest superpower on the face of the earth maybe china might have been bigger but china it doesn't come in so much in the bible at this point i had a son who was studying at hebrew university about china and he told me how amazing their history is in terms of the amount of people the battles and all kinds of things there but this is an invitation to nineveh and so the question is how are they going to respond can we remember that together how did the sailors respond how did jonah respond to the original invitation how will nineveh respond how does jonah respond after that and then how are we going to respond okay that's the whole point of this book it ends up with us in our hearts how are we going to respond okay so in verse 5 then the people of nineveh believed in god okay emunah faith they had an unshakable belief in god and then they put it into practice by calling a fast putting on sackcloth so when you were mourning you actually threw on rough clothing that irritated your skin and you did it to say i'm in mourning i'm like when somebody died i'm not this is no longer business as usual and then it says from the greatest of them until the least of them and if you know hebrew and the hebrew bible immediately that brings you to jeremiah 31 because over there in jeremiah 31 verse 34 it talks about that the whole nation of israel will become believers from the greatest of them to the least of them they will all know me so it's basically everybody so there's an everybody repentance going on right now in nineveh and compare it to jonah's response when he was called the phoenician sailors are repenting and now nineveh is about to repent when the word reached the king of nineveh in verse six he rose from his throne laid aside his robe from him all those beautiful dress you saw those royal glory he covered himself with sackcloth and he sat on ashes and he issued a proclamation and it said in nineveh by the decree of the king and his nobles do not let man beast herd or flock taste a thing do not let them eat or drink water but both man and beast must be covered with sackcloth not only humans but animals and let men call on god earnestly that he may that each may turn from his wicked way and from the hamas that's the hebrew word the violence which is in his hands the word in hebrew for strong violence is hamas now the word for the jihadi terrorist group in the gaza strip is hamas but it's a different it's an acronym it means the islamic resistance movement but it sounds interestingly enough just like this hebrew word for violence here and here's this word this verse nine now is the same thing that the sailors said who knows god may turn who knows if god may turn and relent and withdraw his burning anger so that we may not perish so again you're dealing with our evil way our violence these are real things people are saying we are evil we are involved in violence and we deserve death so this is what paul is saying in romans he's saying the wages of sin is death but the free gift of god of life is in messiah yeshua and so here they're saying the same thing it's if you like it's a pre-gospel okay these are people who don't know the bible they don't know yahweh and yet they're saying we have conviction of sin it's interesting yeshua talked about his ministry and he said i come regarding the issues of sin righteousness and judgment i come to tell people about sin this is what happens here doesn't take much from from jonah but they are aware of what's going on righteousness god is righteous and therefore he has the right to judge and so they come with repentance here so this is very very heavy and it says god sees remember when god looks down in the tower of babel people are building this huge structure all the way up to the sky and it says god says let's go down there and see what they're building seems maybe a little building or something and in the same sense here he sees when there's repentance going on not only when there's bad things going on and that should be a hope and an encouragement to us that god does see us when even when we do repent and this is what's happening here he sees what's going on and in verse 10 it says when god saw their deeds that they returned from their wicked ways way then god relented concerning the calamity which he had declared he would bring upon them and he did not do it theologians don't like this verse because this seems to indicate a god who can change direction and if he can change direction maybe he's capricious maybe he feels this way he feels that way i'm going to do this it's like a father who says to his son boy am i going to give you a whipping for what you did and the kid comes in falls on his knees and says oh i'm so sorry and the father says i'm not going to do that and i had a story once in my life with that with one of my kids i remember that too but what does it mean god relented niham is the hebrew word what is it what does it mean here that god says i'm not going to do it well the focus here is not in god changing but in us changing if we're walking in a way which is going to lead us over a cliff and god warns us and we don't listen we fall over the cliff but if we turn around and the hebrew word ferchuva for repentance is turning around if we turn around we're not going to fall over the cliff god says i see that and i'm going to respond about that okay so we get now to chapter four okay so john has a successful ministry he can write about it to say hey i went to the biggest city in the world i spoke to the biggest king in the world and oh it was a miraculous ministry and i i met this fish on the way and it was absolutely something believe me no one's ever done what i do i am an apostle of prophets and some talk that way today too of course but jonah didn't see it that way at all he's actually furious so how could it be that a prophet is called to do a ministry recalcitrant disobedient and then he gets there he does it and then he's angry to see god honoring his word there's an old middle eastern uh story of a man who was a uh seller of fruits and vegetables in the market and uh one day uh genie came to him and said because of all the wonderful things you've done it's been decided you're going to get anything you want with one provision and he says okay what's that he said well your competitor across the alley from you in the souk in the market he's going to get double this man sits down he starts crying can't handle it my competitor the one who i hate who's been making my life bitter for years he gets double so he's crying crying crying all of a sudden he sits up he says i've got it i know what i want the genie says okay what do you want he says i want to be blind in one eye now what does this say it says we can be offered great things but what's going on inside us and what's going on inside of jonah right here so it says here in chapter four verse one but it greatly displeased jonah and he became angry and the word here is uh and and it was evil unto jonah and and he got really angry the word means the trembling one of the words in hebrew the reddening or trembling of his nostrils you're talking heavy anger here and it says and he prayed to yahweh and said please yahweh first name basis was not this what i said when i was still in my own country fascinating line here he's saying god i told you about this stuff i i i had a perspective here that i knew who you are and it says therefore in order to forestall this i fled to tarshish in other words i really know who you are i just don't like who you are how many of us could have this honesty about any issues with god and what specifically is he angry about he says for i knew that you are a gracious and compassionate god slow to anger and abundant in covenant faithfulness and one who relents concerning calamity he's saying i accept that you're a god of justice i accept that you're going to judge people who are wicked i can even preach that message but the issue of unmerited favor of grace that's hard the issue that god could not judge the worst of sinners if they repent i remember when i came to faith many years ago more than 150 years ago maybe i don't know it was about how many 46 years ago i think something like that and i had a friend we used to smoke dope together and stuff like that and i came to faith and and he said are you telling me that god could forgive the greatest sins that ever had been done i said i think so yeah i think he can do that and he said well no i can't follow god who's going to forgive the worst sins and he mentions some mass murderers dictators and stuff like that i didn't have a real good answer for him certainly i didn't understand it that well myself but i seem to feel yeah god's power to forgive was so strong but that's what's bothering jonah here he says i knew that you're a gracious and compassionate god and the word here is hesed these words rakhami means from the womb that you feel toward people like a mother feels in her womb toward her baby it's a tender word means covenant faithfulness and and and uh noon the desire to kind of pour out forgiveness on people you're slow to anger now one thing we can say about jonah which is perhaps true of some of us too about not being slow to anger he was quick to anger and we're going to see that because he gets angry really strongly twice in this chapter here but he says you're not like that you're not like that how can a prophet be imperfect jonah was an imperfect prophet and that gives hope for all the rest of us now we just have to let god change us and bring us into what he wants to see so he relents concerning calamity and i did not want to come here he said in order to forestall your merciful ministry to nineveh i fled to tarshish i knew exactly what you were doing and i didn't want to have mercy compassion on these people and then he says take my life kill me throw me off the off the boat again but don't save me so um why would he feel this way and we're going to talk about that in a minute or two when we move to the the last part here of jonah's dialogue with god but there's something going on i don't think that jonah is given respect kind of like that famous american jewish comedian rodney dangerfield where he says i don't get no respect and i think john it doesn't get a lot of respect over here we kind of typecast him as oh did he have problems but actually he's just like us we sometimes don't want god to have mercy on certain people and um i think if we look around in the world today we can see a lot of people we think god should not have mercy on whether they're not of our political persuasion or our religious persuasion uh whatever it is this challenge that jonah has here from god is a challenge that is very much ours at this season right now so here are the people repenting and we see the king getting off his throne wearing sackcloth weeping for the destiny of his country may god grant us each for every country that we have leaders who are willing to do that because if we don't have those leaders what's going to happen from the top down there's a yiddish proverb it says a fish stinks from the head downward and here we have a king saying yes we stink and we need to repent and so that's the first thing that's going on here so he says take my life from me yahweh for death is better to me than life and yahweh said do you have good reason it's a good thing that you're angry and he asks him that question a couple of times your anger jonah is that a good response and there's a real interaction going on here at this point the jonah doesn't say anything at least in the text then jonah went out from the city and sat east of it get a good view he wanted to have a front seat hopefully for the destruction of nineveh i mean god repented and jonah understood relented and god understood that jonah understood that god relented but maybe maybe it won't happen maybe nineveh will still get wiped out right it's a possibility so he's waiting and it says here he made a shelter for himself and it's interesting here in chapter 4 verse 5 it says he made for himself a sukkah and so the same word which is used in amos 9 11 which we'll look at this is the word for sukkah it doesn't mean a tabernacle it doesn't mean a beautiful tent it means a couple of poles in the ground throw a bit of vines on it and sit there while you're doing the harvest it's not a house and that has reference to the proper interpretation of amos 9 which we'll look at when we get to the prophet amos but he basically makes himself a little shanty a little shack in the desert and he sat under it in the shade until he could see what would happen in the city he's waiting it's kind of like turning on the news in the evening hoping to see terrible things happen and most of the time as you know we don't get disappointed so here we have a repenting city and an angry prophet okay and uh god is following both of them but the city basically doesn't come back to us anymore at this point but jonah does so what could be the problem in jonah why doesn't he want to see them um repent well jonah came around let's say 780 bc 60 years later assyria has had enough of repentance comes in and exiles 10 tribes from israel cruelly cruelly cruelly we see this whole history there syria was not dead by any means and had not had a deep repentance by any means when we think of revival we think of revival as lasting and changing the destiny of that country forever the bible says no that's not the way it works one day it will be but usually it's a short-term thing people have studied revival say sometimes that it only lasts for two or three years you know crime goes down people don't go to jail there's a real turning two three years later the spirit lifts off the holy spirit lifts off and people behave the same way somebody once said who i loved he said god is not looking just to come upon a nation but to come upon and remain upon that nation and that's a real challenge and it's a challenge for our world today so here we have uh tiglat palesar okay so he came and um attacked um and uh destroyed samaria took the ten tribes prisoner uh so those are the ten tribes in assyria which is uh the beginning of the times of the gentiles evidently those uh numbers are in reverse order there at 7 37 to 7 20. but you can see battles here and this is uh uh notice people who are being stuck they're crucified as it were they're they're put on poles while they're still alive to left to die on poles very cruel uh one here is um um taking and cutting off the heads of various semitic people who they've defeated okay this is in the babylon area maybe arameans they were known as being pretty cruel here are jewish people being ripped with iron uh rakes burning rakes by assyrian soldiers in uh seven uh somewhere around uh 701 bc at the town of lachish and you can see people going into exile these are judeans by the way not the judean exile it's a it was a sideshow in uh in senecarabs time but you can see the assyrian soldiers and and ripping those are probably one of the first pictures in stone of jewish people being actually uh tortured to death these are jewish people on these pikes from that time too this happened 70 years after jonah's ministry to assyria maybe he said listen god i know this is going to happen i'm a prophet i can feel it i don't want you to forgive these people because they're going to end up being like the nazis to my people i don't want to go to them pictures close up of some of those jewish people on their way out so he is basically trying to figure out how can god have mercy on people who very soon are not going to show mercy to israel and we miss that because we don't get into the history of what's going on we just take a cross-section of a brain in 780 and we don't understand 722 and 721 and 701 [Music] and the bible doesn't look at things that way god has this huge scope of history and he says i make a promise in the garden that i'm going to bring a seed and that seed is going to crush the head of satan and that's going to come through the jewish people and therefore they're my protected priority people and i want the whole world to know this and based on how you treat them is how i treat you so here is jonah coming along to a people who have who are about to curse his people and he says i don't want to show them mercy because they're going to curse my people now i'm adding that to the text but it's historically true he says i don't want to show you to show the mercy because i know who you are and i don't want that to happen the why he doesn't explain we maybe turn to history which is what i'm doing here but he doesn't want god to show mercy and we know that within 60 70 years the assyrians certainly did not deserve mercy in terms of their treating of israel so he says here in chapter 4 verse 4 yahweh said to him do you have good reason to be angry jonah went out from the city and sat east of it and he made a shelter for himself sat under it in the shade until he could see what happened to the city verse 6 so yahweh god appointed a plant and it grew up over jonah to be a shade over his head to deliver him from his discomfort now i don't know where you live we live in a hot area not as hot as let's say abu dhabi it's a little hotter in abu dhabi but not by much and it can get really hot as a matter of fact we've had unseasonable heat right now whether you speak in fahrenheit or in in celsius it's very very hot and so i can tell you that there was no air conditioning in innova and it's hot and so he's waiting front seat in the heat of the day and this can be you know in the 40s in the hundreds depending on how you count heat measure it so god sends a kikayon it's called in hebrew this is what it looks like it's a plant it's not very beautiful not you can't basically make a living eating its leaves the only thing it can be here is shade a little bit of shade in a very hot land so it's a shade over his head to deliver him from his discomfort and it says jonah was extremely happy about this plant okay and it's interesting the word here in uh verse six and then seven and uh four times they're using the word vayiman and god appointed god chose to do something sovereignly isn't that what the phoenician sailor said you are god and whatever he wants he does that's one of the main points here as far as the nations are concerned god is sovereign we're not here to say you can't do this none of us have a right to successfully defeat god in an argument because we have hamas we have violence and we have milkma deception and we have all kinds of evil going on okay so let's stop for a second and think of this here the jewish people it says in in romans have an apostolic calling all the original apostles were all jews we're called to bring the gospel to the world to bring the gospel to the nations so let's think of jonah as a representative of the prophetic and apostolic nation in the scriptures the jewish people we're called to bring the gospel to the nations indeed those of you who are believers today came to the lord because a jew came somewhere in the world out of israel and brought the gospel whether it be thomas to india or andrew to russia or other such traditions we brought the gospel jonah shows you what it's like to be a prophetic and apostolic jew you're called to bring the gospel the message of god's forgiveness and for forgiveness and and restoration to the nations of the world how are we doing with that see it's not easy to go to the nations paul went to the nations and they they persecuted him some believed and that became a worldwide movement but a lot of them threw him in jail he ended up he had he was you know put to death as was peter and so this issue of if we have anger in our hearts toward the nations god is asking are you doing well to do it that way what jonah is being asked we jewish people are being asked should we have place in our heart to look for bad things to happen or do we want good things to happen to people who may not be deserving of it see that's what the gospel is is it not it's grace to those who are undeserving it of it so god four times here he talks about sovereignly causing something to happen sovereignly causing a storm sovereign the fish sovereignly this plant and now it says god sovereignly appointed a worm when dawn came on the next day in verse 7 and it attacked the plant and it withered so jonah has only a little bit of joy in his life and it's a plant that's where he's come to he's come to the point of i'm sitting here angry hoping for destruction burning to death in this heat and there's a little plant and i'm very happy about the plant okay so he gets plant he gets really upset about it says a verse 8 when the sun came that god came up that god appointed a scorching east wind and the sun beat down on jonah's head so that he became faint and he begged with all his soul to die third time basically that he's saying i want to check out of here he says death is better to me than life then god said to jonah do you have good reason to be angry about the plant are you doing a good thing it says in hebrew he's checking he's trying to get jonah to look at something deeper jonah is concerned about a plant and he was given a ministry to be concerned about a city but because whatever reason quite possibly because of the fact that assyria was not known as a kindly they were very very cruel country and they were going to do very very cruel things to israel he didn't really want the gospel to come do you have good reason to be angry about the plant and he said i have good reason to be angry even to death he's like it's not just a pout he's really angry but what's he focusing on here he's focusing not on god's sovereignty not in god's desire to save people from death not on his willingness to turn when we turn none of those things he's focusing like so many of us do in our misery of what's going to give us a modicum a drop of personal comfort he's narcissistic if you want to use that term he's saying i don't care about what's going on in nineveh but i do care about air conditioning i don't care about what's going to happen to assyria and all these gentiles i care about whether i will have a comfortable seat watching them get destroyed that's hard verse 10 then yahweh said you had compassion on the plant for which you did not work and which you did not cause to grow in other words you had nothing to do with this plant but you felt compassion for it you loved it it came up overnight and it perished overnight he's saying how can you as a prophet have compassion on a plant but not on a people should i not have compassion on nineveh god says the great city in which there are more than 120 000 people who do not know the difference between the right and left hand that usually is a statement of being a young child where you can't tell the difference between left and right and as well many animals if you're not interested in the people think of the livestock he's being sarcastic here and he says jonah you you had compassion on a plant can i imitate you can i have compassion on this lousy people and their kids and maybe even some of the livestock i've invested in them you didn't invest in that plant but you have compassion would you allow me to have compassion this is a pretty heavy thing and we know this book because jonah wrote it he wrote and told us what went on in his heart so we see here this calling that god gives to jonah just like he gave a calling to the jewish people and if we want to look at matthew 28 18-20 there's a great commission of a calling that we all have to bring the gospel to the whole world jonah developed an attitude along the way in anger for whatever reason just like some of us have anger for whatever reason remember one time god wrestled with me on this chapter on this book i was in germany for the first time and we were called to do ministry in germany and here i am a jewish man in a country and the nazis were like to the jews what the assyrians were like to the jews and i had to struggle with god and he took me he said turn to the book of jonah and i i know the book and i said okay where is this going to go and when we got to that verse where he says didn't i tell you this when i was back in the land and i realized god this is who you are you want to have compassion on the german people you want to have compassion on the enemies of israel and that's hard for me and i remember the lord speaking to me about it i said but lord they haven't repented i said to him and he said what about your people and i thought that was such an unfair question because many of my people have not repented maybe the majority just like the majority of your people but if i were going to hold god to the standard of not having mercy on people who haven't repented then there's no hope for my people either that's when i began to understand what the book of jonah is about and i just want to challenge you as you read these words and think about these thoughts to be praying for your people that god would have mercy on them and that he would do to them like he was willing to do to the syrians but that your people would repent far more deeply than the assyrians did and not be ready 70 years later to be a tool in the hands of the enemy as the assyrians were let's pray father in yeshua's name we thank you for this book and we ask that you speak to our hearts work with us we want to be real with you we see jonah is real help us father in yeshua's name to move in your time with your understanding and to be your representatives not only the jewish people but all those who are called by your name we ask this in yeshua's name amen you
Channel: Signet Ring Media
Views: 1,165
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: T1qcwhjinws
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Length: 50min 16sec (3016 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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