The Minor Prophets Series / Amos: Part 1

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[Music] thanks for joining me again on the study together of the prophet amos amos in hebrew and amas was not a prophet jonah didn't want to be a prophet amus was not a prophet and actually he was making a very good living not being a prophet it was not a question of profit it was profit and loss that was his business and we're going to take a look at that book together and it's interesting that the book begins with the lord yahweh roars from zion and so this whole thing about god as a lion is going to come again and again in this book and of course the lion was a symbol of assyria and of babylon it was the king of beasts right the king of empires so we're going to be looking at that together the king of assyria at the time of amos was a man whose name was adad nirari ii and uh so he comes from all these kings there was a lot of fighting between these kings and court intrigue and we're talking about in the year 802 eight years after he became king of assyria he defeats aram and the ram is really important we're going to look at iran later this is a dad nerari and again the news about him you can see the crescent moon up there as well part of that is another side view taken of him as well and it says that during his kingship which would have been 810 to 783 bc there was a king in judah whose name was uzziah who had another name azariah also 790 what is it 791-740 so they kind of are kings one in assyria who defeats aram and then uzziah and fascinating king this was discovered on the side of the mount of olives and it's basically it's a tombstone saying don't touch these bones these are the bones of uzziah here the king of azia and basically it says don't touch him why because he ended up getting leprosy he took upon himself something that only the levites were supposed to do which was to burn incense to god the levites were in charge of the worship sacrifice system the king was in charge of government under god and then the prophets would speak he usaid tried to put the two of them together and he was judged with leprosy in the temple he actually came out on his brow in the middle of the temple he had to be taken and he couldn't stay in his palace they had to put him in another little room kind of airbnb and he was there until he died and then they put him in this uh eventually when his bones were left they put it in a ossuary or bone box and that was the bone box found from musaya so these are real people okay uh mentioned in the bible while he was king in judah something was going on in israel there was a guy whose name was jeroboam ii we just ran into him during the time of jonah so he's still king he's still king in the north and he's involved in some stuff which is not good he's the fourth descendant the fourth fourth generation after jehu okay and jehu had taken been involved in some other things and so this is a seal found in megiddo so this would be like a little stamp saying you know this is your office so if you sign any documents you take your seal it's around your neck and then you put it in hot wax and it says this is the servant of the king okay and this king is jeroboam ii so this goes back to that time probably you're talking around 770 around the time of jonah maybe a little later and this is kind of right around this time is is a time of amos so amos is from the south he's from judah whereas jonah is from the north from god heifer near nazareth from the tribe of zebulun okay so they're both working at the same time but they're not necessarily spending a lot of time with each other this is that same seal at that time so as we come into amos chapter 1 amos is from judah and he's sent to israel so what does that mean we don't understand it that much these days with civil war the two tribes in the south that will be judah and simeon stayed together and they supported king david ten of the tribes in the north rebelled against david it's interesting the word for rebellion is pesha which is the word we use today for sin but it means actually rebellion against your governmental authority or kingly authority so they rebelled and then they set up another kingship not from david didn't have the same covenant the same promises the same future and of course jeroboam ii was from jehu and joe had been offered something really wonderful but he spurned it because of his own fears and problems and so they were involved in the worship of den and bethel where they had golden calves and that's a long story there so it talks about in the bible that in [Music] amos 1 the words of amos who was among the shepherders from toccoa so this is his palmosa this is his uh occupation and the same word is used by the way in another place talking about mesha who was the king of moab in second kings three verse four it says now meisha king of maul was a sheep breeder and used to pay the king of uh israel of like uh protection money one hundred thousand lambs and the will of a hundred thousand one hundred thousand lambs and the wall of a hundred thousand rams that's second kings three four so he was a vassal moab was a vassal fighting against israel but he was a very rich shepherd and so here when you think of a sheep herder amos could have been a pretty wealthy guy we don't know how many sheep he had and if we try to answer that question without knowing we would ourselves feel pretty sheepish but it says here in verse 1 the words of amos which he envisioned in visions he got visions he got actually is the hebrew word it's a prophetic vision it's like looking and seeing a movie taking place with your naked eye okay god showed him movies okay prophetic movies that's what the hebrew word means and it concerns israel so ten tribes in the north in rebellion against two tribes in the south crossing back and forth could be dangerous it was kind of like a no man's land like uh berlin you know and you didn't want to cross that easily to be a prophetic messenger from the south and going to the north was dangerous not only that but amos wasn't a prophet he was a shepherd and uh prophets actually in those days had a profession there's something called the school of the prophets that you run into in first kings where elijah and elisha were in charge of schools of the prophets and the people were trained they were discipled it's kind of like being a doctor if you're going to be a doctor you go through discipleship you get trained you don't just show up and be a doctor same thing with a prophet or a teacher or a pastor although we don't do it that well these days in these other areas but he was a shepherd and we'll see that when he gets yelled at in the north he says listen guys i'm not in this for the money and i'm not even in this for the profession i'm just somebody who takes care of sheep and sycamore trees so god is the one who called me so listen up so this is what goes on here he starts in verse 1 and he says that he was ministering in the days of isaiah king of judah but he wasn't called to uzziah and in the days of jeroboam the son of joash the king of israel two years before the earthquake which earthquake well some kind of earthquake and amos was ministering when jonah was ministering and also hosea three heavyweights who were ministering in interesting were looking at amos now after jonah and then we're going to be looking at hosea so all three of them kind of were contemporaries together here and basically god says okay two years before the earthquake so the earthquake uh happened in 760 based on all kinds of different um archaeological records from that time so two years before the earthquake means 762. so we know when he was ministering probably 10 20 years after jonah and he's got this ministry to israel was jonah ministering to israel no jonah was ministering to assyria so assyria gets israel gets sent to assyria and judah gets sent to israel it's an interesting type of division of labor here so the first thing he says in chapter 1 verse 2 is the lord roars from zion and from jerusalem he utters his voice and the shepherds pasture grounds mourn and the summit of carmel dries up if you live in israel and you know about carmel here's mount carmel uh it's an area with a lot of oak trees and these there's uh kind of like deer up there and we've had some fires there occasionally which hasn't been so good but it's a beautiful area it's one of the tall mountains it's mentioned in the bible a bunch of times as the heights of carmel so he's saying from the highest most fruitful mountains to the lowest valleys where shepherds meet god is roaring and everything gets shaken everyone is crying and everything dries up so already you can tell this is going to be a very encouraging book right this is kind of where the book goes the whole book is basically talking about boy there's going to be problems and then after that there's going to be problems and then at the very end it's going to be good a lot of times when people say you know how are things going what's going to happen i say well first of all it's going to be bad and and then afterwards it'll be good so this is kind of his message of the book and what's we're going to look at today so basically god begins to talk to from this beautiful carmel he says it's all going to get shaken this is come to israel this can be you sitting here looking over mount carmel and eating this beautiful baklava pastries here he begins to say here six nations which are neighbors of israel six nations and there are judgments that he gives now he's called to israel but first of all he has to deal with some neighbors who are not that friendly and sometimes we don't want to focus so much on what god says to the nations around israel we just want to talk about how god wants to speak to israel about their sins here he starts first with the nations and then he focuses on their sins so the six nations and then he's going to be talking to the divided house of the jewish people so here in 1 chapter 1 verse 3 to 5 he starts with damascus in hebrew the word is domestic in arabic today it's damash very similar and he says here this is what yahweh says for three transgressions of damascus and for four i will not revoke it it meaning the punishment this is a hebraism it's something in the hebrew language when you say three or four the context here by the way apart from that has to do with genesis 12 3. genesis 12 3 is central to the way god deals with not only the nations surrounding israel but with all the world and basically it says if you bless the jewish people you're blessed and if you even mock or deride or laugh at or dishonor the jewish people you'll be cursed it's what the hebrews says i have a book called israel the key world revival where i talk about it in greater detail if you're interested um but his point here is these nations are listed here as cursing the jewish people and their curse falls upon them because they curse the jewish people romans 11 28-29 says that the gifts and calling of god on israel are irrevocable and so the same principles that hold to those nations in that time hold to those same nations in our time and it holds actually to all nations of the world so their judgment is because how they treated israel and what's going to happen and following so let's look what it says here 3 and four is like there's six things god hates yea seven there are three things god is pleased with the a4 it's a kind of hebrew way of saying you think there's only three there's four you know if you give me a chance maybe it'll be nine or ten but his point is it's something this judgment is coming and it's decisive it's not only three it's four you know and uh so here it says here for three transgressions of damascus and for four i will not revoke its punishment because they threshed gilead with implements of sharp iron so you say threshing that sounds fine what does it mean with uh with instruments of sharp iron we'll unpack it because it has a specific meaning here by the way are things from damascus now dabascus was the capital of the arameans they're called the arameans of damascus in first second kings and the arameans are not related to abraham some people think if you're arab and you live in the middle east you're from abraham it's not true okay the arameans were from aram and if you look under the descendants of shem aram is one of them but abraham doesn't come from iran he comes from a pakhsaad so it's not abrahamic but it is semitic and it is middle eastern so here are the aramean people and one of the big aramian guys was a guy whose name was khatsa el and we could be talking about him here are some pictures of him and stuff from the aramean peoples who are from damascus statues of lions again but these are aramian lions and um okay so it says here they threshed gilead with implements of sharp iron what's gilead gilead is a jewish area in northern jordan today just east of let's say kibutzafikim just east of beijing up in the hills right there there's jabish gilia the lower dry gilead in ramad gilead which was connected to saul and jonathan when their bodies were taken by the men of that area and rescued from being desecrated by the philistines so jews are living there and it says the arameans came and they threshed gilead with implements of sharp iron let's understand this this is a heavy term and it's worth going into because it's a prophetic term in the bible so here you see threshing biblical threshing there's a board here and the board on the bottom of it has stones see that or flint and then you turn the board over and you sit on it or you put rocks on it usually you don't sit on it and and it gets pulled by a donkey horse maybe but donkeys are cheaper and you go round and round and where the grain is and what happens is the stones separate the kernel of grain from the straw and then you come with a pitchfork and you throw it into the air and the wind blows the straw further because it's lighter and the grain falls closer so when john the baptist is talking about god coming to israel and he says the messiah is going to come and he's going to separate the grain between the straw and the kernels this image is a biblical image okay so here is a example of an older threshing thing now people have tractors and machines it's a little bit different but in those days people didn't so let me just see for a second here okay so these are pictures of the uh uh of the arameans and you can see their worship of these various gods in this case baal and that's reshef the god of thunder and pictures of what they looked like is that correct is that where we're going yes that's where we're going so these are pictures well actually no these are not these are truly what i said but i want to go back here i was thinking maybe i had some more pictures so this concept of threshing uh involves judgment it involves harvest okay for the grain which is good that's harvest and for the straw it's it's judge it's basically judgment so look what it says here with me in uh ii samuel 12 verses 29 through 31. this is david fighting against these people the damascans the aramians it says so david gathered all the people and went to rabbah we would call that rabbat ammon or the area a little bit south of there he fought against it he captured it then he took the crown of their king from his head and its weight was a talent of gold and then it was a precious stone it was placed on david's head and he brought out all the spoil of the city in great amounts he also brought out the people who were in it and set them under saws sharp iron instruments and iron axes and made them pass through the brook brick kiln thus he did to all the cities of the sons of ammon then david and all his people returned to jerusalem the best that bible scholars can see with this is we're talking about something called decimate that is where you take one tenth of the people and you basically put them to death and in this case it talks about using sharp iron threshing sledges so it was not probably a very nice time so david did this to the enemies in ammon but then god says in isaiah 41 verse 15 that israel is his threshing sledge let me quote you from isaiah 41 15 behold i have made you a new sharp threshing sledge with double edges you will thresh the mountains and pulverize them and will make the hills like chaff so god is saying that there is a future ministry for israel where nations come against israel and they will lose and israel will win people don't like to talk about that these days because one of the days of peace peace is approaching faster and faster everywhere we look but the bible talks about these things as prophecies so god is saying specifically to the arameans of damascus that he's going to judge them for committing not exactly ethnic cleansing or genocide but certainly murder you would call them war crimes in a sense against the jewish people and it's interesting if you go on to first kings 19 the same image is used now about the arameans first kings 19 15-18 yahweh said to him go and return your way to the wilderness of damascus okay and when you have arrived you shall anoint ghatsa el king over abram okay now who's being told this elijah so it's interesting israel's this place here elijah is a prophet of the north not the south he's from israel not judah but he's sent to to anoint prophetically and with oil and to set up governments in countries which are enemies of israel i think john had difficulty going to assyria here's elijah being sent to iran who cuts israel to pieces he says just go there set up this leader you know and set up a leader in in israel whose name is jehu and and then set up hatsa el over over aram okay so you shall anoint hatsa el king over aram and jehu the son of nimshi you shall anoint king over israel and elisha the son of shafat from aval mekhola you shall anoint his prophet in your place so you've got profit you've got king of haram and you've got king of israel just set up the power politics for the middle east for another 100 200 years just go and do it it's not a problem and it should come up to pass the one who escapes from the sword of khatsa el that's from aram in syria jehu shall put to death he's the king of israel and the one who escapes from the sword of jehu elisha shall put to death elisha what a prophet puts people to death our prophets can't even get right when certain sicknesses are coming and going how can would this be here yet i will leave seven thousand in israel all the knees that have not bowed to baal and every mouth that has not kissed him paul quotes this first kings 19 in romans 11 and he says there's a remnant in israel just like there was a remnant in the days of elijah so here you have uh this issue of um what god is doing here now it's interesting baal there are israelis at this time who are involved in worshipping baal not worshiping the god of israel and reshef that's another one of those gods and here's another story again dealing with the same concept here it's all background to understanding what amos is dealing with this is from 2nd kings 8 7-13 elijah came to them elisha came to damascus ben haddad king of aram how did he get there elijah put him in power right so now elisha comes ben haddad is now king of ram and he's sick and it was told him no i'm sorry ben haddad it's ben haddad previously hot sale is coming i made a mistake you didn't hear it stop that reverse that elisha came to damascus ben haddad who was king of aram already was sick and was told him saying the man of god has come here so the king said is the guy elisha elijah was told anoint him elijah gave it to elisha to do okay he didn't do it himself he gave it to elisha elisha comes to hatsa el king said the hot saul take a gift in your hand and go to meet the man of god and inquire of yahweh by him saying will i recover from this sickness so khatsa went to meet elisha and took a gift in his hand even every kind of good thing of damascus that's a lot of good things 40 camels loads couple of 18 wheeler trucks and he came and he stood before him and he said your son ben haddad king of aram has sent me to you saying well i recovered from the sickness then elisha said to him go say to him you will surely recover but yahweh has shown me that he will certainly die what's going on here well if this is what god said and ben haddad was not a good man and khat el was not going to be a good man either so elisha fixed his gaze steadily on him until he was ashamed and then the man of god started to weep khadzaal said why does my lord weep he answered because i know the evil that you will do to the sons of israel you see this thing with a prophetic calling you're sent to anoint someone who's going to hurt your own people you see the tension that jonah was dealing with here because i know the evil that you will do to the sons of israel their strongholds you will set on fire their young men you will kill with the sword and their little ones you will dash in pieces and the woman who are pregnant you will rip up then else said but what is your servant who is but a dog that he should do such a great thing now you and i wouldn't say it's a great thing but these were different times and elisha answered yahweh has shown me that you will be king over aram and again another passage here second kings 13 1-4 second kings 13 through 25 says basically the same thing how khatza el became a king did terrible things to israel so when we're talking about [Music] damascus doing these terrible things to the jewish people and then god judging them god says okay because of this and because of my protective judgment in genesis 12 3 i'm going to judge you now how is he going to judge a rum well one of the ways was through israel another way was through the invasion of assyria and the babylonians so these are heavy heavy things here okay so now we move on to um chapter one verse six through eight okay but we didn't really finish here verse four through six i will send fire upon the house of ghatsa el it will consume the citadels of ben haddad i will break the gate bars of damascus cut off the inhabitants from the valley of avant and him who holds the scepter from bait eden so the people of haram will go exiled to cure this is what the lord says okay so this goes back to isaiah 7 emmanuel god with us son will be given to us that whole prophecy in isaiah 7 is connected to someone from aram whose name is retzin in hebrew and he will be one of these people that is the fulfillment of this prophecy he will be judged he will be exiled and so here almost is saying around maybe 7 62 he's saying within 60 years maybe a little bit more than that there's going to be destruction coming to aram and then he says here in verse six for three transgressions of gaza and for four i will not revoke its punishment so we say gaza well that must be hamas and the palestinians they didn't live there then the people who lived there were what you would call philistines philistines were greek people no arabs lived there in those days the philistines settled in five different cities along that area the pentapolis which we're going to talk about later in zephaniah so gaza here is not the palestinians as i was saying gaza would be the philistines these are aegean people the sea peoples coming from the greek islands like rhodes and crete and other places like that and they settled and set up trading posts like the phoenicians but they did gaza ashdod ashkelon gath from where goliath was and ekron and they worship baal ashtarit these other things so these are not arabs and gaza are not arabs here it says here in amos 1 verse 6 for these sins of gaza i will not revoke its punishment because they deported an entire population to deliver it up to edom we're talking about gaza coming in and attacking the jewish people and slaving them enslaving them and then taking these slaves and bringing them over to south of amman today into the area called edom okay this is before the came into the area around hebron so you're talking about enslaving jewish people and selling them to the very heavy thing here the slave markets of uh there now gaza is not the only people who did this we're gonna see the were slavers they lived in southern jordan they built the area where petra is today so what what what did the do with the slaves well if you're there you're just two seconds away from saudi arabia today and you can bring the slaves into the arab world and so arab world always had room for slaves they were very big slavers and they were involved actually in bringing slaves from russia later on down to various areas in the middle east a lot of slaving connected to that area here so the gazans took jews and brought them as slaves so what's what does it say is going to happen to them as a result here i will send fire upon the walls of gaza consume her citadels cut off ashdod's inhabitants and cut off the one who holds a scepter in ashkelon i will unleash my power in akron and the remnant of the philistines will perish so the people who lived in that area the greeks eventually would be destroyed the people we know there today are not greeks okay they're from other sources from egypt some of them come our okay but they're not from the philistines originally here so he's going first of all north of egypt north of israel damascus is going to get really destroyed then he's going south west of israel philistia is going to be destroyed then he goes directly north of israel in chapter one verse nine tyre is going to be destroyed and what are they destroyed for three and four times he's not going to revoke their punishment because they delivered up an entire population to edom and did not remember the covenant of brotherhood so what does that mean brothers between lebanon beirut and tyre and sidon and israel was there ever a time of brotherhood between the western lebanese area phoenician area canaanite area and the jewish people yeah it's mentioned actually in the bible first kings 9 11-14 says that there was a a brotherly relationship between king hiram and king solomon and when king solomon paid him for some of the cedars for the temple and the palaces he's solomon gave him some villages in exchange which were not so good and it says hiram said what are these villages my brother so there was this relationship of brotherhood in those days that tyre in the end turned against then we have the here in chapter 1 verse 11 and 12. and it says three transgressions and four of edom because he pursued his brother with the sword while he stifled his compassion his anger tore continually and he maintained his fury forever very heavy description here and it's biblically based here second chronicles 28 17 talks about slave raids that the made attacking israel and how they eventually actually broke in south of the dead sea passed abroad and moved up toward hebron and took over that whole area and was called the edomite territory which we would say today is edumia okay it where herod came from so herod was an edomite he was not a jewish man and that's mentioned a lot in the bible you know people are looking where is the main enemy of the jewish people in the bible if you study the hebrew prophets you'll see that the biblical description of the main enemy is not egypt and assyria at the end of days it's the would most closely approximate those who are living in the west bank today and in certain areas of jordan and if you want to read more about this look at obadiah 10 through 15 and ezekiel 25 14 in ezekiel 35 verses 5 and 11. so it's interesting edom and jacob have something in common what do they have in common well they were both born to rebecca say mom it's not like hagar where she hager was not the wife of abraham and god never calls her abraham's wife but rebecca was isaac's wife so they're related esau did not get the covenantal blessing just like ishmael did not get the covenantal blessing but there is still a dna connection between and israelites and he's saying you didn't honor that actually you caused great murder and destruction among the jewish people and it's called an everlasting hatred in ezekiel 25 and so this issue here affects even our present and future this prophecy going on as well okay so these are edomite statues here these are uh ammonite statues so they're close they're a little bit different now ammon and moab which are the next two peoples come from lot lots daughters through incest and so in the bible the people of moab and the people of ammon are both connected with impurity and shame because of the incestuous origin here and so in chapter 113 through 15 it says here regarding ammon three and four transgressions why because they ripped open the pregnant women of gilead these are the jews in gilead mentioned by damascus so the ammonites move up from central jordan to kill jews in gilead and the arameans of damascus move south to do the same thing why did they do that in order to enlarge their borders if i were going to use a nazi term i'd say lebensraum living room and so what happens here is you've got ethnic cleansing going on in gilead by both syria and central jordan against the jewish people in order to expand their borders today in the news it's always israel expanding her borders but from the bible perspective it's the other way around and this stuff is happening on east side of jordan river by the way which no one is talking about too much here so there's a lot of biblical connections here second kings eight if you'd like to look hosea 13 psalm 137 verse 9 i'll talk about these things and uh genocide ethnic cleansing going there so um heavy stuff that's going on and we haven't even gone to israel's problems yet we're still dealing with uh these problems here okay so now we get to amon uh to moab rather which is just below so what do we have for for moab over here don't have anything right there do we no uh here's more i'm sorry yeah these are the moabites i'm sorry chapter two the moabites again it means from the father in hebrew mayhev and it means that these are people born from incest so the moabites uh are attacked here for something different okay god gives them a prophetic word it says here you burned the bones of the king of edom with lyme you're talking about desecration of graves so the moabites would be central jordan the southern southern jordan and in their fighting between these groups right uh moab and edom so moab comes from lot not from abraham and edom comes from abraham but not from isaac and so moab desecrated and fought against king the king of edom's sons this is mentioned in second kings 23 that josiah the king of judah took the false prophets and actually burned the bones of the false prophets it's the second kings 23 16. and it's interesting it says he cried against the altar by the word of the lord this prophetic person and he said altar altar this is what yahweh says behold a son shall be born to the house of david josiah by name and on you he shall sacrifice the priests of the high places who burn incense on you and human bones shall be burnt on you first kings 13 verse 2. so this concept if you really want to desecrate what came before you you burn the bones of the priest of the false religion on the altar so god is saying to moab you burnt another king who should have been shown respect and you desecrated his grave and you're going to be judged by that so a very heavy stuff going on it's not exactly what you call a middle east peace process here in this in this book at least not yet okay now we're moving into chapter two verse four so we've done the full circle we've gone through jordan we did the gaza strip we do uh lebanon we do syria where we go next amos is being sent to israel so next stop is not israel that's the last stop the stop before the penultimate stop is judah so here in chapter two verse four and five he says here's what i have the problems he says the same thing three and four and you're going to get judged so the line is roaring this is not kind of like you know leave leave it at the altar you know throw your little stick with your sins in it into the fire this is it's finished there's no more discussion here you're getting judged and you know this is something that we have to really figure out in our world right now where are we prophetically are we at a time when god's going to say i'm finished with the nation i'm moving on can the prophetic movement handle that i'm not sure because i know in this prophetic movement here in the bible they made statements like that so the first question is is god saying something and the second thing is are we listening and the third thing is would we have the courage to say it if god says it those are interesting questions so here we are dealing with chapter 2 verses 4 and 5. he says the people in judah rejected the torah of god they have not kept his statues their lies have led them astray and those are the same things after which their fathers walked so we moved beyond the moabites this was a stone from king mesa the famous sheep shearer is this it here no we're still back in chapter two and um what happened basically is he's saying the jewish people are supposed to keep the torah the word means the teaching so the covenant of moses teaching and they disobeyed their laws and they followed the sins of their fathers they're supposed to be a chosen people they didn't act like one i'm going to judge them too and uh boy we could spend hours and hours on this we could take it may very slowly but you apologize to you for having to do so many profits i hope you don't get prophetic indigestion in all of this but let's keep moving chapter 2 verse 6 through 16 now he gets to the heart of what he wants to say and he's talking about the sins of israel this is his main calling and he's saying here's your problems in verse six you're cheating you're greedy you're arrogant you're full of sexual filth and you misuse the torah not bad for starters you're doing ruthless foreclosures you're misusing your holy worship you have social chaos then he says you're despising your redemptive history you're despising my gifts and my leadings my provision and my ownership of you as a people and he says he gave you prophets and nazarites prophets in verse 11 and 12 in nazarites he says the prophets he said i don't want to hear from your message anymore and the nazirites are supposed to take a vow of holiness not touch even great grapes or raisins he says you force them to drink wine so you basically adulterated the calling of the spiritual leadership i gave you and he says it will not be military success for you and there's no escaping your destiny israel you're going to have to go to assyria in judgment going through the minor prophets and seeing the the strength of what god is saying at such a time as where we are right now it should cause us really to press into the presence of god and say oh god what do you want to do what are you going to do with our peoples what are you going to do with our nations what are you going to do with the lack of repentance that's going on what are you going to do with the sexual sin the economic sin the lack of social justice the false social justice what are you going to do with the things god very heavy things
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Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 25sec (2725 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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