I Saw the Coming Split of America | Chris Reed

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welcome to something more I'm your host Bob Duvall here today with Chris Reed now Chris is president and CEO of Morningstar Ministries in South Carolina now Chris you're also a prophet and God has given you some amazing words about what's coming in America and Israel and China and Russia and I want to hear about that I want to get to that but first God's also given you words for specific individuals now recently there was a meeting in your church and there was a woman in the audience her name was Dida and you had a very specific word over her what was that yeah so thank you for having me um it was actually the Friday night session of our school of prophets Gathering and I was teaching that night on waiting on the Lord and what that looks like what can come to us as we quiet our spirit and quiet the brain chatter and allow the spirit to come forth and so the first thing I saw was I saw her and her husband on a motorcycle and she's like yeah that's the thing that where my husband and I connect the most and then it just kept coming I saw that she was restoring something and I said but not all the money came in only part of it and she said yeah she said I I live about an hour away and I bought a hotel but I only had enough money to buy it but the other money that was kind of promised didn't come fully through and then she said and then I saw her husband he doesn't have a business but he has a hobby of restoring motorcycles and I called out three different colors I know blue and green and I believe it was uh gray and she was blown away and then the holy spirit in Vision form showed me one of them has rust on the back panel one of them he just recently had to replace the entire motorcycle yeah okay yeah he he had to replace the gas line on one of them and one of them has a reoccurring Tire problem and she was shocked I said it's very specific word I said she said yeah he has those colors he has an additional one a green one and she said none of this is public information you can't see any of this anywhere she said he just replaced the gas line on one and she goes I cannot wait to show him this he is going to be shocked well it didn't stop there because I went on saying that uh there was a man that I saw that was visiting her husband and I saw him coming in a black church or a black truck excuse me and he said she said he literally was at the house when I came she said I had to drive you know to come here and this man you're speaking of was there and he has the black truck he bought it seven days ago and he had just parked in the driveway I then saw her husband needing a double knee replacement and she said that he did he and so I prayed for healing I saw him having a wreck on one that nearly took his life and she said that that was true also Saul private conversations between her and her friends I actually saw one of her neighbors that the husband and wife were having this discussion over whether they should put a pool in their backyard or whether they should build a garage for specifically a 67 Chevy and she's like I'll have to check into that but I think that's right one of my neighbors has a 67 Chevy then I saw like an antique tractor that they owned the color of it and the names of people she had talked to that week well I later interviewed her and she said in fact it was a 67 Chevy that her neighbors who just had moved in had put in there and they did the husband and wife disagreed over whether they should build the pool or build a garage to put the antique car in so all of this stuff came out and there were a few more things but it was simply I believe to build the faith right for her husband's healing and for him to come back to God I heard distinctly him saying because of a bad Church experience you know he had kind of had some hurt that was dealt with and I heard him say specifically something she said he said that literally just recently and so anyways it seemed like it really built the faith of the community because she shared this with her neighbors and took some of them to church with her and it's just those kind of things that I think something more God brings us into the fullness he reveals the secrets of the heart and as Paul said he said if one comes in you and reveals this among you and reveals the secrets of the heart they'll know of a surety that God is with you yeah yeah so that really had to do with Restoration in more than one way and I just quickly want to mention another one because Sid Roth interviewed you on a social media video and in the middle of that God gave you a word about a woman named Evelyn but not just that you had her address yeah you had her type of business um you had her age you had that Revival was coming to her family that her grandson had just been in an accident recently all of these things but unlike when you gave the word to Dita in the church you you know we didn't hear you know how do you know that this is this is true and how do you know that this uh you know there's really an evident so it turned out there was a friend of mine I hadn't seen in like 30 years he watched that video he decided to follow that word and find he found Evelyn he called Evelyn and sure enough it matched up with the word and not only that but because of that video there was restoration for her family of relationships and a couple of people brought back to the Lord because of it and just amazing amazing stuff so um tell me because I'm just curious whether you're in in a video interview online or you're in person like that I mean how are you getting these words are you seeing stuff in your mind's eye are you hearing things what does that work uh it's both I do hear things mostly I see things I see mental pictures images sometimes open Visions um but I believe Bob the reason why we receive this and God speaks the language we understand he knows what language is familiar to you he knows what language is familiar to me things that we he can relate to us uniquely through just like he told the woman at the well remember he started off as Jesus the Evangelist and he said I'll give you a drink that that you'll never thirst again and then Jesus the Evangelist became Jesus the prophet and he said go call your husband she said I have no husband he said you're right you've had five and the one you're with is not your husband and she was shocked then Jesus the prophet became Jesus the Messiah Yeah Christmas we need to take a quick break right here but but when we come back we want to find out what Chris has seen for the United States of America you don't want to miss this just a moment welcome back to something more Bob Duvall here with Chris Reed and Chris I want to jump right in because it it's so interesting to hear you know what's what's in store for America and real quickly before I do that um you've had just I'm sure many words but I want to mention a couple that specific ones that came to pass back in August of 2020 God showed you about a shooting at the White House two days later there was a shooting Trump was president and and the Secret Service had to to shoot this guy right outside the White House who was a threat and they hustled president Trump out of the you know the briefing room and everything but another one that happened was that in late 2022 in December 2022 God showed you about these boxes having to do with President Biden and in this secret information if you will which none of that was public knowledge at that point and in January of 2023 that all came out that all came to pass so let's jump in now to a real specific just an amazing dream that you had early in 2022 I think it was March of 2022 where God showed you some specific very very specific things coming for America so you you had this dream you saw a man in a black suit and what was what was he holding what was he doing yeah he was holding a 50 bill and I believe in light of you know interpreting the dream that he was showing by holding the bill the monetary value of the 50 United States and and in this dream three stages he tore the 50 bill in three stages and each time he tore the 50 Bill someone came and gave me headlines that were like newspaper headlines now the first thing he did was he tore off about a third of that bill and uh there was something about the dollar the headline about the dollar what did you see on that the headline was the dollar drops 30 percent in value and a subtitle middle east oil strikes deal with China instead of the U.S wow now I think it's interesting how he he tore off a third of the bill in the in you know and it ties right in with a dollar dropping 30 percent yeah so there was also something about riots civil unrest what did you see with that yeah so I I saw the the 50 Bill uh torn again and it was that people were really uh Disturbed and troubled by some of the economic situations and strain that they were put in because of a headline that was given to me which said The Perfect Storm inflation reaches a new high then the next uh headline was food shortage crisis as wheat and bread Imports are at a stalemate and then the next headline because that one said riots and civil unrest as Citizens demand entitlement checks and so it seemed like this was a scenario set in stages and Bob when I had this dream uh we we weren't experiencing in March of 2022 the inflation right and the talks of China and the Middle East making Deals brokering Deals with oil you know instead of with the United States and moving away from the petrol dollar and trying to form almost a league of other nations of China and Russia and Iran now the the second time the first time he toured like a third off and the second time he tore what was left in half and I find it very interesting to the headlines you saw after that one was Israelis and the Palestinians reach a two-state solution I thought that was very interesting how he tore it in half but the second headline you saw had to do with a major earthquake going to hit the middle of the United it states yeah so when he tore the 50 Bill the second time in half an earthquake happened under my feet and another person walked up and handed me a headline which read Israeli and Palestinian two-state solution reached and then another headline was handed to me which said major earthquake hits the middle of the U.S so it seemed like when America went along with dividing Israel God allowed an earthquake to literally come right down the middle or dividing the United States I didn't see the full extent of that but I saw an earthquake hit the center of the U.S and it was a response of God to America supporting a two-state solution okay and then the third time he tore this bill he tore it in what was left into a bunch of little pieces now I want to go back to something you said earlier that the 50 dollar bill was relating to 50 states so he's tearing all these pieces and I want to read this one headline you saw America in pieces more states seceded from the nation in Rebellion to the federal government yeah so what what else did you see at that point I I felt like as a result of that last tearing something caused such a division among the states I kind of feel like it's going this is what I strongly believe something coming across the southern border will be so evil most of those people are just trying to find a better life we get that but there will be something found out that will literally cause an outrage of the American people that they won't want to be under the federal government as is and it's going to require a great reform economically socially to our nation and God's going to shake everything that can be shaken so all that's left is that which is unshakable yeah and you saw another headline at that point about the military taking control but let's Jump Ahead to this this man in the black suit he pulls out a one dollar bill but it doesn't look like a normal one dollar bill what does it look like it looked like a one dollar bill but it was like a cell phone it was like a one dollar bill and I knew it was a cell phone and I remember the last headline that was given to me said new currency for a renewed nation and then Simplicity restored As Americans grow their own food again so it was like after the shaking that goes on for you know an unstated amount of time it will bring about a United Nation again but a new currency as well we have to take one more quick break when we come back I want to hear some of these words about China and Israel and even Harry and Megan join us in just a moment are you filled with a holy spirit but feel that you still do not have the fullness of God's spirit operating in your life if we set our faces toward heaven is it possible to enter the holy of holies just like John did in the Book of Revelation I will show you how to discover the holy spirit's power in and through you to activate the great Glory shift in your life call or go online at sidroth.org to get Chris Reed's brand new book the seven spirits of God experiencing Throne Room realities plus you will also receive his three CD audio teaching series the ancient path to Glory your daily walk these spiritual resources are yours for your donation of 35 shipping and handling is included ask for offer number 9927 with Chris Reed's new book you will learn the missing ingredient that activates all the other gifts needed to move into the realm of greater glory see how Revelation on the Tabernacle of Moses will trigger the next great Glory shift understand how having a Godly fear of the Lord restores the church's Dynamic Supernatural power found in the book of Acts open doors into the throne room and step into the holy of holies just like the Apostle John did in the Book of Revelation be clothed in the medal of the seven spirits of God and bring down Heavenly power all around you learn the prophetic meaning of the seven spirits of God found in the seven golden candlesticks of the menorah when you listen to Chris Reed's audio CD set receive the fullness of the seven spirits of God and perform even greater works as the scriptures promised walk in the reality of the acts 5 mandate that imparts the signs and wonders you've always wanted to see as souls are saved favor surround you and much more release the spiritual gifts that are already within you and experience the deeper Grace needed in these end times call or go online at sidroth.org to get Chris Reed's brand new book the seven spirits of God experiencing Throne Room realities plus you will also receive his three CD audio teaching series the ancient path to Glory your daily walk these spiritual resources are yours for your donation of 35 shipping and handling is included ask for offer number 9927 or send your check to Sid Roth It's Supernatural P.O box 39222 Charlotte North Carolina 28278 please specify offer number 9927 foreign welcome back to something more and Chris I want to just jump right in uh late in 2022 you took the last three months of the year to do prayer and fasting and that's not unusual for you that's that's more of a pattern but during that time God showed you a whole bunch of things that were coming and and of course we don't have time to talk about most of them but I want to hit on just a few now you saw something about a about China Sea conflict yeah what did you see there so I I said that I saw a conflict in the South China Sea when China would try to militarily attack Taiwan and that to pray for the U.S Navy because the U.S Navy could be right in the middle of it and affected by it as well but I had been prophesying that and seeing that for three or four years and sharing that but I believed it was important to share this year because I feel like we're getting close to that yeah okay also dealing with China something about an internal Revolution what did you see there so on October the 1st 2022 I saw an internal Revolution happening in China and what the Lord said to me was the below ground church was about to see above ground results and what he said was is that so much of the saber rattling when a nation is in decline or having internal turmoil they usually try to start a war to distract off the internal domestic dissatisfaction and not only did the Lord show me that but he said this is exactly why so much was allowed to be released from there a few years ago and it's because they were trying to keep in people indoors from rioting then and the Lord showed me there was an internal Revolution bubbling in China that was October the First on Thanksgiving Day the terrible tragedy where people were welded shut because of the zero coveted policy in their houses and apartments and a fire caught and literally in 15 provinces of China people were rioting and it was all over the news at the end of November and the Lord was showing me this is the beginning literally less than two months prior to that he told me the internal Revolution was coming I shared it publicly but he said when Xi Jinping Falls you'll see that's the sign of an internal Revolution and that the Communist Party will lose power and that we will see China devolve into States or separated sections you might say with varying degrees of democracy democracy coming to China that'd be so amazing Vladimir Putin what did you see with him I don't believe Vladimir Putin has much time left I believe there were some things that he did turning to the occult for answers and I think he has made a move that I have been prophesying since March of or February of 2022 that he will not live much longer okay what about Israel and Iran what did you see there I saw Israel striking a nuclear development facility in Iran that it would be sudden and quick because Israel felt like they needed to stop the progression of Iran developing a nuclear weapon and so while they're in an internal turmoil in Israel the Israeli military would would strike Iran and let them know you know this is not okay now Chris Harry and Megan it seems like they're always in the news what did you see with them yeah so I saw several things about the royal family but Harry and Megan I saw that they would not stay together now of course I think some words are conditional I think that prayer just like Jonah right he was told to prophesy destruction over Nineveh but he repented after he was in the belly of the fish and went and preached and God preserved them but I saw that Harry would wake up one day and realize he had been taken a fool he had turned against his own family and he would be very upset after the split would happen between he and me and he and Megan and that he would really feel like he was deceived and would want to reconcile with his family amazing now Chris we've talked about a lot of things and many of them very disturbing concerning yeah what can you say to people that are kind of fearful for what's coming yeah I would just say that prophecy even in the Bible is much like that right it seems scary but we know Jesus said to the believer let not your heart be troubled and in all of this shaking we just must remember to not lose hope because God has always provided a Goshen for his people right when the greatest Deliverance is about to happen when plagues and judgment comes God has always provided a a a a Solace or a place of safety for his people and so I believe God's people don't need to get in fear we need to realize things are happening because the prophetic eschatological time clock is accelerating and so let our hearts not be troubled these things must come to pass but to look up and remember our Redemption is drawing eye so there's hope yes for the future Chris take just a minute right now and pray for that viewer yeah father I pray right now for every person watching that they will not lose hope Lord in these dark days in time that we're living in it would be easy to feel Despair and hopelessness but you're the light of the world and God you want to help the viewer and you love them so I speak comfort and peace to their heart right now but yet even more a greater hunger and desire for something more from you in this day in the name of Yeshua our King amen amen if you know God then you're part of the solution and you have hope if you don't know God take care of that right now today turn to him turn to Jesus confess your sins invite him into your heart to be both your lord and your savior don't don't go into the future without God you have to have him and join us again next time for something more foreign
Channel: ISN – It's Supernatural! Network
Views: 345,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: America, prophecy, prayer, end times, vision, last days, faith, God, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Chris Reed, Bob DuVall, Something More, ISN, It's Supernatural! Network
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2023
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