The Minefield - Wait on the Lord - Peter Tanchi

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last few weeks we have been discussing about minefields you recovered was our message last Sunday Yuriko last Sunday we talked about beware of immediate itis what is immediate Titus immediate Titus is a disease a spiritual disease everybody with a spiritual disease that demands quick an immediate ratification of desires it is not able to wait it does not want to wait pleasure and success must be now that's a real problem I discovered that young people today including Millennials if you download something after five seconds 25% are gone if you don't download in five seconds if you download if something takes 10 seconds 50% of the audience is gone we want everything fast but the reality is this certain things in life cannot be fast let me prove to you I I don't like waiting I don't know about you how much you like waiting you like waiting raise your hand you like waiting how many of you are like me you don't like waiting lots of you normal people we don't like waiting I want to prove to you you don't like waiting I won't be imagine now where you are in the car and then the stop light turns green but you're in the car the car in front of you does not want to move you know why the car in front of you is talking to the other car now how do you respond do you say wow wonderful how I wish I can join that group and we can be nice conversation together is that how you respond or you say you know what that guy in front of me is such a nice person he saw people centered wow I wish I can know his name or do you want to be hurry up huh you like to wait I don't like the way he built up buying tickets and the line is very long and somebody wants to cut what do you do when somebody wants to cut the line you get angry why do you get angry because you don't like to wait I really don't like to wait I'm learning how to wait up to today I'm still learning how to wait my personality type is goal-oriented some of you are more passive but for me I am goal-oriented and I like it fast in fact I'm still learning when people come to us and we have a pastor on meeting and one pastor wants to deny rate the problem you know what's in my mind get to the point what do you want to say people wants to come to me they want help I'm listening you know what's in my mind what what do you want us to do bellisimo but I don't say that way you know I I'm learning how to wait so gentlemen you need to learn how to wait and you know how I learned to wait when God gave me a wife so gentlemen your wife is God's instrument to help you wait you know my story for a woman if they say they're ready and already are not the same women when the guide cuts you are you ready gentlemen I'm not warn you when the woman says yes I'm ready you know what she's saying no she's not ready to live I'm ready to put on my makeup I'm ready to comb my hair I'm ready to do this I'm ready to do that and so what have I learned I've learned to wait I'm still learning how to wait can I tell you when I go see a doctor what I do now when I have a doctor's appointment I bring a book so when they ask me to sit and I have to wait know what I do I read I'm learning how to make when I board an airplane I bring a book when the airplane is delayed what do I do I read are you learning how to wait how do you wait immediate itis is a problem many times young people don't understand the importance of waiting anything worthwhile is worth waiting example premarital sex why is it important for young people to understand god wants you to wait very simple there's a secular organization they made a study of premarital sex they surveyed to see people who are involved with premarital sex are they happier or not happier would you like to know the result of the survey people who abstained from premarital sex and those who don't abstain they discovered the following people who abstain the relationship is more stable people who wait until marriage for sex they're happier in their sex life surprisingly people who don't wait are unstable they're insecure so when God gives us certain principles it's always for our good so don't believe the lie that you need to experiment on sex to find out if you are compatible or not compatible that is a complete lie so what's the topic today the topic today is everybody read together with me one more time beware of immediate Titus what must you do wait on the Lord last week we talked about discipline the problem with discipline you cannot do it on your own today I want to help you overcome immediate IFAs everybody say this with me wait on the Lord tell your neighbor wait on the Lord wait on the Lord so important to wait on the Lord but to wait on the Lord everybody let's do this together the fruit of the Spirit is love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control to tell young people to wait practice discipline is almost impossible because you cannot really control your appetite many times by yourself you need the Holy Spirit so in this room today you have two kinds of people those controlled by the Spirit and those that are not controlled by the spirit can you turn to your neighbor tell your neighbor be controlled by the spirit only the Holy Spirit can give you the power to overcome immediate itis everybody notice this verse the fruit of the Spirit that's a byproduct if you don't have the Holy Spirit it's almost impossible people who are listening to us if you don't have the Holy Spirit it's hard to apply what I'm teaching you because you need the Holy Spirit notice the fruit of the Spirit it is what self-control so I don't know about you and wake up every morning asking the Holy Spirit to control me I don't ask the Holy Spirit to enter my life again I don't the Holy Spirit is with me the only difference is have I surrendered my life to his control so every time every day I remind myself Lord Jesus can you control my life completely every day I want to practice the discipline of the spirit filled life so please practice that the problem of waiting is universal all of us a problem waiting look at the Bible Psalm 13 David wrote some many of the sounds are written by David so later on I will show you the life of David how he practiced waiting but notice what he said how long O Lord will you forget me forever notice his cry how long O Lord how long how long will you forget me I am praying you are not listening how long will you hide your face from me Lord I'm having sorrow in my heart all the day some of you have been praying for something perhaps your loved ones is sick I discovered just this week one of our friends have cancer third degree and he does not want people to know but the reality is if you are the wife and your husband and your children are sick you've been praying and it is not getting better how do you feel you really feel bad so you understand the dilemma of waiting waiting is part of life if you read the entire Bible you will notice God does not always move in a hurry Moses waited for 40 years Joseph waited 13 years Abraham was promised a son he waited 25 years Jacob waited for 20 years to be out of his uncle's control the Bible is full of waiting David waited for many years before he became a king my friends you need to learn how to wait why because waiting is important do you know the verse after verse 1 2 what are the verses after - do you know what what are the verses this son is very short it has only 5 6 verses he began by saying how long how long you know how he ended the secret of waiting he ended in verse 5 and 6 but I have trusted in your loving-kindness my heart shall rejoice in your salvation I will sing to the Lord because he has dead bountifully with me his problems are not yet solved God has not yet answered his prayer but notice by faith that's how you wait but I have trusted in your loving kindness to wait on the Lord is to look upon him with high expectation and say Lord I will trust you notice his circumstances have not changed but notice what he said my heart shall rejoice in your salvation the salvation has not yet come but his heart is rejoicing I will sing to the Lord his problem is not yet solved but he saying I will sing because he has dealt bountifully with me he has not yet experienced all of God's goodness but he's able to say Lord I press you and I thank him ladies and gentlemen that is the key to waiting on the Lord expectantly you look for his goodness you look you expect what God is going to do in you're left without faith without trust you cannot wait and you cannot trust God if you don't know him and if you don't know him how can you wait so let me repeat to wait on the Lord means to trust him but you cannot trust God if you don't know him so the most important thing is for us to know the Lord once you know him you'll be able to trust him for example why do we need to wait on the Lord why wait for the Lord be strong and let your heart take courage yes wait for the Lord do you know this is a command wait for the Lord is a command now why did God come on us it's always for our good now the world weight comes from the Hebrew world everybody read cover say that with me cover what does it mean the word cover is a description of a rope it's like different strands you put them together to make it into a rope so the idea of waiting on the Lord is to be bound together to bind together with the Lord you are committing your life you are saying lord I need you I'm gonna cling on you you are saying Lord I'm gonna be fully dependent upon you I'm gonna be united with the Lord I'm gonna X your expectation is from God in short Kaaba waiting on the Lord listen it's like you are committing yourself like a rope the Lord and you you are bound together and that's how you can wait without the Lord I cannot wait because there's no reason to wait without God why will I wait what am I depending on and the Bible tells you the context of some 27 verse 14 what is the context of waiting on the Lord the context is on who God is everybody let's read together I would have pleased with I would have despair I would have given up unless I had believed I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living until you believed that God is good that he is going to be faithful with his promises my friend you cannot wait on the Lord so there are two kinds of people in this room those who know the Lord and they wait and those who don't know the Lord they don't wait it is very difficult to wait but it is harder to wish you had waitin sometimes it is very costly to wait but it is costly not to wait and I'm going to show you the stories in a short while why waiting is so crucial everybody let's review the famous chart that I shared last week you know why you want to wait and how do you wait this is how you wait you want to make sure whatever you do is God's will say that with me God's will and you want to make sure not not only is it God's will you have to do it God's Way and not only will you want to be sure it's God's Way you want to be sure it is God's time and what's the result God's best and you'd be surprised what is God's best you know what's God's best god himself and when I explained that to you in a short while somebody once said next to trial next to problems waiting is the most effective tool used by God to develop our character can I tell you let me give you example I have known many couples husband talks to me the wife talks to me and all of them want to change each other the husband wants to change the wife the wife wants to change because they don't like something many times you have friends you're angry with your friends you like your friends to change you like your children to change children you like your parents to change what I've discovered is this many times God wants to change me first before he will change my wife many times God wants you to change first before you change your circumstances so let me repeat if you have problems in your life with relationship with people and you are praying for God to change don't be surprised if God does not change your circumstances immediately because part of his plan is to change you while waiting which you're waiting is part of the process we are so preoccupied with the outcome of waiting God is not be occupied just with the outcome of the waiting he is preoccupied with the waiting process itself in your life so my friend do you mind turning to your neighbor tell your neighbor wait on the Lord so we have only one message today if you leave this room and I see you next week and I ask you what's the message what's your answer wait on the Lord why and how we are going to learn that today why should we wait on the Lord remember it's always good for you I'm going to show you a video of nature in God's design you will see there is always waiting I will show you how a caterpillar will become a butterfly in all of God's creation it is the design of God it takes time a baby will not become a man it takes time a girl is pregnant the baby doesn't come out immediately it takes time it takes time to change it takes time to transform your character many young people are not trained because they beans or your parents have spoiled view therefore when you give a suggestion to other people and they don't listen to you you get angry at people immediately because you expect immediate result you want people to listen to you immediately I have learned in leadership especially in leadership sometimes you need to wait sometimes it takes time to convince people are you ready to watch the video all right what's that a machine video [Music] a pupae takes time to get out of the chrysalis you call that word cocoon or chrysalis now listen to me when I was younger I saw a chrysalis like a cocoon I saw the thing moving so I know the body of life would like to come up in my desire to help the butterfly I help the butterfly by opening the chrysalis ok because I felt sorry for the butterfly it's shaking you know the butterfly came out it could not fly it died why because scientists tells us the struggle of the butterfly inside will force the blood to go to the wings it will force it to spread out it is just like the Christian life many mothers you like to prevent your children from having any kind of problem at all many times we don't like problems but God in His infinite wisdom knows that you need problems you need sometimes unfulfilled desire in your life the truth is all of us have unfulfilled desire some of you are still praying but you must have a mindset the Lord you are not yet answering my prayer I know it is for my good in the meantime I'm gonna trust you I'm gonna rejoice because you must find your joy while waiting on the Lord do not find your joy only after God answers your prayer let me share with you some biblical example of how do you wait what's the message today tell your neighbor wait on the Lord how do you wait on the Lord notice I wait for the Lord when you wait you are waiting for the Lord not just the outcome number two my soul does wait in his word do I hope so to wait on the Lord is anchored on his promises you have to know the Word of God now let me ask you an honest question how many of you have read the entire Bible press your hands how many of you have not read the entire Bible raise your hands now every year I encourage you how many of you believe that the Bible is the Word of God raise your hands look all of us all of you you raise your hands how come you don't like to read the Bible let me tell you why the reality of spiritual warfare Satan does not want you to know the promises of God because when you're ignorant you don't avail of all the promises of God because you're ignorant you need to know the Word of God that's how you wait so you wait on the Lord by knowing his world you got to hope in his promises so the Word of God is connected with waiting you cannot wait on the Lord without hope but hope comes from the promises of God so in a way I cling on to his promises and then the Bible tells us my soul waits for the Lord more than the what's meant for the morning indeed more than the what's meant for the morning you have to understand in those days those of you who are soldiers you know night duty when night Duty comes you have to stay alert but you get tired so you're hoping that they will come when the morning comes you are able to rest so to wait on the Lord is expectation you need an expectation you cannot wait without expectation as surely as the morning will come when you wait on the Lord you must say Lord I know something's going to happen I look forward to what will happen I don't know what will happen I don't know how it will happen but I look forward that's how you wait to wait on the Lord is not being passive the wait on the Lord is not doing nothing some of us use waiting as an excuse by doing nasty no no to wait on the Lord is active you do your part and you let God do his part but you got to do your part for example he won't do no for the job what's your part can I say yes prepare your bio-data look at the newspaper look for people who are looking for employment look for people who are looking for employees and then if I were you I will arrive in the office and I'll our ask for interviews in other words you've got to do your part how did your single stretch your hand singles am i single I just came from my single trip this weekend okay single retreat where a single retreat recently there is nothing wrong for singles if you want to get married what's your part may I suggest your part you're single join the trips you know why you may meet somebody nothing but nothing wrong may I suggest singles if you are looking for married someday prepare yourself brush your teeth wear your clothes properly put on the other hand understand you got to do your part you cannot just wait on the Lord by doing nothing I'm reminded the story of a guy who was complaining he was in heaven he said Lord why Jesus said me why did you allow me to die you see there was a the Lord said I did everything he said no you lured me you did not help me the Lord said before the flood King I announced on TV and television warning there will be a flood get out of your place you did not do anything the muscle and then I sent a paratrooper to not in your house he asked you to leave the house you don't want to leave the house and then when the water came you climbed to the roof and I send a boat to pick you up but you don't want to write on the roof you don't want to write on the boat and not that you have drowned you're blaming me understand you've got to do your tell your neighbor wait on the road wait on the Lord everybody with the Lord is good to those who wait for him so those who wait for him how do you wait for him to the person who seeks him so when you wait for the Lord you must seek Him then explained to you in the past as a younger Christian when I waited for the Lord I waited for the promised blessing many of you are waiting for the Lord you want to wait for the prayers to be answered but God in His wisdom does not let you remain in that kind of spiritual maturity he will delay the prayers to be answered by elevating you higher and closer to him because God wants you to know something as you mature that many times the gift it's not as good as the giver of the gift many times we want God for his gift and God is saying I'm the giver God wants us to be developed in such a way that we will understand his presence is more important than his present we are so preoccupied with the blessing and God is saying I am your ultimate blessing let me explain to you oftentimes we want to pray for God to do something but in God's visa in God's wisdom he will allow you to go through life to discover at the end of the day the most important thing are not things are not people you will discover and the only way you will discover that Jesus is all that you need and Jesus is the greatest treasure you will ever have is when you have nothing else to cling on to and by having nothing else to cling on to you realize God is more than sufficient you think up what God wants you to do God what he wants me to do if simply to understand this verse let's look at this verse one more time the Lord is good to those who wait for him to the person who seeks him it is good that we wait silently for the salvation of the Lord notice the Bible says it is good that he waits silently what does it mean many times people say God is good he answered my prayer that's good but God is saying I want more than that God wants you and me to be able to say God is good didn't notice a difference we tell people God is good he answered my prayer that's great what about this God is good didn't either he answered my prayer he doesn't answered my prayer God is good friends today you have so many Christians very shallow shallow Christianity I call it you come to God because you want God to be your servant without realizing who God is how do we wait on the Lord well we wait on the Lord you will notice sooner or later God wants you to come to him with a faith that is based on who he is and not what he has given you do you realize part of waiting is God's process of developing our character are you aware of that for example let me share this with you everybody let's read it together biblical waiting is not just something we have to do until we get what we want waiting is part of the process of becoming what God wants us to be and that's why my prayer is you learn to wait on the Lord I'm gonna give you a story of David and I want you to hear a testimony of why it is good to wait on the Lord I've asked my wife to share a story of the meaning of waiting on the Lord you want God's best yes or no okay wait on the Lord let's welcome viana good afternoon I think many of you have heard the story of our daughter Carolyn how she met her husband Joel well let me give you behind the scenes story and a mother's perspective our parents perspective when Carolyn was 16 years old she made a long list of the man of the qualities of the man that she thought God wanted her to have in the man that she would marry so when she showed me the list I said Carolyn I'm so happy you made this list but it's really long I think you might have a hard time finding finding a guy like that so maybe you could have some non-negotiables that you know he has to be a Christian and a few other things she just smiled well let's fast-forward she was 26 now that was ten years later all of her siblings were already married and she was not yet married in fact she had nobody in her life she had told the Lord I don't want to waste my time on relationships please and bring to me in my face the man that you want me to marry now although guys had liked her God had not said this is the one so she was still waiting and she said and Lord I'm also willing to be single if that's your will so a year later her father said to her what about Joel Petro now our daughter is not reactive but I was so surprised she reacted to his suggestion and you've heard her story but because she wanted God's will God's Way and in God's time she prayed and she said well Lord should I give to all the chance and that day Joel texted her and so they got into a friendship relationship now when Joel asked her to be his girlfriend if she could commit to that now they're old enough for that they were finished college and everything they were working so Carolyn said okay Joel yes God has told me it's okay my parents said it's okay but I have one condition I will not kiss you until we if we get married that's the time I will kiss you so Joel who had had girlfriends before he agreed okay okay I agree to that so now they were not robots they were naturally affectionate but they did not kiss so now when he asked her to marry him she said yes when God told her yes she said yes Joel I'll be your wife but remember I won't kiss you until I stand at the altar and I say I do so that was a year later it was her wedding day and she was walking towards me she was walking towards me with her beautiful gown on and she was gorgeous she had her veil she said mom can you please put the veil over my face because today will be my first kiss so after my husband / performed the ceremony and he said I now pronounce you man and wife he turned to Joel and he said Joel you may now kiss the bride Joel took the veil and put it off he grabbed her and he you know tipped her over and gave her a really really long kiss and later on this is last year I said to him you know Joel I'm so happy that you know you I'm so proud of you that you waited for such a long time to kiss Carolyn and was a big smile he said yeah mom but it was really really difficult so I realized the only do things God's will God's Way and in God's time it is difficult it's not easy and I have to say I don't stand here's a perfect example of waiting I did not give Peter my first kiss sorry Peter I didn't wait but but I remember telling a friend I will never sleep with a man until I marry that man and this friend said Dianna you can't say that and I remember telling this friend I can say that because I do it for God and I wait on the Lord and God will give me the strength and by God's grace even though I did not give Peter my first kiss he was the first and only man I ever slept with and that was on our wedding night praise God now I know that there are some of you here that have regrets that you have not waited for God's will God's way in God's time but you know it's never too late to change you can make a commitment today to wait and when you wait let me just tell you the best is yet to come so far our daughter Carolyn that day when she kissed his Joel at the altar this was the man that she had waited for which fulfilled all the qualities on her list it was at all and she did find that man so wait under like turn to your neighbor and say wait the best is yet to come the best is yet to come god bless you it's so good for you to teach younger people the principle of waiting the first kiss the first date first sex there are certain things about first you cannot recover I always tell people waiting on God may be hard but I think it is harder for you at the end of your life to realize you should have waited but don't regret Satan wants you to regret Satan want you to say you know what I did not keep myself pure therefore I can just be promiscuous that is not true once you repent and once you preserve yourself to God again my friend the best is yet to come amen so tell your neighbor the best is yet to come past mistakes are never final it is always God's Way of redeeming us there is always a way God will use your pass now my friend I will now share with you how do you wake now do you know the spelling of the word W AIT what is W AIT wait so what's the acronym W what does it stand for remember I told you word of God that's how you wake word of God what is a active anticipation share with me active anticipation that means you must do your part when you anticipate it does not mean you don't do your part but you got to wait on the Lord what is I intimacy when you wait for the Lord you seek the Lord you pursue in the Massey with him use that moment what is T you trust so when you wait on the Lord you trust him so how do you wait on the Lord W the Word of God understand a tip don't be lazy don't do nothing it's active anticipation you got to do your part what is I intimacy you pursue intimacy while waiting for the Lord don't waste it what is T trust you cannot wait on the Lord if you don't trust now let me share with you how David learn to wait on the Lord you see when David was a young boy he was forgotten by his family he was forgotten by his brothers why do I say that because one day a prophet was taught by God to go to the house of Jesse and he told Jesse hey Jesse one of your son will be the future president he'll be the future king so let me see your son so Jesse paraded his son one by one from the elders to the second to the third to the fourth to the fifth to the sixth to the seventh and the Prophet said none of the above do you have another son who can become the future president who can become the future King and then the father said oh I have one he's a youngest and then the Prophet said bring him here that's the story that's where we begin in the Bible tells us as you can see this is what happened the seven sons pass through and someone said that's not the one and then the father said oh there remains the youngest he is tending the ship scholars tell us David was around 13 years old 13 the 15 at this point in this story now let me ask you how old was David when God reached out to him a scholar tells us how old 13 to 14 15 more or less and the Bible tells us Samuel said all right bring him in and they are knowing tell him when they are knowing that David the Bible tells us somewhere took the Horn of oil anointed him and the Spirit of the Lord mightily came upon David from that day onward so how old was David when he was anointed king how old let's say what thirteen fourteen okay my friends in in the middle is in Israel there is no such thing as teenager when a boy becomes thirteen years old he goes through Bar Mitzvah Bar Mitzvah is a written where the father said at the age of thirteen everybody goes through that all the teenager they don't have teenager you are now a man by the age of thirteen the father says you are now a man you are responsible before the law and before God below thirteen when the boy does something wrong the father is responsible the father goes to jail but the moment the boy reaches 13 he not publicly declares before God you are responsible before the law you are responsible you are now a man I believe David at that point he was a young man 13 14 years old David should have been king yes or no but God did not make him King can I tell you why when you wait on the Lord God has his timetable David was not ready you need character development you need emotional development so God allowed David to remain a shepherd boy even though he was chosen to be king so what happened let's look at the life of David everybody shepherd boy around 13 15 years old he was anointed king he did not become King immediately God gave him a glog goliath experience you know why because David needed to prove himself to the nation of Israel that he's fit to become king he defeated Goliath by faith in other words all the men were afraid except one lead man one little boy called David did David become king of Judah No he should have been King because God knew he is not ready so what happened so made him a commander of the army you see David needed to know how to be a commander to be a king you need to be a commander did David become king after that no you know why in life you need disappointment and you know how he was disappointed his old mentor the King turned against him so the King decided he wants to get rid of David King Saul got jealous he wanted to get rid of David and David had to run so notice his life its downturn it's depressing that's life sometimes you're happy and sometimes we have problems you go down when you are done what do you do everybody what's a message today wait on the Lord God told David you will be king but David did not become king he waited and waited and waited and waited why because character takes time if spirituality takes time do you know it was in this time where David wrote most of his sons it was at this time where David became very intimate with God because he was learning to depend upon God can you imagine I was imagine in the Philippines for the president of the Philippines and the presidential security command is after you how will you hide very difficult the entire military is looking for you do you understand the problem of David that guy had to run and he had to depend on the Lord well one day Saul made a mistake while looking for David he went to the biggest toilet in the world it's a cave so toil solvent to the toilet inside that toilet big game who was inside David now what will you do if you were David this is the guy that is preventing you from becoming King and he's right in front of you now so could not see but David was behind did David do anything against Saul let me ask you how old was David when he become when he became King how old was David when he became King how many of you know what aids raise your hand how many of you don't know what Agee became King raise your hand excuse me have you read the entire Bible yes or not may I suggest you read again I will tell you the age in the meantime let's see the story you know what David did he did not kill King Saul because he trusted in God what do I mean he spared soul in Tagalog ending up in a tie but his men were telling him get rid of him David said no what was David's philosophy this is David's philosophy how do you wait on the Lord to wait on the Lord let's look at what David wrote everybody will delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart commit your way to the Lord trust in him and he will do it notice David reached a point where he delighted in God more than in becoming a king when you learn to wait on the Lord you not only wait for his blessing but God brings you to a point where God is more important than the blessing let me repeat God wants you to come to a point in your life where you realize the presence of God is more important than the present of God to be a king is God's gift David said that's secondary so how do you wait on the Lord you commit you commit your way how do you wait on the Lord you trust him how do you commit on the Lord just depend upon him what is he gonna do now notice how do you wait on the Lord everybody will rest in the Lord and wait patiently do not fret that's how you wait on the Lord you rest patiently are you rested if I've seen many Christians they have many friends you know from when I look at your face you're always worried you're always anxious I always tell people when you come to worship you or not attending a funeral service of it do you mind me smiling at your neighbor today smile at them smile and tell your neighbor wait on the Lord now show me you're waiting on the Lord you know how you wait on the Lord be rested be patient don't be agitated don't fret you know many people they want to manipulate they want to manipulate things they can never rest because you want to be gone and God is saying no you wait upon me well the Bible tells us the main up David said to him this is the day which the Lord has said to you behold I am about to give your enemy into your hand you shall do to him as it seems good to you David arose and cut off the neck of soul what did what does it say he cut off the edge of salt robe he did not cut off the head or soul he did not kill King Saul why you know why what is God's best God's will God's Way God's time for David he said to his men far be it from me because of the Lord that I should do this thing to my lord the Lord's anointed to stretch out my hand against him since he is the Lord's anointed David said King Saul was chosen by God I'm not gonna kill him I will let God take care of him David understood you want God's best God's will God's Way that's time don't take things into your own hands you know what David did David persuaded his man with these words did not allow them to rise up against so David was hopping Saul will believe him and you know what happened Sol was impressed look at what Saul said Saul said if a man finds his enemy will he let him go away safely may the Lord therefore reward you with good in return for what you have done to me this day now Saul said behold I know that you will be surely king and that the Kingdom of Israel will be established in your hand even so all of knowledge you know what you will be the future king I know now if you were David it would be happy you know David must be so happy Wow finally this guy realized I'm going to be the king he's going to give up the throne and he's going to say David you come you take over this all do that no in Tagalog might owe you it was he so stole a soy sauce and he said he knew it is God's will but instead of saying David David come you be the King never sold it because soy sauce in 30 said he tried to kill David again crazy my friend what is waiting waiting for God is not lack of power to do anything waiting for God needs strength rather than witness it is power to do nothing it is the strength that holds strength in check my friend you need the Holy Spirit to teach you how to wait don't manipulate learn to trust God don't allow the end to justify the means now it does not mean you don't do your part you got to do your part of it many times you had you got to do your part of your financial problem work hard you have financial needs work don't just say I'm praying I'm praying for God to provide that's a bad excuse that's laziness you got to do your part but in the meantime you do your part and you expect God to help you amen again you got to do your part where the Bible tells us in the story Wow soul went hunting for David again I don't know how many years later we don't know exactly how many years later but solvent hunting for David again you know what David did David found Saul again this time Saul was in a camp sleeping take two night or take two what David what we do do with Kings own look at me you know what David did would you like to know what he did okay I'll show you he's paid he spared Saul again he allowed soul to live again why let me tell you why look at the Bible his bodyguard said to David today god I delivered your enemy into your hand therefore please let me strike him with a spear to the ground with one stroke and I will not strike him the second time you know what the bodyguard were say boss AHA Lala it will be painless he won't even know he's dead now you were David what would you say you know what Kings always saying this is God's will look nice in front of us I would just kill him many people today determines God's will based on circumstances I remember a girl how did you decide to marry your man well she said I bump into him on an airplane and then I bump into him again in hotel then I bump into him again in a meeting I keep bumping into him therefore it must be God's will except there's a problem the man is not a follower of Jesus so my friend don't use circumstances to say it is God's will the circumstances must be validated by the Word of God God's will will never contradict the Bible but I'm very sad to say many of us many of you have not read the entire Bible see I try to read the Bible once every year every year I've read the Bible many many times so if you ask me I know what the Bible is saying if somebody comes to me and tells me you know the Bible says this the Bible says that I know because I've read the Bible many times what about you do you have discernment do you know the will of God if you don't know how will you expect God's best in your life let me repeat if you don't know the will of God how are you going to make decisions do you see the problem you've got to do your part study the Bible to wait on God you need the Word of God it's called active anticipation what God will do based on his promises and then pursue intimacy with gun you know what David said David said do not destroy him who can stretch out his hand against the Lord's anointed and mirakian so david prevented his bodyguard from killing King Saul my friend David said the Lord forbid that I should stretch out my hand against the Lord's anointed you see David wanted God's best what is God's best everybody God's will God's Way God's time let me ask you is it God's doing for David to be king yes but is it God's will for David to become king by killing King Saul no no shortcut God's will God's way God's fine the wait on the Lord is not easy many people are in a hurry you'll be proportional to your boss you've a proposal in your company and your company that's not like your proposal you get angry my friend you need to understand God is in control how do you apply this in your life today how do you apply this in our life very simple everybody never take your own revenge leave room for the wrath of God if you have problems with people the Bible says hey don't take vengeance leave that to the Lord because the Bible says in his time he's gonna take care of it for example you don't like somebody or you are suspecting his motive what the Bible says do not go on passing judgment before the time don't judge people but wait until the Lord comes that's the ultimate waiting until he comes who will both bring to light the things hidden in the darkness and disclose the motives of men's heart that's why I tell people the more you know God the more you can impress upon him I had come to a point when I'm scared to judge people when I see you doing something and I don't know why I will never judge you you know why I don't judge you that's God's a partner well I question people I'm very careful I don't question their motives because it is not mine to judge people's motive I live it to whom to God so my friend to wait on the Lord is very good for you you are relaxed you are at rest you don't have to play God you don't have to take things into your own hands so let's look at David's life huh at the age of 30 he became king why because God allowed King Saul to be killed in war and the Bible tells us David became king over all Israel when he was 37 years old look at the hand of God the Bible tells us everybody real David was 30 years old when he became king he reigned 40 years at Hebron he reign over Judah seven years and six months in other words he became overall King at the age of 37 what was they was doing while waiting let me tell you why people with wait the reason why you can wait my willingness to wait reveals the worst I placed on what I am waiting for and my confidence in God's ability to bring about its fulfillment in his perfect time David was anointed king but he did not worship the position he did not make his position more important than God my friend this is the beauty of waiting on the Lord the folly of not waiting for God is that we forfeit the blessings of having God work for us my friend many of us would have wonderful story someday as you learn this lesson you can tell your children how you waited on God and then you can tell your children how God worked the folly of not waiting for God is that we forfeit the blessings of having God work for us you know my friend this is so important many years ago I was tempted before the Asian crashes I don't know how many of you remember that real estate was booming we also just kept going up one of my friend visited me and he was I remember my office was still in the ortigas center area and he was telling me Peter look that's my building look that's my property I mean the guy so rich I said how do you do it is a battle I battle dollars it is so cheap and I buy property and then I mortgage the property and borrow again and buy another property and then I Morgan said property and buy another property it's a pity you are missing your opportunity you better know what I'm doing ain't knowing I love with him there there's this slight jealousy in my heart wow this guy is young and he own so much property but the Lord reminded me hard work no shortcut allow your company to grow she we don't like to borrow money if ever it's very limited but we don't have our money so I did not borrow dollars in order to buy peso asset guess what happened you all remember the Asian crisis hit and my friend got wiped out financially I met him again and he was his face was done he was so done I said well maybe I can help you with one property so here's a property that is mortgaged so I went to talk to the bank but my whole point is this my friend sometimes we are greedy sometimes we want to be rich in Italy my suggestion is this what is God's best God's will God's Way God's time it's got against borrowing my answer is be careful God is just reminding us be careful of becoming greedy you know I got permission from one of our leaders to share his story he shared with me this week what happened to him my friend our friend is a businessman he was applying for a car dealership he already owns one car dealership he wanted another car dealership with another car company and after a long negotiation they agreed to allow him to be a car dealer except when the other car dealers discovered that that company was going to give him the franchise they gang up on the local president of the car company they were so manipulative they went to the regional office they were the head office and this poor guy this president of the local car company told my friend I am really sorry I was going to give you the contract the franchise but the pressure is so strong there's a group that's controlling car dealership what did my friend do because he's a mature Christian he knows the Bible he knows the Lord he said well he taught his son we just pray we wait for the Lord but the son told the father no let us sue the company's because we have spent a lot of money they bought the property already they made plans to put up the car dealership let's sue the company my friend said no we will not sue the local car dealer president told them you can sue us my friend said no would you believe it last week that president called him he said sir I don't know what happened but we're gonna give you the franchise it's got amazing I tell you God is amazing when you do it his way his time and my friend told me I taught my son a lesson no need to sue that is his conviction while will you want to be a partner of a company by suing the company he said no I want a good relationship my whole point is this the Bible is so true the Bible says from days of old they have not heard or perceived by ear nor has any I've seen a God besides you who act in behalf of the one who waits for him my friend her bution God act in your behalf I've seen it many times let me repeat you wait on the Lord if people wants to attack you you wait on the Lord you just do your part and let God do his part your part is not gone let God do his part how do you wait on the Lord W AIT what is the value what is W Word of God focus on God's Word what is a active anticipation you have to anticipate what God's gonna do what is I intimacy while waiting you pursue God what is T yes now here's the bonus for all of you this week this is a promise from God to you everybody with this those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength they will mount up with wings like eagles they will run not get tired they will walk and not become weary for you to understand the power of this verse you got to know the context you know what the Bible is saying those who wait for the Lord not is wait for the Lord you focus on the Lord the Bible says you will gain new strength let me tell you the context of this versus the context of this verses are as follows he says young people grow weary the youth they grow weary and tired and vigorous young men stumble but he said no matter how strong you are you do get tired but then he gives me a promise those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength now let me ask you how do you become weary how do you become tired how some of you are weary some of you are tired sometimes I get weary I get tired sometimes I get tired consoling people I don't know why they don't change you want to write people off the Bible says don't write them off you know why don't grow weary don't get tired you know why the Bible says you must wait on who on the Lord - up I have seen how God changed life I've seen I'm amazed at many of you because there are times when I look at some people I said when will they ever change but you know what I discover after a while I see them change I see their smile the soy sauce is removed you know you're not a tangled engine who can remove the soy sauce in your head the Lord Amen now look at the context the context is very simple they will mount up with wings like eagles the Eagles they are the only amazing bird where I will I will say the only but the few bird species the few birds that will mock they will shed off their feathers when they are old they get tired but then the new wings the feathers will come when the feathers come they fly again how do girls fly how what do you notice about it how do they fly do you see them flapping all the time or do they they kind of blind why they glide they allow the hot air to hold them up once you are like Eagles you are allowing God's Spirit to just guide you you don't keep doing it in your own strength but to wait on the Lord you must know the context you know what the context God tells them hey guys he touched them lift up your eyes on high see who has created these stars the one who leads for their forced by number he calls them all by name because of the greatness of his might and the strength of his power not one of them is missing God says look up the skies look at the stars let me ask you how many stars are there how many billions notice what God says look at the Stars the one who leads forth their hosts by number he calls them all by name God created all these stars do you know how many stars there are how many stars are in a galaxy billions how many galaxies do we have billions and God is saying who created them God who named them God now how BIG's your problem hello and God is saying look up to me he's got able to solve your problem yes or no he's got bigger than your problem look to him you got to look to him praise God because God is saying I am the one who created all these stars and your problem nothing and then he did not stop there he said Wow she said help you do you not know have you not heard the everlasting God God now describe himself the everlasting God the one was not beginning and the one who would have no end the Lord that creator of the ends of the earth does not become weary or tired his understanding is inscrutable God knows everything about your life he knows what's best for you he gives strength to the weary and to him who lacks might he increases power my friend do you want to wait on the Lord was the promise this is the promise he who waits for the Lord will gain new stead this is a conditional promise it's only given to those people who wait on the Lord do you want to wait on the Lord I don't know about you I get tired I get really but praise God I can wait on the Lord and when I wait on the Lord I look up to him and the Bible says I gain new stur praise God do you have new stand today or are you getting tired my friend for Christians you should not get tired because the Lord will give you new stairs you will run and not get tired you will walk and not grow weary hallelujah it's got amazing alright this Wednesday I hope to see you every night Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday what are we gonna do we're gonna fast and pray I want you all to come in from you should bring your friends those who have cancer those who needs prayer you bring them here we will pray for them okay with you and will you practice fasting by yourself when it's time to fasts lunchtime you want the fast don't eat read the Bible you pray don't use fasting time to watch TV don't use fasting time to do internet Facebook don't do that okay wait on the Lord tell your neighbor wait on the Lord all right let's bow our heads and pray as your heads are bowed down I want you to know to wait on the Lord you must actively anticipate what God is going to do in your life for your life how do we wait on the Lord learn to pray as your heads are bowed down and God has spoken to you yeah you have not been waiting on the Lord but today you like to wait on the Lord you want me to pray for you would you raise your hands praise God anybody else you have not been waiting on the Lord you always take things into your own hands and you want me to pray for you I want to teach you how to wait on the Lord raise your hands higher you know praise God today is going to be a very important day in your life because you are going to learn how not to manipulate God you are going to say Lord I will do what you want with do and I will not do what you don't want me to do understand that principle now pray this prayer with me Lord Jesus I have been trying to manipulate you trying to manipulate people I am NOT able to wait for things to happen I'm always fretting I'm always anxious today Lord Jesus I surrender my entire life to you Lord Jesus I want to learn to wait I will wait upon you I surrender to you my dreams my desires and Lord even my desires are not yet fulfilled I had many unfulfilled dreams I had many unfulfilled desires but Lord I lift them up to you help me to experience intimacy with you help me to know that at the end you are more precious than my dreams you are more precious than all the blessings I want you and you alone Lord Jesus draw me closer to you teach me to fall in love with you let me know at the end of my life you are all that I have and nothing else matters because you are the most important person in the universe and you are all that matters to me Lord Jesus I now pray for everybody here today there may be some of us here Lord they don't know you yet will you make yourself real give them humility to admit that they need you give them humility to admit that on their own strength they can become weary they become tired but help us to wait upon you Lord and thank you for the promise the day that wait upon you shall renew their strength and lord I need renewal and instead thank you for everybody here continue to bless them in Jesus name we all pray amen amen god bless you [Applause] connect with CCF through the following websites [Music] jumpstart your spiritual journey by joining a small group [Music] we are so blessed you were able to join us today god bless and see you next time [Music]
Channel: Christ’s Commission Fellowship
Views: 45,349
Rating: 4.7890468 out of 5
Keywords: CCF, Christ's, Commission, Fellowship, Sunday, Service, Sermon, Speaker, Message, Jesus, Prayer, Love, Faith, Christ, God, Bible, Christian, Christianity, Church, Truth, Life, GraceChangesEverything, ReignForever, TeamJesus, RadiaclLove, Worship, Glory, Mine, Field, MineField, Mine Field, Sin, sex, choice, consequences, drugs, anger, passion, lust, flesh, love, life, friends, TedTalk, Talk like Ted, TedX, pride
Id: jgZnTNUy94U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 53sec (4553 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2017
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