Knowing God - Walk in the Light - Peter Tanchi

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you're right good morning my name is Miki Eduardo I'm part of the CCF music team a D group leader and I currently lead a Bible study in Katipunan the Lord took ahold of my life last 2005 when the gospel was shared to me by numerous Christians many of whom were from CCF I was convicted of my sin and surrendered my life to the Lord I wasted no time in getting involved in the Lord's work serving with passion zeal and commitment it was December 2010 when I decided when I started to pursue a woman who together with her family feared and loved the Lord with all their hearts the Lord allowed the courtship to test my character a test which I failed I was so used to things going my way that when they did not the worst in me surface I started becoming bitter at the fact that my plans timetable and expectations weren't being met it was still all about me sin was already taking root in my heart but I refused to lift it up into the Lord during this time my Rick I reconnected with a girl with whom I had a past relationship and planned an out-of-town day trip with her and some random friends I wasn't at my best condition spiritually and the fact that she was free spirited outgoing and that she seemed excited to spend time with me made me hastily decide to go on with it I knew in my heart that something bad was going to happen just as the word promised the Lord was indeed not lacking and giving me a way out from the conviction in my heart not to push through with the trip to the sudden unavailability of auric friends and to the unfavourable weather forecast but I still decided to push through with a trip with this girl from my past since I was getting tired of getting a no for an answer and nothing was going to stop me from rewarding myself with this vacation it was definitely a recipe for a disaster we weren't able to do any activity since the storm really made it impossible to do anything we ended up staying the right then I consciously decided to rebel and commit immorality knowing full well the consequences of my actions the next morning there was still raged lust and bitterness I still did not feel unrepentant but God disciplines those he loves and he was not about to let me go being a Justin holy God he wanted to make sure that I realized how much he hated sin and made me see the consequences of my actions at a toll gate on the way home my car was literally side by side with a vehicle of the girl I was pursuing although they were unaware that I was there I knew that God really orchestrated that moment to happen to open my eyes during this time I felt a sense of heaviness overcoming me I felt weak sinful ashamed guilty and finally repentant I knew that I had blew my chances with with her and that I disappointed God I would have to give up singing and leading Bible studies but first I needed to be honest with God then I settled it in my heart that I would not keep it a secret and just be honest with God in it and with the people involved and face the consequences God gave me the courage to inform id group leaders my exalt team leader dr. Glenn the men I'm leading my family and the family of the girl I was pursuing throughout this time I entertained thoughts of disconnecting from people in church and even thought of transferring churches but by God's grace he surrounded me with people who loved me accepted me and were patient and see me bounce back from the fall at the same time the girl and her family chose to forgive me and showed unconditional love and grace making the love of Christ more real to me than it already was they really are a great testament of what Christ's love is all about God is a God of second third and numerous chances late last year dr. Glenn asked if I was ready and if I wanted to sing again I responded by saying that I was content serving God in the background away from the attention but in reality I felt that I still did not deserve to be BAP and needed to be away longer until I was more qualified but the truth is no one is really qualified God is the one who qualifies us and I said yes and dr. Glenn put his arms around me el Webb welcomed me back I learned that sin no matter how small it is can snowball into something bigger if left unchecked and it will wreak havoc on you and the people around you it's really best to be accountable and nothing that we can handle it on our own I learned that past victories do not translate into future ones just because I was victorious with this particular city in the past doesn't mean it's not going to come back and haunt me again our enemies relentless and waits for an opportune time to attack us and bring us down I learned that it is important to walk with Jesus not just daily but minute by minute practicing his presence and yielding to his power to be filled by the spirit I still stumble and fall but I do my best to lay aside every weight in the sins that entangle me running the race pressing forward and looking to Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith I apologize to my family my CCF family my friends loved ones and thank everyone for understanding and I praise God for the work that he has done in and will continue to do for his glory thank you how many of you are practicing walking in the spirit hey let me ask you direct comment if you are filled with the Holy Spirit today raise your hand you are filled with the Spirit of God higher higher don't be ashamed how many of you are walking in the spirit at this moment raise your hand I teach you also raise your hand look at me if you are not obeying the Holy Spirit just Lord forgive me I surrender my life to you right now how many of you are walking this period right now at this moment are you planning to sin right now are you walking this period but you have higher higher right thank you now somebody she was sharing with me Peter it's one thing to know it's another thing to do it it's one thing to do it but it's another thing to be consistent remember last Sunday we talked about obey now some of you applied this I heard some of you came to me you said man I made a mistake I was not polite with my father and I applied it I apologized to my father wonderful now the question is are you going to apply this for the rest of your life you see the problem so what how can I help you the message today is to help you not only to know what to do but to do it for the rest of your life would you like to learn that all right another word for walking in the spirit but first let's look at the foundational verse Galatians 5:16 everybody let's put that together I say walk by the spirit and you will not carry out the desires of flesh so it's a command walk by the spirit meaning you let the Holy Spirit control you moment by moment you listen to him right at this very moment if your heart is Lord I want to obey you you're walking in the spirit when you get out of this room and somebody wants to push you because he's in a hurry to go to the elevator what must you do go ahead go ahead you're walking in the spirit and then we are going home then the policeman will stop you for no other reason is about to stop you what do you do keep driving nothing wrong with this stuff you walk in the spirit you understand it is not always easy Nicky is a classic case somebody who came to know the Lord who was walking with the Lord and boom not done by sin but praise God he didn't have to stay down he got up and today he's active in the Ministry of the Lord you must learn to get back but to fall into sin I'm sad for you we are sad for each other there are consequences but you don't have to stay down you don't have to stay down so I'm going to teach you how to walk in the spirit the title of this message is very simple part of the Holy Spirit series walk in the light say that with me walk in the light what in the world does that mean let me explain first John chapter 1 let's read this together now this is a message we have heard from him and announced to you everybody God is light in him there is no darkness at all what are you learning the foundation of all behavior is knowing who God is according to this verse what can you learn about God God is like what does that mean you can absolutely trust him God is pure there is no darkness notice all of us have a dark side if I look at my heart if I look at my life I know there is something about me you guys may not know but with God there is no dark side you can pass him completely have you been to this shopping places when suddenly you get so excited this is how 80% of have you been to this places and then you buy something for 20% and after buying it you forgot to read the fine print you see sometimes you cannot trust the world when they say only 80 percent discount for all you know somebody was buying a computer before right the price was discounted when he bought it there's no monitor there's no plug so by the time you buy all the accessories it's called the fine print with God no fine print God is good you can trust him now how do you walk in the light the next verse will explain to you what does that mean everybody if we say we have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness we lie and do not practice the truth so to walk in the light means to have fellowship with him the word fellowship means intimacy no secret you're open with God if we say we have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness the Bible says we are lying and we do not practice the truth if everybody right now but if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus his son cleanses us from all sin what does that mean if you walk in the light you have fellowship with God there is intimacy there's no darkness in your relationship let me give you example my wife and I were intimate with each other we walk in the light when it comes to each other meaning I've no secrets my cell phone my wife can borrow I don't have to delete anything my wife can look at the messages I have no problem I have no secret from her why I walk in the light our relationship is open transparent teenagers if your relationship with your parents is in the light you don't have to hide anything when you are with your computers and suddenly your parents enter the room you don't have to delete if they ask what's happening you don't mind letting them review your historical sites because you are walking in the light there is nothing hampering your relationship the Bible continues to walk in the light does not name perfection you know why let's read verse eight if we say we have no sin we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us you see to walk in the light is to be honest a lot sin some people go to extreme if you are a Christian you should never sin that's not what the Bible saying you should not sin but is it possible to see walking in the light means when God tells you what you are doing is wrong what do you do look at verse 9 everybody if we confess our sins he is faithful and righteous to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness what does that mean let me explain to you the word confess has been distorted in this country because in this country usually based on our old religion you're supposed to go and see somebody and next you are supposed to do a lot of penance in order to be forgiven that's not what the Bible is saying the Bible is crystal clear the word if we confess the word confess is not begging for forgiveness the word confess comes from two Greek words the first one is homo the next one is legaia homo means agree log ale is from the world logos to say word so when you confess you are telling God I agree this is wrong you don't come to God and say if this is wrong that is not contention when you confess you don't say Ethan boom miletto no no so if my wife comes to me and my wife asked for forgiveness I asked her what are you telling me she will never say if I've done this Nana honey I'm wrong I'm sorry that's it you come to God be honest that's the mean of walking in the light you see things from God's perspective light you know one of the best illustration I can think of is this hunter he likes to go hunting one day it was pouring rain so he had to look for a cave he saw a game he was inside the cave and he was shivering it was so cold he decided to light a fire so he got all the wood and all the leaves inside the cave and when he lit it he got a surprise of his life when the fire was blazing he turn around he noticed he was not alone lots of big spiders lizards and the snake and when he saw it what did he do he ran away light would expose what you need to understand for example based on this verse the Bible says do not say you have no sin can I tell you why you need God's light to walk in the light many times we are very strict with people when people do something wrong example when your husband loses his temper you know what most people say my husband has outbursts of anger but if you lose your temper you know what you say I am just passionate now you change the word if people are lazy you tell them I'm mad not imagine that guys lazy but you know if you are lazy you know what you say I am just very deliberate I'm careful you see we will quit to just others but we can see our own sinfulness the idea here is you be honest with God now people will say AHA you see the problem with Christianity you will teach people to keep on sinning no no no no local next verse to walk in the light means what my little children I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin to walk in the light it's a sincere desire not to sin because you know the grace of God it can never be a license to sin it can never be a denial of sin but you deal with it properly and if anyone sins meaning it's possible to sin we have an advocate with the father Jesus Christ the righteous now the word advocated remember that word two three weeks ago John chapter 14 I will give you another helper that's the word advocate para Kratos para Kratos somebody to be beside you so the word advocate is like the word for lawyer I'm giving you somebody who will help you a lawyer who is our lawyer before the father Jesus Christ the righteous so when you fall into sin don't play games be honest God is on your side you have Jesus now read the next verse he himself Jesus himself is the propitiation for our sins now when you go to seminary one of the words they will pound into your head is this word propitiation propitiation means one satisfactory payment propitiation is not just payment it is satisfactory payment let me give example let's say you owe the bank 1 billion pesos example on 1 billion person now how are you gonna pay the bank know you will think well you know I'm going to do I have some carabaos at some dogs I have some clothes so you bring all of that to the bank would the bank accept that you know why it's not acceptable what if you offered to pay 100 million but you owe the bank 1 billion what the BAL accept that no but Bill Gates is your friend and Bill Gates heard about it and a problem oma in English what's your problem I owe 1 billion peso he said no problem you're my friend I'll pay for you he writes a check Bill Gates now you bring it to the bank the bank looks at the cheque Bill Gates huh yeah the bank the code number Brin so the bank calls the u.s. Tata Tata confirming that's true Bill Gates confirmed that's true he's my friend the balance no problem we will transfer the money my friend once the bound says ok we are satisfied that's the word for propitiation something acceptable the Bible says you and I have a sin problem in this country in many parts of the world people don't understand the payment for sin cannot be true read once it cannot be true good works it cannot be true religion it cannot be true giving money to the poor listen to me if you are thinking our give money to the poor so that God will accept me so that I will go to have a look at your motive are you giving money to the poor or are you giving money to yourself imagine you give money to the poor so that God will have said you so that your sins will be forgiven look at me are you giving money to the poor or are you giving to yourself you see motive is everything you and I do good works because we loved alone and we love people amen but if you do good works to earn salvation that good works becomes very cheap in fact you try doing that with your wife I know a story of a guy who promised his wife our anniversary is coming I promise you tell me why for dinner father how I was so happy finally for the first time in his life he remembers our anniversary but then three days before the anniversary his best friend called him parlez in English my friend I got the NBA ticket and it is on Friday but that's your date with your wife championship game now it's your life dream to attend the NBA championship final action very problem you promised your wife dinner how are you gonna do so you know what you do you go to the jewelry store you buy a nice pair of earrings you bring it to your wife on Thursday night and your wife said so happy all why what are you doing this oh honey I love you here's a pair of earrings awesome really your thing look he's so happy he's very happy and then you present her gift honey I love you so much here's the ring oh you are ready for your other finger to let you know I love you who are we home sweet she's very happy yes or not and then finally you'll give your reason honey by the way by the way tomorrow night remember that promise tomorrow night I have to watch and envy again I tell you what your wife will do did move the ring and he was tried you know why because your motive stinks you have to understand salvation is not earned by us look at that word one more time Christ himself Christ himself is the propitiation you will never have peace you will never experience forgiveness of sins until you understand Jesus is the only payment and it is satisfactory God is saying my wrath my anger it's all why my son took your place some of you today are struggling with sin because you have not understood the grace of God that's a problem look at this verse one more time all right everybody if we confess our sins he not people he see me I cannot forgive you it's God he is faithful and righteous not is faithful he will surely keep his word righteous his righteous to forgive us what does that mean it is the right thing to do the Bible says it is only right for God to forgive us he is faithful and righteous for God not to forgive us is a problem you know why it's called Bob all Joe Pardy my sins have been paid for by Jesus therefore if I come to God the forgiveness is assured it is right it's only proper he is faithful this practice do you know some people will not forgive me do you know some people may not forgive you the hot bitterness the whole anger but not God God says you know what is faithful and righteous to forgive us notice the next word and to everybody to cleanse us present tense from all unrighteousness what's a different sin that you confess is something you remember something you know the unrighteousness is something you you know you and I can forget the sin we have committed we don't even know the Bible says it's covered by the blood of Jesus its cleanse the cleansing effects continues and that's why you and I become more and more like Jesus if you learn to walk in the light the walk in the light simply means you are not perfect but when God tells you what you are doing is wrong like Nicky you come to God you admit and then you advance forward you don't give excuses no no you come to God that's how you walk in the light I've asked my daughter to share her own experience about this walking in the light walking in the spirit let's listen to her testimony okay my dad asked me to share an example of walking in the light so with permission from my husband edrick I'm going to talk about an incident that happened between us last year one evening educate a comment that hurt my feelings but when I tried to tell him how I felt he thought I was overreacting but he apologized anyway and turn over to his side of the bed to fall asleep he was too tired to have a discussion about it but I was not tired I was still upset if I had been walking in the spirit I would have forgiven him yet I was filled with myself so a few seconds later I picked up the remote control that was beside me on the bed and threw it across the room it hit the wall and cracked jolted out of his peace Adric jumped out of the bed and asked what is wrong with you are you possessed I was possessed by myself my pride and self-centeredness this is the first time in my marriage that I had ever done this Adric sat me down and talked to me about what happened at first I was trying to explain my feelings to make it seem like what I did wasn't so bad but the Holy Spirit convicted me he said joy you were very wrong you disrespected edge acute angle and you sinned you need to say sorry when the reality of what I did really sunk in I felt like a spiritual failure and so ashamed I asked for education from the Lord there was really no excuse for what I did in fact edge except that my real problem was not that I had thrown the remote control but that I had failed to be controlled by the Holy Spirit and he was right that night before we went to bed educate for me and prayed for our marriage but I saw him tear he didn't really think I noticed but I knew that I had really wounded him deeply God reminded me that there's nothing good in me apart from Jesus and if I don't walk intimately with him I am capable of falling very far from his grace and really hurting those I love I can be very disrespectful and dishonouring to my husband when I'm full of myself the next morning in the car edge again I were writing together and he turned to me and said you know that I will love you no matter what that won't ever change and I started to cry he took my hand and he kissed my cheek and I knew I didn't deserve to be told that Tianna my second my two-year-old who was the only child with us in the car looked at me and and she asked are you crying mommy are you okay she was very concerned I told her I did something wrong and I felt bad she said oh you did something bad a few moments later she followed up with are you nicer now mommy I know my two-year-old meant to ask if I was feeling better but she used the worst nicer and it really made me think I do need to be nicer to educate I do need to be sweeter even if I'm pregnant and hormonal I do need to be a more gentle and quiet spirit if edrick does things that upset me it doesn't give me license to disrespect him edrick is God's responsibility amazingly that night EDUCAUSE took me out on a date me his remote control throwing wife he said that God convicted him to be more understanding towards me and to be careful about what he says God use edge X for giveness graciousness and kindness to remind me that God is the one who covers our sin with his love when we repent and acknowledge our sin before him he desires to redeem and restore us I really really wish I could have taken back that moment when I threw the remote control and erased it from the history of our marriage but God has used it to make me aware that I need to walk in the light in daily dependence upon him admitting that I can do nothing good apart from his grace my marriage is obviously not perfect but edrick and I are learning more and more that the secret to a great marriage is to walk intimately with the Lord and to choose to change when the Holy Spirit convicts us - and by God's grace we are still happily married walking in the light does not mean you will never ever fail but just like what Mickey did like what my daughter did when you walk in the light God tells you what you are doing is wrong what do you do admit accept God's forgiveness and then move on don't stay down in sin because some of us we are deceived by the devil the devil say you know what it's too late I want to show you from the Bible an example of how to recover when you fall would you like to learn how remember in Tagalog there's a word for Nina's koban in English that means the flash-in-the-pan la misma laulima meaning you get excited now and then what happened you know to walk with the Lord to out to unleash God's full potential in your life you have to keep obeying him how long for the rest of your life day by day how do you do that it's called your walk in the spirit you walk in the light be sensitive when God tells you something it's all about the heart issue why do I say it's all about the heart if you Christianity is not perfection but it's all about the heart issue for example in first John chapter 2 verse 3 the Bible says by this we know we have come to know him if you're intimate with God if we keep his Commandments the grandmother is your heart's desire is obey Him but should you fail don't be despair you have a lawyer you will advocate so let me share with you an example now about how this guy fell into sin now when I talk about David what didn't take your mind what is the sin of David everybody louder you see most of you think of Bathsheba once most of you think of adultery I wanna tell you something it's more serious than that it costs the death of 70,000 people let's look at 1st chronicles chapter 21 Satan stood up against Israel and moved David to number Israel notice Satan is alive and kicking he knew the witness of David he moved David meaning he gave David the idea and David followed through what was the idea David said to job is commander go to the princess of the people number Israel from birth shiva even to dan burisch shiva is the southernmost part of Israel to Dan the northern part and bring me word that I may know their number you know the Bible tells us God was totally and happy in what David was doing is it wrong to number people no your book in the Bible called the book of odd numbers in the boom box they numbered how many people came to Christ there's nothing wrong with counting but if you come for the wrong reason for your pride to put your confidence in your army that becomes an abomination that was David's problem the sin of pride so the Lord did something but before I talk about the Lord I'm going to tell you something used to be careful is real right look at this verse everybody finally be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might everybody put on the full armor of God there is a picture of warfare so that you'll be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil most of us are ignorant of the reality of warfare the Bible says be strong in the Lord you can be strong in your stuff your willpower is not much when it comes to temptation you got to be strong in the Lord you got to be filled with the Spirit of God you got to depend upon the Lord you have to walk in the light depend upon him the Bible says be able to stand firm against the schemes now the word schemes but anti-german scheme scheme maraming in the end widely Satan is very widely he knows exactly your weakness for for men what are our weaknesses gentlemen face to face with each other men number 1 women number 2 girls number 3 ladies not huh okay so for men the weakness is women what else pride gentlemen you have to acknowledge the reality of the sinful potential of our nature we want people to recognize us we want to people to know how great we are it's all about pride that's why when you are not recognized you get angry well Satan knows this he's just waiting so he gives you crazy ideas you got to walk in the light you got to be careful ladies what's the weakness of women shopping Oh materialism I think it's vanity vanity mirror mirror on the wall she's on pinnacle gwad maganda dito I don't know what's your problem but vanity is a problem David Hart troubled him after he had numbered the people David said to the Lord I have seen greatly in what I've done now O Lord please take away the iniquity of your servant I have acted very foolishly notice walking in the light when God tells you what's wrong David conscience bother him he responded look at his response everybody I have sinned greatly admit I assume responsibility I've seen greatly in what I have done no blaming of others I did it it is my mistake and then all Lord you see you go to God don't run away from God most of us are tempted to run away from God no no you go to God oh lord please take away that iniquity the word for sins are made in the Bible one is below God's standard this one iniquity is perversion Lord take away the perversion something's wrong with me that's what David is saying I've acted very foolishly God was displeased with this thing he struck Israel this is the same account but it's now in Chronicles same story David said to go alive scene greatly in that I've done this thing take away the iniquity of your servant I've done very foolishly the Lord spoke to God David prophet go speak to David saying thus says the Lord I offer you three things choose one for yourself do you know the story here David went to God God spoke to his prophet God three options number one now I want to imagine your David away and now God is giving you three options option number one three years of famine option number two three months of running away from your enemy your enemy will try to kill you option number three three days of pestilence and then the Prophet said drink carefully give me your answer my goodness if you were David what will the same tell me just like me I choose option number four what's option number four Lord forgive me but no consequences God wanted David to learn a principle there's a big difference between forgiveness and the consequences of sin I said leader you impact the lives of others David said to God I am in great distress in tagalog here am I never I don't know what to do please let me fall in the hand of the Lord for His mercies are very great but do not let me fall into the hand of man you see David you God he trusted God is the Lord okay I would just submit to your judgment I choose the three days pestilence you know why but don't let me fall in the hands of my enemies baby knew that God is more merciful than people amen notice the Lord sent a pestilence seventy thousand of seventy thousand men died the very object of David's confidence is numbers of men and boom overnight Samri thousand died what will you be thinking let me tell you what you'll be thinking like David David said to God it is not I who commanded to count the people indeed I am the one who was seen done very wickedly but this ship what have they done o Lord my God please let your hand be against me and my father's household but not against your people they should be plague ladies gentlemen you are learning a divine principle when they leader since it impact the lives of others look at the book of Joshua when a can committed sin it affected the entire nation you and I are interrelated as a father you be careful with your behavior it will impact your wife and your children ladies whatever you decide is going to impact your family there's no such thing as Lord it's just my life you know I remember years ago when I was taking up my master this one this one is not a theological degree I start it's a business degree my classmates were very worldly and they told me Peter go with us we will go to nice places in Tagalog MIT Boone muhindi the Millepied and you know I was really tempted because they they kept telling me every day to join them especially on weekend but I was already married I'm sugar you know what hit me very clear the Lord said if you go with them you will never be the same I began to think and in the Lord's very clear first of all the joy of my intimacy with God I'm gonna lose it but more than that what scared me is honest I thought of my children I thought of my wife I can do things that they will not know but God knows and I know there's a difference between forgiveness and the consequences of sin gentlemen ladies understand since series and that's why there are consequences consequences is not a punishment it is to teach you to realize when you go against God you are going to hurt your stuff you know why I would rather learn my lesson now and not learn it and some day I end up in hell amen so God's grace is to help you look at the next verse okay but by the way look at this quotation God does not allow his children to sin successfully you know why everybody read this together whom the Lord loves he disciplines he scourges every son whom he receives look at the qualification of discipline whom the Lord loves because you are loved by God David was loved by God they're going to be disciplined the Bible tells us he is gorgeous the word skirt is a painful word he scourges every son notice the condition you must belong to God when you see people committing sin and they're happy nothing's happened to them my friend perhaps they are not part of God's family I only discipline my own children I will give you an example of how not to walk in the light I will give you an example of how not to admit your sin here is an example of David he knew how to deal with sin I will show you his opposite King Saul King Saul was confronted by God King Saul you disobey me you know what King Saul did he was not walking in the light he was giving excuses here's the story God Baal King Saul King Saul why then did you not obey the voice of the Lord but Russ upon the spoil and did what was evil in the sight of the lord the lord gave King Saul a specific command destroy everything that is my command you know what Saul did look at his reasoning so sit somewhere I did obey the voice of the Lord I went on the mission you see for Sol la cabina 90% obedience is acceptable that's what Saul was saying I will be the Lord I did what you asked me to do but you know he was excused himself with the next verse but the people blaming the people the people took some of the spoil sheep and oxen the choices of the things devoted to destruction but but I got them to sacrifice to the Lord your God you see he was rationalizing years ago one of our member who was a growing Christian came to me he was very sincere he was very strong politically he was given a little a senior license ladies and gentlemen that's a printing machine is a pillar he said ok I see what you mean okay you know this is a shoe money and our make money and our donated the CCF our do good works look at me you think God would be happy with that I praise God I told him you obey God if something is morally wrong don't justify it in Tagalog mapa Akutan I'm planning on in English don't make a circle of the Lord he could equal you know how some people are good in that now this is the famous truth you need to learn someone said has the Lord as much delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord behold to obey is better than sacrifice to hid than the fat of rams you know my concern there are some of you here you are sincere but sincerely wrong you come here on Sunday you serve you give money to the Lord you give tight you do services but there is something in your life you know that God is not happy but you are thinking it's ok you know why 90% of idiots partial obedience 99% obedience is walking in darkness you want to walk in the light store enter the Lord completely trust him and say Lord I want you to be happy I'm doing this because you love me look at me everybody you team my wife will be happy if I tell my wife honey I'm not with 99% of my heart they my wife will ask me 99 only 1% and me I have to understand before I met you I had this girl 1% onion at 1% I will only see her once again once a month but we won't have sex just coffee what will my wife say oh really 99% me 1% the other girl how nice no no you know what my wife will say just imagine my wife will tell me honey I love you 99% but 1% or what is it 1% you know Peter before I came to the state before I came to the Philippines I had this boyfriend it's really nice to me can I not just maintain contact but I love you 99% Oh what did I say that's what do you think if you obey God 99 percent you think God is happy don't deceive yourself look at me everybody don't make what a circle of the Lord by a code non-equal be sincere Christianity is about honesty with God he died for you he gave you his life now what more do you want gotta say I give you I give you my own now if you know Jesus you will follow him if you don't know Jesus you play games it's called religion that's why this country is problematic we have many religious people but their heart is not devoted to the Lord the Bible tells us : reading rebellion is as the sin of divination insubordination is as iniquity idolatry you know how serious sin is sin is called rebellion against God sin is classified that's what divination with scruff sin is classified as insubordination can you imagine if I'm your general or your captain and I tell you attack and you guys decide to follow me 90% are you obeying me yes or no of course not look at how this guy repent I have seen please honor me look at soul I've seen but owner me now before the others of my people before his will go back with me that I may worship the Lord your God this guy soul does not know how to admit sin he's not walking in the light he's so focused with his reputation oh look at my image look at my reputation my friend so if he had learned to walk with God you know what he will say I have sinned I know the consequences of my sin I will now step down from being King Lord you choose the next king Saul would have been a hero so refuse to accept the consequences of sin he was proud he does not understand walking in the light walking in the light admit your sin you come to God but you must be willing to accept humbly that consequences of your sin you know how Saul died suicide you know what hit me the analogy of the power of sin I saw this documentary National Geographic team it's called sister cephalus so leaders it's a parasite this parasite grows in the storm of the bird and then the bird will pop it goes to the water as eggs and then it will have and then these tiny parasites would be eaten by the fish now there's a problem the parasite has to complete its cycle of reproduction it's now in the fish where much it go it has go to die store map of the world so how will the parasite go from the fish to the bird think about it very simple the parasite begins to control the fish the brain of the fish is affected it does nothing straight anymore before every shot of the bird the fishes come / but with the parasite it begins to grow as it begins to grow it begins to distort the fish so the fish does nothing straight the feed begins to float and boom the bird will eat it and now the parasite is in the storm of the bird the parasite is happy it is completed cycle again sin is exactly like those parasites some of you are thinking it's a small sin it's okay let me share with you this ugly picture of the parasite it will grow in fact it can grow so big what does it do it will destroy the host it will destroy the fish sooner or later and that's what the Bible talks about sin the Bible says everybody aerbook everybody with this when sin when lust has conceived it gives birth to sin and when sin is accomplished it brings forth death ultimately sin will destroy us and that's why the Bible says everybody with this the sins of some men are quite evident going before them to judgment the consequences you see it immediately but others their sins fall after you see consequences are not always immediately it's like a parasite it got into your life but you don't want to deal with you are deceived she's single deceive you sin will tell you it's okay nobody knows your wife does not know your family does not know it's okay it is not okay sin will grow eventually it will distort your thinking it will eventually destroy us so do nothing you are doing God a favor when you deal with sin you are doing yourself your family and the people around you the biggest favor you know why because sin is often anything against God is self-destructive and that's why you need to walk in the light so look at David he walk in the light the Bible tells us David said to God I have seen greatly I have done this thing but now please take away the iniquity the perversion of Reservoir I've done very foolishly then the Angel of the LORD commanded God to say to David David go and build an altar to the Lord on the tracing floor of Ornan the Jebusite David read as the Lord spoken now listen to me why did God ask David to build an altar the altar is always a picture of the future suffering of Jesus on the cross for us it's a sacrifice to deal with sin if you were David would you do it you know David went to sea or nine or nine can i buy this property can I bid that altar here if your Ornan what will you do you know what ordinance said okay whatever you need I give to you you want this property for the altar I'll give to you you'll need a sacrificial animal I give to you you need fire I'll give you the wood you know how David responded David responded amazingly walking in the light David said I will sure no no no no no I will surely buy it for the full price for I will not take what is yours for the Lord Oh offer a burnt offering which cost me nothing what can you see about the heart of David he loved the Lord when you sin you admit accept responsibility but keep moving forward advance don't turn away from God most of us we run away from God we think like Lord you are no longer happy with me okay hasta la vista I don't go to church anymore I know it's my Bible anymore since I've fallen I just no no no that is what the devil wants you to do David wanted Micky they stopped going to worship to be on his own Satan wants you to be alone now you go to God every time you fall you go back to God is that okay with you guys that's how you walk in the light but don't give excuses you said Lord this is wrong admit it assume responsibility don't blame people accept the consequences I said lord I submit to you you worship God that's what David did King David built an altar to the Lord and offered burnt-offerings peace offerings and he called to the Lord and he answered him with fire fire came down from heaven that is the mercies of God to show David David everything is okay I have accepted your sin offering you are forgiven let's move forward David had no idea what is going to happen in the future you know why for most of us we think that's the end of the story it is not the end because of what David did he bought the property can I tell you what happened let me give you a twist let us read acts 13 verse 22 look at the commentary of God about David he raises up David to be their King concerning whom he testified I found David the son of Jesse a man after my heart who will do all of my will you know that's my prayer that I will be hard that will do all the will of God from the descendants of this man according to the promise God has brought Israel as Savior can I tell you what happened here David after he had served the purpose of God in his own generation fell asleep David accomplished God's purpose for his life how by walking in the lake in a wife he bought the property can I tell you what happened the property years later Solomon his son began to build the house of the Lord in Jerusalem on Mount Moriah where the Lord had appeared to his father David at the place that David had prepared on the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite what was a disaster but because of David's obedience the Lord he continued walking with God God used that place to be them to build one of the most beautiful temple ever recorded the temple of God but you know what 1000 years later something has happened in Moriah guess what the Messiah the descendant of David died on mob mariah my prayer you walk in the spirit you walk in the light if you fall get up admit move forward accept God's forgiveness and then the Bible says you would have served the purpose of God you know you don't know what it is as young men young women you do not like sadly the end of your life but someday I guarantee you if you walk in the light at the end of your life you look back I pray you will hear God say you have a home place my purpose in your life you are a man after my heart it's bar heads some of you perhaps some of you have discovered there's something wrong with your life today there's a parasite it's growing but you refuse to give it up you need a surgery you need God to intervene I like you to humble yourself and go to God in humility admit your sin ask him confess before him he promised to remove that and then you advance we pray this prayer with me in your heart Lord perhaps Lord I had not yet surrendered my life to you I admit this is wrong I want to invite you first of all to those of you who have not invited Jesus you pray this prayer Lord I invite you into my heart as my Lord and my Savior Lord I'm not sure of going to heaven I've not understood the meaning of propitiation but today I realize you died on the cross completely for my sins you died in the payment was accepted completely by God the Father so Lord Jesus I thank you for being the propitiation of my sins Lord Jesus I accept your payment I arrest my future my eternal destiny in your hand be my Saviour to those of you were with holding back something you pray this prayer Lord I've been blind to my own life lord I refuse to accept the consequences of my sin I refuse to admit my sin today I humble myself I want to walk in the light and I thank you you love me I thank you that you have forgiven me I thank you that my conscience is clear because you are my propitiation I now move forward Lord to follow you help me to obey you 100% moment by moment in Jesus name we all pray amen amen wonderful message I'd write everyone to stand up so we respond in worship and we decide to trust him and obey Him when we walk with the Lord in the light of his word what if your regions on are away now we do his good will your pods with us still and with all who will trust and obey trust and obey for there's no way to be happy Jesus but to trust them sweet we will say oh my inside what he says me - when he sends me we'll go never feel only trust just know to be Jesus but to trust just for this dog but to trust just send away I have a blessed Sunday everyone god bless you
Channel: Christ’s Commission Fellowship
Views: 23,355
Rating: 4.7886181 out of 5
Keywords: CCF, Christ's, Commission, Fellowship, Sunday, Service, Sermon, Speaker, Message
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 30sec (3870 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2013
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