The Minecraft Speed Run Record Was Beaten... By A PS4 Player??

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hello i'm fbx toy cat and here is the world record for beating minecraft java edition with no glitches on a random seed here is the exact same record but the minecraft bedrock pc as you can see it's a few minutes behind because minecraft bedrock is generally seen as harder to speed run but here is that same category for minecraft bedrock console as you can see 13 minutes and four seconds that is an insane time for a random seed and it means the fastest anyone has ever beaten minecraft is actually on a playstation 4 of all places this goes against everything you would expect from the minecraft speedrunning world and it's only possible because of one huge change between minecraft java and minecraft bedrock which was absolutely exploited by m8us who is of course the talented speedrunner that made this possible but let's watch the run let's show you exactly what's going down here from the very creation of the world this is something you have to do a lot on random c glitches runs because obviously you need to get some good rng on the seat itself um so there is a lot of this to happen but you're gonna see from start to finish an intense run because as you can see they're lucky to have a village right near the spawn uh you know within uh renders and spawn they can see one of the houses which means they're gonna head straight over there villages are essential for a random seed run because they normally provide wood you know it's not tree wood but it's village wood it works the same but also they provide an easy on the surface access to stone so they can immediately not only craft some wooden tools but some stone tools as well um but that is also going to give you access to iron if you need it for a bucket which you totally better believe you do um because there is an iron golem that generates in the village post village and pillage so uh they craft their stuff as fast as they can this is some impressive foray controller crafting as you can see right here uh you know zooming through the stuff getting themselves a uh you know not just a wooden pickaxe but into the stomach acts racing through the tears as fast they can and something incredible that you you know while you might be focused on how fast they're demolishing this house trying to get themselves uh you know a stone uh you know sword and a stone axe as well as the bed and stuff uh but something you might not notice is as they uh you know go through and craft that stuff and then destroy the crafting table right now this is the moment if we pause right here this is the moment where they realized that behind there there is actually a uh ruined portal this is the second incredible piece of luck it's not just a village kind of near the spawn but it's a village and it's a thing so if we press play again and uh you know we realize what they do uh they take full advantage of this and they're going ready to take uh you know get immediately into the nether if they can uh unfortunately for them all they get is a flint and steel and a golden apple uh the golden helmet's going to be useful for training with villagers with piglets rather uh but it's still a nice little start but you know if they keep on going they're feeling good about it so far they've got themselves some free loot you know tiny piece of armor they've got themselves a golden apple and more importantly they've got a village which they can loot to get some food a saddle and an emerald as well as some leggings it's not a lot but it's something right and they're going through here trying to get all the beds that they can because this is essential for the new bedrock and a dragon killing strategy there has been a way to kill the dragon in less than a minute recently uh next up it's get the iron that is of course essential because although the flint and steel was given for free the iron from the iron for a bucket is still not found yet so what do you do you kill an iron golem so they decide to go for the stacking themselves up strategy which is a little bit more risky you saw how even went badly there and you can see how the gollum is uh you know killing his time uh you know this could have been a sub 13 minute run if lying golems just worked correctly in a bedrock but as you can see he goes for this strategy because the moment the golem is dead which is gonna be faster because they can critical hit they've got the iron and they're ready to craft it asap it's an incredible thing to watch it's uh you know really great to go through right here even the inventory management doing this on a controller is much harder of course you know you can't uh snap with a mouse but they they're making the best of it they are going through and they're making this happen as they're going between other tasks uh they do one last look around the village just praying they're gonna find uh you know some essential things in this case they do find some bread which is of course going to be great throw it in on the ground again slightly inefficient inventory management system but it's what you have to do on a controller sometimes you don't have uh the snappy access going through the inventory and moving stuff can take a second or more um you know if it's fiddly and it's in the middle there somewhere so the final thing he's going to do is going to give himself some wood this is of course essential to have yourself access to a block but it's also going to be essential to craft some more beds because he only got two from the village he's going to need at least three of those if he wants to get anything done so you know sure two beds and uh you know like access to a stronghold and the thing that he does the thing that is incredible right here uh not only does he get some cooked beef this is an essential part of minecraft but the thing that he does that's so incredible is after he's got this gun down he makes an incredibly risky play this is the thing that minecraft better players can abuse to get faster times than minecraft java because although minecraft bedrock is generally harder to run one of the unique characteristics of bedrock is the uh you know strongholds try to generate blow villages so it's always worth looking below your village it's a less than one in ten chance that a village that is that close to spawn will have a stronghold below it uh but rolling the dice and going for every single time as indeed this runner is done i can tell by looking at the previous runs um it's something that only pays off every now and then but when it does like in this case it is incredible also in this case it happens to have a second minecraft bedrock exclusive characteristic strongholds don't stop generating just because of water which means he's immediately in the stronghold we're less than five minutes into the run and he's chilling in a stronghold with pretty much all the tools that he's gonna need um to get the rest of the tools which he's gonna want uh he's lucky enough to find this library right here and uh something about this because you know the way they got straight into a library with this amazing seed which had three things working it wasn't just a village in this spawn it wasn't just a portableness spawn but it was also a stronghold below that village and easily accessible from the water um a lot of people at this point will be saying toycat isn't this a bit suspicious i mean it's a console player after all they can't beat game the game fast unless they're cheating however this was verified by the uh leaderboard verifiers there are several of them and they collectively decided that this is in fact a legitimate run obviously you can always argue that like what if they edited it just really perfectly what if uh this whole video is really convincing you know fake but the reality is is like you know again that based on all the techniques they have to verify fakes which have uh you know they've they found many of these before i can uh talk about some bad speed run uh fakes we've seen out there uh this is a legitimate run as best anyone can tell looking at it and you know isn't that the ultimate kind of question like if you can't tell that it's uh if if it isn't if it can't be told that it's a big run by speedrunning experts then is it a fake run at all but anyway so uh something incredible here for a controller look at the the ability they have in making this uh portal obviously on it again we've seen java players be able to do this super super fast but doing this on a playstation 4 controller i can tell you first hand like it is a nightmare it's one of the things you really don't want to have a control stick for but they managed to pull it off and one of the things that to me proves this is definitely not a set seed if you were trying to make a seed for a great minecraft run this is not it look at this never not only did the room portal not go off earlier but also look at this now he types his corner so he knows where to get back to he spawns on a gravel island in the middle of a sausage valley there is a ghost right here and he's on an island unconnected to anything else there is no way off this island um fortunately he picked up that ender pearl from the stronghold chest uh if it weren't for that this would be run over right here this would have been the luckiest thing that went nowhere um but yeah again uh luck it somehow he manages to turn this lock around because it's not just a ghost by the way two skeletons spawned next to his portal like again i am i'm i'm like mentally uh you know screaming at the bad luck that's happening right now after such a good string of events for the first six minutes things go awfully in the nether but he uh you know takes the leap of faith he decides to go for it uh throw his ender pearl out there and uh you know again he's still in a soul sand valley but luckily enough there is a crimson forest crimson forests are essential because trading which is the widespread technique if you again this is another taking a risk thing trading doesn't guarantee you'll get into pearls but it's the faster way to get them even if you have to go mining for the gold so there's no picklings around right now uh you know m8 use takes the risk he goes for the as you can see very clearly he goes for the gold ore tries to collect a bunch of that up okay really really interesting thing to watch uh just how few gold monkeys you get each time but how this is definitely faster than finding a crimson a warp forest especially at this stage in the game so he goes ahead he decides we're gonna do this we're gonna uh you know get ourselves some gold and uh you know as you can see there's there's lots of gold mining happening it's it's very fun you know the cool thing about caves i like mining in minecraft i think it's one of the two parts of the name minecraft and it's good to actually see a run have to do some of that so yeah he minds all of the gold that he can find there by i still want to look for a little bit more because he doesn't really have uh you know enough nuggets just yet so he goes in the cave picks up the last few bits right here again weird to watch in the middle of one of the fastest in fact the fastest minecrafts have been beaten on a random seed uh the amount of time that's spent mining the cave but it descent yeah when it's essential it's essential another piece of luck he has right here is the two skeletons fight each other rather than him so he can pick up the sk you know the the arrows that are you know might come in useful if he ever needed them to but uh yeah he's going to throw down all the gold he's got so far the odds of him getting the end of policy needs oh yeah it's like it's it's pretty fractionally low right now like it's not looking good for his odds of definitely getting uh end of pause right now but he he goes for anyway he makes the trades and then he looks around for a uh never fortress he's lucky in that there's one right over here um and again it's incredible uh the way he moves through this thing but as you can see he solidifies himself off and he starts working on killing these blazers so killing blazes is you know i can attest this myself let me just say right now as he goes from the most painful parts of minecraft speed running in my opinion he's hoping that a 50 50 chance of getting blaze rods happens at least uh six times in the next uh you know a few minutes then you know again that the next literally five minutes in this run can make and break everything he's just hoping that enough of these drop blaze rods and obviously there's no way to control that luck it's just all happening by itself and yeah if you want an idea of just how insane 13 minutes is as we watch the rest of this run i want to just point out that when i was last uh you know the last time a console player was top of the random seed leaderboard i think it was myself back in like march and that was with a 30-ish minute time or uh it was like much much much higher than that but that's the difference that the uh never update has made to speedrunning that's the difference all the new strategies including the end by the way which we're gonna get into i'm very excited to show you that one but um that's the difference all of these techniques have made to speed running and uh yeah it hurts to me that like the one thing that can't be made more efficient is killing blazes like the odds that again the luck that he's getting on these blazers right here it's it's pretty horrendous but again 50 50s only happened 50 of the time did you guys know that wow that's that's some crazy uh numbers happening right there right and having these wither skeletons in there too there's just a lot of things he's got to deal with simultaneously but somehow he goes ahead and he pulls it off anyway so at this point he's got three blaze rods waiting by this is going to ruin this world record time it's going to go badly for him so what he decides to do after this terrible single uh you know blood goss play spawn where again no blaze rods it's it's looking bad the run is looking close to dead but then he notices in the background there's a bunch of blazers over there so even though this is a super risky thing to do with just a gold helmet and some leggings he goes in and he tries to get his blaze rods from here instead no blazer drop on the next place next blaze this one will definitely drop one right no blaze rod drop again again the luck is just stacking against him at this point um you know they he needs some some good drops another one with no glaze rods um it's it's really tragic just how often this 5050 is not coming off from um again were this any other run this would be a run-ending thing but because of just how well that spawn went he's able to pull it off he's able to get through this one and then he goes out there and he he finds that luckily enough again the odds of this happening are semi-long just filled for three of them but he got all of the enterprise that he needs which means now he knows this run if again all the luck has come off all of the luck has gone the way it needs to go but the essential thing is that he gets a blaze rod from the next couple of lasers that he kills if he wants to do this in under you know like 15 minutes and beat the java uh world record or even if he wants to be the better at world record in uh you know 19 minutes he needs these blazers to come up quickly and uh you know like after watching some of the most painful stuff thank god that he does thank god that he only gets moved once he gets his blaze rods he's getting out there all he has to do is get past this with a skeleton and oh yeah he bails a jump right there and he gets out there ender poles in hand blaze rods in hand he's got 14 ninja poles which is essential if he had uh you know 12 or only 11 there would be some serious serious issues there but fortunately he's got some spares which means if he wants to get back home he can do the dream this is this is the dream for every speedrun i'm sure what you want to do is you want to be able to end a pole back to the portal from a pie this is insane that this actually happens but as you can see he pulls it off the the absolute dream for speed running he froze his part i can't imagine the stress in his mind as he's throwing that pile right there he throws the pile he lands right in front of the portal he does a fun little console exclusive where he wants to rearrange his inventory but obviously uh it's a lot harder to do uh with a controller it's what he does he throws his stuff on the ground so that he can pick it up uh in the other once again i i love watching uh the weird ways that happy improvised and then he crafts himself the eye offenders that he needs picks up these stakes those are gonna be uh you know essential uh later and here comes the end of the run so at this point again looking at the timer you can see that like oh there is there's a you know like a you know a huge lead between this and any other minecraft don't run done yet but if he wants this to go well he's going to need to be able to do a cool little trick called one ticking the end drank so he wants to kill the dragon in one round he doesn't want to wait for the dragon to come round and back uh even the best speed runs uh up to quite a few uh you know months ago had to kill the dragon in multiple rounds like three rounds was the fastest you could do it but most of the time it took five rounds and this took a solid five ten minutes onto any run this run is uh you know almost as long as the old end dragon technique was because he can use his extra ender pearl that he got again so handy that he got 14 of those huh uh he can use this extra thing he can use the boat you know the little glitch where if you attack the dragon in the head for whatever reason you can do double as much dragon before she doubles much damage before she flies away it's weird he does most of the damage that way but not enough so that she flies away and waits for another round and then he pulls off one of the weirdest and it's almost hard to explain uh you know bedrock bugs but this is a key thing you got to do you put some lava near where the dragon's head is meant to be as you can see he's going to pull that off right here very uncomfortable watch and then despite all of the nerves that must be running for his head at this point he manages to place the beds one off or another off another quick enough so that the dragon doesn't fly away killing the dragon with free swift explosions and yes she's dead so i something i want to show because you know like in this video we'd be mostly just showing off the gameplay that's what it's all been about but something that just has to be said is the insane reaction that you know like if you've been running minecraft over and over again just loading up random seeds hoping for the luck and then finally you get that luck and you manage to pull it off even in the cases where it looked the worst again there were moments where this run looked awful uh this is the reaction you would probably have two oh my god oh my god what the [ __ ] that's right that is the conclusion that is how a minecraft playstation 4 player beat minecraft in less time than any minecraft java or minecraft bedrock player has done on any other platform and again my immediate thought when this is like i'm a skeptic every time i look at this i'm like this must have been think maybe load up the seed and there's some like stitching of this together um but the way uh you know the confusion and the stronghold that you could genuinely see right there the you know the the the fact that the uh you know the room portalness spawn didn't turn out to be anything useful it was really lucky that it was there but it wasn't actually you know essential the only essential thing was having access to that uh end portal uh you know under the spawn but that is a thing that happens common enough that if you ran minecraft 100 times you might see it once too and given the weeks of you know running that had to happen from and that used to see this one this is a genuinely uh decent run this is the most incredible feat from a minecraft console player there are still people who think like oh you have a minecraft on uh consoles that's just the you know that's the weird version people who can't afford computers or something yet um and you know like well that's one of the perceptions i spent years trying to correct but the fact that uh you know this right here you know it's not just me doing a thing in a category that isn't very well populated there are lots of minecraft bedrock speedrunners right now and one of them the most successful of them as africa recording this video is m8u's a minecraft playstation 4 player that has been verified to have the fastest completion of minecraft not just in minecraft playstation 4 not just in minecraft console not just in minecraft bedrock in minecraft history for a random seed this is insane and the craziest thing is that because of all these new techniques that have been discovered in the last few weeks i think it's possible we see a shorter run than this i mean even in this run just the weird glitches and the weird ways the sun things went down uh you know the super bad luck they never spawn i think that there is a genuine possibility we see uh something better than this in the not so near future but that's uh you know a story for another day for now this is the story of the playstation 4 world this is the story of m8u's i'll link his channel down below if you want to check it out and thank you for watching this video it was a lot of fun and uh i i enjoyed watching it i hope you did too if you did then be sure to subscribe because this is that moment in the video where youtubers tell you to smash the like button and the bell and all that stuff but no uh in all seriousness i make a lot of videos about weird things in minecraft if you want to subscribe you'll see those dating your homepage otherwise you know what i just hope you have a nice day goodbye [Music] you
Channel: ibxtoycat
Views: 2,915,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, record, speed run
Id: wRUc37rnPhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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