The Mind Of Christ | Kris Vallotton

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so let's pray holy spirit thank you for what you're doing today and we just release your spirit in the room we pray god for your your manifest presence to go to just teach us and and uh lord just expose us to new ways of thinking i pray against mental blocks i pray against stifled thinking and small thinking lord i release us to the mind of christ in jesus name amen amen well um i thought i'd kind of do part two of the me i hardly know and and and talk a little bit about uh the mind of christ and on what god's given us you know jesus said love your neighbor help me as you love yourself all of us need a big ass let's turn to your neighbor and say you need a big ass because how many you know you can't love your s you can't love your neighbor as i said ads you can't love your neighbor if you don't love yourself are you are you listening the best thing you could do for your neighbor is to love you you know in fact paul goes on to talk to men about their wives and he says in fact it's my 43rd anniversary today oh yeah i know you're out there somewhere um i forgot what i was saying now oh yes no husbands love your wives as you love your own flesh for no one ever hated his own flesh but nourished and cherishes it my point is is that the best thing i can do for kathy is to first love me for the best thing you can do for your neighbor is to first love yourself help me understand that if you don't love you you won't love them and so there's this whole thing and we talked yesterday a little bit about false humility thinking bad about yourself is not called humility that's called the spirit of stupid humility is not thinking less of yourself it's just thinking of yourself less help me understand that when you feel bad about yourself you're still the center of attention because you're still thinking about you and so this this whole idea about how we should think about ourselves i remember years ago i was when kathy and i first came to uh bethel church we'd sold our business to a multi uh billion dollar company and um when we got to to uh when we actually came on staff the month after we came on staff the company that bought us who had yet to pay us actually went bankrupt and so we lost everything we lost our house we lost everything but our two cars and our furniture and so it was very tight time and not only did we lose the sale of our of our of our business but we also owed 1.8 million dollars so it was really a tight time so um we went to the elders and we said to the elders we you know we're going to have to go back into business because when we came on staff here we didn't we we did we came on for free for the first year we worked for free and year two we worked for a thousand dollars each so like paying back 1.8 million dollars was probably going to take but we figured it out about 400 years and so we we met with bill johnson and we said you know we we can't stay like we have to go back to work because you know we're we we thought we'd have a quarter of a million dollars to live on and now we have nothing and so we met with the elders and the elders said to us you know would you please not bankrupt for six months and so that we could pray for a miracle and i said in that meeting i said and i feel like i haven't told the story for a while i feel like it's for somebody in here i said to the elders you know i don't have faith for that and one of the elders uh he's been here forever in fact he's been here now for 53 years he stood up and he's a very quiet man and he said would you trust my faith so i said i said sure for six months i mean what i got to lose i already owe the money sure so anyway they began to pray for they prayed for kathy and i that in that meeting and i left that meeting and a little kind of cool story is that 30 days later i got forgiven 900 000. still owed 900 but i got forgiven half of it and over the next three years the lord just did miracle after miracle and we we paid or negotiated down all got forgiven or negotiated down all of the the debt and paid it all off but in the midst of that a man one day i walked into the prayer house actually we wouldn't have a prayer house at the time we were in a prayer room i was about 20 minutes late and bill was in there with about 30 40 50 people and they were all praying it was on a friday night and i walked in and bill handed me a envelope and i put it in my pocket and he said i think you should look at it so i opened the envelope up and it was a check for three thousand dollars you know have you ever been in a season where three thousand dollars feels like three million well i ruined the prayer meeting i started shouting someone gave me three thousand dollars somebody gave me three thousand dollars and bill said you better look again and i looked down it was thirty thousand someone had given me thirty thousand dollars i freaked out i was running around the room speaking in other tongues some egyptians some holy spirit tongues i was super excited and and and then um you know we had enough money to divide the man his name was eli to buy eli a card really nice card and you know it was it was all good and then for what but what what happened next is kind of strange you know um the lowest level of life is you're unconsciously ignorant it means you don't know that you don't know the next level of life is you know you don't know well for the next six months i avoided eli like if eli would come in those doors i would go all the way around and come in those doors and this one on the weird thing is i didn't have any idea i was doing it it was below the conscious level one sunday morning bill was preaching and this is when we just had one service and he was kind of going on and you know in conclusion in conclusion kind of thing and i was like i gotta go to the bathroom so bad and in conclusion i find it like i can't wait long and i ran out those double doors and into the bathroom and didn't know if i was gonna make it and when i opened the door eli was there and his back was to me so i slammed the door and i took off running all the way to those bathrooms and and on the way there i had this thought something's wrong with me you know how many know the adversity introduces a man to himself and i just got introduced to myself i went to bed that night and as you probably could imagine i couldn't sleep all night long i was thinking have you ever thought yourself into a corner like you just think think think and think and like you argue it all out in your mind it's like he's gonna say this and i'm gonna say that you always win right this is probably four o'clock no it's probably five o'clock in the morning remember the sun rising and i and i finally had this thought maybe i should pray about it it's pretty bad when you get paid to pray you know and so i said to the lord lord i think there's something wrong with me he said uh-huh i said do you know what it is you know you know you're lost when it's like when adam said when god said to adam adam where are you you know if god can't find you you really lost so i said do you know do you know what it is and he said uh-huh i said will you tell me he said do you really want to know he asked me do you really want to know and and you know how many you know denial is a beautiful thing i laid there for several minutes wondering if i really wanted to know and finally i said yes i really want to know and he said this to me he said eli gave you thirty thousand dollars i said why i know that he said well the problem is is that is that you don't love yourself 30 000 worth and you're afraid that if eli gets to know you he'll be sorry he gave you the money i laid there for many minutes tears rushing down my face and i said to god what do i do he said why don't you try this i said all right i'm ready he said why don't you try loving your yourself the way i love you because if you love you the way i loved you you would nev never be afraid of eli not loving you and i began to realize that i've spent my whole life building cases against people because i i realized that night and into the morning that you will never let someone love you more than you love you and when someone tries to love you more than you love you you will build a case against them the more you want someone to love you the greater fear you'll have of them loving you if you don't love yourself and you begin to reject them before they could reject you i have a a really good prophetic gift and i would use my prophetic gift to find dirt on people not that i would share with them but so that i could reassure myself i don't really want to be friends with that person i would tell my wife who you know have been married 43 years i would tell my wife this is a common statement in our average week that probably happened three times a week i would say we'd meet someone and i'd say at home they didn't like me she'd say well honey how do you know that they didn't like you i'd say i could i could i could discern it they didn't like me you know how many understand that if people if some people don't like you how many know that's not your problem but if everyone doesn't like you that probably has little to do with them and everything to do with you not everyone's going to like you but if nobody likes you it's probably because you don't like you and i realized that night in bed that the problem wasn't that people didn't like me the problem was that i didn't like me and the truth is i never knew i didn't like me until someone liked me more than i liked me i realized growing up because my dads didn't like me that i grew up thinking there must be something wrong with me if my own fathers don't like me there's a thing danny teaches that i found to be very profound he says intimacy means into me you see and i've watched a pattern over the years i've watched people date here's one example i watched some date and by the way if you're not supposed to marry please don't be offended don't marry it's awesome you don't want to have sex it's fine with god fine with me but let me be clear that would not be me sex is good god made it said be fruitful multiply then he said it's very good and i say that to my wife all the time this is very good i say to my wife all the time we should be fruitful multiply i even tried reading a song of solomon [Laughter] your neck is like a tower [Laughter] your belly button is like a goblet full of sweet wine and your breasts are like twin flan this is this is a quote of the bible i know [Laughter] and then i said i think i should climb the palm tree and that about then all i remember is uh let me see get down on one knee and propose to me again what's up let me see you get down on one knee and propose to me again i don't think i got on one knee the first time i proposed to you i'm just wondering if you could get up off one knee love you honey i was 15 when i proposed you the first time that's true [Laughter] make my heart beat fast i thought i was having a panic attack but then i saw that you were near [Laughter] i'm working it right now how many of you are not married okay this is some really good lessons for you right here [Applause] intimacy i i've watched this i've watched this process when i've been the leader of school ministry for 20 years i love to see people get married again on a serious note if you're not supposed to get married don't get married but i've watched people that they quote i can't find the right person i mean how man how many you know there's like freaking 7.4 billion people on the planet i know you're out there somewhere somewhere summer you know i'm 80. i don't know yeah i mean get a life and i watch people do this this thing i watch them like they i don't know what you call it like do coffee i don't know they change the lyr they change the song all the time like we don't believe in dating like whatever it is where you talk about doing life together and having children whatever you call that you know whatever that is and then and then you know they date and then and then it goes on for you know months and i've watched this pattern and then and then we begin to get intimate i'm not talking about sex i'm talking about into me you see and when that couple begins to get intimate suddenly some of you know love covers the multitude of sins but fear reveals irrational thoughts fear reveals irrational thoughts and all of a sudden this couple this woman or this man they began to build a case against them and then it's off to the next man or the next woman and and i and because i'm old because because i've was a youth pastor because i got to because i've got to watch people's 20-year journey i see the same person maybe the same gal maybe the same guy and they there they go along and i say to myself it takes about six months for her to decide that he can see into her and now she's going to begin to sabotage their relationship and pretty soon she's in my office or talking to me in between a class saying you know i just see this thing on him and i and somehow i have to convince her that the problem isn't him the problem is her that you will afraid that he's going to see in you what you think you see in you on these people spend their whole lives looking for someone who's perfect and by the way if they found them that would be the very person they would never marry they would never marry someone perfect and guess what other people do they marry someone broken so they can feel okay with them because they feel broken so broken people tend to marry broken people see you not loving you is a bad plan obviously see you teach people how to treat you by the way you treat you think about it this way as a metaphor if i went over your house and you know there was crap everywhere junk cars in the front yard windows knocked out i walk in your house there's beer cans everywhere i may not put my feet up on my table at home but i bet i would on yours you know why you told me how to treat you but if you came from your house and you came over my house and my you know i didn't live in a mansion or her palace but you know place was clean and neat and nice you might put your feet up on your coffee table but i bet you wouldn't on mine you know why because i told you how to treat me by the way i treat me see if people always disrespect you that's probably not about them it's probably about you have you ever been around somebody who has well let's see how should i say this have you ever been around a person that you meet for 20 seconds and you just like them like you like them you're just like i don't know i just think i could be their friend forever and you immediately trust them like they could sell you anything have you ever been around people like that have you ever been around people who you met for 20 seconds and they didn't say a thing but you didn't like them i mean they could look good on the arts outside they could be a beautiful looking person but you meet them and for whatever reason you want to not you you don't want them in your life like you find your inner man rejecting them you know why that is because the first man loved himself and because he loves himself or she loves herself you think in yourself like some below the conscious level you think there must be something good about this person because of the way they behave towards themselves they might be overweight they might not be beautiful have you ever met someone who doesn't have the outside trappings of a beautiful person but they love themself and like there's something attractive about a person who actually is fully alive like we saw yesterday that that that young girl singing there's something about when you come to grips with you listen listen you're not perfect it's okay it's okay that you're not perfect just be okay with who you are well i'm too fat so just be a happy fat person it's worked for me i'm too skinny just just listen stop telling yourself that you're not enough okay the person sitting next to you who who you think is amazing also has things that they don't like about themselves i don't like my nose i don't like my hair i don't like my butt there's always something i don't like it's just get over yourself i am trying [Laughter] but you teach people how to treat you by the way you treat you if you don't treat yourself well if your inner world doesn't if you don't believe in yourself and your inner world you will send that message to people there is a message that there is an unspoken message i mean you can stand straight it's not it's not faith it's not just facial expression it's not words there is something that emanates from you that says i'm lovely i'm beautiful you would like me if you got to know me or listen you don't want to know me there's something wrong with me i'm broken there's 40 reasons why you shouldn't like me you don't have to even say it you are carrying it around with you there's something about learning to love ourselves i remember uh my grandkids again i love to tell stories about my grandkids especially when they were younger i love grandkids so much better than kids i would just had grandkids if i could i remember one day i walked in the front room and and elijah i think elijah was about six or seven and his his cousin isaac was in the room i told you about elijah yesterday and and as i walked in the room elijah said to isaac let's fight and isaac said okay and elijah said i'm spider-man hits them with the web and isaac said i want to be a spider-man he says you can't be spider-man but you could be superman he said all right i beat a superman there they were two superheroes in the front room all sudden riley walked in riley's four ryan looks like a blonde brillo pad like cousin it like you have to move her hair to see where she's going she walks in and she says i want to play i want to play i don't need a spider-man and elijah her older brother goes you cannot be a spider-man just then i walk by and she says papa papa she's crying i pick her up what's wrong riley she says they're not cheering they're not cherry they're not sharing i said what's wrong i want to meet the spider-man they wanted at me i said why don't you be wonder woman wonder woman can whip spider-man any day [Applause] how many men are married you understand this deep revelation [Laughter] she said all right i beat that i i beat a wonder woman i let him down let her down the firmware and there they were three superheroes i walked out of that room and i had this thought ain't no one asking to be the garbage man it takes about 12 years of religion to convince you that being a loser is somehow spiritual because when you were little you knew you were born to be amazing any child i've been all over the world africa in the in in the villages of africa and the orphanages of africa i remember it was in africa a few years ago and there was 500 kids in an orphanage i helped the fun and i was walking along and the kids were surrounding us kathy and i and a bunch of my my own kids and and i was saying to the kids what do you want to be and she and the girl says i want to be a judge and in them and the young man's young boy he was probably at 10. he said i want to be a prophet and someone else said i want to be a preacher and so i want to be the mayor as we were walking along and i'm like even even there in an orphanage where mom and dad are both dead no one said i want to be a drug addict i think i'll be a loser i'm simply saying that religion convinces us that somehow being a loser is somehow spiritual you know jesus peter and james and the apostle paul all use this statement in some form if you humble yourself you'll be exalted some of you like i don't know that verse if you humble yourself you'll be exalted james said if you humble yourself you'll be exalted at the proper time how many understand that there's two sides of this coin you humble yourself and you get exalted why is it that we can be humbled in church but we can't be exalted like isn't it weird that you can come to church and be humbled but if you if you get exalted you're asked to leave and i'm saying what would happen if we created a culture where you can come in low and become amazing instead of instead of famous people coming to church that famous people come from the church that when someone famous walks in the room we don't like oh can i have a selfie with you can you sign my sign my lips i'll never wash again [Laughter] we act like a bunch of freaking paupers because we don't realize that we are royal people well that person is famous how many know you're famous in heaven the father has written your name on the palms of his hands you know jesus was crucified at a place called golgotha it means the skull you know why jesus was crucified at golgotha because jesus is what the head of the church that's why he was crucified on a mountain called the skull remember that jesus wore a crown of what thorns do you know why jesus wore a crown of thorns because salvation wasn't just for humans salvation jesus said preach this gospel to every creature remember when adam and eve fell in the garden they ate the tree they shouldn't have eaten some of you were like no you should read this book this is a very good book and the curse over the serpent was you're going to crawl on the ground and eat dust and i'm going to put enmity between you and the woman between your seed and her seed and it's in the hebrew it says and she will it says he speaking of probably jesus says and he will stomp you so hard it will crush your head and bruise his heel that was the curse over the serpent and by the way did you notice the curse over the serpent was the woman will have will be eternally angry with you that was not the curse over this over the woman it was the curse over did i say the woman i'm sorry the curse over the serpent was i'm gonna make women internally angry with you do you notice why every time you call for intercessors in any church it's 80 percent women do you notice that every in every culture every culture and every religion figures out some way to reduce women you know why because if the woman gets her rightful place she's the one that carries the enmity the hostility towards the devil it is your job ladies to teach your children to hate the devil the curse over the the woman was that you're going to have pain increased pain and childbirth and your desire will be for your husband but he will rule you and by the way did you notice that only the woman was only ruled in marriage under the curse under the curse he said your desire will be for your husband and yet he will rule you it wasn't all men will rule all women it was that when you marry your husband will rule you and by the way that was the curse i proposed that when jesus died on the cross he broke the curse isn't it interesting that man was formed from dirt but woman was fashioned from a second generation creation from a rib just thought i'd mention that that was your chance ladies to go woohoo might be good for us to remember that she wasn't taken from his foot [Applause] but ladies it might be good for you to remember that she wasn't taken from his head she was taken from his side she was meant to stand beside him anyway i need to keep going so but do you remember so you remember the curse that was the curse of the woman what was the curse over adam you shall till the ground and it shall yield thorns and thistles how do you understand that when god cursed adam eve and the serpent that creation was a part of the curse why did jesus wear a crown a throne a crown of thorns on his head because he was crucified to break the curse off of creation when jesus uh was crucified he was put into the tomb and peter and john ran to the tomb and john got there first this is john 20 and peter and john stops at the opening and peter runs right in which we'd expect and he sees two linen wrappings the linen wrapping that once covered the head of jesus was taken and put in another place but the linen wrapping that once covered the body was still in the place where the body once laid do you know why because when jesus rose from the dead the head was revealed but the body has yet to be revealed now let me read you a verse romans 8 says some of you are like oh he still uses paper verse 14 for all who are being led by the spirit of god these are the sons of god for you have not received the spirit of slavery leading to fear again but you have received the spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry abba or daddy father the spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of god and if we are children and if we are children errors also heirs of god and fellow errors with christ jesus if indeed we have suffered with him so we may also be glorified with him for i consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that's about to be revealed to us for the anxious longing of creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of god for creation was subjected to fertility that willingly that because of him who subjected in hope that creation itself would be free from slavery to corruption into the freedom listen to this into the freedom of the glory of the children of god do you know what that says it says the devil knows who you are creation knows who you are the angels know who you are and god knows who you are it's only you who don't know who you are and all of creation see when jesus rose from the dead the head was revealed but the body has bet yet to be revealed but how many understand that creation stands creation is still in a place of corruption until when until the sons of god are revealed in glory so that when you rise to your rightful place and glory creation is released from corruption into the glory of the children of god your demeaning you is keeping creation in corruption when it's been assigned to glory are you with me so when jesus rose from the dead how many know that you rose with him that's a good word in in first corinthians chapter 2 paul writes yet we do speak of wisdom among those who are mature wisdom however not of this age or the rulers of the sage who are passing away but we speak of god's wisdom in a mystery but as is written verse 9 things which i has not seen and ear has not heard which have not entered the heart of man that god has prepared for all those who love him for all those who love him people say this all time things eye hasn't seen ear hasn't heard that hasn't entered in my heart god has planned for those who love him i'd like to propose to you that that verse isn't about you that that verse is actually an old testament verse that paul in fact it should be italicized in your bible that paul took from the old testament and the old testament prophet and the old testament prophet said i hasn't seen ear hasn't heard it hasn't entered our heart all that god wants to do for those he loves look at the next verse but to us god has revealed them through his spirit for the spirit searches all things even the deaths of god for who among man knows the thoughts of men except for the spirit of him which is in him by the way let me stop and say this the devil doesn't know your thoughts unless he gives them to you people ask all the time can the devil read my mind no the bible says right here that nobody knows your thoughts except for you um even so the thoughts of god nobody knows except for the spirit of god now we have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit who's from god so that we may receive freely so that we may know freely the things given to us by god which things we also speak not in words taught with human wisdom but those taught by the spirit combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual world words now the natural man does not accept the spirit of god the things that but the natural man does not accept the things of the spirit of god for they are foolishness to him for he can understand them because they are spiritually praised but he who is spiritual praises all things yet he himself is appraised by no one look at this verse 16 which is italicized who knows the mind of the lord that we may instruct him and paul writes we have the mind of christ the old testament people how many know they weren't born again when you received jesus christ you were born again i told you yesterday you are a new creation you are a second generation creation you are the first beings on planet earth that live both in heaven and on earth are you with me how many know you live in heaven and on earth you currently already in heaven you are seated in heavenly places with christ how many know when that goes from a philosophy and a theology to a reality it will change your destiny i am currently seated in heaven the point is do i live from heaven towards earth or do i live from earth towards heaven do i live from heaven towards earth or do you live do i live from earth towards heaven how many understand that if i live from earth towards heaven i'm always living in reaction to something that's already happened i'm praying for people who are sick how many know they're already sick i'm praying for something that already happened are you with me but when i pray from heaven towards earth my heavenly seat gives me eternal perspectives do you remember the apostle john jesus said the apostle john in revelation 4 come up here and i'll show you what must take place after these things how many know your eternal your your your heavenly seat gives you eternal perspective so you see these things not as they are but as they should be and your prayers become prophecy and your words become worlds so no longer am i just praying to god but now i'm praying with god how do you know prophecy is foretelling i'm telling you the truth and fourth telling i'm causing the truth how many notes prophecy is foretelling i'm telling you the future and fourth telling i'm causing the future do you remember ezekiel's bones ezekiel goes to a boneyard where there was once a battle and there's all these bones and god says to ezekiel can these bones live and ezekiel's thinking not likely but when god asks you a question he probably has a different answer and ezekiel says you know lord and god says prophesy to the bones how many know he didn't prophesy about the bones he prophesied to the bones and as he prophesied the bones became a mighty army let me sorry how many understand that our heavenly seat gives us eternal perspectives and we begin to when we begin to pray from our heavenly seat our prayers become prophecy and our words become worlds no longer are we under the circumstances how many understand we are controlling the circumstances so the old testament prophet says who knows the mind of god that we can instruct him and paul says we do how many know that john the baptist was the greatest prophet of the old testament but jesus said the least in the kingdom was greater than john so that means that john was greater than daniel he was greater than moses he was greater than joseph he was greater than david but how many understand that the least in the kingdom of god is greater than john listen have you ever heard like god wants to use little old you god wants to use little people god wants to use nameless and faceless people i'd propose god doesn't have little people god doesn't have nameless and faceless people god only has sons and daughters no gosh i don't think you're getting this this morning i'm saying that god doesn't have nameless and faceless people god only has sons and daughters [Applause] sometimes we prophesy out of our low identity and we're like we're trying to say god wants to use everybody but in order to say god wants to use everybody we reduce the prophecy to make every to include everybody instead of tell everyone you're better than that you're bigger than that you were created to be sons and daughters of the king you're actually heirs to the throne your daddy is god [Applause] and you have the mind of christ people come all the time they're like i i just want to know who i'm supposed to marry i go what are you thinking i'm thinking i'd like to know who i'm supposed to marry well aren't you dating mary yeah mary from the school of ministry two years in school ministry yeah mary who's beautiful she came from halfway across the world to come here because she was seeking god yeah i just want to know if i'm supposed to marry her what are you thinking i'm thinking what does god want me to do no no you're not understanding what you're thinking is what he's thinking because you think like god you have the mind of christ i don't know what the will of god is what are you thinking when you're right with god you think like god [Applause] let me say that again when you're right with god you think like god [Applause] how many understand that jesus lives inside of you people say stupid things like without god i could do nothing well that's true but you're never without him because he'll never leave you or forsake you that means you can do all things through christ who strengthens you because that verse wasn't for you jesus john in john 15 said you know that you are i'm the vine you're the branches and you can do nothing without me but how many you know they weren't born again and you're born again they became born again but how many understand you don't have to worry about not doing anything without jesus because he's always with you he's never going to leave you or forsake you which is why you should be doing miracles are you with me i want to finish with this story in the book of samuel first samuel 9. there's a young man named saul and his father has lost his donkeys and he sends saul and a servant out to find those donkeys and they look and look and look and they can't find the donkeys and the servant says to to to his to saul you know i think there's a prophet up here at the next place this next village maybe he'll know where our donkeys are and so isn't it funny that the number two guy always knows more than a number one guy i don't know how that works but anyway in the meantime the lord speaks to samuel the prophet and he said hey there's two young men coming they'll be here later on this evening and they're looking for donkeys and you're going to tell them that their donkeys have been found but you're going to anoint him king well a little while later they end up at the prophet's house and they don't know it's the prophet's house and they say to and and saul says to samuel um we're looking for the prophet and samuel says to him i am the prophet i want you to stay with me for tomorrow morning everybody say tomorrow morning from tomorrow morning i'm going to tell you all that's in your heart for aren't you the one that all of israel is waiting on and saul says i have no idea why you're talking to me like this for i'm from the smallest family in the smallest tribe now let me just put this in perspective for a second saul is actually has a father who's the most famous warrior at the time in israel's history his dad is actually famous so he may be from a small family in a small tribe but he's from a famous family in a famous tribe am i speaking to anyone yet and remember the prophet said tomorrow morning i'm going to tell you what's already in your heart now chapter 10 verse 1 i'm going to read you a few passages it's morning then samuel took the flask of oil and poured it on saul's head and kissed him and said has not the lord anointed you as ruler over his inheritance when you go down from me today then you will find two men close to rachel's tomb in the territory of benjamin and zillah and they will say to you your donkeys which you went to look for have been found now behold your father has ceased to be concerned about the donkeys he's anxious for you saying what shall i do about my son verse 3 then you will go further from there and you will come down to the oak of tabar and there'll be three men going up to god at bethel did you notice where they were going they were going to bethel and they will meet you one carrying three goats that's brian [Laughter] one carrying three loaves of bread that's chris and one carrying a jug of wine that'd be bill and they will greet you and they will give you two loaves of bread and you'll accept them in your hand afterwards you will come to the hill country kill of god where the philistine garrison is and it shall be that as soon as you've come to that city that you'll meet a group of prophets coming down from the high place with harps and tambourines and flutes and liars and before them they'll be prophesying then the spirit of the lord god will come upon you mightily and you will prophesy with them and you'll be changed into another man and it goes on to say that when saul encountered the prophets he was changed into another man now i want to give you a prophecy see did you notice that samuel gave the right word to the wrong man remember he anointed him king and he said first of all he said i'm going to tell you all that's in your heart i'd like to say that prophecy reveals the secrets of your heart and the secrets of your heart are not sin they're the glory you fell short of did you notice that even though samuel said tomorrow morning i'm going to tell you what's in your heart when he told him saul seemed completely unaware that the greatness that was in him let me try it again did you notice that when samuel said to him you are called to be the ruler of israel and he said this is already in your heart it's like the wizard of oz he didn't give him anything he didn't already have did you notice that the only the person who was the clueless about his identity was the person who was called to be the king he anoints him king but did you also notice that he anointed the wrong man with the right word because then he said you need to go over and meet these prophets and when you do you'll be changed into another man how many know that saul had to be changed into another man for the prophecy to be fulfilled i'd suggest that he wasn't changed into a different man but he was changed back into the man that he was supposed to be in the first place that low self-esteem disillusion poor poor performance all of those things reduce saul to a man that even when he received the prophecy he actually couldn't be what god wanted to be until he encountered the prophets and he was changed into another man i'm going to finish my prophecy would you stand this is what i see i see a community of worshipers who are carrying the seeds of greatness and some of you been carrying it for years i heard some of the prophetic words today it was amazing many of you have been carrying words that have never happened and some of you think you know i just don't know if i believe in prophecy anymore because they never happen but i propose to you that until you meet your people you can't come into your destiny and i think that when you came here see we say this all the time people come for the supernatural and they stay for the community they stay for the family i think that there are so many of you you came here and people ask you what happened and you were actually changed into another man you were changed into another woman you were changed into the person that you were supposed to be in the first place so that all the prophetic words that you've been receiving for some of you since you were a child you're carrying them around like in your purse or your wallet you're like here's these seeds they never grow and i want to propose to you that you you can everyone's trying to find their purpose and until you find your people you can't find your purpose because your purpose is in your people you are part of something bigger how many know the prayer is our father who's in heaven not my dad how many know that if you're if your vision doesn't include other people you don't have the father's vision because the father never gives you a vision that you can fulfill by yourself so i want to pray for you right now because i believe that you came here for a worship school but you found your people and the lord's changed you i feel like half this class has been changed into another person and lord i release right now this prophetic declaration that these people they came to learn about worship but they left knowing who they are and lord i just release this prophetic declaration that even in the days of saul they came to bethel to encounter the prophets and to be changed into another man and lord i pray that every single person in here would have an unveiling that they would have a new sense not just a purpose but of personhood in jesus name and i want you to say i receive that for myself i receive it for my children i receive it for my children's children in jesus name god bless thank you very much you
Channel: Kris Vallotton
Views: 29,944
Rating: 4.764977 out of 5
Keywords: kris vallotton, bethel church, bethel church redding, prophet, prophetic ministry, bethel redding, bethel, kris vallotton sermon, the mind of christ, loving yourself, love your neighbor as yourself, bethel music worship school, worship school, learn to love yourself, how to have the mind of christ
Id: 3XfklkwBx9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 3sec (3003 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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