The Mike and Claire Story | Patrick J. Adams and Troian Bellisario | Suits

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let's get our facts straight easy our clients's being acquired by Google but op Telles software has a buy option claims to have a buy option it actually expired 6 months ago then why are we having this meeting because their lawyers don't know that we know that and they're hoping to get something to go away man I have so much to teach you what are you my boss now oh how was that different than before I could leave you high and dry right now you know that right excuse me can you tell me where jimo Don's offices that depends what do you know about immigration law what are we talking visas or you trying to process a labor certification you know about immigration law doesn't everybody okay tough guy what do you think about my strategy on this oh I think it's a winner why is that because everyone knows Gonzalez versus state of Maryland was a kick-ass precedent but your case is better it was a kick-ass precedent but I'm not sure that my case is better oh it is well what about V versus trust me it's better V needed magic dust and a sympathetic judge to win have we met nope on Mike by the way Claire are you sure because you look very familiar oh that's probably because I've been delivering packages to your office for the last 2 months but you haven't given me the time a day because you didn't think I was smart enough for you it's 9:15 wait that worked it's working so far but I'm going to need to know your full story if it's going to keep working well I'll tell you the full story once you give me your phone number I'll give you my phone number when I know the full story how about this I'll tell you everything you want to know at dinner tomorrow night that's it yep all you have to do is pick one of two characters whichever character I don't pick is removed from film history forever it's like they never existed it's a piece of cake okay Han Solo or Indiana Jones I'm out what's the problem you just said it was going to be a piece of cake the problem is you just picked the two greatest characters of all time so you're right about that I'm sorry let me start with something easier for you all right what's your Sund dance check please yeah we're done no this is really nice yeah I'm having a really good time too so when do I get to hear the answer to what you do besides being a bike messenger who says I do anything look there's nothing wrong with being a bike messenger but I'm serious about my life I'm not going to law school just to cash out I I really want to help people M bike Messengers don't help people no not in the way that a man I want to be in a relationship with [Music] does well then today is your lucky day I knew it where do you go mm-m you first where do you go NYU Columbia I win hi I got a delivery free zolan freest Meister son I'm afraid there's no one in this office with that name I'm afraid you're mistaken really yeah because I'm willing to bet that there's no one on this planet with that name okay fine if you could just point me towards kumquat McGill's office I'll be on my way I certainly did not bike down here with two fictitious deliveries just to tell you what a great time I had last tonight good because I have a lot of work to do so if you could please just hop on that little bike of yours yeah you finished flirting with Quicksilver here you might want to get down to ins exra swore has just got taken in sh his visas expired they're going to send him back to the Dominican Republic hey uh maybe I can help no offense I don't know how no no no Nathan he's not just a bike messenger he's in law school really where are you in law school uh Columbia and he happens to know visas better than either one of us I really can't pay you so no I don't need any money I just want to help all right Columbia be my guest got a hearing Tuesday morning 9:00 a.m. Mike that is amazing thank you well no don't take me yet I haven't even done [Music] any um this might not be relevant but I actually saved kumquat mcil Gotti's life this morning so I'm going to go do some work thank you hey fart taster thought you were coming over what nothing it's a classic implying your job is to literally tast in the middle of something so I'll come over later okay in the middle of what that girl I told you about she uh she interns at a legal clinic and I am helping her with a case dickfoot gave you homework okay first of all from now on her name name is Claire and second of all this is important so dude what the hell are you talking about I might have told her that I'm in law school oh you won't do anything to get laid I am not trying to get laid I really like this girl and I have zero chance with her if all I am is a bike messenger yeah well you're definitely going to have no chance if she finds out that you lying to her Trevor I don't want to talk about this anymore they seem have done a lot of work here Mike that's no big deal it is a big deal Mike found a loophole in the Immigration Act of 1975 and it's going to blow you away I don't I don't know about that but it may help Hector Suarez stay in the country that's great and you're more than welcome to uh stay and watch unfortunately Claire I need you to run back to the office Marshall called in sick and he's going to hand on the walkin so okay call me heades yeah what the hell are you doing that's keep actor SZ in the country yeah yeah nothing's going to keep him in the country so what I'm going to do is I'm going to buy him some time so he can get his Affairs in order and then I'm going to give his children a chance to stay I'm just I'm sorry are you jealous of me and Claire or like I'm not jealous and I was waiting for her to leave to save you the embarrassment embarrassment of what that's good work talking about the work I'm talking about your bike messenger by day law student By Night all right you don't know what you're talking about listen what are you going to tell me next your roommate is a stripper who's in medical school tell me right now I call Columbia your story holds up that's what I thought forget who I am and take a look at that folder this is the man's don't touch me if you know what's good for you you'll stay the hell away from [Music] Claire [Music] please get away from me Nathan told me everything let me explain okay no explain what that you're sociopath I'm not a sociopath I'm the same guy that you hit it off with no you're not you lied to me yes I am and I didn't mean to lie to you okay I was going to tell you the truth then why didn't you because you said you wanted to be with a guy who was doing something good with his life and I wasn't so what now you're here to tell me that all of a sudden you want to dedicate your life to helping people or some other lie like that it's not a lie and what I did would have helped Hector but you only did it Claire please you have to believe me after I met you I decided to get my together I am trying to get my together okay Mike you know what I hate more than guys who don't have their together it's guys who lie about getting their [Music] together Claire she used to work at a nonprofit when I was a bike messenger all right we went out a few times please I can handar no she knows I didn't go to law school what if she sees me she's going to know I'm not a lawyer all right I need you to handle this meeting can you do that please you have to give me a second have a second I need you to do this okay [Music] okay hi hi Claire Bowen Rachel Zay should we get to it yes definitely let's um let's get to it uh first of all I need to inform you that we are prepared to move forward with a trro unless of course your client is at a change of heart you can do that I I just don't see any judge granting you a trro given that your option has expired actually it hasn't this is a record of a phone call between our client and yours a phone call during which our client agreed to fix bugs in your client's software in exchange for a 5-year extension of our purchase option I'm confused do you actually want to buy our client's company yes if there's a deal happening we want to be included in a meaningful way I'm sorry I'm not authorized to include you in any deal then pick up the phone and call your client I understand you're not authorized to do that either because a partner dropped this in your lap in the 11th Hour you have no idea no I've been there before but I do need something to take to my clients so get back to me as soon as you can yes absolutely great by the way how old is the partner on this case um why would you ask that because I noticed that his name is Michael Ross and I went out with a mic Ross once I was just wondering if it was the same guy cuz if it is he really turned his life around I um I'm not sure how old he is this is the first time we've had a case together so I maybe he's about 45 oh definitely not him sorry oh you don't have to be sorry I was just wondering thank you yes of course you practically ran from that conference room to come and hide in here and left me to deal with a woman who knows your secret and you're going to tell me that it's not that big a deal I meant having to pay off of ta is not that big a deal you didn't even tell me how she knows your she doesn't know my secret all right I told her I went to law school and she found out I didn't if she sees me now she's going to look into me and then she'll know it and why did you tell her that you went to law school in the first place Rachel it's not important it's important to me because I wanted to impress her and being a bike messenger wasn't going to do it so you lied to her to get a date yes I did well you're not the only person who's lied to her now what does that mean what it means is she asked me about you and I had to lie to keep her from thinking that you're the same M Ross that she knew before Rael I'm sorry I where are you going to work on your [Music] case I think maybe you misunderstood me in our last meeting I'm not some corporate killer who's looking to hold you hostage for a payoff my client actually wants to be included in this deal Claire this is an incredibly fair offer I don't think this is a fair offer at all well then let's talk about what would be because your client's not staying involved in this deal is this your boss's stance or yours it's our clients and my firms and I don't appreciate you questioning my role in this deal look Rachel I cut you some slack yesterday because you're a newbie who's in over her head but since you clearly don't have the power to include us in this deal I think maybe I should call the partner on this case you know what you should but he's just going to say this if you pursue a trro we'll sue you for torch's interference excuse me you knew the sale was in process and you waited till closing to broach the topic that is torous interference okay well I think we're done here just take the money and walk away or we will tie this up in court for years it's up to you but then again what do I know I'm just a newbie I would have figured out a way to get it done well you know what you couldn't have been there and I don't appreciate you telling me that I'm not as good as you when the only reason I was in that meeting in the first place was to cover for you Rachel I'm sorry I didn't mean to make it personal oh well it sure sounded personal when you accused me of screwing up because I was jealous look I just said that I'm sorry I'm only coming down on you the same way Harvey would come down on me in the same situation right but you're not Harvey and I'm not you and if Harvey was talking to you the way that you're talking to me you would be in here right now telling me what a dick he is I know you were just trying to keep me from getting caught and I'm sorry I'm sorry too what for because as much as I hate to admit it I do have a problem with Claire Rachel Mike I was sitting across the table from her and I could see all the reasons why you're interested in her and I had to wonder what would have happened if she' never found out that you lied or if she found out a year later after she'd gotten to know you better maybe the two of you would still be together we wouldn't be how do you know because it might have taken me a while to tell you the truth but from the first second I looked at you I wanted to tell you everything about me and when I finally did tell you the truth you didn't tell me that you never wanted to see me again you accepted me actually I slapped you and then you kissed me yeah and stayed with me m and loved me anyway how did you get in here the receptionist told me where to find you well she shouldn't have so why don't you find your way out Claire I'm here to apologize look you got under my skin when you called me inexperience because the truth is I haven't been doing this very long so I shot back and I went overboard to try and show me that you are better than me yes and I ended up blowing the deal for both of us and I'm sorry well they say you learned from your mistakes that's the thing I have already learned and I think that I have a way to get both of us a win gigy they're a major client at your firm what if you were to bring them the acquisition of metadesk why would they want this because they need fulfillment software to increase their sales in Europe and we're a perfect fit you researched my client like I said I learned from my mistakes Rael that's amazing I can't believe she went for it she went for it and gigy went for it did you just say gigy yeah why Rachel gigy just announced her getting into the defense contracting business what when yesterday they already have their first contract which means I just triggered a background check on every single person involved in this deal Mike I'm so sorry no you couldn't have known well I'm sorry Rachel I just can't turn the other way don't you understand what this is condoning yes I understand what it's condoning but you have to put yourself in my shoes imagine you found out a year later after you already knew the kind of man he is inside look Claire I'm I'm telling you no he's not a lawyer but he did turn his life around you're a smart woman Rachel you are making a huge mistake please I am beging you I just wanted to say thank you you're welcome I also wanted to know why you're letting it go because Rachel begged me too and because she said that she loved you and that you turned your life around and you believed her I believe that she loves you but if you really want to know the truth no I don't believe that you turned your life around and I definitely don't believe that you love her what how can you say that because you've convinced her that it's all going to be okay that you two are just going to get to live happily ever after and I didn't want to be the one to make that all come crashing down but you know what Mike one day it is going to come crashing down and if you really do love her you'll put a stop to this right now what you think I should stop being a lawyer I'm saying if you really love her you won't marry [Music] [Music] her sh
Channel: Suits Official
Views: 204,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Suits Official, Suits tv show, Legal Drama, Suits full episodes, Suits Harvey Specter, Suits Michael Ross, Suits Donna and Harvey, Suits Louis vs Harvey, Gabriel Macht, Suits Mike and Rachel, Meghan Markle, Rick Hoffman, Sarah Rafferty, Suits Season 1, Patrick J.Adams, Drama series, patrick j adams and troian bellisario, troian bellisario, suits mike and claire, troian bellisario and patrick adams, suits troian bellisario, troian bellisario pretty little liars
Id: tYVW6xNgTag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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