Harvey Gets Involved with his Best Friend’s Sister | Suits

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well you look happy Becky just tells Susie she like likes you more like Kelton Insurance just told Robert Zane they're scared scared of us we've got a settlement offer just like you said we would I gotta hand it to him he played them perfectly did he now what nothing look I take it back about Becky the only one with a crush around here is you sounds like someone's worried that Robert Zane might be better than having a nice cry tiger if it's a magic ever worry about bird first of all yes he did second of all you realize you're the white guy in this scenario right I know I'm the bigger badass in every okay Mr badass which one are you magic or bird I think we both know I'm Jordan hey why don't you go meet your boyfriend Robert Zane I think I just left something at security oh look who like likes someone now ma'am the last time I let someone up that he wasn't expecting you had to have me executed I'm sure he did but I'm telling you the question obviously forgot the phone down Carl because we have a meeting scheduled for right now that isn't what she just Carl I'm meeting with you really I promise I'm much better looking than whoever you're supposed to be you have no idea how right you are but I could have sworn you were just on your way out well that's not a problem American way but I'm not sure the governor can are you trying to out name drop me I remember I think I just did but I'll let you in on a little secret I don't really care about names that much well if you don't care about names why don't we skip the introductions and just get down to breakfast we already had breakfast I'm talking about tomorrow morning in my kitchen or yours I mean you look like you have a nice place [Music] good luck in your meeting okay Esther what are you doing here what a woman can't stop by to see her brother who she loves please you know damn well we don't love each other I need a lawyer you for what did you give someone salmonella with your stupid muffins I'm getting a divorce well good I knew that guy was dead weight the second I met him I know I know I think that was your speech at our wedding and your sympathy is touching but I didn't come here to vindicate you I know you didn't you came to get me to slaughter Jeffrey for you and I will when I'm done with him he won't have a pot to in it's pissing and Lewis I don't want you to slaughter Jeffrey why the hell not because I want Harvey Specter too come again you said he was the best attorney in the city no Esther I told you he was my best friend which is exactly what you said about Jeremy henschel in 10th Grade which really meant you worshiped him from afar you wrote your diary about him and you never actually hung out okay you swore you never read my diary and you swore you didn't file me and Jeremy oh please that was one time I was on my way to get a glass of milk and for your information I've been lactose intolerant ever since Lewis are you gonna give Harvey or do I have to get him myself Harvey is not taking on any new clients right now and he's out of town for the next few years I know what you're doing you think I want Harvey because I don't think you're good enough you're wrong I know how good you are but this is personal for me which means it will be personal for you and I can't have that so please you get me Harvey I'll make it happen thank you Louis [Music] that was Esther yes I know what you're going to say we look exactly alike that actually wasn't it's like looking at me in a wig I've heard a thousand times yeah the resemblance is uncanny what I'm just wondering why you're not getting up to go ask Harvey because I'm not going to ask him I'm gonna save some time and tell her he said no Donna we all know that Harvey's Furious in me there's no way he's gonna do it maybe not but Lewis she's family and if there's one thing that Harvey understands it's that go away Lewis I would but then I couldn't tell you about the 50 million dollar company I'm giving you why would you do that because I want to make up for our little misunderstanding we didn't have a misunderstanding you went after my money so if you're giving me a client there's some other misunderstanding that you're too chicken to tell me about foreign I'll give you her business all you have to do is handle her divorce I don't want your sister's business now get out Harvey this is my family my sister she has never asked me for anything her entire life not once now the one time she does I just can't let her down Louis I'm not a divorce attorney what is a shitty detail like that ever stopped you before all right I'll do it on two conditions first you stay completely out of this case done second I'll let you know when I think of it how do I know it won't be something I can't stomach you know but those are my two conditions okay all right you have a deal one thing promise me you won't sleep with Esther believe me Lewis the last thing I want to do is sleep with your sister I can't believe she's really worth 50 million I can't believe you've never heard of her company do I look like I buy a lot of pot holders she doesn't just sell potholders she has a brand like Martha Stewart Stewart look I get that you think she's impressive but to me she's just Lewis's sister which as far as I'm concerned is Strike number two with strike number one the fact that she's Louis's sister oh come on Harvey listen are you gonna take this seriously I'll tell you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna walk in there I'm gonna shake This Woman's meaty hand I'm gonna get this over with as quickly as possible oh you you've got to be kidding me you two know each other so you weren't meeting the governor you're telling me you were really going to blow off the mayor the mayor you don't know the mayor I'm so sorry let me introduce my soon-to-be former associate Rachel Zane Esther Edelstein it's nice to finally meet the man I've heard such good things about it's nice to meet the woman I've obviously heard and nothing but lies about let's get to it yes I just have to know for one of the two of you adopted I've been asking that for years hey get out come on speak up narcissist it's not a freaking Library reminder defend the walls in the conference room slash make a people what do you think you're doing what happened oh I was just checking the soundproofing making sure they thickened the walls in the conference room so if I walk out the store and I turn to the right I won't see Harvey in there with Esther Esther's here I didn't know that Lewis listening through the wall is up her okay look it's my sister all right I just want to make sure he does right fire and you never would have asked him to take this case if you didn't trust that he would do just that so put the glass down go back to your office and let him do his job for both of us if you were wrong every once in a while [Music] I got your message Jeffrey signed the agreement he did all it needs is you're John Hancock wait this doesn't say 20 it says 50. oh I'm sorry did I forget to mention that he said you promised him 50 of your company for putting off medical school because you sure forgot to mention that to me ah you've got to be kidding me how could you not tell me that because it was a throwaway conversation we had 12 years ago on the New Jersey Turnpike well it wasn't throw away to him and he's going to use it because he's feeling betrayed well I don't really care what he's feeling because he's the one who had the affair you wanted to know the circumstances of our divorce well that's what they are that's why I'm leaving him I am sure you wouldn't understand what it's like to experience infidelity I would and I do but that doesn't change the fact that you made a contract what about our other contract 20 the original agreement supersedes it and an affair doesn't change that except he doesn't have any proof I ever made the original agreement Esther they're gonna put you under oath and ask you point blank if this happened and I'm going to say it didn't that's perjury I'm not gonna let you do that there are you some White Knight who never crosses the line to win no but I'm not going to let you make a decision In the Heat of the Moment that you'll regret for the rest of your life well then you better find some other way to avoid this deal because there's no way I'm giving my back husband half of everything I own [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Suits Official
Views: 565,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Suits, Suits TV show, suits esther and harvey, Suits Louis vs Harvey, Suits Louis and Harvey, suits esther divorce episode, suits harvey and esther, suits esther husband, suits esther litt episodes, suits harvey and esther case, suits esther episode, Legal drama, Suits full episodes, Suits season 9, Suits season 1, Suits Harvey Specter, Suits Michael Ross, Suits Donna and Harvey, Gabriel Macht, Meghan Markle, Rick Hoffman, Sarah Rafferty, Patrick J. Adams, drama series
Id: O1emAj1NA1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2023
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