The Mighty Jabiru

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[Music] so [Music] hi this is mark from sky wagon university again doing another sort of look around a plane and a little bit of a sort of show-and-tell kind of thing on this particular one it's a jabaru j-250 or as they pronounce it in australia a gibberish or something like that anyway they're made in australia they are australian but they are assembled and built in the u.s so jabro makes the airframe jabaru makes the engine we'll go over the engine and all the details of it and all the pieces are shipped to kentucky or somewhere back east and they're actually built here in the us so this is an an slsa a special light sport aircraft and this particular one its owner had it converted to experimental so he could work on it but um it's basically a little modern 172. so let's go over some of the details so a quick overview of the whole plane and then we'll look at some more detail it's kind of like a 172 it's got a three it's called the engine is a six cylinder jabaru 330 3300 because it's 3.3 liters six cylinder made by jabaru we'll pull the cowl off later it's got a wooden composite propeller on it it's a 30 foot wingspan it's got a gross weight of 1320 pounds and it does 120 knots which is the criteria for light sport in the us however if you were to run it at a higher rpm of which it's capable it would go faster than that but it's restricted mentally and in its book to be at 28.50 and 2850 makes 320 knots which is makes it light sport also it's a four seat fuselage with two seats in it so it's got a massive baggage area in australia and the jabaru 450 is a four-seater and it's this plane very similar it's got a 30-foot wingspan they hold 39 gallons of gas fuel petrol they burn four to five gallons an hour so it's got fairly extensive range and the useful load is around 500 pounds so basically this is a 2007 it's like a modern 172 although there is such a thing as a modern 172 but a modern 172 is 400 grand and this is like 75 or 80. so this plane's got 500 hours total on everything us certified and really well equipped for what it is let's have a little bit of a look around it so we just opened the doors and there's a didgeridoo in here because it's an australian plane how weird hmm interesting let's see how this thing works that was not it [Music] not bad for an english guy but you know why was that in here that's weird so back to the plane width light sport small no handy tape measure the cabin width is 43 inches that's the same as that cardinal we did that's the same as a mooney a 172 it's it's actually very wide for its size so that was surprising and then in the back we'll open the baggage drawer in a minute it should have four seats but it's only two seats so it's got a massive baggage area so the configuration of the stick would be more comfortable for somebody who's used to flying like a car borer because the throttle is on the left like in a cab and the stick is in your right hand and if you like it the other way around you sit on that seat throttle over there right and it's just one stick with both controls on it this is a push to talk this is autopilot the push to talk for the right side is here on the dash so it's literally throttle controls here flaps and uh very conventional this is the brakes it's just both brakes at the same time so you don't want to do a tight turn with brakes on you make the turn and then you brake it's got three fuel cut off switches there's one down here under the dash and one on each door post which is where the fuel is coming from from the tanks and one over there as well so three fuel cut offs and starting it is very simple it's not like a rotax it's not geared it's direct drive when you start it you just flick these two sort of handy military looking switches on turn the key if it's cold you pull a choke so we'll start that in a minute it's got autopilot true track auto pad it's even got a little feature like the um gfc 500 garmin autopilot if you're in any configuration that wasn't what you wanted you just press level and it will it'll just do level it'll just level it off it doesn't know where it's going it just levels it and it goes straight this is a true track autopilot a couple of ephesus a com a digital transponder an intercom digital fuel gauges flat positions and then this engine instrument here which will show you all temperature oil pressure rpm and all that kind of stuff so it's pretty well laid out air vents australia has hot weather too so it's pretty well ventilated and these are very popular down there flaps right here near the throttle which is kind of neat and a wide cabin with a nice sort of long nose forward view of it so the back if you look in here i'll open that back door huge oh you're kidding me what all this stuff in here chuck that away about not actually because it'll come back so it's got this giant baggage area which you have to be careful not to overload it this plane's got a 500 pound useful load a couple of 200 pound guys and 30 gallons of gas and you're there but variants of it are four seaters so it's probably paperwork more than actual ability and it could probably carry the weight it's got 110 square foot wing the 172 is 180 square foot wing so it's a it's a smaller wing but it's a smaller lighter plane the wing loading is 11 pounds a square foot or thereabouts but you can imagine like camping gear suitcases dog whatever you're in this back door very um not common for a light sport a lot of light sports you open the two front doors and the only baggage area is like a little pocket this big behind the front seat this thing's enormous enough for your didgeridoo your boomerang and various other accoutrements of the trade okay so to take the cowling off there's a screw there three quick releases there and then a piano hinge here with a wire inside and you just pull the wire out so this wire is in there and just pull it out if that's difficult to put in and out we're going to do it off camera so here we are pulling the lid oh that's heavy well all of a pound and a half it's got this paint is amazing it's like purple gold you look at it here it's green so here's the engine made by jabaru in ajabaru so it's it's a six-cylinder 3.3 litre flat air-cooled horizontally opposed starters here and your mounts these are air ducts so the air comes in the intakes and goes down through them it's just like a miniature version of um you know i like homing or a continental uh they are a 2000 hour tbo they're 120 horsepower 3.3 liters that's why it's called the 3300 and i think there's a four-cylinder version of it that's called the 2200 two cylinders 2.2 liters direct drive no gearbox so when you're flying it you're running it at like 2800 rpm direct so a good reliable um engine built for this exact application two magnetos you've come around here you can see a very conventional layout magneto on the back it's like a the drive on the back there's generates the spark and there's impulses here two mags quite a pretty little installation no need to hang a giant heavy lycoming on the front of it if you've got that so the general construction of the whole plane is it's composite there's no metal no fabric you can see outlines of ribs underneath it in the skin if you get it in the lights it's got ribs in there um 30 foot wingspan cessna is like 172 is like 36 35 and a half so it's a bit narrower a bit shorter you hit your head on the aileron of a cessna so it's this much lower two two tanks two caps so like 18 19 aside and then obviously all tapering fuselage one strange thing i've noticed is that that if you were to push down on its tail like in a 150 or 152 and move it around it wants to keep going i mean if i let go it'll just hit the ground look i'm actually stopping it going down it would sit there normally you have to load that up with bags of lead shot to work on the nose wheel so it's probably just something to do with its center of gravity in its aerodynamics but very strong i mean it's like this is fixed no trim here it's literally trim here and then the trim moves the elevator so the range moves so the trim tabs are fixed but it just the place that it starts as neutral changes with the trim um it's just like a all composite modern type of uh light sport playing that's why it's efficient that's why it burns five gallons an hour so let's um see how she flies so the old temperature isn't warm enough it's showing it's flashing and it's red and there's an alarm and then the red light so when the old temperature reaches the correct temperature that light will go out and that alarm button will stop flashing [Music] both of these will do exactly the same job as each other you could make this one be that you could make that one be this so that one's on engine and this one's on like terrain nav and light this is engine temperature and control his mouth fuel flow his rpm here's air speed there are no tow brakes just rudder on both sides and the only break is this little handle in the middle but you can't ride the brakes by accident very conventional run up runner up to 14 1500 rpm mag check carb heat coke off oil temp is at 124 warnings gone message is gone okay boost pump on 10 degrees of flaps break off plasmaville uh jabaru 591 julia departing runway 2 3 a local flight plasma [Music] [Music] maps coming up 27 30 rpm so we're good hopefully to take off of course it's got a big plain feel to it it's sort of sedate it's not twitchy i'm going to pull back on the rpm fuel pump off we're doing 90 doing 2700 rpm more than i'm used to and i like homing but it's designed to do 31.50 but 28.50 is about normal cruise i'm 2700 in the pound flaps are up we just had a lot of rain clouds are all clearing it's fog this morning so this was all very very wet it's all greened up it's like late spring and it started to go brown and then we had about seven or eight inches of rain so it's all looking really nice around here for now i like it this time of year because it's a little cooler and it can rain and there are no fires like a british summer foreign [Music] but [Music] slow it down and the flaps are very fast acting [Music] [Music] transitioning traffic so very much like a 172 on final let me base the final i got full flaps i'm doing seventy traffic a little bit fast for this but i'm gonna let it slow down when we get down near the ground and just feel what she wants to land at so java 911 julia 2 3 possible pops up well that was the first time but uh yeah i mean it seems very like easy adaptable normal you could buy this plane instead of 172 you could train in it learning it you could have fly with luggage and a friends or just you know like on your own and it would be great and it burns four and a half five gallons an hour and it will burn car gas the owner doesn't because we're in california we have an ethanol blend in it in the summer they put ethanol in it and it's not ideally suited for plants but you could burn coffee all that for four gallons an hour 120 knots that's pretty damn good so mates this is mark at sky wagons university signing off on australian plan i won't do that the whole time everybody thinks i'm australian anyway but anyway mark skywalker's university uh click on subscribe here if you like this video we do a lot of these and then there's a bell click on the bell and you'll get notifications but thanks very much for watching [Music]
Channel: Skywagon University
Views: 9,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Cyr58SyfFTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 18 2022
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