The Messed Up Origins of The Three Little Pigs | Disney Explained - Jon Solo

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[Music] what's up Solo cups my name is John solo and I finally returned from house hunting down in Florida to ruin some of your childhoods or at the very least make them weirder isn't that thoughtful of me for those curious my time down south went fantastic I found myself a place and I am so excited to give you guys the details about what's in store for the channel and an update video soon but today we're talking messed up origins and our subject of discussion just so happens to be one of my favorite Disney movies from my childhood and as a matter of fact one I didn't even realize was a Disney movie until recently the three little pigs about a month ago we covered the origins of the Pied Piper of Hamelin the old legend about the guy who used his magic pipes to rid the German town of Hamelin of the rat infestation and then after they refused to pay him most of their children as well in that episode we discussed Walt Disney Silly Symphonies the series of animated shorts his company produced before releasing their first full-length Animated Feature Snow White the symphony's told both original stories and adapted some of the classic fables for modern audiences and they were pretty popular in their time one of the fables they adapted was three little pigs by James Halliwell Phillips and that's what we're talking about today because this story on top of being messed up is so weird weird in ways that I can't exactly explain without spoiling what happens but when you hear the story you'll know what I mean it has an essence of the Pinocchio novel if you remember how that was written and if you don't I got you covered as always before we dive into the original tale I want to do a quickie recap of the Disney version for anyone who's like I was at the start of this project and hasn't seen it in years if you're a fan of the series and you're happy to see your return do the solo fam of a brand smash that like button with all your hearts we can reach our goal of 5,000 likes and help our family grow and if you haven't yet I'd also recommend you subscribe and ring that bell to be notified about new content just like this coming to your sub box every week I say it's about time we get started so without further ado the Three Little Pigs the story opens by introducing us to three brothers Piper pig fiddler pig and practical pig who are building their own houses out of straw sticks and bricks respectively and by the way because the name practical pig doesn't exactly roll off the tongue I'm just gonna call them Dave Dave is the only one of his brothers with a decent work ethic as Piper puts it I took my flu and I don't give a who and I play around all day fiddler has basically the same mentality and both brothers spend far less time than they should building their houses which means they're leaving themselves vulnerable to threats of the outside world like the big bad wolf when Dave points this out to his brothers they mock him for wanting to spend all of his time working instead of playing and run off in a merry jig singing who's afraid of the big bad wolf as it turns out they are but who's surprised about that when Piper seeks refuge in his house made of hay the wolf has no problem huffing and puffing and blowing it down so the pig runs down to his brother Fiddler's house which is only slightly more stable at first the wolf tries to trick the pigs into coming outside by pretending to be an innocent sheep but they see right through his disguise so he gets frustrated and blows the house of sticks down to now fiddler and Piper have no choice but to ask the brother they were just mocking to help them and he happily does because he's a good dude it's not long before the wolf shows up the Dave's house and this time he's disguised as a disguised as a Jewish peddler selling full brushes an unfortunate choice for a gag to say the least but don't you worry this is all the anti-semitism you'll have to deal with because Dave doesn't believe this horrible disguise for even a second which infuriates the wolf even more once again he tries to huff and puff and blow the house down but his impressive lung capacity is just no match for the House of bricks and by the end he just looks defeated and ridiculous and totally naked he's had it with these pigs antagonizing him and he's got one last ace up his sleeve Dave's chimney which he can slide down like some kind of psychopathic Santa Claus little does he know Dave's got a big ol pot of boiling water sitting at the bottom of the chimney and to make the burn extra sweet for him and his brothers he throws in just a splash of turpentine which doesn't feel good when it comes into contact with your eyes skin lungs or soul the big bad wolf has finally met his match and decides this dinner is no longer worth it he runs away from the pig's howling in pain while they go back to dancing their merry jig and doing what brothers do best wait a second look at the pictures behind them mother and father Pop's got turned into sausage links why would you have that in your house dude isn't that kind of morbid like mixing his ashes with the potpourri would you ever download a car would you mix your father's ashes with potpourri anyway that was the silly Symphony rendition of the Three Little Pigs and I don't know about you guys but I got so nostalgic watching that again I haven't really thought much about the Three Little Pigs since I've become an adult I guess but it promotes some pretty solid values we're showing what happens when you take shortcuts in life fiddler and Piper may have been all smiles and dances while Dave was still out there sweating and working hard on his house so when the truly stressful times came it was Dave who had a smile on his face because he was prepared this idea of building yourself a secure home to keep the big bad wolf of hunger outside really resonated with audiences in the 1930s when Three Little Pigs was still in theaters Americans were still suffering from the Great Depression so in a time of massive unemployment where so few people were ready for the crisis their country faced the message of the Three Little Pigs was emphatic the cartoon went on to become one of Disney's most popular short films of all time and when the studio their second Academy Award the Pictures theme song became a national anthem overnight originating as a popular child's fairy tale the film became by force of circumstance and the time spirit a harkening call to the people of a troubled country ironically all the symbolism people were finding in the story a major reason for its popularity in the first place was not intentional on the part of Disney he actually rejected all interpretations of the work that extended past what's literally showed on screen saying we make the pictures and let the professor's tell us what they mean it's easy to see why people would assume this message was intentional I know I certainly did you could even claim that Disney was simply giving a corporate response to avoid any possible controversy his films could get caught up in but it turns out that valuable lesson wasn't present in the original story either the Three Little Pigs was first included in the nursery rhymes of England by James Halliwell Phillips and published in 1886 this thing was the ultimate collection for English children's tales there are 18 different sections with different classifications of hundreds of stories including historical scholastic riddles paradoxes lullabies and more Three Little Pigs falls under the tail section and like most of the stories in this book was already somewhat known before Halliwell Phillips put it into writing that being said mr. Halliwell Phillips's version is the earliest record of the story we know to exist so that's what we're in about today the Three Little Pigs opens by introducing us to an old sow with three little pigs because she doesn't have enough money or food to raise them the sow has to send her three children out into the real world to seek their fortune and spoiler alert it doesn't go the greatest the first one that left came across a man with a bundle of straw and said hey can I use that straw to build myself a house the generous man gave him the materials no question and pig number one built this house only to have the big bad wolf knocking on his door as soon as he was done the wolf says little pig little pig let me come in and the pig says no no by the hair on my chinny chin chin the wolf then threatens to huff and puff and blow his house in and does just that before eating the pig a minute into the story and one of the main characters from the movie is already dead don't you love this series basically that same exact scenario repeats itself with the second Pig on the instead of straw the generous man gives him a bundle of sticks to build this house where they don't do anything more to protect him no so when the big bad wolf comes a-knockin the second Pig gets gobbled up - now what makes this version so different than Disney's outside of how many characters have already been murdered and eaten is the third little pig did not work any harder to get his house of bricks put together similar to his brothers he simply stumbled upon some guy with a load of bricks and requested some materials to build his house with only when the big bad wolf showed up at his door he was safe because no amount of huffing and puffing was gonna move those bricks after the wolf realizes this is the case he changes up his strategy which fortunately this time doesn't involve donning a pretty racist costume he tells the pig who were also gonna call Dave because I think it's funny that he knows of a nearby turnip field and he'll take him there tomorrow morning at 6 if he wants to go well Dave agrees but he knows what the big bad Wolf's up to so he gets up at 5:00 the next morning to go fetch the turnips and return home quick time when the wolf gets to Dave's house at 6 the pig tells him he's already been to the field of turnips which irritates the wolf considerably he replies well I also know of a nice apple tree nearby and if you don't try and deceive me again I'll meet you there tomorrow at 5 once again Dave agrees to meet him and once again he gets up an hour early to beat the wolf to the tree and come home only the tree was a little bit farther than Dave had anticipated so by the time he was climbing down it he saw the wolf approaching the wolf sees them and asks in a knowing way little pig little pig did you get here before me tell me are they very nice apples and Dave said indeed they are try one yourself and threw one over the hill while the wolf went to fetch the Apple don't ask me why he did this Dave slid down the tree ran home and locked the door behind down the next morning the wolf shows up at Dave's door again and this time asks him if he'd like to go with him to the Shanklin fair that afternoon to which Dave agreed and as usual went there early you would think the wolf might have caught on to Dave's very obvious strategy at this point but he doesn't seem to have gotten it Dave bought himself a really nice butter churn at that fair and started on his way home with it when he saw the wolf coming up the hill the pig panicked and climbed inside the butter turn to hide and by doing that unintentionally tipped it over causing it to rule down the hill straight towards the wolf and scare him off after Dave gets home he hears a knock on the door and surprise surprise it's the wolf he tells the pig all about his traumatic experience with the horrible big round thing rolling down the hill to no surprise Dave finds the story absolutely hilarious and tells the wolf if that's what scared you I'm what scared you fool I was in the butter churn that whole time and while it may not have been my intention to frighten you it was a fortunate byproduct of my decision to get in there now things have gotten personal dave has crossed the line the wolf is infuriated and cries out that he will come down Dave's chimney and goblin mob know it's not the best strategy to give away your exact plan of attack but his judgment was clouded by anger and so our boy Dave had enough time to prepare similar to the film Dave hung a big old pot of water over a blazing fire so it was boiling up real nice and when the wolf came down the chimney he fell right in the pot only in this story Dave shuts the lid trapping him inside and cooking him alive in the process and because he couldn't let that good meat go to waste a proceeded to eat the wolf for dinner and live happily ever after so that was the original Three Little Pigs story as you can see it takes a very different approach than Disney's version whether or not what was being honest when he said that hard work pays off message wasn't intentional you can't deny that value is still present in the story with the original though there was nothing it was just a weird tale about a wolf trying to eat a pig and then getting eaten himself I guess if you really want to read into it you could say the only reason Dave was able to escape the wolf was because he was willing to get up earlier than he needed to but how do you explain the butter churn and why was the wolf blowing anything down in the first place let alone houses since when are wolves known for their supernatural lung capacity these are questions that may never be officially answered but I'm curious to hear what you think in the comments down below what did you think of the story was it as messed up as you wanted it to be did you like it better than Disney's if you enjoyed this episode of messed up origins and you learned yourself something today do me a favor and smash that like button with all your heart so we can reach our goal of 5000 likes and keep the solo fam going strong also make sure to subscribe and ring that bell to be notified about new messed up content coming to your sub box every week as always the best way to stay updated on messed up origins news what projects I'm working on next or if you just want to say hey is to follow me on social media that's Facebook Twitter and Instagram and links are in the description down below thank you all for watching solo fam until next time my name is Jon solo and remember Jean shot first [Music]
Channel: Jon Solo
Views: 1,599,563
Rating: 4.8902416 out of 5
Keywords: Messed Up Origins, Messed Up Origins of The Three Little Pigs, Disney Explained, Jon Solo, Messed Up Origins Jon Solo, Disney Explained Jon Solo, Pied Piper, Pied Piper of Hamelin, Pied Piper Origins, Silly Symphonies Pied Piper, silly symphonies, silly symphony the three little pigs, Big Bad Wolf, who's afraid of the big bad wolf, Peter Pan Origins, Hunchback origins, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, Disney History, Messed Up Origins of the Jungle Book, Dumbo Origins, Bambi Origin
Id: fo1NXrfoCBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 17 2018
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