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hey guys and welcome back to my channel for another midweek mystery this week's case has been recommended in the comments of every single video that I've uploaded in the past few months and honestly it's not the kind of case I would usually cover but perhaps it's finally time for me to talk about it seeing as you guys want to see it so badly so this is the story of the Menendez brothers going into this case I didn't think I knew her at all the name didn't ring any bells but I soon realized that I have heard about this case before and you probably have too it's one of the most notorious true crime cases in American history this is a mystery unlike any others I've covered on this channel because there's no doubt over who the guilty party is in this story the question lies in the motive at what point is a murder justified if it ever can be at all so our story is going to start with Jose Menendez he was born in Cuba and grew up there and he was known as a pretty strong character known as the neighborhood bully and the other kids were pretty scared of him his father was a well-known football player and his mother was a successful swimmer and they weren't hugely famous or super super rich but they were well known around Cuba and Jose and his sister had a good childhood everything that they wanted was provided for them that is until human Revolution in 1959 and Jose's entire life was uprooted so age 16 he moves the United States to live with his cousin and he eventually attends the Southern Illinois University which is where he meets his future wife Mary Louise Anderson also known as Kitty two of them married in 1963 with Jose just 19 years old and Kitty two years his senior at 21 they moved to New York City where Jose washes dishes for work and he transfers to Queens College where he gets his accounting degree and then after college he begins work with a prestigious accounting firm impressing every single person came into contact with he was remembered as being strong headed he knew what he wanted and he was ruthless when it came to getting it he was also charming and charismatic and generally people liked him as much as they feared him and this is the kind of reputation he had for his entire life eventually Jose impresses another company so much he was basically doing their books for them that they wanted to hire him themselves and that's what they did within three years of this new company he's president of it and by the age of 35 he was executive vice president in charge of all US operations at Hertz the car company which was owned by a corporation called RCA Corporation just a year later he's put in charge of rca's record division he becomes chief operating officer he was earning half a million dollars a year and then he moves to another job at Carroll Co Pictures and he tells the entire company round in monthly from earning nothing to being very successful Jose was literally living the American dream he moved to America to become successful and he made it happen for himself now cutey Menendez a formerly kitty Anderson played the role of the attentive wife to the strong successful businessman I'm kitty was born in suburban Chicago and she had a pretty tough life growing up her father was abusive her mother was pretty much just like checked out completely unresponsive and therefore she rarely spoke of her past possibly from the shame of it she met and married Hosea quickly despite both their families being very much opposed to their marriage they were too young from different cultures but they wanted Mary and so they did I'm in the early days of their marriage Kitty was actually an elementary school teacher but she gave her job well after giving birth to her son's Lyle and Erik and she became a full-time homemaker full-time mother from the outside it looked like the Menendez family lived the perfect life it had money they had status Jose worked his way up the corporate ladder whilst Kitty looked after the home and the kids the perfect American family in those tight it seemed pretty idyllic but you never really know a situation until you're in it the couple's first son was Joseph Lyle Menendez who was known by his middle name Lyle and he was born on January 10 1968 and shortly after the family moved to New Jersey where three years later Erik Menendez is born on November 27th 1970 the boys both attended Princeton day school which was a private school for children from pre-kindergarten through to the 12th grade when the boys were 12 and 19 that was started on a regimen that was designed to turn them into tennis stars they were going to be successful athletes perhaps Hosea T realized that they were never going to be great academic successes and therefore they needed another path to their success in life they were the best tennis players at the Country Club in fact Jose reveled in their tennis coach would later say that Jose Menendez was one of the worst ambitious tennis parents and he'd ever come across the boys would have to practice every single day before school and after school and all day on weekends there weren't any days off including Christmas day but the boys were expected to be excellent in every aspect of their life they're expected to have their father's charisma to be able to discuss culture and politics they were expected to be able to impress everyone and that's a lot of pressure to have so Jose was a perfectionist everything had to be perfect including his sons and as they grew older Jose had control over who the boys dated and who they were friends with the family had a reputation that the boys had to live up to they had to uphold this reputation and therefore they had to be seen hanging with the right kind of people Jose was the definition of the rich pushy parent who thought his sons reflected them as a family but while so they were seen as pushy he wasn't seen as abusive nobody ever saw him strike or hurt his boys in any way and friends and relatives reported that he would frequently hug his boys to show them affection in 1986 family moved to Calabasas California across the country from New Jersey to California to a beautiful five bedroom house on 14 acres of lands the rich scene in Calabasas was completely unlike what it was on the west coast where people were less likely to show off about their wealth on the west coast people were most likely old money and they were more private about their wealth but in California it was all about opulence and showing off about all this money you had in 1988 shortly after moving to Calabasas Erik and Lyle were teenagers still or I think Eric was around 17 and I would been around 1920 and they become involved in a burglary and a grand theft some sources say it was both of the boys some say it was just Eric so I can't be 100% sure here but I'll tell you the story regardless so Eric and I who had fallen in with a group of wealthy boys at school who were ultimately just pre bored with their lives this is a group of teenagers who had everything they could ask for in life they didn't need money they were so wealthy they've never had to ask for anything the burglaries that they committed were simply thrill crimes and they weren't inconsequential either money and expensive jewelry was taken from the homes of neighbors until eventually they get caught and Hosea was furious that his boys were tied to these crimes he wasn't furious for the crimes per se he was furious by the fact that they got caught how stupid could they be to get caught Jose takes all of the stolen goods to the police station and he does punish the boys accordingly but he uses his influence his money with the police to ensure that Eric never had to serve jail time Jose had decided that Eric who was underage at the time would have to be the one to take the fall for both boys because he didn't want to affect Lyles College Admission Jose visited every single home they've been robbed and wrote them checks for the price of their missing goods to ensure that they didn't follow up with the police most children would have got prison time for this Erik and Lyle were made to attend a psychiatrist a doctor O'Neill so Eric began to attend Calabasas high school and Lyle enrolled at Princeton University now I was grades were nowhere near good enough to get him into Princeton but due to his tennis skills and a sizable donation from Jose he was accepted but he really really struggled at Princeton during his freshman year he was placed on academic probation for poor grades and poor attendance and he was eventually suspended after just one term for a year after being accused of plagiarism in psychology 101 something that even his father's name and money couldn't save him from even after Lyle was suspended from Princeton his father refused to let him move back to California with the family because he didn't want anybody knowing that his son was no longer attending the school so instead Lyle goes traveling with his new fiance for three months for settling back in at Princeton and eventually continuing with his studies where his fiancee worked as a waitress he returned home to California during the summer now by this summer Jose had decided to leave the Calabasas area and the family moved to a new home in Beverly Hills Eric moving schools Beverly Hills High School alongside this they moved to another huge beautiful home and from the outside it seemed like this family did live the perfect life they had money an attentive mother a successful father and two popular good-looking athletic sons but appearances can be very deceiving kids he actually really struggled with her mental health with reports that she was suicidal her therapist said that she talked of killing herself and the depression and the anger that she felt she talked about how she would try to commit suicide and talked of previous attempts it was pretty serious Jose had apparently been having an eight-year long affair with a woman in New York and he'd had been having another affair with a woman in LA and he'd driven Kitty to despair according to her therapist she saw suicide as the best way to get back at her husband and apparently the effect that would have had on her children were just a second she thought it's been reported that at one point she said that she wished her children had never been born but Kitty refused to divorce Jose appearances were important and hos it was a powerful man and it's reported that kitty lived in fear of him alongside their sons the three men in her life were entirely dominant her entire life revolved around them and they paid very little attention to her and allegedly as well she had a pretty bad drinking problem alongside this I reportedly is well kitty very much disapproved of Lyle's lifestyle choices she really liked some zoned in on Lyle and really disproved of what he was doing with his life he was kind of known as member playboy he always had like different girls hanging off his arms apparently Victoria's Secret models and kitty hated this but she also hated that Lyle got engaged to this older fiancee and she said that this older fiancee just wouldn't be a suitable fit for the family and still she disapproved of Lionel's choices her therapist said that she very much sort of fixated on Lyle during these sessions and things were about to get even worse on the evening of August 20th 1989 Jose and Kitty were sitting in their den in their Beverly Hills house just watching TV when they are both brutally murdered by gunshots 21 year old Lyle and 18 year-old Eric were out that evening they said they've gone to see the new Batman movie and they've gone to a Food Festival afterwards and had planned to meet a friend after that but Eric had forgotten his ID so stopped at home on their way to grab it and as soon as they walk into the home they come across a crime scene both of their parents dead and bloody on the floor Lyle calls 911 [Music] [Music] and after this the police the ambulance soon arrived at the scene Hosea be shot in the back of the head with a 12-gauge shotgun and kitty had clearly been awakened by the shots and I got up off the sofa shot in both legs she ran towards the hallway away from her attackers this caused her to slip in her own blood and fall to the ground she's then short several times while she's on the floor in her arm her chest and her face both Hosea kitty was shot in the kneecaps something has often connected with organized crimes because of this police suspected that the crime had been perpetrated by mobsters the Mafia in the first reports they said that it was likely to be a gangland style killing lion Eric a question for hours by the police the following day but they're distraught about the murder of their parents and as soon let go and please never perform any analysis on the brothers to find any gunshot residue neither do they check either of the boys cars if they had they would have found the guns and they used to murder their parents and the boys covered themselves in gunshot residue they'd murder their parents first there were the memorial services for Jose and kitty though held both in California in New Jersey where the boys speak about their loss but after that things just pretty much seems to go back to normal for the boys or maybe even past the point of normal because all of a sudden Lo and Eric had unlimited access this huge family fortune Eric moves into an apartment in Marina del Rey moves out of Beverly Hills home and decides to devote himself to his tennis he intends to break into the pro tennis ranks he also travels back and forth from Princeton and goes to Mexico and holiday he's always out of the country and Lyle goes on a shopping spree and buys thousands of dollars worth of designer clothes he rents a limousine and a bodyguard for buying a special edition port apparently he'd be mad his father whilst he was alive and not buying him Porsche so he buys it himself he also buys a Rolex watch and a cafe in Princeton at one point Lyle travels back home to California and he hires a man Glenn Stevens who was computer expert he gets Glenn to access Kitty's computer and to raise files now these files were the latest versions of Jose and Kitty's wills in which very little would be left to Lyle and Erik Lyle told Glen to ensure that there were no traces of these wills to be found the older wills bequeathed the entire Menendez fortune to Lyle narak the new updated wheels left them with basically nothing you see Jose in kiss he had been that kind of alot with the boys in the months before their deaths it dawned on the parents may be giving their children every single thing they'd ever desired for their entire life hadn't exactly lets them being well-adjusted adults they didn't approve of their son's lifestyle choices and like I said Lyle was a Playboy he was dating an endless string of women although he had recently got engaged like I said and Erik was seemingly a criminal now he was bored of his privilege and he had no drive about him kitty was particularly upset about her children and so she takes away both their credit cards to teach them a lesson but it just wasn't working to me it seems like Jose and Kitty wanted complete control of their sons but their sons push back against their and went too far in the opposite direction and they just became just not very great people it was just constant fighting against one another so Jose essentially removes his sons of his will in retaliation eventually the police had exhausted every possible lead in this case there was no mob connection they looked into Jose's business rifles they found nothing there eventually they were led to believe that it had to be the brothers since they had an obvious financial motive and they were spending money like there was no tomorrow no reportedly spent $700,000 in the first few weeks after his parents were killed they get one of Eric's friends to wear a wire and they try to entice a confession out of Erik but there was no luck two months after the murders Erik and Lyle had their first in-depth interview with the police which took place in the family's Beverly Hills home but the police didn't really get much from them now throughout all of this the boys are still regularly seeing their therapist dr. Leon Jerome Oziel who they've been seen consistently since the burglary incident the year before and it would turn out that seeing their therapist would be their downfall one day Erik arrives at his office extremely agitated and depressed he said that he felt suicidal he was constantly seeing scenes of his parents death and he tells the doctor that he wants to talk he doesn't want to talk in the office so they go for a walk Erik eventually just says to Oziel we did it once back at the office Erik describes in elaborate detail what had happened according to a zeal Erica said that he'd got any ideas kill his father when he saw a BBC program in which the same thing has happened Erik's watching this TV show and he calls Lyle into the room to watch he said his father dominated his entire life that Jose was cruel a tyrannical and a human Lyle would never be able to live up to the standards that Jose had set for them Jose also bullied their mother she lived a damaged life he said that the main reason they killed kitty as well was because they couldn't find a way to kill Jose without killing her - she would be a witness but kitty wasn't happy anyway now according to what Eric told Jose Oh apparently the brothers bought the shotguns and got fake IDs in preparation Erik walks in first shooting their father with Lyle following behind Jose died almost instantly after being shot but Kitty didn't kitty is lying on the floor but the boys have run out bullets so they have to leave the room to get more cartridges to reload the gun before Lyle returns and kills kitty özil calls Lyle who comes straight to the office and reportedly accuses Erik of ruining the perfect crime a couple of days after this now the second of November 1989 the brothers returned for another session with Oziel this time they returned together and it's recorded they talk more about the murder in detail now unknown to them Neal's mistress a woman called Judah LAN Smith was actually in the office that day as she was listening on the other side of the door eventually she goes to the police and tells them that she has information when later asked on a witness stand about why Odile didn't go to the police immediately and tell them what the confession he said I was of the firm belief that Erik and Lyle having to murder me once the police nor the confessions they get search warrants for O'Neal's tapes and eventually on March 8 1990 Lyle Menendez is arrested Eric is an Israel at the time at a major tennis tournament and he returns home three days later to turn himself in both were held without bail and separated from each other now there was a lot of argument as whether these tapes would be admissible in court because the whole patient-doctor confidentiality thing but they were later ruled to be be admissible they could be played in court the battle over the tapes actually dragged out for over thirteen months before the Supreme Court of California ended up having to intervene and the entire confession was on these tapes there was no way around it and the tapes also confirmed that the two shotguns were purchased at a big 5 sporting goods store when August 18 two days before the murders it took a while for the investigation team to be sure of this though they couldn't just take the brothers word they needed proof of what had happened eventually they find it receipt for the sale of two shotguns on August 18th signed for by man called Donovan J Gaudreau who just happened me one of Leo's good friends from Princeton no-good Roy was actually in New York City at the time of the purchase so it couldn't have been him and the signature and the address given on the receipt weren't his it was the brothers signing for the guns under Kudrow's name they'd gone to an effort to cover their tracks on the 26th of March 1990 the brothers were arraigned for the first-degree murder of their parents with special circumstances they both pleaded not guilty and they're held without bail pending trial but once it was ruled that their confession tapes could be played in court they had no choice but to change their plea to guilty their confessions were recorded on December 7th 1992 both of them were indicted and tried separately for murder over 500 people were questioned and screened to be jurors for this trial it was made difficult by the fact that this was a huge case with a huge amount of media attention they had to find unbiased jurors who didn't know much about the case and that was very very difficult to juries are selected one for each brother so there's to be one trial which the two juries are witnessed simultaneously but they're to come to their decisions separately so in reality the two juries could witness the exact same trial and the two brothers could have been given entirely different verdicts and sentences so now we're going to look at the trial and be warned is a pretty heavy one it was actually broadcast on TV in 1993 and all in all the process went on for years it went on over the same time as the infamous OJ Simpson trial and it was an interesting one because there was no doubt in this case that the boys had murdered their parents said confessed and admitted to everything but what was to be deliberated in this court was the motive the difference between a first-degree murder second-degree murder and manslaughter now by this point in the story where time actually reached trial the stories had been out in the public for years there was no doubt in the public's mind they've murdered their parents in cold blood there were nothing more than spoilt rich boys who hadn't been get in their own way so they resorted to murder the lead prosecutor against the brothers was a woman called Pamela Bo's Nick who was determined to see them get the maximum possible sentence for murder which was the death penalty death by lethal injection she argued that their greed motivated them to kill their parents in order to inherit their fortune without any interference but the defense claimed that the brothers believe they were in a mediate danger of death or bodily injury from their parents at the time of the murder according to the defense the brothers were terrified they'd reports be heard and seen their parents whispering looking themselves away in rooms to talk they thought they'd embarrassed their parents one too many times and that their parents were planning to murder them and do away with the problem and in that opening statement the defense dropped a bombshell something that would go on to change the entire public perception of the case there were allegations of years of abuse from Kitty and Jose Menendez physical mental and sexual abuse so we'll go over the prosecution's points first as Pamela Bozek said this is not a prosecution trial this is a defense trial the defense has conceded all the prosecution charges they had to prove that the boys were in immense danger from their parents and they have to prove sexual molestation the prosecution began by calling several police officers to the stand as witnesses to describe how kitty and Jose's bodies were found and the state of the crime scene under their testimony the prosecution asserted the elements of the crime scene indicated that this murder was premeditated an important part of the prosecution's argument was that the boys had planned this murder there wasn't a spur-of-the-moment emotional decision or in self-defense the fact that he had gone and bought the shotguns two days beforehand prove that this had been flattened the prosecution tried to elicit an emotional reaction from the jurors by placing large photos of the bodies in the courtroom and playing the 9-1-1 call made by Lyle he's questioned about the 9-1-1 call he's obviously lying in this he's crying on the phone inconsolable barely able to get his words out and the prosecution said that this shows that he's clearly a good liar he's lying at this point on the phone call or maybe he was just genuinely emotional about the death of his parents despite the fact that he's the one who did it but if he can be such a convincing lie about this what else can he be a convincing liar about and then there's the money there's variant figures about how much the Mendes family fortune was actually worth I think the safe number to go with is around 8 million dollars and obviously the value of this was a lot higher in the 80s than it is nowadays both brothers particularly Lyle when only big shopping spree just days after the murders Parana seemed to focus specifically on the purchase of the Rolex watch and the Porsche the boys couldn't seem to explain these purchases away other than the fact that they'd just thrown up wealthy this kind of lavish spending was just part of their lifestyle only seemed natural for them to spend money when they had it they never had to think twice about spending money but a lot of people would probably grieve though after the death of their parents and the brothers didn't seem to have the issue they just immediately went out and started spending and then of course there's dr. azouz testimony in a really strange twist Oziel actually ended up testifying for the prosecution and jude lan smith testified for the defense despite her being the one to actually turn the boys in now i already told you a deal's version of events earlier in the video where the boys told them during their therapy sessions together and why he didn't turn himself in apparently he was too scared that the boys were going to kill him özil state starts during their sessions together he was told of abuse from Jose Menendez that Jose was mentally and physically abusive that his sons were scared of him and felt like their entire world was controlled by their father but he says that no point of the brothers ever tell him of any sexual abuse and this was a big part of the prosecution's case why would they not tell their therapist of sexual abuse but as part of the agreement with the doctor when they first went to him after the burglaries Eric and I were made to sign a waiver of the confidentiality agreement which essentially meant that dr. Hosea was able to share what he learned in these therapy sessions with Jose and Kitty Jose wanted to know what was said in these sessions so he made his son sign the waiver and it seems unlikely that the brothers would share any sexual abuse from the psychiatrist knowing that the psychiatrist would likely go back and tell their parents most doctors of course would not agree to this in the first place but Jose probably kept searching until you found doctor the deads and the defense used this as one of their ways to discredit Oziel as a doctor he actually ended up spending six days on the sand being questioned he'll eventually got to the point where people wondering if it was the Menendez brothers on trial or if it was dr. Oziel himself O'Neal's conduct was brought into question because of the fact that his medical license actually suspended at the time he was hired by the Menendez's the prosecution also called Eric's best friend Craig Signorelli to the stand where Craig speaks on a screenplay that Eric wrote titled friends Eric and Craig wrote a lot of screenplays together in friends the spoilt son of a wealthy couple goes on to commit five murders the first of which are his parents in an attempt to inherit a hundred and fifty seven million dollars now you can see how Eric writing this screenplay may have shadowed his own actions four weeks into the trial the prosecution finally rest their case and they're followed by the defense the defense included Cooling Lyle and Erik to the stands themselves now lime says himself and Eric killed their parents because they were afraid he says on the stand for the first time his father molested and raped him when he was a young boy did your father have sexual contact with you yes and how did it start she started with after sports practices he would massage me and we would have these talks and he would show me and he would fondle me and he would ask me to do the same with him and I would I would touch him we would undress in my bedroom and how often would this happen like two or three times a week and for how long did this happen not too long began to change when did it begin to change I'm not sure exactly at what time but almost close to when I was seven how did it change became more involved what do you mean we would be in the bathroom and it would he would put me on my knees and he would guide me all my movements and I would have oral sex with him you want to do this at some point did he do some other things to you yes did you ask him not to yes how did you ask him not to I just told him I'd told him but I didn't want to do this it hurt me personally I find it really hard not to believe him here it definitely elicits an emotional reaction I'm well aware of the fact that this could be a lie that they could be using the sexual abuse claim to lessen their sentence but there's just something about the raw emotion coming from Lyle here that I don't really think could be faked there were reportedly journalists in the room waiting for the moment details about this alleged sexual abuse came out just waiting to rip it to shreds in the newspapers but these journalists start crying but of course not all the media believed them there was the media who mocked them for their emotional breakdowns on the stand Saturday Night Live actually imitated them in a very dark sketch in October 1993 Eric is also called to the stand where he talks in depth about the motivation behind the murder how it was ultimately him that started the chain of events that led to it Lyle sexual abuse that lasted for two to three years when he was a child under the age of 10 and many had stopped but unknown to Lyle their father had simply moved on to Eric instead and this lasted for years up until josé's eventual death Eric recounts understands how he finally told Lyle about what was happening according to him lionkitty had had a huge argument the week before the murders where she ended up ripping Lyles to pay off his head Eric was shocked he had no idea that his brother wore a toupee and it turned out josè actually forced him to wear one because the hair on lion's head was thinning and this led to a very emotional conversation between the two brothers where Eric breaks down and admits to Lyle that their father had been sexually abusing him Lyle confronts Jose and threatens to tell the police but the way that Jose responded to these threats let lightly that he was going to kill both of his sons this was the catalyst according to them that led to the event - murder of their parents the very next week and this was kind of a turnaround point for the jury who's just think very unsure what to believe the whole story was very believable but the prosecution said that they too fabricated the story as an emotional motive for murder one of the brothers cousins actually took the stand and testified that when Lyle was eight years old and she was 17 Lyle confided in her about the alleged sexual abuse she said that he asked if he could sleep in with her that night because he was raised to sleep in his own bed because his father had been touching him down there the cousin told kitty who didn't believe her and just seems like the story ended there the cousin just kind of forgot about it and the prosecution also bought the argument that Eric was supposedly homosexual and that that was the true source of contention between him and his father the defense objected to this but it seems like this is something that the media may have lashed onto it was mentioned in many of the articles I've read about this case Erik's supposes homosexuality a Tiana's I don't really see its relevance to this case but the prosecution push this as far as they could prosecution was basically trying to argue that the reason Eric and his father didn't get on was because Eric was gay and I had nothing to do with sexual abuse I thought but I really don't know where the basis to this claim is I don't know why they seem to push this so far when questioned as to why the brothers wouldn't just leave the home of this kind of abuse was taking place they said that despite everything they still love their parents and it was all they'd ever known they didn't have anywhere else to go they didn't know how to live their lives without their parents support and their wealth the sexual abuse allegations were very difficult one the alleged abuser was dead and there was no physical all medical evidence there was no way to confirm it either way the jury just had to take the boys at their words but how do you believe double murderers and their remains a question of why would they kill their mother as well eventually the case comes to a close and the judge rules that no reasonable person would have been in fear of their parents in the situation described in court so the self defense defense is ruled out and the juries are sent to decide the brothers degree of guilt first degree or second degree murder the juries deliberate separately for three weeks in Eric's case the jury comes back on the 10th of January in 1994 to announce they're deadlocked they cannot come to a decision and they declare a mistrial two weeks later Lyle's jury returns with the same result so it has to begin all over again now the second trial was much less publicized the public had kind of got bored because this time the judge didn't allow cameras in the room it wasn't the media circus it was the first time round and also during this second trial there wasn't much defense testimony allowed about the sexual abuse claims which I do find very strange now there's no way of knowing for sure if the sexual abuse did happen or not if it did I think it makes a pretty legitimate defense and it makes a big difference in this case and the judge also didn't allow the jury to vote on manslaughter charges instead of murder charges so regardless these boys will go down for murder it wasn't until April 17 1996 that a third and final jury found the brothers guilty all in all the process took nearly seven years they were found guilty of two counts of first degree murder and conspiracy to commit a murder and they were sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole on July 2nd 1996 they were spared the death penalty because they had no criminal record or history of violence before the murders and the judge made a point of saying that the abuse defense was not a factor in his deliberations on this the jury had decided that they committed the murders in order to inherit the father's wealth only but there was no aspect of self-defense at all the brothers were separated and sent to different prisons in California both them considered maximum security inmates but they remained closed they wrote regularly and they both remained very active in prison life Eric would spend time with terminally ill prisoners and Lyle was president of the inmate government for more than 15 years and he ran a support group prisoners who had endured childhood section abuse and they both married during their incarceration as well and they appealed many many times of course but their conviction has always been upheld in February of last year so 2018 Lyle was moved from mule Creek state prison in Northern California down to the Richard J Donovan Correctional Facility in San Diego County the same prison as Eric they were kept in different units until the April when they moved to the same unit and they had an emotional reunion the first time they'd seen each other since the beginning of their sentence 22 years earlier the housing is actually reserved for well-behaved inmates who agree to participate in educational and rehabilitation programs so there's the very highly requested story of the Menendez brothers and I cannot wait to hear all of your opinions in the comments I think it's gonna be a very divisive one personally I don't know where I stand I'm inclined to believe the sexual abuse stories but maybe it's just because I like to believe the best in people either way there's no denying that they killed their parents regardless of the motive do you believe there is ever a good enough motive for murder thank you so much for watching let me know in the comments down below if there are any other similar cases you would like me to cover I actually found this quite an interesting one to research very different from the usual kind of things I read about so I'm being treated to see if there are any more similar to this make sure you subscribe to my channel in the top line of my description you'll find my patreon and my merch so if you'd like to go check those out and I'll see you on the next one bye guys you
Channel: Georgia Marie
Views: 353,383
Rating: 4.9296694 out of 5
Keywords: Haul, Tutorial, Beauty, thestateofgeorgiaxo, Georgia Marie, georgiamariexo
Id: t8nJvGzSblg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 11sec (2531 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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