The Meaning of Colors in Dreams

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colors are beautiful and most people have a favorite color but our colors really important when it comes to dreams [Music] God created color and colors are mentioned throughout the scriptures in fact the first sign that God gave man was the rainbow which was not only colorful and beautiful but it emanated from God himself in Genesis the ninth chapter and the thirteenth verse it says I do set my bow in the cloud and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth ezekiel described the vision he saw God on the throne in the first chapter of Ezekiel and he talked about the rainbow that surrounded him also John described the vision he had of God with a rainbow around his throne as well in fact in Revelations 4:3 it says and he who sat was to look upon like a Jasper and a sardine stone and there was a rainbow round about the throne in sight like unto an emerald and so most of us learned about the color spectrum from school or in school we learned that Isaac Newton actually discovered the seven colours of the rainbow and we learned the seven colours of the rainbow with an acronym I know I did it was ROYGBIV which stood for red orange yellow green indigo blue violet I might have had it backwards but those are the seven colors of the rainbow and so after shining a light through a three-sided prism Newton discovered that the light actually separated into the seven colours of the rainbow and then the colors refracted back as white light so for Newton's experiments we know that colours come from white light and that the colours that surround the throat of God we emanate from God himself in first John 1:5 it says God is light and in him is no darkness at all so by studying the Scriptures we can begin to understand that colors have meaning and they symbolize something in particular in a dream in Exodus 20:8 2 God gave Moses specific instruction concerning Aaron's garments he said and you shall make holy garments for Aaron your brother for glory and for beauty we know that the robe of Aaron's ephod was entirely made of blue but why in Exodus the 26th chapter in the first verse God was very specific about the colors to be used in constructing the tabernacle he said moreover you shall make the tabernacle with ten curtains of fine twined linen and blue and purple and scarlet with cherubim of cunning work shall you make them the colors of the stones on the priest if I were twelve distinct colors we also know that colors build a description of heaven in the book of Revelation the 21st chapter verses 19 through 21 it says and the foundation of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones and the 12 gates were twelve pearls when it comes to dreams colors are probably the most overlooked element so it's important to know that God will use color to help us in understanding a dreams meaning colors and dreams can have a positive or a negative meaning for incense the color blue in the positive sense it could represent revelation communion with God or it could represent something heavenly but in the negative since the color blue could represent sorrow or grief or depression or even anxiety so when it comes to dreams how do you know we'll have to apply the color to the dream whether it's negative or whether it's positive how do you know it depends on the context of the dream what's going on in the dream that will tell you how to apply the color to the dream for instance if I have a dream that my friend is wearing the blue dress and she's crying well I know in that dream that the color blue we represent grief or sorrow or depression because of a context of the dream what's going on in a dream she said she's crying and she's wearing blue that means she is blue or sad so the context of the dream whatever's going on in the dream will tell you how to apply the color in the dream so let's look at some colors all right so the color white in dreams in the positive sense the color white can represent purity it can represent righteousness or cleansing or even the Spirit of the Lord but negatively in a dream the color white can represent false Christianity or a religious spirit again it depends on what's going on in a dream the correct can represent a power anointing even wisdom but negatively the color way can represent anger or wrath or even war as in the saying you know I'm seeing red which means I'm very angry so we would apply that to whatever is going on in the dream the color green can represent prosperity growth even the conscious or the spirit but in the negative sense the color green can represent and be like I'm green with envy or jealousy or even pride it can represent the flesh and it can also represent immaturity something not like our not ready yellow can represent hope the gift of God it can even represent courage it can represent the mind or the glory of God but negatively the color yellow can indicate fear or cowardness or even caution as in the yellow light caution to slow down a warning I could be warning you of something if the color yellow is in a dream but again it depends on the storyline what's going on in the dreamy purple in the positive sense can represent Authority or kingship it can also represent great wealth because we know in the Bible it tells us stories how the rich or the wealthy people were able to afford the purple cloths in that day so it can indicate wealth as well in a negative sense purple can represent false authority so the opposite of authority is false Authority it can also represent immorality when I was a teenager I think I was about 17 years old I had a dream that I was looking in the mirror in my bedroom and as I looked at myself by the way mirrors and dreams can represent how God sees you or how you see yourself or your reflection and so I was looking in the mirror and out of my mouth proceeded a two-edged purple sword and so I woke up and I had no idea at that age what that dream meant but as years went on I discovered that a sword in dreams can represent the Word of God and so that was showing me in my teen years my purpose and my destiny as far as teaching the Word of God with authority great dream the color orange in the positive sense can represent perseverance orange can also represent transitional change this depends on what's going on in the dream in the negative sense orange can represent stubbornness or being strong-willed or even a flesh pink pink can represent love it can represent emotions or even femininity or passion but in the negative sense love and sorry pink can represent the opposite of love like hate or even immaturity the color brown tends to represent compassion and humility but in the negative sense the color brown can represent flesh or humanism doing something in the flesh doing something in your own strength without relying on God gold can represent refining or purity holiness even the glory of God but in the negative sense it can represent idolatry or defilement or immorality so it just depends again on the context of the dream if I have a dream that I'm wearing a gold hat that can indicate that guy is refining or purifying my thought life silver silver in the positive sense represents Redemption but silver in the negative aspect weapons that's legalism slavery or even domination black now most people would think that black is only negative in a dream but that's not necessarily so I've had dreams where black was either neutral or in the positive sense it could represent death to self so in that sense positively black can represent those two things negatively black would represent sin it could represent death it could represent famine so the next time you have colors in your dreams don't ignore them God is sending you a message by using the colors I hope you enjoyed this talk on colors and dreams if you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave them in the comment section below don't forget to Like and subscribe I'll see you next time [Music] 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Channel: Original Dreamgirl
Views: 24,765
Rating: 4.9183674 out of 5
Keywords: meaning of colors in dreams, what does the color red mean in a dream, what does blue mean in a dream, what does the color green mean in a dream?, dreams with color, what does it mean if you dream in color?, what do colorful dreams mean?
Id: gAjvwIfJD6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2017
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