The Meaning Behind Armored Core 6 Names

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Over the past few weeks I went down a rabbit hole  trying to understand what the hell is going on   with the names used in armored Core 6. Like, what  sort of name is Sulla? What is a Bornemissza? And, just...   what? The good news is the vast majority of these  names do have a clear inspiration behind them. They're borrowed from many different languages  and retracing their origins can also give us   some really interesting insight into the lore. In this video is everything I managed to find  out regarding the origin of these names and be  warned that that's going to be some minor spoilers   for the different endings of the game. So, if that  doesn't bother you too much, let's go and have a look, shall we? Language-wise, the biggest influence  on the game definitely comes from Latin, and it's   right there in the title: Fires of Rubicon. The game  is set on the planet Rubicon 3, named after a small   river in central Italy which went down in history  when a certain Julius Caesar crossed it with its   army on 49 BC, thus precipitating a Civil War. The  phrase "Crossing the Rubicon" assumed the meaning   of "passing a point of no return". On that occasion  Caesar famously pronounced the phrase "Alea Iacta Est", meaning "the die is cast" which is also the  name of the third and final ending of the game . This is also echoed by Thumb Dolmayan, the founder  of the Rubicon Liberation Front, who repeatedly   mentions the die that shall not be cast. "For none of us  shall cast the die". Alea in the phrase means dice  , or game of chance, and also gives the name to the  ocean on planet Rubicon that we have to cross to   get to the ice field, the Alen ocean. The game  seems to take a great deal of inspiration from   Caesar's life, other Latin toponyms are the Gallia  Dam and the Bona Dea Dunes. Gallia is the Latin name   for the province of Gaul, where Caesar spent almost  10 years fighting the Gallic Wars, and Bona Dea,  meaning good goddess, is the name of an ancient  Roman Divinity. We know her only as the good   goddess because only initiated women were allowed  to attend her rites and know her true name and,  guess what, the overwhelming majority of Latin  sources came from male authors, and the real name   of the Goddess is lost to history. Yearly rites were  held in the good goddess name and famously during   one of these festivals in 62 BC a great scandal  erupted when a politician named Clodius committed   sacrilege by attending the rights disguised as a  woman, apparently in an effort to seduce Caesar's   wife Pompea. Pompea was the granddaughter of  Lucius Cornelius Sulla, Roman dictator who greatly   influenced Caesar's career. Then we have the Doser "Honest" Brute, whose name references Brutus , one of the Assassins of Caesar. The phrase "Et tu, Brute?" meaning "You too, Brutus?", uttered by a dying Caesar,   signifies an unexpected betrayal by a friend, which is exactly what happened to Carla in the game. Let's take a look now at our good  buddy Rusty, who is part of The Vespers  , Arquebus' augmented humans squad. Vesper is  another Latin word meaning, Twilight or   Nightfall, but when Rusty finally drops the muzzle and reveals himself as a double agent working   for the Rubicon Liberation Front, his AC, Steel Haze, gets upgraded to Steel Haze Ortus, which   means birth or rise in Latin, especially used  in reference to the sun to mean Dawn. Steel Haze   Ortus is made by Elcano, whose parts follows  a Spanish naming scheme, and is made up of   AlbapParts which, you might have guessed, also  means dawn in Spanish. The whole "Twilight into Dawn"   theme is also referenced in The amazing song  of the mission where we meet Rusty in his new AC. Another two interesting references on this same theme: the Rubicon Research Institute developed   a weapon called Aurora, which is the proper Latin  word for Dawn, and Nightfall is also the name of the   real Raven's AC. Let's now have a look at some PCA  crafts, because they sure love classical references. My favorite is the autonomous craft Balteus, which  is named after the belt worn by Roman soldiers , and you can definitely see the inspiration here. We also have the PCA Special Forces Ekdromoi, named   after ancient Greek light infantry units. the  name apparently translates to "outrunners", which   is funny, considering that their motto is "no one outruns the Ekdromoi". Finally, there's the   PCA Cataphract. The name originates in ancient  Greek and is then borrowed by Latin, where it   means, basically, "armored", and went on to designate  heavily armored cavalry units. One final Latin note: you might have noticed that the logo of the  Overseers features a Latin motto: "Praestat Cautela   Quam Medela". It means "prevention is better than  cure", and on the logo are two figures pruning a tree. This is in reference to the Overseers  job to monitor the growth of Coral and stop   it before it reaches a critical point. Speaking  of plants, some of the technologies created on   Rubicon are named after plants. The Nepenthes, the  weapon platform guarding the depths of Watch Point   Alpha, is named after a genus of carnivorous  plants that use tube-shaped structures to trap prey. The supremely annoying wheel machines  are called Helianthus, which is the genus of   sunflower plants. And the City of Xylem is named  after tubular structures that transport water   and nutrients through a plant. A plant with Xylems is called a tracheophyte, or vascular plant. Let's talk next about the names assigned  to the various factions' pilots, starting   with Arquebus' squad, the Vespers. They are  a mixed bunch, liberally using names of   famous artists and writers. Freud and  O'Keeffe are probably the ones that   most people will recognize, while Maeterlinck, Swinburne and Pater are somewhat more obscure. Hawkins is a very common last name, and  there are literally too many people it could refer to, but the glaring anomalies are Rusty  and Snail. Rusty being different makes sense, considering that he is really an undercover  member for the Rubicon Liberation Front, but   I couldn't really find a convincing explanation  of Snail's name. Someone online mentions that in   Salvador Dalì's autobiography he says he had  this revelation: that Sigmund Freud's brain   was in the shape of a snail. Maybe this  plays into Snail being the real brain of the   Vespers, instead of Freud? I don't know, I'm not  too convinced, and Salvador Dalì was full of   [ __ ] anyway. Balam's pilot group, the Redguns, make a lot more sense by comparison. They are   all named after lakes and rivers. we don't get to  meet G7 Hakra but we can find his destroyed AC in   the very first mission. Also, during the "Intercept  the Redguns" mission, G1 Michigan calls some MT   pilots by name, and they are committed to the  bit, as well. Next up are the Rubicon Liberation   Front pilots, and you probably already noticed  how they are named after fingers on a hand.   But there's also some interesting symbolism going on  regarding Father Dolmayan and his flag. Dolmayan is an Armenian name and his AC, ASTGHIK, is also  named after an Armenian divinity, whose name   means Little Star. There's nine stars on  Dolmayan's decal, separated in groups of six   and three and six stars are also present on the  logo of the RLF. Astghik, according to tradition, is   the daughter of the biblical Noah, and the logo  could very well represent Noah steering the ark   towards dry land. Why the six stars, and what's the  meaning of the scale on Dolmayan's decal? I do not know, and if you have any theories in regard please do  let me know. But there's another affiliated pilot   who has a six in his name and could be considered  the unofficial sixth member of the RLF:   Rokumonsen. His name means "Six Mon Coins", which in Buddhism  represents the toll needed to cross the Sanzu   River into the after life. The Rokumonsen is  famously the emblem of the Japanese Sanada Clan, meant to represent that they are not afraid to die  in battle, and the six coins are reflected in Rokumonsen's decal, together with the inverted first  kanji of the word "Shinobi", which is the name of his AC. And finally, let's have a look at the RaD  pilots, who have this fun little theme where all   their nicknames are sarcastic or not true. "Chatty"  doesn't talk much, "Honest" is a liar and a traitor, and "Invincible" is the lowest ranked pilot in the  arena. As for Carla, "Cinder" is a nickname given to   the survivors of the Fires of Ibis, and both Ayre and the Dosers comment on how Carla appears to   be far too young to have experienced the Fires,  50 years in the past. There are, however, evidences   that point to Carla actually having experienced  the Fires, and her age is currently an unsolved mistery. For the final part of this video  let's go over the AC part names, as there   are some really cool things to discover  here. There are 14 parts manufacturers in   the game, and everyone follows its own  naming convention, Balam's parts all use last   names, and you might have noticed that similar  parts are coupled with similar ending names. But the interesting bit, and I only found out  halfway through the creation of this video, is   that every single part is named after a  famous entomologist, mainly from the 19th century. Next up is Dafeng, a Balam subsidiary. It is named after a   Chinese district, and the names used  are those of constellation of the   Xīng Guān, the traditional Chinese system of  astronomy that dates back to the 5th Century BC. BAWS produces rifles and frame parts, and all  the names are references to the Japanese haiku   poet Matsuo Basho. His 10 best pupils are known  as the Shomon Jitettsu, and every other part is named   after one of the pupils. Schneider is an Arquebus  subsidiary, and its name is the third most common   German last name, meaning "tailor". All its frames and  weapons are named in German after birds species, and the boosters use birds anatomical parts. Elcano  Foundry is probably named after Juan Sebastian   Elcano, Spanish navigator best known for having  completed the first circumnavigation of the   globe. We already talked about the Alba frame, and all the other parts use Spanish names, as well. RaD uses a variety of wacky or nonsensical  names, like the "Bad Cook" flamethrower or the "Spring   Chicken" reverse joint legs. After, all the motto  of RaD's boss Carla is "Get your laughs while you can". The loadout of her AC is particularly silly, and "Full Course" is just the perfect name for it. Rubicon Research Institute parts use a  variety of science-related names, in addition   to characters references. The Ephemera and HAL frames  are used, respectively, by Ayre and Handler Walter in   different endings. "Ephemera" means "short lived", and  Ayre uses Redshift weapons in reference to her   being Coral. Walter uses WLT weapons and, using  the same logic, HAL could stand for Handler.   The rest of their builds is made up of NGI parts, the pinnacle of Coral-based technology. Other parts use anatomical names, like Gills, Aorta, and Ocellus, which is the name given to   the simplest eye structure found in invertebrates. And of course we can't forget the Moonlight Sword   the recurring weapon present in almost every From  Software game. ALLMIND parts,excluding the Alpha   and Beta frames, use a four-letters code, which  spells words related to the weapon, like Javelin   Hammer, Orbit and Karasawa which is the name of a  famous recurring piece of equipment in the Armored   Core series. Melinite specializes in bazookas and  explosives, and I couldn't really find a common   theme to their names. Melinite itself, though, is an explosive used in artillery shells.   All the other manufacturers don't use any names at  all but, alpha numeric series, instead. Arquebus and   its Advanced Development Division, despite  featuring heavily in the game plot, do not have   any named parts, and an arquebus is a type of 15th century long gun. Furlong has a seemingly endless   variation of missile launchers. In reference to  this predilection for ranged weapons, a furlong   is a unit of measurement, 1/8th of a mile, and  Furlong's logo it's a Sagittarius, who uses a bow. And that pretty much sums up everything  I could find regarding the names used in the   game. There are still many names for which I  couldn't find a clear inspiration, and of course, it's not like everything has to have a deeper  meaning behind it: sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. But still, if you have any ideas, I would love  to hear about it! Thank you for watching, bye-bye
Channel: Addypalooza
Views: 91,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Names, etymology, ASTGHIK, Dolmayan, Arquebus, Vespers, Balam, Redguns, entomology
Id: t-ZwO4U1i-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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