The Maze Runner - Cast Interview

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we can get a photo I think it's just sorry yeah yeah they're very rare yeah they probably take extra care to bring the round tools to it because it's the awkward Hey Digital round table let's get you on this rectangle yeah I'd be weird if it was a wrong dining room no no no this is a reading a key well I thought it's good really study already that's why I was like digital round table sounds like oh is this gonna be via satellite are they gonna be in a screen we're gonna be like hey guys sorry it's breaking up like every skypes like every second to you at least once never right okay here we go yeah here can you breathe oh wait the Wi-Fi just went what so now what was your favorite thing about wake of it's all good telling something but the last five minutes he write again maybe there was nothing TVs like for the major on air or no no buzz yeah no oh is this like the first this is the first one the first breast oh sorry oh no wait wait so did I can't a bit yesterday did a stipple yeah yeah dude just see you all right good to see you back are things these guys I just clocked your picture which is with my claim to fame I'll go so high I'm just like I don't even your time to Jesus yeah I was like do you name George gonna go let's do you what yeah what yeah I'm willing like like Ali okay my name is PJ I'm Kat hey Charlie Christian Cameron Lauren cool yeah you guys seem awfully nice the people are doing loads of price yeah or just the first I guess they were showing Dylan London I'm sure this is like Oh have you done that yet you should really know know properly oh gotta get something tonight didn't we look at the hive box yeah that was one of those cool and I mean that that I consider that you know doing it that's what I want to go that is London really literally there's this bar and Bethnal Green that's called Satan's whiskers it's beautiful it's got like like um stuffed animals as decorations and just like the head of a dog on a wall for no reason and like interestingly named cocktails interesting what soap operas yeah yeah it's yeah nice big I think you should check it out it was Satan's whiskers it's just just down the road racer funny sensing you don't suppose it's the owner of that point yeah yeah yeah yeah you should do that Rookwood alright um I'll go um okay so the three of you really carry this movie um you know because the growing mystery of the maze really leaves us more questions than answers like we get to the end and we don't really find anything out and what we do find out kind of sounds like a lie so you know it's kind of like huh what is going on here and Thomas is the catalyst to what appears as an endless cycle for the Gladers um Dylan how did you approach a character who has no memories of who he was um well it's it's it's interesting to play that because you can sort of my favorite thing about it was like discovering you know you the audience is able to watch a character now just rediscover who he is basically discovered things I did ever even knew about himself before his previous life because he can't remember and I loved that Thomas you know it starts that he starts out as the newbie as the greedy and the audience kind of experiences that there is perspective obviously and then learns as he goes and then to watch him you know sort of discover these leadership qualities these world qualities that he has you know I think is a really cool thing and and the way you approach it I mean I guess just honestly as honest as you can really because that's I think all your going that's the only place you're coming from an act sort of situation so cool um and how do you feel about your growth as an actor because you know you went for monkey birds leaving for like yeah um I think you've grown like immensely there in a very short span of time and like like your talent is like so like how how how do you feel taking on such a big project um I felt really comfortable um you know from day one I loved the script I loved this story and I thought it could be really something cool and interesting and original you know sort of didn't a generation of kind of regurgitated projects and sequels and stuff like that and so I'm proud to be part of it from that standpoint the first thing I saw - was that you know these guys were attached to it and kya as well and nml as well but I wasn't I wasn't aware of who Mel's work at the time but and those three that was a huge thing like I was like I was like those are three really strong actors I like that that's awesome and then meeting Wes and seeing his whole vision for the film you know and so it was just sort of easy to to feel comfortable and I just felt so so comfortable with the cast surrounded me like everyone was so good you know at what they were doing and what they were bringing to the table that I was confident you know the only thing I guess you could say is I was just trying to keep up really you know that was my hope at the Internet I could do them justice and do the story justice and do West justice and um you know yeah I don't know thank you though for seeing all that stuff that's really pretty good walking watching you girl like foot from like the first time and a Teen Wolf and just like the work you've done on that and just you know capturing the attention of the audience true comedy but then like taking it through like really dark stuff and then you know just thanks good job good soos a really appreciate that that's really cool I mean look it's awesome there's somebody else gonna hey you like doing a combs this year in terms of writing this and then obviously Teen Wolf for you to be back in the UK um I don't know I don't know if I don't know I get I honestly they it's like a leak it's like a few stretches yeah he's got told what yeah yeah no we did comic-con I was great it was like we got first little taste of you know getting to see the fans response and showing them like a little screen you know mobile of the fan response to that anyone overwhelmingly bother said wamba going to write oh yeah we did WonderCon or something so try to expand um it was there it was really cool to see man they were just very they loved it and like you know there's no other words a negative they were you know it's kind of people you hope at least love it because they're the diehard fans of the book and they about to see the screen did you all read the books before I mean any of you read the books I read half of the first one before we started but then I stopped by FISH DeMatha yeah I mean you're gonna be too busy shooting them right yeah yeah let's hopefully understand yeah yeah I hope we do we'll probably make it around some more constant stuff and you know hope to take it everywhere we can ever wants to happens there I'm has nobody a huge like groundswell uh but you know people going to see the first one though which will lead to lots and lots of uh you know screenings and lots and lots of cons for the other two ever - yeah well show me big releases yeah let me call a question for Thomas you've been very quiet just like looking back through your filmography you played and in huge radio characters like everyone everyone from like Paul McCartney to young healer you played at one point their new voice firm as well what was it like playing Newt during this from what all the difference is what are the different challenges and for trying a different character like this same with any character comes along ready I mean the fun thing I think about what we all do is that we get to mess around playing all sorts of different people people that really existed people that exist in a book or or already have fans that have a specific idea of who they are and you have to kind of work with with that all people that yeah contained a completely fresh look at so sometimes it takes a little bit juggling of all of that but that's part the fun really um you I know all I was told us that he was kind of the nice guy in the in the film he was you still had an English accent and he had a bit of a limp that really he said could I ask Thomas my colleagues at flickering myth really wanted to know whether you would take the role of link in a Legend of Zelda movie this compromise sorry he's come from well yeah wasn't the same thing yes perhaps perhaps you should get less on to that this is a rumor that happens like this way start over he's away yeah I've never I should play a Zelda game neither have I first time for everything and I never was honest yeah Goldeneye marikar oh sorry um but merica golden I have my favorites gold mine bit term to see conkers bad fur day daily fundraising we should talk about n64 games all weird on this page you guys get ready okay so yes I do yeah yeah my question is for will and in terms of contrast how did you feel from going you're hilarious rolling we're the Millers to this much more serious fault how did you feel yeah yeah I feel so lucky to have got the chance to do this because yeah I think there was a you know something slightly different and I suppose a bit of a contrast I compared it when I compared them but yeah I just I just love actors you know Max's I kind of admire so for those kinds you just you know do a do a mix of stuff and kind of yeah hostility you know I'm not saying I necessarily have that that's kind of where I aspire to and just keep people guessing and yeah try and pick a role that's kind of different from the one before and hopefully they were after good and happy reading the books before being cast auditioned so I think like dill I kind of started I slightly freaked out when I got halfway through I started reading it and I kind of I was kind of freaking out because there wasn't kind of total synergy between my character and the script and yeah I mean enough that file is going to be happy about it and I think that's one of the graphic great things about smoothie that it's adapted very well the best love features have been translated part yeah but yeah from an acting perspective it was tricky you know and like awful onset we're having conversations we'd be like oh yeah cuz doesn't your character have that thing and then you'd be like oh no that was in the book that was yeah or we're now confusing something that's happened in the script that we don't need to worry about so yeah I actually stopped and then finished it afterwards yeah not read read school trials - yes absolutely - yeah I have a question for for will - um galley cares a lot about glader traditions um he's very attached to the environment texting the glader community do you think he had a hand in creating some of these traditions you know what kind of what sort of person do you see him as because he's very you know sort of finely oriented in a way yeah I think in light of the fact that he was coming one of the first boys up so it was I understand it George I'll be near and then myself roughly I think yeah so with that in mind I feel like naturally he was part of kind of building that hierarchy and and building something like physically given that he's a he's a builder and that's his wrong I also kind of see him as some sort of like meetings a few things identify with Kali oh there are too many satellites yeah one of the few things identify and galius is kind of almost like almost kind like OCD quality about him he he's he's kind of pedantic and he really likes Porter he finds comfort in order and in in hierarchy and in following of rules so I think he would have been an enforcer of that in many ways would wanted you know sort of more established leaders to actually follow along with him and of like you know and I think he's okay he's got a power struggle thing I think he struggles with the fact that new scene into him and I'll be senior to him and and so I think when certainly when Alby falls away he kind of sees an opportunity to make me kind of like leap over new and and do away with it kind of set up as I revolt but why that kind of happens but yeah to answer question I think he would have been involved in that but that a lot of that comes from fear as well his ultimate coward and he likes that he likes having that kind of protective bubble because he knows that one day probably inevitably they're gonna have to you know leave them Oasis and that means what we're shooting though seems like between between your two characters Newton and Gally because I mean there's so much tension and you talk about the power struggle there when they're kind of boils over when you've got people you know it gets there quite a very dark place or it could go there was it like shooting that and keeping that tension ramped up it was tension I think that's both a mutual respect between one another I think I very much respect Kali's opinion and here other than you he likes to hear what everyone has to say I think it's very very open person and he sees everyone but who they are and how they can be best fitted into this establishment that we have going these people and how they can help and how he can help in that and so I don't think he completely shams got anywhere I just think he appreciated it does have a different way of dealing with things and different viewpoint on things I think it's things progress and Yeager's been nuts start halted some of this guy just takes off you know the lead felony you'll be able to do right yeah yeah oh yeah I think it like if you're gonna put in political times which I just as a fun times I'm sure with politics why I'm doing this but I like you guys kind of more democratic you know what I mean kind of consider everybody's views and and and I think you kind of strive for a bit more sort of collaborative you know running of the glade whereas you know I kind of feel that once there's a threat to the idea of staying in the glade forever then I kind of become this kind of dictator in a way I kind of tell people this is what's going on now and you know you kind of leave that kind of revolt situation so kind of unlike where so I said like - so these guys are some quantity sizes and going which is a really kind of good yes never beware is fed by a relationship yeah and our relationship is really fun in this film because like there are a couple of occasions where like it really nearly kicks off and it like you know there's like there's almost serious tension with this oh and that was really fun - what was the first scene that you shot Oh between the three or yeah first his first scenes Roy's like oh yeah well that first day was mean person and mine and then he come out and do his stuff in the box was it wasn't stuff coming up in the book was it was it you coming up in the box I was like that was like the first week I think right good luck Foster like I remember them still struggling to get more finished immensely yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the doors were crooked yeah it's I won't ever get look you don't ever get locked into the box actually say okay go we did like a pickup we're like the grievers are like running through the glade right towards the kind of end of the film and and it's me and a couple of guys who my buildings yeah and there was a box and then there was like a moment where we kind of got the shot we hadn't taken down the camera moving uh we're still okay fellas and it was like of quite an unhelpful period there but the actual box yeah not solid method a little bit me stay in there following on from that was there any other humorous stories that as a group you can share with us happened on set many so that we can share no I don't think some is so there's yes so much good he was like summer camp it was like demons it's the way we saw became with like 10 year best friends uh you know in a way um in a large me yeah hilarious stories good yeah yeah well Scott storms about to clear I think they were yeah airsoft guns in the hotel yeah it's just one of my favorite memories L got B because we always in Terry or day is that guy get like an m16 it was bothering fun but the size of that sofa I mean it was the biggest gun I've ever seen I buy for and without telling us and we split off into tears almost around missiles over and Dylan just comes out drug free stuff don't say it was just a consciousness I I was like yeah I could almost ayna my back and it was it was a good it was good prank I mean to keep it you have it under the bed I was tough because it was so whose so hard for me to keep to keep from telling anybody and so then there is like slowly but surely like at one point Thomas come came into my room like and I was just like and I jump in there whatever others gonna make them tell me boys I'm gonna whip it out when we played it and and then like Alex knocked on the door so I'm like so then we had to put ourselves on what team and somehow like you know have you guys be the other team you and Chris so they can owe me a little being in the poor Alex like one on your team hadn't had knowing I had the gun and he was just like fun okay and so then we she swift did it and the security guard literally came up at one point and this was like the sweetest he comes up and we were like feeling terrible because it's 2:00 in the morning and we're in our hotel like running around playing with our airsoft guns which we thought you know we basically were the only ones in the hotel so it's always fine but the security guard comes up because there is some sort of point that happened and she's like and we just we immediately are like you know we're in trouble likes we're sorry and but he was just like y'all worse and that's okay how long will supposed to be doing this for we're just like sometimes like I can organize like a place play-off yes yeah yeah you guys in a conference room yeah yeah no this act this is better for the he was so active and we just go like behind it we're just going okay so let's take it from the top there we felt inadequate Edna clever Elsie yeah that was our 7,000 some great memory I love they're so big how did you watch the sneak a gun that big into the hotel it's been rude I think if I went to it I think if I went to the bank with that gun like people just be like oh good boy well when they have machine guns like auto full automatic weapons at Walmart you know I think the hotel doesn't even notice you're bringing in a BB gun yeah crazy country man that's a cultural cultural divide right there is like that kind of thing wouldn't happen here yes I know because that is a very same thing yeah I cannot oh yeah it's crazy it's made absolutely I'm asking you to be pretty pissed when you see film that's awesome though someone how do you find it like having to interact with other because like your location was really calming vapors awesome like a party stuff but there's a lot that were CGI like have you yeah finally complain to like I agree more suitable well first of all whenever way to do things like that you know West is so wes is so animated when he like talks you through things and what he describes up what's out there that it's almost like almost makes you crack up but it's just it helps a lot he's so detailed like he can like he has this weird way he's been like his karate Abu Salam Tom's and you understand what's happening exactly like and then also that we just had such a such a great balance of having real worlds that we were really you know shooting in like the glade like you said that you know they built that entire thing and geographically in the film like what you see that's exactly nothing's cheated or anything that's the world that we shot it every day actually had the doors you know the threshold going into the maze we actually had the Fox in the ground we actually had they built a tree house they grew a cornfield like it was it felt very very real and then and then the visual effects is just sort of the icing on the cake you know so I think I think that was really important to West for us to have like a real environment to feel like we were part of and actually in and sort of could disappear into and and he was just you know planning on taking care of the visual effects at the end and he also has a really like again you know great way of articulating sort of what it's going to be to what he plans on adding to it and he can sort of paint that picture for you and actually literally paint a picture for you like he can draw a sketch really quick if your be like wow okay that's incredible but then that's what it's gonna look like okay sweet that's impressive good the blades they're all mighty ideas nice those shuttles go 20 bucks yeah and then you do that you do that wrong like is obviously coldest yeah I don't know how you do how I will attach one that was really like we were in a parking lot on the side of a highway in Louisiana we had a blue screen like along the wall and we had these blue poles with like orange pluses on them and minke on we're just running on the blue poles and then I just cut through one of them and like attorney that he turned it into that like the guy medical mad mad genius he is like his like like a visionary you know can you use the word genius and visionary lightening that they actually genuinely applied to high school or like we feel really lucky that we get to work with him at this stage of his career so that we can be the guys you said - no we worked with Wes Portland's yes yet Rafael basically I give you around generally how refer a gifted filmmaker and storyteller as well which is a brilliant combination that's the crazy is he signed on to direct the next films sometimes they don't steal or nalusa yeah like everyone's happy yeah hopefully yeah he's very you know he's so passionate about it I would be surprised if he didn't want to you know it's baby like almost in a way you know he's adopted it that's because up for adoption all right stop you want to get oh yeah I'll do for the group yeah listen this is fun yeah yes so you want to make it yeah it was a blast this rat dad and this one I lost my mom mm-hmm I just can't take it in please wait somebody's telling I'm just erasers so good as you see my logo what's that sorry difficult um the ground not what we have we've done like two days press today you started so including yesterday and then we start like amongst all but we've done nothing also not to go yeah I'm here but I wasn't finished John see how about recap just first and then I'll show him if you like opportunity make it very silent for fans really yeah it's but like oh yeah we all know where does it go just take it I'm sorry possible serious we going on yeah Oh we'll go away did conceive I'll see you at you say hey are you okay now we can scoot which is even but officers more no no mother well done they should be down there like on yeah according to clear
Channel: ScreenThing
Views: 1,248,251
Rating: 4.9840007 out of 5
Keywords: The Maze Runner (Book), Film (Media Genre)
Id: qLmiXOihKgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 18sec (1698 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 13 2014
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