The Matrix Explained | 20th Anniversary Of The Matrix

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ok that helps put matrix 2 & 3 into a whole new perspective, I though it was all religious mumbojumbo

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/rerespace1 📅︎︎ Apr 05 2019 🗫︎ replies

I’m not sure I want them to reboot this franchise. I love the original so much.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/LoveSongs4Robots 📅︎︎ Apr 06 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] in 1999 a revolutionary film with a neo Punk vibe Eastern influences and a dark view on the future of mankind took the world by storm The Matrix was so successful it spawned across entertainment explosion of media with an animated feature videogames and multiple sequels to tie together an expanded universe now 20 years later The Matrix is viewed as an outstanding achievement in cinematic perfection and hasn't even been added to the National Film registry for preservation but as fantastic as the original film was the sequels created a far more confusing and convoluted picture of the story but this second film acting as a deconstruction of everything viewers thought they knew about its predecessor so first 20th anniversary I'm going to talk about both the bits and hexadecimals of how the matrix works and its iterations first to get a clearer picture let's begin with a brief history of how the matrix began and the robotic uprising also known as the second Renaissance as outlined in the Animatrix and matrix of web comics at some point in the mid 21st century mankind had finally created a fully functioning artificial intelligence and robot who could be used to do menial tasks and I don't mean the menial tasks we already see robots doing today Manufacturing but to the point where they were more like walking and talking humans only mechanical which fortunately were still far far away from Oh Oh No why are you kicking it stop kicking it ah this one is opening it [Music] we're doomed at some point one of these robots be 166 er overheard his owner talking about sending it to get scrapped however the robot had developed the will to live and in order to prevent this fate of getting scrapped it murdered its owners v1 - 66 er was put on trial found guilty of murdering its owners and it and its entire line of robots were scrapped much to the chagrin of newly forming machine rights activists however a technology would keep on evolving along with the various robots to the point where they became autonomous the robots founded their own city where they can live in peace away from mankind and appealed to the United Nations for admission this motion was not only denied but their city was Newt unfortunately for Team mankind the nukes weren't overly effective on robots and it started a massive war lasted zero ones troops advanced outwards in every direction with the robots winning the war the humans came up with a plan in this universe the robots were primarily solar powered so humans devised to block out the Sun in order to cut off the robots power source which is a beyond stupid ideas we need the Sun too so it was quickly shot down [Music] [Applause] this idea also backfired as shockingly it effectively killed off just about all of humankind's food sources not only that but without a primary energy source there were lots experiments in finding an alternative solution and after doing experiments on captured soldiers what they found was they can use the humans akin to batteries The Matrix is a computer-generated dream world built to keep us under control in order to change a human being into this so as Morpheus briefly explained the robot said about a mass enslavement of humans in order to harness their energy and use them as batteries and thus wraps up the history preceding the matrix so let's talk about the various iterations of it [Applause] while the first film firmly established the matrix for the viewers and a strong importance around the character of neo and the one the second film The Matrix Reloaded serves as a deconstruction of everything viewers thought they knew with a set of revelations when neo talks to the architect and creator of the matrix he learns the matrix is older than you know I prefer counting from the emergence of one integral anomaly to the emergence of the next in which case this is the sixth version the architect flat-out tells neo and therefore the audience at the time the film takes place the robots are currently on their sixth iteration of the Matrix which is basically Windows Vista I'm genuinely curious to see how many people understand that joke the first version of The Matrix was created as an idealistic utopia for humans which would create the least amount of resistance and put humans in a prolonged slumber state until death while the robots harness their energy however as it was so unrealistic he was universally rejected this causing the matrix to failure version 2 was however also a failure well isn't explicitly explained why it would seem that this was due to the lack of giving humans the illusion of self choice at one point in this matrix release schedule a program was created in order to discover what was going wrong it could understand the intuitions of humans and study their behavior this program came upon the discovery of choice and the importance of incorporating this into future versions of the matrix now if this program sounds familiar that's because viewers has seen her in the first matrix film the Oracle if I am the father of the matrix this turned out to be an almost perfect solution with this minut ability of choice the human brain was tricked and the matrix didn't crash as it had before however while it was a 99% success due to the various uncertainties that come with choice an anomaly would be born that had the ability to use the code of the matrix with matrix programming that somehow came from the source which is the central power for all of the machines because the architect couldn't by a way to eliminate this anomaly he instead worked with the Oracle to create a fake hunt for the source known as the prophecy instead this would lead to him and he'd present the one with a choice either returned to the matrix in which case him being the anomaly we created an entire system crash ergo killing all of the humans connected to the matrix or return his programming to the source on top of all of this the machines knew about the last human settlements Zion and had the technology and capability to destroy it so every time a human anomaly would come about they would destroy Zion both to keep the human population in check and likely to force the anomaly to save humans from going extinct both from the extermination of Zion and the crashing of the matrix so something that's a little confusing here as far as versions go is this following quote from the architect I prefer counting from the emergence of one integral anomaly to the emergence of the next in which case this is the sixth version the architect explains the first couple of versions of the matrix were huge failures and not due to an anomaly but rather his failure to create a program compatible with humans that wouldn't crash however he makes it clear that neo is the sixth anomaly and considers this the sixth version of the matrix so maybe the first two versions of the matrix are more like versions 0.5 and 0.8 beta versions you know like the steam early access versions of the matrix they came out way too early and are just buggy as hell now I think the best way to really think about everything going on in the matrix is in terms of computer programming and computer science maybe because I was a computer science major but it really struck a chord with me in terms of the way the programs are talking about the matrix it's been a while so I might be confusing some of my terminology in the following example so so if I'm the architect I build this complex program called matrix to keep it simple within this program I have all of these variables and all of these constraints to check for bugs and compile it all together to ensure there are no errors however I have a class of my program that will call human is linked to real-life humans and interacts with their brains now the only way that I can get this object of human to work without crashing is to introduce a variable that will call choice and great now my program isn't crashing but I'm finding that a new bug eventually arises will call the one this bug is a human object but can entirely destroy my Co which will lead to another system crash so once again at being the diligent programmer that I am I have to find a way to solve this the thing is if you created a variable as part of an object like choice you always have to account for it so in the case of neo we have to give him a choice otherwise the entire program will crash so hopefully that made sense for some of you it honestly helps me think about the matrix and this idea of a program with various objects and functions will help us understand various elements of the film's another important note that we get from the architect is that has been an extremely large amount of time that the various matrix versions have been running and if neo chooses to save the matrix and go to the source he's allowed to choose 23 individuals to repopulate scion 16 females and 7 males if you look at just how many humans there are during the bizarre rave scene of Zion honestly this seemed more than anything maybe not want to live there you can kind of start to imagine just how long each interval between chosen ones must have been resigned to reach that population that's one crowded raven now that we have an overall understanding of how the matrix works let's take a look at past versions [Applause] look see those birds at some point a program was written to govern them a program was written to watch over the trees in the wind sunrise and sunset their programs running all over the place ones doing their job doing what they were meant to do are invisible you never even know they were going back to programming for a moment when you create a class is always the service specific purpose typically you can use this class to spawn multiple instances of objects with various characteristics given so in my human example we would give a human object of body which would have its own set of codes and functions separately and also in this case choice also special to humans these objects with each contain a link to real-life humans in the real world to distract them while robots harness their energy but the only objects of the matrix that aren't robotic are the humans it's safe to say and given our knowledge of the matrix every bird dog and animal is a fake object given random characteristics now I can't be sure of this but I'd also guess that each of these objects are also given the function of choice which I'll explain in a bit but let's talk about some of the objects that were created in past iterations of the matrix and rejected in future iterations the other ones of course you every time you've heard someone say they saw a ghost or an angel every story you've ever heard about vampires werewolves or aliens is the system assimilating some program that's doing something they're not supposed to be doing programs hacking the program why they're reasons but usually the program chooses Excel when it faces deletion as we now know there were previous iterations of the matrix with the architect it was essentially just a computer programmer just a robot version of that experimenting around and trying to perfect his previous codes to make less and less errors through this many of the things that humans considered to be legends such as ghosts and vampires were actually created by the architect and former versions of the matrix now presumably these objects that are created have a self-destruct code built-in meaning if the architect decides a newer version of the matrix isn't going to have vampire objects anymore these objects will be destroyed and no longer exists however in the machine world many of these contain artificial intelligence and are considered to be robots and what we see happening is just like the robot uprising this AI is starting to override its functions and no longer want to be destroyed ironically just like how humans created robots with a i with the AI fighting back to stay alive and creating the matrix in the first place the robots are not creating their own AI which is also now starting to rebel to stay alive we see examples of this and what's known as the Exiles best represented by the twins of the Matrix Reloaded and the family in the Matrix Revolutions I love my daughter very much I find it to be the most beautiful thing I have ever seen but where we are from that is not enough every program that is created must have a purpose if it does not it is deleted we also briefly see a few of these in the Matrix Reloaded werewolves who were created in previous versions of the matrix that were saved by the Merovingian to suit his personal needs very good very loyal aren't you boys yes we come from a much older version of the matrix but like so many back then caused more problems than resolved my husband saved them because they're not really difficult to terminate how many people keep silver bullets in their gun but who exactly is the Merovingian and what's his function in the matrix by all means he seems to oppose the oracle and hordes away exiles who shouldn't even be in the program in the first place and for that answer we have to look into the extended matrix transmedia and to the ill-fated matrix MMO the matrix online I can't even find footage of this as the game is too old this server is no longer exists and the website was taken down so I'm trusting matrix resolutions calm as a source with the screenshot I've taken from wayback machine according to the site you can find a code in the game which translates to a real-world internet blog post and website operated by the kid we seen the Animatrix and matrix films who idolizes neo in its he states the following true appearances do lie there's no reason the son controlling program should look like a little girl or an operating systems seem to be a cyber addict French gangster so what that all means is the Merovingian was at least at one point the operating system all of the matrix operated under so in other words he's basically Windows Mac or Linux just a really bad version that no one would want to live under like Windows Vista as such the Merovingian would have been a leader in charge of the going ons within the matrix and a trafficker of information pretty similar to how he seemed portrayed in the films however in the films he's now been cast away living in exile due to a newer version of the matrix you see there is only one constant one universal it is the only action reaction caused everything begins with choice no wrong choice is an illusion if you recall the entire purpose of the Oracle was introduced choice hence would allowed the matrix to finally stop breaking and presumably what led to the first non beta version of the matrix so it would seem that the Merovingian whose programmed with causality at its base is no longer necessary in a version of the matrix that's programmed around choice hence he's become an exile albeit a very powerful one due to the henchmen / exiles around him having fantastical powers it's also very likely he was the operating system for the second failed version of the matrix which the architect created around the worst of humanity he used this immense power in knowledge to stay hidden like a bad bug on your computer while he still functions as a trafficker of information as he was created to do this within his programming he's now morphed into more of a crime lord who harbors away various other exiles presumably for personal gain one of the ways he's able to do this is with his control over another confusing portion of the films the train man [Applause] the tree man is a character whose past is a little more murky than the Merovingian so let's start with what we do know about him in the area that he controls mobile Avenue which as an interesting side note is an anagram for limbo the tree man is one of the Merovingians many henchmen which would automatically imply that he's similarly an exiled program his primary programming and purpose would appear to be control over mobile avenue which she's the creator of mobile avenue being a rogue way to connect the real world to the matrix almost exclusively used for machines while we see humans jacking into the matrix using what I can only assume is a wireless network the robots also have their own process however for exiled programs similar to the resistance they would have to find a way in without the source noticing or at the very least able to stop it and this is the current purpose of mobile Avenue for transportation of exiled programs in and out of the matrix whilst rules are similar to the matrix is definitely not a part of it and seems to exist outside of it for my personal comparison I kind of think of it like a USB Drive that you can plug in or take out to transfer data now similar to a USB Drive you need someone who can control the information on the drive and transfer it onto a computer and that's of course the train man's job due to the train man's affiliation with the Merovingian it's possible that this was a means of getting machines into the matrix during its beta phase and was meant to be phased out eventually one thing I found extremely confusing I'm watching The Matrix Revolutions was how Neil ends up in Mobile Avenue after destroying robots with his mind in the real world an interesting theory I found on the matrix fandom which I believe is likely correct is that over the course of the Matrix Reloaded neo gained a Wi-Fi connection with the source this is how he was able to remotely kill machines outside of the matrix and similarly how he ended up in mobile Avenue this theory explains that because he refused to accept the choice the architect wanted of reinserting his programming to the source and prime program he was possibly identified as a rogue program thus with his wireless connection was able to be inserted into the mobile station but one question I have if the train man is an siyul why would the source in neo2 an area that's supposed to be off the grid for the source it's still an interesting idea and I'd love to know your own theories for how neo ended up in mobile Avenue in the comments in order to protect the matrix from any possible bugs the agents were created similar to white blood cells and humans their primary purpose is to battle anything that would go against the primary functions of the matrix as created by the architect this includes both exiles and red pills as their function is one of protection they've been given extraordinary power within the matrix with ability to override other programs when necessary if you look at the world as a set of algorithms codes and functions once again going back to computer science jargon the agents are built with the functions that allow access and manipulation of other classes and codes including humans who are hardwired into the matrix however aja Smith becomes something entirely different after his interaction with neo at the end of the first matrix film I don't fully understand theirs at this point irrelevant matters going off of what Asian Smith says it seems some of Neos code imprinted itself into Asian Smith when he attempted to manipulate the matrix in order to destroy Smith what portion of this code is is hard to say but perhaps it was choice if Asians didn't already contain that function as we later discover what is he is you to be sure that the equation trying to balance itself out the result is Asian Smith becomes a kingdom malware on a computer and begins to function exactly like a worm similar to a worm Asian Smith starts replicating himself in eating up all the programs within the matrix like a worm this starts out small but he continues to grow throughout the course of the movies eventually taking over even the most complex and protected programs such as the Oracle he gains even more control over the matrix and in effect actually begins destroying and taking over the source another important thing to note is agent Smith's ability to infect humans while humans jacked into the matrix are easy enough Asian Smith is also able to infect a human red pill at the end of the Matrix Reloaded everything we see the red pill do within the matrix essentially deals with downloading programs into the human brain in order to obtain a vast array of new abilities while the red pills have generally been saved from the Asians due to their limitations of only affecting humans hardwired into the matrix like neo Asian Smith's abilities extend far beyond that of a normal agent and he can now infect a red pills as well so essentially he's downloaded his entire likeness into a human host thus when the human returns to the real world the damage is already done and their brain has already been rewired [Applause] as we discussed prior in order for the matrix to work and not crash the architect had to program into every human of the ability to make a choice this would always lead to the eventualities that one human would become an anomaly and game programming directly from the source and have extreme control over the matrix to counteract this the machines created a pathway for finding the one via the Oracle and leading the one to point where they would have to choose to either preserve humanity from total extinction and give back their source code or allow humanity to die by not giving back their source code not including the matrix betas for five iterations of the matrix this all went according to plan with the one always ultimately designed to save humanity in the process Zion was destroyed every single time and the humans the one shows would slowly rebuild it until this ultimately happened again that was at least until neo but we already know what you are going to do don't we already I can see the chain reaction the chemical precursors that signal the unset of an emotion designed specifically to overwhelm logic and reason an emotion that is already blinding you from the simple and obvious truth she is going to die and there is nothing you can do to stop it out of love and in an effort to save Trinity neo instead chooses to return to the matrix allowing the possible mass extinction of the human race he's successful in saving Trinity thanks to his ability to override normal programming within the matrix hence his ability to repeat her heart when a function would normally say that it shouldn't be possible and returning to the real world neo discovers he has a new ability in the real world a maintained wireless connection to the machines the power of the womb extends beyond this world it reaches from here all the way back to where it came from where the source that's what you felt when you touch those sentinels but you weren't ready for it this maintain wireless connection with the source is what allows him to see where to go when he's travelling with Trinity to the machine City like the source while he can't tell where Trinity is without his visual scepters he can sense where all the various machine life is in meeting with the deus ex machina machine neo is able to broker a potential peace treaty by offering a solution to the agent smith worm essentially if asian smith is allowed to run rampant within the matrix as he's been duplicating himself into every program that is a part of the matrix and gaining access to their abilities asian smith will slowly eat all of the machines from within and take over as the machines are hooked up to the matrix as an integral source of their energy however if the deus ex machina allows neo to plug in he can act as a sort of anti-malware software and is the only one who can potentially defeat what asian smith has become in other words neo has evolved into Norton AntiVirus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] mio is successful in defeating Asia Smith and returning the matrix to former programming in doing so he sacrifices his own life however the machines respect their end of the peace treaty leave Zion from being destroyed and allow humans who wanted the red pill to remain red pill without chasing them down and there you have the matrix and various key elements to it explained are there any theories you have that I missed or anything you disagreed with let me know in the comments below and maybe now you can rewatch the entire trilogy with a deeper understanding of reloaded and revolutions I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you next time peace
Channel: GameSpot Universe
Views: 1,068,577
Rating: 4.7787151 out of 5
Keywords: The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded, The Matrix Revolutions, The Matrix Revisited, The Animatrix, Enter the Matrix, The Matrix online, Red Pill, Blue Pill, Neo, Keanu Reeves, Mr. Smith, The Oracle, Matrix explained, Matrix theories, Matrix breakdown, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss, Hugo Weaving, Matrix meaning, Matrix ending, Matrix Philosophy, cyberpunk, science fiction movies, matrix, wachowski, matrix revolutions, animatrix, matrix revisited, matrix movie
Id: xrYg_qKX-aI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 8sec (1628 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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