The Matrix Reloaded - Oracle 2

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well come on man convert you come around here let me have a look at you my goodness look at you you turned out all right didn't you how do you feel are you I know you're not sleeping we'll get to that why don't you come and have a sit this time maybe I understand well suit yourself I felt like city I'm so let's get the obvious stuff out of the way you're not human are you it's tough to get any more obvious than that if I had to guess I'd say you're a program from the Machine world so is he so far so good but if that's true that can mean you a part of this system another kind of control keep going I suppose the most obvious question is how can I trust you bingo is this a pickle no doubt about it bad news is there's no way if you can really know whether I'm here to help you or not so it's really up to you just have to make up your own damn mind to either accept what I'm going to tell you or reject it Tandy you already know if I'm going to take it wouldn't be much of an Oracle if I didn't but if you already know how can I make a choice because you didn't come here to make the choice you've already made it you're here to try to understand why you made I thought you'd have figured that out by now why are you here same reason I love candy but why help us we're all here to do what we're all here to do I'm interested in one thing Neal the future and believe me I know the only way to get there is together either other programs like you don't not like me but look see those birds at some point a program was written to govern them a program was written to watch over the trees and the wind's sunrise and sunset their programs running all over the place ones doing their job doing what they were meant to do or invisible you'd never even know they were here but the other ones you hear about them all the time I've never heard of course you have every time you've heard someone say they saw a ghost or an angel every story you've ever heard about vampires werewolves are aliens is the system assimilating some program that's doing something they're not supposed to be doing programs hacking programs why they've their reasons but usually a program chooses exile when it faces deletion why would a program be deleted maybe it breaks down maybe a better program is created to replace what happens all the time and when it does a program can either choose to hide here or return to the source the Machine mainframe yes where you must go where the path of the one ends
Channel: Josh S
Views: 873,542
Rating: 4.8520641 out of 5
Keywords: Oracle, 2
Id: qChxzPDLhl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 13sec (253 seconds)
Published: Tue May 15 2012
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