Mr. Anderson, welcome back [Neo vs Smith] | The Matrix Revolutions [IMAX]

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Neo. He fights for us. [THUNDER CRASHING] Mr. Anderson, welcome back. We missed you. You like what I've done with the place? It ends tonight. I know it does. I've seen it. That's why the rest of me is just going to enjoy the show... ...because we already know that I'm the one that beats you. Can you feel it, Mr. Anderson... ...closing in on you? Oh, I can. I really should thank you for it. After all, it was your life... ...that taught me the purpose of all life. The purpose of life is to end.
Channel: Flashback FM
Views: 3,886,315
Rating: 4.858099 out of 5
Keywords: Neo vs Smith, The Matrix Revolutions (2003), Keanu Reeves (Thomas A. Anderson \ Neo)
Id: YRg9I8QIjnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 26sec (206 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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