The Mating Season 1951 Thelma Ritter & Gene Tierney

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[Music] it's amazing [Music] hey you you're going with uber it's the mating season this is the mating season yes it's a made easy [Music] how's it going Jake I'm kind of worried about this weather what's not so nice there's bound to be a break oh no buddy not mine Louisa Roni was just in he's did your boyfriend uh-huh well he had one with onions on abetik had a girl playing like a fish you got anything else on your mind besides the weather Jake I'm kind of worried about my throat still AM you know you beefed about every muscle in your body you can come in here once to tell me you're heavy no I've had my lunch it's the first of July mrs. McNally ready you went by in a hurry didn't it well so did may in April the bank can't wait any longer no fool enough try and make a payment next we're awful sorry but the bank examiner every time he reads off your loan he says no reduction of that $800 why not did you tell the bank examiner that I was never up against such a competition in my whole life drugstore on one side of me a drugstore on the other side of me and their soda fountains undercutting each other they give you a three-course dinner if you buy a box of aspirin tablets we'll just pay a little something $100 to raise $100 I would have to sell 13,000 hamburgers between now and 6:00 o'clock tonight do you know anybody that's that hungry sorry without a payment the bank will have to start action I got some news for the Jersey City National Bank they just got themselves a hamburgers then we don't want that mr. McNally don't say that again after you've been running this joint for a month the note settles so the icebox and the dishes the pots pans the whole joint your your Philippi and Jake tomorrow you get your hamburgers at the Jersey City National Bank you just ask for the present he's the new Chow a key from now on well please mrs. McNulty you can't give up your business I can't huh listen my son val has a good job in Meridian Ohio don't you worry about me great 16 and 17 me good kid read it back to me buddy Betsy no look it's 4:45 a.m. I read them to you twice already and each time we made the report a little bit better what difference listen babe I'm not related to old man challenger I don't play golf with him at the Country Club he doesn't know me from Adam it's this report that may make him go ahead with a Williamson project if he does I might go ahead with it so let's have another desk by 9:00 in the morning come on hurry up do us a lot of good huh I suppose you'll say this is fine - who did the commas I thought you wanted to help I thought we were pals we must be the girls in the office have started a pool yeah well then why beef about a little extra overtime a little naughty you slay me can't you stop pushing yourself for a minute look correct business usage contacts and personality and commerce what the young executive or where I'm a very earnest young man okay the Williamson report page 16 therefore I have mapped out the following planner procedures Sirius is anything else our switchboards closed lets junior calendars private phone oh let it ring my serious was anything else however was the Italian airs don't have the dismissing all economic problem mr. calendar junior at this hour of the morning he's not here who says I'm not hold it up where the birds ready to go it's for you sounds like a small boy give me Moscato somewhere on the ball hello he's busy now can I take a message yeah hop on summit ridge yeah oh sure sure I'll tell him this kid says your car is stuck up on top of summit ridge and there's a girl in it yes there's a girl and she didn't trust my driving miss Maggie Carlton a great miss Carlton impecunious but social very socialist ecology I think we daughter of a United States Ambassador ask her to marry me and she turned me down haven't got a nickel and she turned me down she's under the impression I drink we better do something about your car go on do something you got paid every Thursday yes sir but don't you want me to drop you home on the way I'm staying here my father has become a press - he's not gonna sniff mine I've got ideals - that's me a proud boy [Applause] mr. Challenger where's the car sweet Caesar it keeps on slipping on my way to the mill corn baby give me the number to call why in heaven's name you're sitting there get out of the car if I stir it starts to move oh and don't stir don't breathe that's what I've been trying to not do for an hour Shh as much talk use tomorrow syllables charms out my neck it starts to move shove if you feel like passing out it it's no trouble at all I don't I did but I don't know who you darling LD the young master sent me oh I never saw anything is beautiful in my life as the side of you coming over that cliff how is he gonna play I'm visiting some friends who live on one of these hills after I dropped junior I got myself lost and tried to turn around sure plenty of room I'm not a very good driver I tried for a license once but the man said I'd had to learn more about years why'd you steal that hair off a lilac bush didn't put me down oh yes I was afraid yes I hope that cow wasn't sure why did you turn him down loud drunks bore me I'm sorry if he's a friend of yours oh that was no friend how was my boss funny 4:45 this morning someone accused me of being too anxious to please my boss it's now to be exact 5:23 seems that life began somewhere in between this is Venice Italy calling miss Maggie Carlton see miss Carlton Oh momento Senor a carton look lovely Maggie Oh Maggie did I read your cable correctly I'll have I had a touch of the Sun you just can't suddenly marry somebody need McNulty you met on the cliff you can't 3 o'clock tomorrow darling Oh your father were alive you turn over in his grave no wait till I get then we can discuss it you say he works at the calendar Factory what does he do well he he's in the production department and all the wage he's a clerk one year but he doesn't he doesn't think you're rich I hope can you hear me just because you're visiting rich friends of mine we'd hate it if I were rich this is an imbecile oh darling you're utterly unequip for any such marriage does he know you were brought up in an embassy with 27 hi everybody hi now it's mother from Venice mother his bail I'll put him on now mother please later died she wants to speak to you Natalie oh yeah hello Fred what time is it in Venice now don't scream at me well we don't know anything about him really except that he's a very nice boy and he signed one of those loyalty things what is your background Val I suppose we should have made enquiries about your family well I just got my mother she lives in Jersey City she runs a business my father started yes ran oh thank you should we send an announcement to the Truman's I don't think Maggie's father knew the president very well Jensen wonder mrs. Roosevelt and slight to Truman's no friend I'm her godmother not gonna keep her mother's right you know out of a blue sky marry a crumb like me she's a fine one to talk when she met father in Shanghai he just stuck out his hand to say hello never got it back I still think you ought to be getting one of those guys with a pedigree and a platinum polo mallet oh yeah when you've been brought up in half a dozen embassies with little princes and little Dukes and little diplomats bowing from the waist and kissing your hand what do you think you dream of that what you dream that meeting a man who me I really must have my talk with the young people I want to ask them which service they prefer the long or the short one yes I think I'd better put you down for the short one yeah how about the phrase love honor and obey unfortunately a lot of people prefer to drop the word obey oh don't drop us we're gonna obey each other like crazy and is there going to be wandering or - well someone draw a chalk line I'd like to walk it stone silver Maggie and I've brought you a present Thank You Junior but I don't think I deserve it under happier circumstances I should have gone shopping on the ganges for rubies but it's things dan to see more tasteful little old how to drive an automobile I'd only given it to you before you're very sweet jr. I'll treasure it since everybody in town knows how I felt about Maggie I hope you won't mind my admitting it you've got a great sport mr. Callender well thanks I brought this wire from the office always at your service no tip necessary thank you well happy nuptials to all to all a good night what no wonder I couldn't reach my mother she's on her way here she is oh how wonderful you never dreamed she'd come no now let me see at a formal wedding the mother of the groom sits in the front row at the right oh and let's put the bishop on one side of her he's such a dignified old man and all the other mrs. Barnes doc she's not local mrs. Astor Oh [Music] [Music] Bobby if you and Jimmy stood at each other just once more I'll stop this buses thank you both it's your last night better be what's the nearest you come to the bus station walk and a half four times your bus leave oh I ain't taking a bus I'm supposed to be on one that gets in at 8:30 my son finds out I've been hitchhiking he'll put a hole in my head run out of money well I got 5 bucks and 80 cents but just before I got ready to leave that mr. Shipman showed up with the bill for two years where the ketchup that's it is gonna start a hamburger stand here oh no my son wouldn't stand for it no I'm coming out to live with him he's been after me ever since he graduated from college college sure we put him through NYU being in the hamburgers in the laundry vouch there's the one I'm supposed to be coming in on now we'll make it but if it's out of your way [Music] goodbye now yeah thanks for everything you're welcome excuse me hey lady where are you going I'll get it for you how's the Bella Jersey City fine kid yeah I mean Matt's before I got your telegram has beat my brains out you do for a bit of a surprise so are you mom hold your head I'm getting married you what married yeah when this afternoon this I think calls for a cup of coffee come on by now thanks for everything yes ma'am hey kind of full house I'll grab this one over here two coffees please you want to go downtown who is she have you known alone she live around here she was born in Nanking China China but she's a nice Chinese girl Wow her father was the Ambassador over there they lived all over the world imagine man I think I will have a donut just luck but she ever came here she's staying with a guy used to be her father's military out of shape for being married at his house come on but it's gonna be some wedding yeah small fancy in fact they're a little rich for our blood I don't know why you say that you know you're from college did you tell her that everybody goes to college mom oh well it's nice anyway I'll tell you from college gee I'm glad I got here your attention weddings at 3:00 get yourself all fixed up permanent maybe I think you ought to buy a new dress and a hat oh by the way and all the rice I forgot to send you your monthly check here it is in cash these are just my traveling clothes well as a reception afterwards oh well maybe I ought to go early and help out maybe they could use some of my hamburgers to go with the beer I don't think they'll have any beer nothing to drink oh when you pawned me was married it was a real big bust everybody went to the amusement park it was a little butch John mama I said there wouldn't be any beer they'll have champagne and they've got a caterer or so huh oh hey I gotta go and sign up for my new apartment I'm taking one at the Clarendon Court it's way at the back but it's still the Clarendon court you could swing a better one for a little more money oh this is okay no for a girl like that you get it better than hey that's your money man I don't need it for sour apples I just been taking it to keep your nose to the grindstone from now I'm not a penny more you really don't need it I'm doing good say you haven't told me what brought you here hmm oh I'm closing the hamburger thing oh just for a week I'm having it all painted up no seat covers that's the big surprise wait a minute I'm putting in a television set mom your dream book I got a run I got your room at the hotel that's right across the street at the dollar - I'll call for you they're taking some photographs before the ceremony I needed to at the amusement park I still remember it there's one more thing mom at the wedding there'll be some people that we don't know well you know how person can get talking I won't talk to me oh it's not that but I guess I oughta warn you I I kind of soft-pedal to a hamburger stand I just said that you ran dad's business well that's true come on get going two o'clock I won't keep you waiting say well while you're on that shopping binge maybe I ought to buy yourself a pair of gloves huh I kidding you have any employment clipping female I mean I'm a stranger in town [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] what a deal lovely wedding yeah why didn't your mother stay over really you got me I know she left at the hotel just that called home urgent business she didn't want you to get married oh no I think she kind of lost her nerve you know all that crowd people she never met you didn't tell me she's shy well I'd better tell you about mom you don't have to I know about people who are delicate and high-strung well there was a little Chinese princess I knew who'd tremble like a leaf whenever she had to meet a stranger well oh I forgot mom left this for you your Maggie when Val was little he said he wanted to marry a girl who could climb trees better than him I was very little at the time I guess you don't climb trees that I'm sure that shows someone better and nicer than him I know I'll always be as proud of you as I am of him I guess she got a little mixed up in a gravity it's a beautiful letter when will I need you yeah about this honeymoon let's get this show on the road Eddie Arcaro is a price tomorrow at Belmont man Lenny races that's a giveaway program you work here pony boy thank you for my help that's for sure today concludes Bikram's midsummer clearance sale the management thanks all temporary employees for a job well done pick up your checks at the cashiers window 59 hours here a week at the cafeteria and that's two day tussle with mr. Finch bug and I got enough for you it's been wonderful knowing you girls never had so much fun here hey kids your checks look I got a thing for tomorrow here he could pull a plow and win you know I ain't never been to one of them horse powers well start living a little kid great bunch of guys give you free lunch while your bet not me oh yeah save your dough sticking your sock lovely funeral come on Ellen take a chance hey Mugsy did you ever pay 18 bucks for a hat me thinks he's crazy but I'm gonna do I'm gonna buy me a $18 hat the suit to go with a hat and gloves to go with a suit what are you shooting for a guy I'm gonna call on my doorman mom some daughter-in-law that rates an $18 hat i ambered say that's a beautiful time other advance huh right on the side you've been awful busy with these things lately well you know how it is when you get back from your honeymoon capital expenses you drew 100 last Monday that was the entrance fee to the golf club you're not buying a golf for the driving range anymore mm-hmm change $4 Burt please we got a lot of fun there didn't we glad you enjoyed it I'll have to get an OK on this oh don't be like that it's only 50 bucks there's a rule here where there's over two advances now go up front red tape I'll call you I'm a counter about this project you've been working on the Williamson survey oh yes mr. Cowan sir what does your father think of it no he never saw it I took it over oh I see oh how do you like it the Williamson's are pretty tough people to deal with I may recommend it though well maybe I could talk it over with you after office hours I mean any evening evenings a newly married man top me on a sentimental old fool we shouldn't waste time it start important is it oh you mean to you I'm coming young fellow huh oh why is that idiot bird bothered me with this if you want an advance take it okay Thanks see we're trying to get some of our social obligations paid off giving a little shindig tonight tonight my secretary didn't tell me well tell you the truth we didn't think you'd care to them meaning Maggie and you just you oh you have nothing I'm going to be tickled to death both of us I have one of the dullest dates in the world for the night with me oh hi mr. Callender don't worry the dates off so you're the guy some girl picked you in preference to my boy here well I can't shake hands with her from here what time's the party 7 o'clock sir I'll be there hello hello Maggie Maggie's to our guests for life more guest calendars the calendars you know how hurry please look the old man is coming he can do us some good he spits vice-presidents hey how are you coming along he's sound kind of worried no no everything's all right just that I'm a little busy mrs. Congress made didn't show up seems she has the miseries never mind I'll handle it but honey you can't possibly why didn't you call me immediately look wing up an employment agency tell them to send you somebody oh wait wait I'll do it I'll go over there right away I'll never take a cab keep punching no wonder you have to go see yourself up yeah let me pay my share now to keep Akane the fourth race we'll take care of your share thanks bye girl good luck and David Dimmock knows me are they home this is oh yeah oh yes and thank heavens you're here I'll be out in my mind everything conceivable has gone wrong in the kitchen come in right away I beg you so much I did just what it said help put the turkey out just turn it off it'll go out in a minute [Applause] how I realize this is an awful mess to you to walk in on but but this is my first party and whatever the informations you said we'd pay you I'll give you $5.00 mom look kid I think you got the wrong side we do with this just throw it away I guess you start off no look you don't throw turkeys away but about this job that's something we gotta get straightened out right now yes well it's kind of embarrassing me having to tell you but I you mean you can't cook either I can cook the pants off any woman alive that's what I thought I know good help oh you do look it I'm just not that kind of help no any kind will do no you don't have to serve if you don't want it just push everything through the slide oh please this party just has to be a situation now listen kid oh oh that wretched made of mine I fired her what in my life I asked him for a favor and she said she do I went over to her house darling do you think I could possibly have a glass of iced tea Annette exhausted he's in for a cook yeah hold the phone yes there's somebody outside to see you who would you better come on out he wanted to see me Acme employment agency sent me well I got the cap still waiting I don't take this job if I can't be home by 9 o clock I never work later if there's a sit-down dinner or spread well it's not a sit-down dinner but they've already said someone well protected have you ever got to pay to and from yeah it's a dollar fifty yes come on could you let me have a dollar and a half Hey I'm very sorry maybe another time how many people for the party eighteen or twenty wouldn't have done it anyway well what luck for me that you came first what's your name and just call me Ellen IOU darn half Ellen darling I think you ought to have an S nah women in business [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes okay hey hey come to think of it you can make whiskey sour and sweet or you can make them sour ask your husband to come out and talk to me - what I guess get here when he came from your course oh don't tell me someone's on time this is McNeely yeah I was asked for seven stood out there in the second hand here I'm always the first to arrive don't worry I'm always the first to leave - punctuality like mr. king yeah mr. calendar of course wait a minute put up your face while I kiss the bride well I guess it wouldn't look right if I asked for seconds although you won okay hello there Natalie where's the colonel the cook wants to consult you about something you better go into the get from as soon as you can okay Wow hello mr. Callender we certainly appreciate your coming I've been getting in my legs - Oh fine fine he's only doing the check from me sir I guess I did well I just hello Betsy now I hope you don't think this is my ID he just asked me to should have been invited in the first place so Maggie what's doing you I'm gonna like I took the liberty of bringing a guest an old friend of your husband's mind I'm not making any implications subtle that's me Betsy Donaldson Maggie how do you do mrs. McNulty the house done the most flattering thing miss Donnelly he never told me about you come and meet some of our friends dying at the cocktails front cocktails a modifier put it down I would have taken mr. McNulty about me mr. McNulty as an amateur not bad well kids the party's ability all the guys were jealous father never took her where the gang when I was around he takes my sugar daddy [Music] [Applause] you know the one I mean that breaks thing no Connie Potter fan Shh listen everybody this is our duplicate all right on up y'all McCarty and Shawn song Love is II wanna turn [Music] ah [Music] what [Music] stop bawling I tell you that married isn't gonna last six more sure it's on its last legs anyone can see that six months I tell you this party's on the cuff those guests on the cuff the whole marriage is on the cuff blow yeah that's better six little months so save your money and buy a tight trip do you think another piece of that chocolate cake would make me fatter why mr. Callender I'm sure the talk of the locker room give mrs. bond some time can I give you some cognac on that mr. baza no thank you I've been admiring your silver one such a lovely old bed colonial isn't it where did you get these well we didn't get him we just had him Pammy oh nice yeah it's some of the stuff my mother set up how generous offer I'd never have given them up my dance [Applause] [Music] thank you very much [Laughter] no don't take my coat off I'm wearing I wonder if we have me cleaning we needed the knife and some hot water oh I'm so sorry that's happening you can count on Jim unit is something like this once at every party I'm glad to have taken the rap for tonight you should get it up hey-oh wring it out honey [Music] yeah that takes care of the worst of it Mel do for now once you get yourself a single-breasted why put some gas in your tank well back to the cell phone no Ellen's getting terribly late I'm not gonna let you do one more thing I'll cope with all this in the more oh but you there yeah okay maybe a husband would drive me to the bus oh no you still got a house full of people I'll drop her I have to leave anymore no please I'm still gonna have that piece of cake Maggie oh they ought to be safe from jr. in the elevator or not really but it's daddy away I live way out in Dubuque cash right by there oh but there's no need I can handle it it's already handled come on oh thank you thank you Ellen you're my kind of cool huh come on good night listen she can't go with him well it mad at me or something why of course not what makes you think so look so long worried me I wouldn't have seen the rest we'll go Oh for heaven's sakes what is it Ellen what about her I forgot to pay her see if you can't catch her you bet stairway stairway [Applause] you buy now thanks for everything you too oh good just a minute you what are you doing here come to frisk me to see if I stole some of the old family silver how did you get into that kitchen I trickled in it was a mix-up and there I was but it wasn't hurtful you were struck down by suppose you couldn't speak Val she too died of embarrassment besides she had me pegged right I am a cook don't be silly listen if you're a chicken you can fool people about your feathers but when you start laying eggs all over the place they know you're a chicken eighteen why don't you get back in town hmm oh well I didn't exactly come back you never left is that it I suppose that hamburger stand just runs itself it's closed when the note comes do I give the Nationalbank 40 pounds of hamburger and then I blew town I bet you were flat broke when you shoved back that allow it's money I got three good job just like that like that yeah employer is just nuts about hiring women your age I ain't so old living in this fleabag don't be bigshot you've lived and worse yourself well you're moving out there's room in our place what but in on you two well just so I can stake you properly nothing doing this is your maiden season you're entitled to be alone Oh horsefeathers look I started out living with my mother-in-law and you know how it ended I hit her once with a banana that won't be long this Williamson survey coming soon I'll get a whale of a race till then let me get lost and have you on my mind every minute look I don't want to bore you with details but I kind of like you you know you know what you ought to have on your mind your marriage there's a couple of people that would like to see it end in a garbage pail and they were drinking your liquor tonight Junior County oh he's okay oh go on I've stepped on better things than him look I'm too tired to argue tonight let's sleep on it you come around tomorrow let me told you've left town urgent business so sorry no I will next with okay I trust you daddy should've wore your top coat Wow when would you get over the idea that I'm six years old never six is plenty for a boy to be around ten [Music] I took a long time yeah something came up wait everybody go you and you took them all to the blue land it's a new band we're supposed to join them later oh are you kidding that's the way I feel about it no place like home is it oh hello [Music] Maggie Maggie there's something I've got to talk to you about shoot well this may kind of throw you but some facts are facts and I know you're gonna understand hey Steve Maggie do you have to do that 20 years from now you'd be glad I did it you gotta do it in a diverse still drew something go ahead you talk well it's about that woman but the woman who did the cooking tonight Oh Ellen yeah I [Music] I got the impression that you liked her quite a bit I Maggie I'm trying to talk only one way to shut you this is what I love that marriage companionship that's good buddies again yeah I love you so much it's against the law every time I look at you I'm glad that's two words [Music] what about Alan oh wait I'm lying hi honey where's the key huh mr. McNally said he'd leave the kid with you you didn't leave nothing with me but you got a passkey ain't you take me up I'm the new clothes any fan you I'm afraid there's some mistake I didn't expect you today yeah I've been didn't same thing about me not a word oh yes he did he started to I really don't remember well when he come after me last night we got to talking and it turned out I need a job oh don't think I forced myself on him I said it had to be up to you Oh wonderful honey I don't think we can afford a cook oh well we ironed that out between us it's just a question would I be underfoot I'd rather have you than an emerald ring well one thing you don't come around tomorrow and ask me for any references just as long as you don't expect any references about me son now on Sunday morning I like grapefruit juice kippers a three-minute egg salon tu-whit pretty coffee of court yes but you'll never guess what he has with his coffee on Sunday no what a hamburger hmm wonder where he picked up that habit you go in stats beta not that mess in the living room oh sure Maggie I sure didn't make any mistake when I married you why didn't someone tell me of course I mustn't go to Robinson's market and have things delivered it's insane from now that you're a bride for the farmers exchange everything there is cheaper and faster as for the party we could have saved a fortune if I'd know and then what I know narrow any judge would give you a divorce if you can see the market slips look here and it's all your fault it ain't fair not to tell the girl how much she can afford to spend the first thing you do tomorrow is buy an account book for five cents now look here you gotta balance your budget even if they don't have then Washington DC Ellen stop scolding a man get the biscuits yes you stay right here what is all this about account books yes sir yes ma'am Washington DC the farmers exchange can I say a word or can't I why are you so excited that one makes perfect sense wait last week's post three out of five marriages go to pieces not because of infidelity or fighting but on account of the dough people get fancy ideas about living hello yeah this is McNulty wait a minute the operator the mrs. McNulty yes this is mrs. McNulty long distance mom have you gone stark staring nutty not mom Ellen don't you see them this is the answer they lock you up the mainspring is gone none of your lips now I didn't get a wink of sleep until four o'clock this morning and then suddenly I got the idea kids behind the eight ball she needs me and I'm gonna stay whether you like it or not of course you're gonna stay but you're gonna stay it's my mother look we're the two unhappy Dame's live in this joint are too happy Dame's depends on just one thing whether she called me mother or whether she called me Ellen look she's gotta find out sometime don't have to find it out when I'm under a fade meanwhile we got fun I don't know what it was like working with her yesterday I felt like I was 21 Oh Milwaukee look wise guy I didn't feel like I was 21 when I was 21 I'm getting a big kick out of this you want to open your big mouth and spoil it for me yeah okay you do when I go out this door I need this time I grab whatever work I can get in it won't be a soffit job as this either well there oh well how much do you love me how much you love me oh it better be a lot for both of us that was mother from the Cleveland Airport she's coming to stay with us oh he'll be wonderful you don't know mother this could be the end of our marriage might be worth could have two mother-in-law's in the house now wait a minute that'd really blow your marriage blow it higher than Kelsey's eyebrows okay mr. McNulty oh my god why you look fine except around the eyes are you still wearing that tragic little head I know I bought it but it was a mistake this is bad hello Natalie I could claw you but hello everyone New York everybody looks at television there's a comedian who loses his pants hello colonel oh how was the trip terrible i sat next to some chatterbox she talked all the time look at the pilot who'd he remind you of he's a dead ringer fat Eddie Aykroyd you remember Teddy in the Belgian Legation oh yes there's nothing about you see I'm not his chair Teddy didn't even have a chance it's a set of those in here mother well I said hello what am I supposed to say that I'm glad to meet him I don't want to be struck dead in my tracks black cars out here no spare tire I know it you ought to ride a bike something mother isn't it darling of course you never get any space in an apartment do you didn't I tell you about Freddy Palfrey he's taken over the whole of the Giorgione palace the great Salim you could play polo in it wedding presents how soon can you break that what that good lamp know that this is our Ellen your last cleaning bill was nine dollars and a half I'll present where's my room right here mother there's a nice big closet and and you don't get the Morning Sun where's my bathroom I'm afraid you'll have to share ours darling oh but don't worry there won't be any collisions we'll work out a schedule when I'm on my way to the bathroom I'm in no mood for protocol well if the shower and stuff in my room why don't you sleep there and I'll sleep here no thank you Maggie dear please ask your maid to say mrs. Carlton when referring to me mrs. Carlton won't be with us well at least that rooms cool Maggie you and I have a million things to catch up on why don't we share it yeah he's better equipped to negotiate that lower berth than I am but he needs this sleep men can sleep anywhere it's all right man Ellen okay that face reminds me of someone I've seen there's something about the mouth Oh every face does mother know it's someone I've seen recently I'll get the other stuff out of the car does he play bridge yes mother he does he also talks he also has feelings he's a wonderful human being and I love him more than anything in the world I checked the figures they're ready for retail yeah Betsy Betsy was called out in front an hour ago you must have been napping ever since yeah I don't get too much sleep at home lately we have a houseguest why take that on it came it fills every corner that plant like poison gas listen I have to take my wife to the movies to kiss her no I knew that must be kind of rough on the lodges let's get on with this stuff huh get yourself another girl I'm assigned a guy duty I'll cut it out for your information I'm showing a lady around the plant mrs. Owen Williamson swim oak Williamson Maryland they flew into town last night and fired in the Middle West for being on the map she's in there now powdering her nose this is the production department I thought you might get some idea no laughs amore this warm weather thank you they take me to my husband please well the board rooms are on to the left but I don't think we should interrupt the meeting I've already given them 20 minutes grace missile Williamson please what's this meeting about your project without me sure I'm sick of being the show excellent excellent don't go in it can wait these people have done a bang-up job splendid would you know what always happens when you're late for a meal it's only 12:20 it's 120 at home your stomach is still on daylight saving time we're only just keeping an officer a day we'll settle it all tomorrow motion to adjourn some whoa second of motion all right I'll be like our ultra-modern boardroom you know we were founded way back in 1912 we were founded in 1760 you people will sit on your shakedown cruise I'd like a chance to talk to mr. Williamson I'm handling this nothing there are some questions in on my pet I expect complete answers tomorrow work all night hello hi I again when we tied up at the office I won't be home for dinner you're lucky I'm doing the cooking Ellen's out mr. Callender called he's having a luncheon tomorrow for some out-of-town people and so I loaned him Ellen you did what well just for a few hours today that chocolate cake of hers you should have done that Maggie what do you think we are the help-wanted column well I'm not pleased they don't call me in on a conference but when they need somebody there making some child they don't hesitate you should have had more sense well Val Val gets a second let me say something you can't lend my I mean you can't let Helen around like an old lawnmower what's the row nothing chicken man they expired yes they usually hang up on their customers oh don't cut me out of your life that was your husband yelling at you something happen in the office and he takes it out on his wife oh how common and underbred can you get don't you ever get tired of striking that one note mother so loyal so pitifully loyal won't even admit that you marry beneath you I did not then who is he what is he have you ever met his family no mother I haven't that's more than he could say of mine I said I'm not to be disturbed well those cakes are in the oven now it's time to tackle his throat leave me alone oh I want some old-fashioned gruel yeah but we're not taking any chances open that top button I know how to take care of me feed a cold starve a fever there's what Sam always used to say stand with my husband Oh nice fella every stray dog in town loved him they say that's the test oh wow the colder the better he liked Sam you bet even though he used to hit that bottle and make it home many nights he just might have seen more of him if I'd been a fox terrier so you left him who buried him he up and died one day after that no Sam didn't mind too much you know what his big beef was at the end no he worried about the funeral our Davenport was out getting fixed he was afraid the house would look bare when the people came oh I guess he wasn't much of a bargain I loved him in a long time but I still think about him quite a bit you never married again don't think this is the sickroom visit just want to borrow you broke we're playing some golf here there mrs. Williamson isn't very impressed with our club membership but she's letting him play my wife was born with rigor mortis I'm giving him a stroke a hole pretty cocky aren't you that was a peach of a survey he made thank you thank you have you come to terms mister luncheon tomorrow I've invited the black mirrors the Hatfields the Stones everybody concerned mrs. Williamson may find the rather crude she will these will do I'll have them shy and make it snappy don't get lost how was that you heard her aren't you McNulty's cook and she's here to do us a favor are we playing golf aren't we come on well if you want to play and dusty shoes I could have done it I suppose Oh don't bite my son but he was nine years old I got a letter from his teacher he was the only kid the third grade or didn't like Abraham Lincoln we got to change this got to get you in shape for that luncheon tomorrow see if my folks eat here I can have a day off oh good get a day off if they eat here I will give me time for a little bowling you both 160 not bad what do you mean evade here are they invited well if it's about that survey they ought to be mr. McNulty dreamed it up himself right from scratch nobody told me well I'm telling you now they're awfully Pleasant with the heat oh I didn't see that troll oh I'm sorry with a four and a five taken no uh-huh I got you that oh that's not a woman it's a horse in our organization we don't allow our directors to have wives like that you put them out of the way painlessly I hope we handpick our young executives and make quite certain that their families are presentable Oh incidentally my husband suggested that I look you over oh then he's impressed with our Oh morning mr. calendar is too amore you have the good chance to come with her anything I can get you mrs. Williamson I only want cool breeze blowing off the Atlantic how's it going a landslide for McNulty I handled it rather neatly yesterday I sold him the survey today I tried out your husband on a silver platter that's why we were suddenly asked to this party today he'll junior enjoy this is nothing you've given up this game I would sir can't pay box top let me shake for you mrs. McNulty that extra rattle is the pieces of my heart oh I'm in business again never leave my side Junior we need you okay the Wonder Boy will be working nights you have my phone number I work nights too I'm a wife City what a dreadful young man June who's a friend of mine mrs. Williamson and he just unveil a great service so I gather are you being Betty why is my dad what do you mean well even to help your husband should your father's daughter involve herself with a load like that he might give you real trouble you don't understand the circumstances mrs. Williamson Jr's genuinely fond of me what's more I'm fond of him oh so those attentions were welcomed those Pauline who weren't me point idea hello broad-minded can you get shall we finish the game yes I think we'd better have six to five I can't play six in one I get both you again you whisk away the dice it was a six and A one oddly enough I don't cheat again then play correctly wrong again I will not what you're the rudest woman I've ever seen I beg your pardon since we've been at this table you've sneered at the town I live in criticized our hosts implied that I'm carrying on a shabby love affair and accuse me of cheating don't be ridiculous I merely corrected your gaming manner I won't inflict them on you any longer excuse me I think I've got the answer to your objections miss Webb just roll them at me one by one when you deliver I'm terribly sorry but can I ask you don't you feel well perfectly I just want to go home Maggie what have you done better ask what she's done give me those King I'll take you Maggie that goes for all of us what were you saying McNulty it made up from a secret formula but someone so important they won't even tell you the name oh it's agony but I think that gives you so much more confidence in the thing don't you I get myself at least well who stole the meat out of her sandwich it's kind of a hectic moment for me to introduce myself mrs. ko you June you calendar aren't you Ellen wait won't you have something to drink thirsty better tell us what's up Ellen for the thousandth time I told you people are not called he and she are you good at faces what does she remind you of I'm being driven absolutely mad sounds like a mushy to you will you stood up for a minute Maggie hmm they're all still at the calendar house I'm gonna call up and ask for mrs. Williamson she promised she'd come to the phone you can make any excuse that comes to your mind the heat the food you aren't used to wine at that time of the day anything so long as you say you're sorry but Val she should be calling me very likely but you were just a thing now you can't ask you I'm not asking I'm telling you hello what do you put mrs. Williams on man please mrs. McNulty wants to talk to her my husband tells me you'll be kind enough to accept my apologies mrs. Williamson that's very sweet of you I'm so sorry I was rude oh one more thing you were quite right about jr. challenger I do enjoy being pawed by him and I suppose my father wouldn't have liked it would he thanks for the hint are you out of your mind Maggie told me to apologize about everything she never said it how do you know what she said you didn't bother to inquire you just took it for granted I was wrong whatever I did you shouldn't have said that you asked for it you got it Maggie shouldn't you be getting back to your meeting yes I should I was a stinking trick Maggie [Music] shut up [Music] Maggie stop looking at that door I've told him you won't see him tonight you're going to stick to it oh just have a little dignity for once I wonder what happened at that meeting it's no concern of yours now you just swallow one of these pills and you'll sleep for eight solid hours yeah you know who gave him to me I wouldn't want it known miss aleni he was a terrible man but he ain't well and he slept well I think I ought to see him you will not he's humiliated you as I've never known a woman to be humiliated he's made you eat crow what will he do next probably strike you of a tree you were some woman 112 I've never weighed more than 105 in my life when I married your father I was 99 in one ounce I remember somebody the wedding reception saying she's so tiny you'll have to shake the sheets to find her the food in this house if you don't like it you're off be polite about second helpings that's the trouble it's a constant temptation the Spirit is willing but the flesh is increasing that Ellen I've live places where they would have flogged they're serving for such impertinence and that I have to admit how much do you pay off I don't know mother I don't care you don't know but you don't know about that man but fill a book I'm speaking of books Simon and Schuster want me to write a book my memoirs one thing I can tell you mr. Val McNulty will be covered by your footnote Maggie you want even listening didn't I tell you those were wonderful field [Music] you're telling me it's all my fault you know no you're both right and you're both wrong how do you know it's always that way with the first big role the best kind is where nobody wins look at you you're on her side already and she'd be on yours if she'd been lucky enough to be born an orphan well I'm glad I wasn't anyway yeah back in big fight I'll give you something to talk about your old age the best making up your pop in the other hand we could only see honey when I eat the big a braids the icebox along about now how about the deal you get the contract yeah encounter can't sit with a bonus at least I can get you out of that kitchen might be safer haizao could you let me have 300 bucks sure you got something planned well the other day I met a couple of friends of mine you don't know him but they was telling me about the swellest location right opposite a horse parlor not another hamburger stand why not look mom yes time being so thick from now on you're gonna take it easy no hamburger stand looking don't you decide what I'm gonna do I'll decide it no I'll come and look at it anyway look I'm very busy I don't have time to look at it all I'm askin is one little hour tomorrow night come on give me a break oh no I used to sweet talk me into anything tomorrow morning at breakfast you tell her you have to work late at the factory and I'll ask for my day off where we meet in your car at the factory okay hey you're gonna kiss me good night oh you're a persistent devil [Music] here's your sports section I just want to know this car with my wife dude all right just all oh man [Music] [Music] [Music] can you ever forgive me can you forgive me we've lost among me to say that about you good thing you did by the time I got back mr. Challenger told her how things stood you never started to change at home she'd apologize then happy boy Lydia spoiler they even offer me a job at Williams dance why not would you be good for you oh you couldn't stand at all girl I'm eating out of my hand [Music] 8:45 kids breakfast well you two worked up a good appetite in him without even time to swallow up a cup of coffee who's she in mourning for iowa's Carlton hello mother bacon and eggs are hotcakes nothing whatever anything wrong why didn't you sleep well no well I got a jump anything specially want for dinner die whatever your head hmm Oh what am I thinking of I'll be at the office tonight I'll I'll set out for a sandwich oh well if he ain't coming home for dinner I'd like my day off oh so long everybody I left some spaghetti in the icebox you can warm it up for you and your mom I'm gonna make one you goat cheese soufflés it's going to be good I don't care nobody else with you just a minute Alan this is your regular day out Oh mother Ellen can take any day she wants beat it coffee mother anything that woman cooked would boys how many of those Mussolini pills did you take he's driving away be sure and catch the milkman around leave a note I will have a good kind of angel angel will what are you doing I won't know either that hijo I don't want to have to interrupt myself Negi put down that coffee cup and listen to what I'm going to say now I wonder how much you know about the aberrations that sometimes overtake the male sex fantastic things men who appear perfectly respectable well I myself went to a Brigadier General who couldn't be left alone with the French telephone why not wait I wouldn't dare take Maggie control yourself don't you understand that I'm trying to break to you some terrible news about that something he can't be left alone no not something somebody and Oh mother you're right here is where they were standing he came out of her room he was wearing his pajamas she was wearing her nightgown and there's where I was with a chicken leg Maggie they were kissing I never finished that chicken leg thank you where are you going I'm calling the Congress they'll just have to take you off my hands when you start making up stories like that well I won't have you under the same roof with Val what it's true what's more they are meeting tonight here you talk to Natalie yourself tell them you're coming I will not how do you do yes what is it could you please tell us where we could find mrs. McNulty who are Lyme mrs. McNally but I'm very busy right now well we're looking for the other mrs. McNulty we've got some new dope on that hamburger stand well there are lots of McNulty's in town you've got the wrong address look we brought Ellen here well there is no one in the house but she's not in right now and what gives you the idea that her name is McNulty well what else could it be she's your mother-in-law and she I knew I knew that face come in come right in wait here please mr. Val McNulty production department to the Mikey this is a holiday hang up the flag set off the siren my Maggie at the calendar time I have to see Val I hope it isn't against the rules at this hour it's important listen you're shaking your pale come into my office kind of mr. McNulty mr. Callender jr. wants to see you I gather you don't want me to ask any questions but wouldn't you like it's not a brandy or something no thanks but I could do with a cigarette come in hi is anything wrong just a trifle the little matter of Ellen McNulty well I I guess I better explain I hope you can then maybe I won't find it so unpleasant being in the same room with you aren't you taking this kind of big big little who decides you were ashamed if somebody I'd love and respect under any circumstances you hid her from me you didn't trust me that isn't being married how that's living with someone it isn't being married look I know it was a mistake but well she cooked it up and the way things happened there was nothing I could do oh don't give me that we're just part of your drive to get ahead you wanted to be upper case for the calendars and the Williamson's your snob the big joke is I've spent half my life dodging snobs and I wind up drawing you Maggie you know me well enough no I don't I don't know you at all I married a stranger everybody marries a stranger oh this won't get us anywhere maybe you'd better talk to my mother oh no thanks I might be offended by her grammar or I might despise her for not going to college like you why autistics like you for that you better hurry I'll be out of town tomorrow are you going Mexico to establish residence all right go I warned you you shouldn't marry a guy like me this whole thing it's just too low down for you find yourself somebody like junior he's just about your speed goodbye huh thanks for paying the rig I sent away your taxi Maggie I'm taking you home I'm not going home mother and I have moved to the hotel the Meridian Plaza Maggie if you don't want me to best tell me what's up some other woman in a way it's not and I'm not going to talk about what are you doing here need a retooling from the ground up I can't talk you know I gotta find my boy you've got a boy that works here what's his name Val McNulty and I got him in big trouble well Helen I don't get it you were there is this cook that's the trouble where can I find them you'll be coming right through this door here that too from nature don't you talk about here's a place you can set the watch phone right here how could he make you do a thing like that make me nothing could have stopped me I know what him and Maggie was up against and I wanted to help him out all right so it was a dumb idea but Val knows I do dumb things like one Christmas when he was a little boy we didn't have any money and I didn't want him to feel bad in front of the other kids so I bought him a cowboy suit only a couple of days later I had to take it back to the store there wasn't a peep out of bounds you just told the other kids he decided it was gonna be a fireman he knew all along we had to take it back so he was an alright kid he's always been alright you only got mad at me once in his life that was when he caught me tight in a check doing what to a check you know at the end of the month when you haven't got any money to pay a bill well he was write out a check only it's on the wrong bank so two or three days later they call you up but by that time you got some money so you say to them what kind of silly mistake for me to make that loan that's against the law yeah I know the man at the gas company said if I ever got the Wall Street that have Black Friday every week there he is not yeah [Applause] [Music] you can go along not memory yes huh I'm putting all your heavy things on top and don't tell me I can focus a tropical town because it's in tropical towns you freeze to death now remember I'll expect a letter every week to American Express Rome they'll find me wherever I am Maggie don't you want to see them I just want to get out of this town why do young people think they can cure anything by getting on a train you never know who you'll meet while traveling Oh at last our team Oh mr. Kalin Jack I know you're incommunicado Maggie but don't try to give me the brush-off mr. Challenger this is my mother can you know the conduct hi I don't think anybody sent me here or that I'm anybody's messenger you're a girl I like and I want to buy you a farewell drink mr. Challenger I have to start for my train in another I said we'd have one drink come on I haven't even finished packing it don't worry about the packing my dear one wrinkle take five minutes come on that man he is rather brough Oh he's divine he's just my type how about in there that ought to offer a nice corner for holding hands any place the long as you don't lecture do I look like a man's weekend lecture well I'm not I have got over a sore throat mine I thought you said you were nobody's messenger and I'm not I dug this up myself I don't like it mr. Cain I'm too old for public bickering if you want to quarrel quarrel with your own husband hello Maggie in case you want to confer in private this is to the bridal suite your boss seems to be setting up on back numbers of true romance I thought you'd gone mystic 20 we're leaving to Williamson man yes you said we you're not taking out why not oh very bad few career back there it's just like one big happy family she'd never fit in let me worry about my career you can't do that remember that woman Williamson listen mr. James Canali how he do me - laughing she's the person you thought I was Ellen would be miserable any further advice know you can always matter in the kitchen [Music] [Applause] [Music] the calendar party couch your party [Music] I've always said wine was able to civilized I brought somebody I know you'd like to meet God back in Maryland you two are bound to see a lot of each other yes my buddy maybe back there yeah that's why I thought my mother should have a look at you mom this is mrs. Williams I'm pleased to meet yes so this is your mother mom's got a good nose for people you get one standing here in year out behind a hamburger stand what people what hamburgers dead ugly he's talking about the time the fella come up to my wagon lugging a heavy suitcases his face give me the creeps I wouldn't even sell him a weenie you know what he hadn't that so kicked I'm the biggest idea his life he sent it to Baltimore the next day Zod what a horrible story Oh mom's gonna many of them really mr. McNulty what's the point of all this well I'll tell you here we are a package not a very fancy package but you'll take us as is or not at all catch ah there's no remote possible thank you and good night mrs. Horowitz oh yeah Oh Maggie this time it ain't my fault I know I shouldn't be here no lipstick this terrible habit - lovely oh whatever brave valleys your car sir it's in gear [Music] oh you can't go home now the joint full of players well wait a minute ocular Bob you won't have to disturb your friends not for days and day Maggie wait where are you going wait a minute man you leave him alone they're gonna set up shop all over again this time without you without me I'm going over there now and pack and then I'm going to school and you're gonna go to well you can scoot if you want to but I'm sticking by my child not not house setting because if you do I move right back in there with you only this time on a brand new base we'll split up on the cook and then you can do all the laundry I'm kind of I think I need a couple of facial think it over took [Music] you'll need a drink how would you like to have a mother like that I'd cut my throat you would well that makes it easier [Music] hello spin it I'm all wet get in I want to talk with you some other time when I'm not dripping all over the place Hey look nobody get in this car you know something black stray dogs like me too oh I can see how they want I had [Music]
Channel: doubledowndoubletalk
Views: 563,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, Thelma Ritter, Gene Tierney
Id: P-c94k3vlVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 17sec (5837 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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