The Marks Brothers (The Underappreciated Super Duo) NFL Legends

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[Music] professional football in America is a special game a unique game played nowhere else on earth it is a rare game the man will play it make it so mark Layton and Mark duper were an electric duo on the football field during the 80s and 90s and is still widely considered as one of the best receiver tandems in NFL history you could take Mark Clayton or mark Cooper and hold their numbers up and they're twice the career numbers of lynn swann two guys mark late that's it that's all mark duper and Mark played for a decade number 13 was lucky to have a pair of super receivers if Mark Cooper and Mark Lee Cooper teamed with Mark Clayton his teammate for ten of his 11 seasons to form one of the NFL's most prolific receiving combinations the Marx Brothers they love to compete they love the you know be the best they could be and then they had talent you know that combination you know you're going to be successful [Applause] every time I see duper Clayton yeah they say they made you yeah you hear that a lot yep not always they probably couldn't have done the things that they did without Dan Marino and Dan probably could have done the things that he did without the to Mark's brother we all will own the the same would second the third string together yeah so we built chemistry with each other we should stay after practice it will drop the throne again has again has time growing deep up the mirror I've got a man down there every week had got better because we were making plays that you know people hadn't seen before League have never seen anything like that before and and we put on a show when you say Marc Kley Marc dupe is there and when you say mark because Mark Clayton is that just like the Marx Brothers we all kind of made each other they grew up 10 years together I think we played or 11 years together you know no one you could have those guys you know outside be able to throw the ball to was is pretty special and the one thing I remember most about duper and Clayton their competitive spirit and their attitude that they were the best we just felt like nobody could stop well it's easy to say hey it was marina or Marino in his prime [Applause] [Music] you when the Dolphins selected a wide receiver from the University of Louisville in the eighth round of the 1983 draft few could imagine that the undersized to Mark Clayton would quickly emerge as one of the NFL's most skilled players at his position spend ten seasons with Miami and have his ultimate destination be the dolphin Honor Roll you got a guy like a Mark Clayton that I don't care how small hole is he's gonna find a way to get in there and sit down and catch the football Clayton was only five foot nine but combined his great quickness and speed with precision route running and terrific hands Mark Clayton was one of the most fierce competitors you could ever play against Mark Clayton was one of those guys that would not be denied he holds every record there is in dolphin history as far as receptions touchdowns he was Marino's go-to guy it was a small receiver but he became a big receiver in the secondary his ability to jump and go up and get the high through the receiver while he was - he was a five-time Pro Bowl player earning trips to Hawaii in 1984 1985 1986 1988 and 1991 his 1984 season is arguably the best season by a receiver in franchise history as Clayton in only his second year in the league caught 73 passes for 1300 89 yards and 18 touchdowns those 18 touchdown catches were an NFL record at the time and still are tied for being the third highest total in league history so inseparable were the Marx Brothers that you couldn't think of one receiver without the other one of Dan Marino's favorite target a dynamic play making wide receiver for many great seasons with the Miami Dolphins Marc duper back in the 80s he was known as super duper he is the Dolphins all-time leader in receiving yards and combined with Mark Clayton he was part of the Marx brother [Music] [Applause] considered one of football's most electrifying receivers over his stellar 11-year career mark superduper was primarily a track star at the tiny Northwestern State University in Louisiana however an impressive performance at the NFL Combine put him on the Dolphins radar and he was selected by Miami in the second round of the 1982 NFL Draft mock dooper number 85 a student of receivers coach James Shula as well yooper did not stop until the season's sixth game but with Olympian speed he still broke Paul's Warfield's record for receiving yards in the season and averaged just under 20 yards account [Music] at five nine 185 pounds duper is tough as a 50 cent steak and defenders who tried to stop him down they bit off more than they could chew [Music] forgets her behind anybody Katie bar the door he runs the 40 and [Applause] Louisiana State [Music] laughs choice I think he's probably won himself a job you only got one chance to make a great first impression in Dan Marino's first start for the Dolphins in 1983 Marino and duper formed an instant bond as duper caught seven passes for 202 yards and two TDs on that afternoon from that beginning duper never looked back a three-time Pro Bowl selection duper was selected as the Dolphins outstanding receiver three times and was named all AFC in 1984 I was always do I remember we sustained in ministry sometimes barefoot you always run into cars and there was always there was only one plate go deep no time he goes deep has super [Music] behind anybody by the door - duper - Clayton the style of defense that they were playing at that time was pretty much heads up man to man the opening game of the season against arrested he caught that ball at the 40 yard line right on his fingertips touch it to his body and just put it away the defensive back James you know he was a track man playing football he pumps once going deep man down there it is interfered with the pass was not caught but there was intended for Mark Cooper and interfering was Deion Sanders you know I don't care who you are and you could be a Hall of Famer and you can be you know playing those two guys you know man-to-man bump and run or off they're gonna beat Cooper had him step first step we didn't like running the ball [Applause] every time they would come back to the huddle they would always insist that they were open and that they always wanted the ball and that's why we like the bag because he was still changing the play we still with branding like running the ball deep for Cooper that was the merino an uber show that game right there spring plate in 85 and duper 83 to the left side and forced the Redskins to bring both quarterbacks to the same side out of position the speed of Clayton and duper together forced the Redskins secondary off stride and basically that's what happened they rotated its own that way release and I threw the ball because I was safety that he was covering that outfield didn't get over and time and he made the catch and [Applause] three play cod and man they were unbelievable I mean really they was food in our style of play then was you know we had a lot of big plays and we're winning games were throwing the football see a week ago at RFK Stadium he picked her right up where he had left off with five touchdown passes against the skin you've got to credit those fine wide receivers little guys Don Shula was telling me that normally he doesn't like small wide receivers and he's got Clayton and duper both of whom are five nine but Shula says they have such a tremendous vertical leap they play like they're about six four little guys going up in the air and catching the football in a crowd and moving the ball down the field and you know putting a lot of points on the board they constantly reminded me that they were making me a star [Music] [Music] you in spite of his youth Marino's leadership role on the Dolphins has come naturally and the seemingly innate relationship with receivers Clayton and duper that has produced 26 touchdown passes has also survived some volatile moments I kind of warm my emotions on my sleeve and was out there and I would yell and scream a little bit question was call about a pass in the fence that I thought that that he should have called in dan come over there telling me shut up and everything Danny he continued it on the sidelines but he was using a few choice words don't hand I told him if he couldn't talk to me any better than that don't say nothing else to me at all and it looked like we were a fight because a couple of players were or around us was telling us just forget about it and they were pulling us apart from each other like we was getting ready to start boxing on the sidelines and not necessarily at other players as me cuz a lot of times I was upset at me and I and you know you look at the camera they look like oh he's yelling at duper I did that so you know the year in 84 that we had we were just trying to win football games you know and we didn't I didn't look at when we were doing it and we ended up breaking records and all that other stuff it at the time we were just trying to have fun win games and it just kind of happened [Music] wow we got you know I had 48 touchdowns you know what we threw for 5,000 yards Clayton Clayton broke the touchdown receiving record it was the one thing though about do but I always bothered me it was he never died for the football I see if they had water that on that and I was about to take that dump in the pool that's when you dive not on the football field there was always this back between duper and Marino and I'm like man I started yelling I mean should have dough for the boys and you know boys a damn listen they don't pay me to die for the ball they pay you to put it on the money Maurice is the duper you know I tell you perfect passes and you don't you thought I'd go get well he didn't tell him that this is what he really told you're making all the money hit me in the chest Danny and I throw it in the end zone it was you know a little bit stretch he would have caught it he didn't do it since you couldn't overthrow me if your life depended on it Marino and true enough you know Danny would try and overthrow him every night and it looked like he got him excellent protection throws deep man and somehow another duper being a track I had that that second yet a third in the fourth gear and he would go get going deep he's got a band down there [Applause] hello I was like okay boom I'm gonna stick I brought this up I forget last week and I said if Moreno had these rules you would have thrown for close to 6000 yards I just think your ability with you were so far ahead of your time it was scary scary had and we had some you know duper and Clayton I mean they're they're they're somewhat underrated compared of you know a lot of the great players of all time you know at that position because they were special and I had them guys for 10 years you know together on one on one side one on the other and you know they were round in this game the way it is today I mean they would be running by people like you know like crazy second in five 248 Marino drops to throw as time he's firing deep upside I've been standing down here at the grotto years I've never seen anything like Clayton does every day that was an intercepted pass under any repeated it was concentration you'll never see a better catch than that he just took the right away from symptoms it's down at the two hot 28 is where they market Marino look the quick hand pattern shuts down going to mark Cooper Reno drops to throw has time going deeper pot so that only there's Moreno completes to do per 21 yards down to the 31 yard line as he planted deep on a deep post into the middle part of it the pen and Moreno drilled it right in the numbers to Moreno cut got lost at the sideline man down there [Music] here's the snap Marino back to throw Hey look fires across the middle wide open it's like that the 30 runs did the opposition at the 29-yard one answer more perfectly thrown ball super beating Bellinger 101 he could do that all day long in the pocket across the middle plate we've got it at the 45 runs for the sideline trying to get out of bound back to throw burrito Joe Moreno continues to slice him up taking whatever they give him he's thrown two touchdown passes one to do per and one to mark back to throw burrito here's the beef platter now the far corner it is just [Music] for the touchdown Keith from the left quarterback went up with him but wait what great concentration showing what a great racing though he has pump one fires the end bounce head pot break up down wait got it quick little yet dog corridor makes his fifth CD recession and boy was eric thomas beaten victorious dureena stop and go and they blitz David folks are on that play Cincinnati plant high-risk defense and they paid for that instance here's the play fake drops the throw as all day throws it downfield Marina will throw it it is 25 five yards the marc dopher he got inside the quarterback Steve Brown just a quick Papa slant across the middle and he had walking uphill with him there's Marino back to throw into the middle caught for a touchdown by Mark Clayton so the Dolphins on Marino's 18 touchdown pass of the season and he leads the league in that department jump into the lead seven a nothing against the Neches Houston defense second his seven quick drop Moreno out pattern caught on the far side by duper he gets out of bounds that's the throw fires across the middle cat quick like Clayton he's got a first down he's looking fires deep man open gopher he's got it at the 50 out of bound Dan takes a quick drop goes for the corner of the end zone man it was beating on a play headaches the quarterback so quit running around [Music] and then Junior Robinson her Fred Marian saved an even bigger gain he caught the ball on the far sideline cut it into the middle he gets back to about the two is why they market Ronnie with mattone whoops fires for the corner of the endzone [Music] [Applause] the defensive back wayne headaches and moreno goes to clayton for the second seventy second time in their career they lead the NFL all-time passing combination touchdown wise Marino the Clayton the 72nd career combined touchdown what a catch he went for the flag turned around the ball was there but so was headaches the defensive back and he took it right off headaches his body I don't even have to take the ball from Hicks there's the ball pops up in bounds and did all of them there's Marino play fakes to Higgs drops the throw fires across the middle in his 30-yard line Gooper looks and looks fires plucked by doofer at the 20 goes inside to the 15 to the 14 yard line here's the snap cincinnati showing whoops moreno breaks out of the pocket he fires at the pocket he fires man open at the 40 goes to the 35 this is plate at the 30 he's down to the 25 yard line he Jukes stepped away from the corner back over there a pickup of 25 yards you know who plays corner on that side Duncan great job by the offensive line and the remaining back of picking up the Blitz that came with six here comes the strong saftey Moreno great patience great courage staying in the pocket his ability to get that extra second enabled Clayton to get open and make that play possible [Music] let me tell you something about football where you at right now at Sadler's part of your life you supposed to enjoy everything that comes to and you know if people don't like oh well is they problem you know why me I heard Morgan I know you're gonna see this just a bit okay but when you step on that fear you know we're there yeah bit right you know and I got one move I'm gonna show here in one move maybe use Devon you get caught with it is your problem yeah take your hand out you see that see that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] while these two guys are little older the jokes are all the same like when I asked these two who is the greatest Dolphins athlete of all time walk do no hesitate to say okay they may not see eye to eye on everything but they do agree on this they were one of the original premiere whiteout duo's which helped the NFL evolve into a passing league in the 80s and early 90s Marino came in and Clayton I was down at it and then we hooked up together it was like from a running game to passing game and then we turn around then the Dolphins invented this four wide three wives and four wide you know one started that bar did you realize what you were doing 30 years ago with spreading you know you were doing what three wide back then with the three sometimes we did for you know a little bit of that 13 16 [Applause] but while they help change the game a changing of the guard in Miami could have slowed these two down Jimmy Johnson said he didn't want to go to the candy store with Dan as his quarterback as much as coach was relying on Danny and going to that candy store so I'm so glad that coach Johnson wasn't around like Dan going to the candy way you know it really that went down in the Jimmy Laflamme that we to change the plays in there you know he told he told you know that as long as you are the bull and you make the plate how can they say there you go Dan one there you go I I can't do my full Marino though tradition no I can't I can't I can't I even forget how to do it that's great good stuff good job [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] one of the 50 greatest walk in our way right now and wait till you see what my man has on mark duper is how you doing you are ready for the night aren't you yes it is you know it's a it's a great this a great thing that's going on the 50 top 50 players and we wish we could have more guys because a lot of guys that really did a great job for the Dolphins but I'm just happy to be one of them this is more than a football team it's like a fraternity hasn't Oh most definitely uh after football we we stay together we talk to each other with no we stay in touch and every day it's like a family what's this not gonna mean to you mark well it means great you know to say that the fans and the media and everybody is saying that I was one of the top 50 players for the Miami Dolphins and it's been 50 years since the Dolphins been started and that's a great feeling absolutely I got to ask you man the jacket looks great I know where you got that that's the alumni jacket but where'd you get the Hat well you know it's just one of the things right this year and as person it'll be great to see all the guys here tonight duper was inducted along with Clayton into the Miami Dolphins owner role on December 15 2003 the owner of four team records duper also ranks second in all-time receptions with 511 third in Korea receiving touchdowns with fifty nine and holds three of the top seven single-season receiving yards totals in team history duper also holds the records for the most 100-yard receiving games in a career and this season as he emerged to become the Dolphins all-time low leader in receiving yards at eight thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine Clayton finished his 11-year career with 582 receptions for eight thousand nine hundred and seventy-four yards he also scored 88 total touchdowns he is in the NFL top 40 all-time in receiving yards and receiving TDs he holds dolphins records for career past receptions and TVs as well as receiving yards in a single season at one point in time the den mark latent indem was the most prolific in NFL history a man who made magic with Dan Marino and Mark Cooper in the Dolphins high-flying offense of the 80s and early 90s one of the greatest if not the greatest wide receiver in team history Mark Clayton I'm going deep-clean turn around and you go deep right there and I thought he's just gonna throw me one else little cupcake passes and stuff just so make sure I caught it in 2005 Clayton helped punctuate Marino's Pro Football Hall of Fame induction speech by running through the crowd and catching one last pass from the legend thrown from the stage that God's real they ball like we were playing on Sunday Clair kids mom dad thank you guys hopefully I'll see you here someday because you guys deserve it I wouldn't change nothing in the world I brought my career ten years with that ten years with these group of guys and that's a blessing you
Channel: Face PC Gaming
Views: 82,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Entertainment, The Marks Brothers, The Underappreciated Super Duo, NFL Legends, HD, 1080P, FACE PC GAMING, NFL, MIAMI DOLPHINS, MARK DUPER, MARK CLAYTON, DAN MARINO, 1984, WR, SUPER DUPER
Id: 24o1XOxsmxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 13sec (2113 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2017
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