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god bless you god bless you this is prophet lovey and i welcome you this afternoon uh for a great time in the presence of the lord jesus and i believe that god is going to do something special for you i want you to share this let somebody know that we'll let somebody know that we'll let somebody know that the prophet is live and god is going to move in a special way amongst us today i'm going to be speaking briefly about the manifestation of jesus the manifestation of the lord jesus why is it the manifestation of the lord in your life does not equate what the scriptures say and what you need to correct for you to receive what the lord jesus actually came to do contrary to what people think the work of the lord jesus was just not on the cross but was just with his breath the beginning of what he had to do began with his breath so before i go into detail with this i need you to share this share this and share this and share this as many times as you can we're gonna hit this bang bang bang pray and uh god is going to move in a special way so i want you to do it as fast as you can let somebody know that we'll let somebody know that we'll let somebody know that the prophet is alive and god is going to do something special in our lives hallelujah amen so i want you to share it before the spirit of deleting comes upon me i know that we have today we are kind of live a little earlier than usual i just wanted to see uh to surprise you and tell you you know we can also uh come on live earlier so the people in the new york area are going to be happy the east coast will be happy yeah because i've been favorite they were favoring the west too much hallelujah glory be to the eternal one that lives forever and ever and ever and ever the lord jesus thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord oh jesus if you have shared and you've hit the thumbs up whether on facebook on youtube just type i have and we'll get moving and we'll get rolling hallelujah just do it as fast as you can and then we'll get rolling i'm looking at your comments to see if you're ready kaaba satire amen oh master jesus you're worthy of all praise you're worthy of all praise you're worthy of all praise okay i see people already i see people are getting ready i see people are getting ready i see people are getting ready we are almost there that is good bless the lord jesus oh zana you're worthy oh lord you are worthy forever and ever okay i think everybody is ready right we can keep rolling keep sharing and more people are going to come now i want you to read uh first john chapter three verse eight i don't know who's gonna read for us whoever gets it first you don't have a mic uncle rico do you okay perfect perfect okay yeah first john three verse eight uh-huh he who is sin is of the devil for the devil has sinned from the beginning for this the purpose for this purpose the son of god was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil one more time he who is sin is of the devil for the devil has sinned from the beginning okay for this purpose the son of god was manifested yes that he might destroy the works of the devil one more time he who is sin is of the devil for the devil has sinned from the beginning for this purpose the son of god was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil one more time he who is sin yes is of the devil for the devil has sinned from the beginning okay for this purpose the son of god was manifested yes that he might destroy the works of the devil now i want you to understand something the lord jesus did not come into this world to just die yeah there are two things that jesus came to do uh-huh teaches pop i wish somebody would know what i'm about there are two things that jesus came to do the bible is saying for this purpose for this purpose is not saying for many purposes for this one purpose so there is a specific purpose why jesus was manifest the bible even says for this purpose the son of god was manifest the word manifest there is franeo frannel means to be made visible [Music] not to come spiritually to be made visible let me tell you something that is very necessary the devil will never be defeated in your life the devil will never be defeated in your life unless jesus is made visible [Music] yes yes i wish somebody could be out of here amen the works of the devil will never be destroyed in your life unless jesus is made visible the destruction of what satan is doing is by making jesus visible you didn't hear what i'm saying i feel like i'm talking to myself that's good the children of israel always had god they always pray to god right but until god was manifest among them they could never be delivered okay i i wish somebody could hear what i'm saying dania was always with god yes yes but they were able to capture him arrest him and throw him in the lungs then the reason why he did not die in the lives then is because god was manifest amen amen the children of israel were before the red sea god was protecting them from the egyptians yes yes yes but until the cloud went forward and moses touched the water then it parted and the cloud went ahead of them they were not going to put the red sea wow the greatest things that will ever happen in your life it will not be by simply declaring jesus but it is by jesus being manifest wow wow that's so good thank you lord wow why is it that people filled with the holy ghost still have problems because the holy ghost is an internal experience it is an experience with your spirit and god spirit yes satan has no part with that hmm are you doing here but when that god that is within your spirit comes out satan can run [Music] but as long as he's hidden inside of you that's good listen to what the bible says he says greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world yes yes so unless that one that is in you comes out you will always lose in the world wow wow somebody's saying they're static on my microphone is my microphone clear hallelujah can everybody hear me are we good can you hear me if you can hear me just say yes i am here somebody says deepological i like that one ah we need to the apology we need that one can you write those ones down those aren't oh my daughter florence may god use you mightily in kenya to help those who are in need in jesus name may give you grace may my spirit go with you amen now listen to me clearly i will say that again yes greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world yes you see when something is inside of you let's say an example let me give you an example you may be a great actor no one will ever know until you're on screen yes right so it doesn't matter how great of an actor you are nobody cares right until that thing that is inside of you is manifested where people can see that they believe in you you see many of you you want people to believe in you you want god to accept you you want all these people around you to accept you but what is inside of you is either not good or it has never been displayed [Music] people will say well you know god knows my heart but what you're manifesting is your heart so if it is not good god is not going to work with you yes yes that's indeed so the bible is saying greater is he that is in you 1 john chapter 3 verse 8 he says for this purpose was the son of god what manifested deep it's good you can be a child of god you can be born again but if you have never manifested god you will always be in trouble satan is afraid of those people that can display jesus wow wow satan is afraid of those people that can summon the the lord jesus yes it is the presence of jesus that drives away demons it is the presence of jesus that breaks the works of satan yes that is why when shadrach meshach and abednego are thrown in the fire the bible says and the one that there is one more that appeared among them that looked like the son of god unless the son of god is manifested you will never be delivered your problems will never go away this is even true in the old testament yes the people who received the greatest breakthroughs from god yes were those that god revealed himself [Music] he made himself known to them yes amen amen so you can never have a victorious life as a believer yes a jesus yes you will never have a victorious life as a believer as long as as long as jesus is not manifested go to acts chapter 3 i believe acts chapter 3 thank you jesus amen let me let me find this verse i believe it's in acts chapter 3. actually it is acts chapter 3 thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus glory no no no no it's actually chapter four okay let me see oh jesus let me find this verse i want you to see now thank you jesus okay i want you to read uh chapter four yes sir from verse from verse 23 23 acts 4 23 now this is about uh uh peter and john went to the temple healed somebody they got arrested they got beaten up and they were told not to preach jesus anymore yeah okay so read from verse 4 verse 23 listen to this okay and being let go they went to their own company and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said unto them and when they heard that they lifted up their voice to god with one accord yes and said lord listen to their prayer they lifted up the word after they were beaten they healed peter rose somebody up he said listen to peter's statement he said silver and gold i don't have but what i have i give you he manifested the jesus inside externally and somebody rose up and walked um so they captured them and beat them up seriously you see many of you that are watching right now if somebody comes to you with a problem you will say let us ask god to give you a breakthrough you will never say what i have yes because there is nothing in you so you have no manifestation of jesus there is no evidence of jesus so how will you live a victorious life when you cannot summon the jesus in you at any time you want come on come on come on somebody didn't hear what i said this is good many of you in fact when you hear somebody saying i bless you you say oh you can't say that it's not biblical or you say you hear them say is a false prophet yet your scripture is saying jesus said go and heal the sick he did not say pray for them to be healed true you'll be the healer yes yes technically obviously our ability to heal is coming from jesus but jesus has given it to you manifest him yes if we are members of his body not of our body of his body what part of the body of jesus are you manifesting um [Music] wow that's deep you see people are so used to not manifesting anything when they see somebody manifest something they begin to fight i pray that you manifest the lord jesus in a mighty way amen whether you are the right hand the right toe the left foot the left mouth whatever it may be i pray that you manifest the lord jesus please let me tell you there is no victory without manifesting jesus it is a lie yeah it's good now read this listen to this listen to this and and said the lord thou art god which has made heaven and earth yes and the sea and all that is in there yes who by the mouth of thy servant david has said why did the heavens rage and the people imagine vain things yes the kings of the earth stood up and the rulers were gathered together yes against the lord and against his christ for of the truth against thy holy child jesus whom has a without has anointed both herod and pontius read that again listen to this for of a truth against thy holy child jesus notice god is only trying to approve jesus god is only trying to prove jesus so if they went there and said lord they beat us up for serving you god would have never done anything wow but they said lord look at how they have been resisting your son jesus wow he's paying attention wow somebody's not listening i'm giving you kids they knew how to pull the heart of god yes yes excellent whenever something is fighting the jesus in you god has to prove it but if they are fighting you it doesn't matter that is why i feel sorry for anybody who attacks me as a man of god if you want to attack me just insult me for the sake of insulting eh it wouldn't matter i can decide to [Music] to to to pray and god will deal with you just like elijah elijah was insulted for being bold and he summoned a bear to kill the children he did but if you attack now the gift of elijah elijah doesn't need to do anything god will deal with you because you are fighting jesus you're no longer fighting the vessel jesus that's the papa that's deep now listen to this listen to this 27 okay for of a true against thy holy child jesus so not their truth the truth they were fighting was the holy his holy son jesus keep going whom thou has anointed both herod and pontius pilate with the gentiles and the people of israel were gathered together for do uh to do whatsoever thy hand and thy counsel determined before to be done and now lord behold their threatenings and grants unto thy servant notice this he said lord look at these same people they have been fighting jesus for all this time now they are fighting your servant why is he why did he put jesus first he said i am a servant that simply is displaying jesus look at what these people they fought jesus from the beginning yes yes all these people you anointed him set him apart and i'm just a servant who wants to represent him more look at the threats they are giving me yes you see i'm teaching you prayer has codes yes yes this is good you say if you pray lord anointed me to be sharp prophetically to heal the sick god will never anoint you [Music] but if you say and you mean it in your heart lord that jesus may be known anoint me yes yes god will pour every bucket of anointing oil in heaven because god wants jesus to be seen yes because if jesus is not sin the father can never be known amen thank you jesus the power of the father is only manifested through the son that's good yes the holy spirit doesn't even speak of himself he speaks of what jesus will tell him so everything manifests jesus so jesus can return glory to the father glory now listen to this watch this keep reading and now lord behold thy threatenings and grant unto thy servant that with all boldness they may speak thy word by stretching forth thy hand to heal and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy child ah read that again listen to their prayer they could peter could only raise a crippled man he had not broken that barrier to do more this was the beginning so now the god beat the god center where peter prays he says lord i pray now father stretch your hand perform more miracles perform more deliverance change people's lives raise people uh people from the dead in the name of your son jesus that they may know jesus is reason yes yes yes yes somebody's not listening unless you want to be financially free you want financial freedom to display jesus you will remain poor wow come on you will never receive words from god come on unless you want to act and be the best actor so that jesus will be known you'll always be a mediocre actor yes unless you want to be a businessman that will reveal jesus you'll always be a regular businessman yes anything that you do when you're part of the kingdom that does not show jesus that does not make jesus stand tangible is a waste of time this is so good so good now keep reading watch this read that again okay and now lord behold thy threatenings and grant unto thy servants yes that with all boldness they may speak thy word yes by stretching forth thy hand to heal yes and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy child jesus notice what happened when they prayed what happened and when they had prayed the place was shaken god does not shake situations unless somebody really wants to manifest jesus wow why was there a shaking now i want you to catch this yes yes why is there always a shaking when jesus is revealed you see when jesus was simply known as a human being there was no shaking miracles happen but when the when jesus had died yes the roman soldier said surely this is the son of god the bible says that darkness covered and there was a shaking graves were opened right the moment jesus is revealed as the son of god there is a shaking that happens there is trembling that happened why is there a shaking it's because things that were dead have been brought back to life and wrong foundations demonic foundations sicknesses whatever they may be they are crumb they are shaken to the ground they are decimated because jesus is being revealed yes wow that's amazing yes amen it's good this is good there was a shaking listen to this and when they had prayed the place was shaken yes where they were assembled together yes and they were all filled with the holy ghost why are they being filled with the holy ghost again remember they were already filled with the holy ghost when jesus prayed for them and blew on them and said receive you the holy ghost then he said you shall receive power when the holy spirit shall come upon you the bible says and the day of pentecost came yes and everybody was filled with their with there was tongues of fire on top of everybody's head there was power that was given to them yes because jesus said you will receive power when the holy spirit comes on on you remember they're already filled with the holy spirit when jesus blew on them i don't know why people don't talk about this yes yes remember the day of pentecost i don't know if i should say this let me not mess people's doctrine please say it now it's okay okay that is for another time let me not delete this video because if i say that i will have to delete it but look at this the holy spirit comes upon them they receive tongues of fire they receive power they receive power but when they go through persecution they come back and desire to display jesus more they were filled again with the holy spirit they were given more boldness and they were given more power to perform more signs so if you say you are filled with the holy spirit yes dad what is your measure what is the measure wow because if you cannot perform signs and wonders yes it means you are filled according to the baby measure when you start performing miracles it means you have been upgraded again you are filled again it means your capacity increased and god can pour more of the content because if i have two glasses one is a small glass and another one is a big glass they will both be filled but their content will be different because one will carry more than the other yeah so if you're saying you are filled with jesus the amount of jesus you can display is is affirming the limits you have true wow it means your manifestation of jesus is according to your limit [Music] so to say i am filled with the holy ghost wow you need to question how much of the feeling wow because if the apostles were filled with the holy spirit they preached the gospel and saved 5 000 people added to the faith yes that day peter preached thousands of people got saved yes the same peter is is raising crippled people but peter is still praying father stretch your hands perform deeper miracles perform deeper wonders perform deeper sides do the bible says they are filled again it means that peter stretched his capacity they're trying to stretch their capacity in order for a deeper jesus to be revealed you see when jesus our lord said something i'm sorry i feel like i'm preaching and shouting come on baby but listen to what listen listen listen listen listen come on man catch this catch this please catch this we're catching by the spirit yes papa yes catch this by the spirit i'm begging you catch this by the spirit yes men who can display jesus are crying to be stretched yes those who can do nothing they think they have arrived wow come on hey come on those who display now notice this the bible says jesus had the spirit without measure that's what the bible says jesus are the spirit without measure yes jesus are the spirit without what measures measure i'll say it one more time jesus had the spirit without what measure it means that jesus broke the capacity that he he was the most stretched how do we know that because the bible says it like this and in christ the fullness of the godhead has been manifest in bodily form please find that scripture quickly son yes colossians 2 9 how can you read that uh-huh yes for in christ jesus the fullness of the godhead has been made manifest physically read colossians 2 9 for in him dwelleth all the fullness of the godhead bodily so unless the godhead can be revealed bodily you'll still be powerless the devil will walk over you wow you didn't hear what i just told you wonderful lord jesus jesus was saying that you will do greater things but you don't understand that those greater things are centered on one thing your ability to make god bodily because remember you are the body of christ yes so the more that body can display the god the more powerful you are wow jesus so if you cannot even rebuke a headache it shows you the amount of jesus you have you are filled indeed but you are bottle is so small your content is so small this is why you find people saying in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus father right now right now nothing is happening because the content they have bodily is small for him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all according to the power that worketh within you how much of jesus can you display is your problem not the amount of prayer wow fire come on you are where you are in life because of how much jesus you can reveal wow jesus this is why it is the most foolish thing to attack people that can display jesus more than you jesus amen even if they have mistakes you have mistakes too yes yes yes yes so what validates you to speak about somebody that can do more than you remember god told this to the children of israel he told this to to aaron and miriam he said until guys are afraid of moses that you would talk about him like this whom i speak to this way who makes me come down in a cloud to meet with you yes who else was making god come down like that they don't understand that the god they were seeing in the camp of israel was because moses was manifesting the god that is in him that he met on the mountain without moses there was no god in in the children of israel they were not going to see a pillar of cloud it was what was inside of moses that was being displayed wow when moses was about to die why didn't god keep walking with them god told him take what is inside of you put it in error in joshua and i will be with joshua as i'm with you so moses dies but the manifestation of god continues why because there is a joshua who is projecting the jesus in him externally yes when joshua died did you ever see another pillar of cloud in israel never no because mo joshua never took what was inside of him and gave it to somebody else if you do not yeah yeah yeah somebody's not listening to me yes thank you fire this is good moses is bringing god down yes that is why god was saying are you not afraid of moses who i speak to face to face are you not are you crazy god is literally questioning them he said yes you are prophets but are you not afraid of a man that actually can sum on me i can come to him face to face yes yes deep meaning that you are fools not realizing that it is because of moses you are out of egypt wow it is moses manifesting what i deposited in him it's deep this is good moses says to god god i'm tired of carrying this bird and god says don't worry get seventy elders and i will take of your spirit and put it in them and then i will manifest more in israel yes wow why is it dependent on moses because it is what is inside of moses what is inside of you today wow what is the content what is the measure of that jesus in you yes do you have jesus version one who can save you send you to heaven which is very good very necessary ah my brother the great apostle juma god bless you what a wonderful man what a wonderful man of god is somebody listening to what i'm saying yes papa yes yes yes yes can i say something that is weird say it yes what did the lord jesus say when the holy spirit will come upon you he said he would not speak of of himself but he will speak of me he will bring you to the remembrance of the things that i have said why because the message that the holy spirit will bring to you he will affirm you and fortify you in jesus yes not in anything else yes yes and you shall receive power when the holy spirit has come upon you yes if you receive indeed the holy spirit but your agenda is not to manifest jesus you will never be powerful it even fortifies and it means the holy spirit doesn't talk to you he came but you have not given him access to teach you about jesus that's the because the holy spirit only comes to bring what is of jesus to you it means he's a channel for you to download more of jesus so if the holy spirit comes upon you and it only ends in nothing more you still are not manifesting jesus i don't care how many times you worship you cry you roll over there is a strong presence but that presence is not doing anything wow dave i'm about to finish right now this is the issue that we have in the church from the beginning the pharisees were very well versed in scriptures they were even very versed in the holy ghost yes every year the high priest was encountering god the bible even tells you that the high priest prophesied not knowing meaning the spirit of god was upon him wow caiphus prophesied and said it is good for one man to die for the sake of a nation he was speaking prophetically 100 the bible says he prophesied unconsciously meaning the holy spirit was there but he was not conscious wow deep it means he was not full of demons he was full of the word the holy spirit spirit that is why first corinthians chapter two verse six two two to sixteen but if you read verse eight it says four verse seven says for if they had known they would have never crucified the king of glory so they crucified jesus because they did not know not because there was a demon in them so you can be making the wrong decisions because the holy spirit has no way to communicate to you and to reveal jesus to you wow wow having the holy spirit does not mean you have received all of jesus because he has to teach you about that jesus yes wow yes yes yes too much i feel like i'm by myself too much too much papa the holy spirit will send you a man called prophet love elias to teach you hey and when he teaches you the spirit of god will bear witness with you and say what he said is true and you will add more yes but if you cannot listen to a man come on because if my capacity is great and your capacity is less it means the level of communication the holy spirit can have with you is also small so he needs somebody that can reach you physically that can display that jesus that you cannot access physically yet yes more than you to show you something greater wow that is why god sends teachers apostles pastors evangelists prophets to you to benefit you to the edification what does it mean to edification it means to the building up what is he building up your content of jesus wow hey the lord jesus said i am the vine you're the one the you are the you you are the branches unless you are in me and i in you you can do nothing of yourself nothing so miracles don't happen because of the holy spirit they happen because of the holy spirit streaming jesus to you and you being able to manifest jesus fire that is why you cannot say in the name of the holy spirit no he's just a channel to bring you jesus wow the holy ghost is god yes but jesus is the only one that was made manifest physically so you see the holy spirit physically through jesus you see the holy spirit physically through prophet lovey you see the holy spirit physically through claudius you see the holy spirit physically through my daughter taran you see the holy spirit physically through luke you see the holy spirit physically through rosa unless you can make him physical yes and the only way the holy spirit becomes physical is through jesus i feel like i'm talking to myself yes [Music] you need to start doing things that stretch you i'm about to finish now i'm about to finish notice why did god the bible says that there was a shaking and they were filled with the holy spirit greater than they did before meaning that capacity was increased remember god is infinite if god is infinite it only means that he feels you according to the capacity you give him if it is up to him he will pour himself into you until you burst but he can only feel what you make available that's good oh that's good he will fill it to the capacity according to what you give him he will not take over you he will not possess you oh when people say holy spirit take over it's a lie he has already taken over the measure you are giving is the measure is displaying so unless you already do things that commend and push you to be stretched yes i'm going to give you quick keys three keys very fast keys to stretch you yes ready desire number one desire to benefit others not yourself amen desire to benefit others not yourself amen amen yes desire to benefit others not yourself number two yes number two did you get the number one yes that's simply in in summarizing be selfless yes number two be willing be willing to inconvenience yourself to receive a greater measure from god that's so good be willing to inconvenience yourself to receive a greater measure from god what does that mean if you love sleep so much if sleep means so much for to you like you know i've only slept what two hours at the most today i was the whole last night i was in my prayer room waiting on god praying tonight i may go back down there because what i wanted i got but i did not get it to the measure i want so i'll be there again what is in that room a carpet and one chair the apostles who are beaten chastise don't do this again they went and said lord we are willing to be beaten we are willing to be killed do greater yes some of you you love your sleep too much some of you you love food too much if you can't fast how can you expand yourself yes i'm not talking about spiritual inconvenience i'm talking about physical the content that will display jesus is your physical body your spiritual spiritual measure is already better than you know let me explain to you let me make it simple so that you understand the bible says that your spirit when you got born again god's took out he supplanted your spirit he put a new spirit all things have passed away your inner man your inner man yes is the child of god is the is the perfection of god in man in humanity the problem is you are working daily to make sure what god put in your spirit the joining that your spirit has with the holy spirit needs to be displayed through the soul and through the body so if your body and your soul are not being trained to project the spirit that is in you your own spirit that is already joined with jesus you are limited wow wow wow the discipline of sacrificial living as apostle juma said now tonight i'm not going to sleep i'm just going to stay up and pray in tongues until sunrise you push yourself when you want to get those squads you want to get uh you want your figure to be nice you are in the gym doing a hundred squats yes every day so that you can just pause on instagram like this but when it comes to serving god you can't do anything you pray five minutes you're satisfied that's why you are displaying a five minutes jesus some of you you have six packs until eight packs you have cramps because you did so many sit-ups but you can't inconvenience yourself with food but if you want to fast for a cleanse you'll do it but first for spiritual reasons you will not do it you're not stretching yourself but you expect god to use you so great so good you will be so consistent with jim never consistent in your prayer life but you expect a greater display of jesus you're deceiving yourself wow this one that is the last one is the deepest one yes all of them are deep but this one is the deepest one be a giver amen thank you father don't just be a living sacrifice but be a giver of sacrifices yes yes you see the priest is so important to god because a priest of god is the one who ministers before god and presents things before god we are a royal priesthood a priest who never has anything to display before god he's not really a priest wow if you keep reading the same chapter it tells you that they were giving so much that there was nothing lacking among them when this dimension came on them the bible says that they were giving so much that nothing was lacking among them they had everything they needed nothing was missing that people like ananias and saphira tried to enter the wrong way and they died yes that's what it sounds true in acts chapter four it continues to tell you about ana it tells you that there were so much there was no need among them people are giving people are giving and because they are giving there was a greater manifestation that is why people like stephen popped out of that place yeah a man that is being accused is shining like an angel amen a man who is not landed as deep revelation they were in another realm because they were stretched some of you there will be a need in the house of god you never want to give [Music] some of you you think you give so that all uh the pastor can look good no no no some of us we have other things we do yeah amen amen it's actually i don't know if people understand that amen it's crazy amen it is because you are in carnality that you think that you are benefiting a man not yourself when you give you're not giving to god you are giving towards yourself when you stretch yourself you're not stretching yourself towards god you are stretching yourself for your own good skill all these things come back to you they do they don't help god with anything what would ten dollars ten thousand ten billion do anything it's god's anyway right is god going to use it no but when you use it to the betterment of others god rewards you yeah that reward will be spiritually will be physically according to what you're pursuing that's good the bible is saying for god so loved the world he gave to gain the whole world god did not just snap his finger like thanos yeah and change everything he had to give to change the situation that happened in genesis chapter one true this is good but you want a greater capacity that god wanted mankind to have he could only do it through giving [Music] amen john chapter one yes john chapter one let me show you this john chapter one and i want you to read thank you jesus john chapter 1 i want you to look at this and then we'll finish verse 12 john chapter 1 verse 12 but as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of god listen to this to whoever received him gave me the power to manifest to become so you're supposed to become like who jesus jesus so if you're not manifesting jesus you're not really saved you know you didn't hear what i'm telling you that is the purpose for this reason the son of man came so that he can manifest god's bodily form the holy spirit came so that you are not loving so that you are jesus wow amen you can display manifested wow jesus so giving is manifesting god physically because god is a giver so when you start giving your manifesting god what physically so when you don't give you're not manifesting god at all wow wow you want to manifest the power side but you don't understand the greatest power or the greatest access to power is through sacrificial giving [Music] wow i want you to go right now and i want you to give towards the church yes i want you to give to us the church i want you to grab a seat that has number seven it can be seven hundred seventy seven seven thousand seventy thousand seven hundred thousand seven billion seven trillion find something with that number seven divine completion yes divine perfection your prayer should be lord stretch me and do it prayerfully if you will not do it prayerfully please don't do it i'm going to tell you again if you know you're not going to do it prayerfully don't do it but if you're going to do it prayerfully and you're serious about what you just heard do it but do it prayerfully lord this number seven is a number of perfection let there be divine perfection let there be divine completion let me be stretched beyond where i am what i was in 2020 what i was in 2019 in 2021 in the year of panim the year of the manifestation of god the year of the face of god let me manifest you in a greater measure go quickly and do it quickly the information is on your screen do it prayerfully quickly and then we'll be back [Music] every bird in every field every mountain i live here when i'm anxious lose my mind i can call you every time on my weakness [Music] [Music] without you [Music] you deserve nothing less of me lord i surrender on your ears so fill me full of your glory completely [Music] wherever you want me i'm yours [Music] so [Music] show me mercy once again cause without you god i am [Music] me [Music] me [Music] you're the answer that i need [Music] i am [Music] full of your glory completely [Music] me [Music] you deserve nothingness [Music] me [Music] me [Music] i could never get enough [Music] my [Music] is [Music] i just wanna get closer to you i just want to get closer to you now breathe just wanna get closer to [Music] you take me to your secret place [Music] is i just wanna get closer to you [Music] i just wanna [Music] i just wanna get closer [Music] you [Music] is [Music] i just wanna get closer to you now i just wanna get closer too [Music] i just wanna get closer to you now [Music] you're so mighty but you're full of compassion you're the giver [Music] all i need is [Music] glory glory to you my heart sings perfect [Music] glory glory to you to worship i lift my eyes to seek your holy face i'll leave my voice [Music] you surround me with your grace forgiving the way that i've been and you're changing upon worthy wonderful awesome powerful glory glory to you my heart sings perfect i glory glory to you [Music] to worship [Music] to seek [Music] uh i i want to i want to pray for you now i hope you're ready for me to pray amen put your right hand on your heart and your left hand on your head i want you to listen to this prophetic instruction your right hand on your heart and your left hand on your head father i pray for everyone that is watching right now i pray o lord that whatever hindrance is in their life whatever limitation they have in their life that is preventing them that is stopping them from seeing you from experiencing you from displaying you i remove it in the name of your son jesus thank you i pray o lord my god that today this night or whatever time they may be watching i pray father that there will be a shift there will be a supernatural shift that will launch them to a deeper place with you like they have ever seen before i pray o father a greater display of power a greater display of your presence at greater display of your love will be projected out of them i pray all this in the name of your son jesus amen amen amen listen to me i want you to watch this message again pray play it back again rewatch it send it to everybody let somebody be blessed because of what you have heard today yes i love you but jesus loves you more and i will see you another time shalom you
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 5,667
Rating: 4.9855332 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 19sec (4039 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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