The Man Who Cheated Himself (1950) FILM NOIR

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[Music] [Music] yes your desk I never go through your desk darling why did you have the door locked I wasn't expecting the pleasure of a visit how would I'm not used to being locked out in your own home I know it's your house your roof your bedroom I just sleep here my apologies you're an ingrate Howard and weak I'll pity you after I get my divorce and when may I ask will that be I'm starting it next week happy thought well fire on an afternoon like this what were you burning old love letters Charlotte Helena food they're too smart to write incidentally thanks for not stopping my bank account at least I could buy a plane ticket to Seattle that's why I left of course gives you a new boyfriend much more latitude Oh is he by the way when did you pick him up three years of misery too late good night angel and don't forget to change your will you'd hate yourself on your little pink cloud if you accidentally left anything to me [Music] lieutenant Cullen homicide division homicide detective Cullen no no no lieutenant Collins busy right now this is his brother who's calling what did she say well go on I'm saddled with you maybe you shouldn't have sold him on taking me off Market Street I've got you as of now that's your desk you City on you got one week for your honeymoon starting Tuesday and the chief hopes I can teach you something I doubt it so do I we've never agreed on anything yet at least we'll be figuring a case from two different angles here for me open it one of mine chant wander one of your baby shoes like mom had fixed we'll put them both on the mantel thank said there's a lot of Market Street mileage on this I'm gonna rest my dogs for a year pressed him on your honeymoon you got plenty of leg work when you get back Oh a gal called you a minute ago who I know she hung up what'd she say nothing wouldn't be the one would it rot one the one it's been under your skin the past few months look at I know it's none of my business you've always played your women pretty close to the vest but why don't you find a girl it's good for you like Janet is for me settle down reforming me bad chance this one's good for me she's you know good but that's the way it is all right you don't have to tell me your name see you later right hello-o heed I've been trying to reach you you know you're not supposed to call me here edy I've got to see you come right over hurry why have drink with your husband oh no no no he's got to the airport he's flying to Seattle listen to me he's bought a gun he's planning to kill me I know if it can't be any other reason wait a minute you don't make sense he's going to Seattle what he's gonna kill you he is he's not ahead of me to do with guns before I can't find it but there was an inspection slip on the floor in his room he must have burned the wrappings he had the door locked please Eadie okay I'll be over soon as I can hey you were the blue Kupe hi Janet what happened you got a week starting Tuesday wonderful what would Andy and I do you'll find out see you and stop ducking every time I try to thank you with Andy salary now we can have an apartment what were you gonna do with the mug before bet I'm down in your studio come on celebrate with us ham and eggs sorry got some business blonde or brunette I am beautiful what's that have you been playing Santa Claus again something for the living room you can put flowers in it how's my working gal huh I like it well you're married into a mighty fine family what is the plan if anything happens to you I'll have a spare Oh ed you took so long the servants I'm alone I've been so frightened in stop shaking you're alright maybe he bought it for me Oh and that's not all I found see this there was a letter for my lawyer how about a will I know he's seen it because he put it back in a different place he's planning something what am I going to do first pour yourself a drink and calm down calm down is it a nice calm feeling knowing that someone's plotting to kill you when I remember thinking that I was in love with him it turns my stomach once I believe that he loved me what a fool I am he was in love alright money my money he worshiped he adored it loves it so much he's ready to murder to keep it it's murder don't you see that's what it is you're a big girl now cut out the Tantrums you're the only one who can stop [Music] how where's that gun on the table no I [Music] didn't know what I was doing didn't mean hospital get him to the hospital two slugs in the chest I didn't know what I was doing I saw the balcony door open what do we do I hadn't anyone else he brought me to it well you know that him well you know what he was planning he was planning to murder me it say something think of something you know the truth the truth can get you 20 years hid are you going to arrest me operator get me the Municipal Airport United Airlines I'm trying to locate mr. Howard phrase of trying tonight to Seattle has he picked up his ticket yet Fraser no it's still here what time is he leaving 11:50 so I page him for you no thank you he's probably still in town there's a chance you'll help me oh you won't get into trouble not if I can get him back to the airport Airport he set up an alibi for himself it's gonna work for you he checked his bag at the airport parked his car in the garage so what the parking ticket would show he didn't use it again but he got killed and robbed at the airport too bad he didn't stay in the bar instead of wandering around outside in the dark I've nothing I hope to help me down with the car with him yeah night watchman private Patrol get my hat and coat get back inside take a sedative whatever happens you don't know hey wait a minute there's a third slug don't let anyone in that room do you found the bullet hole and covered it up excuse me do you know whether we can reach the main airport buildings this way could you please tell me if we can get to the main buildings this way [Music] really the manners of some people I asked him a simple question he might at least a film he didn't know [Music] 71 on a case right for another blonde sound like my brother say I hear that kid's gonna get married I'm gonna be best man what are you doing here looking for green coast some guy got knocked off the airport lucky you're driving a blue one I could disappoint that fly you wouldn't do that to me would usually comes across when bonded further Phoenix you're holding up traffic [Music] or Frazer 34 married to 3/7 Oh Del Mar driver's license numbers c8 1 9 7 6 ok that's it bill I'll have these checked at the lab for prints send me four copies of the report well you sure hello doc doc just a couple more questions what about time of death not less than 2 hours ago not more than 4 knowledge we might make it more exact but that's the best I can do right now ok thanks those blood stains on the shirt do you notice the way they went in two different directions so well maybe he wasn't killed around here at all possible probably happened thrashing around before he died disappointed no no no no just checking you're as bad as your brother thanks for the compliment no more questions no no not for you doc oh here you are officer I must say we're a little tired of this waiting I'll be honest yes indeed dear we have every desire of course to assist in the workings of justice we do wish they'd work more quickly well lady we'll try and hurry them no mr. Quimby can you help us fix the time a little more exactly I mean when you saw the other car discovered the body well let me see now I should say it was in the neighborhood of 10 o'clock what do you think Muriel yes dear as a matter of fact it was exactly 10 you just looked at your watch we were worried about meeting Gladys course ten o'clock it was if we were to see a friend off an old friend of the family's thanks know can you add anything to your description of this other car green coupe a said it was medium-sized not new unfortunately I was on the far side wasn't ironist naturally all I saw was a dark shape and the headlights I'm afraid I can't help much more it was just a car green of course and it could pay I had a green coupe a back in 1931 in division 1933 did you see that was the year yes thank you now was there anyone in it mr. Quimby besides the driver well let me think no when I leaned out and asked my civil question no no I'm sure there was only the driver man it was what did he look like just a man Oh Edie lieutenant this is mr. and mrs. Quimby they saw the Honora boy I don't mind me okay what did he look like this driver well he was just a man he had hat it was pulled out is there anything else you noticed about him was he big small I really couldn't tell you what my impression and mind you it was only an impression was that he could be described as well medium wouldn't you say medium was the word well well sorry you didn't see him no what about his coloring was he dark would you say or blonde I'm afraid I really couldn't tell you I suppose as a guess he could be described as medium the fact is officer I really didn't see him at all well we won't need you and your wife any longer mr. Quimby's Thanks you're sure we can be of no further assistance we're only too glad to help you know goodbye so the chief finally caught up with you yeah why don't some of these characters get knocked off in a day time well I think I've covered everything why would he bring up to date no I got it on the phone this fellow what's his name Fraser Howard Fraser Fraser was found outside the parking lot his wallet near him empty was booked on the 11:50 to Seattle Quimby saw a car which might have been the guys at Brompton Pratt no no there's more to it than that Fraser parked his car here at 7:00 no dark months and says the latest he was shot was 10 that makes it three hours he was here at the airport I can't figure out what he was doing here all the time hating having a drink meeting a dame I don't know about Dame's but I checked with a bartender in the headwaiter knives I'm saw him tonight give him busy Dawson come in here no it looks like robbery but I can't think why a guy would shoot unless Fraser put up a fight and he isn't a bit marked up yeah oh this is the night clerk a telephone call for Fraser came in around 9:15 how was the call about well the fellow said he was trying to locate Fraser he knew he was going to Seattle and asked if he'd picked up his ticket I told him no he asked what flight he was going on I said 11:50 I offered to page him for him but he said never mind if it wasn't till then he was probably still in town would you recognize the voice have you heard it again I might anything unusual darling sort of deep okay thanks you can get some sleep good night good night well looks like you covered everything so far what's going over to phrase this place maybe someone there can tell us some more your phone there yeah no no I was waiting for you thought we'd do better if we could catch them off-balance if there's anything to learn you're learning awfully fast I'm still trying to figure out what Frasier was doing at the airport for three hours why make it tough on us what do you mean this is your first case don't bid yourself up to a letdown well I don't catch him look this job's like most of your check leads run them all down you hit the right one she wasn't telling me that freaky is my street was at Del Mar yeah well this is something I'll never get used to some of them cry some of them fainted the ones who just look at you well let's get it over with yeah I guess breaking the news is kind of rough don't think of Janet and how you'd feel you want to skip it this time kid I can handle it for you yeah thanks you're sure it's okay lieutenant Cohen Police Department like to see mrs. Fraser it's after one night it's important very well [Music] very it's Alvin man come in Yubel Hellmouth about half an hour there's a lieutenant color of the police department to see you I didn't want to disturb you increase I love here yes ma'am [Music] I can't start fight ducking things like this yourself this is phrase that we'll see you upstairs where did she rather come down she said her sitting room sir this way [Music] [Music] come in mrs. Fraser yes I'm lieutenant Cullen police department there's a detective Cullen why what is it is anything wrong it's it's about mr. Fraser I'm sorry to have to break it to you this way your husband was killed tonight at the airport she was me the plane no he was shot sure I'm sorry to have to question you like this but that's all right if I could be of any help won't you sit down you know your husband was going on this trip of course he was flying to Seattle salmon fishing he he often does do you know what plane he was taking I I'm not sure he left before dinner it was still daylight he wasn't in business just social life Cole all that did he have any any enemies that you know of of course everyone liked Howard he was kind thoughtful oh I just can't believe it I can't believe that anyone would do a thing like this his wallet was found near him with no money in it but he always carried a lot of money on trips like better I often warned him no please where is he could I see him he's in the morgue [Music] around us over quick no pillows keep a head low feet up is she all right should we get a doctor no no told you these things are tough that's it thank you I'm sorry is is there anything we can get you no it's just what oh yes about Howard being robbed maybe someone want to make it look that way tell me mrs. Fraser your husband mentioned an appointment with someone at the airport no he didn't say anything about it to me where does he keep his correspondence well any letters oh and if they would be in his room across the hall mind if we have a look no no no no need for you to come [Music] nice lay on a canoe out there he's been burning something [Music] [Music] [Music] nothing here but some bills and some invitation this locks been broken [Music] what's as if it's been jimmied [Music] doesn't look like a professional job [Music] I'd lock on the French door I wasn't broken oh it happened last week we came home late I forgot my key we didn't want to wake the servants so Howard climbed the balcony and broke in Wow razor that's that apologize again for putting you through all this but we have come down to the morgue to identification yes of cause and if there's anything else if you think of any reason why mr. Frazer was at the airport for three hours let us know good night alright but what does a guy do all that time you didn't eat didn't have a drink didn't even buy a magazine holiday flew on the time where was he what did he do take it easy we'll find out say I felt sorry for the wife didn't you see sure the type you go for too rich for my blood feel sorry for the man Hey suppose suppose the body was moved the way I suggested to doc Munson saying the three hours have you explained by better learn one thing never take a case to bed well you be Janet to that one look ed I wouldn't ask it this is my first time out I'm doin alright kid do any better and I'll be out of a job [Music] both the bullets a 38 caliber I'm not sure but I'd say the gun had a short barrel about this hmm yeah couldn't possibly do that your guns practically brand-new there's no record of in this office well thanks thanks a lot all right well I got us nowhere as fast we know the gun we're looking for what do you want a life-sized picture of the killer I want to find out more about Fraser and mrs. Fraser why fool around with a gun one meter to keep your coat on check the gun she want me to put an ad in the paper very funny why don't you get smart and cover the pawn shops why I thought pawn brokers are supposed to report all deals with guns yeah but they take that time we can't afford to waste any okay chief hope this guy was dumb enough to talk the thing suppose he kept it her dumped it in the bay mailed it to his mother hey will you keep out of trouble of Amara I've got a delivery at the church and why haven't you called me is everything all right I haven't had a chance whom do you want no this is eight seven you got the wrong number five minutes where have you been to see Janet I thought tonight was supposed to be strictly stag yeah but I I had to ask her something we're gonna put off the honeymoon well that won't be necessary I'm gonna be gone a week I can handle things bring it back look at this is my big chance a good one postpone the wedding - no sir where to mrs. Cullen we got 14 hours Paris Rome Singapore Singapore [Music] and II the signal says stop nothing stopping us today baby [Music] first ticket [Music] let's see your driver's license oh it's you color yeah didn't recognize you all dolled up at the car either it's my wife's I heard you were gonna get married lucky guy congratulations mrs. color thank you I was talking to your brother about the other night on the bridge oh when was that Saturday night haha so that's where he was yeah he was headed for Sausalito with a big smile on his face tell me did he have a girl with him all alone why well he's he's been holding out on me say you trying to get me to forget about this ticket she's not gonna give us one are you I have to I know you're floating on air but don't try it - intersection [Laughter] [Music] no I'm very curious about B [Music] now I know all about you I just want to find out where we're going presidio coming up rather go across the bridge Santa Rosa seal rocks I want to look at the ocean all I want is to look at you aren't you tired of that rather be checking fingerprints done what mrs. Cullen crime and San Francisco can take a night off [Music] yeah your Airport killers on the loose again what makes you think so you know the Martin liquor store holdup last night yeah here will be owner quick two slugs in him just like Fraser they dug one more out of the wall same gun I get for gun no but all three slugs match the ones out of Fraser have a look [Music] you can't ask for better odds than that the one on the Left killed phrasing the one on the right mark looks like we've got this character for both jobs no matter which one we catch you on yeah if you catch it thanks thanks a lot say did you ever figure out the yards or no two guns with marking the same you'd hate to count up to it by millions [Music] every third Precinct hello Snyder ed con that Martin job who's on it Olsen alone well we're short-handed here too but I'm sending someone down to you right away good keep me posted yeah where do you hide out then with Doc Munson about Fraser's body being moved there you know that liquor store shooting last night yeah bullets were out of the same gun that killed Fraser it's funny what's funny it doesn't make sense dream on your own time with you this is a hot lead get down on the third Precinct and work with Olsen right when do I see you later after I cleared up a couple things [Music] and what's happened your Soleil is anything wrong nothing's wrong are you still angry about that phone call I will be if you do that again from now on I get in touch with you when it's smart so don't mess things up are we gonna get away with it well we'll be getting the breaks so far the ballistics boys found a new lead on the gun you said the gun was in the bag it is I never thought it could happen but it has or two guns in my match I saw the bullets let me a cigarette will you darling [Music] do you marry me you're cops right do you want to keep on being a policeman what else a lot of money what's a million or two between friends I'm serious I just happen to love that goes double and why doesn't marriage appeal to you tried it twice what makes you think it would work this time what I did before doesn't prove anything I've loved you ever since I've known you yeah but I know you're too well with me you change your mind to affairs when you're through you're through just trying to find myself the build anew like somebody else that's why I've married twice but you you're afraid you look so sure on your sounds [Music] easy baby watch that temper Oh ed let's get away from here a South Seas anyway I hate to be stranded in the South Seas [Music] do you think I'd ever leave you we'll find out anything at the airport parking lot guys that he might heard the shots and taking them for airplane motors warming ever backfiring didn't see anyone no yeah it looks like we'll get but nothing out to here that's your gun you sure positive absolutely sure absolutely sure woman prom mrs. Kappa 22:43 oceanfront thanks Russia's gonna save me a lot of trouble let's go this the gun looks like but I don't know much about the guns you took at home John John John we are pleased to tell of this event about the Ghana what you said top of the Sailor 71 guess Lagaan Italy we little bit a tradition of years much a lot of random you see I got it so right to go back to my work not today come on please gonna take me Oh your wife oughta be back by now [Music] like I told you by the boat it's not there when we go out it's there when we come back in the net what time you say it was about 11:30 in English please when I come home I give her the gun to mama yes and I put it here in the drawer with my dishtowels cover does anyone else know it's there oh no no no one was here when we were alone when I put it in the drawer I meant a lot of Kosala today for money filled by someone new cuckoo box huh you want to see my cook pots nice and you ever mine anyone else live here we have a boy in need Oh Oh 20 he was 20 last Tuesday three weeks ago he did not know about the gun no need oh never he's in the kitchen only to eat where does it work oh yes a no job in huh no job now but he's a good boy oh he's the angel painted nude oh he's a gentleman he speaks crap he's gonna get a good job he's gonna make a lots of money where does it do night last night night before Saturday night he was here all night oh stop I'm all night where does he hang out days if he doesn't work when in doubt the scene even adored each other fantasy rock where is he now 90 go to school in Daisy look for work now what nights it need I'll have this gun need the gun you askin either myself or go to the club and ask for what club where I don't know where it's calling hello machete I lieutenant welcome I haven't seen you for a long time I just remember Haven yourself is lethal kappa kappa no i don't think he's come in today does he spend a lot of time here huaynito likes to play pool what would you have with that other house some other time what did he look like well is [Music] you haven't got a car I haven't got a car how'd you get to the liquor store cab I wasn't in any liquor store I didn't kill any liquor guy that's still your story huh oh I'm keep on riding me another two hours you won't pin a thing on me okay need out take it easy this is all very friendly we enjoy talking you you're an interesting guy have a cigarette I got my own cigarettes I'll ride up and take it easy you bet I will yeah this is Annie hold it Olsen's bag yeah okay send it up thank you know you're a peanut brain you make stupid mistakes what for instance we searched your room found a nice and clean huh my mother keeps it that way nice old polished brass bed we hated to take it apart how do you suppose we found stuff down in the tubing two rolls of money and when that door at the track is this the money how do I know I don't make sure you save it to buy those shop clothes while your mother goes around on a cotton dress my old man takes together you leave her out of this okay you wanted up the track how much was that 250 bucks 500 were stolen would you split with there wasn't any anybody else I tell you I won that it's a track is an interesting story about this money Nieto the man you killed after Widow I didn't kill anybody she told detective Olson she knocked a bottle off the counter while she was making change for a customer how would I know anything about that bottle of wine red wine spilled into the cash register still won this money at the track look at it Nieto that's not my doll you mr. planet it no sure we're trying to trick you but you're smart wonder what charge you don't get your story twisted and fall on your face what were you doing at the airport Saturday night Airport how is that any Airport funny your gun killed a man laughs I wasn't there I tell you I've never been at the airport belly is split with has he got a car it'll make sense you haven't got a car you asked me that I know I did but your friends have cars some of them were colors early who keeps track of the color black red grey brown take your pick no green no funny every other color but no green no look you know we got you on the Martin job why don't you come clean on this one what time were you at the airport Supremes afraid that you haven't got a car I haven't got a car well that's that but he killed Martin yes but why do you keep trying to pin the airport job on him huh I don't think he did it same gun but his father didn't find it till two hours after Frasier was dead so he says what did you lie to save your kid in my gas chamber cap gotta have the gun four months look at if Neto did do the Frazier job he had to have a car and he came all the way back from the airport just to get out of Fisherman's Wharf dump the gun on his father's boat just so he could use it again for the liquor store job after the old man took it home the how do you make sense out of that you can unless you believe the kid's parents heart skip the parents look you tell me what Frasier was doing at the airport till Neto got there if he got there for three hours when you throw out that crystal ball and stick to the facts all right then where's the money from Frazier's wallet why wasn't it stashed away in the same place I keep forgetting this in your first case you've got an awful lot to learn first never blow your top at me guess I'm overanxious that's all theories are okay but when you make out that written report stick to the facts okay why don't you relax it it could be you're on official business that's not what bothers me then what is the matter what are you worrying about it's Andy I hate to keep pushing the kid around double-crossing him blowing him out when he's right I'm glad it's only that I thought you might be sorry you'd ever met me know any reason why I should be Oh [Music] light music right with you darling but I'll be window stuffy in here mixes a drink I think I'm gonna go home turn it [Music] hello hello you been here just drove up why now what's on your mind well I wanted to check on something mrs. Fraser said what Marilyn we were talking about her husband yeah what she said he went salmon fishing because you know salmon fishing is closed till next season you walk out on your bride she lied didn't she but you could nod a bit longer and want some time off remember salmon fishing what are you doing here well night she was your type but I didn't think you'd start operating this fast how you doing maybe I tried to rush it I only got to see her for a minute isn't dead nope doctor's orders [Music] well I guess I wasted a trip to see in the morning [Music] I forgot to tell you yesterday the fashion editor said my last sketches were the best I've ever turned in aren't you proud of me I don't need my business darling what was been bothering you you didn't sleep much it's nothing what helped to tell me instead I can't figure him we're pulling apart and last night he lied to me can't be you're just imagining things you're too serious about your first case I'm gonna scramble some eggs you'll feel better after you eat something [Music] police headquarters please hello detective : give me Highway Patrol please hello is officer Blair there Blair Andy : listen remember you telling me about Ed's being on the bridge what time was it I don't know late yes I do you can find out from Radio the second hole points broadcast on your airport case came through I we were talking you switch me back to the board please sure hello Cullen again can you give me communications radio please radio yes Colin second all points Saturday night hold on Collin now that was called 28 to 8 in at 10:57 p.m. thanks very much [Music] you know something I decided to ask for a raise mr. Cornell's gonna be furious but I don't care this one's a better friend got some news for you brushed and found some nice fat fingerprints on the shelves eatos when he reloaded look at I I feel rotten mind if I borrow your car for a while want to go to the doctors sure hey you didn't have your first fight with a Janet did you I'm gonna have another little talk with Neto this afternoon about two o'clock will you be there yeah yeah sure I want to cooperate but I can't afford to have important said I want you to take a look at something yes I know have you ever seen this car before no that is the airport he did well he it was one just like this I'm sure what colors this green it's blue it's ridiculous you mean to tell me that I don't know what colorblind [Music] hi John can I borrow my husband for an early dinner where is he don't you know I haven't seen him since this morning wasn't feeling well went to the doctor that day why he just borrowed my car and skipped why would he do that he was driving on us huh what is it ed what's wrong I don't know what's eating him have you two been fighting maybe a couple of beefs about the case that's on the why I don't know it it's just that he's terribly upset something about your lying to him he left the house this morning without even saying goodbye what is it end I don't know look you go on home I'll find him if it doesn't show up in an hour give me a ring yeah yeah thanks mmm-hmm mr. Quimby's peking is lieutenant Cohen and my brother find you today yes he did I want to congratulate you lieutenant that was fast work it seems I misled you on the color but I'm sure it's the same car or one like it have you found the owner already mm-hmm Fiona no no we haven't found him yet Thanks [Music] there you been all day finding out a few things next time take a cab keep Janet posted she's home worrying about you what did you do it for head do one kill Frazer you drunk I wish I was as mrs. Frazer all along huh sure can dream him up I didn't dream up you telling me she was half doped in bed when I'd seen her at the window are you being on the bridge at 11:00 and tossing that gun off it I wish it had gone in the drink myself you know if the same thing didn't happen to a lot of rookies I'd knock your ears down give him one breaking suddenly the masterminds running around like hot tail beavers arresting the whole population you're blowing your top again go on home we're going in to headquarters head Quimby identified your car he's crazy no he's colorblind well that makes fine evidence 8,000 blue coupes in the city and you'll get married to mine I've been working my way up on the force since you were in grade school do you think I'd throw that away on a sucker play like this yes for one thing a dame you said she wasn't good for you look you're my brother ed I'd hate to send other guys after you okay let's go and see the chief somebody's got a snap you out of it [Music] [Music] mrs. Fraser [Music] Prison don't ask me any question know something it's not bad hurry I want to pick you up in ten minutes were going away any place you want to go tell you when I see you I said a Campari I'll tell you when I see you [Music] one eight one eight one two six Emerson [Music] homicide please is the tenant column there oh hello sergeant Olson do you happen to know where Andy is he did when hour ago oh good thank you [Music] [Music] add water Oh two three nine operator please keep trying I'm pretty sure someone's there operator get me police headquarters please quickly what time is that slightly even just about making hold two seats name is Johnson Harry Johnson come on should we take my car go take my hand him I got his hands in a moment first get the radio room on the phone it's on the floor now in the world and he find out he knows his business couldn't we talk to him reason with him I could make it worth as wild and he can't be born I don't believe that there's nobody can homicide and woman Louis Fraser wanted on murder charge couple believed heading out of City and police car license 1g three seven four four repeat an accountant woman all the airport's out [Applause] [Music] 3:7 reporting bus driver reports car which may be one three seven right in the middle episode up I take the wife home sure stay home whether you're not on this case Roger cradles want to make sure he stays home have him followed he leaves the house I want to report on any place he goes okay but I get Shaughnessy Andy doesn't know him right all right honey upstairs Olson said this isn't your case but get Olson what are you going to do it knows he can't get out of town for a while I've got a hunch I know where he is [Music] we'll make it I don't know I've seen him button up this town too many times before roadblocks are only six ways out of town but have a better chance if it were dark why don't we stop something [Music] but is Boyd [Music] I'll take care of the gate you drive in [Music] I fixed the gate the way it was it's alright as it is [Music] this is foot point I've never seen it and I used to play around here kids come on let's go up one flight just in case there's a trail alongside the bridge when it's dark we'll climb up to the restaurant where the totally other truck and stuff that the prophetís will get in the back of a northbound truck and that's there please [Music] see that watch town yeah get up there and get out of sight wouldn't that be the first place he'd look it's too obvious go on I'm gonna try bluff [Music] [Music] [Music] and [Music] so much longer and freeze it grab an hour let's get in out of the wind [Applause] [Music] we got time help yourself [Music] why you said it once I know this again you get me out of this let's go away something any way you might have caused it [Music]
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 286,569
Rating: 4.7497902 out of 5
Keywords: Lee J. Cobb, Jane Wyatt, John Dall, The Man Who Cheated Himself (1950), Felix E. Feist, FILM NOIR, homicide
Id: igBEhu95WBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 49sec (4849 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2019
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