The Malesso Crab Festival GUAM ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡บ ๐Ÿฆ€

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what's up guys welcome back to the channel today we're at the meso cab Festival here in meso we at the mother daughter Park we're going to go ahead and show you this virtual tour of uh The Crab Festival here again in AR here PI right behind me and we're having it all over there we'll go ahead and check that out let's go check it out this is a cool new sign that they have here in the marito pier let's go check out the pier first let's go this was a 3-day event which started Friday which ends today we just kind of caught the last ending of this jet ski race competition that they had earlier they even had some spear fishing I believe and yeah came just in time as the concession stands have just opened up we're going to go ahead and check out some of the cool sites here at marrio Pier and then I'll show you a virtual tour of those concessions little cool fun booths and even [Music] more [Music] they even have fish in here I'm guessing this is the catch from earlier from the spirit fishing competition that's pretty cool man [Music] as says last year it is a very special event it's a it's a 3-day event you can see right over here the crab this is the main attraction of this it's P C festival later on today they're going to have a crab catch contest and you can take these crabs home look at that [Music] [Applause] we got one we got two bins I see about one 2 three four five six six bins of crabs that's a lot of [Applause] [Music] crabs nice all right so this uh crab catching contest has been going going on since 2008 I believe I don't know what year it is but this is also the second return since you know pandemic and mayir uh that's pretty cool though this is the Crab Festival here in meso meso there's about six bins of crabs here very cool this is a 3-day event again uh Friday Saturday and today is Sunday today's the last day and on the last day you can get some crabs there's also some jet ski some fishing competitions and all this other cool water sport stuff that they have just down there near the marito pier I'll go ahead and show you this virtual tour it's also like a carnival all right so at this Crab Festival I like it because they also have these like carable games you know like remind you like you know like you're in a fair this called ping pong toss pretty cool there there some prizes here so if you're good at beer pong you can probably come and play this good stuff we'll go ahead and show you more this one darts game wow look at that $5 more darts and if you get it you get some money you know you get your money back that's pretty cool oh not bad what else they got here oh they have some banners here [Music] it shows you what it is money D pick a chick over here $3 a chick I guess you pick it up and under it hi under it is like a color color how like how do it go um so inside the chicks there's a okay inside will determine what you get oh okay some of them have little toys some of them have tickets they anything off the ni and then some have eggs anything on the wall okay that's cool my son's over there we'll see if he tries it out later I'm just gonna film a bit I'll come back to you thank you day this is really cool so they even have like the Duck game Lucky Duck so this one's called Lucky Duck and then this one it's like in the carnival $3 a duck and you pick it and is this oh there's numbers under right so under the duck if you pick it I guess those bins there show you which one you can get that's pretty cool th every time the chick so you're a winner every time so even for the wall or just the bins the wall is for the chick oh okay thank you have you tried this before no it's the first time okay so what it is is you catch a duck like this then you get to pick it up and see if it's number that's what you win okay try baby got you get done get done get done right purple pink pink BL yeah let's get that only one only one only one only one only one no no not everything only one pick only one color yeah there give it the lady all right now let's see one color and what number you have number three oh nice how your to one no no you only here baby this is the one that you want yeah only one pick one what color what color blue green okay say thank you thank you let's go baby and then there's also cool vendors here you know they sell cool stuff this is cool F bomb bomb bag I don't know what else they got of course beautiful son we're on Guam there's even some cool jewelry some nice Rings very nice rings and of course uh this one's like hand soap vitamins and more some of the vendors that I do see on all events they're here too so that's pretty nice and cool and I got this one I like this we saw them recently at the uog got some cool guns some dollar for that tool that's a dollar that is awesome very cool very cheap cheap Goods here at this Crab Festival there some play Snakes some slingshots I love the the pants the tie pants more yeah screw yeah they even have these cool swords not bad it says Gom USA that's that's cool man very interesting we're going to go ahead and get one of this can I have one of this thank you brother got a cool uh Adventure set tool box over here thank you got one and it's for a dollar look at that cool pocket knife if you need some tools got a little mini hammer that's about bad so this one is like you you play $5 you get four balls see how good you are and you can throw it in there so see how good you are in playing football oh very close there's a lot of people here but it does get busy later we're here pretty early so it's nice that we got some parking usually here you got to pay for parking cuz the parkings are full look at this this one has more [Music] toys some merchandise that's pretty cool gas Canam hat this one I'm not sure if they're ready prepared cuz I guess we're pretty early so they're pretty still setting up I got some jewelry beautiful jewelry over [Music] here oh they Pokemon crystals yeah not bad I thought that was something wrong for for a [Music] second this one's cool fish pond I guess you pull the stick and whatever's behind it has the toys you can get a kite and more you got some live band playing and we got some cool stickers and patches and more oh not bad you want to go have and pet the animal they have some food there's Aurora Del Sabor Mexicana food uh last year they had like a cool health fair in there I'm not so sure and then I'm not so sure what this one is wow so JY says it looks good and she wants to eat it later this one be tacos I like this I'm not sure what this food is there's tons over here there's even been more they they also have the pets uh pets and Giggles or goats and Giggles over here I'll show you that for a quick bit it is a $5 and you could play with the pets here at goats and Giggles that's [Music] cool turtles look at that hairy [Music] chicken all right so over here they have more food trucks over here you have have Ohana barbecue we have corn which we do love yeah look at that right there really good sir you dropped a dollar and there's also Uhl barbecue that's some good stuff the line here looks pretty long countries who are here to join us today we appreciate you very much and of course some drinks coming up we're going to have the Tua drinking contest for the female for the female category and $50 for the male okay start hanging up the bambo cups so uh we need 10 males and 10 females yeah the mayor talking about this is the sign okay thank you again enjoy the grounds the mesal craft festival we look forward you guys participating on the we got ta ta queno traz I think I remember this from last year that's pretty cool hamburgers cheeseburgers and more and then you got a beer garden over here Jam's house beer garden I love how they made a bar out of pallets you know and all this stuff not bad you got some drinks over here wow that's pretty cheap you got water 75 cent sheets dollar for two I'll be back I'm just looking and then you got a little tent where you can chill and stuff and then some drinks and I think over there is sticky fingers I do love Sticky Fingers they're really good more drinks over here uh pickled items and shave ice and more what they have yeah Sticky Fingers highly recommend these guys highly recommend that you get the [Music] please take the meal wow look at this there's funnel cakes over here we got Island crate smoked turkey legs and more really good all right so that's the virtual tour of the spot we're going to check out more events that they have here theale got some cool slime that's pretty cool from the little vendor that's awesome they're about to do the the tuba drinking contest and I do love tuba but this is for ladies first all right they're getting started for the women's tuba drinking contest they put tuba in here tuba is like a coconut moonshine yeah it's pretty good I enjoy the taste of [Applause] this watermelon all right whole cup of tuba that're putting [Music] in do you hear that she wants the jig from jigle to represent jig jig so how do you [Music] J with a two like this right all right and you're fromy from go there first all right Kath and we have [Applause] ala [Applause] Mexico the like Mexico FL thing what is that Mexican candy [Applause] lollipop Mar from Mar [Applause] [Music] 36 all right so we're checking every one [Music] out from Kore so all types of people from Mexico from Guam from different village of Guam even have a Korea over here that's pretty cool this is a cool event that I do love also I do love drinking tuba [Music] ladies understand you can hold the cup okay you must finish all the c t in the cup not a drop comes out when we shck so take your time enjoy the enjoy the sweetness of through that that KN and drop okay it's really good and don't don't try and push your neighbor not try push think of the dangerous out so anyways uh are you guys ready the car do not get it B it ready are you ready it on your mark get set [Applause] go this is not a wet t-shirt this is not a wet t-shirt next sh is finished raise your hand 1 2 3 1 2 3 you're done four remember number 3 four drop your C drop your C drop your C all right the secret is to keep it up as much as you can to get that last drop cuz they're going to see if it's builds or not so that's one of the things about this contest secret next remember number one number one right Franklin do it let's do it [Music] Franklin a that got me a number two number two number two [Music] [Applause] [Music] number three are you ready let's do it okay oh [Music] show oh that's pretty [Music] good [Applause] I think she [Applause] [Music] won all right so I joined I did this last year this year I Tred to win that's how it looks for this tuo dream contest they're setting it up we see if we can win this one J's going to film on the other angle cuz I can't use my hands was the winner for the last 3 years ago contest all right gentlemen you know the r set [Applause] go do not it [Applause] [Music] look empty hopefully hopefully it's empty hope 2 [Music] seven hopefully I think I did pretty [Applause] good dad I stopped and then play again are oh that one looking good looking good [Music] that number two still have it number four [Applause] [Music] here champion from last year hey I wanted to win and actually I kind of I kind of want to refill really [Applause] [Music] good this one in and we have a [Applause] winner just second place but I I just want to refill oh he got first you got 50 bucks all I want is another refill of that this tuba good stuff we got this one about $22 with is a heavy stack of plate this is A&L food pretty cool just waiting for my change and ticket thank you so there's also more stuff over here like um crack the bottle if you can see you could you could throw some uh I think baseballs and you can crack the bottle you want to try I'm good brother I'm going to get some food I'm just filming it thank you so we're going to go get some food from uh Aurora Del sabour we got the A&L we got the barbecue and rice we're going to head over to the Mexican food we'll go get some food over there here you go Aurora Del sabour let's see what they have to get hi help you to be tacos want be tacos yes just that okay you want a spicy or mile uh let's do spicy okay thank you I do love spicy food okay that's good that's good can I have a name for you order uh Mark Mark yes $15 they also have theales here look at that all the other good stuff and I have now chicken tacos thank you I'll wait for it thank you so yeah I showed you this earlier but this is uh more in- depth of what their menu is we got chicken tacos really looking good this burrito bowl looks it I got that last time oh man this one is good too I got this one taco we got in spicy four tacos there's some broth there's onion cilantro lime salsa all that good stuff here at a Del saor we're just going to wait for it I'll show you how all my food that I got looks like in a bit uh yeah and again we're here at the molesto Crab Festival really fun event um they always put have it every March it's part of the whole like mes chamoru thing for Guam so it's good stuff so if you miss this year Z next year March just remember Crab Festival this is our food look at that got squid you got pork you got rib you got a hot dog you got a corn under there and some macaroni good stuff's going to go ahead I'm waiting for M over here all right we got the consume over there and we got the be tacos right here the Cal's enjoying his own right down there but here is the line for the beer tacos if you can see it going pour it all over like a dry line thank you one a b we got to dip it into the did you all right kind of like a weird spot Fe but got the squid dip that bad boy into that [Music] vinegar [Music] wow I'm going drink this vinegar [Music] [Music] wow pork barbecue is also good I really got to drink this vinegar very spicy okayl in this rib like a T-bone steak wow got some [Music] goodies good Stu all right we just came and got Sticky Fingers we got the purple oreo with a Twist we even this uh little call number just got to wait for it over here that bad [Music] [Applause] [Music] boy almost time for that crab hunting uh that's going to happen in a bit take1 hi brother there you go thank you me [Music] too it's a hot day here but disco Sticky Fingers Up Next we got the ano cultural dance group check them out no if you you have see us go ahead and go to the front [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] VI oh oh oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] my ladies and my gentlemen by the way we are all one department of public education teachers we are myart Guan can we [Music] sayu can we [Music] say so these guys are actually teachers in the [Music] department [Music] for [Music] two [Music] Queen and queen and that's right ladies and Gentlemen let's protect the resources of our ocean huh okay G [Music] can I get the audience to help us out here we go here we go can you say for let me hear everybody [Music] un [Music] atiti this one's for you here we go [Music] Mommy sing it my friend [Music] s [Music] how many you guys find in your [Music] [Music] family [Music] [Music] where's the rest of our dancers we go I know we have more natur in the [Music] audience all right woohoo look at all our [Music] if you want to try it come up how about a round of applause for all the [Music] participants [Laughter] [Music] by the way we're coming up next after the crab okay I want to share one more thing with you all right we got some kid dancing on the side can we pull [Music] [Music] that you want to [Music] [Applause] [Music] see [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] like [Music] [Music] [Music] soor are people are living off island in the mainland again thank you so much for joining us today on our 2024 Festival okay this is our first year back again after of course Co and breadfood virus so we're glad we are very happy and glad to see your faces read the FR share of meso is very healthy for you okay so mayor's counil come on guys if you're here please join us Franklin Chu come on out John just one day back then it was a Saturday Okay so they approached me no why just one day why wasn't it three so we came up with with jenko uh mentioning it and Lita myself that we're going to change and going we're going to have mesal craft festival for the years to come and I hope that this doesn't stop here this doesn't is not the last year because the reason why the mayor is here because this is the last turn for the mayor as mayor of meso so we're honoring the mayor in that regard that he was the mayor that began the craft festival and it's going to end this pastes this year as this last mayorship of the village of mes I consider the mayor a friend a Rel as a part of this Village I want to say for literally asking the 37th Guam legislature to come out and continue to support and Advocate who we are as island people and what this cput does for us so in that asking we're here to present resolution number 34537 and ladies and gentlemen it's relative to recognizing the municipality of mesu the mesu mayor's office the Mesa municipal planning Council and the numerous part participants and organizers for hosting and coordinating the annual Mesto gupa tomorrow craft festival and commending them for promoting the tomorrow culture to the Island's residents and visitors I have we're here with the lieutenant govern Governor Senator Joseph Augustine secretary Senator Amanda Shelton our speaker speaker theres Senator Jessie Lan this is a bipartisan support we truly love youa hu to us this resolution is to the people [Applause] of that be mest be mest speaker please present the resolution of his term a 16year term he was only eclipsed by his father uh the late mayor and who served 20 years in office but uh for you mayor and the municipal planning Council thank you for opening the village to the people of Guam for this wonderful event all right so it's the ages 8 to 12 years old for the crab catching kids first I'll show you how that looks it is busy compared to last year but you see the L that you can catch crab okay if you it doesn't matter if you catch crab or not you're still going to get you $5 yeah give me your $5 good job corette [Applause] get all the please pay attention parents stay up parents go roll the parents it's going to be your turn going to hurt right and if you it doesn't matter if you catch crab or not you're still going to get your $5 yeah give me your $5 are you ready kids I cannot hear you are you ready okay hold up just turn it turn around and face the ocean everybody turn around face the turn around turn around face the street all right for the kids division there's going to be three lines and they give the kids $5 each for participating in the crab catching contest oh my God not yet not yet parents don't push your children all right three two one go get it watch these kids pay attention [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's go hands up on [Music] [Applause] [Music] can return theow [Music] back where's a lot oh nice I'm [Music] scared hold it hold it hold it just use your hand to if he bite you bite [Music] back all right so it is the 13 to 17 year olds uh they mix it up this year it's like man and female check it out's let's go Texas It's cool cuz people are wearing gloves and they have their rice sacks they're just going at it getting these CRA you guys are quick man so now it's the 18 and 54 and I think it's for the females only J's going to join it I gave her the GoPro but there's a bigger container of uh crabs I go see how much I can film for you guys check it out wom power all right are you guys ready hold on hold on we have to get the pin out women only two two steps forward women women let's try that again move backen all right C this area to go out do not touch the C not yet Julie don't touch the not yet do not touch the do not touch the c l you are a and holy [ย __ย ] [Music] big holy [ย __ย ] D want to your problem all right Champion I got two oh they all crabs that's cool all the girls are in he's going to die that is awesome look at everyone with the crabs look crab you want toou that's cool sacks of crab lady has a lot of crab you can see it awesome look at that that was pretty cool hopefully the GoPro got some good footage but uh now it's the senior citizens who are going to go get some grabs the molesto maror right here doing his thing now it's going to be seniors all these seniors I'm pretty sure jump in look at them with their ready to go this one I guess for the seniors they get three bins of crabs okay guys need you can use your pocket also okay back little okay you ready guys okay don't number one all the way and lift up one right here over [Music] here hold up hold up somebody [Music] here that one has a lot of crabs yeah please s it upside down and lift so the Cs can all go okay the lift it now lift it up up [Music] in ready one [Music] go [Music] [Music] [Music] get [Music] all how much you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] get that's cool man look at all the [Music] people that is cool man these guys are going around with all their [Music] sacks all right the CBS are yours to keep the are yours to keep yeah you back home wash it clean it and coconut milk you have [Music] look at all those crabs can I see your crabs awesome thank you look at that all right andj see you you see your crabs [Music] we got about one two three four five six seven seven crabs not bad they had Al a Crab Festival here at molo thank you guys for watching I'm going end the video here subscribe if you haven't like the video if you did comment down below what you think I'll see you next year The molesto Crab Festival here in molesto I'm out bye guys
Channel: Visual Postcards with Mark
Views: 4,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Guam, Malesso crab festival, ใ‚ฐใ‚ขใƒ ใƒ„ใ‚ขใƒผ, CHamoru, chamorro village, Gupot chamoru, Mes chamorro, Chamorro music, Crab festival, ใ‚ฐใ‚ขใƒ , Travel, Guam Island, Merizo pier guam, Merizo, Malesso village, Inarajan village natural pools, Agat mango festival, Crab catching, Crab hunting, Tuba from guam, What to do on guam, Guam events, Where to go, Jetski racing, Spear fishing guam, Merizo pier, Cocos island, Guam island, ๊ดŒ ์—ฌํ–‰, ๊ดŒ, Tumon, ๊ดŒ์„ฌ
Id: 6omv65ZZBWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 49sec (3229 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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