The Magic Forest of Spain - Go Wild

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foreign there is a magical Place full of life a place in Central Spain where everything is enveloped by an own forest and where every living being is essential to the harmony of the whole here only 80 kilometers away from Madrid everything revolves around these centenarian beings [Music] symbols of strength since Antiquity Hallmarks embrace one of the most fruitful ecosystems on the planet [Music] from the deepest of its roots to the highest of its branches everything is life [Music] life which is conditioned by climatic variation is usually a place of extremes the winter when temperatures drop below zero forces many to sleep for months and the summer when temperatures can reach 43 degrees Celsius can make some animals especially the most genetically weak succumb to the conditions if the rains weren't heavy enough however ottoman sprang with mild temperatures ranging from 14 to 24 degrees are the true spark of life [Music] [Music] after surviving the Blazing summer with Autumn already well established looking for food is easier for many animals [Music] the oldest Hallmarks begin to drop their gifts foreign [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] the acorns which are rich in potassium phosphorus and calcium with 30 water 52 carbohydrates and nine percent fiber are one of the most nutritious Foods in the Oak Forest for wild boars it's the best time of the whole year [Music] during this period they walk ceaselessly in search of acorns and sometimes they can cover 20 kilometers in just one night foreign [Music] [Laughter] their weight can increase 15 kilograms in 10 Days by eating only acorns although they carry out another essential roll too they are the forest farmers their powerful snout is able to dig up the driest and hardest land they stir up and mix the substratum under these big trees as they tirelessly search for earthworms larvae scorpions [Music] but above all acorns are the main component of their diet and that's teamwork the home Oaks Supply the acorns and the boars drain their land all right [Applause] but they're not the only ones that benefit from this activity that incessant movement of the earth along with the Boris excrement generates more life [Applause] [Music] mushrooms [Music] humidity is the most important factor for the growth of mushrooms which like every living thing want to spread their species foreign this is a generous time with mild temperatures and steady humidity in a way it's a second spring foreign [Music] foreign with the shift change others start their night's work they need to hurry to find the best bites to eat 550 heartbeats a minute and frenetic activity make mice a little careless the night is full of eyes and claws [Music] moving in silence brings certain advantages and eating acorns certain risks [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] a sudden drop in temperature and the dark sky Herald a major change [Music] Winter's mantle has arrived in this Spanish Oak Forest and to let them all know it caresses the forest with white snow several days will pass before it melts the water will slowly soak into the land and Nook forest and all its inhabitants [Music] [Music] be plentiful [Music] foreign [Music] snow and Sub-Zero temperatures some animals succumb to the weather conditions [Music] those that didn't eat well enough the sick and the weak were become part of others energy [Music] just a matter of waiting until the fog disappears the vulture's stomach has evolved for centuries to allow them to kill most of the dreams that they swallow and to survive the ones that stay in their digestive system [Music] foreign [Music] it is undoubtedly the toughest stomach on the planet it's estimated that 76 species of microorganisms have successfully survived in this animal's intestines so it's a matter of symbiosis [Music] [Music] heavy precipitation has caused the big river that feeds the Oak Forest to spread its hands a little bit more than usual several areas have been flooded with water foreign [Applause] [Music] for many species this means a great opportunity [Music] black-tailed godwits black-winged stilts cattley grit herons habitual neighbors who share the same territories laughs [Applause] among them all hidden in the vegetation shy and very elusive a small blue bird can barely be seen foreign [Music] its extremely long toes which are astonishingly brand so our a perfect tool they help it to wander easily through the densest vegetation but the most surprising thing is it's a hold on to all sorts of stems no matter what this ability makes it unique some Western swamp hands start their breeding season at the end of February others in March their shy song reverberates in the Reed beds until the last sunbeams fade away [Music] it's the time when they all search for a safe place in the vegetation to sleep [Music] [Music] the intense cold of the night tests the stomach of many animals [Music] it's the need to eat and to survive among all the mustelids the Palm cat may be one of those that walked the most [Music] it can cover several kilometers in one day searching for food [Music] it's an efficient Hunter however some of its potential prey like this black rat are authentic masters of survival [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] having lived longer helps the old rat to save its life the young female Polecat will have to keep searching [Music] when April arrives the Hallmarks start to flower that's when they open their soft and slightly yellow mantle [Music] these are the male flowers the female flowers are gathered in pairs or threes at the ends of the branches hanging from a short stem [Music] foreign foreign [Music] s have been considered symbols of strength and Purity for millennia [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the oldest home Oaks can live up to 1 that they are true Living Treasures spring in the Oak Forest is an explosion of Life suddenly everything is imbued with activity milder temperatures favored by our great star induce most species to multiply [Music] foreign the forest fills with colors [Music] insects larvae and flowers make up their diets which will make their clutches of chicks more numerous in generous years like this one [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] s are strictly insectivorous one of them which is a great gregarious traveler flies thousands of kilometers from Africa to settle in the large Oak Forest in order to breed [Applause] [Music] agility and speed while flying allow it to catch much spray in the air [Music] but there's no doubt that its most surprising feature is Its cave-dwelling Behavior after choosing its mate together they dig a tunnel in a slope of soft soil which can reach a length of two meters and which ends in a larger chamber where they lay their eggs with the aid of their beaks they dig little my little pushing out the loose Earth with their small legs it's a Titanic effort for this little digger which can move up to eight kilograms of soil while building its nest [Music] spreads over the Oak Forest many species start to wake up [Music] among all the knights allies only one lets its call be heard from many kilometers away Eurasian eagle owls mark their territory from the highest places marking limits is important so as to avoid conflict [Music] some 56 000 light sensitive retinal rods inside its pupils provide the eagle out with one of the animal world's best examples of night vision which means that others must be very careful rabbits make up 80 of their diet although some individuals specialize in other species such as Ducks pigeons and even hedgehogs after locating its prey it measures the Distance by means of slight movements of its head and then launches its attack [Music] after the first two years of their lives eagle owls fail on only two percent of their attacks [Laughter] a ravenous Predator runs through the grass [Music] you it weighs just just five grand every day it needs to eat 2.9 grams of food this gives us an idea of its high metabolic rate its heart beats 1 200 times a minute which means 20 beats per second it's a shrew its diet mainly comprises all sorts of insects [Music] larvae Beatles earthworms and sometimes even even reptiles nonetheless one of these small reptiles has developed a unique defense system the common wall gecko is a small mainly nocturnal lizard which like the Shrew eats insects that it usually catches in high places such as rocks or tree trunks but sometimes it climbs down to the ground and this makes it more vulnerable [Music] when it's attacked by the Shrew the wall gecko emits a strident sound that scares the voracious little predator Prudence is the better part of valor and there are many insects out there foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] with the first rays of sunlight a mother Fox watches over her territory from her dad she's nervous very nervous she's given birth to her first kids and she has to stay on the alert [Music] her mate will stay with them for a few more days but after that he'll leave them [Music] [Music] although she'll still have neighbors neighbors that are a little noisy [Music] this pair of Iberian magpies has also had offspring they're quite responsible parents they're gregarious character is only interrupted during the breeding season [Music] me baby [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the little fox kids need milk during their first week they'll nurse small quantities up to 15 times a day this rate shrinks as they grow up [Music] also need food so their parents constantly bring them all kinds of insects earthworms lizards [Music] [Applause] [Music] when the sun gets too hot their parents cover them with their wings like a feathered parasol foreign [Music] the days grow longer and longer and the temperature gradually Rises with each passing day in the Great Oak Forest it's also a good time for hedgehogs to search for a mate their sense of smell is very acute and it helps them to find other hedgehogs [Music] [Music] although this time there are two males in search of a female [Music] after making friends a drink always feels good an extraordinary shy and Elusive bird lives in the deepest part of the Oak Forest foreign s the most hidden places where the vegetation is densest it's in these places where it always decides to breed and this time it is chosen a centenarian homo to build its nest [Music] the little goshawks have already hatched their parents always staying close to the big homework continuously bring them prey their appetite is insatiable in the first few weeks [Music] [Music] normally Danny goshawk is in charge of the hunting while Mama goshawk takes on the job of Distributing the food in the nest Evolution has supplied them with a long tail and short wings to fly perfectly even in those areas with the thickest vegetation [Music] from his usual hunting perch he controls all his territory he patiently prepares his ambush [Music] pigeons are easy prey after drinking you'll take advantage of their blind spot at and with the Sun [Music] flying at ground level so is not to be detected it's an almost infallible technique [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] of young goshawks survive their first year of life because they too are easy prey for other predators [Music] [Applause] [Music] having survived the year they become part of the Great Oak Forest the change of season is just around the corner it's time for many species to get ready and some of them at this time of year sunny days are much more frequent and the oscillated lizard knows very well how to make the most of this after leaving its Refuge it begins to regulate its body temperature it stays out in the sun until it reaches a temperature between 21.2 and 34.5 degrees Celsius [Music] below that range some of its bodily functions such as digestion slow down or may even stop altogether above that range thermal shock could kill it quite quickly [Music] cements take advantage of the lizard's immobility to look for a morsel to eat the lizard doesn't seem to mind there are benefits for both foreign in the highest part of the Great Oak Forest others prefer to take another kind of bath up here the sun's rays are much stronger temperatures sometimes surpass 40 degrees Celsius and if in addition their feathers are black it can get sweltering this Western jackdaw likes to frequent this spot it easily finds food to gobble down and it can also take a refreshing bath after making sure that no one is spying on it at its juanette it takes its time [Music] the large Granite Stones keep the rain water quite well and these small pools are put to very good use [Music] Jack dogs can bathe up to six times in a single day they take their plumage's cleanliness very seriously it's indispensable for them [Music] any feather in poor condition might hinder their flight and Hawks and goshawks can take advantage of this capped jackdaw is easy prey [Applause] afterwards the sun and the wind take care of drying it off in the areas where the humidity is higher and where soil and sediment replace the large Granite Stones a shy and Elusive mustard makes its home [Music] Arabian Badger's range usually covers 10 to 15 square kilometers it never wanders very far from its lair the small Tamarisk forests are often frequented by Badgers there the ground is soft and easy to dig up in search of larvae and other insects it's so easy to find food although this time there is something which attracts this male's attention even more he has found an trunk and it seems they're cited that grabs his attention he won't stop until he finds what he is looking for [Music] badgers have lived on our planet since ancient times paleont aliens have discovered that they had the same characteristics 4 million years ago as now the Badgers only feature that has clearly evolved is their ability to eat meat plants earthworms and insects because when when the species their diet was in was entirely composed of fresh meat they can weigh up to 15 kilos especially the oldest males badgers have a boundless passion for honey and it seems that what this male is looking for is precisely that honey they can easily detect a hive and won't hesitate to smash it in order to get to its treasure although this time it's not a beehive certain wasps also build hives but instead their hives are full of larvae which are another delicacy [Music] they're worth the price of getting stung a few times birds are the descendants of dinosaurs and the birds of prey are the most directly related to those ancient reptiles [Music] one of these birds of prey has undoubtedly become the king of the Skies it's the most powerful of all birds of prey it can weigh up to seven kilos and its wingspan can reach 2 meters and 40 centimeters the golden eagle is the only bird of prey which is successfully colonized four continents Europe Asia North America and the northern part of Africa over the centuries this formidable bird of prey has been a symbol of strength and bravery because of its fascinating natural attributes its prodigious sense of sight enlarges the image two and a half times and it can see seven times more detail than a human can golden eagles can see prey from four kilometers away [Music] to evolution to change their shape [Music] and [Music] foreign depths of the Great Oak Forest where calm and Tranquility rain animals feel more secure golden eagles constantly search for this piece especially when they want to set up their home this little prince hatched 10 days ago in the deepest parts of a ravine his father stays with him all day long he won't stop protecting him this time his mother will be responsible for supplying the food [Music] the previous day his father caught a big hair which will be the Little Eagle's first meal today [Music] [Music] powerful Talons allow them to capture prey weighing six or seven kilos without too much effort although they prefer prey between 600 grams and 5 kilos such as rabbits hairs partridges pigeons Ravens and even foxes and small roe deer foreign [Music] [Music] it looks like the mother is coming back to the nest with prey [Music] will be a good injection of energy for the little Eagle although she must keep hunting this time for herself thank you a mother Eagle needs between 290 and 330 grams of meat every day which means that an adult rabbit can provide her with enough energy for [Music] her technique is infallible first she climbs up close to the clouds then from up high helps her to locate her prey she takes advantage of the height to descend in a nosedive to surprise it [Music] [Music] unfortunately the deterioration of the environment is the main reason for the golden eagles dwindling numbers this bear has been living in the Great Oak Forest for 17 Springs [Music] by respecting the great forest and considering it a part of our own existence everything around us will be filled with life and will flow in that way he and every one of the beings that populate this planet will vibrate towards a common good the common good of life [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Go Wild
Views: 83,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: orf universum, documentary, blue chip, natural history, secrets of nature, planet earth, wildlife, free documentary, watch full documentary, nature films, wildlife films, go wild, nature, natura, spain, flora, fauna
Id: hQh7boKGKI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 37sec (3037 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2022
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