The love story of Otis and Mandy Rose: WWE Playlist

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Well you two are certainly dressed for this miracle on 34th Street Fight, but is your confidence shaken at all after your loss last week to Shinsuke Nakamura and Cesaro? >> Absolutely not. Last week, Otis got his feelings hurt a little bit because he cooked this amazing ham for Sami Zyan and Cesaro smashed it on the ground. >> [NOISE] >> I love giving out gifts, especially ham, mouth full of joy. >> [SOUND] That's the only spot on little bro's body that's vulnerable. This is a big man with a big heart. And as for tonight, we're gonna win, and we're gonna spread some seriously massive holiday joy in the process. [LAUGH] >> I love Christmas, the magical nosed reindeers, the old sacks on the fireplace, yes, Tucky, Christmas is coming. Yes. And now, here we go, it's gonna be some cheers. >> I drew your name from the SmackDown Secret Santa and I saw what happened last week, so I got you this, Merry Christmas Otis. >> [NOISE] >> Local time. >> For sure. >> I have a match so, I gotta go. >> I'm sorry about the ham, you shouldn't have brought it out there. >> It's all right. >> [APPLAUSE] [NOISE] >> Come on, let's go. My match with Camilla is next. >> Wait, so you expect me to support you even though you aren't in my corner last week to support me? >> No, I told you I had Otis' sweat all over my dress. I couldn't go out there. >> All right, well let me deliver these programs and then I'll be right there. >> Okay. >> Hey. >> Hey Otis, I've got a match. >> My momma, saw you give me a ham and a kiss last week. So she made her famous homemade holiday fruitcake. It's got fruit in it, it's healthy. >> Wow. Homemade? >> Yeah. >> Aw, that's so sweet. Aw, thank you. >> Sorry, I sweated on your new dress. >> That's all right. Sweat happens. It's no big deal. Okay, I got a match, so I'll see you later, okay. >> Mandy. >> What's going on? >> Not much, what's up? >> I mean 2020 coming up, New Year's Eve, I'm probably really busy, but you must have some crazy plans right? >> Actually I don't, nothing really in particular. >> What? The great Mandy Rose all alone when the clock strikes midnight, get out of here. >> Stop it, Dolph. >> Come on. Wait, this is so informal, did you? Did you already get me a gift? You shouldn't have Mandy. >> No. >> You really shouldn't have, this is so sudden. >> No- >> I don't. >> Otis gave it to me, his mom made it. >> You know you're special to me, you know that. But I wouldn't feel too special about this because I'm pretty sure he gave one of these to everyone in the locker room. Plus, I might. >> What are you doing? >> Touching it, don't worry. Plus I heard someone found a roach in one of these any way. You don't wanna be anywhere near this. >> Okay. >> Yeah, don't worry about it. Listen, what would Otis know about a woman like you? What you really want anyway, right? >> [NOISE] >> These are Jordans so, anyway, what were we gonna do on New Year's Eve? >> Dolph, Dolph, Dolph, dude I need to talk to you, no, now, now, now. >> [APPLAUSE] Otis, Otis, Otis, Otis, Otis, Otis, Otis, Otis! >> Hi Otis. Happy New Year. >> Hi Mandy. >> So did your momma make anything special for the holiday? >> Why don't you ask Dolph Ziggler? >> You saw that? >> I didn't, but my momma did. >> Listen, I'm sorry. I didn't. >> Come on Otis, you got a match, focus up, let's go. >> Fire and desire. You can just focus on us, our tag team, winning. And you know what? It's all gonna start tonight. With your match, I'm gonna be there in your corner rooting you on. Are you ready? Mandy? >> What? Sorry. Yes, I'm so ready. >> All right, let's go to the ring. Come on. >> Wait I just gotta take care of one thing and I'll meet you there. >> All right, it's gonna be great. I'll see you there. >> My man. I know how you feel about Mandy, but you got to let that go, Doze. You got to focus up, we got the Royal Rumble match coming up, you know what I mean? >> Royal Rumble. >> We can't get distracted. >> Hi guys. >> Come on, man, let's go. >> No wait, wait. Otis, I know I hurt your feelings when I let Dolph Ziggler step on your mom's fruitcake. It wasn't cool and it wasn't respectful especially to your mom. And I didn't say anything and I should have said something, so I just wanna apologize. And this might not make up for it but it might not be as good as your mom's fruit cake but I made you this. >> [NOISE] >> But I have a match right now, so enjoy. >> I wouldn't trust it. >> [NOISE] >> And now Mandy Rose up on the apron. Nikki Cross getting involved and look at Otis saving Mandy. >> [NOISE] >> And Sonya Deville making sure that her partner's okay and she is. And now from behind, Bliss rolls up Deville, and Bliss with the win. Win. [MUSIC] >> Here is your winner, Alexa Bliss. >> Well, I guess in a weird sort of way Otis being out here cost Sonya the match. >> As weird is the understatment of the year, of the millenium, Cole. [MUSIC] >> And the goddess of gods. >> Look out, look out. The Goddess is trying to- >> No. >> The God's greatest creation. >> What, what? >> Otis? Otis? >> Mandy never touched the floor. >> You're right, her feet never touched the floor. The feet touched Otis. >> Mandy landed on Otis? >> He is as big as ab island- >> That's a good, that is a good, good man. >> Forget John Cusack in Say Anything, that was the sweetest thing I've ever seen happen. >> [LAUGH] >> Mandy Rose is still in this. >> That is amazing. Look at Otis, he's so proud of himself. >> I don't wanna look at him, I can smell him. >> Some perfume. >> Yeah. >> People lining up out there just inches away from what we wanna do. >> Tuckey. >> Hey Otis. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Mandy, Sonya, how is it going? >> Listen, I'm sorry about your guys' loss tonight, but Otis I just wanted to come over and thank you for all your help in the Royal Rumble match. I really appreciate it. >> You're welcome, Mandy. >> You really think it's time to do the thing we talked about? You know what I mean? >> I think this is our chance. >> This is your chance. >> I don't think you're gonna get a better opportunity than this, you know what I'm saying? >> Right now. >> Right now, right now. >> I can't believe- >> Hello, you guys know we're standing literally right here, what's going on? >> Just a little nervous. >> Nervous? Why are you nervous? >> Mandy, you know I like you. And, to the, will you go out with me next Friday? >> [APPLAUSE] >> I'm sorry, but next Friday I have plans, but I don't have any plans the following Friday. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Great. >> Okay, well, we have a match, so we gotta go. >> [APPLAUSE] >> My God, you did it. You stole the date with your peach, Mandy Rose and I just did the math in my head and it's gonna be the most romantic day of you dose. You got a date on Valentine's Day. >> Yeah. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Yes, yeah, Tuckey, I have a date with Mandy Rose on Valentine's Day. I got to impress her. >> We got this Otis, we got this. Let's go get you ready? >> Yes, yeah. [MUSIC] >> [LAUGH] [MUSIC] >> Yes. [LAUGH] Yes, yes, yes. >> [COUGH] Hey, fork. I'm sorry Tuckey, I got to be polite, I got to be polite, sorry, It's an exciting morning for me. >> That's the day right here. Just forget about dessert. [SOUND] >> Cheer up, buddy. Hey, you're ready. >> I am ready. [MUSIC] >> [APPLAUSE] [SOUND] >> Sounds great, Mandy. Winky face emoji. See you then, heart emoji, heart with eyes emoji. Yes, Tuckey. >> What's up big guy? >> Mandy is running a little late, so that gives me more time to get ready. >> Okay. >> But even more time to get nervous. >> All right, take a deep breath, calm down, you're gonna be great. Buddy, I'm so proud for you. >> Tuckey, am I crazy to think that Mandy could actually like me? >> [APPLAUSE] >> Otis, if Mandy truly deserves you, she will like you for all that you have to offer. >> Yes. >> Tonight is the night Big Brother, tonight is the night. [MUSIC] >> Excuse me, you see my beautiful peach. [MUSIC] >> Right inside sir [MUSIC] >> Otis, I was getting worried. [MUSIC] >> [APPLAUSE] >> Hey Mandy? [MUSIC] >> Yeah, but I like to be part of someone. >> Yeah, I've liked this. >> Mandy, you hurt my boy. >> Tucker listen, maybe now it's not a good time. >> Let me explain. >> Please just let me get this out. You agreed to go on a date and then you invited Dolph Ziggler to crash? Otis got you flowers, combed his hair, got new underwear. I've never seen him so hurt. I mean he couldn't even muster up the courage to leave our hotel room tonight. >> Tucker, I didn't mean to embarrass Otis, I ran into Dolph after Otis didn't show up. >> Then why did you text him you were running late? >> Text? >> Listen, I just gotta say this face to face. Otis, he is the sweetest man that I know. And he always sees the best in everyone. >> [APPLAUSE] >> But I was a fool to think that you ever had good intentions. [NOISE] >> What text? What text is he talking about? >> I have no idea. Honestly, he's probably just sticking up for his boy. And if that's the case, then you dodged a bullet. And you had a good time with Dolph, right? So, >> I mean, I was kind of looking forward to going out with Otis. But, yeah, I guess I had a good time. >> Dolph Ziggler is more Mandy Rose's type anyway, right? Don't worry about it. >> [NOISE] >> Tuckey, I just don't know what to do, but something is not right here about Mandy going out with Ziggler. I feel it, I just can't get my finger on it. >> Listen, man, you know I love you and I will do anything for you, but, The truth is sometimes the guy doesn't get the girl. Sometimes Dolph Ziggler gets the girl, all this set up. I think you gotta let Mandy go. But next week, next week, we're gonna get you back out. And get you the love that you deserve from people that would never ever choose Dolph Ziggler over you. I'm talking about the WWE Universe. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Yeah, Tuckey, you're right. Thank you, bro. >> [NOISE] >> Otis, come on, no, we've talked about this, we talked about this last week. >> Yeah, Mandy I just wanna apologize from last Valentine's Day. I did, get a text, receiving that you're gonna be late. I'm sorry. >> Otis listen, it's just a little too late. A woman doesn't appreciate being stood up like that. >> Hey, hey now what? >> I'm sorry. >> Otis is scary, I'd love to see you in a ring with him. >> I'm sure you would, you'd love to see me out there with anybody but you got to get in line just like everybody else. >> And Otis now, double sandwich in the corner of the- >> Wait. >> Champs are down. >> [LAUGH] What? What? No, nobody, no it's Otis, and nobody cares. That's a big surprise. No fans to grab onto his back. >> Look at this, here's the Caterpillar. >> Hey, wait, wait, Otis, Otis, Otis wait, wait, I know, I know this might be a bad time. I don't know if I'm interrupting but no one else seems to care. Listen, I know you're smitten with my kitten, Mandy. I just wanted you to see some pictures that I really think you deserve to see this. [LAUGH] Look how happy we are. It's so weird that you'll never know what that's like, right? Hey, but know, you're probably a good guy. Good guys finished last or alone, whatever you think. Like Otis, you good buddy? Okay, nothing wrong with being like second place or the first loser or whatever. Hey, better luck next time buddy, all right? [LAUGH] >> No, no, no. >> And here comes Otis after Dolph Ziggler. Dolph trying to get away, Otis grabbing Ziggler though. And I have to say that Dolph Ziggler deserves this. My God and Otis is finally gonna get his hands on Dolph Ziggler tonight. Ziggler just rubbing it in Otis' face. >> It's embarrassing, it's so gross, he's like this lost puppy. I gotta go, I gotta go. >> You wanted me? Come on, come here. >> You talking about pictures of Mandy? You're 18, right? You wanna see some? >> You don't deserve Mandy. >> Hey, do you have any idea how pathetic you look right now? >> No, just give me a chance. I'm the one that you wanna fight? You wanna fight. >> Stop it Dolph. >> You wanna fight? As much as I would love to end this right now and you and all this crap I wanna do it with the world watching and my girl Mandy in my corner at WrestleMania. >> Yeah, that's right, at WrestleMania. >> Get out of here Dolph, come on, enough. Enough, come on. >> Yeah, for sure, right. >> Everything we've been doing great. >> The head band, your hair's a little greasy. >> Yeah, don't worry about that right now. Earlier Otis busting like this big idiot, causing this whole scene, I was like- >> There you guys are. >> Hey, what's up? >> Hey, Sonya, can I have a second with Dolph please? >> Yeah, I'll see you guys later, all right? >> It's okay, what's up? >> Why are you doing this to Otis? >> What? The Otis who stood you up on Valentine's Day? That Otis? >> Okay. >> I don't know. >> I know, but did you really have to rub it in his face with all those pictures? >> No, I messed up, that was too much, I'm sorry. >> Okay, well, if you wanna face those at WrestleMania I support you, but I refuse to let you guys fight over me like I'm some sort of prize. >> You're right, listen, when you go on to WrestleMania I'm gonna win my match. We'll leave Otis and all this crap behind us. Oops, come on let's go back to the hotel, get you a bottle of champagne. You can pick whatever you want. >> And now Dolph Ziggler, Dolph, no, no, no, no, Dolph, put it down. >> What are you doing man? Put it down. >> Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, what are you doing? Stop. [MUSIC] >> And here comes Otis. Otis coming down to the ring to check on his partner, his buddy Tucker. >> Tuckey. [MUSIC] >> We pay attention, I told you the truth will be heard. >> He's big, he's really big, but I think Otis is cute in different kind of way and he's super sweet. >> I feel you think I don't support you right now. >> No. >> I do and I'm excited for your date and it's Valentine's Day. Just promise me all the dates when you get home. >> Of course. [SOUND] >> Sorry Otis. [SOUND] >> Sounds great Mandy, winky face emoji. See you then, heart emoji. [SOUND] >> Delete, delete. Dude, it's simple, you're gonna get what you want. I'm gonna get what I want, and everyone is gonna win. >> When it comes to Mandy, a little kitten. I definitely look forward to winning I'm gonna go get ready for my date. >> Go get them. [SOUND] >> I swear, come on, I would never do anything to hurt you. Please Mandy, please. Mandy, Mandy, Mandy. >> Mandy, Mandy Mandy, hey, after what we just saw- >> I'm sorry, I'm really overwhelmed right now. >> Why? Why? Why? Why? My gosh. [NOISE] She's like a sister to me. Did I do something wrong? Did I do something to her. I'm sorry, I can't talk right now, I can't, I can't. >> Awesome. >> Did you see the biceps out there? >> Hey, guys. >> Hey. >> Hey now. >> First of all Otis, congratulations, you're victorious- >> Thank you. >> In your very first WrestleMania match. >> Amazing. >> Yes, very first. >> But that wasn't the only thing that turned out okay for you today. We saw a little- >> Pretty lady. >> Right? >> My peach, gorgeous peach. I'm so load of emotion right now I just wanna explode. But right now it's like we got the business done, and we had to ham and slam Dolph. I had to toss him around, give him the elbow the whole oversize load baby. >> Yeah, it's getting a little excited right now. >> And Mandy, was this the last of Fire and Desire? You know what? I think my actions speak louder and at this point, Sonya got what she deserved, okay? And I think we should go get some steaks. What do you think? >> Yes, baby. >> Come on, let's go. >> Extra rare, after you. >> Congrats. [LAUGH]
Channel: WWE
Views: 19,124,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wwe, world wrestling entertainment, wrestling, wrestler, wrestle, superstars, कुश्ती, पहलवान, डब्लू डब्लू ई, मैच, सुपरस्टार, व्यावसायिक कुश्ती, مصارعه, wwe 2020, WWE Playlist, Otis, Mandy Rose, Sonya Deville, Dolph Ziggler, The Miz, John Morrison, Kayla Braxton, Cathy Kelley, King Corbin, Tucker, Alexa Bliss, Nikki Cross, otis mandy rose, heavy machinery, smackdown clips, smackdown highlights, fire & desire, wwe otis, otis mandy rose valentines
Id: vWeW1zxS9HI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 14sec (1574 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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