THE LOST HISTORY | "A Funny Traveling Tale" | One Piece MEGA THEORY

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this is a theory a direction I've never taken before and that actually means something because I've speculated a lot in some ways this is going to be the opposite of everything you may believe that the story has been telling you in other ways this theory is going to be exactly what you always thought what intuitively makes sense but yeah today's objective is simple but at the same time don't it's gonna be a long one so strap yourselves in because we're gonna try to reveal the void century hey YouTube Joe boy here so if you haven't checked out my last video emus nature and tequila wolf the meaning of freedom now's a good time in many ways the two videos are related and built off of each other I wouldn't say that it's like required but I do think that it will add something to the experience so the link for it will be in the description if you are interested but have your patience is short for theories and discussions I highly recommend that you stay here because that video is more of a teaser it asks questions more than anything else this is the crap but unfortunately before we can get into new theories we first have to cover old theories theories that I personally talked about on my channel so in many ways this is going to be a mega theory if you know all these theories by heart you've been following me for long enough and closely enough then I would recommend checking out this section that I'm going to title being sake and I'll include a link in the description for a time set of where I roughly I get into new stuff but yeah guys I really want to do these theories right because I find that they are absolutely crucial the inch again is like this mysterious entity within the one-piece world we learn of them from Professor clover during Robins flashback it was this great technologically advanced Kingdom that fell during the void century during a conflict with the 20 Kings who later went on to form the world government and became celestial dragons yeah we don't know too much about the ancient kingdom but from what we do I think we can speculate something interesting and surprising about them most important the ancient kingdom created the poneglyphs through this we know that it's likely that the Kousuke family from guano were members of or friend with the ancient kingdom they were the ones who actually created the poneglyphs polis which described the story of the ancient kingdom I think that a lot of people assume this kingdom to be something standard ordinary great kingdom is you know a great kingdom but perhaps not I want you to look at the Kisuke family crest they're simple what does it look like to you to me it looks almost like very similar to a Jolly Roger a symbol of pirates and maybe missing the trademarked skull but I believe we can clearly see what would typically be your crossed bones in addition I believe it's important it is the Kisuke tradition to tattoo their symbol on to their subordinates onto their vassals just like a pirate crew would so given the connection between the Kisuke and the ancient kingdom my question for you is this was the ancient kingdom actually eight kingdom of pirates and would the king of this kingdom be called the pirate king [Music] the engine kingdom was very clearly travelers and masters of the sea in my opinion we know this if for no other reason then they spread the poneglyphs telling their story all across the world in the Grand Line they found the minks up in zou the island no log pose leads to they traveled to the seafloor and made friends with the fishermen and the mermaids there the Grand Lion the most difficult to sail sea they placed poneglyphs all along it on every route and aside from gold Roger eight hundred years later they were the only ones able to find laughs tail they were masters of the sea and these weren't just one-off voyages as they were defeated the countries and people who possess the stones today are guarding them we learn of this ancient duty from the Shandor Ian's during the sky piarc to be guarding these stones with the risk involved suggests that the people were friends with the ancient kingdom this kingdom had friends spanning the entire Grand Line if not the entire world the kingdom as a whole their very identity and my opinion must be associated with travel may be of a question the ancient kingdom is supposed to be technologically advanced right we're looking at official material and the best translations I can find that is not an accurate translation the ancient kingdom was merely powerful and great nothing specifically about advanced technology aside from the existence of the ancient weapons one of which we know is actually a person but let's assume them to be technologically advanced anyway well as travelers pirates have the opportunity to visit Islands and meet people from across the world particular countries can have specialties say a kingdom of the best doctors scientists cooks or musicians archaeologists shipbuilders inventors and weather experts a kingdom of pirates can learn from intake and the very best this world has to offer all combined into one place this is the most technologically advanced kingdom because of shared knowledge and they can obtain this information while others can't because they were masters of travel and masters of the sea I think it's also important to know a huge community speculation is that the family are the direct descendants of the ancient kingdom I think that we know this for a variety of reason there are many clues but we know that the poni glyphs explain the nature of D from Odin's flash back from Rogers journey Robin also teases at the end of Skype eeeh that the meaning of the D was another lost history the DES ties to the void century more specifically they are tied to the ancient kingdom initially I think people are likely to assume that the DS to be one giant blood-related family but this can't be in Robins flashback we meet a giant jaguar d saul who is a giant i think it's pretty likely that the d family is not blood-related the d is a symbolic initial passed down from those who survived the kingdom's destruction we also I think learn here that the ancient kingdom was composed of many differing races and tribes which again make sense as they were well traveled but they weren't just visiting Islands across the world but recruiting other country citizens which is very pirate-like and don't forget that one of the ancient weapons weapons used or controlled by the ancient kingdom was a ship pluton the other was a mermaid princess or a woman of the sea Poseidon two things I would say make sense as incredible weapons for a kingdom of seafarers of pirates [Music] and then we have being sake the song of the ancient pirates the song we are first introduced to through Brook this would be a great time to whip out Google and find the lyrics of the song for yourself I can't put all the lyrics here on screen but I believe it to be the most important clue in all of one piece being Saki tells a story about a journey from beginning to end the story begins with a group of people riding their ship delivering being Saki to the ends of the world but they come across many obstacles if you lose your nerve this breath could be your last but if you just hold on The Morning Sun will rise but the people in the song failed they never made it to the Morning Sun today and tomorrow our dreams through the night waving our goodbyes we will never meet again bear saying goodbye to their dreams they will never meet again but don't look so down for tomorrow night the moon will also rise the song is telling them not to worry even if they fail there will be another day another day will pass another person will try it's the inherited will your dreams are passed to the next generation I believe this song to be created by the ancient kingdom they were the ancient pirates who sing it I believe the song exists to inspire the next generations of pirates those who will come along after they had passed I also think that this song is directly describing the will of D and its meaning seek adventure follow your dreams and set sail journey to the ends of the sea to the ends of the world and deliver binks sake what exactly is being sucking some of the language of this song sticks out to me the journey is told as if it took place in just one night we start the story with the merry evening Sun have you just hold the Morning Sun will rise the Morning Sun marks the end to this journey another word for morning Sun guys is the dawn the dawn that Pedro and the minx are waiting for just as the Pirates delivering binks sake or using slightly different words the path to the Sun as we hear a TED Fishman Island I believe that the path to the Sun is the same as the journey to the dawn but in the Fishman's case the path to the Sun is very obvious that they want to live on the service they want to live under the Sun not at the depths of the sea remember the Kousuke clan emblem that looks very similar to a Jolly Roger the skull is missing but in its place we have three different symbols I only really want to focus on one of them but we have a crane 8 revolving orbs both symbols I think are probably important and we have the Sun or perhaps a sunflower which I think would be about the same where Juan o has a lot of flower symbolism as well so it would be a combination the song also seems to give importance to the night tomorrow night the moon will also rise aside from the Kousuke clan emblem their other symbol is the crescent moon and to take this even further the moon in this song represents the inherited win tomorrow night the moon will also rise a new day a new journey but the same dream have you view the night as kind of the journey as time itself than what the moon is is it's a constant light during the darkness it's your dream it's what guides you inherited will does the moon also represent the will of D in this case the inherited will of the ancient kingdom these pirates sing of the dawn perhaps here there's no better connection to the lost history the family D the poni glyphs and and pirates never ending ever wandering our funny travelling tale I learned this from an ogee theorist back a long time ago but Saki has huge symbolic meaning in Japan people in Japan drink saké from birth until death so soggy could very well represent life or another way to think about it is the journey of life from beginning to end or the story of someone's life the song wants these pirates to deliver being sake but perhaps we could translate it to say going to deliver Binks story is being story one in the same as a story that the poneglyphs tell the story that once Roger read he laughed our funny travelling tale as this song cryptically about setting off to sea in order to find all of the Pony glyphs to deliver Binks story as Roger wrote on the golden pillar and sky Pia I made it here I will deliver this text to the ends of the earth and in being Saki waves of gold and silver dissolved to salty spray as we all set sail to the ends of the sea going to deliver being Saki Misaki also holds another meaning as we see with Luffy ace and Sabo and later with these stride pirates in the Grand Fleet those who share sake cups become brothers and another important theory we connect the makers at the pony glyphs the ancient kingdom with the many races and tribes of the world we find poneglyphs Enzo and Fishman Island one of the ancient weapons of the ancient kingdom was Poseidon a mermaid princess before the void century they dole flamingo family of dressrosa enslaved Vuitton Tata they called it their era of slavery we also learned that the Fishman did not always live on the seafloor they once had a home above the sea and they were forced there by humans though the elephant is about one thousand years old where the minks lived before this we do not know I speculate that in the years just prior to the void century many nonhumans minks Fishman dwarves etc were oppressed and enslaved in order to escape this if they actually could several sat homes away from humans given that I think that we can theorize that this was the climate of the world just before the avoid century maybe it has something to do with the lost history itself maybe this was a part of the war these celestial dragons descended of the twenty kings creators of the world government to this day by slaves the ancient kingdom weren't clearly friends with these people perhaps the ancient kingdom pirates of their time hoped to create a world in which everybody could live together peacefully they wish to deliver binks sake to the ends of the sea to the ends of the world is this related to is this a metaphor for Brotherhood they wish to deliver Brotherhood unity to gather Ness peace to the world we know for a fact that joy boy who is likely the leader of the ancient kingdom created Epona glyph of apology which he left in Fishman Island an apology to Poseidon the mermaid princess of her time we can learn from context clues through the Fishman Island arc and Neptune that what he was apologizing for was not being able to lead the fishermen up to the surface were they longed to live this in fact is likely the purpose of the great ship the Noah he couldn't deliver them unity they are still segregated separated to me it's no coincidence that the only place you find all of the races of the world in one place our pirate ships look at Luffy's crew plus the grand fleet most of the major races are accounted for the D initial is shared by unrelated peoples from all over the world were they forever bonded did they become brothers by sharing sake cups [Music] [Applause] [Music] you probably think that we should be done by now but we are not again guys I'm being as thorough as possible you need to believe this in order for us to move forward another theory I argued that it was possible the ancient kingdom was inspired by the pirate legend of Liberty Lea if you don't know Oda is often inspired by historical pirates and related lore for instance gold deep Rogers final words and perhaps the poneglyphs to some extent were inspired by the last words of the pirate Olivier Levasseur it's important to note here it is not certain whether the legend of Liberty Lea is historical fact or just a myth but the story goes that Liberty Lea was an anarchist colony founded in the late 17th century in Madagascar by pirates here is a quote about it these pirates would be vigilant guardians of the people's rights and liberties they would stand as barriers to the rich and powerful of their day by waging war on behalf of the oppressed against the oppressors they would see that justice was equally distributed in short Liberty Lea was a utopia created by pirates they stood against the monarchy slavery and capital they were known for attacking slave ships and recruiting the slaves recruited from them to their colony it was stated that the leader of this pirate colony often had crews that were half white and half black or in one-piece terms half human and half not they insisted every man was born free and would have as much right to what would support him as the heir he respired the Pirates of Liberty Lea a well-known legend are exactly what I speculate the ancient kingdom the creators of the poni glyphs to be like and here for me is the nail in the coffin labor Talia was believed to have created their very own language paula glyphs but to this day nobody is actually sure where liberty' lia actually was laughs tale but let's continue there was a historical pirate known as Henry a for Henry Avery and his time was the most notorious pirate he earned his infamy by becoming one of the few major pirate captains who successfully retired with his loot without being arrested or killed in battle and also for being the perpetrator of one of the most profitable pirate raids in history a single raid in which she made 52 million dollars in today's money but the short story here is that Henry Avery became notorious and eventually he had to disappear and go into hiding no one is entirely sure what happened to him but there are accounts of him going to liberty' Lea and becoming its leader Henry Avery was dubbed by his contemporaries as the king of the Pirates the king of the Pirates ruling over a colony of free heroic pirates again that is exactly what I've speculated so not only do we have an abundance of evidence from this story of one piece itself logical conclusions I believe that we can reach but we also have an old pirate legend which could have inspired Oda in the first place so it is my opinion based on all of this that the ancient kingdom was a great kingdom of pirates I really hope that this was persuasive it needs to be because you have to assume that this is true [Music] I think that the 20 Kings are a lot more complex than the fandom gives them credit for certainly there's a reason to believe that they were the villains of the void century and even before this we have argued that they have oppressed and enslaved the nonhumans which itself could have been an impetus for war however one family doesn't and never has made any sense the Nefertari family of alabasta are technically celestial dragons they were a part of the twenty kings all those years ago but at the conclusion of the void century unlike the other kings they did not become gods they did not go to marriage wha they stayed in alabasta they are the ones we can be certain did not fit the mold but perhaps it's even more confusing than this there's used to be a somewhat controversial speculation and I kind of wonder whether that's changed since it's been a while since I've talked about it but if you remember there was a pony glyph in alabaster Cobra tells Robin that they had been guarding it but Robin who knows of their past as part of the twenty kings literally laughs in his face she doesn't believe they were guarding the stone she doesn't actually say but I think it can be inferred she believes that they wanted the weapons location it revealed they wanted pluton however guys Robin may not believe them but I do I think that the Nefertari family was actually guarding this poem just as all the other countries who protect Pony listen just like all these other countries they don't really know why or for what purpose it's just a sacred duty handed down to them I really only have two reasons for this belief but these two reasons are enough for me the first of which is that it is implied that not only does the poem within alabasta indicate the location of pluton but that the plutons location itself where you can actually find the ancient weapon this supposed ship is in alabasta somewhere this is what the story suggests of the Nefertari family of old wish to acquire the pluton and use it against the world I use it for their own purposes and it is actually located in their country I believe that they would have done so we are of course assuming here that the pluton can be found in alabasta because the Nefertari family put it there they found it the other possibility here that the ancient kingdom specifically left the pluton there it was intentional do you think that it is any coincidence that a country would possess the pony with which marks the location of Bhutan and the pluton itself without having found it this Pony glyph and the pluton were both left in alabasta because alabasta was an ally to the ancient kingdom and a part of me really likes his speculation of course it's possible that the Nefertari family has changed we've seen this before for instance the doflamingo family famous in the past for enslaving the tan Tata today we have members of this family Corazon Mo's guard and homing who seem to be decent people or were decent people so perhaps the Nefertari family was evil in the past but I do like this connection this parallel of alabasta in the Nefertari family sort of playing this balance between the world of pirates and the world of the nobles there's also made for a pretty persuasive argument as to why they didn't join the other celestial dragons and marriage Wow but my second reason is this if you look at the alabasta flag a particular symbol might jump out to you eight orbs placed in a circle it is in fact the very same symbol we find on the Kozue peak claim in they both use the same symbol are they related in some way and actually looking into it more the same symbol as shared by the Shan Dorian's at this time I really don't want to share my thoughts as to what this symbol means I don't think that it's important for this particular video all that matters is that it connects the two groups the Kisuke related to the ancient kingdom the Nefertari a member of the two t kings were they friends or were they traitors pirates I think this is something that is most demonstrable from the manga itself from the story itself the only organization on this planet that could actually defeat the world government in all-out war is pirates Edward Newgate white beard old and sick had the Marines trembling both in actuality and metaphorically as just one young Co of four while not at full strength he could single-handedly engage the entire government in combat even though he was at a disadvantage what if another yong-chol and crew fought with him what if a third joint what if they all did I think that the Pirates would win and I think that the government knows this that is why they recruited pirates warlords despite despising them and in some ways fearing them it was a necessary evil to ensure that they could compete if they were attacked by a mighty allied group of pirates I was the sushi Brigade were being gathered and called to marine Ford we learned that this was their entire purpose the shabak I basically didn't have to follow any of the rules that the world government gave them aside from these summons to marine Ford this is why they gained clemency to fight other pirates when shanks and white beard met to discuss Blackbeard and later when big mom and Kato do much of the same the Marines and the government freaked out why well I think there could be several reasons but most significantly is the possibility of alliance they fear pirates zone one and this helps support the idea that pirates must have held significance during the void century as they are powerful today I believe that the same would be true of the past and as we speculate they were the ancient kingdom themselves but on the other hand the world governments fear of pirates is very justified and to the entire world the rise of pirates would be very alarming [Music] [Applause] and the one-shot version of one piece called romance dawn before one piece was officially serialized I believe we can find some clues to the nature of the story Oda always wanted to tell from the very beginning this was kind of like an alternate version of one piece where we meet characters like carp who are actually pirates if you are watching guano in the anime this was actually animated in episode 907 and totally worth a watch but what we're talking about what's important here is that in this one-shot there are two distinct types of pirates piece main like a luffy arm organ ears like a Blackbeard it's very specifically defined one was to adventure the other wants to conquer movie States in this one shot that his objective is to recruit other piece main pirates and that as a piece main pirate it's part of his job to fight and steal from Morgan ears now why these terms no longer exist and the actual one piece story is debatable and one hand many pirates exhibit attributes of both groups it's not black/white it's not so simple as being one or the other there's many places in between and so for that reason the classifications are kind of outdated on the other hand I also think that it's a very important concept that Oda didn't want to handle so obviously pirates as a collective group are not all friends they aren't all ideologically the same some of them were always meant to be enemies and I believe this is how it has always been I think in general we like to lump the pirates together as one group but really even without the classifications there has always been two ideologies one of these may be of no harm to the world like Luffy shanks or Roger but the other is very much a threat imagine if Qaeda Blackbeard or big mom succeeded in conquered the world is that really better than the current state the world is in absolutely not in fact I think it is definitely much much worse apply what has happened to the country of wha no to the entire world that is the immediate future with Kaito as king he even says it outright he wants to destroy this world iving in this way the government who fear and actively tried to control the Pirates they are doing the world favor nan sarcastically every pirate that they capture has about a 50/50 or better shot at making the world a slightly better place we persecute them for antagonizing the strats who we know are the good guys but the strats fly a pirate flag the skull and crossbones means danger in the government's eyes they need to be treated as the enemy kind of like some of us unintentionally do the government lumps all the Pirates together the two ideologies become one group one kingdom that must be destroyed and whether you like it or not this in fact could be helping to make the world a better place so we speculated that the ancient kingdom of old was a kingdom of pirates but what kind of pirates were they I think that we can argue pretty reasonably based on what I've said so far that they must have been peace main pirates but pirates have always been complex there are many varying reasons to want to go out to sea I believe the ideologies have always existed where some of them peace mate while others Morgan years [Music] I want to purpose this with this thought I personally believe EMU is as old as the void century he was alive during the void century I think a lot of people believe this I don't really feel like arguing it's just my general feeling if it was somebody before EMU then I assume that it's his father and it's just a long line of emos let's just go with it like that for now but anyway what is emus nature on one hand he races people from history and has committed how many other atrocities we don't even know on the other hand out of depicts him as what can only be interpreted as thoughtful perhaps wise and gentle we speculated in the last video could emu perhaps be doing what he feels is best for the world a lesser evil so to speak he desires to control the world for its own benefit and certainly in the process freedoms are lost but freedoms are simultaneously gained and the world government were to lose its grip it is natural that the next great power would take its place pirates assuming that they aren't fighting themselves and someone has come out as the king as the strongest pirate alive and the world government were to fall they would rule the world this is a future that the world government in fact the very citizens of the world itself cannot allow pirates cannot be trusted and the strongest pirate will not always be symbiotic with the various people I want you guys to understand that I understand the government is for sure corrupted straight up and don't smell good but is this still significantly better than the alternative if email were to take action against these celestial dragons if this we're the world's will and the people would be better for it would he be potentially risking the stability of the entire organization and the government does appear to want to do good even outside of fighting pirates which granted might just only be for their own self-preservation but I don't think that they wanted to destroy ohhara and they have for 300 years outlawed slavery for most people that is a step in the right direction they allowed the Fishman to attend the reverie they made Jim Bay a warlord of the sea in part to help with the tension between the two groups of people they are definitely trying to do some things right regardless whatever EMU does if he really cares he would have to be very careful and I think he has tried to be one wrong step and it all goes up in flames and I think the Pirates will rise balance is fleeting the law of entropy the stronger the world government is the greater the chance that can defend themselves in case of the worst and I believe their fears to be very real we like to look at this colonialism of the world government has a bad thing but could it potentially be viewed as a good thing we learned this very recently as of 40 years ago in the story the world was very nearly conquered by pirates The Rock's Pirates consisting of some of the greatest pirates to have existed during the time rocks himself white beard big ma Kaido cheeky and many others rocks recruited all of these pirates somehow for some goal the only real clue that we had seems to be an intention to fight directly against the world government they attacked the celestial dragons at God Valley perhaps it was revenge wealth or an eclectic mix of all the possible reasons someone would have to gain from a war against the world nobles and the government regardless of the reason this is this was exactly what the world government has feared I do not think that the rocks pirates were peace Maine pirates it is stated that rocks objective was to become king of the world he wished to conquer he was a Morgan ear this is the world governments greatest enemy a kingdom of pirates and so who exactly defeated rocks who saved the world from almost certain destruction Goldie Roger and monkey d garp pirates and Marines so I think that we have finally reached the crux of this theory where we have been having this entire time is the events at God Valley a reflection of the past is this a parallel to the void century during the Boyd century did the 20 kings founders of the world government and they peace main pirates of their time joyboy in the creators of the poneglyphs save the world from certain destruction at the hands of the most powerful pirate or pirates of that time the Morgan years and as this climactic fight likely to repeat itself again when inevitably Luffy fights Blackbeard and whether you like it or not I do wonder this did the twenty kings and EMU in part helped save the world from Pirates are they actually the heroes of the void century as they would probably like you to believe and afterwards do they said about to create a future for this world in which they could be protected from the future threat of pirates knowing that the great Kingdom would appear once again and this time the world needed to be prepared I [Music] believe this to be the heart of the nature of conflict during the void century this was what was erased a pirate like rogues and pirate like Blackbeard became so powerful that the world itself was threatened individual nations could not withstand their might only together as twenty kingdoms did they have a chance but this was still not enough although they did not want it pirates join their side to fight for freedom fight for what was right but I'm sure that you have this question if this were the case why would the government erase the history I think that the government could not allow for this fight to inspire future generations of pirates they could not defeat the Pirates they will appear again additionally pirates help save everyone in the first place and this history were to be recorded and available to anyone you might end up idolizing pirates pirates saved the world we actually see them do this exact same thing again during god value they erased God valley from history entirely why Goldie Rogers saved the world the same exact history is voided once again and I'm sure that you have noticed they do this time and time again they don't want to give Luffy credit for the good that he does as a pirate because it's dangerous so the best that they could do erases this knowledge from the annals of history hopefully then the Pirates themselves would not be idolized and the Pirates would not know how strong they can be I was wrong that they can become how to push the world to its brink and then you have the ancient weapons weapons the world government clearly fears I believe that at one time or another the peace main Pirates had possession and had an intention for all of these weapons fighting alongside the twenty Kings they would have seen their power but most of these weapons in my opinion were not supposed to be weapons they were not meant to fight they all served some other purpose and in my opinion this purpose was to create a path to the Sun to bring about the dawn this is why the poni glyphs records and mentions the ancient weapons they were intended to be used but not to destroy the world yeah we are led to believe that the pluton can destroy entire Islands how would they know that was it ever used did it ever actually destroy an entire island did the Morgan ear somehow obtain or steal one or more of the ancient weapons and use them is this the reason more than anything else that the government fears them and if these weapons had another purpose a destiny so to speak I don't think that the peace main pirates would have given them up in fact in the wrong hands which could have been the twenty Kings as well these weapons could wreak untold havoc so the peace Mane's hid them for the time when their destiny could be fulfilled yet because of their existence is just another reason the world government wished to erase the history they did not want anyone to learn of them and seek them this also would explain why the poneglyphs were created in the first place I'm arguing that the creators of the Ponca fought with the Kings to defeat the evil shouldn't they have a shared vision no they fought together but they do not share the same ideals first and foremost peace main pirates value freedom and this includes the freedom of choice these pirates dream of the dawn they want to deliver binks sake and my opinion they had a plan to make this happen but for some reason it failed my speculation here for why this would be the case is that perhaps the peace mains chose the greater good the fight versus the pirate's salvation of the world itself rather than their own desires the freedom of all people in a way they could have failed because of altruism they inadvertently put a group in to power the 20 Kings who collectively had very different ideals that is why joy boy failed at the end of the void century he only solved one of his problems or a different idea maybe joy boy took out these slavers but failed to stop the buyers and the slavers were just replaced a fun fact from history but the actual historical Blackbeard and many pirates were actively slavers the same holds true in one piece the person who owns the human auction house that luffy attacked was doflamingo a pirate keep in mind that the ancient kingdom that pirates themselves are supposed to be the travelers they are the ones who are most likely going to come across these groups of people and enslave them but you still have the problem of you have a market for them you have buyers so perhaps this is where you find the significance in the great kingdom and the creators of the ponent lives through this idea of Liberty Lea pirate heroes but while pirate euros existed so too did the notorious villains yet they couldn't leave it to be lost to history the borogoves tell of their story their adventures they're funny travelingtales their ideals and their goals they left it in such a way that only pirates like themselves adventurers and not conquerors would be able to find it they hoped that someone someday would find it and carry out their dreams and if you are wondering how the Nefertari family could have been friends with the ancient kingdom and wonder why they are protecting a polis here is your simple answer they fought together they became friends I also highly suggest rereading the alabasta arc specifically the conclusion of that arc because I think that there are many parallels to the ideas that I'm suggesting here in that arc the revolution was wrong the world government has had this delicate balance with pirates I believe for many years and part of their strategy was to pit pirates against one another contain them in a particular place the new world the grain line and let them fight each other there cannot be a Pirate King when the Pirates themselves are fractured but it may go even further than this have you ever wondered how why jinks was able to meet with the I offered them advice Chang's additionally met with white beard in order to advise him about black beard he also did not join in the fight against the Marine Ford he stopped it given the chance to take down the world government with white beard who he clearly respected he chose not to in fact he may very well have stopped Cato from doing just that in some ways he let white beard die and I think that you could potentially argued that he warned him of this fact he told him to not pursue black beard does shanks know the truth from his time with the roger pirates that the government is actively trying to fight an even larger threat and it's in the world's best interest to assist them is shanks a guardian of the new world who works with the government in order to try and maintain balance his existence simply put is to prevent the rise of the dark Pirate King he is there just as Roger to join with the Marines to fight other pirates should the need arise and why exactly did Roger start the golden era of piracy if he was worried about pirates destroying the world well first I doubt he was that worried he's not shanks Rogers described to be a lot like Luffy and I think that he just as Luffy can be a bit selfish and thoughtless at times kind of taking the enemy as they appear sort of mentality but I also believe he read the true history learned what the peace means of that time sought and wanted to see that world this was the one that wiper tells us he was waiting for that person which could bring about the dawn deliverer being sake I also suspect that he knew that his little adventure might create more good pirates than bad more peace main pirates on one hand I think that he actually wanted people to find the one piece but on the other hand perhaps it wouldn't matter if they couldn't the treasure itself existed to lure adventurers and dreamers out to the sea of a pirate threat were to arise day just like Roger would fight it and the ideological divide of pirates I think with his little journey made the peace main pirates stronger and white beard upon his death did very sane I think that we can see this most clearly in Jaya or Bellamy tells Luffy that the one piece is some as some nonsense Bellamy is the Morgan year he doesn't think the same way that Luffy would as piece Maine pirates would so what exactly am I saying the Pirates will team up with the government defeat Blackbeard and call it good history will have repeated itself almost exactly three times if not more no I don't think so I think that this time luffy and Blackbeard will be something slightly if not entirely different and a lot of this will have to do with the fact that Luffy will bring about the dawn something needs to occur to facilitate change and I believe that the people that oda placed in the story in order to facilitate this change the most are a kind knew the other Admirals and mokey D dragon in my opinion one of the important turning points in this story was when a kind new defeated LKG to replace sitting Goku as Fleet Admiral you already know that that change was significant it definitely has some sort of narrative purpose I believe that the giris a and emu were looking for someone more hardline the pirates are as strong as ever and you want to meet that fire with fire and this may become even more true not that the Chichibu Kai are a Polish and the balance of powers is even more out of place I argued earlier that EMU is very careful but I suspect he wasn't careful enough or maybe he's just become arrogant regarding the strength of the world government or maybe his fear of pirates led him to go too far in the wrong direction in order to defeat rocks Roger and GARP teamed up as we speculate in order to defeat the Morgan years during the void century the peace mains in the twenty Kings joined forces in the short term I believe a kind new will not allow such an event to occur again at least not while he has any say I believe that now he is in charge and the Warlord's abolished he will not be able to work alongside pirates even if that had a purpose even if that were to be necessary I think that he hates them too much I think that his justice is too forgiving remember shanks actions during Marine Ford we speculate him to be working with the government he is at least partly their ally AK I knew was going to attack him and start a second war ever weren't for the direct order from Sindh oak and truthfully here given the same situation I wonder if that would even work a second time I think that he is out for blood wherever that may be and I would speculate that this leads to in large part a great collapse for the Marines and the world government a canoe will do something that leads to the downfall of the Marines and I think that this could realistically happen during kaido's arc especially if Blackbeard makes an appearance this could be something as simple as after the defeat of Kaido a kind who doesn't stop fighting he then turns his attention to shanks who has arrived to play the same role that he played in marine forward to be there in case he's needed and during the second fight the Marines greatly weakened the red haired pirates the same Blackbeard comes and Blackbeard wins and then we have the Revolutionary Army in monkey deep track I definitely think that they'll have a part to play in the destabilization of the world government as something that has always bothered me how exactly are the revolutionaries wrong like it seems like a strange question but if their path was the way Luffy would probably be a revolutionary they have to have something wrong they are not the heroes of the story for me a satisfying answer to this question is that they are wrong due to their hatred of the government it's blinded them focused on their evils they have disregarded the important role they play and the world stability perhaps it could be a little ironic the world government having erased the history in order to prevent the pirates from realizing their true power at the same time they've hidden their very own nature the importance of the organization themselves why they even existed in the first place I personally believe that shanks has it right given the opportunity to defeat the world government to defeat the Marines shanks chose not to the revolutionaries will not choose this the strength that the government has built up over 800 will deteriorate and a Morgan ear like Blackbeard will have the opportunity to seize the reins but yank conclusion while all of this seems bad I also think that this situation offers an opportunity a chance for change you've got to burn it down to build it up this could help lead to the dawn which I speculate as a peace between the humans and the nonhumans and including other theories the destruction of the red line joining all the four seas again together to form the all blue connecting all of the various people from across the world the Fishman will come back onto the surface the minks will come down from Zell the Giants and the doors will come out of isolation the celestial dragons will be taken down from their throne and the world will have a brief moment an opportunity to be rebuilt from the ashes but the key here is that unlike in the past slavery has been outlawed for over 300 years for the vast majority of people the only ones left really purchasing slaves are those in the black market and celestial dragons who have been defeated I think that the world's perception of nonhumans may drastically change and these people are all in part saved by them Luffy and his crew the grand fleet the Pirates Marines countries and people's he has befriended by his side left in the face of one final confrontation to decide who is actually the Pirate King and simultaneously the fate of the world itself yeah guys this was a very long video that took quite a while a long time to make have you guys made it to the end and enjoyed it please share it with your friends that'd be much appreciated but yeah as always guys I'm curious as to what you guys think leave your thoughts in the comment section below like the video if you liked the video dislike the video if you disliked the video subscribe if you want to be notified for my future content and as always guys have a wonderful day
Channel: Joy_Boy Theories
Views: 874,415
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Keywords: one piece, one piece manga, one piece anime, one piece theory, one piece spoiler, joy boy, joy boy theories, joy_boy theories, im one piece, imu one piece, imu sama, imu theory, freedom one piece, luffy vs celestial dragon, luffy vs world noble, luffy vs marines, luffy vs admirals, strongest one piece, one piece 968, end of one piece, the void century, the lost history, the rio poneglyph, luffy vs blackbeard, roger vs rocks
Id: 8LYgN5Ljucc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 0sec (2820 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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