The Lost 1984 Video: young Steve Jobs introduces the Macintosh
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Channel: macessentials
Views: 9,561,333
Rating: 4.9073424 out of 5
Keywords: Macintosh, 1984, Steve, Jobs, lost, video, historical
Id: 2B-XwPjn9YY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 10sec (310 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 23 2009
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Running on a prototype Macintosh 512k since the original didnβt have enough memory to load the presentation
You can feel history being made in this introduction. Same with the iPhone intro years later
Here is a 2017 spot-on remake of the original Macintosh intro:
What I didn't know until I read Walter Isaacson's book was how the original Macintosh didn't live up to expectations and was a major factor in Jobs leaving Apple in 1985.
Not that it was due to the product itself. More that the pricing made it difficult to compete with IBM.
This is how people responded to the Mac on the internet back in 1984:
It's incredible the lack of vision IBM PCers have. Thank goodness we had true visionaries like Steve Jobs, because without him, we'd still be typing on command line interfaces or using a stylus/hardware keyboard with phones:
As expected, the Super Bowl commercial blew people away:
This guy gets it: he knew the Macintosh had potential:
This guy also thinks the Macintosh has potential but held back by price:
Another guy got it: the Macintosh wasn't for IBM PCers, but for an entirely different demographic:
This guy thought Microsoft and Apple created magic with the Mac:
In 1985 the vastly superior Amiga 1000 was released but sadly was run into the ground eventually by Commodore.
<3 First computer I ever used was an OG Macintosh.
Cools. Cumbersome used to be portable back then.
It is somewhat amazing they have kept the name and line going for all these decades. You canβt say that about Gateway 2000.