The Lore of All Enclave Power Armor

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foreign brothers and sisters in Adam I am rad King and this is my sermon dedicated solely to the lore and interesting tidbits related to the many Enclave power armor suits throughout the series one of if not the most technologically advanced faction in the Wasteland they created some truly effective and great looking power armor and these suits span almost every game some of these suits are iterative building and improving on older versions so in that spirit I will start chronologically at the earliest Enclave suits and move forward through time to see how they changed there is also no shortage of controversy relating to the newer games so crank up the RADS and relax a tad while I unfold the entire story of Enclave power armor remember to stick around at the end of my video for the comment highlights let's begin this story starts with the rather Infamous suit of x01 power armor x01 was commissioned by The Joint Chiefs of Staff before the Great War when exactly this was is unclear however it was early enough that a number of units were constructed the confirmed areas with units of x01 are the Commonwealth and possibly Appalachia although there is also a very good chance that there are more units elsewhere schematics of the armor were sent to the White Springs bunker in Appalachia which was an enclave Retreat and base of operations after the Great War along with the control station Enclave on the oil rig off the coast of California this experimental design was not in production before the Great War and it is unknown if it was ever slated for full production but it would serve as the basis for future Enclave research a white spring terminal entry mentions the armor was technically operational but not ready for prime time yet even so in Fallout 4 where we first see the x01 power armor it seems to outperform all contemporary pre-war models including the T45 t60 and even the t-51 this is particularly impressive since the t-51 was widely considered the most advanced power armor model of the pre-war that seems to show the potential of x01 and probably the reason the Enclave chose it as a springboard for their own Power Armor Designs before the Great War the US military had a special project in cooperation with nuka-cola of all companies primarily due to their excellent chemists which was known as project Cobalt although there were several aims of project Cobalt one of them included the research of strontium-90 which was used to coat a suit of x01 power armor vastly increasing its protective capabilities this would not be used on any other version of power armor making this so-called Quantum x01 likely the only one of its kind the post-war was a really transformative time for well just about everyone but that holds also for the x01 armor in Fallout 76 the x01 can only be crafted in game and no suits can be found within the area of Appalachia the player can do this after obtaining the schematics at the White Springs bunker and the notable absence of this power armor in the Overworld May indicate that The Enclave in Appalachia never actually constructed any suits themselves regardless the armor became the basis for Enclave research where they expanded on the already very capable platform according to the Fallout Bible which may or may not be Canon the Enclave began working on their Advanced power armor project in 2198 which is 121 years after the Great War that is a really long time to wait to pick up where the x01 project left off but in their defense maybe they didn't have a direct need for a new power armor because I'm sure they were kind of busy with a thing or two since there was that tiny little nuclear war and all this effort to begin the advanced power armor project in 2198 received renewed concentration in 2215 where a presidential mandate expressly ordered Enclave personnel and resources to be dedicated to the new Power Armor which eventually came to a head in 2220 when the so-called Advanced power armor was finally brought into service sometime in the century and a half that it took the Enclave to create an advanced version of the x01 power armor The Institute all the way over in Boston created a unique coating that can only be applied to suits of x01 this is referred to in-game as the Institute paint and cannot be applied to any other kind of suit which may indicate that the x01 has advanced materials that the other models don't this would also indicate that the Institute may have had a model of x01 or at least parts of one so that they can make this specialized coating that is a somewhat surprising aspect of the Institute given that they don't really seem to care about power armor or really making good weapons since the Institute Laser rifle is comically inept we don't know anything more about x01 other than that there was research done that eventually led to the advanced power armor in the enclave and the specialized coating from The Institute unless someone somewhere else in the United States had the ability and desire to create new units of x01 we can just assume that the x01 remained a pre-war Oddity in Fallout 4 there are only a few areas where x01 can be found regardless of player level which will usually spawn at level 28 and x01 helmet can always be found on the pridwin in Proctor teakin's shop although it has to be stolen as it's never for sale Paladin Dance's life is spared in the blind betrayal Quest he will leave his trusty t60 power armor behind and instead pull out a suit of x01 although it is unknown where exactly he got it because that is not exactly Brotherhood standard issue maybe he pulled it out of his butt I mean have you talked to the guy it definitely seems like he has something permanently crammed up there the last static suit of x01 that can be found is in Nuka world and that is the special Quantum x01 with the strontium-90 coating which has been locked away in a glass display case for centuries this unit was used as some sort of advertising or promotion for nuka-cola which sounds on brand for pre-war companies in Fallout being incomplete Cahoots with the military industrial complex the x01 armor in Fallout 4 is the most capable of all models so let's understand how powerful this armor was by comparing it to other models of power armor in the two games that it can be used in namely Fallout 4 and 76 in Fallout 4 it is the most capable of all models found in the game with a Mark 6 version beating out everything else in terms of physical and energy resistance and total HP e the only thing it does not do better than the second best suit in Fallout 4 which is the t60 is radiation resistance which is exactly the same as the t60 so it is interesting that this armor was considered not ready for prime time yet all existing specimens that can be found and used in Fallout 4 are just as reliable as any other suit of armor and is Superior in every way to all other pre-war versions hmm it has all the upgrades that can be found on other models of power armor and even a couple unique ones which include a thermal coating modification and x01 EMP shielding the thermal coating has the same effect as the winterized mod just without the color change and the shielding mod has the same effect as the prism shielding but is a bit cheaper to craft these differences are likely the result of different materials and Technologies between the different models of power armor Fallout 76 was quite different from Fallout 4 in terms of ranking the power armor models against each other this New Balance makes the x01 not as obviously Superior as Fallout 4 whereas in Fallout 4 it was the top dog of all the models the x01 has about the same physical damage resistance as the t60 while having better energy and radiation resistance the t51 on the other hand is much more comparable now the t51 has a substantial increase in physical damage when compared to the x01 one it has the same energy resistance but a good deal less radiation resistance it doesn't stop there though because the x01 loses out in every way to the newer t65 armor and the ultrasight power armor which has higher physical damage resistance but again is beaten out by the x01 on radiation and energy resistance I appreciate this more nuanced approach to the models of power armor in 76 and it shows that in some ways Bethesda was listening to fans from Fallout 4 and that is important because of the controversy that was started by x01 perhaps the difference in capability between the Fallout 76 x01 and Fallout 4 x01 is that the only suits that can be used by the player in Appalachia have to be crafted and perhaps some of the high-tech production techniques used during the pre-war that created the suits found in Fallout 4 just made higher quality x01 that is just some conjecture on my part and has no basis in any of the games but it would explain the discrepancy between the x01 and Fallout 4 and what can be found in Fallout 76 in Fallout 76 this armor has an incredible amount of paints and visual customization which should come as no surprise since that is one of the strong points of Fallout 76. I mean just look at these the Blackbird paint is definitely one of my favorites and I love the nod to the SR-71 but look at this Inferno paint or this Nuka shine paint there are actually some pretty cool designs in here looking at the design of the power armor the relationship with the advanced power armor in earlier fallouts is immediately apparent but there are significant differences the suit is bigger overall but that can be said for all suits in Fallout 4 and 76 regardless of model the eye covers are smaller in relation to the whole helmet and they also double as lamps for Illuminating in the dark the helmet shape has been changed to not angle to a point near the chin as much and there are two visible external filters for breathing there's also been the addition of this component which it looks removable and similar to a screw in type filter almost like an oil filter from a car but I don't know how many filters this thing could possibly have the x01 is my favorite design of any power armor to date and the asymmetry in the helmet makes it appear more alien and menacing in appearance I just really like all the aspects of this armor I think they work together really well and that includes the increased bulk and size which came as a result of how the player interacts with the power armor in Fallout 4 and 76 so I would be remiss to not address the x01 controversy that came up after the Nuka World DLC as most of you are aware up until Fallout 4 t-51b was regarded as the best pre-war power armor only being beaten out by post-war Enclave suits that was reinforced by a Fallout 4 loading screen that specifically mentioned the t-51 being the Pinnacle of pre-war power armor before the war only to have Nuka world give us the quantum armor that was created in Project Cobalt before the war and having it locked away all these years until the player character finds it x01 is obviously Superior based on the in-game stats and its heavy resemblance to Enclave power armor caused many to be upset at the apparent retcon because now we have a pre-war power armor that is more powerful than t-51 and I think a lot of this outrage was justified since it didn't even seem like the developers could be consistent within their own game given the information we get from the loading screen then came the arguments about whether x01 could possibly be post-war and the fans brought up another good point The Enclave designed their Advanced power armor seen in Fallout 2 but the presence of x01 would seem to imply The Enclave just inherited their armor from the pre-war and branded it as their own it really was a veritable Rat's Nest of retcons and lore but Fallout 76 righted the ship a bit so to speak terminal entries in the white Springs bunker specifically mentions sending schematics of x01 to Enclave bases and refers to the suit as being experimental secondly x01 is balanced better against its pre-war contemporaries in Fallout 76 with the t-51 being a better overall suit and the t60 quite comparable there are many who are still not satisfied with this salute ocean and I kind of understand that but it does seem to smooth over a few of the issues that was raised from Fallout 4. the next step in the evolution of Enclave power armor is as we mentioned before the advanced power armor Mark 1. its development began in 2198 with the x01 being the basis for research and development by 2220 the armor was developed and began to be used by The Enclave who seemed to have been using t-51b power armor in the meantime since several t51 suits can be found at control station Enclave aka the oil rig the armor was made with lightweight metal alloys that had reinforced ceramic castings at critical points to increase ruggedness the motion assist servos are high quality thanks to Enclave Tech which clever Enclave grunts could use to take naps locking the servos in place while standing would allow the user to fall asleep standing up with the appearance of being on Vigilant guard Duty man no wonder archdornan is so ornery about sleeping Enclave soldiers other confirmed Advanced systems include air conditioning which yeah a suit with a mini nuclear reactor standing outside under the sun in the southwestern United States would definitely need some temperature control but also included a radio and a urine recycling system this is made known in pretty funny dialogue between the chosen one and one of the right children who ask in typical child fashion how the chosen one is supposed to pee while in the armor The Chosen One replies with actually I just urinated the armor and it recycles everything isn't that interesting you know what recycling means little one this actually seems to be a fairly common feature since the t51 is also stated in game to have waste recycling although survival mode in Fallout 4 does not take this into account since the wearer can get thirsty while wearing Power Armor man that game is just literally unplayable Advanced power armor Mark 1 is superior to the t51 armor in Fallout 2 as well as the hardened variant of t-51b in no category does the hardened power armor beat the advanced armor but it does have the same damage resistance and damage threshold for laser fire and explosive damage but getting beat out in normal plasma and electrical damage types it does all this while also being lighter than t51 showing how Superior it really is the overall design did not vary a whole lot from x01 although like all power numbers in Fallout 2 the lower portion of the suit appears to be less heavily armored especially when compared to the original x01 design they're just like so much space down there like look how wide their stance is the 3D Fallout power armors are basically rubbing their thighs together with every step the helmet changes the most with highly visible reflective yellow eye lenses a more angular almost mantis or insect like shape and two bottom protrusions that I don't really know the function of perhaps they are one-way outlets for exhaust air lastly I just noticed this but there appeared to be two panels that can be removed on either side of the helmet that can have hooks or Loops attached for what I am guessing are entirely illegitimate reasons but I can't think of any Fallout 2 has a love for Unnecessary facial Hardware just look at some of those super mutants I like this design quite a bit although I do prefer the helmet and general size and bulk of the x01 which is why it edges out the advanced power armor in my book it is also interesting that the Fallout 2 developers purposefully made The Enclave in insect-like in many regards which is most obvious with the advanced power armor helmet as well as the dragonfly like vertibirds I really do wonder why they decided on this design inspiration for the enclave although it took the Enclave 120 years to finally make their own suit of power armor it didn't take them very long to make the advanced power armor Mark II visually identical to the previous version it boasts enhanced defense and durability owing to more Advanced Materials the development history behind this version of power armor is unknown and the main upgrade appears to be ceramic plating that covers the entirety of the suit as opposed to a mix of metal and ceramic in the mark 1. it is a worthwhile upgrade over the Mark 1 version since it has higher damage resistance or damage threshold for normal plasma explosive and electrical with only laser and EMP staying the same there really isn't much else in regards to the advanced power armor Mark II at least that's how it was until Fallout 3 rolled around the corner in 2008. Enclave power armor Mark II is by definition found in Fallout 3 and is in fact the basic Enclave power armor you would be totally forgiven for not realizing that however since it Bears absolutely zero resemblance to the Mark II power armor in Fallout 2. in game it is also called simply Enclave power armor or the Brotherhood of Steel nickname of black devil armor since that name is pretty metal I'm going to refer to the armor by that name in order to not confuse this model with the Mark II model from Fallout 2 there is next to zero lore about this version of power armor its development or why it shares the same name as the Fallout 2 Armor we are left to try and make sense of this issue within Universe justification that honestly makes the whole x01 issue seem quite tame in comparison I'll go over the speculation a little later because that will make up the bulk of this section on the black devil armor looking at how the armor Stacks up against the other Fallout 3 armors it is not as capable as the base level t51b it has substantially less damage resistance and HP for both the suit and the helmet while also protecting less from radiation the only Advantage it has is an increase of strength by one but using this armor also lowers agility by one and Charisma by one really this is just a modest step up from the T45 which is the most basic armor in the game so what's going on here unfortunately we only have fan speculation as Bethesda has never Justified how this armor is named and portrayed in game like they did with the x01 in Fallout 4. before talking about that however I wanted to take a look at the armor itself there is essentially no part of this design that is carried over from the power armor Mark 1 or 2 except possibly the reflective yellow lenses over the eyes it has dropped the large cowl or hump and reincorporates pauldrons like the other armored designs although they are much smaller than designs like the t-51 inside the suit near the shoulders are some turbine looking Contraptions which could be doing really any number of things leave a comment if you have an idea of what the purpose of these could be the plating on the Torso resembles natural musculature and the helmet design itself has a few similarities to the Midwest Brotherhood of Steel power armor in Fallout tactics the midwestern armor looks more aggressive but the golden reflective eye lenses and prominent protrusions on either side of the head really stand out no other suit of power armor has the prominent horns which could mean that the midwestern power armor served as somewhat of a design inspiration there is a lot of concept art for the black devil power armor and it seems one of the constants among each of these options is the presence of horns which is likely an attempt to subconsciously make players regard The Enclave as evil or menacing upon encountering them nothing says I'm a bad guy like two little horns now does it the last random but nonetheless interesting tidbit is that the pauldrons on the armor are not actually attached to the suit itself they just kind of float in place now that is some advanced technology good going Enclave Fallout 76 has a skin of the black devil armor but it is just termed The Enclave power armor in name the skin can be bought in the atomic store but has a lot of differences from The Fallout 3 power armor like incorporating an x01 like cowl modified pauldrons more streamlined features on the helmet and a large addition to the back of the power armor with some nice glowy bits in there the eyes will even glow projecting light for the user just like the x01 I actually like this design more than the Fallout 3 armor the streamlined design just works better for me as far as lore implications go since there's no other information about this armor in the base game I believe this is just a fun inclusion for fans so here's where I want to discuss some of the in-game justifications for this whole Advanced power armor Mark II mess the easiest issue to explain away is the inferiority of black devil armor to t51 since previous Advanced power armor models The Enclave developed were very obviously Superior this would be a step backward in capability and why go through the trouble of redesigning entire suits if the end result is just an inferior product well one compelling argument I have seen is that the suits were a redesigned out of necessity see The Enclave in Fallout 3 are the remnants of The Enclave forces that fled the destruction of control station enclave and moved their forces across the United States all the way to Raven Rock where President Eden had been waiting for centuries this cross-country Trek would no doubt be difficult especially since the Enclave were moving out of desperation as they just had their base and likely many of their resources blown up by some random tribal guy so it may make sense then that they redesigned their power armor to be easier to make easier to repair and require lower technological know-how and capabilities to produce this would likely end with an inferior product but if your main concern is having a usable fixable and reproducible power armor while engaged in a long distance Exodus then honestly this is a pretty decent explanation while we are on the topic of decent explanations let's talk about the absolutely crappy explanation for the name issue between the Fallout 2 Advanced power armor Mark II and the Fallout 3 Advanced power armor Mark II AKA black devil armor ah man that's so confusing the best explanation I have seen is that the Mark II in Fallout 2 is actually the black devil power armor and that if Bethesda waves their magic retcon wand we can all just pretend that the visual portrayal of Mark II in Fallout 2 is wrong and we should instead Imagine The Enclave wearing black devil armor I hate that for many reasons and really I think the only way to smooth this over a little bit would be to clarify a few things say something like the West Coast Enclave on their way to the east coast met up and regrouped with Enclave forces stationed in different faces as they pass through on their way to the capital Wasteland one of these groups had their own power armor program which resulted in a suit that is essentially the black devil power armor this power armor was then adopted by the now orphaned Western Enclave maybe they modified it further to be easier and cheaper to produce so that the Enclave could continue their Journey which would technically make this a new version or Mark II of this independently created Advanced power armor I admit that this is a stretch but Bethesda put themselves in this weird position by stating multiple times in Fallout 3 that their armor is Advanced power armor Mark II rather than doing the minimum effort and just calling it Advanced power armor Mark III alright the rant's over The Fallout 3 Tesla armor is a variant of the black devil armor it shares the same look with the notable inclusion of large coils or vacuum tube-like devices that are attached to various portions of the armor most notably on the pauldrons there is extra wiring across the Torso Gauntlet and legs where you can find yet again more coils on the back are two large glowing cylinders and they are so large in fact that it even clips into the helmet can you imagine having to wear this armor and barely being able to move your head up or side to side the function of these cylinders is not entirely clear they could be part of the suit's built-in generator to help Meet The increased power demands of the suit they could also be some sort of Step up Transformer to increase the voltage needed by the extra Tech although I do think this is less likely the most likely in my mind that they are some sort of field generating Tech since we can see a yellowish electrical field pulse across the surface of the armor Tesla armor is superior to basic black devil armor with a slightly higher damage resistance each P and an increased radiation resistance and plus 10 to the energy weapon skill but still lagging behind the t-51b power armor in every stat Fallout 3 does not have damage types otherwise it would make sense that the armor would be more effective maybe at defending against energy weapons similar to the Tesla armor in the first fallouts rather than specifically defending against energy weapons instead it enhances energy weapons which when you think about it is quite curious maybe this pulsing field doesn't protect as much as it boosts the energy capacity of energy weapons making the lasers or plasma bolts that much more energetic and damaging the last difference between the Tesla Model and the basic model other than random little bits and wires is that it just looks old and worn like seriously look at the surface of this armor with that weird texture and yellow color one might chalk this up to some kind of corrosive buildup similar to how the terminals on a battery can get that blue or green corrosion build up but I think this hints towards the Tesla armor actually just being older protector kazden of the Brotherhood outcasts will pay the player to bring him different technology like power armor energy weapons and sensor modules and upon trading him a suit of Tesla power armor he will remark that he has not seen a suit of armor like this for a long time before accepting it this would indicate the armor has been in use for some time as even Brotherhood members are aware of it the implications of this are interesting given what we discussed about the background of the black devil armor if all these suits really are this old why don't they have newer ones why are they keeping these old units still in service perhaps like we discussed before the resource crunch on The Enclave has meant that they try and get as much use out of old Tech as possible but if that were the case where are the surviving power armor Mark 1 suits those ones were handily superior to the t-51 whereas neither the black devil nor the Tesla armor is superior to t-51 this sort of thing is giving me a headache the more I think about it there is a cut version of this armor referred to in-game files as robothor which is a funny name and might have to do with the fact that the armor has pulsing electricity across its surface visually identical to the in-game Tesla armor it has slightly lower damage resistance than the vanilla version but a lot more HP beating out even the t51 by over a thousand finally some Enclave Tech that can beat pre-war power armor in Fallout 3 or I guess it would have been in had this version not been cut unfortunately it is only available via console commands but it gives some insight as to how the developers were balancing the armor before settling on the current in-game version my personal opinion on the design is overall positive I like the arcs of energy the glowing plasma bulbs and even the overall dirtier look the helmet does look out of place however since it does not have the same patina as the rest of the armor so it looks a bit odd the black devil power armor look is overall my least favorite of all power armors the Tesla armor is less common as it only spawns in the late game and if Broken Steel is installed the newer Hellfire armor will spawn a lot more than the Tesla armor speaking of the Hellfire armor let's take a look at that now although it first appeared in the Fallout 3 expansion Broken Steel it actually got the lore relating to its origin from Fallout 76 Fallout 3 had no lore or explanation for its appearance or its background a terminal entry in Vault 51 which was run by the zax 1.3 supercomputer shows that Zacks tried repeatedly to request the delivery of a suit of prototype Hellfire power armor in the year 2080. so that was only three years after the Great War the first attempt was denied due to a lack of security clearance but Zacks was a clever one looking in his data banks he found the head of future Tech the division of vault-tec which was a super secretive division heading up the most advanced technology vault-tec could muster zax analyzed the director's writing style this director being one Stannis lost Brown and was able to copy this style with a 99.6 accuracy after which it resent a request impersonating the director this new message reamed the team who processes requests and deploy worked and zax was provided with a suit of prototype Hellfire armor who was this team that fulfilled the request I hear you asking why it was The Enclave of course which of the Enclave groups isn't expressly stated although the most probable group would be the Appalachian Enclave since they are the closest to Vault 51 and they were known to be active right after the Great War in 2077 if this assumption is correct then the Appalachian Enclave were developing their Hellfire armor independently from any other group with a working prototype being available as early as three years after the Great War the suit would stay in its prototype stage for many years as the Appalachian Enclave directed efforts instead to trying to launch appalachia's nuclear ordinance at China because one Great War isn't enough and two is too low the Appalachian Enclave would go on to seal their fate when their efforts to launch the nuclear payloads in Appalachia led to the scorched plague and scorched beasts that would wipe out all the humans what happened with the Hellfire prototypes or the plans after the destruction of the Appalachian Enclave is unknown but the next time we see Enclave efforts to create and use Hellfire power armor is in the capital Wasteland in Fallout 3. around 2277 which is when the events of Fallout 3 take place The Enclave are able to begin producing the armor at their Adams Air Force base Outpost after The Enclave leadership specifically chose to direct research efforts from other projects to the Hellfire project this is referenced by a recording that Eddie from Fallout New Vegas took and preserved wherein the lead researcher for the dura frame iBot project of which Eddie was a part of was told to stop iBot research and development and instead focus on the Hellfire armor making Eddie the last of its kind in the normal sequence of events in Fallout 3 Hellfire armor is not seen until after the events of project Purity where the Raven Rock facility is destroyed and The Enclave are once again forced on the run because if the Enclave is good at anything it's looking cool and always losing after regrouping units at the Adams Air Force Base they begin to produce Hellfire armor once their research and development is completely focused on it this is likely due to the inferiority of the black devil and Tesla models against plain Jane t51 and The Enclave may have decided a more powerful power armor variant would help them in their fight against the Brotherhood the production model of Hellfire that we see in Fallout 3 has the same HP and damage resistance as t-51 plus one strength and plus 30 to fire resistance while having less radiation resistance than t-51 that makes it on par with the t-51 and makes the choice between the two armors really come down to the special and Stat boosts that both offer this would seem to reinforce the idea that production was chosen specifically to match the t51's capabilities in their ongoing conflict with the Brotherhood of Steel unfortunately we cannot see how the Hellfire prototype Stacks up against the rest of the power armor variants in Fallout 76 as the only in-game version is unobtainable since it is worn by the scorched overseer protecting Zack's 1.3 in Vault 51. you can't loot the armor off his body and the only other way to see this armor in game is to get the paint job that can be applied to any suit of armor that changes it to look just like Hellfire armor for shame Bethesda for shame give me a dedicated in-game Hellfire armor other than the high stats the real standout part of this armor is its fire resistance this is particularly relevant because of the name of this variant but Hellfire Troopers are commonly found in Fallout 3 to be wielding heavy incinerators I find it peculiar that in the effort to get a suit to go toe-to-toe with the t-51 and emphasis was put on fire resistance sure you see some Brotherhood Troopers with flamers but the majority of the Brotherhood of Steel uses laser Weaponry so wouldn't it make more sense to build a power armor with greater energy weapon resistance a valid counter argument would be that The Enclave in Fallout 3 didn't really have much choice in the design since they may have just had the plans and schematics of the Prototype and it was the Prototype and the original Engineers that took a keen interest in making the armor more fire resistant the Hellfire armor in Fallout 3 then would just be a natural consequence of pressing this armor into production and the suit's inherent fire resistance was not a specific Choice made by The Enclave in Fallout 3. that brings up a question that is not that important but I'm gonna ask it anyway because that's what I do how did The Enclave in the capital Wasteland get the plans to build the armor either the plans were sent to Raven Rock or the Adams Air Force Base and the East Coast Enclave obtained them upon arriving in the capital Wasteland alternatively The Enclave could have passed through Appalachia on their way to the capital Wasteland and recovered the plans as they moved through the area and accessed old Appalachian Enclave data looking at the suit it carries subtle cues from the black devil armor which is kind of interesting namely the eyes and small horns on either side of the head otherwise it doesn't have much more carryover and is rather original in the design I'd like that the black hoses that may be rubber or some sort of synthetic material on the Tesla and black devil suits have been dropped For What appears to be metal tubing that stays close to the armor this may be part of the fireproofing measures that were undertaken for this suit this isn't stated in game by any source and is not backed up by lore but I think it would be cool if the Hellfire armor was being developed by pre-war Enclave engineers specifically to fight and survive in a nuked environment like they were planning on having to deal with tactical nuclear weapons being used in their war against the Chinese and this armor was designed to specifically withstand the heat of the blast and subsequent fires a man can dream Fallout New Vegas has the last Enclave armor that we will discuss in this video and it is referred to in-game as the remnant power armor this armor is not easy to come by and should the player character get the chance to equip it it is later in the game this is because as you can tell from the appearance it is old Enclave armor either Mark 1 or Mark II Advanced power armor that The Enclave used in Fallout 2 and that is seen prominently on the game cover at this point on the west coast The Enclave have long since been defeated and those that did not Trek East tried to blend in as best they could and leave their past behind them several characters in Fallout New Vegas successfully hid their past with the enclave and stashed away any evidence of their time as Enclave members this included their power armor that over time has weathered a bit and gotten a little bit of dust but is still functional again we don't know precisely if this is Mark 1 or Mark II although if you read the wiki it does its best to call all Enclave power armor in Fallout 2 Mark 1 so that the Mark II designation for the black devil armor in Fallout 3 can make sense I definitely don't agree with that and I think it's high time for Bethesda to clear the air in regards to this mess because I feel like I'm just being gaslit by the freaking Fallout wiki when looking at how it Stacks against the other power armors in the game namely the T45 and t51 the remnant power armor comes out with some big advantages as well as drawbacks with the highest damage threshold of all power armors it offers superior protection which makes sense given how the advanced power armor Mark 1 and 2 were obviously Superior to t-51 in Fallout 2 where you have to be careful however is when being attacked by really high damage enemies as the HP of the armor is significantly lower than the t-51 or even the T45 this is a very interesting trade-off and makes the player actually think through what is best for them and their build rather than seeing the r armor is just a straight up upgrade and shelving all other suits of power armor permanently this could also make a little bit of sense given the deteriorated condition of the power armor and perhaps this condition just makes it break more easily when suffering heavy damage or maybe it's a hint to Enclave research Doctrine where they were more concerned about really strong defense at the expense of durability since the armor is not specific to any functioning faction within Fallout New Vegas wearing it will not cause any other faction to become immediately hostile unlike other faction-specific clothing and armor it is rather interesting to note however that the end slides speak of a scenario where arcade Ganon who is a Remnant and in possession of his father's power armor has his past connections revealed due to someone finding the armor and he is subsequently jailed by the NCR the player character is totally cool to run around Camp McCarran with that same exact piece of armor though those are double standards and I will not stand their disrespect for arcade Ganon speaking of the Ganon fan family power armor it is the only unique variant of the remnant armor as it is essentially the Tesla version of The Remnant power armor in fact there was originally meant to be a Tesla version of The Remnant power armor but that armor was repurposed to just be the Ganon family suit with large prominent vacuum tube looking protrusions smaller blue lights and circular components with you guessed it even more lights let's just say you weren't going to be very sneaky in this bad boy similar to Tesla armor from Fallout 3 there is an electrical pulse over the surface of the armor and it has similar effects to the Fallout 3 Tesla power armor with a plus 10 2 energy skills it has the highest damage threshold of any armor but suffers from the same drawback as the normal Remnant armor having really low HP this also seems to show that incorporating Tesla technology into Power Armor is an older practice since some examples of Mark 1 or Mark II Advanced power armor have obviously been outfitted with it my opinion on this armor is overall very positive I like how faithful it is to the advanced power armor in Fallout 2. I also like that they made it look old and weathered which really drives home the fact that the Enclave are a thing of the past in that part of the world I do prefer the larger bulkier armors in later games and like I said before I like the x01 helmet design a little bit more but I'm not throwing any shade at all to the remnant armor in fact I love the fan-like device on the back I may have been lightly hypnotized a few times running across the Mojave in third person I also love the dynamic between damage threshold and HP because it makes the power armor system more interesting rather than just hey this is a new power armor it's way better than my current power armor in every single way so I should immediately just trash it Fallout 76 has another skin that is visually very similar to the armor that is worn by Frank Horrigan in Fallout 2. the armor is called equalizer power armor removing any reference to Oregon but the visual similarities are there again since it is a skin it does not have any inherent stats or abilities and since the players in Fallout 76 generally are not giant mutant Psychopaths the armor is the same size as conventional power armor rather than the jumbo size that Horrigan wears once again we are going to dive into controversy and cover an item from the creation club and this little gem that is known as the x02 armor this was added before Fallout 76 smoothed out the rough edges of x01 and the x02 did nothing to help the situation the quest that is tied to this armor mentions that it is a more advanced version of x01 shocker I know it is not clear when it was developed but it was apparently used by Enclave forces in Fallout 3 by an elite group known as the devil's hand this armor was apparently still in the Prototype phase but is more powerful than x01 in game and accepts all modifications the resemblance to the black devil armor is very obvious as it is a very faithful Recreation just in Fallout 4 bulky proportions since this is from the creation club I'm not going to spend any time trying to square away the information given from the quest I've honestly just about had it with the black devil armor and that brothers and sisters covers all the Enclave power armor throughout the entire series what are your thoughts on the retcons and current lore conflicts how would you reconcile the current issues with Enclave power armor lore what is your favorite Enclave power armor in any of the games I really want to hear your thoughts and if I like what you say a lot it will be featured in the comment highlight of my next long form video speaking of which let's get to the comet highlight for my video on fev as well as my new sleep aid playlist and the video about monetary inflation in Fallout not the other kind of Fallout inflation you freaking sickos I want to personally Thank The Mad Doctor and bingas bogus for helping me get Fallout 76 footage you guys are awesome to donate some of your time like that I also want to thank my very first patrons I am extremely grateful for your support looking through the comments I want to say a few things about my sleep videos I know they are shorter than what is needed to actually fall asleep to but this endeavor is a constant effort over several weeks to build up a playlist these small videos won't or at least shouldn't unless YouTube's lying to me have any video ads so that the playlist won't be broken up by any intrusive ads my intro is also a modified DB calmer and not really noticeable I plan on trying to make this a weekly upload and will do so until the list reaches between two to two and a half hours which I think should be enough material also sorry to those of you that wanted me to do voice acting rather than just speaking like in all my videos I am a terrible voice actor and it would not be relaxing at all as you lie in your bed dying of cringe I am happy to see how many people were interested in the monetary inflation within the Fallout universe and I want to address a couple points I saw in the comments the first is that there are so many factors that could influence the numbers that it would have taken hours to go over everything and try to consider all possibilities they really are endless maybe there was super low inflation year over year and then it ramped up near the Great War to much higher levels but the average year-over-year calculation wouldn't tell us that maybe the oil shortages caused plastic to be expensive so anything that uses plastic is more expensive just because of that maybe a portal to another dimension opened up and King Midas jumped out and turned things into gold so the price of gold tanked really it was a broad attempt to see if we can make any sense of the hard numbers that are included in game and was more of a fun exercise than anything so let's not get too worked up about it also don't Google image search fallout inflation or do if that's your thing I guess on the fev video which was my last long form video a few of you mentioned that you are tired of seeing super mutants everywhere you go in every game since it seems like every area in the United States has a new source of the Beauties I am inclined to agree with this sentiment I do not think that every game needs to have a bunch of super mutants I really like how Fallout New Vegas treated super mutants where many that can be encountered in game are not openly hostile and they aren't used as cannon fodder to pad the difficulty of certain areas I would like more Nuance or even an area that doesn't have any super mutants with maybe one that you can find as an Easter egg who is friendly and just traveling through the area Nathaniel Perry asks an interesting question where he was wondering if the quad Helix structure that according to Fallout is impervious to radiation is Adam's blessing for those unfamiliar with Adam's blessing this is the ability of some children of Adam to be impervious to the damaging effects of radiation so is this blessing a mutation that causes them to have quad helix DNA that's a really good question and is certainly possible and I honestly wouldn't fault anyone for having that as their headcanon a few of you asked whether it is possible that fev was spread through water rather than air since Zacks expressly states that it is not air transmissible it is definitely possible that fev contaminated water sources through leakage or some other mechanism however I still think that would make the virus fairly localized since person-to-person transmission is not recorded and the drainage basins would only carry contaminated water Downstream leaving Upstream areas unaffected here are drainage basins for Southern California barrels or bits of fev would have had to be ejected over hundreds of miles to infect the water source of everyone within the area can contained in the Fallout 2 map so I find it unlikely that water-based transmission would account for low level infection across the region project Purity does show us however that water and fev do mix and can have grave consequences Zygarde left a comment comparing the testing that was done on pre-war populations like the Tuskegee syphilis experiments of the real world I definitely think that the developers had these historical events in mind when creating these locations and writing the lore Warrior of virtue mentioned Ericsson the friendly Super Mutant from Far Harbor and how he is an example of a mutant that started dumb and became more intelligent or aware with time he isn't sure what did it and says it could either be the fog or the Vim that he drank while at the factory that caused him to start thinking and questioning things I think this is an interesting possibility that a future video talking specifically about super mutants would certainly cover Ben Turner left a comment correcting me about the effects free neutrons would have on other atoms and he is totally right free neutrons are very damaging as their potential absorption into another atom will cause that atom's atomic mass to change causing it to become an isotope this changes the way the atom interacts and if this atom is inside a body the unpredictable effects could be detrimental it also carries the possibility of making other atoms themselves radioactive as they begin a Decay Pathway to try and reach equilibrium again irradiating surrounding atoms so this proposed hydrogen ion Shield keeps the fev from being bombarded with neutrons whether that is reasonable or not I can't say but if they can protect from one kind of radiation why wouldn't they protect from the others if they really were worried about damage due to radiation you would think that they would try and cover all their bases and now we have come to the end but do not worry as Adam is always with you if you would like to discuss Fallout lore with like-minded people as well as myself please come to my Discord server as it is the only server consecrated to Adam if you want to support me well you know the drill but I also have a patreon that enables me to cover any and all fallout content which can be pretty dark at times take care of yourselves and I will see you in my next video
Channel: RadKing
Views: 265,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Qcg5MV-Sdgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 55sec (3055 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 17 2022
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