Exodus 15:26, we began a couple
of weeks ago on a series we're calling The Lord My Healer. And we want to continue with
that this morning. If you haven't been with us, you
can get the previous two messages. You can go online and get them;
it won't cost you anything. If you're in the building, you
can go get a CD; won't cost you anything. But, this has been our main
text. He said, "If you
will diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord your God, and
will do that which is right in His sight, and will give ear to
His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none of
these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the
Egyptians: for I am the Lord that healeth thee." The Young's Literal translation
says, "I, Jehovah, am healing," you, "thee." The CEV, the Contemporary
English says, "I am the Lord your God, and I cure your
diseases." The Message says, "I am God your
Healer." Some say "the Lord your
Physician." Today's English version says, "I
am the Lord, the One Who heals you." This is one of those great
redemptive compound names: Jehovah Rapha. There are others like Jehovah
Tsidkenu: the Lord your Righteousness. Jehovah Shammah: the Lord Who is
present or there. Jehovah Jireh: the Lord Who sees
and provides. And how many believe He is still
the Lord whose with you? He is still the Lord who
provides? That never changes. The great I Am is still I Am. I Am the Lord. Well, is He still the Lord Who
heals? Is He? Opinions vary about this
subject, but you know, we want to see what our belief is based
on: is it the ideas of men or is it the unchanging Word of God? If He said I Am the Lord that
heals you, what should you believe? He is the Lord Who heals you. Say it out loud: "He is
(Congregation repeats) the Lord Who heals me. The Lord my Healer." Oh, praise God. Thank You Lord. In Psalms 103:1 it begins by
saying, "Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me,
bless His holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and
forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities;
Who heals all your diseases." Is the Lord still the Forgiver
of all iniquities? Well, when did He quit being the
Healer of all diseases? Why would you believe, without
exception, that it is God's will to forgive all iniquities, but,
have exceptions and reservations about Him healing all diseases? Why would that be? Because most of the church world
would be quick to say yes, He will forgive all iniquities. But they'll turn right around
and they'll say it might not be His will to heal you. Well, why couldn't you say it
might not be His will to forgive you? Why wouldn't you say that? If you could say that about one,
why couldn't you say that about the other? Well, because of centuries of
traditional teaching and talking and thinking, the church doesn't
have the same level of faith for healing as it does for
forgiveness. Can you see that? Many of you, not all of you, but
many of you, you have heard the Lord will forgive you from the
time you were old enough to understand anything, and never
did you hear people preach that God might not forgive. Right? But you didn't hear that God
heals all diseases and that it's always His will to heal. You didn't hear that. Well, "Faith comes by
hearing..." Right? And I think sometimes what folks
don't realize, when the Scripture says, "Faith comes by
hearing..." that's not just from hearing a
message or two. You see what we just talked
about? I'm talking about what you've
heard for the last forty years of your life. Can you see that? That's what builds in you, your
consciousness of belief. And if you've heard that it's
not always His will to heal for fifty years, then it's going to
take something to get your mind renewed, because that's
ingrained in you and you're going to have to hear something
else, and you're going to have to hear it on a regular basis to
get that out of you. Does it need to get out of you? Say it out loud: "He forgives
(Congregation repeats) all my iniquities. And He heals all my diseases." Are we reading the Bible? Should we accept the Bible? He forgives all your iniquities,
He heals all your diseases. Man, if I just kept saying that
the rest of the service, it would be time well spent. Right? Why? How does faith come? And your faith is developed
where it comes to forgiveness of iniquity. I'm not having to try to
convince you, oh come on, believe. He will forgive you. "Oh, I just don't know." He will. "I don't know, sometimes it's
not His will." No, it's always His will. "I just don't know. I don't feel like I'm forgiven." Yeah, but He will and He does. "Yeah, but I don't know." You're not struggling with that,
but aren't many Christians struggling with the healing
part? Oh, yeah. Because they have heard from the
pulpit, "It might not be God's will... It's not always God's will... Often it's not... We don't know why... God's working something out... He's using this disease to teach
you something... It's a blessing in disguise..." That's a lie from the devil! It's a curse. It's a curse. Sickness is a curse. It robs you of your strength and
feeling good. It robs you of your time and
your money. It's a thief. I said, it's a thief, and enough
of it can rob you of the rest of the years of your life. Cause you to leave early. Nothing good about disease. Nothing. Nothing. There is no way, no how, that a
sickness or disease is a blessing from the Lord. It's a curse. Any serious student of the Bible
would have to agree. I mean, it's revealed as a curse
in the Old Testament and in the New Testament. Many, many Scriptures that say
so. The Bible said Jesus ministry
summed it up like this in the Book of Acts, "How God anointed
Jesus of Nazareth Who went about doing good and healing all who
were oppressed of the devil." The Bible said everybody Jesus
healed was oppressed of the devil. Not blessed of God. Well, when did it change that
sickness became a blessing? When did that change? Or is it still oppression? Is it still the work of the
destroyer and the killer and the thief? Well, if it is and it's not from
God, and He didn't give it to us, we don't have to receive it. We can resist it. We can stand against it and
fight the good fight of faith. Because we have a Healer. Somebody say: "I have a Healer. I have a Healer." Glory to God. I have the Healer. Luke five, we looked at this
last time. The man that they brought who
was paralyzed, that his four friends brought him to where
Jesus was preaching and they went up on top of the house and
tore off the roof and let him down before Jesus. Luke 5:20 says, when Jesus, "Saw
their faith, He said to him, man, your sins are forgiven
you." Were they coming there to get
forgiven? I don't think they were. What were they coming for? Healing. He's paralyzed. But then Jesus looks at him and
says, "Man, your sins are forgiven you." You know, the Lord will answer
your question the way it needs to be answered, not the way you
asked it. He'll answer the question - I
know when I was working in healing school at Brother
Kenneth Hagin's ministry back some years ago, Phyllis and I
were there for twenty years, so I spent a lot of time in the
healing school. And it was my job and
opportunity to lay hands on people every Thursday. I didn't know much, I was green
in ministry, but I knew it was the anointing that made the
difference. And the anointing destroys the
yoke and removes the burden. And I knew I didn't know much
about it, didn't feel like I had much, and I needed more. That was my thought, I need
more. I need some more anointing. And so I prayed and I prayed and
I prayed and I prayed and I asked the Lord for anointing. "Lord, let me have some more
anointing. We're going to lay hands on
these people, we need the anointing. Give us some more anointing." Finally after months of this, I
was in the speakers one day by myself praying and the Lord
spoke to my heart, I don't mean I heard an audible voice, but
inside me very distinctly like He'll speak to any believer if
you'll learn how to listen, He said to me, "Faithfulness. Faithfulness." And I kind of sat up, and I knew
it was Him and I thought, okay, faithfulness. That's interesting. What are you laughing about? Faithfulness. I said, "Yes Lord, I'm going to
think about that and look at that, but you know, I'm about to
go in here lay hands on people. What I could really use right
now is some anointing. Some more anointing." So I kept praying for a while
and again, it came up in my spirit, "Faithfulness, Keith,
faithfulness." I thought, Huh? Okay. "Yes Lord, I'm going to do a
study on faithfulness. I'm going to get into this and
look at this more. You know, it's only five minutes
until I go out here and lay hands - what we could really use
right now is some anointing." And what I didn't realize is
He's answering my prayer. See, they came for healing, and
what did He say to them? You are forgiven. Somebody said, "What's that got
to do..." Everything. You just didn't know it. And finally, what He helped me
to see - when I said, "Lord, what does that mean? Obviously You're answering my
prayer and my question but I don't see..." He said, "Son, all of My people
receive an anointing when they are filled with the Spirit. Many of them have done nothing
with that. Why would they need more?" I never thought of that before. I thought, wow. Is it true that when you're
filled with the Spirit you'll receive power? Is that right? After the Holy Ghost has come on
you. The power to be a witness. He said, "Many of them have done
nothing with that anointing. Why would they need more?" What is He saying to me? It's not you saying I need
anointing, I want anointing, you have to be faithful with what
you have. That's how it increases. It doesn't come by you begging
for more. You have to use and be faithful,
be faithful with what you have. Do everything you know with what
you have, and He will add to you. He will give you more. So I saw I need to quit this,
and He showed me two Scriptures to go to. Matthew and Luke, and I went
there. So I just sat there and
confessed for thirty minutes, "The Spirit of the Lord is on me
because He has anointed me. The Spirit of the Lord is on me
because He has anointed me. I'm anointed." And I did everything I knew with
the anointing that I had, that was on me, and He was faithful. As the years went by He added
to, He increased, hallelujah. So He was answering my prayer,
I'm praying for anointing, He's talking to me about
faithfulness. And I didn't see it, but He was
exactly answering my prayer. Well, these folks came for
healing and what did He do? He said, "You're forgiven." Well, then set off a discussion
and debate amongst all the preachers that were there. And they said in verse
twenty-one, "And the scribes and the
Pharisees began to reason, saying, Who is this which
speaks blasphemies?" You know, accusing Jesus of
blaspheming, isn't that something? "Who can forgive sins, but God
alone?" And here's something the church
has not emphasized. "Jesus perceived their thoughts,
He answering said to them, What reason ye in your hearts? Whether is easier, to say, your
sins be forgiven you; or to say, rise up and walk?" Jesus connects forgiveness with
healing. He connects them. He combines them. He puts them together. Everybody say: "Forgiveness
(Congregation repeats) and healing." Most of the modern
church has separated these. Haven't they? They have separated them. Jesus did not. And is He not the same
yesterday, today, and forever? If He put them together then,
what do you think He's doing now? Jesus preached and ministered
forgiveness and healing everywhere He went. Forgiveness and healing. Forgiveness and healing. He didn't do forgiveness only,
He didn't do healing only, it was forgiveness and healing. In fact, He's telling them,
which one is easier? I'm glad He didn't say which one
is harder. He's letting us know neither one
of them are hard. Now if you're having to do the
healing, it would be hard, it would be impossible. If you are having to do the
forgiving, it would be hard and impossible. You're not having to do either
one. All you and I have to do is
receive it. And that's easy. Now the devil tell you it's not;
he's a liar. Somebody say: "Receiving is
easy." Congregation: Receiving is easy. Say it again: "Receiving
(Congregation repeats) forgiveness is easy. And receiving healing is just as
easy." Both of them are easy. Which one is easier? To quote Jesus, "Which one is
easier? To say your sins be forgiven you
or to say rise up and walk?" And then He uses healing as a
proof. He said in verse twenty-four,
"That you may know that the Son of Man," not Son of God, though
He was, yet He's not saying I'm doing this as God, Son of Man,
"Has power upon earth to forgive sins, (He said unto the sick of
the palsy,) I say to you, Arise, take up your couch, and go into
your house." What's He saying? He's saying you're saying I
can't tell him his sins are forgiven. So which one is easier? For me to tell him his sins are
forgiven or to tell him get up and go, be healed? Which one? So their mouths are shut now. They don't know what to say. He's saying, "So that you will
know that forgiveness is real, you're going to see the
healing." Can you see this? How do we know the forgiveness
is real? If the Lord can't heal us, how
do we know He can forgive us? That's not my reasoning, that's
His. Come on, can you see that? "Well, He could but maybe it's
not His will." Well, if maybe it's not His will
to heal us, maybe it's not His will to forgive us. How do we know? "We know by the Word of God." Well, the same Word of God says
all your diseases, right? Same Word of God says the same
thing about both. Which is why He said, "Which one
is easier?" The church because of the
influence of the enemy, even doctrines of devils, has divided
forgiveness from healing, divided. And even called those of us who
preach healing in error. I had a fellow tell me what
time, "Oh, we don't preach all that healing stuff. We just preach the Gospel." Well, if you preach the same
Gospel Jesus preached and the same Gospel Paul preached,
people will get forgiven and healed because they got healed
in both of those. People got faith to be healed
from hearing what the Bible calls the Gospel that Paul
preached. You see in the Book of Acts,
those very words. No, it's a matter of believing
it. He said, "That you may know that
the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins, (He said
unto the sick of the palsy,) I say to thee, Arise, and take up
your couch, and go into your house." What happened? First twenty-five, what
happened? "And immediately he rose up
before them, and took up that whereon he lay, and departed to
his own house, glorifying God." And if you're honest, what would
you have said? "Well, he must be forgiven. He must be forgiven." He must be able to tell him He's
forgiven, why? Because if He can heal him, He
can forgive him. If He can forgive him, He can
heal him. Jesus combined them. Jesus connected them. Let's go back to what Jesus
said. Right? Let's put them together. He forgives all your iniquities
and He heals all your diseases. Come on, say it out loud: "He
forgives (Congregation repeats) all my iniquities and He heals
all my diseases." Oh, glory to God. I just got a glimpse, I got a
glimpse. Healings in our camp. We're going to have more and
more healings in our camp. Somebody say: "So be it. (Congregation repeats) So be it. So be it." And it shouldn't be shocking,
we're preaching it. Right? And faith comes by hearing it. Glory to God. I'm excited about it. We're going to have more and
more testimonies to read. Praise be to God. Let's read Isaiah again. We were there. And in this teaching, in this
series, if I go over some of the same verses again and again,
it's not because I have memory problems. I'm doing it on purpose. I believe I'm doing it at the
leading of the Lord. We need to get things that have
been ingrained people for decades, out. Your mind needs to get renewed
with the Word of God. And the way that happens, faith
comes by hearing. And over a period of time, over
a period of time. Isaiah 53:1 in the Young's
Literal translation. "Who has given credence to that
which we heard? And the arm of Jehovah," that's
the power of God, "On whom has it been revealed? Yea, He comes up as a tender
plant before Him, and as a root out of a dry land, He has no
form, nor honour, when we observe Him, nor appearance,
when we desire Him." All Bible scholars that I've
ever heard anything about agree, this is talking about Jesus. Isaiah is seeing in the spirit
centuries beyond him, of the One Who would come and take our
place. Hallelujah. "He is despised, and left of
men, a man of pains, and acquainted with sickness," now
hold on. Jesus never missed it in His
earthly walk, and He never opened the door to any kind of
effects of sin, because He never sinned, so He wasn't sick,
personally, a day of His life. So how was He acquainted with
sickness? Well, the same way He was
acquainted with sin. He received it as our Substitute
to redeem us. "And as one hiding the face from
us, He is despised, and we esteemed Him not." He was treated like a criminal. "Surely our sicknesses He has
borne, and our pains - He has carried them," how many believe
the Bible? I said, how many believe the
Bible? Come on, say it out loud:
"Surely (Congregation repeats) my sicknesses He has borne, and
my pains, He has carried them." Glory to God! Is this true or not? Is it true or not? Do you believe it? Surely my sicknesses, He has
borne. And my pains, He has carried
them. If you say, "My Bible doesn't
read that way. It says griefs and sorrows." That's one of the reasons why
I'm reading to Young's Literal. The truth is, the translators
stumbled when they got to this. Even some your modern
translations relegated to a footnote. It came back that one group of
translators were working together and one of them said,
now look, these same words are translated sicknesses and pains
and other parts of the Old Testament. It's just good translation. And one, I finally said, if we
do that, it will play right to the hands of these divine
healing people. Well, how about it says what it
says? And there is no better
commentary than the Holy Spirit. What do you mean? Hold your place there; put up
Matthew 8:16-17. "When the even was come, they
brought unto," Jesus, "many that were possessed with devils: and
He cast out the spirits with His word, and healed all that were
sick: That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the
prophet," you reckon where He's quoting from? Exactly where we were reading,
Isaiah fifty-three, that might be fulfilled which was spoken by
Isaiah the prophet, "Saying, Himself took our infirmities,
and bare our sicknesses." Now, the Holy Spirit said that
when He was speaking through Isaiah, He said He bore our
sicknesses. He would know what He meant. How many think there ain't no
better commentary than the Holy Spirit saying, this is what I
said? So it is true, Jesus took our
infirmities, our weaknesses and our sicknesses, and He carried
our pains. Oh, hallelujah. And it goes on to say, go back
to Isaiah fifty-three, back where we were. "Surely our sicknesses He has
borne, And our pains - He has carried them, And we - we have
esteemed Him plagued, Smitten of God, and afflicted. And He is pierced for our
transgressions," now, do you see that most of modern church hears
this very differently than the previous verse? Why would you hear it
differently? When most of the church hears
this, He was pierced for my transgressions, what do they
say? "Absolutely. Absolutely." He was bruised for our
iniquities. "Yes, yes, yes." Did He take our sins? "Yes." Did He bear my iniquities? "Yes." Did He take my sicknesses? "Ahh... well, that's talking about
spiritual." Really? Well, what's the sin part? See, people try to explain
things away because they haven't heard it. But the Bible does not say one
less than the other. Jesus connected them. The Holy Spirit connected them. Isaiah connected them. Matthew connected them. Why don't we connect them? He took my sin. He was pierced for my
transgressions. He was, "Bruised for our
iniquities, the chastisement of our peace [is] on Him," this is
a part of His substitution and our redemption that many have
not taken advantage of. You're not supposed to go around
with no peace. You're not supposed to be
depressed and distracted and anxious and vexed. He took that crown of thorns
that they jammed on His head. It was painful in itself, but it
was much more going on. It was symbolic of what was
happening in the Spirit. The breaking of our peace, the
vexation, the anguish, the worry, the fear, the panic, all
of that came on Him, too. Why? Because if there had never been
any sin, there would've never been any sickness. And there would've never been
any anguish and worry and fear. And there never would have been
any poverty. So if you take care of the sin,
you take care all of all of the fruit of sin. Did Jesus go to the cross
Spirit, and soul, and mind, and body? Did He go completely? Did He obtain a redemption for
us Spirit, and soul, and mind, and body? He became sin with our sin. He became sick with our
sicknesses. He became poor with our poverty. Am I quoting Scriptures? The chastisement of our peace
was upon Him. Don't you love Him, saints? He took everything, everything
that was death and destruction on Himself, and He bore it. He took it. Somebody say: "He took it. He took it. He took it." Nobody made Him, nobody could
force Him, He willingly allowed it to come on Him. He took it so as to pay for it,
so we wouldn't have to. He was pierced for our
transgressions. He was bruised for our
iniquities. The chastisement of our peace is
on Him, "And by His bruise," now this describes the scourging. Did He have to go to the
scourging post to go to the cross? No, He didn't. Now He had to do it to get
complete redemption for us. Nothing He did was unnecessary,
but He could've gone to the cross without being scourged
first. In fact, that was not usual. I mean, the cross is going to
kill the person that's condemned to die. What they were trying to do is
scourge Him and maybe not get Him to the cross. The leaders were trying to get
away from it. Well, if we scourge Him and He
looks like He's half dead, well then they'll be satisfied. But they weren't satisfied. They yelled, "Crucify Him!" But, it wasn't by incident or
accident, it was part of the plan of God. He was allowing it, and He took
upon Himself the beating, the whipping, the scourging, the
punishment, the results for sin, and the Bible tells us while He
was doing that, He took our sicknesses. Oh, somebody say: "He took my
sicknesses." He took our sicknesses, He took
our weaknesses, He took our pains, and He took the thorns
and the chastisement of our peace, and then after that, went
on to the cross and hung there and became sin with our sin. And then people will look at
that with Him tied to the whipping post, being scourged,
and sickness coming on Him and saying, "Is it Your will for me
to be healed?" That's like looking at the cross
and saying, "Is it Your will for me to be saved?" A foolish thing to say. An ignorant thing to say. Come on, say it out loud: "He
took my sicknesses. He bore, He carried my pains. And by His bruise, by His
stripes, I am healed!" Ha ha. I am healed. Oh, somebody is getting some
help today. I am healed. Keep saying it. "I am healed." Glory to God. My, my. Oh, somebody say: "Thank You,
Lord. Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Lord." Now, since forgiveness and
healing are combined, we understand more about receiving
healing than we think we do. Do you know how to receive
forgiveness? Yeah, you do. How did you get forgiven? How many in here believe you're
born again? You believe you're saved? You believe your name is in the
Lamb's Book of Life and you believe that your sins and your
failures and your mistakes are not held over you and against
you but that you have been and are washed by the Blood of the
Lamb? Come on, how many believe that? Your sins are forgiven, and all
the wrong things that you have done and been are washed away? Do you believe that? What makes you believe that? How did you get that? How did you get that? Let's go back to when it
happened. How did you get that? There was a point where you
heard the truth, and you believed that you were in need
of a Savior. And you believed that Jesus is
that Savior, and that He has paid the price. He took your sins, He took the
punishment. And He bore it and paid for it. But that alone will not save
you. I said, that alone will not save
you. "What do you mean?" You had to go beyond that
knowledge and awareness, and you had to receive - you had to
receive Jesus as your Redeemer. Didn't you? And you had to receive that
forgiveness that He offered you. And you had to receive that
cleansing that the Blood provided for you. You had to receive that
righteousness that was given to you. Am I telling the truth? Am I telling it right? You had to receive it. How did you receive it? How did you receive it? You received it by faith. By believing you received it. You believed it in your heart,
you said it with your mouth. You said, "Jesus, I receive You
as my Lord. I confess You. I believe in my heart that You
died for my sins and God raised You from the dead. I confess with my mouth, You are
my Savior. You are my Lord." You received Jesus as Your
Savior. Wonder how you receive healing? I said, wonder how, wonder how -
Jesus said what? "Which one is easier?" They are not different. They are based on the same
redemption, they're received the same way. Just like you received Jesus as
your Savior, you must receive Him as your Healer. You receive Him as your Healer. And also you receive the healing
that He has bought and paid for and provided as your Healer. And how do you do that? How do you do that? How did you receive your
forgiveness? You believed you received it. You believed you received it. Now, what if somebody says, "I
don't believe in the Lord and I'm not receiving all that." Did that make you decide that
it's not God's will to forgive all? What if you meet some Christian
that says, "I know the Lord said He would forgive me, but I just
don't believe He did and I don't feel like He did." You say, "Yeah, well, He doesn't
always forgive. We don't know why. He's working something out..." No. No. You know better than that. Well, if we don't base Jesus
being the Savior on whether somebody receives forgiveness or
not, why do we base Jesus being the Healer on whether somebody
receives healing or not? Not everybody is going to
receive Jesus as Savior. Not everybody is going to
receive Jesus as Healer. But it doesn't change the
everlasting truth that He is the Lord Who forgives all your
iniquities, and Who heals all your diseases. "I am," He said, "the Lord Who
heals you." Nobody has a right to qualify
that, restrict that, change that, divide that. Take the theological cleaver of
man's philosophy and divide it right in the middle. "Yeah, He still forgives all,
but no, don't talk about Him healing all. Because sometimes He doesn't. Sometimes He does, sometimes He
doesn't. Sometimes He says yes, sometimes
He says no. Sometimes He says wait a while." Yeah, and sometimes people say
stupid stuff. Don't let people's confusion and
their heralding of the traditions of man rob you of
simple strong faith in the "it is written." Hallelujah. Glory to God. Praise be to God. Somebody say: "Praise be to God. Praise be to God." Where are you? Isaiah? Go to Mark eleven, if you would
please. Just because somebody didn't
receive their forgiveness, we don't decide that the Lord is
no longer the Savior. And just because somebody
doesn't receive healing, we don't decide that He's no longer
the Healer. He is the Healer whether people
receive it or not. He is the Savior whether folks
receive Him or not. All that proves is somebody
didn't receive. But, one of the things that we
must get our mind renewed in, is that we receive by faith, not
walking by sight. Jesus said in Mark 11:24, He
describes the faith principle so perfectly. Jesus said, "Therefore I say to
you, What things soever you desire, when you pray, believe,"
now a lot of people have stopped right there and they have cut
off the rest of the verse. And they say what you need to do
is just believe, just believe, just believe. That sounds good, but it's not
the rest of the story. Believe what? Believe what? "Believe God is good." Yeah, but that won't get your
healing. "Believe God can do anything." That's wonderful, but that's not
what He said to believe here. That won't get your healing. You can believe that God is
real, you can believe that Jesus came to the earth, died on the
cross, paid the price for sins. You can believe He's coming back
again. And be lost. I said, be lost. Why? Because you've never received
Him as your Lord and Savior. You've never submitted to Him as
your Savior. How many understand He must be
received? And what He has done must be
received. How is it received? Not mentally, not physically,
but spiritually by faith. He said, "What things soever you
desire, when you pray," do what? "Believe," specifically, "that
you receive them," them things you just prayed for. You believe that you receive
them, then what will happen as a result? "And you shall have them." Them what? Them things you prayed for and
them things you believed you received; you'll have them
things. This is the principle of faith. The word "receive," if you look
it up, it means "to take." It means "to take hold of. To take or to lay hold of." Believe you take it. Faith has hands. Faith has hands that take. Now, when symptoms disappear is
not when you received your healing. That's the results of receiving
your healing. I'm going to say it again two or
three times. When your symptoms go away,
that's not when you received your healing; that's the results
of you receiving your healing. When it comes to forgiveness,
you don't feel forgiven and feel righteous and free and then you
believe you receive your forgiveness. You receive Jesus as Savior, you
believe you receive your forgiveness, and then after you
believe it, your feelings start changing. You feeling clean, you feeling
forgiven, you being confident that you're saved, that's not
when you received your salvation; that's the results of
you receiving your salvation. And do you doubt God being the
Forgiver or Savior if you made a mistake? You being saved, does that mean
you could never miss it? And yet, could you say, "Would
you look here. I missed it again. I must not be saved." If you do, you're in trouble. Well, why does having some
symptoms of sickness mean we don't have a Healer and we're
not healed? If that's what that means, then
if we make a mistake and we have a sin in our life, we should
believe we're not saved and the Lord is not always the Savior. We've learned how to do it with
forgiveness. But we haven't known how to do
it with healing, and it is the same. Jesus said, "Which one is
easier?" People are all condemned because
they have symptoms of sickness in their body. "What's wrong? What's wrong?" You might as well say am I a
real Christian because I made three mistakes last year? I had symptoms of being an
unbeliever. I had a symptom of being
unrighteous. I had a symptom of sin, so I
must be a sinner. No! No! You're still saved. What do you do? You believe you receive your
forgiveness for this too. You believe you receive your
righteousness restored. And that's not about your
symptoms of feeling bad over you missing it, being there or not
being there. You don't wait for your symptoms
of feeling bad that you missed it to be gone, then you're going
to believe you are forgiven. It's your believing you are
forgiven that causes the symptoms of feeling bad that I
missed it, to change and to leave. We have to do the same thing
with healing. Just because you have some
symptoms of sickness and problem in your body is no reason for
you to be condemned, no reason for you to go, "What's wrong
with me? I don't have faith. I still have symptoms." Well yeah, we can put a
magnifying glass and you and might find some symptoms of you
not being righteous. But you are. I said, you are. You are. We don't walk by sight, we don't
walk by feelings. We should not. What do you do? My job is not to pay for the
sin. Jesus paid for it. My job is not to make me
righteous and clean. I can't do that. That's why I need a Savior. That's not my job. Nor is it my job to make me
healed. Nor is it my job to make the
symptoms change. Nor is it my job. So what's my job? My job is to believe that I
receive forgiveness and cleansing and righteousness, and
stand fast in it and declare and decree it no matter what I look
like or feel like, or what you think I look like or feel like. I'm saved whether you think I am
or not. I'm the righteousness of God in
Christ whether you think I look like it or not. Because the biggest thing it
depends on is what He has done, and me believing I receive it. That's my whole job is to
believe that I receive it, and confess it as truth in my life. And the other stuff, I need to
ignore it. I need to not let the enemy
bring up things from the past to me. Not let him point out things and
try to put me in condemnation. Well, the same thing is true
with healing. The symptoms leaving is not when
you received your healing. That happens after you received
your healing. "What things soever you desire,
when you pray," do what? "Believe that you receive them,"
believe that you take them, believe that you lay hold on
them, then what will happen? "And you shall have them." You'll see it, you'll feel it. The things will change. It's easy. Somebody say: "It's easy." Congregation: It's easy. I don't have to fix a heart
problem. I don't have to fix a kidney. I don't have to heal cancer. All I have to do is receive
Jesus as my Healer. Just like I received Him as my
Savior and Redeemer, and then receive, just like I receive the
forgiveness that my Savior offered me, I receive the
healing that my Healer offers me, and I say, "I believe that I
receive healing." "You don't look like it." If I looked like it and felt
like it, I wouldn't need to believe that I received it. Faith has hands. Healing is bought and paid for,
forgiveness is bought and paid for. But it must be received just
like people have to receive Him as Savior, you have to receive
Him as Healer. Faith has hands that reach out,
lay hold of what He has given, and take it to yourself. Not physical hands, faith hands. But they're real. Whatever it is that's been
bugging you, you say, "I believe I receive healing for my
stomach... I believe I receive healing for
my head... I believe I receive..." And then be happy about it. "Yeah, but I still hurt." I know it, I know it. But when the results occur,
that's not when you received it, that happens after you believe
you receive it, and you'll have it. I believe that I receive
healing. Glory to God. Stand up on your feet.