The Lord is Changing the Expression of Christianity | Mike Bickle

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appreciate that christian okay let me see what bible passage are we going to start off with let me see maybe turn to john chapter 17 if you've got your bibles right there and you want to look at it although i have them all on the notes right there but father we come before you in the name of the lord jesus and lord i ask you for living understanding i ask you for inspiration from your heart abba father of glory when you look down at this spiritual family we thank you for your fatherhood your leadership your care over us we ask you to help us empower us in the name of jesus amen well we've crossed a line in human history in this last year it's pretty dramatic statement but i believe it's an accurate statement i'm very alerted sobered but very confident that this will be the greatest hour for the body of christ coming in the years ahead i believe the most challenging hour but the greatest hour paragraph a i see the roaring 20s i'm using the term from 100 years ago as the most dramatic and significant transitional decade in human history up to that time i believe more will happen in the next 10 years that transition the planet to position it for the coming of the lord than any time in history i'm going to say that again i see it as the most dramatic significant transitional decade a whole 10-year period not that i'm limiting it to exactly 10 years this is a time to be alert this is a time to have our spirit alive this is a time to be saying yes to the lord it's a horrible time for compromise to have a dull spirit i mean every time is but this is really a bad one to where we lose our sense of direction i've been reviewing our prophetic history most of you know what i mean by that but some that are new here in 1983 and 1984 particularly but not only those two years about 10 very dramatic things happened supernaturally and prophetic events and a few years after that and since then as well but that there was a cluster of them back then and i've told uh some of the stories every few years i take eight or nine sessions and just tell stories for eight or nine hours in different one-hour sessions of the things the holy spirit has said how god has spoken audibly a few times angels have appeared a few times and as i review it my heart is so grateful and i want to say that i am committed to seeing all of it come to pass and walking in all of it all the days of my life i love the vision god has given this family i love the values i love the messaging i love the people and i say this no corniness at all this is the i would rather be no place on the earth besides here and i plan to be here all my days and i'm thinking for such a time as this lord we're here together but as 2020 took all of us by surprise the radical changes 2021 will be i believe far more radical how many actually keep the word far in there and then throughout the 20s we're going to see more and more unfolding spent a lot of time just in the last few weeks well all year but thinking over our next 10 or 20 years saying lord give hints give whispers give insights not just for us but even in our relationship with many other ministries i i've been blessed to have meaningful friendships with ministry leaders all around the world and many of you have as well but we're truly connected to many many different groups different denominations different non-denominational groups mission organizations i don't care what the sign on their building says they love jesus and they're going hard and the lord connects us i want to go with them i want to remind you of a word that i received in october 1982. it was 38 years ago now i hate to run through this fast but i'm going to normally i take 10 or 15 minutes to explain how dramatic what happened on that day was in september 1982 but i'm just gonna reference it instead of tell the whole story it's the most dramatic encounter i've had with the lord where i was awake and the fear of god came upon me as an experience not just the spirit of the fear of the lord i was trembling it's happened one time in my life 38 years ago it was a month or two before we moved to kansas city to start the new young adult church that we started later on in 1982. the lord said this i'm going to change the understanding and expression of christianity in the earth in one generation and there were there's more to it than that but i remember my spirit trembled it wasn't it was it was not an enjoyable moment because my spirit was trembling god says i am going to change the way i'm going to add the the interpretation the way unbelievers understand the church because the last decades most unbelievers look at the church and it doesn't disturb them it's not very relevant it doesn't threaten them they don't really pay that much attention to it that's going to change but the phrase i want to capture is the second one i'm going to change the expression the way they express their life together and over 38 years i've shared this testimony many times in many places and so the most natural question is in what ways will the expression the way we live our life together be changed and i give the same answer for many years i don't know if that's the answer i typically give i know in the broad sense there'll be a prayer culture people will walk out the sermon on the mount lifestyles there'll be a spirit of power but what it looks like i could never guess but i believe we're in an hour right now 2021 coming up in a couple days where we need to be asking very intentionally how it's going to be expressed differently spiritually relationally organizationally how we meet how the power of god ministers through in us and through us and there's so many different creative expressions that we've never understood or we've never thought of well i believe in the next couple years there's going to be an escalation of the trouble but i believe an escalation of the presence of god as well and it's setting the stage for epic change in the body of christ epic change i believe it will be the most challenging time in the flesh but the most glorious time in the spirit well before we look at some of the resistance and the hostility and the pressure that will come i like to look at paragraph c i just put a couple verses there i could have put ten more paragraph c i want us to have clearly in front of us these ideas the main idea is victory is totally assured for the body of christ that's the main idea there will be resistance there will be those trying to entrap us there will be people thrown in prison and martyred they will be blocking kings and rulers will be blocking the growth and the free life of the church in every way they can using every means they can and to some it will be so overwhelming and dotting daunting they will just their hearts will just cave in in fear jesus said it in luke 21 they'll cave into fear but i want to assure you in every resistance that's brought against the end time church every type of entrapment because they're going to try to entrap the body of christ in lawsuits to take their resources take seize their property tie them up in courts and all their time and their money all these kinds of things the lord says i've got an answer for every one of them because look revelation 19 the end time church ends up as a prepared bride it works whatever the resistance is the lord is whispering he's gonna be whispering to people and more than whispering as well all over the earth for all kinds of creative ways to move forward it works it really does work paragraph c the greatest corporate miracle in human history i mean the greatest miracle is god became a man and came to the earth i mean there's nothing like that so a corporate meaning with a whole bunch of folks the greatest corporate miracle in history is the transformation of the end time church at the end of the age where hundreds of millions are walking in compromise there are millions going hard after the lord now tens of millions but there's hundreds of millions that really call on the name of the lord but they're settled into compromise and spiritual dullness the lord says i'm coming after your heart and the enemies is raising up like a flood and a rage and the lord says i've gotta away every single one of his schemes i've got away because my church will be a mature family walking in deep love not just locally in congregations but even internationally connecting one to another across the earth and the church will be as a prepared bride walking in the first commandment well john saw that in revelation 19 but jesus prayed it about 60 years before john saw it i want you to just look at one of these little part of that prayer in john 17. and this has not been fulfilled but just a little bit in the book of acts for just a short season it had a momentary fulfillment in the book of acts just a little partial for a moment it didn't last long but it was a down payment in the human experience here's what jesus said he's talking to the father john 17 22 father the glory you gave me i'm going to release it on them and it's going to have such a transformative impact that these weak and broken people are going to walk in a unity that reflects the unity you and i father have with each other like what i mean walking in unity a lot of folks talk about that but we're not talking about a little bit of unity you know where a bunch of churches get together and have a citywide outreach together and we had unity i like that that's i really like that jesus said no father i'm gonna release a spirit of glory on them and they're going to walk in a unity that reflects the unity you and i have like this is inconceivable to the mind really that's going to be the outpouring of glory when that happens verse 23 the world will know the world will know that the god of israel sent jesus of nazareth as savior of the earth the unbelieving masses will know the god of israel sent jesus of nazareth this passage has never been fulfilled and it's far more than which again i love the spirit of many believers are moving closer in a family dynamic and unity and honoring whatever this is fantastic but i'm talking about a unity that reflects how the father and son interact it's like i can't even picture what that looks like but it's going to be the release of glory acts chapter 4 they had a moment of it they had a moment of it and i'm not saying acts 4 is the only moment but they didn't have very many moments of it but jesus gave a taste of it a down payment verse 32 of acts 4. there were 5 000 brand new believers that came into the kingdom that very time 5 000 they they haven't gone to the next steps class they haven't gone to the new believer's class they don't know anything of what's going on they haven't gone through inner healing nothing they're a couple days old or that day or a few days or you know because the 5 000 come right then the spirit of power read it at x4 with great power god is giving witness through the apostles to the resurrection and the people we're talking about brand new believers with all their baggage how many of you know a brand new believer isn't free of everything three hours or three days after they're saved they're walking one heart in one mind great grace is on them great power and great grace that's the phrases those are the two phrases i tie those to jesus prayer father the glory that you gave me i'm gonna release it on them and it's gonna bring them into a family dynamic again it didn't last real long but it was a down payment and in the face of great resistance in the face of entrapments i mean where the hostile players come and they set up to trick and trap to take your money to put you in prison to get you to say something they're scheming to make it happen the face of all of that holy spirit says remember what my what jesus prayed it's gonna happen they're gonna be one remember what john saw it's gonna be a mature bride remember what jesus prayed the world will know there will be a billion soul harvest it is gonna happen even in the midst of a betrayal culture in the church there's going to be millions even hundreds of millions moving in the other direction paragraph d david gave what i consider to be one of the most clear and important end time prophecies describing what's happening today literally today i've done a bit of study as most of you know on intel on the chapters of the end times and there is no chapter of the 150 chapters we talk about that is more clear about what the spirit's doing right now than psalm 2. i mean those other chapters are very important and there's pieces of and and truth that are become that we can see happening david prophesied of a time when the kings of the earth would come into some kind of cooperation together to stand against the god of israel and jesus and the word of god it's never happened in history there's always a few kings that got together that would go into battle against you know a nation that they were carrying the christian flags back in the crusades or back in those days a little bit but we're talking about something far bigger than this this is yet future its fulfillment said partial fulfillment for two thousand a little here a little there but nothing like what's coming let's read it psalm 2. we're just going to read the first part of it david asked the question why are the nations raging i want you to catch the word rage the ques the nations are not going to be happy resisting only they will come to a full pitch rage against the god of israel against jesus and against the word of god a rage not just we don't really like them way beyond that that's where it is right now like we think those christians are just way off it's going to go into a whole other dimension david said i want to assure you this what they're plotting is vain it won't last long there will be a temporary momentum and an apparent success but it will all cave in look what it says the kings of the earth and the rulers now the rulers aren't just another term for the kings the rulers are the rulers of the culture of society military economic all kinds of rulers educational sports media here's what they're saying verse three they're actually let me interpret verse three and then when you read it you'll they're saying let's drive the influence of the word of god entirely out of the culture look at verse three here's what they say let's break god's bonds they see the word of god as bondage they see the word of god as old archaic old-fashioned out of date religious oppression it's bondage let's take god's bonds let's take his chains or cords the word of god liberates but they see it as the word of god oppressing let's break them let's shatter the sense of the truth of the word of god let's drive it out of the culture the kings and the rulers of society paragraph two this unholy agenda is right now accelerating in the nations i mean the last two three four five years but i mean it's really going to pick up 2021 2022 not just in america but but across the earth there are some nations uh you know holding it back many nations are moving in towards this they want to move god's moral boundary lines from society including the sanctity of life the sanctity of marriage the sanctity of sexuality they're raging against the idea that the scripture is the final authority for faith and practice for god's people they don't like the scripture being the final authority they don't like the truth about jesus in one way of salvation they don't like his plans for israel there's an anti-semitism that is increasing rapidly not just in the nations but in the church paragraph e well john the apostle in the book of revelation he comments on these very kings and again these kings have been a few of them through history but never collectively the kings of the earth john lets us see the rage the angel appears to john john in revelation 17. he says i'm going to show you the judgment of the great harlot there's going to be a religious system in reality i don't think it's just a religion just it's more than that but it's going to have a religious and economic dimension to it and it's going to be a system of sorts it's called the great harlot they're going to prostitute the truth of the word of god they're gonna promote immorality not just sexual immorality but immorality even spiritual the sense that god is not true at all and they're gonna capture the heart of the kings of the earth and the merchants of the earth are joining in as well just like david said in psalm 2. well they're going to become drunk with the dogma they're going to be drunk with the narrative of the heart of babylon media they're going to be intoxicated with it they're going to be frenzied and intoxicated with this idea that the god of israel and his son the lord jesus the word of god is oppression break it off society get rid of it verse 6. i want you to see this there's coming a time where the kings of the earth and the merchants this is psalm 2 the passage we just looked at but now we're looking at the other rendition of it they're going to be drunk with the blood of the saints they're going to be drunk with the blood of the martyrs which is the same thing as the saints there's going to be a billion soul plus harvest coming in great power i don't believe the majority i don't believe you know it's 51 will be killed but there will be a whole cell rage against the body of christ the kings and the merchants man they're they're flowing together they got one common enemy because the enemy the body of christ is prophesying that what they're doing is of the devil and it's immoral in god's sight they're going like how dare you how dare they will do it all extreme measures to silence that voice and they will be drunk with the blood of the saints that means they're intoxicated the more they kill the more bloodlust they have to kill more well this rage is raising up right now and i i believe that we're going to see that there's people in this room they're going to actually see this in their lifetime the fullness of it i believe it's game on it's not just well maybe in 50 or 100 years this will happen this thing is going to pick up strong in the 2020s top of page two well i'm going to go back to how i started yes dramatic change is coming but i'm telling you the church is going to be transformed to a bride unified fearless even in the face of death in prison fearless they're going to love jesus more than they love their own life it will infuriate the opposition the hostility of the kings of the earth let's let's zero in to our little world here the lord spoke some years ago and i won't go through it most of you know this some of you this is a new thought but the lord spoke in a dramatic way he said i'm going to give a grand view of the kingdom to many nations from grandview not only grandview guy says i live in belton am i in yes you're in is but it's going to do something in grand view this was spoken way back in the 70s i am absolutely confident there's a mature expression of christianity coming out from all the nations but we're going to see it with our eyes and it's going to be absolutely worth it but this dramatic change this transformative change the vehicle of that change is intensified pressure and an increase of holy spirit activity so it's the negative pressure and the positive increase of the spirit together and that crucible that fiery furnace but out comes this transformed body of christ in the billion soul harvest i have paragraph a the escalating pressures and changes in that hour will create the need for creative solutions and structures i believe we're in an hour and maybe we should have started it earlier i'm talking about we i'm talking about different men and women i'm interacting with around the body of christ there's this this last year this covet year incredible energy to find creative solutions for the way forward ways forward how we meet how we relate how we worship how we train how we mobilize how we structure ourselves how we do finances ways that we've never thought of before somebody said that necessity is the mother of invention when there's pressure ideas come in the natural but the holy spirit says well it's way bigger than that i've got creative solutions and i'll give them to you step by step whisper by whisper not just this group or that group but around the earth even in your interaction one will have a piece and the other group will have the other piece and it'll be different in every place but every place will have a p a piece of wisdom for the other place though the applications will be different everywhere look what it says in psalm 27 verse 4. this is a verse the lord spoke audibly in 1983 about this community psalm 84 i mean psalm 24. you got it 27 4. this one thing i will do all the days of my life gaze on his beauty behold his beauty that's the part we have really locked into but that's not the whole verse to inquire to receive creative wisdom because the resistance is hostile the resistance is like no other time in history the number of kings the number of resources the number of media support millions billions of public support behind these kings and the lord says inquire gays on beauty yes see your story and who you are in my eyes and see who i am because gazing on beauty is not just seeing how beautiful he is gazing on beauty beholding beauty is actually seeing the beauty narrative of your own life interpreting your life through his leadership some people when they think of beholding beauty they're only thinking of how beautiful the stars are the mountains are the moons are then they look at you know the truths of scripture they're beautiful and a few appearances of the lord in the scripture that's beautiful and we cannot overdo that but beholding the beauty is also about beholding the beauty narrative of your own life interpreting your life through that lens david was fixated on that he didn't just see beauty out there he said the beautiful plan this is marvelous well i could go on and on because we all love that we kept there but i'm going to the next part of the verse coming a time where the body of christ will be inquiring because the resistance will be so hostile so comprehensive it will be everywhere and the lord says i have a way around in a way through every single scheme of the enemy yes there will be many martyrs but i tell you the moment that person was martyred they said well maybe a half a second later or maybe possibly a little bit quicker they're in the presence of the glory of god they're going it was worth it oh my i had no idea this is remarkable it's the people left behind that are sad but the guy is going oh wow you'll have no regrets trust me answers are going to come we're going to seek god's wisdom to navigate through hostility and pressures in a godly way we're not looking for escapism abdicating we're not hunkering back in a cave there's an inquiring spirit on the lives of those that are beholding beauty and when you behold beauty you inquire in a different way and you get different answers the sons of issachar a prophetic spirit on a family and i believe there'll be a prophetic spirit of the end time church they had understanding of the times to know what the nation was supposed to do and god is releasing a prophetic spirit again he's just whispering it just in parts but together we can go forward top of page two paragraph b we're near the top of page two i want to point out what i believe to be a very significant passage for this hour of history it's a leadership passage it's more than leadership there's never been a time where this passage has been more needed and emphasized to the leadership of god's people than right now it's in john i mean uh matthew chapter 10. jesus says i want you to know this and a lot of believers this is new idea i mean they kind of know the verse everyone knows the verse but it doesn't really connect it's like oh yeah that one verse yeah i got that one but jesus said i want you to know this i'm sending you out as sheep in the midst of woods you have to know the you're going out and you're going to run into wolves who want intentionally are planning to devour you and in the context it's the kings of the earth that we're talking about here they are intentional about devouring the sheep so jesus says i'm telling you two things i want you to be wise as serpents but i want you harmless as dubs and the two the combination has to go together i don't want you to have plans to bring harm to them but i don't want you gullible either now some folks they lock into the harmless as doves and they bypass the wisest serpents he says in verse 17. he goes i want you to beware they're going to be all around you i want you to know i'm sending you into that context i want you to get wisdom from the holy spirit and be shrewd in what you're doing and understand they're out to destroy you and there's ways you can navigate it that are godly jesus modeled this in his own life he would tell stories teaching in stories and in the stories he would make truth clear to the people that had a certain heart and the very same story was confusing and it made truth hidden to the other group he was being shrewd they asked him a question one thing about jesus and questions he almost never answered the question they asked they're always trying to entrap him and jesus would usually ask a different question he says no i'm going to take control of this conversation here let's get to the real issue or he answered a question with a question or he answered it in a way where they could not make sense of what was going on but he was speaking the truth so many examples of that paul the apostle did the same as well he tells us look at chapter 10 verse 17 beware of men beware of them don't say well i was going to trust god and do what i do he says no i want you to be wise as serpents it's a very important point and i want you to be aware they want to destroy and devour you and i want you talking to me about it i have plans but i'm going to talk in in partnership with you and others and together i'm going to usher you forward because they're going to deliver you up to councils to lawsuits you're going to stand before the civic courts you're going to stand before the church courts they're going to trick you and entrap you they're going to try to take your property they're going to try to break your organization they're going to try to tie up all your resources they want to stop you in every way possible don't be naive and say hey we'll praise the lord the lord take care of me says no i want you wise the serpent paragraph c there will be increasing legal hostility legal hostility where there will be legislation they will enforce to steal your money and to put you in prison i don't know about you but i'm talking about people in the body of christ there will be social hostility they will ridicule undermine try to destroy your credibility there'll be a social hostility but there'll be a legal one that has the legal system to enforce it with economic sanctions prison sentences and the penalty capital punishment of death so social is more your reputation and undermining who you are in the eyes of others the legal one can enforce it but both of them are horrible they will seek to entrap organizations that promote biblical values with lawsuits seize their property tie up their time their resources i mean i look at what happened to president trump over the last four years the amount of entrapping and tying up and resourcing and stalling and it was incredible uh uh a picture of how really smart people in unity with hostility can get in the way of somebody who's got a lot of clout and influence and stop him stop him stop him block him stop him it's going to be far more intense to the body of christ before the lord returns i just looked at that and i mean i pray for him i pray for god to give mercy for all of them but i go man that was just a snapshot of a small version of what's going to happen when they bring him to councils the lord says be wise as a serpent i want you to foresee the hostility in the traps know they're coming take preventive actions knowing that they're coming and they're going to put you in the courts before the councils i've been encouraging people i've talked to lots of how to do a lot of zoom calls more than i ever imagined well lots of folks are and but there's new dynamic relationships happening and leaders all of the body of christ and outside of the body of christ i don't mean just leaders but that's the world i'm living in i've been talking at the different ones and i'm saying find one or two of your people what pick the number you want if you've got a thousand member church maybe a few more if you've got a 100 member church i don't know who are going to be the designated targets who are going to say these things that have to be said in these cultural wars and they will be a target of these kings and these civil courts not everybody on the team has to be that everyone on the team we can have different positions on the team i said let's be a step ahead of the enemy because the enemy wants to seize your property the enemy wants to tie up your organizations in courts the enemy wants a story a story a story to stop you i said get a couple designated targets that's kind of a bad way to say it targets of the enemies don't make it your whole team everybody stand together in unity as a spiritual family but don't put them in a place in the organization where the hostile ones have access to the property and to tie up the organization with lawsuits and all these kinds of things i've been talking to several different groups saying the next two or three years do that they're all together but not everybody has to take the same stand that everyone's taking but in their heart they're all together be wise as serpents don't be gullible don't imagine you're going to pray and this is going to bypass you jesus said beware of men i'm sending them a sheep i'm sending you a sheep in the midst of wolves paragraph d what i'm wanting to do is i'm not going to preach a lot about this kind of stuff right now but i'm wanting to stir it up and again on zoom calls i'm saying these kinds of things i have more questions way more questions than i have answers but i think that's good because i wasn't asking these questions three years ago the very inquiring is the sign the grace of god is waking up people i wasn't asking these questions three four years ago i have been maybe for some months six months 12 months knowing watching where things were going i don't have many answers but i can tell you this a lot of leaders in the body of christ are now inquiring of these kinds of things in terms of our own spiritual family i don't see anything dramatic happening at all but starting conversations i have seven areas here there's probably 15 areas my point isn't to give them all my point is to say oh there's a bunch of conversations in the body of christ we gotta find ways around the enemy schemes to stop us to entrap us and to imprison us we're not afraid of the enemy but jesus said be wise as serpents and there's no more hostile hour than the one that we're approaching that passage in matthew chapter 10 verse 16 is absolutely essential so again i don't there's no big dramatic things to do right now but the next two three four five years there's going to be more we're going to discover it locally we're going to discover with other ministries in town and other ministries across the nation and nations but i believe it's time to be intentional about the inquiring and the conversations number one how are we going to steward great growth well i know that there's coming a day we're going to have 5 000 overnight that's actually a pretty small number we think of the billions of the earth but it's going to be overwhelming to us but there's going to be a billion plus souls coming to the kingdom here's my point the hostile kings and rulers are going to try to block that from happening they don't want the stadium events they don't want the new believers to gather together i mean there's covet and there's going to be more covets some man-made some devil made some other way made there's going to be more reasons to shut down communities this isn't the first and the only one the enemy doesn't want the multitudes gathering he wants the nets to break the glory of god hits he doesn't want there to be follow through and then brought into community he's going to block it in every way the lord says talk to me i've got ways around what they're going to block inquire of me go talk to the underground church in china they found ways where 100 million people came to the lord in the last 30 40 years some big number like that training strategies they're going to set it up to where they won't let you say various truths many truths they will forbid them and make them illegal we still got to say them they're going to block you saying them on the internet lord says i got ways i talked to a real successful man involved in technology the other day he goes there are he wasn't bragging about himself but he goes there are platforms being developed right now where you're not going to need google or facebook or those other ones there's new platforms that are superior and he goes i'm working on one but a few other groups are too and we're at the beginning of it god is giving his people insight so a couple of those big tech companies think this is it no there's turns and twists coming we're going to know how to teach it's not going to just be in a classroom everybody come and everybody is just you know with surveillance state and ai and technology facial recognition everybody's track social credit scores how are we going to get people together says i got away i really do have a way how are we going to mobilize ministry i mean i love it in our last months or whatever you know we had the drive-through prayer somebody came up with it people come pray and they pray on the card and the guy gets healed in the car you got dan you got healed in the car didn't you in the drive-thru for six four six days of what healing and then what happened no pain you just drove up they laid hands on your car i mean that's a crazy idea drive into an empty parking lot lay hands on a car sounds like something kirk bennett thought of or something like what there are a thousand creative things we have never thought of because we've never had to ask anyway i'm just giving a sentence on each of these this is kind of almost again there's probably 20 more areas besides this effective communication we're going to do it with the internet without the internet do it in small groups oh there's so many uh ways of wisdom and communication just know this the enemy wants to entrap you in communication you know the big announcement came out to the whole real estate 1.4 million realtors a couple weeks ago and they're saying i mean you got to be a part of this organization or you can't have a real estate license if we see on your social media that you say this in your personal social media then these are the penalties even the possibility of losing your license therefore your job and your home and all these other things this is going to touch the medical community the academic community all kinds of communities how are we going to communicate there's going to be people planted there's probably plants in this meeting right now just assume every meeting you have someone's going to be recording it in order to entrap you i'm talking to our leadership team about new ways to do q and a's and small groups with trusted friendships instead of open forums the underground church they found out ways there's new platforms being developed we got to learn how to talk to each other in creative ways and how not to talk to others in all kinds there's so much wisdom in this area the lord says inquire much more than i'm imagining now creative ways to do it and wise ways to hinder it i mean to restrain it connecting relationally there is no greater calling i believe on the body of christ this is the one being one as the father and the son are one that we love our enemies even though those people coming against us the friends that betray us or the old relationships or the former relationships as well as the strangers attacking us jesus says bless them do good to them pray verse 45 that's the key you will be like your father that's the end time transformation of the church you will be like your father i can't fathom anything more dynamic than that it's the way we're gonna talk and of course everyone's been saying this but i can't resist slipping in sometime anyway i don't really have to say but i'm going to you don't have to give your opinion just because somebody asked you for it no the body of christ needs to wise as a serpent but also harmless not just wise and shrewd in that in a godly century because there's an evil way to do it but harmless too the guy says well they asked me so give your opinion sparingly don't give your opinion so you can tell everybody how much you know and how bold you are there's a bigger story that how much you know and how bold you are i'm not afraid of man here's what i'll say oh brother you really said it like stop there's a narrative there's a god narrative we want to enter into yes sparingly talk about issues but with redemptive a redemptive purpose never talk about people unless it's affirming way in those public settings talk about issues if it's if it's redemptive not just because they asked you is it helping anybody move forward in god well no i just want everybody to know i knew that like stop anyway everyone's saying that all the time but i just slip that in there anyway coming here to the end here corporate organizational titles i mentioned this earlier i believe you know you got to have if you're a in america today and like us we are a missions organization ihop is and then we're a spiritual family our church is you got to have corporate titles you have to because you got to have there's tax benefits there's loans from banks there's auditors there's insurance governmental compliances housing allowance irs regulations you got to have some corporate titles and some some policies and a lot of those things you got to have some of that but we're in a time of hour where i believe that the holy spirit is wanting us i don't mean just us here i'm talking about lots of ministries are in this conversation a beginning to slowly migrating to new testament terminology new testament principles new testament realities and i don't think it has to be one or the other but i believe there's a slow migration in the next three four five years we're gonna see more and more of that happen we think in terms of apostolic teams serving with elders and deacons local families and then trans local with one another joining together people that's different than corporate titles i want us to make some baby steps in that direction the next couple years i want to establish a leadership culture paragraph c that serves by spiritual influence more than legal positions again we need some of those legal positions for some time i've been talking about this for maybe the last year or two i don't know but thinking out loud about it having conversations because it's biblical to do that because we're our ihop organization is a corporate organization all with corporate titles and people have asked i thought you know one of these days we gotta move on and not get rid of them all but not only have them we got to do it a little differently but our properties like every other ministry our organizations we can be entrapped and tied into and all kinds of things by hostile people that mean harm they come to entrap so it seems foolish to me to have those target people who are going to be saying these things boldly to be the people that can give access to enemies to your property in your organizations and to stall you and completely tie up all your resources in your time so i've been talking to our leadership team i said i'm at the time of my life where i want to take the psalm 2 stigma topics i want to increase them dramatically some of you will understand this the isaiah 19 about israel and islam i want to start being bolder but i don't want our entire organization brought into into some kind of liability because of that so i came to our leadership team i said i want to i don't want a corporate title i just want to be me mike what's your title i'm mike i don't need a title so it says well but what's yours what where are you on the org chart i don't care i am a voice i want to be a voice if i talk an angels demons and your heart moves it works if i talk and nothing moves give me every title in the world that doesn't matter but i want to i'm 65 and i want to enter into a bit of my calling as a messenger and i don't want everybody else answering for it in lawsuits i know i'm a target guy i've known that for years that's just how it is i'll get paid well when i stand before him and a bunch of us are but i'm saying let's just let's just have a every year or two we'll move a little bit more that direction maybe faster maybe slower i talked to daniel lim so daniel pray about doing that he looked at me he said okay i said daniel our calling we have a calling to chinese believers is one of our primary places of influence in the earth as they're our best friends we got some other best friends but i mean the believers in china i mean the chinese came i said and our most hostile enemies are not the chinese body of christ but the chinese communists i was listening to one of the news stations although you don't can't tell what's true anymore but they said there's two million chinese communist card-carrying chinese in america infiltrated in organizations two million chinese communist card carrying i said that's a hostility i said you're our main face he speaks six english six languages could you imagine speaking mandarin cantonese and all those other ones i said you're our main face and china's turning up the hostility i said well you just be daniel daniel is one of the best leaders one of the most godly men i've ever met excellent leader so you could just still talk you still talk and influence now i've talked to a few of our other leaders i go on a year or two i think maybe you need to do that too just have your name and give your title to somebody else or don't use it or whatever do what you want to do i don't care we talked about this and daniel and i some time ago i don't know some weeks or months ago time has gone by so fast the last six months i can't tell when and we were thinking about you know really stirring up this conversation next year sometime like maybe in the summer and doing something with it and but the biden presidency which seems like it is and the okay let's let's let's back back you don't have to tell your opinion just because someone asked you okay really we got to go there for real we do for real we do speak redemptively and helpfully in a way that's helpful i'm not commenting on that because i didn't hear what anybody said i got something in my ear here so i just i just assume one or two of you said something weird i mean a group this big surely well somewhat they did but anyway back to the thing i but the biden thing the the religious liberties they are going to if it lands and i don't know if it will but it's looking that way if that does land the religious liberty and the psalm 2 hostility is going to explode this year and i said daniel and i got together our team and i go let's move quicker let's not wait for it here let's let's or the summer or whatever the spring fall whatever he said okay i'm in i go you're still on the team you still do everything you do it doesn't change anything with anybody i'm not saying this is a hot shot statement because some of you might it might sound bad but i've been at ihop because i'm older and our children are out of our home i've been at ihop 12 hours a day six days a week for 21 years that's typically what i do i'm 12 hours a day in the prairie room in a side room a board room in a classroom two hours a day six days a week 21 years it's in my heart to be at ihop 12 hours a day six days a week for 21 more years my point is i am fully in my heart loving i just want to get into battle i want to be wise as a serpent i don't want to give any advantage to the wolves that are looking for ways to harm us last two minutes here i know we're late i just most of you know and so this isn't like everybody clap because i've had five claps for this so i don't need to clap on this but i just finished the 90 wednesdays where we did the 150 chapters for three years did all 90 150 chapters in 90 weeks it was an incredible investment of time and energy and i got like a six or ten page handout on every single one of them verse by verse all those chapters and then the transcriptions all together so all 90 pa all 90 weeks i probably have a 30 page document for each of those 90 weeks so about 2500 pages my point is i got two points to make three points point number one i discovered in this last three years how little i know about the end times and how much more there is to know i am overwhelmed what i don't know compared to three years ago three years ago i would have said i'll scale one to ten i probably know a three now compared to all that's out there i know about a point five i'm going there's so much gold oh my goodness i now am so aware of what i don't know but i'm hungry as can be it is gold i don't mean you're all supposed to go spend you know the next year's tearing every one of those verses and passages down but i know i am i've got enough knowledge to make me ravenously hungry to go deeper in this and i'm aware now that i know how much more there is how much this information has been neglected for 2000 years of church history i've studied the best commentaries not maybe all the best but many of them and the absence of comments on main verses by the top commentaries of history i go there's been a dearth there's been an absence and the lord's saying that's all good i'm going to raise up my prayers that god raised up a million forerunner messengers in the earth that unpacked this to the billion and the millions have made up number i don't know the real number but lord bring a million that unpack this and i believe the body of christ is going to be filled with this information but i know that's part of my calling i want to spend my next 10 20 years however long you know i'm here there wherever i mean here they're meaning here or heaven i'm not going anywhere i'm not going out there anywhere that's not what i mean i want to give my strength to this so i know that in the days to come i'm not i have been uh preaching for many years matter of fact this february just for fun because i'm coming up to february is i started preaching on a weekly basis and i've been doing it every weekly minus that one week here and there for 49 years i'm coming to my 49th year anniversary february 1972 i started preaching weekly with notes and right now i'm pretty i'm pretty embarrassed what i just said but but my point is and my point is i i've done it that long my point is i love pastoral preaching pastoral preaching is bringing this simple truth that encourage people and the everyday life of christianity i love it i've been doing it for 49 years i love it but i'm going to spend my next years focusing on prophetic preaching because we have 20 people in our midst that are skilled at pastoral preaching i love it and i value it but i want to give my strength to those 150 chapters and i want to unpack prophetic preaching so this year was my first year of doing that i think this was my fifth sunday i've preached here on sunday morning and the 37 years before that i probably did seven out of eight sunday mornings and five this year but there's such rich pastoral preaching coming out here i go it ain't broke go fix it this is good i mean i want to be here i want to be a part i take notes i take notes i listen to it back there and i steal stuff from them but i want to give my strength to unpacking those 150 chapters in a and saying it across the earth but very a lot of it's going to be real stigma stuff it's stuff that's not popular at all but i'm excited so diane and i were going on vacation in about a week or it's wednesday whatever 10 days right after the gbf at the we're leaving that wednesday in the middle of the day of the gbf and i'm going to take those 2 500 pages those 90 sessions times 30 2500 pages i got her full blessing she's going to help me and i'm going to go through them fast not real slow and i'm going to locate i just want to tell you this because i'm excited by it and i just want you a little bit jealous i'm going to locate the 100 that's a made-up number different specific activities in jesus's end time leadership plan from those 150 chapters because i got them all there in the in the 2500 pages but i haven't located them i'm going to locate i'm going to go just comb through them and i'm going to find those hundred and maybe 110 different like like every eye will see him there's three passages that say that directly where it says that god will blow a trumpet there's five passages that say that i'm going to get all 100 of those categories it again is that's not the real number that's the made up number but it's a number like that i'm going to get every verse that says it directly then i'm going to take a step back and see what the spirit emphasized in the word of god in those 150 chapters because i don't know yet i haven't seen it all together then i'm going to give it to a whole team of people here and say now challenge it twist it turn it show me where this verse should be there and that should be there show me where i missed it and then we're gonna you know get it stronger take about a year to do that then we want to take that information and throw it to the earth and tell people make three minute videos make videos for kids make videos for businessmen make teachings interactions a thousand different ways present it in little sound bites because my stuff is going to be concentrated meaning real thick long you know handouts with no space and no color and no pictures i like stuff like that but most people go that's horrible give me something easier i want to throw this information to just scores of young people and say it's all yours our copyrights are right to copy run with it and put it in sound bites and color and make it beautiful and it's yours and fill your nation with the knowledge of this storyline so i'm excited so three weeks can i get through 2500 pages in three weeks well the lady we always go to a condo in florida and the lady called and said you know what because of this and that you can because we uh pay for it she goes i'ma give you another week or so for free if you want to stay there and diane said i just heard myself say yes but so we're gonna go just a little bit longer although i'll come back for gbf because i made a commitment to the lord i'd never miss a gbf if i had the chance i'm coming back for gbf february that i'm gonna take off for another week but i hope to come back with all those 2500 pages ready to ooh i can't wait to take a year to tease it out and then take the next 10 years and throw it to the earth well let's stand before the lord i know i covered a whole lot of stuff here there's a messaging mandate on this house and that messaging has got stigma we've got to be wise with how we do it who does it at what timing we got to be aware there are wolves that jesus said be wise they're coming against you and some of us will suffer great loss in it but it will be worth it it will be worth it so lord we're saying as a community we want to do this we want to follow you we want to see the grand view of the kingdom in grand view in our day we want to see something in grandview and then the whole area the whole kansas city area all the different hundred thousand different congregations lord we want to see something that's a grand view of your kingdom and lord i ask you that as we inquire of you in these next three four five years and then the five and ten years after that give us more hints of how we can do new things and new expressions that the enemy can't stop or entrap or imprison we get around and we make it and it goes show us more together with other ministries all around the earth lord we're in the conversation with you and with one another we ask you to bless that in the name of jesus amen i asked them to play this song because i was so touched when they sing the song when i was writing this in the prayer room it was so moving to me that i just want us to end with and i love you jesus it's worth it i want to end with that i love this song oh by the way i said i won't be doing much pastoral preaching on sunday but i'll be doing the friday nights the wednesday nights and a whole bunch of stuff on the internet we're getting a whole lot of different ideas of how to capture it on film so if you want to track with what i'm doing there'll be friday night and wednesday nights typically this next few months will be a little weird but not exactly that but i'm talking about long term and lots of it i'll be doing it on the internet number of different episodes of programs and because i want to throw it out to the wind and that's the best way to do
Channel: Mike Bickle Official
Views: 80,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: love of god, expression of christianity, christianity lord, the return of jesus, the return of jesus christ, christianity revival, christian revival centre, intimacy with god, intimacy with god verse, end times, end times prophecy, end times bible, end times christian, the end times, end of times, mike bickle, mike bickle sermons, bob jones, mike bickle session 1, ihopkc, bickle, bride of christ, revival, prayer, change is coming, mike bickle official, mike bickle sessions
Id: OqiLrYyewNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 39sec (3999 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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